HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-7, Page 1The Allies on the West hold all the trenches taken. Kings of Bulgaria and Greece causi g trouble. TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXE'T'ER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1.9 5 The War Sumxnary The offensive taken by the Allies. Iasi week on the West front •seems to have held 'well, all ground taken being consolidated and all counters by the enemy being repulsed. Consider- ing the nature of trench warfare the succes,: was a notable one, but still Et has not been proven that; it is pos- sible tc break through and utterly de- feat the enemy. It does prove, how- ever that the Germans cannot !creak through the allied lines, and time is in favor of the allies. The present indications are that 'ill the Balkan States will be in the agar Goderch is -awing a whirlwind tarn Patriotic Fund. Kirkton air paigr this week to raise $15000 for the MEETING OF THE LORD'S DAY A heavy rain on Friday last inter - ALLIANCE, --Rev, Mr. Rained, rep-,tered greatly with the annual -air last resentative of the Lord's .Day Alli- , wee; Thursday was a fine 'lay end ance addressed a small mass meeting . indoor exhibits were of a superior !i the Main Street Methodist Church quality anc large variety, The etc-. ! chicks, R. Seery tet 2; buff Orphing tons. chicks,, I & 2, Geo. Graham black Orpbiugton, chicks, 'W. N. Gun Ming; Game, Win, Yule; chinks, Win Yule 1 't% 2 Toulouse geese, D. Doug las '& Sons, J, 'White c:. Sons; chick. Douglas & Sons. J. White & Sons common geese, young, J. White ,&. Son L'eltiri eludes, >-1, Douglas +&. Sorge J, SANDERS & CREECH ro aminehere tare busy silo filling end threshing and as is the usual both outfit;. are in at the same timie. s� $ . Thos Kyle of Hay Township was ; , before Police Magistrate Andrews in Clinton on Tuesday on a charge of perjury in connection with the Bender in not been for Bender's erre and e „ to €ic sentence would have been 'auch score severe, Early Closing Tuesday evening, at which he l,res- hibits ot stock on Friday 4were leas , O'Brien; young, D. Dceiglas & Son, S. sented the claims of that society. than usual because of the rainend the Doupe; common ducks, B, 1',, Shier; The evening was quite wet, hence the racer were u ithdratwn. The t eceipts ' young R. N. •,&v* bronze t orrke ys. y mai; attendance. The following of- , shoeerr, a decrease of nearly 50 per J. White -de Son; India,, Runner duck. ficers were elected for the, ensuing cent. Gee. Graham wean -John. Scott, ;President; J. G. Q entailt•es, II'y Strang, Chas, Snell, iI.' Genera! 1"urpose �. Brood snare Collection of pigeons. J, tiffeit. cL E .Huston, All the ministers of Ex Thomson Eros„ let W, J3err , J. Son I & 2; rabbits, J White a Son sten churches ;are ex -officio members Fricihnan; foatl, '44"ea, H'adge, J, Pride 1 & 2; special, esu ttea Iilgs, la. Iioli- ones, Secy-Treas., Society Repro f4QItSEti PETS ot the Eeccutete. A, contribution cf ham, B, W. Berry; three year old. G. day; col. of birds of prey; A. U. Seeei- shortly with Bulgaria on the side of $18.45 was taken at the Main. Street t'enbele 1- S: 2; 1. S. Dinkier; two tzer, Weitzel .. German and Austria and the othersChuich on Sunday. Year old Win, 1t eitzel Thomson f.ires., Stodge -A. B. Sweitzer. lint' up Germane the Allies Some of th•;one year old W. Hodge; team i;. IMPLEMENTS Hardest fighting will be done here. , harness, J, Decker, Sr Peter See- , AN APPEAL ON BEHALF ')F` back, P. S, Bladder; beet horse ie Single top buggy, D. McLnrty & Russia seems to be holding the line THE. WOUNDED 1I> ;v*. class, G. I'enhale„ , Son 7. & 2; aingle open :buggy,. rubber pretty well just now and there- is lit- tle chance of Germany making much The following telegram was te- n. c progress ro r s itisthe • ., p b against hear cetatd on Saturday last by ,leave 3, Italy's progress is stow but steady . W Taylor and a like one was re- anct the same may be said of the Dar- cowed by all other heads of munici- danelies, palitie: in the Empire. It explains it - sell. and we hope that this town will Canada has already sent 28,443 effi- be organized to give liberal help to cera and men to Europe, and there the wounded men of the Empire. Let are stir; engaged in garrison end out- us get at the thing at once, but do post duty and under training in Can- 'n,ot let this appeal affect the regul l• g ad:, i 1.,OOG men, The force originally ar wcrl; hc.ana done, ,. lit to tnfor •o. despatched by Great Britain 10 the € m you that Lord Crimea was .less than 60 000 men, and Lansdowne has sent me the ;ol1ow - that sent to Spain for tie Peninsular ing cablegram, "I beg to inform von Tar was less than 50,000. tha the British. Red Cross Society, and the Order of St. John, in view of the great demands upon their •e.. sourees both in France and in +he Rear East have decided to make to ;1D c.a, through hrou h the Empire, h �t ,pbyire ane °thea collections uoth21st day o' October. The money re- ceived from this appeal swill ee ele- woted entirely to relieving the '.,ut ering: of our wounded soldiers and sailors horn home and overseas .tt the various seats of war, from ell 'arts o: 'the bin's dominions. We have already received generous ,assistance in our work, but with the increase r British and overseas forces at the front there is a corresponding in- crease in our expenditure, and ee shat' be truly grateful to you if -au wig. help us by organizing an appeal and sending the proceeds to is or the objects which. I have named. I shall be greatly obliged if you wilt kindle, communicate the foregoing to your government. Their Majesties, the Zino' and Queen, and Her elaj- esty Queer Alexandria are giving us their gracious patronage, and t trust that you will also be/ able to tee your way to help" -Lansdowne. In view o the urgency and importance of this, first appeal that the Moth- erland has made to us I confidently trust that you will at once organize with a view to getting a worthy contribution from the people of your municipality on October 21st, John S. Hendrie, Lieut -Governor. TAMAN'S Tie Fall Trade lS Opeu!Lg �p S�lc��idly In Made -to -Measure Clothes THE NEW SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS PANTINGS ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE THIS FALL. SEE OUR GOODS AND GET OUR PRICES. n Ready -to -Wear WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SUITS, OVERCOATS RAINCOATS OVERALLS PANTINGS. MAKE A CHOICE EARLY. SUITS $10 'to $18. OVERCOATS -$10 to $17 RAINCOATS -$5 to $15. OVERALLS -75c. to $1.25 PANTS. -$1.50 to 14.00 Furnishings HATS -The High Crown Fe- dora in GREEN, BROWN, GREY AND BLACK are the nifty wear for• this season, BUY STANFIELD UNDER- WEAR., ARROW COLLARS ARROW SHIRTS, TIES, BRACES, GLOVES and other furnishings from us. TAILOR FURNISHER, AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF 'f.l?E NATIONAL CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND. We have now entered upon the sec - ono yea ;of .the war, and the t•n e seen • as far off as ever. No elle imagined a ,year ago that be Sep- tember of 1915, Canada would have sent across .the Atlantic nearly one hundred thousand men with as many mon. to follow if necessary. This magnificient enlistment, while primar- ily due to the loyalty of our .people, ha been, in a large measure, made possible by the Canadian Patriotic Fund This greatest of all the national benefactions is now assisting ~twenty thousand families of men who have enlistees 'for the overseas service. These men .have gone forward with the fuh assurance. that ,the people of Canada will see that during their ab- sence their wives, widowed mothers and little children shall be maintained in comfort We ,bear that the drain upor. the Fund is assuming large' pro- portions, that ,to - meet the .seeds of July .and .August .