HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-9-16, Page 5LEGAL DICKSON & CABLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Qom. miss±oners. Solicitors for the eloleons Bank. etc. Honey to Loan at lowest rates of interest =ices -Main -St., Exeter t, R. Carling, B,A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large axoouet of private amide to loan on farm and prop- codes at sow rates of interest. GLADI AN ae STANl3UR'X Barr, s tern, Solicitors, Exeter, DENTAL, Or: G. F. RQULSTQN. L.P.S , D,D.S. DENTIST Member of the R.C.D.S, of Ontario and Honor Graduate of 'Toronto University. ol'ftce-Over Dickson & Carting's law office. Ciosed Wednesday afternoons, DR. A R. KINSMAN, L,D.S., Honor Graduate o" Toronto Universitl DENTIST ieeete extracted without pain, or any tad *.tecta. Oet:ce over Gledinan A litanbury'a °Mee, Main Street, 1140aac, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or arty mal. over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of available Domin ion'land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant niust appear in gersso, at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict Entry may be made at my Dominion Lands Agency (hut not Sisb-Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader -say live withia nine miles of hid, homestead en faai�al of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable -house is re- si- d in every case, except when Ie- armee is perlprnied in the vicinity, ID certain districts a homesteader in sciod n alongside hiissrhomestead Price $3 peracre. Duties -Six months resi- dence in each of three years after earpme homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead .fright may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Ditties --Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu, - Myatt 50 acres, ants erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain. conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior a N.B.--Unaut�hori� trublic tion o ! this advertisement will not be peed tor. Western University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE - INCOME DOUBLED -NOW $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in a Artand Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. ' Write for parttoulars toe E B Braithwaite, M. AI;, Ph. D. , President. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESs. COLLEGE C NTR,AL STLTtATFORO..ONT Our instructors are experienced.. Pupils get individual attention and graduates are placed -in positions. I We are receiving 'applications we cannot meet. Students may enter any dme. Send for our frele catalogue and see 31 it interests you. - - D. A. McLachlan, Principal LLIOTT Toronto, Ont., has a well-earned tee putation for superior business and shorthand education, and .or assist- ing students to choice positions, "Commence, now, Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 734 ' .cin; a St. Yonge &Charles Sts:• RAILWA RAND TTRUNKSYSTEM "WESTERN FAIR" LONDON Return Tickets at reduced fares; to London :. i rom stations• in Ontario, Belleville, •Scotia Jun'ctior and South or West thereof Specie, .train service and ow .ate excursions from principal points en certain . dates; . Ask ;agents for ail.. particulars. ` Special train for London willlea.e Exeter -8.02a.m. on Sept. l,4thy i 5,th and 16th w. m x ' ` TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sept12, Information now in agehts' hands; ' P a N A 1IA. PACIE1Ge E' �`S„it? I x, aN � l' eetittceu fates to Same iran t:o`Los hias Angeles and San Diego. Tickets and full information on application to agents, N, J.'DORE, Eeeter Choose your sugar as carefully as you do your fruits. LANTIC Sugar makes clear Jellies and perfect preserves because it Is pure cane sugar, granulated extra fine and is kept clean and pure by the packages. 