HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-28, Page 1L Ontario did well for Red Cross. See the Patriotic Plays Friday night. Collect'rags and papers for Saturday. TWENTY-SEVENTH 'YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1915 SANDERS & CREECH ereeneeneeeeeme, The War Summary The Balkan situation remains in an unsatisfactory condition for the allies and undoubtedly just as. much so for the enema'', Bulgaret pretented to be with the Allies but at the same time had an understanding with Germany. At present it looks as though rho same might be expected of Greece, and alsc of Roumania; and the Allies are taking no chances on such a con - .o they are not rushing a Low troop. intc the centre of the Balkan States to be eurrnunded, if the Bal- kan countries named should unite ag- ainst them. Germany and Bulgaria are drieine hard at great loss against the Serbians and are gaining some ground. Just how much that eain is we do not know,. Hard fighting is now on and great results may be ex- pected shortly. . Violent attacks are being made by Germany on the western. front, eut without success. The Italians are pushing 'their campaign rapidly end with euceess. Russel has the Maley stopped all along the line, and in several places is driving him 'hack. British submarines are playing havie with German sb aeping in the -Baltic and have sunk some war vessels in that water this past week. The brutal murder of Miss Camel, an English nurse in. Belgium, caused recruiting in Great Britain to proceed much more rapidly TAMAN'S Tile Fall True is bill nu In Made -to -Measure Clothes THE NEW SUITINGS OVERC OATIN GS PANTINGS ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE THIS FALL. SEE OUR GOODS AND GET OUR PRICES. In Ready -to -Wear , WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SUITS, OVERCOATS RAINCOATS OVERALLS PANTINGS. MAKE A CHOICE EARLY. SUITS - $10 to $18. OVERCOATS -$10 to $17 RAINCOATS -$5 to $15. OVERALLS -75c. to $1.25 PANTS -41.50 to $4.00 • Furnishings . HATS -The High Crown Fe- dora in GREEN, BROWN, GREY AND BLACK are the nifty •wear for this season, BUY STANFIELD UNDER- WEAR., • ARROW 'COLLARS 'ARROW SHIRTS, TIES, BRACES, GLOVES and other furnishings from us. TA kN TAILOR FURNISHER aeateen The Department of Education is placing in the eehool rooms of the Province a little placard' soneet ex11 inches, entitled "Salute the Flag.' :en- der the title is the, Union Jack and the Canadian emblem and underneath that the words, "I pledge allegiance to the flag and tol our King and Em- pire fer which it stands -One Empire ind' • iel 1, ith liberty and equality and justice for ail," I-11 MARK OF THE HUN. -Reid this, you peace mongers. A tirrn of London solicitors is in possession of art affidavit signed by the colonel of a British infantry battalion, It is eo the effect that he saw a young priv- te taken prisoner, and the man had then a bullet in his armi and could sot use his rifle -that was all, The man noe in an English lunatic esylutn, minus an arm, a leg, an: eye, his nose, and haa tongue, He can we no ac- count of what occurred -he can only rave. Think pf it for a moment, and then you who cannot light rtd yet pe,fuse -to pay, what do you think of yourselfe Are you willing to sac - relict nothing to. help punish the per- petrators of such damnable outrages,. CANADIAN CASUALTY LIST. Ottawa,Oct. 25. -An official c,:ompu tation of the Canadian losses' in the war ur to October 16, was 3,ssued from thc casualty office to -day. rho total number of casualties is 15,187 Made ue' of 677 officersand el,e10 men 01 these the dead" erom Jl causes are 127 officers and. 2,490 men; to which it is feared much of the heavy list of missing must be added. The official figures are - Officers In Killed in action 94 