$700,000 was.ex- psndea that the reserves are being materially, decreased and that the nat- ional Executive Committee r.ow ?finds it necessary to make a further appeal tc the Canadian public. There are many funds, most of thein .worthy but of them all the Patiiotic Fund is she one we cannot allow w to fail It is ` the duty; of - the G'wern-. mens tc arm, equip and maintain the troops Not a dollar the Federal authorities give to the Patriotid Fund. This work depends solely c n the patriotis^marid generosity of our own people.- Thousands of brave inep are .!fighting our .battles, believing that we meant' what we said when'we told thein as they went forward: -"Go and n, will care fox the wife_ and,; kiddies. It would be to our everlasting dis- grace if 'our pledge were broken. The national organization, with .lead quarters,at Ottawa and branches. or affiliated associations in every -part of the Dominion, is worthy of our most generous support. in the u•e- mendous and evergrawing task' that it has undertaken. GRAND. BEND Mr, and Mrs ,Reid who:: have been here camping left'` for their home in London Sunday. -Mi. Adolp ' Allen was ei Parkhill on business Thursday M Cyrus Green has gone to Port Frank. for a few days. -iter. - Gordon ,Hamar of London was in 'our burg Sunday. -Mrs. Egan: of Michigan is visiting her sister Mrs• Wm, Patter- son: -Mrs, bank Geromette and Mrs. Nelson Ravelle are an the sick list, Agricultural- Brood mare, Evans tire. Ll, hlcLarte & Son. Bros., i:I 'e 1 r T3 Norris, 1 o is a , J lie foal. .1: 1 I 0 , I ,� iI3Xe iSG1I Ol PUPILS I.• Delbridge, Ne Ja. ,Ilea z &,. ,l; three ; PAItT I.IaNT year old, A M..Doupe, itobt Skinner; . Pencil drawing, Wilbert Williams, two year old, .L toelbridge,:11`- J. Rea Iva Francis, le Burton; epeciman of 2 & 3, one year told Adana M, Doupe, writing, F.sie Pridharn, V. Moore. I. Chas_ Atkinson; team ir, harness, Jas. Francis, eel, of wild flowers, pressed. louts. A. c.obtiison 2 d, 3; best boric B. Pridb:un, Ila Berry, G, Francis; or colt in chis, ,las. .""•"' orris, col. of steeds, pressed, M. Sweitzer. heavy 1?raur lit- l;rood utare, J, it. i, Be re, E. Francis; col, of weed seeds Duncan, . Iielbridge: foal. J": R. in bottles. I:. Prldbam, W', Roadhouse. D"ue"n; two ,year old, ,L Pelbrcdg;'; Blanche Burton; col. of injurious in- a t":i•old,J., t cine at D grid • c 'li Norris • yfi , � soots, iw1', Sweitzer; .B, Pridlz:eni, ale^s- tenru in harness. 11•an, Brook, Jas. is a miss; cats of photos of .nature, Robinson; bee: Bovie or colt it Blass p� x{y ate. 11`. '\lilt nuts; tot. of melee Wm,. Uncle.. awood'., Lester McCt:rdy, I, Paynter; Hackney & hladge, ::t�, cial for best t;•, Hoadliati.-, ; ru.augolds red,Claxeuce draught, agricultural or heavy Sweitzer; r; Bug; it Witte. !la Berry, Wm, draught, any age, Mo. Brock, Iteadbouse; Swede turnips, Orville Judge -J. C. Ellis. Rodger. Wm. Dou;•e, A. Stewart; po- Roadsters-Brood , ► T in, r ,. Decker R e nub) t 1'• IlaU o s l b ar is t valeta t,tt: u 3I t , pt Jr.. Thompson Brod; to 1, J. Decker Kathleen O'Brien; garden carrots, X. Jr.. Thos. 1lurr.ty • .bret. year old, D. O'Brien,, It. Marriott, 0, Rodger; par - Douglas & Son; N.'A ttsoat: two yea;'snips 11'. 