HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-21, Page 8EXETER MARKETS.
New Wheat,,,., ..... ?0 to 92
Barley,... 40 4h
Buckwheat 50
Chats, .. . , . , . 35
Peas.,; .., .,...,. 3.00
1Potatoes . per bag 1.00 140,
Hay, actors,,,...,..,«„ 1300 14 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2
.Flour, tow grade per ow
Butter,..,..,.- .,,, �4
Butter 33
Live hoes, per cwt..
Shorts pt.d.110u...,,,.,.,
25 20
9 00
26 00
25 00
Restored To Health By pinol
Corinth, Miss.--" I aux a city tax col-
lector and seventy-four years of age,
I was in a weak, run-down condition.
3Sr dr mist told me about Vinca. T
ttraed it and in a week noticed consider-
able improvement; I continued its use
and now I have gamed twenty pounds in
weight, and feel much stronger. I con-
sider v anol ane tonic to create strength
far old people."—J, A, J'ttivB,
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic, for all run-down,
Weak and debilitated conditions.
W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
FREE -23 brooms to be given, away
an October 22nd and 23rd. Friday
%na Saturday at Iles. W. D. Yeo's.
Look or advertisement in Ingest"
b3 C H Sanders at the Advocate Of-.
fie. Strictly confidential; no witness
JONES S MAY'S for fuse ie:v
range of Bedroom and Parlor :,rapers
with cut out Borders,
itOY WANTED. --Good smart be
rata eE' at once to learn printing. Ap-
taly at this office.
due 2c calve next May. Apply to
Rev. 'lestle. town,
HOUSE TO RENT, six months
from Nov. 1st. Apply to Rev. Kes-
the, town
HORSE CLIPPING—Horse clipping
done promptly and well at H. Beir-
ling's stables Exeter North.
Apply at The Advocate Office ,
MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight
Specialist,tvilll et the
tel Exeter Saturday, 30th from
9 atm to 8 p.m.
BOARDERS wanted and also one
furnished room to rent—Mrs. A Cor-
nish north of mill,
New Butcher
Having opened up a nutcher bus-
iness it Exeter, I would invite ;he
genera! public to give us a call, to ,.s
to be convinced of the qualities cf
our meats.
.We take and deliver ,orders to all
parts of the town.
Give us a call.
F. Begg
Reliable salesman to act as agent
in Huron County.
Outfit free, exclusive territory and
money, making specialties. Om
agencies are the best in the ausi-
ness for we sell the highest grade
of stock at most reasonable prices
and guarantee deliveries in first
class condition. Nursery stock is
selling' well this year and good
money can be made in this dis-
district. For particulars write
Sales Manages„
The weather has been' :pore pleas
ant shit week, being fine, and -Term.
G. J Dow shipped cars of hgrses
to -Montreal and Toronto during the
It it expected that Exeter will do
her duty to the wounded soldiers ani
sailers to -day,
The shortening of the license hours
for tilt hotels does not affect es in
Huron over much.
Mr W J. Murray on Monday i'om-
menc•ed a term on the road :with F.
F. Bowser & Co., of Toronto,
Mr. Jas Dignan, blacksmith, receiv-
ed a severe kick in the leg from a
colt he was shoeing last week,
Messrs N. Sheere and Frank Boyle
who recently purchased a Ford auto
sold it last eveek to Mr. Sam. Heaver
of tow
t ommeneing November 21st a sex•.
res of evangelistic senates will be
conducted in James Street church by
Rev. Crossley.
MISS J.3. ALLAN, Eye Sight
Specialist, will beat they Central lo-
tei Exeter Saturday, Oct, doth from
9 n,atr 'to 8 p.m.
Mr . F. Beggs butcher shop was
opened for business on Friday last
and be is said to be getting a fair
share of the business,
Consult the label on your taper
anal if you are in arrears you will do
us a favor by remitting at once. We
need a few of those back dollars.
