HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-9-16, Page 8EXE FEE, ADVOCATE, THURSDAY SEETEMBE i. 1S 1H1.5 EXETER MARKETS. ()HANGED BACH WEDNESDA' ' New Wheat. ... . 60 to 85 tfarleg ,,,.,...... _ 40 45 uckwhea5 , , , . , , . 65 x Oats. ....— ,,,,.,. 35 Peas 100 Potatoeses erbag ,,.,.• 30 50 Hay, erten.... 14 00 1x4 000 Voter. cwt„ family 100 Flour, low grade per ew BtettQr.,.,,,., ,..... 22 4 Creamery Butter........ 20 30 1 Live hogs,per own , . ,. 9 00 00 Shorts per Gan ..,.. 28 20 00 $ran pert ....... • .. • . , LOST HEIFER. There strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con. 1, Ste - hen a 2 -year-old heifer, red. Finder will be rewarded by returning same or giving information that will lead to her recovery. WALTER HASKETT, Centralia VOTERS' LIST TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE COURT OF REVISION NOTICE is hereby given that . a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontdric Voters' List Act, by His Honor the judge? of the County Court or the County of Huron at .. ELIMVILLE On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER list, 1915, at 10 O'clock a. m. to hear and determine complaints of error: and omissions in the Vol...rs' Lists at the Municipality FRANCIS MfORLEY Clerk. Granton, Sept. 6th, 1915. CLERK'S NOTICE OF COURT IN NEWSPAPER LOCAL DOINGS. Monday and Tuesday next are ;he days of the Exeter Fair. You cannot down Harry Thaw. lIe now has a divorce suit against his wife, The Exeter Masonic Lodge which has been called off for two months, will meet Monday night next. The question of holding municipal election on New Year's Day may be considered by councils up to .he .15th of November, Mr Will Russell of Hay, son of Z ra Russell, of tonin, has oined the honor roll, enlisting at tt_ondon. George Sherman of Kirkton has els° enlisted. Mr James Beverley during the ,week - moved his furniture business from the McDonell •S Carling block to the Op- era House Block, which he wrought some months ago. Church Union between the Pres- byterian Methodist and Congrega- tional Churches of Canada is 10, be brought to a final issue of the vote of the whole of the Presbyterian Church of Canada within the next four months, Mr C H. Homey last week• handed The Advocate a sprig of raspberry bush some three, feet in length, well loaded with ripe berries. Wtishilc the foe. that a few berrlies on the bush- es at this time is not unusual, a branch of this length so well aden is a rare thing. NOTICE ishereby given that a Cour' will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Hono- the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at Town Hall Exeter, on Thursday, 23rd day of September, 1915, at 9.30 o'clock, a.m. to hear and determine .om- plaints of errors and omissions ,:n the Voters' Lists of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter for 1915. Dated Sept. 8th, 1915. JOS. SENIOR Acting Clerk of Village of Exeter DEBENTURES FOR SALE FRUIT BULLETIN Note the Goveretnents' Adver- tisin; telling you about Canadian Crawford Peaches. You should see your Grocer at once and; put dowr an extra supply of Niagara Peninsula Grown Fruits. This year quality is extra fine for canning. Fruit means good health. I Exeter Fair, Sept; 20 and ,1: Mr. Ed. Treble is off -duty owing to stomach trouble. The Sunday schools hold their ral- ly da,i on Sept. 26th, W. Hazelwood of Kirkton bought a Ford car from Malo Snell last week. Mr George Windsor is again ,con- fined to his bed and under the doc- tor's care, as is also ,Mr, Geo. Pow- ell. Yot cannot devote five minutes to reading the advertisements without 'earning some fact of actual value to vou. Test the matter. All editors and proprietors of newspapers were in receipt of a red covered book recently telling them that they must not print ,or reveal any information concerning move- ment of troops and much other in- formation mentioned. The hook is to be kept as personal and eritiate and not to pass to ether hands, ind be ready to produce it .when called fog In proper authorities. The fine for be instructions j, breach of 5 000 � is and five years in jail. We promise that we will avoid that penalty. At a meeting of the hydro -Elect- ric Power Commission. in Toronto last ween it was decided to build ^t.w transmission lines as follows, From Chatham to Petrolea and thence to Oil City a distance of about 24 miles, from Granton•to Kirl ton end thence to Exeter, a distance of shout 15 miles • from: Lucas= to ,Ailsa Craig abou: 10 miles: It is expected the line to Exeter will be commenced at once Granton votes on the oy-law on the 28th of September. The Village of Exeter offers ,for Sale $20,000 Hydro Electric Debere tures bearing interest at 5 per teent. per annum, and re -payable with .in- terest to 25 annual instalments. These debentures are offered at par ,in a-' mounts of $1000, and the Council prefers to sell the debentures local- ly as they belive it is, a good ,nvest- men: for the citizens. Persons wish,- ing cc purchase any of the same will. make application to the Clerk 'aft to Wednesday Sept. 1st 19.15. JOS. SENIOR,Acting Clerk. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Good frame cottage, centrally lo- cated in Exeter, on lot and three feet of land. Four bedrooms, parlor, din- ing room kitchen, pantry, washroom, woodshed cistern andplum . Good hard water. Apply to agent Exeter. r Q W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of: Huron Perth. Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra: Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. fir Thos _Hawkins was in •Wiztdsez Saturday and Sunday: Privates Leon Treble and Edgar Korner were home from London camp over Sunday. . Mr. W. Davidson'and family of Len - doe autoed here Thursday and spent a few hours with friends. liis: Nina Ktneatenarrived homeon Saturday from Saskatoon _, where she spent the past three years. Un Mr A Hastings attended the n- nua, meeting of the derwriters socialite: at Toronto last week, ° Miss Gladys Nestle and Miss Ruby \'Von left Monday morning to et - tend the Hamilton Normal School: lir and Mrs, D. W. .Clarke and soft Gale retarded Thursday treeing. from three weeks' holiday at ' outh- amp.ton Miss Florence Triebner of Staphen left Monday morning for Stratford, where she will attend the Normal School Mr and Mrs, N. J. ,Dore returned last w•ee°.: tram a three weeks' ,auto Thee Exeter Manufacturing .:o. 'las trip to Brantford, Hamiltons Toronto, an exhibit of machinery at ,1,ondon and other plaCes t Fait this eek in charge 4of W. J. The Misses Lula and Maud Mc Avoy Murray and 'WI Fra ser. after a three weeks' visit with rele- The Ford Car Company of . anada is preparing to undertake the manu- facture of a new farm tractor et Ford City, Ont, with an additional work- ing force of at least 10,000 men. The Public School Department e the Exeter School was re -opened , on Monday after vacation. The teach- ers are Miss Vosper, Miss Murray, Miss Kinsman, Miss Quackenbush and Miss 'Dow. The work about the schoot has not been completed but the class rooms are in ,readiness, and school work has been resumed 4n all the rooms. Some chauffeurs think that they need only ,to blow their .horns and the pedestrian will leap out of the way The chauffeurs in their arrogance will be getting up a horn code tor the pedestrian to learn and obey some- thing like this; "one toot --Throw ,e. quick hand spring for the sidewalk Twc. toots, Dive over the ear. Three toots—Lie down calmly; it is too late to iescape, but five will go over ar easily as possible ii, you keep very still. One long and two short toots—Throw yourself forward and sant both your arms. One short anti two longs—Throw yourself back- ward. and one leg will ,be saved. Four toots—Its all up with, you, but we promise to notify your gamily. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.— I desire to announce that I have op- ener: a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office arid will keep a full supply of the best grades of flours and Leeds, I solicit your pati SIDNEY DAVIS MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b� C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Help! Help!! When one notes the many .mail bags of catalogues from the mail teller houses one wonders why the local merchants do not advertise .pore. They surel ' have goods to sell -and they should not hesitate to .let :he people known The best way toJo oome t it 1.3. through the newspapers. merchants do advertise and profit by it bur others are away behind in 'his regard and it is their 'own fault it trade does not come to them.e p the trade at home by advertising your wares A decision given by Magistrate Holntstead of Seaforth under The Canada, Temperance Act, is to ;an - portant one. Thos. Stephens of that tows, was prosecuted because liquor we: found in his hotel. The ,nquor was not in the barroom.. The defence claimed that it must be proved that the liquor was there for sale, and that it is only where liquor is found ;n the barroom 'that it is, under the act, deemed to be there for sale, Crown Attorney argued the opposite to this contention of Lawyer Best, but the case was dismissed, and it tis said that the defence was right. The home town is Best ,After All— If you meet a man who ,is down in the mouth, who thinks that ells town is all -wrong, lust take him eside or give bum a ride and hand ;him this quaint little song "There are fancier towns. than our own little town, there are towns that are bigger than this and the people who live in the tinier towns all the city excitement will miss. There are things you can .ee in the wealthier town' that you ,can't in the town that is small; ,and yet up and down there is 'co other town like our own little town after all, it may be the street through the .heart �f our town isn't long, isn't straight, but the neighbors you know en •>ur own little town, with a welcome •your coming will wait. In the glittering streets of the glittering town with its palace and pavemlent and thrall; in the midst of the throng, .you'll fre- ouently long, for one 'own little town after all. If you. lave and ,work and trade in your town inspite of the tact that it's small, you'll emd 'that the town, your own little town, is the best- kind of town after all. DEATH OF MRS. DINNEY.