2 lb, and $ lb. cartons and 10 lb. and 20 lb. bags. 100 lb. bags coarser granula- tion. Weight guaranteed. Buy in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each package. Sexed your address and tertian Red Ball Trade Matt from bas or top end Of carton and we will real you book of eo assorted Fruit Jar Labels -printed and gummed ready to put on the ,jars, Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, si MONTREAL♦„ RUE.. sr. 3pttle.iv. B. a 'ata; CLLNTQN=,Jirs, Hessian, who ?Bas HENSALL been ill for some weeks with heart Many of our residents attended To- ronto Fair last waste hind 'this week London Fair is tieing well patroniz- ed r ....Lloyd Davis of Chesterville is trouble died on Sept. 9th, ‘iroul the effecte of a paralytic stroke. Her eon Dr. Harry Hessain and daughter Mrs. Cunningham, both of Toronto were with her at the time of her death, other children are j, W. of New Yore: Mrs R l\ Muir of Rochelle, N.Y. and \frs A .G. Read of Pittsburg, Pa. holidaying at the home of hist, parents. --Colin Hodson has moved his black- smith business to the Murdock' ,block on Queen street -The Misses Silves- ter and Robert of Detroit visited Mrs Shirray and family,, --lir, and Mfrs! Chas. -MeDonell and family have re- A S T O R IA turned front a visit in Forest,. -jos Burner, who hes misted at 'Niagara For Infants and Children in Use For Over30 Years Always bears the Six nature of ���e.rWi'T► WOODHA .L An event of more than ordinary interest occurred on Sept 4th.. at "Maple Leaf Farm,' SO Lint • Blanshard, the home of Mr. and Mrs John Hooper, it being the accas- ]ot' o^ the marriage of their daughter •--- - Ere A. to Mr. Victor Sawyer, of ZURICH Toronto. spent a day last week with friends. The Baud. of which he was a member gave him a send-off at the station. -- Mrs F Heywood, who underwent an operation at Goderich is Improving. ',-Alf Scruton is still very 11X, The citizens held a hydro meeting on Friday night to boost for that ,system -Cleve Joynt intends going into business here. --Garnet Smalla- combt of the Q.A.C., Guelph,,is vis- iting his relatives here.--Hensall busi- ness places and residences are being improved greatly. , -Messrs. George R. Hess and R. J. I Kalbtleisch attended Toronto Exhib- FALL FAIRS, , ition.-Miss Melissa Smith returned to Detroit. after a pleasant visit with rel - London .....,... Sept. 10-i8 'etives,-Rev. Mr, Kelhofer, a Mission - Exeter ...................... Sept, 20-21 cry from Chula, who has , returned Seaforth Sept. .23-24 home on 'furlough preachers in the Ailsa Craig ..Sept. 28-29 Evangelical church last Sunday, both myth Sept. 28-29 morning and evening, -Mrs. G. S. 12itchelr ......,,... Sept. ^8-29 Howard and her sister, Mrs. McDonald Goderich . „„, .,,....,. . Sept. 28-30 of Blake attended the funeral of the Kirktor ,,.. Sept. 30 -Oct 1 late John Allan, of Fairgrove, . tlicll,- Bayfield ........, 'Oct 5-6 • Mr. John. Vollick and Mrs. Alice • I Hohnex and Jack Hohner have return ed home from Port Huron. -Alvin Su - rerun left for Onkvilie, to resume his duties as teacher in the Public •school, -Mr IJ \filler of Sebewaing, Mises., is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs Miller. -Miss Agnes Iiaercherleft as delegate to the annual convention of the Young People's Alliance being held in Almira.-Miss Mable, daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. tPreeter, under- went an operation for throat trouble. The patient is progressing very iav- orably.-Mrs. SSchmidt of Rodney js visiting at the home of ,her daughter, Mea, C Hartleib.-Clayton Hoffman and Miss Minnie Merner are attend- ing ” high school at Exeter. -Miss St. Clair of London is visiting at the home of Mr. Conrad Theil.-Mrs. Buck of New Hamburg and Mrsa Eby ' of Berlin were visitors at ;the home DR. DeVAN'$FRENCH ' ,,ate of Mr Ed. Bossenberry.-Dr. B. s,; Camnbeli and Dr.. A, J. vicKinnon at - 5i0 sty;ft,all Tug.8tores. or ma ed teeny tendert,' the meetng of the Huron addreeircc it$f Joke.bra s `D 1 THEY'RE FINE FOR You should always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets *tithe shelf. The littlefoik so often need a mild and sate cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and mixtures, For stomach troubles and constipation. give oneiustbefore going to bed. All druggists, 2&c, or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO l0 CHAMBERLAIN'S .