At JONES & MAY'S we e'ffer
our Entire Stock of Velvet. and Tap-
estry Rugs and Linoleum et ast
year's prices. It will pay anyone to
buy ,these now.
Rev E. A. Fear of Teeswater oc-
cupied the pulpit of Main Street
Chum). on Sunday last, the pastor,
Rev Muxworthy, conducting anniver-
sary services in Teeswater,
The clattery horse Owned by Mr.
I'4'tn Rivers and driven by Mr. Chas.
Wood while on his rounds Monday
morning ran away and before stopping
the shafts were badly broken.
The James St. Church will old
their anniversary services the `arse
Sunday in November, and Rev, Rut-
ledge of Clinton will be the preacher
:Mitt Street anniversary is the . o1-
lowint Sunday,
The firm of Kestle, Rowe S: Wood
that some months ago purchased the
produce and coal business from W.
H Letctt, this week disposed, of the
same to one member of the ;inn,
Mt Harry Rowe.
Last week the Ontario Provincial
Cabinet decided that during the war
all licensed hotels mast close their
bar. at 8 o'clock each evening, except
Saturday when they willcloset as us-
ual at seven p.m.
Win Bender of Hensel], appeared
betore Police Magistrate Andrews in.
Clinton on Thursday on a charge of
perjury in connection with recent li-
quo- cases and was committed for
trial. He is out on his own bail of
Will someone give us a logical rea-
son why a newspaper should give a-
way its advertising space any 'nore
than a merchant his goods, We iseve
never yet heard one. Where a mer-
chant is asked once for free goods, a
newspaper is asked a thousand times
for free advertising. The Advocate
can help you sell your property. A
small ad . will do the trick.
Help! Help!!
Come in and help us unload our
furniture as we have a large stack
which must be sold.
We also have the best furniture
polish ever made; and a polish for
vow cars and buggies equal to none.
See our display of KIRSCH :ur-
tam rods, the neatest and simplest
and on the market.
Embalmer Etc.
Phone 20a.
..Ch.o.ice. •
On Thursday, October 28th The
Dorenwend Company of Toronto,
Ltd. Canada's foremost hairgoods
designers and manufacturers will dis-
play and demonstrate a sample stock
of ladies quality hair -goods and ' =en-
tlemer's toupees and wigs at The
Central Hotel, Exeter. A free dem-
onstration of any style is available, to
anyone interested.
Mr. R. Phillips intends having a
Concert in Exeter on Nov, 15th or
3 6th to be given by the _lames St.
Choir, with the help of singers from
other churches in town; assisted by
some of his advanced pupils, giving
novelties ir? piano playing, also leading
tenor soloist of Toronto. An exceed-
ingly choice program of music will
be p'rfornied. Details announced lat-
er, Please keep 'the date in *Hind,
In the revised list ofMatriculation
scholarshipsMiss Mary I. Tom,
daughter of Inspector Toon of God-
erich, wins the third Edward Blake
scholarship in general proficiency at
Toronto University, of a total value
of $215 the Wellington scholarship
in Mathematics in Trinity, of a total
v alue of $160, and the Trinity. schol-
arship in science, which, as she al-
ready holds a scholarship from 'the
University is not awarded.
OVER SUBSCRIBED. -The 1$20,000
Hydro -Electric debentures offered for
sale by \the Municipality of Exeter
have been over subscribed, by $2,500.
The interest 4s ' five per cent., and
the whole. issue has been aurchased
locally in varied denominations ane
at terms ranging from five to twenty-
five years
White, ,son of Mr. Wm., White, Lon -
dor: Road north, was painfully injur-
ed on Monday last while assisting in
moving a threshing separator. .It ap-
pears the team was drawing on a rope.
and Roy's left hand was drawn into
a pully'. ,with the result that a part
of the: index finger was torn off and
the other three fingers badly crushed,.
He was rushed to a. doctor and the
injured hand dressed
hone 2
Mrs Isaac of Greenway? is, improving
nicely from her illness.
