HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-7, Page 4.tidier Abuct tt ,
tt. advance 50c, extra per year may
be charged.
ZURICH O.iA.0.0.O.6.O.0.O.0.O.O.O.O.O.0.0.4 .O�filO.O.4e'�
.aaeo.oeoeo.o.4.0.4�.o.a.o.Pio.bwiat9.e P gP.o.P•o • .o
under,. lir Creech, Proprietors Mr E NADA
J Hess left for Toronto,
1,5f in United States. If not pairn, advance $L00 per year in Canada where he will attend the school of fl
d a
'THURSDAY, OCT. '7, 19 1 v
Alias Grace Guenther entertained a
:number of her little friends to a birth
Sar party Thursday afternoon,— Dr.
and Mrs. Schram visited in Parkhill
Tuesdaye-The Ladies. Aid of the
Evangelical church motored to Credi-
' ton and held ,their meeting at . that
place,—Mr. Harry W llert left for
Buffalo Saturday morning with a car-
load of cattle. -firs. J. Zimmerman of
Tavistock is visiting friends in town
—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keilermann and
• are. Trite of Zurich visited in Lis-
' towel Sunday: --Mr. Philip Fassold is.
building a new kitchen, --'Hiss Reed
has beer, on the sick list,—We are
pleased -to hear that the little son of
eenna Bieber who was operated on
last week is recovering.. -Air. and Mrs
P 51cls,ac attended Goderich Fair
Thursday.— A very pleasant surprise
party was held et the bone—of 1Tr. H.
alilac in honour of his daughter Em-
ma wile was recently married to lir,
A Dean of Port Huron- She was
presented with a silver tea service
from the young people of this village
A very pleasant evening was spent by.
:alt.—Messrs, H. Hoffman and C. 'luen
them made a trip to Gerrie with she
.auto truck Monday. -.The cattle sale
Saturday afternoon was largely at-
aendea.--Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Statton
visited in Ciandeboye Sunday.—Mr. J.
W Graybeil has had his house re -
shingled. --J. K. Ehlers is Mann his
kitchen remodelled,—lire. Ed. Kraft
and Mrs. F. Preeter left Wednesday
tnornimg for .Lindsay,—Mr.
Armstrong of London spent Sunday
with his family here.—Chas, Hartleib
..ef London spent Sunday here. --Dr. J.
a Schram and family of London ;;.pent
'$undav with his brother Dr. N., F.
• Scheme of this place, --A little son ;tr-
riced at the home of Mr. Fred Dear-
ing Sunday.
The regular meetings• of the '4..P
A. will in future be held on Wednes-
day evenings.—About 60 of the young
• people enjoyed a corn roast at Dan
Haugh's Tuesday evening.--Rev,Bow-
ein spoke 1st the Evangelical church
.,est Wednesday night in the !Merest
the Bible Society.—Miss Reid and
Mis.z Finkbeiner have resumed Their
• teaching duties at the school after
their illness.
t'seat Science..—Messrs. T. C. Gra-
ham rix Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Wee
Y'farltoa of Goderich were visitors in.
the village,—idr. Geo. Schoei "a .. of
Detroit a former resident of tats sec-
tion.was renewing old acquaintances
heti*'-.Mr. F. Cresswelier of Duluth,
Mate. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hey.ef Bad
Axe Miele and Mrs. Zinn of Cav-
N Daka were guests at the home
of le• J F. Rickbeil, \Vord was re-
ceived here of the death of. Airs. Gus
Appeman of ,Bartlett, N, Dale, young-
est daughtez of Mr. and Airs. Ernest
Giea ot- this village. She had reach-
ed the age of 42 years and three
zngitthx -and leaves her husband end
a ituhd,er of small, children.—Mrs. 1').
Gottschalk of Bad Axe,. Mich.,. is
viaitint, her mother, Mrs. A. Lehman
—Mr Prank ,Cressweller, berrzseer, of
Duluth Minn., was reneiving Acquaint-
ances it town for a fess days.