` TAB LETS - ¢slating pine for Agmen.. ;s5 a bo 40%r -eater 0%reater 4 pup A • SCo $LI^ aTfo Medical Association held in Exeter. ca,:8t, Cp:thar. ce 'ou aio. Restbres Viii ante ealrsa"grey - McGILLIV3tAY COUNCIL p a a bar or P QNOI� •FOR MEN. hI lif., yNerle and Digo; Inco Mkt -meat lb onic�r0i1 used you n . F two for 4s, at drugstores, or by m onaecetpt of prices. Tete scoeee ; esus co.. St, Catharines, Council met in Town Hall, NIcGil- Ontario. livray, Sept. 6. All members present. minute of last meeting were read and signed, °McIntyre -.Robinson- That PILES CURED at UOME accounts ante efeting in all to X138.70. Carried: Rosser -Glavin -That By - by New Absorption Method. law No. 5 of 19,15, tlevyinee on the' is- sessed property of the Township, die Ifr you suffer from bleeding, following he the rates for'the year itching blind or ror t udi,n193.5:-;County purposes • 4.5 mills on pg Pile. send me your address, and the dollar; township 4 mills ; ,,f'rbiir,a the I will tell you how to cureyour- supporters of Public schools sok ;bon - coal school rate 1.956 mills, .and the self at home by the absorption amounts .required by the Publ]c ,and treatment`; and will also ,send Separate schools as per Trustees req some of .'thus home: treatment isi'tio'; as read • first.: and second time free for trial, vtfith references be read a third and passed. -Carrier. McIntyre-Rabknsan-That. B=law No. from your own locality if re- • 6 of 1915 appointing Geo ,, ,Saunders" quested.. Immediate relief and • and Andrew Grieve Collectors for' the pertliailent 'eters assured. Send' Ease and West division of the, Town - no money, `but; tell others of ship respectively, as read 'a forst and second #sane lite read a fhi�rd time. and this offer. Write to -day to Mrs; passed. '"The Council then adjourned Al. Summers, Box 840 Windsor.' to meet Monday, Oct. 4, 1 o'.clock. Ont. .3. D. Drummond, Clerk. , A A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Ferprospectus and terms,write thePrincipat B.!.:Warner, M:A.,1 .D„St.:Thomas, Oat. 63r. Business and -Shorthand Wester eehooI Y. M. C.A. Building 20 onen. rondo " Ontario a - College in SessrcYllitipt. 1st to July. Catalogue Free. --Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Principal EDEN The farmers are busy getting their threshing doynee, Machines are plent- iful this year, ethers being four dif- ferent machines in this neighborhood during the past week. -Miss Oke has returned to Centralia after several it eeks' visit with her niece, ,idrs! Geo Westcott.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Coates visited in. Luton last week., -'Mr. and Mrs; Luxton of Exeter visited . with their son Jahn for a few ,days. -Miss Jennie Coates of London visited ,rel- atives here part Of last week.- Miss 'Alma 'Harding s'ta'rted to Exeter High Schoollast week. -Mass Trevethick of Brineley has commenced her duties as teacher in the public school here,- Inspector Tom paid a visit .to the - school here on Friday. .Nero Alfred I Coates, is wiearing' the smile ,that will1, not'come Off; a little baby girl has arrives; at his home, ''Miss ` North cots- Of Exeter is orkeofficial duty in. our titildsit this 'welt[. -Mrs.' , Harry .a Wright . of Michigan is visiting="e'nee f. sister -Mrs,`:.Sainuef;.. Sic inner. -Some of oiffyoupg.;:Melo are talking on en-' listing": with the •overseas contingent,- Severe' from=here are enjoying them- selne:. at London Fair this week S M RYS-The inquest into the death of Richard George Birch .who met a tragic death on Saturday night September 4th by being. run .over by G. T Rt Passenger tram at StMarys was held Friday before Coroner Dr. C F. Smith of St. „Varys. After hearing evidence, a verdict of accidental death was returned, with no blame' to anyone. There is more Catarrh in this sectioa of the coon try then all other diseases put together, and notit tbe last few years wap supposed to be incurable. For agreat mans years doctors pronounced it a local die ease and prescribed local remedies, and by 000atent. ly felling to cure with local treatment. pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven caterra to be a coristitutionsidiseue and therefore requisee consti. tutlonsl treatment. Ball's Ceterrh Cubs, ranulae tared by F. J. Cheney k Ca.. Toledo. Ohio, Is the oily constitutional cure on the market, It le taken Internally' It acts directly on the blood and museum Perfecto ofthe system. They offer one hundred dol. pard tar any (We i e� fula to cure. Send for eii ir, lets Aadrese:F. d. CIISnY S CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold by L)ruegists, es cents, Take Ball's laiuily pills for constipation. CLINTON-Mrs.