HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-14, Page 5LEGAL
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, trorn
enlisaonere, Solicitors for the Molsonp'
Sank. etc.
stony to Loan at lowest rates of tntereat.
Offices--Madn-St., Exeter
'I. R, Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have .a; lenge atnouMt of private
Bunds to loan on farm and village prop-
erties at low rates of Sntereat..
Beeristers, Solicitors, Dieter,
,Dr, O. F. ROULSTON. L.D.S„ D.D.S..
.idember of the R.C,D.S. a Ontario ani
'Honor Graduate of ixoronto University..
Oifbce-Over Dickson & Carling's law
.orrice. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Honor Graduate o' Toronto University
needs' extracted without pain, or any
pad erect?. Oifete over Geedman &
Netanotiry's Ott ee,. Main Street, Beata..
Jam" F -trz.p$�
THE sole head of a family, or nae
euaale over18 years old, may homestead'
a quarter -section of available Oamin-
eon" in Manitoba, Saskatchewan ox
'Alberta The applicant must appear
rn perso at the Dominion Lands Ag-
eency of Sub -Agency for the Dis-
'trice. Entry may be made at any
"Dominion Lands Agency (but not
'Sub -Agency) on certain conditions.
Duties -Six months' residence upon
,and cultivation, of the land in each of
'threes years. A homesteader may live
-within nine miles of his, homestead on
.e„ fare of at least 80 acres, on certain
conditions. A habitable louse is re=
.awed in every case, except when se-.
-silence is performed in the vicinity.
In certain districts a homesteader in
.good standing may pre-empt aquarter.
-section alongside his homestead. Price
13 per acre. Duties -Six months resi-
eleace in each of three years after
•earpine homestead patent; also 50
.acres extra cultivation, Pre-emption
,patent may be obtained as soon as
*homestead patent, on certain condi-
' tions
A settler who has exhausted Ms
' homestsad eight may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Trice $3 per acre. Duties -Must re-
side 6 months in eaec , of 3 years, en-
'-ltivatc 50 acres, sae erect a house
^worth $300.
The area me cultivation is subject
.to reduction in case of rough, scr...ub-
' by or stony land. Live stock may be
'substitutes for cultivation under cer-
'taia, conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N.B.-Unauthorized publication of
this advertisement will not be pa!'d for.
`Western University, London
Another Large Addition to
Faculty and Equipment in
Arta and Medicine. ,
'Write for particulars to:
E B Braithwaite, M. A., Ph. D.
Our instructors are experienced.
'Pupils 'get :indiViduai attention and
-graduates are placed in positions. 1 We
care receiving applications we cannot
:meet. Students may enter any time.
:Send for our free catalogue and see
-if it interests you.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Toronto; Ont., has a well-earned re.2'
.putation for superior business and
shorthand education, and far :assist-
ins staidemts to choice positions.
Commence now. Catalogue free.
W. J. Elliott, Principal.
7.34 Yen: a St. Yenge & Charles Sts.
Douple Track all the Way.
For Chicag a
Leavi: Toronto 8 ;a m.. 6, p m.., :tad
• 11.45 p.m. daily
For -Montreal
.eave, Toronto 90'a.m., 8.30 p.m.and.
11 pm. daily
Equlpneent the finest , on. all trains
Reduced Fares to
San Francisco, Los Angels and ;,,sit
N. J. DORE, Exeter
Mega •''
FiP' particulars and birth reserva-
tion" on application to Agents..,
of Lot 18 Con. 10 USBORNE, on
FRIDAY OCT. 22, 1915, at 1 o'clock
sharp, the following,
Horses -Brood mare, agric., (Glas-
nick); ehorse 7 -yr -old, agric.; 1. old
agric.; 1 colt, 1 -yr. agric. 1
driving horse, quiet and reliable.
Cattle -7 cows, due respectively in
Jar; 6 Jan 15, February, March 1
March 9 April 9th and In May; 3
heifers rising three; 1 steer rising
three 2 steers rising two; 3 heifers
rising two - 4 spring calves,
Hogs -1, brood sow due at time of
sale .1. brood sow -due on Dec< bth ;
20 store hogs.
Implements -Lumber wagon, box
and spring seat; Massey i'arris blade:
Massey. Harris 1' Har Is se ed
drill 13 hoe, -lean-
ly new ; Maxwell mower and ,ea har-
vester; Maxwell rake; Cockshutt two
furrow plow, walking plow, set har-
rows, disc land roller, scuffler, fan-
ning mill cultivator, root pulper;
grass seed sower, hay rack; 2000 lbs.
scales: extension ladder 32 -ft.; cream
separator, grindstone, set double har-
ness new; set double harness nearly
new; set of sleighs, steel crow bar;
set whiffletrees, neck yoke ,cross -cut
sate No 2, Daisy churn, forks, shov-
els ,hoes and numerous other articles
36 rows of turnips, marigolds, and
quantity timothy and clover hay.
