HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-7, Page 8EXE rB tt HJ1T,Z IJ1 ATE, Tit CJE Si'1AY OCTOBER 2 1E115 EXETER IMARM(E"TS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY New W'heat..,,,70 to 85 Barley 40 40 35 100 Potatoes, per bag Th to Hay, e' ton 1800 14 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 80 Flour, low grade per ow 18Q Butter 24 20 Creamery Butter.,..—..82 -,, . .. ..... 23 24 9 40 23 00 26 00 Buekwheat ... Oats, .... . eas, .... .. Live hogs, per ew ... Shorts per ton......,,,. Brats per ton ... OA, .....,,, IDE4Iti ANDAPPLE BUTTER. - Pe sons wishing cider or apple, butter made arc required to come co the alnl althea Thursday or Friday . of eaci tc e:L—A. •COTTLE, Exeter. —x—o—x— MARRIAGE LICENSES' ISSUED b} C H Sanders at the advocate Of - e. Strictly confidential; no witness "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out Rat., \lice,etc. Don't die in the )ortse 15c and a5c. at Drug and Country StOrea HORSE CLIPPING—Morse clipping done promptly cod well at H. Bell,- :;;ng's stables Bxeter North, ISR H L. KRIEGER, CI•iIRO•- precto: wilt be here on Tuesday and xxiciea Lumbago, Rheumatism and, Ner our Diseases. chiropracticalli+ treatco. Office, Central Hotel, Exe- ees. Consultation trod examination is free Dort fail to attend B, E. ' Ilrcks' biz auction sale of cattle at John McMahon's farm, Con. 2, Hay on Sat - :allay °etcher 9th. NOTICE.—The Progressive Shoe Sto —H. e ng bought the busing :s fora riy a onducted by W, J. Smith we a cu!d be pleased to have you give t . and our prompt -tta- tion S 1 .i c given. Wore and :a-r.,g ^uaI a. .'d so satisfy oar master:ear W r: PAFF. STEER STRAYED T ,r et :e I onto the prenai c. a tea :i:.t.wrs i zne 1, Lot 21, Con. la, :? Step;nea , on or about Sept 1Rt i yeerline steer. Owner can 'have enrie ay proving property and paying .a.!,:- penace NV,M, MAIER, A.R. No. 1. Greed B..... CATTLE FOR SALE lw ca riings, majority Gracie,"ata ham Steers. Purchaser to have ariv- i:egt: 0. ,leaving a is good pasture fer a few weeeks, A. O. FRANCIS 1 mile north of \Vinci .:sea. New Butcher On or about the 12th of October will open out a Butcher Business in Carling's Old Stand, Exeter, one door north of Bedford's Grocery, and •I will offer all kinds of Choice Fresh and Cured Meats. We solicit your patronage. Begg WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as agent in Huron County. PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and monee; making specialties. Out agencies are the best in the ausi- ness for •we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first close condition. Nursery ;stock is selling well his year and good money can be made in this dis- district. For particulars write Sales Manager., PELHAM aNURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. Help! Help!! Come in and help us unload our furniture as we have a large stock which must be sold. We also have the best furniture polish ever made; and a polish for your cars and buggies equal to none. See our display of KIRSCH ;ur- tam rods, the neatest and simplest rod on the market. R. N. ROTE Embalmer Etc. . Mime 20a. Best Of Tlireshillg Coal oth.,At Exeter and Central � el. ► d `S do t LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Monday of next iveek is. Thanks- giving Day in Canada. Egan E�azn left on Friday fast to visit with friends in Detroit. Milo Snell' sold a Ford car to ,Mil- ton Gregor} of I' irkton last weak. Case Howard has purchased a ctIc- Laughlir, six auto from Wilfrid Stew- art In a whirlwind campaign the town of Mitchel' raised over $6000 for the Patriotic Fund. 11r - Wm Dunsford, who €mss :;;tear suffering from a severe throat trouble is slowly * im Coen p nb. Mr Alex. Stewart was confined to laic home part of last week