1 illi:uns, M. Doupe. Elsie old J. Gettler. S. Collins; one year old ' I'xldharu; cucumbers, A. Stewart, O. S. Collins, J, Deckrer..r. ; ^ir.glr road-- ster, \Vine I3roc1:, M. Ile, U, tio'slding span roadsters, 11 nu. \1"tritael. Deoker, Sr., Jos, Ra.'; s !sidle leorse, 3, B. Elliott, Win. Bede; !Pet Wise or colt in class, D. Douglas 4L Son. Carriage -Brood Mare, E. et . Der - re ; er-re; foal, J. I ., ls'llicit; three year old. lEl, Hanson; two year old, J, Dente' Sr., Geo.. McCullough; single cine- ere horse, J, Pridhaiu, Roy Kirk,1 am. Sinclair; lady enter, D. ttoa l .nee; best horse or colt in class, B. Hansel... Special by Jas. More for boys jade.- ing a class of draught Horses by score card. Wm. Routley, Jno. Thompson, Geo. Kemp,. F. A. 'Taylor special for best light horse or colt, ill Douglas & Son. Judge -W. R. Elliott. CATTLE auger late Mune; pumpkin, E. Pride ham. Wm. Ttoadbouse, A. Stewart; watermelon. E. Pridharu; citron, Wil- lie taupe, K. O'Brien, II, I'4iynter; onions, I., Marriott, T.: Marriott, I. O'Brien; tomatoes, L. Marriott, Elsie Pridham. W. Williams; Northern Spy apples, L. McCurdy, Lt, Gunning. T. Marriott; Bing' pf Tompkins, Bare i, ierite .Doupe. Ruth Menne; apron, L. Marriott, Al, Sweitzer, Dorothy ltyott; buttonholes, E. Pridham, Ruby Marriott; cookies, E. Pridham, Ruby Mania t. L. Marriott.; soda biscuits, Verde Moore, K. O'Brien, It, glare riott; light cake, L. Marriott, Verde Moore, Velma Doupe; dressed doll, 33. Railee, Rd. Lingard, J3. Ross; bouquet of flowers. 1T. Sweitzer, W. Williams, K. O'Brien; 'largest hens' eggs, M. Doupe. L. Marriott, E. Pridham; ,col. Shorthorn -One year old bull, R. L of postage stamps, R. Menne, I. M. Berry ; ; patchwork -quilt, special, lid. Lingerie; watercolor, special, Elsie Pridham; blood beets, A. Stewart, Williams, E. Pridham, ;taloa Downey special for five lbs. of butter, Dawson Bros.; W. G,teiedd special for best Dairy cow. I. Marshall, ' i.. Atkinson. Ladies Institute. Kirkton, for best collection baking, E. Sweitzer. A. H. Zurbrigg special for best loin - shall, , on pie, Mrs, J. Williams, Sirs. Nathan Tolled Angus -Aged bull, D. Foster, Doupe one year old bull, I. Marshall, 0. i Concluded on Page 5 Switzer; two ;year old heifer, It. See ves,; best animal in class.. D. Foster.`— Holstein-Mileh cow, I. Marshall, D.1 WHALES . Foster; one year old heifer, I. Mare shall; heifer calf, I, Marshall; best I Pretty Wedding. -A. ;very pretty animal in class, I. Marshall. wedding took place.on Wednesday Hereford -Milch cow, J. Delbridge, 29th ult, at the residence of Mr. and J. Hooper & Son; one year old heifer, 'Mrs William Ogden, when their on - J. Delbridge 1 & 2; bull calf,' 3. ly daughter Vera Lorraine, was un - Hooper & Son, J. Delbridge; heifer' iced in ,marriage to Mr. Earl Roy Neil, calf, J. Hooper & Son; best animal" seconc' son sof Mr. and Mrs. F. H. in class, J. ,Hooper i son.. Nes of Luca,. The bride, who was Grade Cattle-Mileh cow, Chas. At-- given away by her father, was very Stinson, R. D. Hunter; two --sear old' becomingly attired in a silk crepe de - heifer, W m. Henna 1 & 2; one year chine gown trimmed with silk - had - old heifer, Wm. Bann'a, 1 & 2; steer : ow Iace ,and seed pearls, with Juliet calf. J. Delbridge; two year old steer cap and ,veil, and carried a shower ft. ,D1 Hunter 1 & 2; one year old bouquet of bridal roses and lily -of -the steer, J..Delbridge ; fat cow or heifer' valley. Mendelssohn's wedding march 3, Delbridge; fat ox or steer, St. D. wa- played by Miss Rhea Bailley of Hipster; best animal in class, 1e. 