The Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-14, Page 8EXE Mkt ADVOCATE, THURE MAY ❑CT[lB ER i4 1315 Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged so heat is forced to travel over top of oven in EXETER IIARIETS4 CHANGED EAQH WEDNESDAY 73 to 85 40 45 ee Let us do your printing. New i■beaVlEoo...ae..1 Barley... ,...,....... Btaekwheaat.. e . _.. r A. , ... ♦ LOCAL DOINGS potatoes. per bag .... • . 1001s fl0 er�tto t .,.s..a+at.A Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per ow Bette'r........ .. AAA 24 Creamery Butter ..... ,...,, ,.-,....« Live ho;e, per cwt., .. Shorts pee atm Bran per ton. • 100 140 1230 1 SO 32 ,0 Phone your news to No. 25, JIr, G j, Dow shipped a car of horses. to .Montreal last week. +Goderich whiirlwind campaign gat- hered in over $17,000 for the Pat- riotic Fund. The West ,Huron Teachers A.ssoc- ieeion meets in the Exeter School ea 9 35 Thursday and Friday. 20 00 Mr. Wes. Snell sold a Hudson ser - 25 00 en passenger auto to firs. John lee Scthroeder of Stephen last week. CIDEI. AND APPLE BUTTER. Persone wishing. Cider or apple butter rede arc required to come i,o the 11;1, ei he: Thursday or Friday , of eacl week.—A. COTTLE, Exeter. 11 ARRI AGE LICENSES ISSUED by C H Seeders at the Advocate Of- ..ce Stri t:y centidentiai; no witness "ROUGH -ON RATS" clears out Rat., Mice,etc. Don't die in the •rouse 15e and 25c. at Drub and Country Stares,. BOY WANTED.—Good smart boy weatett at ince to learn printing. Ap- ply at this office. duERSEI HEIFER FOR SALE, e IC 1/4:41W, next May. Apply to Rev. Kestle. town. HOt; w L" TO RENT, sig •months :Tort Nov. 1st. Apply to Rey. Kes- the. town HORSE CLIPPING—Horse clipping done promptly and well at H. Betx- ting's stables Exeter North. PIANO FOR SALE OR TO RENT Apply at The Advocate Office , ------- 'WANTED—Machinists, Lathe hands also, Vise Heeds.—CANADA MACH- 1NER CORPORATION, L'T'D, Galt, Ontario —¢— NOTICE, --The Progressive Shoe Store —Hating bought they business formerly conducted by NV. j. Smith we u ould be pleased -to have ti ou give u.. a call., and our prompt atten- goa wit be given. Wort: and Prices guaranteed to satisfy our custon ers W H. PAFF. lr s only A dollar, but it means a good deal. to The Advocate if hun- dr,eds are slow in paying that on Over subscription, l; r, Wnt Berry, who was .engaged with Mar. A. Walters here ;.or two or three years. is among the number of entistec at the London camp. eE :aa ger clutch of the House o " Reopen at Clinton, who was stricken witi'.'paralysis about a month ago, re- mains in a very critical condition. • Fire of unknown origin broke out the job plant of the Journal of - St ;Thomas, during the night of Qatobcr 9th, and before the firemen could get the blaze under control damage to the extent of nearly $50.000 with insurance of $35,000. There are a number of subscribers on our list who have ;entirely over- looked us. this year and this little slight rather seriously affects our pocket book at this time. Look up the labe. and send us the amount that is due. We will. both feel bet- ter. Two rinks of bowlers motored to :Mitchel, on Monday and played twit aitc:noon games with the bowlers of that town losing in the first round and winning in the second. The Ex- eter bowlers were, Messrs. Seldan, Ta- man ,Dickson Stewart, Clarke, Hee- Math Burwell and Levert, STEER STRAYED __0 -- There strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 21, Con. 18, Tp. of Stephen, on or about Sept lath, a vending. steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying eY- penses R R.1No. 1, Grand Bend. CATTLE FOR SALE 1G yearlings, majority Grade Our - ham Steers. Purchaser to have priv- ilege o: leaving o n good pasture for a few weeks. A. O. FRANCIS 1 mile north of Winchelsea. New Butcher The rural public and separate school Truax** Act as now strict, and every child between the ages of eight and taurteen years will be reported to the inspector if not in attendance for S0 per cent, of the teaching time in 1 the month. Reports must be madeM 1F J Murray spent the week under penalty and this warning is lin end kr. Detroit.,ender' to help teachers, truant offi- I Miss Lela Gould was in London ov- er. and inspectors to discharge their er the holiday, dutie> in accordance with the new j Mrs. W T, Acheson visited in Lon- Act don ori Tuesday. On,; of the greatest freaks sof nature Miss Allic Handford visited in Sar - tee. hes been seen for many years nia over Thanksgiving. is now in possession of Dr, Ford, V. Mr James Acheson of London was S. of \'ingham. It is a tyro -year- a visitor here Monday. old but. with five legs. The fifth Russel Balkwitl of Seaford) was