owing to an attack of pleurisy. Two or three hundred soldiers el the 33rd Battalion were in Godeaich lase Thursday at the Fair. air Ed Triebner of Stephen is con- fined to his bed through illness and is under the doctor's care. Lcrnc A Eedy of the St. Marys Journal has purchased the Walkerton Telescope and has taken possession. Edgar Pattison, who has been .gent soh the ,G. T. R, at Brucefield for the past two or three years, has en- listed Chester Harvey, Reg. Knight, Ar- chie Davis and Harry Smith of Ex- eter joined the overseas forces in London last week. Are you in steed of cattle? If so attend the big auction of B,E.Hicks on John McMahon's farm, Con, 2,l:.iay,. Saturday October 9. A choice lot of cows and feeders. Mr Roland Squire moved this week .;ate Miss Balkwill's house on Andrea Street, Mr. Squire's parents of Us - borne will move into the house, vaca- tec' by him on South Boundary. Rev Cornish of Forest occupied the nen xai" of the Trivitt Memorial Church o.% Sunday last and preached two ' x- ..eileri' sermons. Rev, Collins con- d.uwtetl anniversary services in Forest. '1 he thirty-third annual congress o, the Saltation Army in Canada will be held it Toronto from Tuesday, 0 t. 12 to Wednesday Oct. ?eels, wit Commissioner Ria hard" ,n om- ' -io i ', nl:sgiving Day approaches. Have ' of anything to be thankful tor? ilavt Saar done your duty to those around ont Have you assisted someone who ae. needy? Have you done your her:. for the Empire in those days strife? If not do a lot in the aaext few days. Stovepipes should be thoroughly .leaned of soot before being used in the: autumn not only as a precaution against fire, but because the soot acts a an insulation, and keeps the taipes cool Instead of the heat radiating front a warm pipe it is carried up the chimney and wasted. The Harvest Home Services in James Street Church on Sunday last were. very successful. The church° was nicely decorated with flowers and the sermons by Rev. Wm. K. Agar of Goderieb were of a high )rder, while the special music by the 'hair was much appreciated. We are pleased at all times to publish school reports of the various schools in the surrounding ; ownships and would ask the teachers to furnish ' us a report of the standing of the pupils monthly. This undoubtedly create, interest among the pupils and give,: the parents an opportunity to learn how their children are progress- ing in school work. Recently we read of two dreadful accidents, in which five little ones aged from three months to five ,ears, were burned to death during 'he ab- sence of their parents. These , e- currences are very frequent, and we expeci they will continue so, To be sure the feelings of the parents in these cases must be Terrible, without added punishment by Iaw, but it should be made a serious offense for parents to leave their helpless little children in danger of 'such a fate. A pretty September wedding took place at the home of M'r.,. G. W. Hol- mae of ,Egmoudvill.e, formerly of Us - borne, on .Sept. 29th, at high noon, when: his daughter Miss Rena was married to (William 3. Jones of Wat- ford, formerly ,of Seaforth.• After a trip to Detroit the young couple will reside in 'Toronto where the groom trasel.• fora silk company. Among the presents .were a cheque from the bride's brother Gordon who is in, the trenches in (France, and one fromf her brother Wilmot, who is training „at Camp Sewell, Manitoba. The young couple have the best wishes- of the bride's many Exeter friends. DEATH OF MRS. BAWDEN.