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Sander: & Creech, Proprietors
In advance $1.00 per yea: •It % arras°
$1.5£ in United States. if riot pain
u. advance 50c. extra per sear rue,
to charged.
THURSDAY, OCT 28, $ 9 t fi
The children and grandchildren et
Mrs, :Michael Klumpp gave a pleasant
surprise to her at her home Dim Sate
urday evening, Oct. 23rd, in honer of
her 9tit birthday. A very enjoyable
evening was spent in games end ether
amusements. Then followed a sump-
tu^ua supper, after wheels she was
presented with a purse of money.
The people of our township -,re
iustie proud of the showing .y.hich
they !made in the contribution, for The
Ret; Cross. They gave williegly and
for a good cause. ,gee report in an-
other column
Rev. ,Becker was in Port Elgin
last Sunday conducting a funeral ser-
..ice .the :pulpit was taken by .1r.
T W. Orin -ern of Hensa.11 who gave
Dec yens interest;ag sermons.
Saeger aeger and Frazer "n'ro,sn
mato Cu ;:rom Berlin on Saturday and
spew: a -few days with relatives
Chas. ,Zwiener madebusiness.a
to London, Tuesday
Wa °re pleased To state: that dire,
Bertrand's condition is inlproeitii;,
number of gypsies struck town
Tuesday. One Idause `n parsieultr
x•ae, quite; bold and went to :he tti.--
fernu' ,places and offered to .ell for-
tune, for
tune .or a small fee, To she •redit
o, our peuple she was shown the,
street door. The constable shnaid
heave ,been on -hand tri take a hart;•, of
these °inpostars.
lea ine:s Clark is haven; a well du
on shin premises„ Eli Lawson is do
nag ;the work.
Mrs Emma Scott of Philadelphia. tr-
rived her. on :Monday to attend -iter
sister Mrs Link who continues to be
quite 111
The e*n:es in front of the -Meths. -
dist church and bb'rts, Weneel's :trop -
erne !taxa been removed which alas
rade cluiti an improvement,
JacL. Nichol of London visited his
another .,silo is at present here on :t
visit .Sunday,
A cumber from here motored to
nit Cannel Sunday. Sea Mt. Carm-
ei mews for particulars.
Mr rtn(i \Irs. J. H. Holtatnann ere
art ncl:ne the International Sunday
Schoo' -convention in Toronto.
Tian ,:.lane daughter of Daniel :Mee
remit. eche has been ill with, diphther-
ia is rapidly Se,cov ring.
Cir barbers have mad. some,
aleaneea ` e their premises. Mr. Same
1) sok ha : moved up to his aro*ierty
and Sir. Link into the Front of the
house formerly oe •upied by Di. Ecl:-
L t Both 'will hare better ac:.sommo -
dartor, ,for their 4irstont rs.
Thi, Fon: 'Supper held in the Mech
odist Church shed last Thursday
night was a decided success. A urge
number were present from Exeter,
Centralia Zurich, Dashwood and Me-
Gilliv-ray Tp. There was plenty to
•a: anci all went away perfectly satis-
fied. The Band was in attendance
and ,furnished some inspiring music.
There was a splendid progrann .efter-
cvards in the church. Addresses ve: e
nivel by Revds. Becker and nluxwor-
thy or Exeter, solos by Miss lieaver
and Mr Craven, and readings by Miss
Brederick of Exeter. The receipts
for the evening amounted to $355,00.
Centre TiaTRA1 oP O' TATIOi
On Sunday morning: last the good
people of St Peters Catholic church
presented their assistant pastor, Rev.
Fr McCarthy with a well -worded id -
dress and a large purse: The address
was written by 'Mr. Herb. Hanlon ind
read be lir. Arthur O'Neil. After10
monthhs here and at Mt, Carmel Fr.
McCarthv has been appointed rhan-
lain to the, Canadian overseas l Drees
now at Landoll. His departure is
much regretted.