No reserve as the proprietor has
sold his farm.
Terms -$5 and under cash, over that
amount 12 months credit on approved
joint notes 5 per cent. per annum off
for cask on credit amounts.
W. A. TURNBU'LL, Prop.
Autti,on Sale of
Exeter on SAT. OCT. 16, at One
o'clock sharp, the following
10 cows newly freshened; 8 cows
due it Jan. and February; 8 cows
due in March and April; some nice
2 -year old heifers and sucking calces.
These cows are all milking and are
a very fine lot of the milking strain
of Shorthorns with a few extra Hol-
steins •
Terms -6 months' credit on iurn.-
ishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent
per annum off for cash.
Five recruits signed up at a recruit-
ing meeting held at Parkhill en
The story of Jack» the Giant -Killer
has always fascinated. One small boy
destroyed a great menace. So it is
with the wonderful TAI,'.AICE, which
unaidea destroys the Giant Pain.
Headaches, Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Neuralgia Sleeplessness ,and all ner-
vous affections fly before it to their
utter destruction.
Because you have used all other re-
medies without results is the best
reason for using TAKAKE which
gives quick and permanent relief in
the most chronic cases. One of its
many attractions is its absolute 'free-
doir from any habit-forming drug.
Use one box and the ,result will
show you that, like little Jack, you
can live happy ever after.
Get TAKAKE, There is nothing
the same or just as good, 502 at
your druggist's, or 45c. by mail from
Georgian Mfg. Co., Collingwood,
Many people suffer the tortures of lame
muscles and stiffened joints because of im-
purities lathe blood, and each succeeding
attack seems more acute until rheumatism
has invaded the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im-
portant to improve your general .health as
to purify your blood, and the cod liver
oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish-
ment strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and upbuild your strength.
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands
every day who could not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.
sainting Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for
$10. Sold, at all„D,rug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price.a Tits Scosa:a. Datro
CO., St. Catharines, Ontario.
l;itality';for Nerverand Brain;;' incieases "grey
matter”; a Tonic -will build you up.3 a box, or
two for $5,at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price:- THE SCOBELL »BtIG CO., St. Catharines.
A Christian college -home;
• healthful situation.
Forprospectus and terms.write the Principal
R.I. Warner, MA D.D., St. Thomas, Ont: 63
Business and
'ester t School
College in Sessio
Catalogue Frees.,
Auction Sale
There will the sqld by Public Auc-
tion on =Lot 4, Cbn. 7' I„Isborne, 134
miles South ;of Elimville, oft
WEDNESDAY, ,NOV. 3, 1915,
at 12 o'clock sharp, the following :-
Horses -Brood mare, Agricultural, in
foal (Glasnick); horse 5 years til$,
Agric. be Lord Sharp; mare 4 vrs.,
old, Agric., 'by Lord Sharp ; -year
old filly by Pacific,
Cattle -21 head of pure bred ;reg-
ister -ea Shorthorns, consisting of one
cow with 'heifer calf at foot 1 "ow
with bull calf at foot; 5 cows with
calf, heifer 2 years old with eaif ; 2
heifer's 1 .year old, 3 heifer calves.
Bulls -Stock; bull, Victorian, 57808,,
roan, ,calved Dec. 17, 19 11, bred by
Cargill & Sons. This bull headed the
herd of Capt.T.Robson, E.R b on, and was
purchased at his dispersion sale; Buil
21 months .sired by Royal Commodore
77054; Bull 17 months old, sired by
Victorian; Bull 12 months old, sired
by Victorian; 2 Bulls 6 months old.
Giade Cattle -2 cows, freshened; 1
Caw due to calve Jan. 22; 2 heifers
24 months old; 3 beautiful roan helf-
ers 12 months old; 1 steer 2 years
old; 2 yearling steers,_3 young, calves.
Pigs -1 pure bred Yorkshire sant
-with litter.
liens- A number of young Barred
Rock hena and several cockerels.
Implements -McCormick binder, e-
ft. cut; Maxwell mower; Success ma-
nure.spreader cultivator, Massey -Har-
ris fertilizer drill, 11. hoe', nearly nese;
Noxon seed drill, with grass seeder
attachment; hay rake; hay tedder,
land roller disc harrow, two furrow
plow..3 walking plows; 1 gang Glow,
2 set harrows, smeller, Clintons fgin-
niing mill, De Level cream separator,neat
neatly new , 2.000 lb. scales, bats ruck
grass seeder; gasoline tank, water
trough lumber wagon, hand -made,
selected timber, with double box
and spring, seat, truck wagon, with bee
and spring seat, 2 gravel boxes, heavy
stock rack hog rack, Daisy :hem,
grind stone,, hay rack, pair bobsleighs
culls' new oak stone boat, hay fork
1.5%) ft. rope sling ropes and uulleys
2 set- heavy harness, set single har-
ness. whifiletrees, neckyokes, forks,
hoes. ladders, new oak gasoline barrel
2 erd.iseut saws, 2i; acres marigolds
and quantity corn in stook; also 'nanyM
articles torn numerous to mention,
7 erms-S10 and under cash; ever
that amount 12 months' credit will be
goer on furnishing approved joint
notes with' 4 per cent, off :or cash
oo ciedil amounts.
