HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-9-9, Page 5LEGAL DICKSON &. CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solldtors, Notaries, Conveyancers,, Corny misei,oners. Solicitors for the blolsona Bank. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest Oi'fices-bfain.St.. Exeter 11, R. Carling, B.A. L. IL Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private cunds to loan on fargt and village prop- erties at low rates of interest,. GLADMAN & STANBU1,tY Barristere. Solicitors. Exeter. DENTAL Or. G. 1t`, ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST ktember of the R.tr.D.S, of Ontario and. Boner Granuate of 'roronto University. price -Over Dickson & carling's taw ,otttce. Closed Wednesday afternoons. -DR, A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., Horror Graduate of Toronto Utdveratty DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad effects. Orf:ce over Giadman & •3tanbury's Office. Mata; Street, Exeter. SYNOS'SIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any Inal over 18 years old, may homestead quarter -section of available Demin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan. or Alberta The applicant must appear, in perso ► at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. r Duties -Six mon#hs residence upon and cvltivatio.n of the land in each of three years. A leomestea"der 'ray live within :tine miles of his, homestead en a fwi of at least 80 acres, on certain con tions, A habitable house is re- alui ed in every case, except when.:e- siCdence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre, Duties -Six months resi- dente an each of three years after earpitta homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions. A settler who has exhausted his 'homestsed might may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts, Price $3 per acre, Ditties -Must te- sid'e 6 mantas in each, of 3 years, cu- ltivate SOacres, anti erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject oto reduction in case of rough, scrub- 'by or stone. land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- eaiin, conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy 01 the Minister of the Intarioo N•E.-Unauthlorized publication of this advertisement will not be pad for. Western University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCOME DOUBLED -NOW $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to.: E B Braithwaite, M. A'., Ph. D. President. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESs COLLEGE .CENTRAL lAita STRATFORD. Our instructors are experienced., " Pupils get individual attention ind. graduates are placed in positions. I We` are receiving applications we- cannot meet. Students . may enter any time. Send for our free catalogue sand see if it interests you. D. A. McLachlan. .Principal ELLIOTT Toronto, Ont., has a well-earned re- putation for superior business, and shorthand education, and for assist- ing students to clioice positions. Commence now. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 73s Yonge St. Yonge & Charles Sts. RAND TRUNK VALE "WESTERN' FAIR" LONDON Return Tickets at reduced fares to London from station:, in Ontario, . Belleville, Scotia Junctior and, South or West thereof Specia, train service and "os' . ate. excursions from principal points on certain dates. Ask agents for all, particulars. • Special train for London will le,ae Exeter 8.02 a.m. on Sept. 14th, 15th and 16th TIME TABLE CHANGES tfrective„ Sept 12, Information nowt, nes Lands. M ria -15,a l\TA.MA. PACIFIC EX?OSITION cccuucc a rare., to Sada Franc isco,'I.,os:' Angeles and San "Diego.o Tickets and full 'int.o'rnrataan on application to agents N. J. DORE, Exeter Orr LABELS FREEe. Sear@@yky•n addrressanpd small Red Ball Trade re. bag or tewillefda' you book 9i bQ assocarton 'ruit Jand ar Ica: iaprinted and gummed ready toput on. The Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited. mouTREAl, This insures your getting the same pure Cane Sugar of extra quality that you would get in the Lantic 2 and 5 pound Cartons. You can also get Lantic Sugar in 100 pound bags— either fine or coarse granulation as you prefer. Don't risk your Preserves. Make sure that they will turn out right by using Lantic Sugar. t14 MITCHELL. -The death recently of Mr. John A. MacDonald, mer- chant tailor. oe heart t rouble, was a grea: surprise and regret to every- one, He had played a game of ,bowls in the morning and died within 24 hours The funeral .wes held in •:Lon don from which city the deceased came twelve years ago. He was 41 yearn. old. C A TO 1 A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years • Always burs the .