—In the passing away on Thursday last at Ridgetown of Mary Webber, beloved wif't o: Joseph Bawden, at the age of 73 years Exeter has lost one of its best and most respected citizens: Mrs Bawden had been ailing for about six months from an attack of cancer of the stomach and during that time had been thevictim of much suffer- ing About "six weeks ago she went to Riagetow.n to stay at the 'home o* her son where she passed away. Mrs Bawden was born in North Moul- ton, Devonshire, England, and after marrying hex now bereft husband they emigrated to 'Canada and settled in Exeter where she has resided `•on- tinuously ever since. The deceased was o a losable and kindly disposi- tion of 'broad sympathies and high ideals. and ,was admired and beloved by a very large circle of friends, u -ho will deeply regret ` her demise. Mrs Bander, was a member of the Priv- itt Memorial Churgb.aticl was cozf.stant at the ,shrine off wi slnii ''whenever health nd 'weather permitted,.She is survived by her sorrowing .husband and fatgrl 'of four sans and one daughtee ]?efer hand 'John of Ridge Yote n, --George ,of' London; Joseph of •North Battleford, '�6ask., and Mrs, Reginald. • Samuel (of=; Alvintton The remains were brought here for , bur . t.ht .,funeral_, taking pm ! lace; Preser• late home North .street, oh Saturday* morning 'to tie E;xeter. Cemetery,.., Mr Phillip Blake is seriously ill witl: a severe attack, of stomach trouble Wilfrid Stewart brought home a new McLaughlin car from the :actor this. week Note the towns that are holding + a Can parbns to raise large amounts for the Patriotic Fund. What is Exeter going to do? Remember the big auction ; sale of choice cows and feeders at John Mc- Afahor's Con. 2, Hay,, on Saturday, October 9th. B. E. Hicks, Prop; East Huron Teachers' Institute will meet in Seaforth this Thursday and Friday and West Huron Institute in Exeter on Thursday and Friday of next week, Mn and Mrs. Wm. Ford announce the marriage of their second daugh- ter, Emily. Ada, to Mr. John A. J ol- lard,son of Mr. N, Pollard of Corbett, the marriage to take place at; the bride's home October 20, Usborne. A' a meeting of the Huron and Perth branches of the Canadian As- sociated Press in Goderich on Monday the question of raising the subscrip- tion rate of county weeklies to $1,50 a year was discussed and favored by all but no definite action taken. aIr F Begg, late of Scotland; is making. ,preparations to open up a butcher business in the stand one door north of Mr, Geo, Bedford's grocery store, and will be prepared to do business on or about. Oct. 11th, We welcome lir. Begg to our midst as a citizen and businessman, Rev E. G. Powell, field secretary o; the temperance alliance of Huron, gave ae address on the work 'n the County in James Street Methodist church on Monday evening. An ad- dress was also delivered by Mrs. Mc- Alister or temperance work, Miss L. Hastings gave a pleasing reading and suitable music was rendered. At the close a lunch was served. y The Government Blue book,,giving the unclaimed 'balances in chartered Bank.; of the Dominion of Canada, has just been issued. Below we give those balances in Exeter and seigh- borhoodaalolsons Bank, Obyrne "Ce-. Exeter, $7.10; Daniel Andrew, Exet- er $7.37; Bank of Commerce—Robt, fon, Gral•.am Exeter, $11.16; Sidney Hannah Bayfield, 89.58; John Alex. Nialaley Seaforth, S14.55a; Annie Ross, Seas th $.77.5. Wish. rn:ght have been a serious ac- ciden: occurred to Patrick Cornish at San• Preszcator's, 3rd concession of Stephen one day last week. He ,vasa in the act of taking the. separat• through a creek with the traction en- gine when the coupling pin unfasten- ed He got down off the engine and while in the act of connecting tiro engine to the separator the friction or the running machinery backed the engine on top of him. pinning him, and breaking his leg, besides bruising him internally. But for the presence of mind of young Webber, who''ump- ed on the engine and pulledt it ahead, Cornisl, might have been killed, PIANO FOR SALE OR TO RENT Apply at The' Advocate Office' , —x--o—x— CAN ON TUCKER TO SPEAK.