Fowl Supper and Concert,—A Fowl
Supper and Concert will be given in
the Methodist Church here Mdnday
evening October 21, Come and en-
joy a treat. Admission 35c and 25e.
Council meeting was held in the
Town Hall on Monday. Copsiderabie
business was transacted.—Daniel tic-
Isaac has moved into his -new black-
smith shop. He will find his new
quarters a great improvement over the
old place he has been in for several'
years.—We are sorry to learn that
Mrs. Dora Link hasn't been in very
good health the .past week, but we
'trust she will soon recover, Mr. and
Mrs Lillow of Stratford spent last
Sunday in town, the 'guests of sir.
and Mrs Christian Trick.—Don't for-
get the concert to be given in the
Evangelical Church on Thanksgiving
night under the auspices of the Jun-
ior Y P. A. The proceeds , will go
towards the support of a Bible Warn-
er. int Japan.—Miss Clarissa Hill is
takine a course in nursing at St. jos-.
eph's Hospital, London.—Ed. Schmitt
.of Berlin was in town foe a few days
thi:. week with his little Saxon car.
It appears to be small, but mighty.—
The address given in the Methodist
Church last Friday night by Rev. '3ow
en, agent for the U. C. Bible Soci-
ety was well worth listening to. He
has a splendid grasp of the situation
and gave us some vivid descriptions
.of the splendid work the society is
.doing among the boys in the trenches.
"Too bad the audience was 'riot large.
Spanking does not cure children of
bedivetting, There is a constitutional
i •
fr ,lSum-
e for thistrouble,
veers Box W,, 840, Windsor, ant.,
.vilI send free to any mother her s'rc-
cessful borne treatment with full in-
strections, Send no money but write
her today: if your children irouale
you in this way. Don't blame the
child the chances are it can't nelp it.
Thi, treatment also curea adults • ltd
ages` people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
The holy bonds of marriage were
t anounced here on, Sunday by :Lev.
Fr Tirney of Mr, Alonzo McCann to
Miss Laura Ded€rich, the marriage to
take place ,next week. --lir, ;.'eter
Eiesenbach of Dashwood is busy build
:ng cement tanks in this neighborhood
:Matthew Regan is all smiles at
the arrival of a daughter on Sep. 28,
—Rev Fr. Jas. Walsh visited Fr.
Toney for a few days this week. ---
Regan Bros shipped a carload of
cattle td Buffalo on Saturday. — Ur.
Bernard Mulligan of Dublin is visiting
at the home of Mike O'Rourke.—Mr.
Daniel Collins of Detroit is ••pending
a few days with his father efr.Dennus
Collins near Khive.—Rev. Fr. aoanan
of Windsor called on Fr. Tinley here
Monday,—Mrs. Nora Regan who
ha. been i11, we are pleased to say is
able to be out again,—Mr. John Barry
had a very successful party last week,
—Messrs Alex. McDonald and James
Hall left last week for Detroit where
they intend to remain.—The Social
held iii the Hall last week was a
grand success.
TEN DAYS—Commencing with Oct,
1st we will offer our large stock of
Men and Bo'ys' Suits and Overcoats
at greatly reduced prices. We have
a. fine assortment of $15.00 suits; see
them in our window during the -sale,
Guara.'eea all wool. and trimmcd with
the very beat trimmings, Come early
anti get arst choice. When you or --
der your :clothes from us you say
Goad bye to saggy coat collars and
baggy coat fronts; good bye to
-sleeves and seams that won't make
friends with your body; good bye to
•all former coat troubles. (,rive us a
,eail and be- convinced.
J H. HOLTZMANN, Crediton
L Li X13 ills: '•'
W .L Kerslake is having' a furnace
put in his residence. He believes in
comfort,—Mr. and Mrs. Brandon of
Forest were here visiting at Jima l-lor•-
ton's Mr. Brandon was judge of the
heavy horses at Mitchell Fair.—Quite
a number from here attended .ttlitchell
Fair, Good show, fine weather.— Mr:
:and Mrs. E. Parker and family' visited
relatives near Brucefieid Sunday, -Miss.