The merchants in town suspended
business tor several hours on Tuesday
owine to the presence of a large aurae
leer of gypsies.
r2dat bees seem to be taking the
attentior tof the ladies in our burg,
these ttlay s,
Mans ,from here attended the fare -
veil gendered Rev Father McCarthy
at Meunt Cannel on Sunday.
.,Mrs and Miss Vera Essery are inov-
ne ;tc. Exeter this week, They will
he annesh missed 'here as they always
tootttan active interest in church work
and .were worthy citizens in. every - e-
spect: The lecest wishes of all accom-
pany them
The citizens of Centralia responded
nobly to tate cause, of the Red Cross
Fund they having subscribed aver a
hunared dollars.
\Ir. and Mrs J. Eidt and Mr. and
Mr and Mrs.. C. Stade motored to
Forest Sunday and spent th= day
with relatives.
The new organ of the Evan eii,cal
Church was dedicated Sunday
The organ recital held Monde.' ev-
ening was largely attende 1, The :mos
grant and lunch served was under the
care o: the Ladies' Aid. The pro-
ceeds go towards the organ. At the
close of the program Miss Martha
Oestreiches, who is leaving this ,reek
was presented with a well -worded bd
dress and a pearl necklace. Miss Ev-
elyn Guenther read the address and
Miss Catherine Finkbeiner made the.
presentation on behalf of the :ongre-
gation Miss Oestreicher was fully
taken by surprise. She will be ,ouch
missec in our c.ommunuity.
Mr H Willert shipped two loads
or cattle to Buffalo Saturday. ,fr. lid
Willer: ano Mr. Bert Statton -ccam-
panied theta
Dorothy.• the littl edaughter of dr.
and :Mrs Henry Smith, while playing
about her hours on Saturday had the
mislcrtune td Mall and fracture her
arm vest' badly.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Nauschwanger
and Mr and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger ;-pent
Sunday in Crediton.
Mrs Geiger of Zurich isi in our vii -
rag;: this week.
Mrs . Peter Schroeder 'of Mitchell is
renewing acquaintances here this :ve. k
Mrs Ig Weltin received he sad
news on the death of her ,brother,
who, resides k Berlin afr. and 'vlrs.
Weltin 'attended ..the funeral.
Mr. Emerson Gabel has nurchased
vlr David Tienvam's residence 3ppo-
site the school.
Dr Schram has moved into the
house recently 'vacated by Mr. ).
Tiernan ov Main street,
ringing i
Wedding mails will be r t'n
g g
ourb gur this week.
Miss F Preeter of Zurich is visiting
relatives a few days this "week.
Mrs Wm. Ehlers attended the. un-
eral of her brother at Port Elgin last
'The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris..
Fischer has been brightened by the
arrive' of a bright .lit 1e ga
Ed.Kra:ft,.,and Mr. and Mrs, ['red.
Preeter Jr, returned Tuesday from
Lindsay having motored there,
An event of more than usual inter-
est wax witnessed here on Sunday 'af-
ternoon Olsen a large number eath-
ered in the Hall from both McGilliv-
ray :incl Stephen to honor and tiso
biti:.farew-ell to our beloved assistant
pastor Rev. Fr. McCarthy, who is
appointed a chaalain of the Canadian
'army be being 'the first chaplain to
leave Iran, Huron County. Fr, Mc-
Carthy was presented with a, well -
worded address and a hendsore
cheque. The Rev, Father made a
brie; :reply and thanked the non-
Catholic friends who were aresent is
tel. a, his own people. Short -.d-
dresses were given by Messrs. Morgan
and McIntyre or McGillivray and El-
liott o" Centralia. Rev. McCarthy has
been assistant to Rev. Tinley for the
past ter, months and his departure is
much regretted. He left Sunday, ev'g
for the hone of his parents, '.o guts
Tp., goin to London alonday.
At the home o4 Mr.: and Mrs. Wm.