Ali cattle will be catalogued turd
catalogue will ,be sent on application
Positively no reserve as the propri-
etor has sold his farm.
Buyers from a distance are re-
quested to bring their bank qualifica-
tions with them.
C W. Robinson, A.uct,
Hay council .met in the Town Hall,
Zurich. on October 2nd. Routine bus-
iness was transacted. The following
orders were passed, -G. T. R.freight
$2.65; 'Ontario Railway and Munici-
pal Board, fees 5.00; Canada Express
Co. 1.00; Northern. Electric Co. sup-
plies 115,05; Bell Telephone Co. L.
I). toll August, 27.28; W. G. Hess,
3 months' salary 300.00; P. McIsaac,
3 months' salary, 250,00; Municipal Wd
blanks. 3,68; C. Aldsworth damage to
plow 2,50; C, L, Wolper, valuating
sleek' 3.00; H. Pfile, sheep killed by
dogs 1.35; G. Oestreicher, sheep kil-
led by dogs 14.65; C. Weber, work'
1,00: E. Thiel, hauling gravel 10,00;
Clarence Da'tars, rep, culvert con 3,
50c„ G Thiel hauling gravel, 5,10;
Red Cross Fund of British Empire
grant $500.00, Council adjourned to
Nov 6th. F. Hess, sr., 'clerk.
Mrs. McEvoy of London very ably
addressed the Women's Thankoffer-
ing Missionary Meeting on Wednesday
afternoon. -John. R. Habkirk of Sea -
forth has had his house here re -paint-
ed as has also Mr. Nr P. Warrenier.-
Miss Jory of Exeter visited last, week
with Mrs. John Blatchford, Mr. and
Mrs J V. Millson of Mt. Brydges,
formerly of this place, visited during
the past week with friends in town. -
On Sunday evening Rev. Knight gave
an interesting discourse ,on the pres-
ent war. The same evening a song
service was held in Cannel church, -
Last week a number of the girls of
Carme' . church choir very pleasantly
surprised Mrs. Milton Ortwwfiein, afdr-
mer member of the chair, before her
marriage, and gave her a fine miscell-
aneous shower. -On Tuesday evening
of last week in response ,to the tirst
direct appeal from the, Motherland for
help for the Red Cross 'F;mds,,'apub
lie meeting called by' the,ereeve was
held 'in the town hall and collectors
were appointed tocanvass the .vil-
lage for subscriptions, hoping that an
earnest effort be .made to raise not
less than .$1000. -Dr. H. G. Malloy
last week moved into the dwelling) he
recently purchased from Mrs. Miller,
and Dr ;Hardie and family are mov-
ing into ',the premises the doctor pur-
chased. from Dr. Malloy on Main-st.
$100 Reward $100.
rhe readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's •Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh.
being a constitutional disease requires a constitu-
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood' and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist-
ing nature indoing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials
Address F. J. g13ENEY'r CO , Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents,,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Council met Oct. 4th. All present,
The main business was thle.passing, of
a largei-number of accounts, among
them"lieing Ayiesworth, Wright, Moss
& Co.. solicitors. fees Mud Creek Dr-
ainage suit, chargeabletb' drainage ar-
ea ,$347.35; E. W. Farancomb, engineer
for same 248.70; A:. S. Code, engineer
for :same, 340.75. Adjournment' made
to 'November 1st.
J. D.'Drummond,, Clerk.
Don't complain about pains in your back
when, the remedy lies right to hand. Gin Phis
stop backaches, and theydo it in an. easy
natural way by going right to the root of the
Gia pin act on the kidneys avd the
bladder. They soothe and heal the inflamed
Organs. which are causing tate fferin ,
Neglect your kidneys and swollen hands and
feet, wrists and ankles, are likely to follow.
A dose of,Giro Pins in time saves a world 4f
You wilt realize their value when, you read
what Airs. J. P. T. wedge, of Surnmaerside..
k.,i.I. wrtRs :
"Gin Pill; are the greatest of all Kid-
ney remediesgand a medicine which is at
are worth1ntlleireweigghtl in tggood. to y
Get GIN PII,I,S today et your dealer's.