Rossie Broadfoot has returned from a
few days visit . withrelatives ie Bruce-
field.—Miss Alice, Habkirk of Hensel]
spent a -few days with her cousin Miss
Hobkirk.--Miss Maude Glenn
N-isrtea relatives at Varna and Bruce-
for a day or two.—Mrs, W. L. Kers-
lake had the misfortune to have ::.• 11.
.`fine geese killed by dogs. Mrs, J.A.
Bolton also lost some ducks thej same
way.—D. McConnell made his, final
trip Monday.—Martin McTag gart had
a fine pure-bred ccoa• hang itself in
the stable. -G. Ryckman has' had the
interiorof his residence remodelled„
—Misses Chesney of Kipperi were the
guests of Mrs, Stewart McQueen °on,
Thursday.-hl:•r.•• and Mrs. Noah Rolf-,
' ton, visited Hensali. relatives Sunday,
—Last week we 'mentioned the send-
ing.of fruit to the soldiers, t),ut by a
.misprint read , 2: quarts ,.instead itf 2D
--Messrs., F A. Ellerington, T. Neale`
•Idorton j: M: Glenn and F J. giae-
mo-n: went. to- London on Wedneadaae
to see the soldiers, going in t'rad'e
afar,;—Silo Tilling and threshing -. rs xn'
dull. swing. Threshing is very
cd Appeal of Minister of
Labor 1rings . Good
V. Results.
. w
_ w
None Moro Loyal Than
the Workingmen of
.50eceee aranneer.oeeOtente.O.O.0.o.0.0.0 oner.e ooio.oio.O.osO
wPRQ.o.4to,4,Q So.O.Pioi4.o.Pw.QOi.I ! woroaoaoto�wwosoro
T the outbreak of the Far, bounty system of the Prav1eus admin-
Hon. T. W. Crothers, Min- , Istration by which millions of dollars
ister of Labor, publicly were Paid out to the big steel, and
peaed to both employers other manufacturers,. The situation
in connection. with the produ.etion of
and workers to make more zine, however", has been extraordin-
than ordinary efforts to secure arnic- ary, and special measusaa. Jiave been
able settlement of such difference;; as taken by the Governmesi�t 'to meet a= an
must inevitably occur from time to urSent situation which aar#onsig
ftectedi the manufacture '-of ammunt-
time. The Minister's appeal for Co- tion in Canada.
operation has met with a splendid rem i
Supply Each.
sponse, as the records of the Depart -1 Before the outbreak .*f the war
meat of Labor show that during the moons, sold
at be out Lima the Tut eight uts per
past twelve months the number of risen steadily until new It is forty
strikes has been much lase than dare cents and grave fears were enter-
ing any equal period since such stat- t tamed that the supply might be milt
isties have been compiled in this off, as at present the aoe.ees of sup -
country, ply Be outside of Genesis. It was
Soon Were Settled. therefore necessary that -there should
The few strikes reported have be a Canadian. supply, lxut Canadian
So go to the
been comparatively unimportant and producers were unwilling fr
large expense of installiif� reflneriea
-were quickly ended. The coal- I unless insured against the fall of zine
mining industry lin Canada has al- prices, which is inevitable after the
ways been prolific in strikes, but close of the war. A. tome:A. tee of the
since the outbreak of the war has Government. under the chairmanship
beep practically free of this trouble,,of Ron. W. T. White, boo been work-
ing on the su" }eet and has decided to
offer a limited bounty as follows:
Bounties on a sliding fnsalenot ex-'
I reeding two cents per pound will be
granted upon production in Canada
from Canadian ores of zee contain-
ing not more than 2 per cent. im-
zinc in London. Bngiazul fells below
£33 per ton of 2,000 pounds, pre-
sided that bounties shall not be pay-
able on eine produced bettors the ex-
piration of the war or talent the Rist
day of July, 19i.7, or on zinc con-
tracted for the Shell Committee at a
price of S cents or over per pound.
Total amount of bounty to be paid
not to exceed $400,000.