tat; hsngs Bust inside of the right home far the holiday. hind leg scarcely touching the ground Mrs. Mortimore of London visited The beast is in perfect health weigh- �Irs. Dunsfard this week. int o+' 'pounds, and was purchased by the doctor from a farmer in 'he Mr, Wrn, Hill of Toronto spent the Alps where it was born two y •=.r. week end withhis father. • ago Mr. Trueman Elliott was in Sarnia The Ontario Sunday School Assoc- and Detroit for the holiday., nation celebrates its Golden Jubilee Mr . Jobr= Hind wisited in Wood - by the holding of the 50th Annual Sun . stock and St. Thomas last week. day Shoal Convention in Massey air Wm Bradt of London spent Hall, Toronto, October 26-29, the the holiday with his parents there, opening feature ge the Costupe on is Miss Irno 'Sweet of Stratford Nor - re Historical Pageant—a stupendous mai was home for Thanksgiving 'day, merit ithe Sunday the develop- Mks. Ma •Armstroe of Lucknow mint of the School idea from y' the time of Abraham until the Tires seen* .the holiday with her -parents ant. Many able speakers will deliver here. add asses Mr Garfield Sheere of Brantford On Thursday morning of this week I wilt open out a Butcher Business in Carling's Old Stand, Exeter, one door north of Bedford's Grocery, and I will offer all kinds of Choice Fresh and Cured Meats. We solicit your patronage. F, Begg The Exeter Canning Company fin -1 Mr' Siad Clark' was up from Londeo ishect the corn pack on Tuesday, for the holiday: The season was somewhat backwards M.r, D B. Sanders has purchased but the corn.- is of excellent quality. a new Russell car; Mrs Henry Isaac of Greenway was I C. el Sanders was in London a few stricken with paralysis on Sunday,..nd , days during the week. • as a result her right side has been I eIr S. C. Hanna spent Saturday rendered useless. At the time of and Sunday in Detroit. writing her condition has been slight- Messrs Lloyd and flarpex Rivers improved I were home for Thanksgiving. What would you think' of a person Miss Vera Rowe of Toronto spent who would ask a newspaper to :rub- Thanksgiving at her home here. list• a love string of an account of A 'M Geo. Vosper spent the week wedding when they got their wedding end with •his family in Toronto. invitations printed out of 'own? It airs, J.. A. Stewart left Friday even - is simply another evidence of ,madul- ing' to visit relatives in Toronto. tested Bali .and cheek. firs, Passmore and children of Cal prospective suptalies :of red Mover • ifornie are visiting firs, W. G. Bis - seed are very much reduced Nuel. at jsett best Canadian farmers next year will I \i#saes Itanauton and Prienam, teach - face an extreme shortage with high 1111 ere, spent the week end at their prices Farmers should endeavor ret hoioe; in sGoderich, red autumn to save evprorymises bit of thyield ' Mr Frank Oke of Toronto, who is red clover crop that to yield' good seed. non' iii training at Niagara camp, was. At the annual meeting of the Bruce a visitor with old friends here Sat- urday Press Association it was decided to raise tYr4 subscription price of the Early Closing s weekle, papers to $130 a year, raid it tool:. very much as though all 'sews a er- in the Dominion will soon have pap ere to fall iv line with those having -l.1- We, the undersigned, hereby agree ready adopted the raise, ' . law been passed in M is ig An preventing any person asking n ?endour for charity unless they can show a license from the State Board. Thi. is a good law and will prevent a great deal of,so-called charity im- positions, The Ontario t Legislature would do :well to pass a similar law. Canada should have at least 200,0O0 soldier; in the field of cattle. It looks big. but it is not ss. big when th� intensity of the struggle is waken ,efts consideration. This means that .more recruits are wanted. Girls, you can do your share by pointing out 'o lee boys what you think they ough, to do No young fellow likes to t,a.t'e the girls think he is not'; doing his bit and playing' the man. Pau: Collins is visiting relatives at llirr. Mas: Mary Carling spent Saturday it London Ctrs. J. orry was in Hespeler aver tt.' holiday r� Autumn is here. With this know- .!Rent a day or two here with rola- ledge comes the thought ''that winter Mr J ,A. Sanders of Woodstock is approaching and that the eoldi r.; who are fighting our battles need sPtn; the holiday with his parents warm clothing. especially socks. For hire a sbcrt time during the summer these Messrs. Roy Davis and Jos. Craig was a recess—although many ,women of London were here for Thanksgiv- ' nitted right through June, July end ing Day August—but now from all quarters Miss Blanche Atkinson has _return - come, the call for socks. The the ed home from a visit in London and men of Exeter and surrounding "oun- Woodstock• try will do their "bit" so that the The Misses Grace and Rose Cud- mill ud- trill not go unanswered. to close our piacee of business each evening during the 'week at six o'clock sharp, with the exception of Saturday evening, beginning Novem- ber 1st, Sy& Davis J. ,A, Stewart AV. W. To inn G. Be. Bedford. Peter Frayne S. l4Tnrtin & Sou W. J. Beer Jauea & WY. G'igg Stationers 'Co. Wzn. ,Rivers I3, W. Z. Wavers T..