- Fleming, ,mother of Mrs Guy Jones, died Thursday morning after a lingering illness of some years. Mrs. Fleming was olte of the oldest residents and was in her 74th year. KIRKTON Mrs Wm. Wisemars who has ,been in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Ferguson, who is seriously ill, Sas called to Goderich on account of the unexpected death of her sister-in-law, Mre. John Somerville, formerly of Kirkton - RAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest orin your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's "Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott & Bowie, Toronto, Oct. ` The story of Jack the Giant -Killer has always fascinated. One small boy destroyed a great menace. So it is with the wonderful TAKAIK , which unaided destroys the Giant '' Pain. Headaches, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia Sleeplessness ,and all ner- vous affections fly before it to their utter destruction. Because you have used all other re- medies without results is the best reason for using TAKAKE which gives ,quick and permanent relief in the most chronic cases. One of its many attractions is its absolute 'free - dory from any habit-forming drug. Use one box and the ,result will show you that, like little Jack, you can live happy ever after. Get TAKAKE. There is nothing the sam'•e or just as (good. 5Oc. at your druggist's, or 45c. by mail from Georgian Mfg. Co., Coiling wood, Ontario.. - CLEARING, Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements, Hay, Mangolds, Corn and Threshing Ma- chine Household Furniture. On Lot 21, N. Thames Road, one mile east of Exeter North, ,on 'Tues- day. SEPT. 28, at one ,aclocle, sharp- Hoises-Brood 'mare, agric., geld- ing 4' years, agric., 2 fillies, rising .3 yr„ agric.; driving mare quiet and reliable; 1 :standard bred stallion, 8 year. old , a good mover and brand etoc3: • getter, . inspected and enrolled in 'Fora No, 1, Cattle -Cow due in October; Six milch cow sup, with calve; ,2 r-eiSers rising three; 3 steers rising' thrce ,6 steers 'and heifers rising' two, ,6 spring calves Hogs -1 brood sow due in Jcto-. Gee your eyhibita ene.ady for , Exeter Fairnext week, the bee. 8:store hogs 100 Iles, , Inipleneenits-Lumber wagon, and -box, complete top buggy nearly new; ,on- en 'b'uggy nearly new.; road kart, pair bobsleighs nearly, new e new cutter; cutter .nearly new; Cockshutt sulky plow Cockshutt• 2 -furrow plow.walk° inn plow. 'set harrows, disc, tne; e. fuer tilizer drill. seeder, steel land roller Dew; scuffler,' tanning 'mill, aeleite,cler,, mower -nearly new; steel rake,,.i"�;rass seed, sower` cultivator, barrel roller; wheelbalTow, hay rack, pig crack,'bra-. vel' box. ginner, cream separator .in- cubator ; ,sager kettle)water trough heavy teaiele11, ureas, set trork ',harness; peri' eS,et sitrgle'•lubber. mounted ;aarLL iv@'ss, see "single harness. 15 tons trmoy' lay, 6 tons clov- er, 8 load second cut cloves-, 2 acres marigolds, quantity turnips, quantity of cors, in' field. Cat, ropes and swing, Ford Touring Car Price $530 ,Ford Runabout Price $480 Ford Town Car Price $780 The above prices f.o,b. Ford, ...)nt., affective Aug. 2, 1915. No speedem- eter included in this year's equip- ment otherwise ears fully equipped. Cars or display and sale at - MILO SNELL'S EXETER. IHE. l•\1\•ERg.AI C 1R grain bagsforks, shovels, hoes, grind stone, whiffletrees, neck yoke, bar- rels, saw a number of cedar costs, and Iand tile. 1 grain thresher with blower and clover attachment, with belt conipl to 1 stean, whistle, ladders. Cooking stovve, 2 heating stoves, organ, sideboard, extension table, kit- chen table rocking chair, kitchen chairs. dishes, mill, pails, pans, ,etc. Numerous other articles. Positively no reserve as the propri- etress has sold her farm. Terms -S5 and under cash, over that a mount 12 months credit on ep p rov- ed joint notes, 5 per cent per annum off for cash on credit amounts MRS L.WESTLAKE T.CAMERON, Proprietress Auctioneer Auction Sale OF CATTLE The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction at CENTRALIA, on SATURDAY, SEPT, 18th, a915 at 2 o'clock p.m. , 6 choice renewed cows with •:al- ve.s at foot. 8 cows springing to calve. 