— At the annual meeting of tb,e West Huron Teachers' Association the Rev. Canon Tucker will giveanaddress in the School Hall, Thursday evening, on the subject, `Analysis of the Prus- sian Character in the Light of His- tory'' Canon Tucker is a gifted speaker and the public may expect a treat. Everybody invited and all will b> welcome, --o-- SCHOOL FIELD DAY.—The an- nual field day sports of the H. S. Department of the Exeter School were postponed owing to wet weather from Friday to Monday afternoon, end following is ,the list of winners in the various events,— . 100 yard dash, Sr. --Windsor, Senior Hoffman. 100 Turd dash. Jr.—Ortwein, Doris Hanlon. 220 yard race, Sr.—Windsor, Hoff- man. Senior. 220 yard race, Jr.—Tuckey, Davis Ort cvein Running broad jump, Sr.—Windsor Parsons, ,Hoffman Running broad jump, Jr. — 'Boyle, Davis, Ortwein. Standing broad jump, Sr.—Windsor Parsons, Hoffman. $tanding broad jump, Jr. — Davis, Manson.,' Ortwein. Running hop, step and jump, Sr.— Windsor, Hoffman, Parsons. Running hop, step and jump,.,T'r. Boyle, Ortwein, Davis, Bicycle Race, Jr—Wells, Dougall,; Davis, Pu,:ting the shot — Windsor, Hoff man, Parsonst Girls' Events Spike driving contest—Misses Fen- wick, Taylor and Pickard. Potato race -Misses Fenwick, .Jar- rey and Peril, - 75 yard Mash -Misses Fenwick. Ford and Mallett". Book race—Misses Ford,, Taylor !Case Egg race—Misses Fenwick; Sharp., Judges -,W.' J Homan, W. ,D: Clarke, Ft J. White. Starters, -H.. B .Euston R. N. Rowe, J. M. Southeott W W Taman and • son Ted visit ed ir. Blyth this week, Mrs J. McConnell of Guelph isthe guest of Mrs. Wm. Bawden . Mrs E, Follick, - sr., is visiting her, daughter' Mrs. Baker at Woodham. Mrs Geo Mantle and Mrs. .Thos. Harvey spenit Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLeod are'` vis-: i!ting relatives in Seaforth and vicinity Mrs, Geo. Vivian of Mitchell, visit- ed her mother Mrs. Geo. Brooks on Sunday. Mrs R. tterdnnan of Elimville t-isit-' ed her brother Mr. C.I-I.. Horneyi over' Mn Charles ' Bi,rney left Monday on s trip to .Winlnipeg: to visit iris ton' and daughter Mrs ,Hodgins of -:Winntp'etit pe isyg Several Weeks 'here the guest:;:: her sister' -Mrs Lancelot arcly :-,Miss Rose Patterson;...wh'oa)has' beoi_ engaged -with °Mrs: H. 'f.,White', hite' - <Was called home to lelytla Tuesday - wvit'ig to het mother laving the misfortune orf breaking,. a rib. Mr I R Carling was in London Monday Burwell of Port Burwell visit- ed his son here last week. Mr Walter Dearing of London vis- ited relatives in town over Sunday, Miss Matthews, after visiting her sister,Mss. S. Fitton, returned to To- rontolast week. Mr W. T. Wilson, who has Peen visiting in Toronto for two months, returned, home on Saturday. Yx W Hiner, wife and .laughter, and Mr John Humble and wife of Sarnia visited at Mr. J. Mallett's lois week . Mr. L Watson, who has :seen in Ridecway for several months as drug- gist returned .to his home here the t week. ter part of last we k. . Mr George 'Turnbull, who has been vv isiting relatives and friends here for several weeks, ,left for his h"ome iri Harmesworth; :Man., ,on Friday last. Messrs. John Walker, Loney Hey- wood. Enos Windsor, Clair Wood, T, Penhale and Linden Harvey left last week for Toronto to take up their studies. The 'London Advertiser THREE EDITIONS MORNING. NOON, EVENING Western Ontario's Greatest Daily Al the News all the Time Rate by mail, any edition, $2.00 per. year Circulation Dept,, London Ad- vertiser Have Your House or Store Wired Now We do brit ing w'l-ich we guarantee the Hydro power will cool ect with when it comes. Give us a chance to go over your job and give you an estimate on it; only -r latest approved