'D. Kirkton who also played Loh-engrin's Runter, I arida' chorus during the signing of Judge -Thos. algal, Bradford. • i oe the register; 'The ceremony was SHEE' t performed by the Rev. F. C. ieyott of bixkton. beneath- an arch of ::ver - Oxford Downs -Aged ram, J. Mor- green • and roses. The groom•'s gift phet; one year old ram, Jos. Mounn to the bride was a pearl and, diamond tai, 1 & 2 ;ram lamb, J. Morphet J. pendant and to the' pianist,' a gold Mountain;. ewe, Jos. Mountain, J. wristlet. After the ceremony a Morphet; shearling ewe, Jos, Moan- , dainty luncheon was served on the tai, 1 '& 2; ewe lamb, J. Morphet, J. lawn ilk a. marque, draped with tri Mountain, I eolai eo bunting, flags and autumn Lo eicester-Ewe, G. Penhale, 1 & 2; 'eaves arid the tables were presided shearling ewe, ,Geo. Penh'ale ovei by the choir of St. Paul's Church Lincolns -Geo. Penhale swept the Kirkton which the bride.was organ- li t. i,st The happy couple left, .amid. Grade -Aged ewe, J. Morphet 1 & showers of confe:ttia for Toronto, Ni - 2; shearling'ewe, '. Alorphet 1 & 2; agent Falls and Eastern points, the ewe lamb, J. 'Morphet 1 '& 2;• fat bride travelling in a naw y blue serge sheep, 'Jos. Mountain, _G., Pienhale, military suit with smart black velvet Judge -Geo. Kemp. ' hat, Or their return Mr. and Mrs. IIOGS , Neil will reside near Lucan. Guests • were present from:Montreal,: Toronto Yorkshire -Aged boar, C. Barnett;London. Woodstock, , Dutton- Wing- aged sow, Garnet Miners; 1915 boar, han, ana other places. Garnet 'Miners; 1915"sow, '�G. Miners, n Bros. swept the Fred Hopkins Chas enlisted. as a 73erkshire-Dawso $ o P soldier and 'is now training .int London lista. i -Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Baker of Lion's Tamworth -'R, Douglas'& Son swept ,Head a 'visiting this week with his the list. brothel Arthur. -Wen. ,Tookey pent Judge -'R. Delbridge ' Sunday here .the guest of Wm. liodg POULTRY 'eon. -Mrs. Milton. Dale is sick and :on Light Brahinas, Geo. Graham; fined'to het bed. -Mr. and Mn.s'Wm, chicks. G. •Graham; Minoroas, black Morley .were. presented with a baby rose 'comb, (R. N. Shier 1 & �2; chicks girl on ,Sept. 26th. -Mr. Albert Gunn - R, 'N Shier 1 '& 2; Partridge rocks, :,iizg who ,bas been,on�' the sick list W: Yule; Plymouth Meeks, white, R. i.s" improving , land out again.. Roy. Douglas '& Sons; -chicks. R. Dot'iglaa Lampkin and 'sister who were, guests "'Sons; 'Plymouth Rocks, barred, W. at Vera •Ogden's wedding visited here, Yule. G. "Graham;. chicks, W. Yule 1) for a few days. -Mr. John. Parkinson & 2, silvei• pencilled Wyandottes,' T. is holding his .auction ";sale Wednesday Murray ; Columbian Wyandotte, Geo. and I-lenry Squire Thursday.:' Both Graham;: white Leghorns, D. Douglas men are giving:,up farmingg.and going &'son ; E. W. Berry,; cl icliseD. Doug- to• live in .tgwn•-Anniversary .. ser las & Son. -E. W. Berry; brown Let Lag- vice; twill be held,here and Sunday .he ^ horns, J. White & Sons 1 & 2; chicks, 17th, at` 110,30 and 7. Singing( by the J. White & Sons 1 & 2; Jioudans, choir of .a special • character, and a chicks, G. 'Graham; white Orphington, thane; offering to be taken. -Farmers Mar - Hunter; Milch cow, R. D, Hunter; two year old heifer, le. D. Bunter; one year old heifer, R. D, liunter 1 & 2; bull calf, R. D. Hunter, Thos. Brook; heifer ca7:f,B. D. Bunter; best' animal in. class, R. D. Bunter. Jersey -Milch cow, D. Thompson; two }year old heifer, I. Marshall, D. Thompson; one year old heifer, D. Thompson; heifer calf, D. Thompson 1 &:2; best animal in canis. 