&4 Signature of GODERICH TP. -W. H, Lobb, reeve of this Township is , the first man in Huron county to milk his cows by a machine. A gasoline en- gine is the power used. This .engine also supplies light to the ;house, runs the pumps washing machines, cream separators etc. GODERICH One of our ,most popular young ladies was married at noon on September 2nd, in the person of Jessie youngest daughter of Dr. H I. and Mrs. Strang, to F,H. Hew- son manager of the Imperial dank, New Liskeard. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bedwetting, There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrc, M,Sum- mers Box We 840, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her suc- cessful home treatment with full in- structions. Send no money but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame :he child the chances are it can't nelp it. This treatment also cures adults end aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night, ST MARYS-The .wedding of 7, Creighton Carter of St. Marys and Miss Violet Blanche Carter of Toron- to, was solemnized August 31 in To- ronto Mr. and Mrs. Carter have gone ea a short trip down the St. Lawrence and upon their return to St, Marys. will make their home 'here, LUCAN The marriage took place on Wedgy' nesday last, at the home 101 Mr and Mrs William Elliott of this Village wher their youngest daughter, Miss Gertrude K. became the bride of': Charles W. Thompson, a prosperous young farmer of Harwich Township, Ken` county, Ontario. Mrs. E. Tennant had the mis- fortune to break her left .rm tbove the wrist Friday. Mrs. T. fell down the stairs with the above result ::a I severe shaking up. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing,the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul- sion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment 'gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while the whole syytem responds to its refresh - force. Free from harmful drugs. Scott, & Bowne. Toronto. Oat. • aerna Ecadiee) CFOs e A Christian college -home, .. healthful situation. Forprospectus andterms,write the Principal R.'I. Warner, 5.A.,D.D., St.Thomas, Ont. 63- College in Sessic Catalogue Free. ZURICH A horse driven by Ed. Willert and Charles Beaver became frghtened of a motor cycle on the Town .fine, and the bt. gy was smashed and the horse severely injured. -School re opened with the following teachers, G. S. Howard Miss M. Lamont, Miss M. Walker Miss J. Witch. - Trustees of S.5 6, flay, have engaged Miss L. McGrath of Atherly, Oat., as teacher at $600 ayear,-Our base- ball boys defeated Crediton on the litter's diamond Miss Margaret Lamont left for,Min- neapolis Minn., where she will .visit relatives.- lr. and 'elrs, W. Fink- heiner and daughter, of Milverton, visited at the home of ;Mr. W. H.. Hoffman for a few days last week. -Mrs Charles Hey, of Bad Axe Mich and Mrs Daniel Zinn, of Cavalier N. D. are visiting relatives and friends in Chia community. -Rev. W..,. ler wife ,and family left .Tuesday for Newcastle, Pa., where Rev. Miller will be located in future. -Mr. aarrn, Smith of Detroit, visited relatives, here during the week, -Mrs. C. _Felber went to Detroit to attend the runes- sI of a relative in that , city, -Miss Pear: Wurtz is visiting at Berlin and Guelph. -The other day while \Ir, j. F Rickbeil was turning ,the cor- ner, with his Ford t he speed of the auto caused it to turn over into the ditch Luckily the occupants escaped unhurt. MOUNT CARMEL Mr and Mrs. Shruinahan of Grand Rapids, Mich., are spending a few weeks with the latter's brother, Mr. David O'Brien, bore.- Mr. Frank Guinan who has been ill m Detroit, returned to his home near here some- what improved. -Airs. Gus. Hennessy is spending a feav weeks with her mother Mrs. Mary Glavin. - Miss Kathleen Murphy returned to Detroit after spending several weeks with friends. here. -Mr. and Mrs. Theo bold Dederich attended the funeral of the latter's mother Mrs. John brewer of St Clementsk.-,ir, Jos. Doyle on the sick list this week. -Mrs. C. Buckley is spending a few weeks with friend;: in this neighborhood.- Flan- agan brothers and their wives and families of Port Lambton spent Sun- day with Mrs. Mary Glavin. -Messrs, John Glavin and J Hall left this week. for' Sandwich College -Mr. John Hou- lihan is wearing a broad smile this , week at .the arrival of a son at his home. -Mrs. John Roberts left for 1,her home at North Dakota after • spending several weeks with her bro- ther Stephen Morrison. -Misses Nel- lie and Mary Ryan of Chicago left Saturday for that city after spending their summer holidays with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan. -Mrs: Jas. O'Rourke of London is spend- ing a week with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Barry WHALEN Wilmer Brooks,who has been sick with pneumonia, is improving a tittle. • -Wm. Tookey, who has been engag- ed with Wm. Morley for (the past wear a" farming has taken,up his trade as painter and is now ,working on a house near Granton. -Milton Frayne and sister of