$awkins la .Son W. J. I eewan R. Isle Howe las, Beverley F. Begg more; were, in Windsor over the lroii- f`Thanksgiving Day was of the usual da, in Windsor. WA' TED \O 4' quiet nature on Monday in town. The afr and Mrs. Thos. Jones of De - Reliable salesman to act as agent bunter in large Inumbers hiked to troll spent the holiday with "VJs. and in Huron County. the woods and the reports of game Mrs Thos Elliott. PAY WEEKLY secured indicate that there was a heavy slaughter. One party of eight daughter were visitors from London got 4L head of duck and rabbit, An- for the week end, other party of four got 28, head, while two Ione shooters got 10 ink the •ift..r noorn, 'here were not as many visit- otr in and out of town as usual. Many of the soldier boys were up . from. London, for the day, among them. be- ing Anderson, E. Harness, oldie Cochrane. Leon hiebDaviiis Outfit free, exclusive territory and monet_ making specialties. Our agencies are -the best in the easi- ness for we sell the highest grade of stack at most reasonable nieces and guarantee deliveries in first class condition. Nursery stock is sellins well this year and. good money can be made in. this dis- district. For particulars write Sales Manager., pELHA.4I 'NTOR.ONTO,CO.NT. Help! Help!! Have Your Nouse or Store Wired Now We do wiring wl'•ieh we guarantee the Hydro power will connect with when it comes. Give us a ehanee to go over your ,lob and give you an estimate on it; only the' latest approved wire, con- duit, steel cut-out boats, and other electrieial supplies us- ed i Recce Taylor spent the week .'nd with hi:. daughter, Mrs. Joe McTav- ish in Shakespeare, Mr. Harr3 Fuke of the Hank of Commerce staff visited with his par- ent, over the holiday: Mr L . C. Watson left 'Wednesday for Guelph, where he has taken -a position in a drug store, Come in and help- us unload our furniture :as we have a large stock which must be sold. We also have the best furniture polish ever made; and a. polish for your cars and buggies equal to none. See our display of KIRSCH cur- taro rods, the neatest and simplest rod on the market. B. N. ROWE Embalmer Etc. Phone .20a. Best Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dinney celebrated the twentieth anniver- sary of their wedding day at Quiettheira home on Monday night large number of guests were in at- tendance, including all the old bell- ringers of the Trivitt Memorial church who were present' at the reception held for Mr. and Mrs. Dinney twenty years ago,' The evening was joyful- ly .spent by all present, Mr. and . Mrs. Dinney proving themselves most wor- thy entertainers, and who will have the best wishes of their many, friends for a continuation of many years of happy wedded .life. Tre1itui Coal Beth At Exeter and Centralia Since the imposition• of the ,rvar.'ax on letters and postcards the volumn of mail matter posted in Canada has decreased by about 30 per cent. The war tax was expected to add a little more than 50 per cent. ;to the post - office revenue, but in consequence of the economy practiced by the public in the matter of saving antletters and postcards under 'the higher rate, the increase has been .considerably less, than, anticipated. For the first four months of the operation of the war tart the 'Department's. revenue has in creases by $1,100,000, or about 30;i,er scent . as compared with the corres- ponding period of, last Year. Phe large part of this increase; however, is due to the sale of stamps for -he- , ques, money orders!, etc. —x , a—x— CANON TUCKER TO SPEAK. -- At the annual meeting of the West Huron Teachers' Association the, Rev. CanOtf Tucker will give an address in the School Hall, Thursday evening, on the subject, "Analysis of the ?rue sian Character in the Light of His- tory:'' Canon Tucker -is a gifted sneaker and the public may expect a rs ora e down behind it and twice un' the bottom before esca . der bvt o P ing, to chimney. See the McClary dealer. 'as . Sold by T. Ba,wkins & Son T S ED - 'v S SU Li �S I LICENSES tMARRIAGEG TAYLOR '�K A. FR r by C H Sanders at the Advocate Of - For For Huron and Middlesex.