—An- other• of the aged residents tof.Excter passed away when the death took place early Sunday morning of Lu - chide Wilson, relict of the late Charles Money. During the east -year eters, Dinney had been 411 much of the time from gangrene, .but had recovered entirely from this 'rouble. On Friday morning last she ;suffered a stroke, of paralysis and from that time sane until death claimed .her. Born at Whitby, Ontario she there some sixty years ago married Mr. Charles Dinrney,:and immediately af- terwards moved to Exeter, and her residence ever since has been , int the village or the neighboring Township of Stephen. Her husband died dee years ago and she continued ,to re- side on the farm until last fall, when she came to live, with ,her daughter, Mrs, Eli. Snell. Deceased was a kind-• ly woman ,respected by all twhot knew her and beloved by the family.. : She had reached the good age of .J9 years There survive four sons and three daughters John ad Millett, Alta., R. W. ° and Thos. M!, of Exeter, and Christopher of Stephen; Mes. Eli Snell of Exeter, Mrs, Wes. J.ynes of Edmonton, and Mrs. George Walker of North Battleford. The funeral took' place froze elle residence of. Mr. Eli Snell on Tuesday afternoon to the Exeter cenietevy, BAY YOUR FEE; -I number of the:" Bowles' have not. 'pa'fd, _their tznnual fere: See that it is :done at once. "R£5'7tiGn 'ON 'RATS" clears out tire: here returned to their atome an Brantford Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Nelson Stanlal:e and Mr and Mrs. Wes, Dearing of ;>te hero visited n ritast r.ma:n;=trip in Mr. _Vise Into Sweet left Monday to attend the Stratford Normal :'drool, She was accompanied by her ,father and mother who afterwards attended London Fair. Mr and Mrs, A. B. Richardson te- turned to Montreal last week, atter spending a few days with the latter's parents Mr and Mrs. Seal ^Smith, London Road south. New Tailor Shop Roasts retain their natural flavor -- bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a COarls dors l always come fresh and sweet m its perfectly ventilated rM- from t oven. See the McClary dealer in your town, Sold by T. Hawkins & Son The Advocate subscriptiion mail- and if it does not read at least up to Lug list has been corrected up to the I date kindly attend to the matter and 20th of August, Look at your laBel Sheere desireses to announce e to the public that he will on Sept. 1st, 1915, open up an us -to -date Ladies and Gents Tailoring Business in Exeter. He will put in a full line of :wash- ionable Goods and will always nave a large assortment of Samples to choose from. OUR MOTTO will be to ,give the Best possible Value at the ,least pos- sible money. A CALL SOLICITED Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central FINL• PEACHES., --One man at lease in this neighborhood was this year favored with a goodly ,tuantity of peaches off a tree at itis nome He secured four and a halt ten quart baskets from the one tree. The :tv- on cukotde half in- Tea & Coffee in one basket was nine and a half in- Coffee j�, rhes. They were of the Free eltone Champion variety and delicious in , taste. The lucky man was :fir. ,las, Weekes who is himself some lander of fruit and attributes the escape Come in and help us unload our furniture as we have a large stock which must be sold. We also have the best furniture polish even' made; and a polish for your cars and buggies equal to none. See our display of KIRSCH cur- tain rods, the neatest and simplest rnd on the market. R. N. ROWE Embalmer Etc. Phone 20a, Best O Hotel. N. Sheere Thres�iu� Coal Both At Exeter an Se1.doil from frost of the peaches as d ue to it.; nearness to the house. Opera House EXETER FAIR NIGHTS SEPT. 20 and 21. THE BOY ER -YIN CENT Stock Company Store The 1916 Model OVERLANL is now out and is a beauty Big reduction in prices. Call and see the new Mode) which is the most -up-to-date they ever built, Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. I Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Presenting NEW PLAYS, SCENERY, VAUDE- VILLE AND EFFECTS THE SHOW YOU KNOW EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE SEE THESE TWO PRODUCTIONS THE WESTENER SWEET CLOVER P toetettegliceteto. Don't die in, the Zonae 15c and 25c, at Drug and Co ntry Stores , MARRIAGE LICENSES "ISSUED be C. H Sanders at the Advocate Of - five, ; Strictly confidential; no witness RICES—Children 25c. Admission 35c, Reserved Seats e0c. Plar now open at Howey's Store: EXTRA ATTRACTION Mlle Palfryman The Greatest of all Palmists ;and Crysta' Readers, She will anlswer questions free at Each Performance. DF IN DOUBT ASK t HER. Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal Agents For British ,Aeric- an Oil Co. Kesife, Rowe, & Wood NO NEEDLES TO CHANGE The Wonderful diamotridstylus in the New Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph does away with the troublesome process of changing the needles that wear out and destroy ' valuable records. NEW ,EDISON Diamond Disc Phonograph The triumph of Mr. Edison's greatinventive genus. Here, at last is ;a phonograph that re- produces the voice and in- 'strumental music with absolute °fidelity to the original—human, life -like, natural ;.What all music lovers have waited for. J W`ll'owell, Agent 'On-el;thibition at Powell's`Bazaar, Exeter, Ont. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. St IIILLINERY DISPLAY The Event of the Season FRIDAY & SATURDAY Sept. 17 and 18 r } Our show rooms are just brimming over with the Newest creations from Hat- dom. All the latest shapes from Paris, London and New York are shown here, See our Magnificent Des - play. NEW WINTER COATS NO TWO ALIKE You always get Some- thing new and differeht from anything you buy elsewhere We have the well known Northway & Rodgers Goats. The two leading makers in Canada, Come and see otu' coa .t✓ and have a try on,. t He adi uarteri for the celebrated W.E. Sanfood C othing