1625 Did 0-4 wounds 25- 654 Died of illness 6 172 Accidentally killed 2 Prisoners of war 56 1251 Missing .32 :110 Wounded and ill 457 P660 Total 677 14510 Roll of Honour. The following is a copy of the list to date of those whose . homes are pow in Exeter, and, who have en- listed in Units Of the Canadian Ex- peditionary Forces, - Mallett Frederick, Clerk, 33rd Bat. Harness, Elmore, Clerk, 33rd Bat. Anderson, Edward, Farmer, 33rd. Treble Leon, Printer, 33rd Sig. Corp. Homey Edgar, Grocery Clerk, 33rd Army ;Medical Corp. Russell William, Farmer,70th Mitchell Earl, Clerk, 33rd. Davis Archibald, Printer 71st. Harvey Chester, Grocer Clerk, C. AI R. 29th, Knight Reginald, Grocer Clerk, C. M Taylor Gordon -Stewart Douglas, 'Clerk, 33rd, Torrance Edgar, Clerk, Mitchell Wilbert, 'Clerk Enlisted other places than , Exeter. Hern Leltus, Book-keeper Parsons Earl, Farmer. Tapr Thomas, Clerk. Home Guard Rivers Lloyd, Bank Clerk, Waterloo Flynn Russell, Printer, Waterloo Parents or other next of kin, who havesons or relatives who have en- listed in units of the Canadian Ex- peditionary forces at places tiler that at Exeter kindly see that their names are furnished to the clerk so that the Roll of Honour will bee' as accurate as possible. Hallowe'en Patriotic Elltukilimmil UNDER THE AUSPICES .,�F THE SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY AN ENTERTAINMENT WP'LL BE GIVEN IN THE Opera House, Exeter' -on- Friday, Oct. 29th. • TWO 45 MINUTE PLAYS "FASCINATING FANNY BROWN" • by 'nine local .young[ people. "THE' KLEPTOMANIAC" a skit by seven ladies. WALTER A. McCUTCHEON Soloist. el London .will give several THE EXETER OR.C1IhSTRA will • furnish music. Admission 25c, Reserved Seats 35c. Mrs. N. J. Dore, President, Mrs E. I. Christie, Secretary.. The Red Cross Fund Trafalgar Day in Ontario is believ- ed to have brought forth a response ,to the amount of one and a half mill- ion dollars when all returns are in. , For various reasons all places in ,the province did not collect 'rri Oct! 21st but some municipalities fixedi a i later date last week oe this week, so that it twill be a few days yet before th full amount collected is known !City town village and countryside have all taken a hand in, the ereat work V providing funds for the Red Crone Society, and while the city ef Toronto with her half million o dollars dirt nobly, it ie not more in proportion to :population than .nany of the town; villages, and townships where as much and sometimes more than the sum of two) dollars per head of the population was contributed, Generally speaking enthusiasm pre- vailed throughout the whole province varying only in the matter: of he de- gree of enthusiasm. in Exetei nearly every person did "their bit" Only two or three in- staeeee of absolute refusal have been .reported and these being well able, must have long since regretted their niggardliness. The well-to-do :ea Ye freely and the widow gave her mite. While dollars count in this work, the spirit of the poor but willing one often outweighs that of the man of means Nobody but the mean stingy miser eves hurt, and we believe the spirit of giving is beginning to, make itself felt and the result will be a greaten 'blessing to the giver, than to the receives Exeter list it is expected will be published- next week, The amounts gathered in by many of the Munieipalitiee, are as follows,- Exeter $1854.19, in cash, with about $25.00 more *subscribed Stephen Tp, $2500.00 Usborne $1380.30 Hensel! $900. Tuckersnaith Tp Council $50,00. Stanley Township $1000. Goderech efee Council $1000. Hullett Township 1,000'. Bidelulph*$1200. Seaforth $4000. Egmoridvillet,e125. Wingham ;$7000. St, Marys $4003 Goaerich $3500, Clinton, Hay.1000. S50(, by council, alsa. subscrip- tiou list which has not yet