Ford, "Woodland Farm" Usbarne, a
very pretty wedding took place at
O. tcbei 20th, of their daughter,
Emelt' Ada, to `Ir. John A. 'Dollard;
son of Sir. and Mrs. N. Pollard, Ste-
phen Rev. T. A. Steadman, a for-
mer pastor of Eliry-elle circuit per-
formed the ceremony in the presence
of a large number of invited guests,
The bride entered the parlor, en the
arta of. hex father and the ceremony
toot: place under an arch of evergreen
The bride was dressed in white silk
t immea with pearls and rosebuds :rid
eves unattended. .Miss Irene Ford,
sister of the bride, played the march.
Congratulations over all partook of a
sumptuous wedding dinner. Among
the many handsome presents were a
number of substantial cheques and the
;room's gift of a pearl. sunburst. The
y oust_ couple left the same evening
or. a trip to Detroit, Flint and other
ernes. The bride travelling in a suit ce
blue and hat of whiter They will
reside on the farm of the groom at
Corbett and have the congratulations
and best wishes of their many friends.
bite offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward Lor any case of Catarrh th et
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh Cure has been takt'n
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Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru
the Blood an the Mucous surfaces,
expelling the poison from the Blood
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After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Cure for a short time you will see a
great improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh
Cure at once and get rid of r.atarrh,
-Send Lor testimonials free.
F 1 CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Tonnage Secured For Grain Con-
tracts Placed in Canada
British Authorities Doing Everything
The transportation of Canada's
great grain cropto the British market,
owing to the scarcity of ocean ton -
age, Is one of the biggest problems
confronting the government- Willie
in England Sir Robert Borden im-
pressed upon the British authorities
the importance to Canada of an ade-
quate supply of ocean freighters for
this purpose, On his return this mat-
ter was planed in charge of a com-
mittee of the Cabinet composed of
Hon. Robert Rogers, chairman, and
Sir George Foster, Hon. Dr, Reid,
Ben. Martin Burrell a d Hon.Art ur
Meigbeit. This oon utittee has been
successful in providing tonnage for
all contracts for grain placed in Can-
ada. Hon. Robert Rogers recently
made- public the result of the com-
mittee's efforts.
Additional Ships
"Since Sir Robert Borden's return
from London," said Mr Rogers, "the
following additional ships have been
Miss Rossie Broadfoot is the, guest
of her cousin, Miss Emma Dickson,—
Miss Maud Glenn off Lumley is ,pend-
ing a few days with friends here.—
Mr W R Smillie has returned from
a pleasan' visit in the West. vlr.
Smillie likes the West very well, but
is pleased to be back, calling on some
or his olci friends on., the London Rd;
—Mr Erwin or Clinton very ably took
charge of time service in the Bruce
ielt; Methodist Church on Sunday —
Mis Emma Dickson visited .riends in
SeatortI for a,few days.—A :ane 3-.
year old colt belonging to Mr. Leech
wa strucl by the tram: and had Its
leg broken•so badly thatc it hacL to be
shot, The accident happened 'ustbe-'
h'nd Mr. Jarvis Horton's farm, on' the
London. Road.—
Mr Jas: Ballantyne has made a : e.
cord to himself at silo' filling in this
locality. having ,filled five silos in
three and a half days. -Mr.- Ind Mrs.
Edgar McQueen of Hensel). spent Sun
day witl, Grant Rycknaan and family.
—Kiss Mary McQueen of Thamesiord
whc anent her holidays with' -ser par-
ent, here. has returned to resume her
position. While at her home were she
wa• ,pleasantly surprised by a number
of her young friends coming 'out ?trom
Exeter and sipendinthe evening w
her -Mx. John HortOn and sister May
spen`•. Sunday with friends near Crom-
arty.—These last Tine days have been
a great boon to the, farmers; mor
tia their 'work done.—Miss Cnain of f
was a � a 'tor at Mrs.