wire, con- duit, steel cut-out boRes, and other electricial supplies us- ed Beer 86 Davis New Tailor Shop N. Sheere desires to announce to the public that he will on Sept. 1st, 1915, open up an up-to-date Ladies and Gents Tailoring Business in Exeter. He will put in a full line of Fash- ionable Goods and will always have a large assortment of Samples • to choose from. OUP MOTTO will be to ,give the Besx possible Value at the least pos- sible money. A CALL SOLICITED Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. N. Sheere Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us; A trial as' to quality will -tonin: Cs. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant enuine V,. resile, Rowe, & Wood; Your home merchant will, back up our guarantee on this splendid range. Ask to see e ar/s ora Fsirfilo and let him demonstrate its many exclusive features re S tQ ou. A McClary dealer in every town. 8¢ Sold by T. Hawkins & Son FRANK TAYLOR AUCTIONER For Huron and Middlesex, Moderate rates Write ox phone him at Cred- iton Prompt attention given, NEW FLOUR Sr FEED STORE.— t desire to, announce that I have op - =et: a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Lost Office and will keep a full supply of the best grades of flours and reeds. I solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b' C H Slanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND' VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford, Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra, Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Char gep moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. Powell's---Leaders of Low Prices This Store stands light et the front as Leaders of low prices, and bargains of every sort in most wanted household merchandise, FLOWER POTS FANCY JAI' SEW,BASKETS Fancy Clay large size 15 to 50c Big Variety 10 Sc 15c ; Glazed 15 and 20c, HAND SATCHELS LADIES' APRONS About 50 mostly all leather— Full length to clear 5 for $1.00 .. $1.00 to $1.75 A word about Xmas. Goods—We have our stock about all in, and we wish to say that never since this store has been POWELLS has there_ been a more plenteous or finer stock, than this year. —Lots of Toys, Fancy China Etc., Etc Come and bring your friendss to the LIVE STORE -- POW - ELL'S. Hear the .new DIAMOND Phonographs, We'll be glad to show them to you. Bargains every day Watch our Window fox SPECIALS Powell's Big Variety Store T JONES &1VIAY r 4yy PHONE NO. 32 NEW FURS. NEW CURS Smart WINTER COATS Come Early and Get Your Choice ALI. SOMETHING NEW AND NO . TWO ALIKE NEW FURS.;. We certainly ,have the Swell Coats the. season. Something entirely dif- ferero in every garment. They are bought from the best manufacturers and Tor style, fit and finish they are the best are have ever shown,. All bough' early at the old prices. Colne and see our coats before they are picked over• Fall & Winter Dress. Goods A BIG STOCK AT THE OLD PRICES • COLORED DRESS GOODS We arc showing everything that is New it the Colored Dress Goods. All colors of Fine Evening Dresses: Good materials ,for street 'wear and beautiful cloths for Fall Suits. BLACK DRESS GOODS Blacks are ,very good for ,,this sea- son Our Stock is very complete in Poplins Seraes, Satin ' Cloths, Resil da. Rcsetta.. Diagonal, Box Cloth Sar' Toy, and Broadcloths. .NEW •MILLINERY New, Nifty and Up-to-date —Our Milliners are very busy so leave'.; your order early. _All thenewest Headgear here for you to pick £.rom, New Shapes, New Colors, New Ma- terials NEW SILKS Silk:, ate ,up on the top this fall, You ,will be in ; the style to buy a silk Sill Poplins, Silk Crepes,Plaid Silks, Striped Silks, and Plain Silks in every shade. 1 yd wide for $1 vd. y quarters `for th ' e celebrated W.E.ganfoucl'Cloihing f