Been made EARNS BURNED IN USBORNE ii ---- Fire destroyed two fine barns in the Township of Usborne on Thurs- day afternoon last, that of Mr, Win, Gilfillar of the 14th concession and the twc barns of Mr. Wellington Neil or: the opposite side of the -end. The alarm was immediately ,given by meant.; ,of the rural telephone system and it was not long before a ,arge member eat the neighbors were en the scene. lett very little could ')C lone towards saving any of the contents. IQuite a wind was blowing at :beanie And. earriee large sparks to .he barn ,rof Mr Wellington Neil, opposite arid soon his two barns were in :lames • and reduced to ashes, together with .. nearly Ali their contents. The origin of the blaze was caused by children playing with fire in the barn toard • which communicated with some straw ' one thee with the barn. This is the seconn barn Mr. Gilfillan has had des- , ' troyed by fire, the latter being built s 'about 12 years ago to take place of I the other destroyed. )30th properties ' wen' insured in the Usborne & iiib- ' bert Fire Insurance Co., Mr. GUM- ' lee for $1900 and Mr. Neil $1200 on the barn and $1000 on the contents, USBORNE'S 'CONTRIBUTION The collectors in Usborne on 'erafalgar Day gathered in the eellowing „amounts for the British Red Cross Society,- Phin Hunter $58.75; F. Ellerington $137.50; F Morley $17,00; A. Mit- chell $155.25; Thos. Brock $147.50; John Routly 80,00; . James Routly 97.00; Samuel Routly 99,00; John Duncan 46.00; W. Coates 114.38; S. Cudmore 79.10; T. Hunkin '12.32; F. Stewart 86.00; R. Skinner 99.50; The Ladies Aid Elineville Meth Church, 50.00; Arthur Doupe 31.00. Total $1380.30 STEPHEN ITP. CONTRIBUTES The Special appeal made in Step- hen in aid of the British Red Cross Society last Thursday met with a hearty response, In very few in- stances ,were the collectors turned down The following is a list of the money got by each collector, - O'Brien $29,00; Win. Anderson 126.00 Mawhinney and Lawson 66.45; Cough- lin and 'Morlo.cic 38.05, Webb end Pol- lard $25.55;' Orme and ,Brown 70.50 Lamport and Sharp 70.00; McKenzie and Tetreau 43.71; Baker and, Pollock 81.00"; Taylor and Love 73.00; Webb and Baker. 44.70; Maybe'. and Eagle- son 30.00, Elliott and Ro,binson128.50 White and Hianzel 27,50; Becker, Jef- ferson Eilber and Zwicker 164.80; Guinan and Webb 41.35; Kellermann and Shore 46.85; Crediton branch' of the Red 'Cross Society 17.50. Total - $1144.46. This (amount with the e mill which the Township will contrib- ute in the tex,es will amount to it2500 THE PENSION LIST, The wounded are returning arom the 'front ie larger numbers daily, nod ono is often asked' what pension they receive. We have published this list before, but we 1101kV do ao again ey request. Cut it out so chat you May keep yourself posted ain these matters. The pension list 'is a reasonable one and the Government has been justly generous. Following is the scale of pensions,' according to disability p2 injured, - Rene and file, $75 to $,264 a year. Sergeants. $100 to $336. Quartermaster -sergeants, staff ser- geants. etc., $108 to $3 72, Regimental sergeant -majors, ond master gunners or gun sergeants, $132 to $432 • . Warrant officers, $144 to $480. Lieutenants $144 to $480. • Captains 4216 to $720. Major $288, to $960. Lieut.eColonels, 1$360 to $1,200. Colonels 11;466, to ,$1,440, Brigadier -generals, $636 to $,2,100• , To Widows and Children. Widows ,and children Of men who !dna ',their lives, receive per monthl,--. Rank and file, .$22 and' $5 for each deed to -the age of 15 year. Sergeants $28 and $5 for children. Squad battalion or- color sergeants $30.inal $5. Warrant officers $30 and $5. Lieutenants, ',$37 and 4.6 Captains $45 and $7. Majors $50 Lieut. -Colonels, $60 and $9, Brigadier -generals, $100 and $10. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD. ----- The Board met in Chairman Martin's store Present Messrs. Martin, Wood Feke and Gladman. ;Minutes of last meeting read and approved, Wo-od. Giadmen-That sale of old elooring at $le pee ;NI. to J. }I, Grieve.; be ep- Proved Fulte-Wood-That 'fol- lowing payments be approved,-DtM- nia 'Wire and Iron Co., 49,35; Thos. Cornish 10.00; P. Bawden on eon - tract 100,00; J. VT. Hera, full ace. 49.50; R 0, Seldon 92.35. Gladman- , Wood -That the following accounts be paid, -T. Hawkins Son, 3.85; The Hensall Observer 1.75; Exeter Tim- er 5,95 . W. A. Balkwill 142,35,. F W. Gladrnah, Sec, pro -dein. jleST READ THIS ROT The 'Fatherland, published in weew York. Pro -German paper, gives the felielehig item e -"In all Canadian towns end country -side from British Columlea to Quebec the Canuck tem re): and typified himself with biutal Cossack deeds. He burned houses „plundered shops and ntoned enetteeeling men, women and children n city streets and country sides. No ene deterred him, German, Austrian and Hungarian men and women were dragged from their homes and, slaugh- tered hi the open. Native born 'ons who defended foreign parents were slain the daughters were brutalized b • the b" Arty paper.would SIOOr tc publishing such lying trash the above is not only a menace, to the public welfare but a disgrace to journalism. That it is manufactur- ed Cu' of whole cloth for the purpose ' of stirring up a feeling of hatred go- es without saying and should be pro- hibited from entering into this or any other civilized country. We think it le ire to the Germans. in this country to protest against such malicious -falsehoods and set the publisher of The Fatherland right. THE OLD RED CROSS -x-o-x-. There came a cry from England o help ,the old Red Cross, To gine a little of our wealth To aid 'the Empire's loss. And nobly we-ve responded, And opened wide. our purse, hele 'the wounded soldiers, The sailors and the nurse, Chorus Wel. done Canada; thrice well done, We' i done, Canada, thrice well done, Brittannia's thanks to everyone; You've answered the call, Which was no means small, Well done Canada, thrice well lone. 'Ti 5 the first time in her history That England's asked for aid, For a cause that has no mystery, And none indeed is made. Our land has yielded increase, Ano God will fueth,er bless We who have aided Motherland In this her sone distress • -N, D. H. EXETER COUNCIL, --- A regular .(meeting was held\ Oct 22, Absent Councillors Beavers and Her- ten The previous minutes were ap- pr_oved Acommunication was read !role) Headquarters re Roll of Honour. Per Hann pad Roulsten that a list of all those (enlisting in units of the Canad- ian Expeditionary forces be erepared and posted up,,and that same be pub- lished in local paper; requeking, 'he next' pf kim tO furnish names. - A letter from Hydro Commission re permission Ito use site chosen for the BRONCHIAL COLD • Yields To Delicious Vinol Philadelphia, Pa. --"Last Fall I was troubled with a „very severe bronchial, 'cold,headaches, b &ache and sick to a , my stomach. I was so bad I became alarmed and tried several medicines, also a doctor, but did nbt get any relief. A friend asked,tne to try Vinol and it brought the relief which I craved, so now I sin enjoying perfect health." - JACK C. SiNGLETON. • We guarantee Vinot, our delicious Cod . liver and iron t,onic without oil, for• pi/ONE j• A STEWART '110?4.N to chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. sub station building Letter from Globe Indemnity re in- surance on hydro workmen. Referred for future consideration. Per Hind and Roulston-That Reeve and clerk are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the Cemetery Par- petual Fund for the sum