$100 Reward $100.
Phu readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there Is at least one dreaded disease thatseienee
baa beo*ble to cure in tants etaitee, and that is
Catarrh. nail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
ours now known to the medical fraternity. catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a constitu•',
Usual treatment,. Ball's Catarrh 'Ohre is taken fn-
Carnally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
to en of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist-
ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers that they otter
Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that it Sails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials
Address F. J. CHENESk CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Drnggiste, S5 cents,
Take nail's Family Pills for constipation.
Johr Yujll, until recently a resident
of Hensali died in London last week
and was buried here on Thursday.
He wet a native of Scotland end was
aged 72 years. He had been in poor
health for some years.—The new bean
storehouse erected by G. C. Petty is
completed and is a credit.—Dr. Geo,
Fee well-known in Hensel!, died re-
cently in the Western States.—Mr.
Thos Sherritt, Jr., is recovering from
his operation for appendicitis.
'CLINTON—Word reached Major
Rance. of the 33rd Battalion, who
'..appeased tc be visiting in Clinton,
that his cousin, C. C. Rance of To-
ronto a• commercial traveller, had
dropped dead in Halifax _on Oct. 2.
The funeral was held from. Clinton on
Tuesday. He is survived by a widow
and two grown-up sons.
SEAFORTH—The home of Mr
and Mrs Conrad Eckert was the scene
of a very pretty wedding on Tues-
day Sept. 28th, when their daughter
Anna was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Thos, McKay.
Sketch by McConnell.
On Vancouver Island a coal strike
had been waged for a long period,
but this was formally called off at the
outbreak of the war. In March last
the agreement between the Western
Coal Operators' Association and the
United Mine Workers of America in
the FerneeLethbridge district ter-
minated and ,for the first time on re-
cord was renewed without any inter-
ruption of work.
A "Unique Situation.
The situation in Canada in these
matters is the more remarkable and
the more satisfactory when it is real-
ized that in countries where, as in
Great Britain and Germany for in-
stance, war conditions are more acute
than in Canada, disputes of the grav-
est nature have from time to time
flamed up. The United States, too,
although free from the evil of actual
war, has been profoundly affected by
the situation in Europe. Press re-
ports do not indicate that the stren-
uous times through which we are
passing have materially eased the
tension between capital and labor,
and the past few months have seen
many dangerous and difficult strikes,
with violent disturbances in not a few
cases. Canedt seems in fact fortun-
ately unique in its comparative free-
dom from strikes.
• Co-operation of Unions.
The every -purpose -soap
where health is a prime
For the toilet and the bath
Lifebuoy Soap is unexcelled.
Its velvety lather soothes
and cleanses while its mild
carbolic solution is awonder-
ful health -preserving agent.
The slight carbolic odor
vanishes quickly after use:
The _officials of the Labor. Depart-
m^nt bear cordial witness to the gen-
erous and energetic co-operation of
officials of labor unions in preventing
and settling labour troubles. With-
out departing from the principles of
trades unionism they have given an
excellent support to the, Labor De-
partment in preventing industrial dis-
ruption during the war. The returns
also show that besides reservists of
different countries, the trades unions
have furnished thousands of enlisted
men, and in every case the •man who
has gone onactive service. has been
exempted from penalties. in the way
of dues or insurance.
SIR EDMUND WALKER 14"•Y.O. . D„ AIR.. President
L$BANDER LA.. GeneralMn
CAPITAL. $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail,
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor.
Generous Treatment Assured Our Re-
turning Soldiers.
Some critics of the Government
have been complaining that the rates
of pay and the pensions for" Canadian
soldiers are not higher. To these
critics it may be painted,'out that the
rates granted to Canadian soldiers
are higher than those of any other
country except Australia, and equal
to those of that country. For a mar-
ried soldier and his site the total
monthly rate for a Canadian private
is e50; in Australia, $52.50, For the
unmarried' private or the private
without dependents the A.ustralian
rates are a little more generous, but
with this exception the Canadian
rates compare very favorably' with
them. Rates of pay for the -rank and
file of the British Army are only
about one-half that of the- Canadian,
while in European armies where
there is compulsory service the rates
are but a mere pittance.