Mr. T. Newell sold a Hupmobile to
Mr. Hodgins of Lucan ,on Tuesday.. •
Air. R Quinton of Centralia this
week purchased the residence on
North Street f t M. M. • e•
oT is rom Mr. . f. Doyle.
The Trustees of the Winchelsea
schoo` have engaged two teachers and
converted the school into two rooms.
They are also putting in a furnace,
Fifth class work is now being taught
in the. school,
Mise Olive Irene' Hardy, daughter
of Mr and. Mrs. Solomon Hardy of
tows, was quietly married in London
yesterday (Wednesday) to Mr. Ern-
est Webber of London. The young
couple will have the best wishes of
their many friends here and in London
The suit for damages of Mrs. Davis
of Seafortl: against the Townships' of
Hay end Usborne for Injuries to her
persor ane damages to the rig :ome
months ago when returning to "3ea-
forth iron' Exeter, came up for trial
at Goderich on Wednesday, Dr.-
Gillieuddy went up to give evidence.
The Patriotic League met in the
Library on Oct. 15th and elected Mrs.
W. J Beer secretary and Mrs. Me-
Giliicuddy treasurer, It was eunounc-
eel that the Tea Room.. would le open
Saturday afternoons from 3 to 6 to
receive comforts for the • oldicrs and
clothes for the Belgians. Those ivnc
have socks or scarfs knitted are re-
quested to , bring them in.
Jaci: Caines of Petrolea spent Sun-
day in town.
Mrs W. D. Yeo spent Monday and
Tuesday visiting friends in Mitcoell.
Mr and Mrs. M. Ms Doyle of Lon-
don spent a day in town this
Mr and Mrs, T. E, Handford of
Ingersoll were visitors here Turin;'
the week
Mr H C. Clark of. Toronto is here
for a few days assisting the Bank of
Commerce staff,
Mr. Will Bell and lady friend- Miss
Zueflc of Hensall visited at W. H.
Dearing's Sunday.
Alice Poll} Fisher returned Tues
day from a visit with Mrs. E. layer
in Brantford for a week.
Mr. Fred Howald and ;amity rind
Mr anti Mrs. A. Ready of St.Matys
visiteo Mr. and Mrs. E. Howald >n
Mrs Grant Milligan of London who
was iii Greenway owing to the iliness
of her mother, Atm.. Isaac, and also
visited here with relatives, :eturned
to London Monday,
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Penhale arrived
home last week from the West where
they visited the Panama Exposition,
and the coast and central cities of
Canada for several months.
New TaiIorShop
Mx . W H. Levett was in
on business this week.
Several of the soldier boys were
home from London camp on Sunday,
Rey and Mrs. Kestle leave shortly
for California to spend the winter,
Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham
spent a day or ttvo last week with
her mother here,
Mrs. John Snell deft Monday morn-
ing for Windsor to visit het daughter
airs C H. Smith, for a few months,
Mr Alfred H. V. Looker, the. gen-
ial Clerk of the Grigg House, London,
visited over Sunday at the home of
Miss Gone
i Mrs (Dr.) Bond and daughter of
, Stettlex• Alta., are visitors in town,
The Doctor who was a former prac-
titioner here, is with the boys at "he
Miss Birdie •Boyle left Thursday
Ilast for London and from there 'the
1 accompanied Mrs. John Willis to Mare
;tette Mich:, where she will visit for
l several weeks.
N. Sheere desires to announce to
the public that he will on Sept. 1st,
1915, open up an up-to-date
Ladies and Gents Tailoring
Business in Exeter.
He will put in a full line of Fash-
ionable Goods and will always have
a large assortment of Samples
choose from.
OUR MOTTO will be to give the
Best possible Value at the least
sible money
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
Early Closing
We, the undersigned, hereby agree
to close our places of business each FR_ANI- TAYLOR
evening during the week at six;
o'clock sharp, nvith the exception of AUCTIONER
Saturday evening, beginning Nnvent- :For Huron and Middlesex. Moderate
her 10, I rates Write or phone hint at Cred-
Syd. Davis 1..A. Stewart ' iton Prompt attention given,
W. W., Taman, C. R, Bedford 1
Peter Frayue 8, Martin 3;. Son '
Roasts retain their natural flavor
bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a
always come fresh and sweet
from its perfectly ventilated
oven. See the McClarydealer in your town.