Me. it isle, or 6 boxes for .50, Yna1 treat'
meat. P'•RI;S If you write
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto
The Council of he Township of
Stephe a convened in the 1'owwn ,dell,
Creditonn on Monday, Oct, 4, All
members present, :Minutes of prev-
ion: meeting, were read and adopi,:d.
Neeb-Webb--That Alonea Hod -
ni be appointed collector of taxes
for .the present year at a salary of
$,$2.GG ilc 4o furnish his own post-
ege.,--Carried. The following orders
were passed :-F. Triebner, grave',,
$48.50; \ 'itzel and Dietrich, corn, DIS-.
6, C Rd $49,60; do. $5.20, N. Clark
Con'. C R.. $54.40; do. $5.65; J. Geis-
er Corn C. R., $97.00; do. $,8.10;8,
Hill, gravel, work, $28.25; J. Willis,
Corn E S.R. S3; Ur. Wilds, gravel,
$54.60; S. Morrison, cement gravel, S3
T. Keys Corn., Si; J. Barry, tile, $1
FI Kuhn tile, $19.72; J. Lawson, pt.
bridge ace $400; H. Smith, rep. cul.
53.50; Mr Martene, statute labor $5;
R Hill work on pit, $8; J. Wein, conn
$2.50. The council adjourned to
meet main in the Town Hall, Credi-
ton Monday, Dec. 6, at 1 p.m.
H Eilber, clerk
Nearly everyone has
ripping, tearinghceeachea
at times. Disordered atom-
ach-eluggishliver does it.
Cheer no I here's the real M
relief-Ghamberlai n's
Stomach and Liver Tablet a,
They put the stomach and bowels richt.
All druggists, 25c.. or Mr mail from o
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding
Piles, send me your address, and
I will tell you how to cure your-
self at home by the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
some of this home treatment
free for trial, 'with references
from your own locality if re-
quested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send
no money, but tell others of
this offer. Write 'to -day to Mrs
M. Summers, Box 840 Windsors
Rev. -C. C. 7. lefeass of Preston eon -
ducted. the services in, the Lutheran
church on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo
F; Yungblut of Auburn, visited at
the home of the former's brother,
H. Yungblut --Arrangements are being
leads for the establishment of a pub-
lic library in Zurich. -Hay Township
Council granted $500' to the Red
Cross Fund at their last meeting in
response to the appeal for a eon-
tribution to all munlcipolities,-» Miss
Id Sehwartzentruber who was vis-
iting around this vicinity, left for
her home in Baden. -Mr, Fred Dei -
chert of Cavalier, N.D., is visiting
relatives and friends here at present,
It is thirty-three years since 'Ur,
Deichert left these parts. -Mr, Geo,
,Ifoltzmann returned last week from
a few months' trip to Saskatchewan
and North Dakota. -Mr. John Brenner -
man left for Pigeon, Mich., Wednes-
day after a pleasant visit with relativ-
es here,, -A quiet but happy event was
celebrated at the Evangelical parson
age on Sept 30th when Rev. Brown
tied the knot which united in merle
iage Mr . William J. Hill ando Miss Fero.B • Witzel, both of Moorefield.
CLIN!'ON.-'-. wedding tool: place
last 'Wednesday,- afternoon at three
o'clock when Mr. Melvin J. Clark of
the Huron Road and Mrs. C. White-
head of tout were married by Rev.
Frank Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Clark
sill reside in Goflprich,
CROMARTY-Mr. Alex. Stewart
and bride are receiving the Congratu-
lations of their friends, Mrs. Stewart
Was formerly Miss Bella Simpson, and
was a former teacher in the school
here, and her many friends arca pleas-
ed to welcome her back.
... - .......
You feel safe
When you've washed
with Lifebuoy Soap.
No matter how grimy
you r hands—no matter
how germ -laden they
may be from the day's
work. Li€ebuoy cleanses
and safeguards your
skin. The mild catholic
odor quickly vanishes,
but its benefits linger.
5iPlX,i' r
■ r u,u„au,nan,„uu.,mu,aunu.nr.m,,
■ • u,aunu.iuuan,mIll••••,,,,,,un,rn A,,,l
CLU' TON. -Old friends here till
regret to hear of the death of- Miss
Annie Al Thompson, which occur red
at Mount Albert on Sept 28, after a
long illness from heart trouble. She
wara sister of Mr. Robert Thompso-
and. Mrs. Edward Rathweil, Clinton,
Use more water and
less flour, and get better
23 bread with-
Ford Touring Car
Price $530
Ford Runabout
Price $480
Ford Town Car
Price $ 780
The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont.,
effective Aug. 2, 1915. No speedom-
eter included in this year's equip-
ment otherwise cars fully equipped,
Cars or display and sale at
• --
How The Government twelve 1mi11ion-gallas aid
atf ij c cd the
Western Farmer,