1(` cows and heifers due to calve in September and October. A number of yearling steers .and heifers, - Come and buy a good Durham Cow. Terms -6 mouths' credit on furn- ishing approved joint notes , with , 6 per cent, per annum, C.W.ROBINSON BYRON E. 'HICKS Auctioneer Proprietor - WHALEN Invitations are out foe' the wedding of IM1ss Vera Lorraine Odgen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wen; Ogden to Mr , Earl Roy Neil, song of Frank- lin Neii. near Lucan, on Wednesday, the 29th, at 12 o'clock noon. -Severe electrical storms and downpours of rain passed over 'this section ion( Sun- day. which has hindered ered t'he ;farmers in gettine• their fall wheat sowed; There are also some fields of oats to get in yeti -Those• who have been sick around here are now ,able' to be out again,and those who' have been visiting here, returned to their .ho'nes't. -Mrs Watson and heather Milton Frayne returned to their homie on 'Saturday,, near Forest, after spending ,a week at Mrs. John Morley's and 'with other relatives here. -,Miss Ger- trude Sutherby and Verde ; Morley are spending1t ,.his week in London, Mr.„ and Mrs, Albert Gunning visited .Sun day with atre and Mrs. Thomas; Gun- ning. -Mr. and Mrsi., John Wright vie- -ilea Sunday e reining` at the 'honte( of Afx and: Mrs. Ai; Duffield.- : •. Frank. Parkinson has taken possession of the farm of his father, Mr. John Parkinson who will move to town this ;fall.. T.nspector Torn was here Friday end e a1ve 'thee teacher, tlhe school arid the grounds the Al relpart. COMING THE BOYER-VINCENT STOCK COMPANY The management of the Exter Opera House takes great pleasure in announcing 'the .appearance of :he famous. Boyer Vincent Stock Company who will play a two night engagement hen starting next Monday e -ning Sept, 20. The Company only play the best of royalty bill and the open- ing *ill be. The 'Westerner ;with, C.W. Boyer and Miss Mabel Frost in the leading roles. A full line of high class' ;vaudeville will .be introduced between the ,acts while the electrical and scenic effects are of the best. Special low war time price, will prevail. 25, 35 and Sec. Seats now on sale at Rowey's .c)rug Store, LUMLEY Among those attending London I air thin week are, Mrs. J. A. Bolton, Misses Ellen Horton, Rossie Broad- toot. Elva Bolton, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hobkirk, Maggie Hobkirk, Geo. Park- er Olive Fairburn, S. Horton. -Mr. and Mrs. F . Horton and Miss Gertrude Mitchell visited relatives near. Bruce - field Sunday. -Miss Eliza Wallace has returned from visiting relatives on the London Road. -Mr. J. Hunkin inti family of Exeter were Sunday visitors at Geo Hobkirk's.-Mr. and Mrs. -G.. A. Glenn of Bruoefield visited she former's parents here on Sunday. -Mr. Robt Brandon of Forest was a week end visitor at Jim Horton's.-Jack Glenn delivered a horse to Jas. Nar- ri...near Mitchell on Monday, -Miss McDermid of 'High -gate visited et John McQueen's first of the week. -The Misses Helen and Alma Miller have gone. to S•eaforth to attend- Collegiate We wish them success. -We regretto report the death of M'rs. Cole, wile of the late Alfred - Cole, this week, the particulars of which will be/ found elsewhere. PARKHILL. - A quiet wedding took plade on September 1st. it the ' home of Mr. and Mrs. ,12'. - Harvey, when their daughter, .;Miss Olga, was . married to Rev, M, N,. ,Omond . - of Pictoin - -x-�o-x--' CLINTON:-While 'framing a sill at the home of Mr. William Jackson. Dick' Tasker had his rightibeg oadly cur with an adze which severed four arteries. ;ACTION OF . SINGLE SPOONFUL SURPRISES MANY ExetereoP bought who bg ht the sim- ple p1e mixture of buckthorn bark, gly- cerine, etc. lycerine,-etc. known as Adler-i-ka, are surprised at the .INSTANTeffect ee a SINGLE SPOONFUL. This 'rem- edy'is so complete a bowel cleanser. ties ie is used 'successfully` in appen- dicitis :Adler -i -lea acts on BOTH tippet and lower bowel and ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE: of Constipation, sour or gassy stelr.,ach. ONE MINUTE rters you The Mestle, ; Rowe & Wood lino take i thegasses r rnb leand pass out hada valuable `horse die thio . ueel . •:C?i~ S COLE, Druggist.