-Moderatefice Strictly confidential; no witness rates Write or phone him at Cred- iton Prompt attention given. C W. ROBINSON -, LICEN ED AUCTIONEER AND NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.—VALUATOR for Counties of Iditol.: I desire to announce that I have °P -Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm, tined a Flour and Feed Store in�� F. Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Wood's Old. Stand, opposite , ostCockshutt Warerooms, next door to, Office and will keep a full supply of Centia.' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. the best grades of flours and feeds. Chaiger moderate and satisfaction is T solicit your patrSIDgNEY DAVIS guaranteed Exeter Bargain Store Samples Beer le Davis New Tailor Shop' N. Sheere desires to announce to the public that he will on Sept, '1st, 1915, open up an up-to-date Ladies and Gents Tailoring Business in Exeter. He will put in a full line of Fash- ionable Goods and will always have a largeassortment of Samples to choose from. OUB MOTTO will be to sgive the Best possible Value at the least pos- sible money. A CALL SOLICITED Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Mr. and .Mrs. Young and two .iiil- dieu ' of London spent the holiday with ,Mr 'and Mrs. Jas. Beers. Mrs, (Rev.) Collins and little daugh- ter spent Thanksgiving with .Mr. and Mr . We denhammer 'at Oakville. Mrs, Brown and little daughter, who have beer. visiting relatives here i e - turned to her home iln Kingsville on Saturday N. Sheere Tea & Coffee Store $600.00 "t'it'ORTH OF TRAVELLERS SAMPLES JUST OPENED TIP, INCLUDING SWEATERS UNDERSHIRTS TOP SHIRTS; HOSIERY, MITS. GLOVES HA.NDKER- CHIEFS, TIES, CARPET ENDS,, ETC. to be SOLD AT LESS THAN THE 'PRESENT WHOLESALE IfRICE. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS IN ALL SIZES AND KINDS, B. W. F. Beavers For the choicest' groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and- every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A. trial as to quality will convin- ce. Messrs. Nelsort ,Sheere and Frank Boyle were in Detroit over the holi- day. They were accompanied home by Mr Aquilla Sheere. vlr W J. Statham was in Acton Sunday, and Monday visiting his brother who is in a very low..?tate of health • ' Mr. Nelson Hill of the Bank of Com mere. staff, London holidayed at iris home' over Thanksgiving. His sister Miss Verdi accompanied him back to 'London Mr Ed Sanders, wife wind iittld daughter who have been -visiting with the former's parents, left yesterday for, then home in Rainy . River, New -Ontario Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Mr. W C. Senior and wife! of Tor- onto werc visitors with the foriner's brother Mr Joseph Senior this week W.. C addressed a meeting in Ailsa Craig on' Sunday. Mrs john Willis, who has been vis- iting' here Dor several weeks; left Mon- daymorning' for London, where <he.' will spend; a couple days Viler to leav, ing for her home in Marlette, Mich. Mrs. 11I'iiliganVpf'London visited with sister Mrs. John Ford and Mrs., Wm. Sweet this week here, but is -row vis G. y� vis- iting with her mother, Mns_ H. Isaac G Seldon treat. Everybody invited .end, all will at Greenway, who was on Monday �1J1 b welcome, stricken •u<ith a stroke of paralysis. Opposite Electric light Plant enuine L. & W. Sorautoll Coal Agents For British ;.Aeric- afi Oil `Co Keslle, Rowe, & Wood JONES & MAY P,RONB NO. 82 Early Fall Buying WE BOUGHT OUR 'GOODS EARLY AND CAN GIVE YOU ALL FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES, EARLY BUYING SAVES MONEY —GOODS ARE GOING UP EVERY DAY OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DbPARTMENT TO GIVE YOU A GOOD CHOICE New Dress Materials COLORED DRESS GOODS Every new shade in son's best cloths are .to show you. the sea - here for VELVETS Are, ;.very strong this season All shades in plain and cord Velvets, also Blacks BLACK DRESS GOODS Serges, Broadcloths, Satin Cloths, Resildas, Rosettes, & all kinds of Black, SILKS Real good at the old price —Plain, Short and Plaids in every shade 'to show youe Nifty Winter Coats ' NO TWO, ALIKE We are having', great' suc- cess with our winter Coats, If you ¢noedi ons come' .and see us. We can show, you the best on the market. NEW STYLES NEW CLOTHS OLD PRICES. HOUSE FURNISHINGS' You know carpets and. Rugs are going to -`advance very high. We, have a big stock on hand of New Pat- terns at the- old price. Lien oleuMs, Oilclotths' fk Blintds. MEN'S FURNISHINGS New Suits for Fall New Overcoats fox Fall New Sweater -Coats for Fall New Ties, Hats and Caps t New Shies, Collars and Underwear:, JONES MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W, E. Sanford. Clothing