Hensel; va.. Sud rotsn
ki 'n,Y
T Ryckman's.•
There died near Thedfordw'rnte linin
day las; !'dis.'jean- Gambeh•widow
this late James •Gambel, The fitn.iral
tool, vlace Tuesday. Mrs, Gambel'
was knell -known here and her many
friends wilt be grieved to learn of her
ForTrfauts and 'Children
In Usti For Over Ov�30Y ea �
Always bears
Signature of,
added to the Overseas Transport Ser-
vice ' v t^ Canadian ports: Dune-
din, `Inn new •o, Gienspean, Polices-
- and Marquis Bacque-
b'-!ngs the number of
.vice up to a total
fi ..s3 ships are for the
supplies purchased
r:al authorities, and it
''':at for the balance of
the sem. .I c er two-thirds of "the
cargo s ace sal be filled with Can-
adian acne :.taral products as much
as hay, gran; and flour, As a result
of representations by the Canadian
government; an expert from the war
office is at present in Canada to an
range for increased purchases of
grain and flour and for the transpor-
tation of the supplies thus purchased.
"In addition to the above ships a
fleet for the transportation of horses,
hay, etc., has been provided, seven of
such remount transports having sail-
ed from Montreal within the past two
weeks. These ships carry also pro-
ducts of Canadian farms.
Doing Everything Possible
Since the present` Government
toot office the development of govern-
ment-owned and operated grata stor-
age facilities has been little short of
marvellous. In 1911 there was not a
government-owned terminal or inter-
ior storage elevator 'in Western Can-
ada and only a very small capacity
provided in the east, in Eastern Can-
ada in 1911 the Government elevators
Port Colborne...1.000,.000 bushels
St, John. -.., 500,000
Halifax ,,..,. 600,000
Montreal .......1,000,000 "
This made provision for storage
for the western crop by the Federal
Government of only 3,000,000 bushels.
Now there is a storage capacity of
22,500,000 distributed as follows;
Port Arthur.. -..3,250,000 bushels
Saskatoon 3 500,000
Moose Jaw.. ,., ,3,500,0(10
Calgary ........2,500,000
Vancouver . ,,..1,250,000
Port Colborne...2,000,000
Halifax . - .. 500,000
Montreal .......5,000,000
Quebec 1,000,000
The storage has been increased in
four years from 3,000,000 to 22,600,000.
[n addition to these provided arrange-
ments have been made to erect a
Government elevator at Pork Nelson
as soon as the Hudson's Bay Railway
Is completed.
Endeavoring to Open up a Canned
Meat Market
Hon. Martin Burrell, Minister of
Agriculture, has been doing an in-
estimable service to the farmers and
live stock producers of Canada in his
endeavors to arrange for the sale
of Canadian canned goods and dres-
sed meats to the British authoritie ,
The high ocean rates have demoral-
ized the ordinary shipment of live
stock on the hoof to En,Kland while
the American market despite the fact
that there are now no duties has
been poor. Mr; Burrell''s efforts, if
they are successful, will et this criti-
cal time prove a great stimulus td
this industry. Through the efforts of
Mr, Burrell an offer has already beagle
wade to the British War Office for
Canada's output of canned ..goods. A
conference was held in Ottawa this
week between the Minister and the
packers when the question of the sale
of frozen meat was thoroughly dis-
As it has been impossible to secure
an outlet through the shipment of
live cattle to Great Britain, the move
to secure sale for the surplus product
as frozen beef has received general
support. .As has already been an-
nounced, the Minister, through Sir
George Perley, the acting High Com-
missioner, has learned that the Brit -
[ah War Office would consider ten-
ders from Canada, and Mr. Burrell is
accordingly making strong represen-
tations to the Imperial Government
with the view of obtaining a satis-
factory outlet for our available sup-
W111 Improve Conditions
Tire packers in conference are de-
termining upon what basis of oper-
ation tenders may be presented, and
it is expected that the offer will be
made subject to delivery at the Can-
adian port, where the meat may be
loaded on refrigerator steamers. This
would relieve the trade of the worries
and anxieties of transportation risks
and charges and would, it is believed,
impart confidence to Lite business
which might develop as a result of
these negotiations.
If, as is hoped, a contract is secured
for Canada an outlet will be provided.
for our surplus cattle, and at the same
time it should serve to establish
business. relations with the Mother.