Sold by T. Dawkins & Son
',V, r Beer drones &aSay.
Grigg Stationery Co, 'Wm, .Rivers There strayed onto the premises of
13, We F.taeavers T, Hawkins ;St Son the undersigned, Lot 21, Con, 18, Tp,
V, J. ESeamau R. ,1', Rowe of Stephen., on or about Sept 19th, a
Jas. Beverley F, Begg yearling steer. Owner can have, same
.------- -- a : by proving pro. erty and paying ex -
N. Sheere
Tea & Coffee
Have Your House
or Store Wired
We do wiring -which we
guarantee the Hydra power
will connect with when it
comes. Give us a chance to
go over your job and give
you an estimate on it; only
the latest appro.% ed ire, con-
duit, steel cnt-out be. Res, and
other electricial supplier us- BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS IN ALL SIZES AND
penses WM, MAIER,
R.R. No. 1, Grand Bend.
las C H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; no witness'
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron'
Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty, Office at
Cockshutt Warerooms, next door tee
Centra' Hotel, Main Street, lxeter«
Charges moderate and satisfaction is,
Exeter Bargain Store
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A. trial
as to quality will convin-
CHIL'DR'EN'$ 'DAY.= -Special iliil-
drens,day- .services were held in the
Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday
last, and' :the little ones turned put in
goodly number. Rev. D. W. Collins
gave an appropriate talk, taking, .the
life o. Christ from his youthti ' up
as example for children. A 'narked
feature of the service was the deep
interest every little boy. : and: girl took
in that . ,service, "In the evening Sir.
Collins preached a special sermon on.
the work of the Red Cross, The 'lis;;
course was a very- able etsd deeply F,
interesting' one,
Produce taken in exchange
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
Beer 86 Davis
B. W. F. Beaver
-4-4*- JONES & MAY
Agents For
British Americ
an Oil Co.
silo, Rowe, & Wood
We have been -ortunate erough to place into stock direct from the factory an extra fine range
od Men's and Boys' Overco arts and suits at the old, prices. eheprice o t all these Wol,tep Goods is
rapidly going up, but as long as out present stoclasts we offer them at no advance on the prices
of fformer years.
weaves it
Men's Overcoats
compose all that is nee in Shawl Collars, Balmacans and Military Collars in Beautiful
Browns, Greys and mixed patterns—all sizes, 34, to 46.
Boys' Overcoats
Always hard 'to ret in patterns for the small boy. We have paid special attention to this line,
and can show you some real new stuff in smart belted designs and Lincs; throughout—heavy enough
'for the coldest weather.
Men's Suits
We never before ,fad such a big and nifty selection of Tweeds. Worsteds and Navy and Black
Serges. We can surely'. shit any taste and 'any purse .:n these goods;. Buy them now and get in
on low prices.
Boys' 'Suits.
We have them in great.euats'tities ;and in a great range, of colors at very low prices, and they are
good all wool clothe sou will, dowell to loold over these suits right pow:.
.en's Odd Pants
300 pair to choose ,groin at from $2,00 to $3.50 a pair, Also A'ien's heavy winiteir .pants:
Hats and Shoes
We are ' certainly leadersin these this season—NEW FEDO.R.AS.. NEW CHRISTIES, NEW CAPS
needNo to introduce s cl: famous, lines as SLATER SHOES foe', men" EMPRESS .AND : CLAS'
SIC for l
Women : and the CLASSIC Shoe . for 'Children. ' Also the rCelebrated 'LIFDBUb ! :RUBBERS',;
and RUBBER BOOTS .Coral'"' the family. There ' is" no Rubberlike Lifebuoy for wear.
. l-1€'adq uarters'for the celebrated W. E. Sanfoad' Clothin