3. liquor case an on p ea ing guilty was seateneed to ten days d I d y , il. Had it IWe, the undersigned, hereby agree to close our places of business each evening during the week at six o'clock sharp, ,with the exception of Saturday evening, beginning Novem- ber 1st. Sy& Davis J. A. Stewart rte. W, Taman G. R. Bedford Peter F a S 3` aiC 47 , Martin & - y San W. J.7Secr Jones May Grigg Stationery Co. 'Wm. Rivers U. W. F. Beavers T. Hawkins & :Son W. J. Beaman - R. Nt, Rowe Jas, Beverley • BIRTHS Deming -In Dashwood, on Oct. 3rd:. tc. Mr and Airs. Fred Dearing, a son Morley -In Usborne, Sept 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, a daughter, Brown -Ir. Stephen, on Sept. 74 • tc slr and Mrs. W. Brown, a sen; Gillies --In Exeter, ,an Oct. 3, to Mi ansi sirs Percy Gilkes, a daughter. eles-key- At Hensel, on Sept. 23:_ s#a and Mrs. William Mackay, daughter. Elliot --At Stanley, on Sept. '8, :1 Mt anti Mrs. J.Y. Elliott, adau .-- -tet til ARRIAGEa eel -Ogden -At Whalen, Sept.e9t 1y Vert Lorraine, daughter of Air. end' Mrs Wm. Ogden, to Earl R. Nell, . sot of Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Neil of Luca, ones--Holman••=•In Egmondville, on Sept 29 Rene, daughter of $r, G, 14 Holman of E o d' m n �, 'grille. to Mr. 11'ilii:im J. Jones of Watford. -o-.-- DEATHS atvden-ie Ridgetown, on Sept, 330 Mart Webber, wife of fir. Joseph Bee dee of Exeter, aged 73 wears, xeter Bargain Store Shoes and Clothing ALL BOOTS AND . SHOES ROES Noe that Wold wet weather is coming the boys anti girls require goas". strong shoes to keep them dry. We :gave them lots of styles, BIG VARIETY IN MEN'S :tea) WOMIEN'S SHOES -Patent, Gu, Metai. Doagola, Box -calf, besides ell the heavier styles. OUR PRICES on Boots and short are absolutely the lowest, TRY A PAIR OF ASTORIA etithEe fox ,men TOT SHIRTS --We have hist st,etevas' a big ,delpnient or Men's fine .i'oi' Shirts CLOTHING. -How about that fall Suit or Overcoat. See our made - to -measure samples. They will int ;rest you B. W. F. Beavers. RE -,SOLVE D LATE ALVAY64 KEEP BOTH LYES` OPEN LOOKING OUT FOR, 600 TI -I IN4 S FOR, OUR, C-VA.CroME R, LADIES' WINTER COATS In rthe newest military ef- fects , with -the new flare skirts and belted models. Every .:oat is well 'tailored and the cloths are the newest . weaves and shades, - LADIES TAILORED SUITS Let us stake your order ''or ar up-to-date man -tailored iuit We guarantee -a perfect fit and use the .best of trimmings. and linings. Get our prices. SWEATER COATS ' In such a variety of collars. in the - mew - two-way collars These coats are made from the best yarns; and are priced at $5.00; other lines at .$1.50,52.75 and $3.50. , DINNER SETS At the 'following prices.- Peacock Milan 97 pee. $10.00 Davis -rose -stock pat. .97p.$12.50 Genoa r• ditto, $18.50 Mildale ditto; .. $17.00 White & Gold Aust. china $35.00 401 -+t YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS We have a wonderful showing of Winter Overcoats for young men and men 'this season, Buy' your coati early this sea- son while we have your size and such a fine range to choose from BOYS' & MEN'S CLOTHING Boys' and men's new' clothing that we are showing for fall and winter ,is full of snaps and vim We are fortunate to be able to show you such good clothes at so low, a price. COLORED UNDERSKIRTS. For $1.50 you can buy an underskirt that we guarantee not to fade or rap and will give sat- isfactory wear or your money will be cheerfully refunded. Ask to see them. . WARM UNDERWEAR For men, Penman's Fleeced - Lined, each 50c HeaV-yetneight Penman's Fleec- ed Lined 750 Natura wool, Penman's $1.25, $1,35, $1.50 Combination, all sizes $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. P HONE 16 J. A. STEWART PE-IONE 16