of $453489 for the purchase of hydro debentures an investment of said funds by the cemetery committee. Pe,- Hine and Roulston-That the Council wish to express thanks the citizens for the very generous eon- tributiode in aid of British Red Crass Fund. alsc to thank those who affer- ed aheir services in making eollection. Per Roulston and Hind -That the Reeve procure wrist watches for he following gentlemen who have 'nest- ed for active service, Messrs. Homey Harvey. ;Knight and Taylor. -Carried Per Hind and Roulston-That the council meet at 7.30 p.m. during the winter months. Accounts 40 the amount of 384.65 were passed, owing to time the 'terns of which are necessarily ommitted. Jos, Solicit', Clerk. iCi? The anniversaryservicein onnc- ,tjo,n with the Presbyterian church eere wae a magnificent success. The weathei was beautiful and the church was crowded to the doors both morn - !int; anS evening. Rev, F. A„ Robin- son, B. A., of Toronto conducted the service., and preached two very able diacourses. BIRTHS Fischer -1r Dashwood, on Oct. elst, to Mr and Mrs. Christ. Fischer, a daughter MARRIAGES Lee is -Ellwood -In Lucan, on Oct. 14 Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, Wm. ialleool of Lucan, to Mr. Wm. C. Lewis of Calgary. • DEATHS Gibson -In West McGillivray, on Oct. 16t1 Ann White, relict of the late George Gibson, in her 87th year. Cameron -In Brucefield, on Oct. ,17 Jobe Cameron, aged 84 years. Henderson -In ,Seaforth, on Oct. 21. John Henderson, aged 73 years. Exeter Bargain Store Some Bargains for This Week 10.3 PAIRS SAMPLE HOSIERY 3 DOZEN SAMPLE FLEECe, LIN - at Wholesale Price, EL, UNDERSHIRTS at 40 ;rents --o-- a garment 5 DOZEN SAMPLE TABLE NAP -1 BIG 'ASSORTMENT MEN'S FINE KINS at less than present TOT SHIRTS at from 75c. to Wholesale Price. SWEATERS -A CHOICE RANGE AT Fe11.050DERATE PRICE. Seethe= MEN'S SUITS & OVERCOATS Our 'Stock was bought at the Old WE HAVE A BIG RANGE OF Prices and is made of the hest MADE -TO -MEASURE Samples quality cloths and in the newest l and will be pleased to help you styles. I make a selection of a suitable cloth and style. .101•11•4011110110.00111114100•00111104.01111110••••••••••••••••••••1111. B. W. F. Beavers , RESOLVED THAT YOU WILL HUNT NO FURTHER foR, ir ir You ONE To us • 'WE HAVE JUST WHAT YoU WANT AND IT IS THE R141 -1T PRICE HUNTED TFOR You WHEN BUYING OUR, CLoTRINCI 'STYLISH FALL COATS For (girls and women a fine range of very stylish models in the very newest cloths. Come in and try them on, NEW AUTUMN SILKS. For' odd waists or dresses. A eine range of new silks in plaids, stripes and plain colors, Also white Habutai. 36 inches wide at per yard $1.00 and $1.25, CREPE AND WHITE eILK BLOUSES Two very pretty styles in washable silks with ocarivertible collars. A remarkably good value et $4.25. - WINTER OVERCOATS FOR MEN. • To etart oar heavy overcoats with (a rush we are going to turn them over On the narrow- est kind of a margin, and give • Our customers a chance to se- cure ie warm coat at a very low price OVERCOATS FOR SMALL BOYS. We have a fine range of cosy coats ear the little 'fellows in double breasted styles with ,or without velvet collars at $4.00 $5.00 and 16.00, MEN'S UNDERWEAR For winter warmth and teal comfort you want underwear that is light, soft and( pure. We have the two piece or combina- tion in Ceetee, Penman's and Stay NEW COOS First choice is best ahoice. Our new caps have just been toopewn:adrche,.... up. ,You will be proud 50c., 75c,, $1.00, $1.50 BULBS BULBS, Plant them now: Easter Lil- ies Narcissus and Hyacinths. Get your supply while they A CAR OF CHOICE WHIT E- DELAWARE POTATOES • JUST ARRIVED. ORDER Y OUR SUPPLY NOW' • . • W, S Cole, Druggist Exeter, Ont. Weee•e-el/P-010-.10-40.--efee-eeeee-e4ee-efee-eee-eee-a30-410-