Pensions the Highest.
Capital & Reserve $8,000,000
90 Branches In Canada
A Business General Banking yyi11�, ine�4i Transacted
Circular Letters "at' icredIt
Ba,nk;JMoneU Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
The pension rates paid by Canada
are easily the highest In the world.
They are higher than the Australian
and a third and more higher than the
English rate, and higher also than
those paid in the United States army.
In addition it is pointed oat that the
pension does not represent all that
will be done for the men. The pen-
sion is merely a minimum allowance
that will prevent a man from experi-
encing hardship. The Government,
however, provides convalescent
homes, or if the invalided or incap-
acitated soldier goes to his own home
oft provides an attendant is -wheel him
about or take care of him. After the
war it is expected that to various
ways assistance will be given to in-
capacitated men, according to their
need, over :and above the. pension,
Government Takes Steps to Ensure
Supply in Canada.
An important step : has been taken
by the Government which will give
'an impetus to the refinement of zinc
M Canada and serve_ the purpose of
ensuring a supply to the Canadian
Shell Committee for the manufacture
of shells. The Government has de-
cided to grant a limited bounty not
exceeding two cents„ -Per poiied and
not payable until the end of 'the 'war,
The total amount of ,the bounty will
not exceed four . hundred. thousand
It has been the policy of the Bor-
den Government to abolish the
Having such a large supply of Furniture, we have
decided to sell at a
- for a few days
Those requiring furniture will have an opportunity
or wetting any article in our stock at a decidedly low figure
We must reduce our stock as we are over loaded; so bring
your wagons and be prepared to take the goods home
Remember this is a genuine sale and you cannot af-
ford to miss it.
.. Beverley's
Opposite Commercial. Hotel
CLINTON—On Sept. 28, Mr, Her-
bert Albert Lippert, furniture inanu-
factures of Berlin was married to Miss
Belle Genevieve 'Jones, school teacher
daughter of the late John Wm., Jones,
by the Rev •P. Corcoran, in St. Tames
Church. Seeforth.
KIPPEN—The wedding took »lace
last week here at the home of Mr.
and Mrs R..B. McLean, of their sec -
and daughter, Minnie Myrte, and Jas.
Earle Sprout, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs W C. Sproat The Rev. john
Richardson officiated.
Mr. Chesley De Witt Cousens, B.
A., of London has been appointed
to supply in Brucefield Methodist
Church. owing to the death of Rev.
Josias Greene, who had charge of that
Increase in Prices Does Not Justify
Government Control.
While information collected shows
that prices are still slowly advancing,
there has been no violent upward
movement and no occasion for any
drastic action on the part of the
authorities to control prices. It is
interesting to note` in this connection
that the Australian Commonwealth,
as well as most of the states of the
Commonwealth, following different
lines, took steps immediately on the.
outbreak' of war for the actual con-
trol of prices, and many laws were'
passed on the subject. Much con-
fusion resulted without improving
the situation, and after efforts for
several months in the way of price
fixation, such attempts were aban-
doned as impracticable or fruitless;.
the latest Australian advices indicate
that price conditions there were
Seven Ages of Man.
A, s disclosed by his interest taken
In the average newspaper:
Firth age—Comic secfion *;M
Second age --Sporting ` section.,
Third age—Situations wanted.'
Fourth age -Society columns.'
Fifth age --Political notes,
Sixth age—Financial news and
Seron,th age—Current ,neve ;'see
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind. You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use 'for oecr 30 years, has borne the signature of
_. and has been made under his per-
, sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Coaantcr:cit , 14111U/dolls and,' Just -as -good " are but
Fxperimere anet trifle v alth and endanger the health of
Infants and -Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTO R IA
Castoria, is aharmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ageis its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. ' For more than''thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething 'Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's •Friend.
�r Over 30
The Kind '1r'qu iHave Aiwrays Bought