Country and our allies, which will
fully justify steadily increased pro-
duction of high class castle in this
"With regard to provisions for the
general commercial trade, the Im•
perial authorities have, subject t
military.- necessity, been pre;ared to
do everything possible. In the first
place t]iey have, during- the, pas two
months, refrained from requisitioning'
any shipson the Canadian route, tak-
ing all the new ships required from
other routes, so that the increases
made in tis; I-nperial transeort ser-
vice to Ca„ da, are net add'tions to
the trarnprseation facilities for (la!-,
adian l;rodzcts, Further, the .Im-. r .ai
Government, when possible, is releas-
ing, temporarily at` least, Canadian.
Liners already requisitioned.
"The Mount Temple of the C.P.R.
line will in this way re-enter the
commercial trade during the present
week. Advices have also been re-
eeived that the Kawack, Heligoland
s,nd Bareniels, ships.not previously In
the Canadian . service, ate being re -
teased to enter this service amme
diateiy, Military necessity must
govern every movement `made, and it
will be obvious that. .plans cannot be
made publicbut P
the Imperial 1 ainthori-
ties will assistas far as possible, and
the matter is receiving; the continu-
ous attention of the committee of the
Canadian Government."
t=•eight Rates
Are High
Since this announcement many
other ships have been released by the
Admiralty rniralt for the .0
anadian trade, So
tar there has' been no shortage for
ocean tonnage toprovide
for contract
'exportsl, nor is it expected that there
will be any shortage.
Ocean freight rates are enormous.
The committee has daily cables re-
garding rates from ails ,tine , important.
grain ports of the wOrldlliThe • Can-:
adian and American :rates` are the.
satire. Charges:'train +Montreal, Port
land, Boston, New:'''F,ork and Balti-
more to Liverpool and London show
no discrimination in ocean rates
against" the Canadian port.
Not a Tittle of Evidence of Any
, /-
Those clean - smelling, fleecy
blankets •--tilos e imniaculate
sheets, towels and dazzling linens
—owe the very essence of their
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One cane of Sunlight is easily
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est injury to hands or fabric.
All this because Sunlight
is all pure soap --a $5000
guarantee backs this state-
Try Sunlight
i!'oLLOW AIItoorzoNs
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES. Ass't General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
vM T
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
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are tivelcorned. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
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INCORPORATED 18 �••.••ie
'Capital & Reserve $8,000,000
' 96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank 3Moneg Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
person concerned with the transac-
tion that no commission, promise of
commission, contribution or promise
therefore, any be.tefit in any form or
manner accrued to anyone in Canada,
but`'" on the contrary the evidence
Went to show that the transaction
A searching inquiry has been made
by Sir Charles Davidson, commission-
ed to inquire into war contracts into
the pure ase of two subraarir s for
the British Columbia coaet c1 :eco,
made several days before the out-
break of the war and negotiated by
Sir Richard McBride. The submar-
ines had been built at Seattle `for the
Chilean Government and the British
Columbia Premier realizing that war
inevitable, that there were German
cruisers on tete Pacific and that the
cities of Vancouver and Victoria were
almost defenceless, courageously and
patriotically ss. ured the two -submar-
ines for- Canada.
Ever since the purchase the
Liberals have been insinuating graft
rconnectionewith the
and 'cobs in
P iw
deal and Hon. 'William tt,gs y even
went so far as to indulge in innuen-
does in the House of Commons, al-
though he did not halve the courage
to make anycharges. However,
Mr, Pugsley's insinuations as a start
a slander campaign particularly at
the coast was started by the Liberal
organs and politicians.
Asked For a• Probe
Sir Richard at once .asked for a
thorough investigation into the whole,]
purchase so that . he could, have 'a
chance to clear himself and the,
naval officers who, assisted him it"
the transaction. This inquiry liar
just been completed by Sir Charles
Davidson and not one tittle of ,evi-
dence was put forward by the Lib-
erals or anyone else to shqw that
there had been, any _ commission paid,
any graft or any thing improper ,in,
connection with the ,transaction. Dir-'
eat testimony was give19, by very
NP 42,
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