near Forest ,visited. over Sunday with John Morley and ,William Brooks. -Mabel Ashton ofLondon is spending a few w,eks with. her ,aunts around here. -Tessa Gunning is visit - in„ relatives at Kirkton this ,week. - A number from here attended :.ion Churcl Anniversary on Sunday and were highly pleased • with the dnscaur- ses preached .. by Rev, Barnby -Wm. Ogden and daughter Veba spent .urdaywith friends in London,., Mr. ' John Parkinson's brother David, St. Marys is attending the World's Fair at Sas . Francisco. -While Alonza Knowles;, was setting his threshing ma- chine in the barn of -Thos. Gunning lass week .Mr:' Gunning, in some way got hhi hand caught and ,two wingers were cut off. Drs. Lang were called and dressed the injured members. - Every avaiilable man in this neighbor- hood was, called upon to use the pit- ch'forl.• an Wednesday owing to ,the fact that two machines -struck ,here at the same • time. Mr. John Hazlewood threshed 450 bushels of oats off ,nine acres and 400 bushels of wheat; of 12 acres. -School re -opened on Wednes- day ' last with Miss Bernice ,Sterling of London as- teacher. ' • SHIPKA _ease Emma Cunningham of ildertan spent a few days here diuring the week with . friends, -Miss 'Florence McCormack of. London: spent a fete days with her parents here. --Rev. p. D, Thompson of Blues -ale took charge of the services' here on Sundays -Mr. and Mrs. B. R. McKenzie of 'Wind- sor and 'Mr. and Mrs. Will McLach- lar o Detroit spent the ,holiday fat Mr Peter 'e cKenzie's, CLINTON-lvliss Pearl 'Husband of Ingersoll, soll, and formerly in charge of the dressmaking department of Cauch. 8r- Co.. was married at New York Sept 1st to Air. Ray ,Rumrball of Clinton, who is the mechanical super- intendent for the Bell Telephone °'Co, They , will reside in 'Clinton. CHISELHURST The friends of Miss Greta "alc.Nauela ton wilt be pleased to learn that she is much improved in health and able to enjoy a social evening now ands a- gain, -Rev. Knight gave his congrega- tioa, a fine sermon on missions un - day afternoon -Miss Kelly returned to her home in Stratford on Saturday. -Mrs. Robert Cole still continues in poor health. -F. J. Sprigg, our en- terprising merchant, is kept busy and serve:, watermelon on Friday Nights There is more ('atarrh in this section of the coon. urinal all other diseases put together, and until the latit few years was supposed to be incurable For agreat many years doctors pronounced it a local dla ease sod prescribed local remedies, and by Constant, 1y tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced ft incurable, Science has proven catarrh to be a conatitutioneldisease and therefore requises consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, marmite - lured by F. J. Cheney at Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cureonthe mark et, t I to is internally' It ants directly' on the blood and mucous surfaces ofthesystem. They offer one hundred dot. jars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials, Address: F. J. Ci1E:;£Y & CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold by Druggists, : G cents, Take Hall'+ family pills for constipation, PARKHILL, - After several mouth.- illness of heart trouble Jabez East passed away at his home on Sunday, 29th, in his 69th year, De- ceased was born in Sussexshire, Eng_ land ana came to Canada with his parents when a small child. alley settled on the old homestead near Garbett in the Township of Me -i Gillirray, Thirty two years ago he moven to his late home at the west end of :Mill Street, Mrs. East died last spring, USBORNE COUNCIL Council met at Township Hall Sept, 4th. All the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. By-law No. 3 1915, authorizing the levy of rates (vac passed, signed anti sealed. A few accounts were passed and orders is- sued in payment. Council adjourned to meet Oct. 2nd, at 1 o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk HENSALL AIr George Trott left last . week fol Saskatoon an business, -William Craig left last weie c, to assist in taking the crop off his farm 'near Moosle, Jaw. -Geo, Case and son Garnet have purchased ,the flour, feed and t coal business: from Alf. Scruton, and are now in possession. -W. Hoggarth, wife and family left this (week, for London where they have secured a home or Princess St. near ,where Mr Hoggarth's school is located. -Wil- liam Bonthron, soli of James Bonthron is here from Grand Forks North h)akota,-Mr. Alfred Scruton is ser- iously ill and has been obliged to dis- pose of his business. Three brothers were here to see him Blast week. -G. Petty has purchased a seven -passenger Htipmobile.-A Arnold has recovered from his illness, -Mrs. W. Sherry, who has been visiting her relatives in Detroit. -Kenneth Pope, of the staff of the Molson's Bank, ,Merlin is spending his holidays with' his mother. =Mrs Maugle and son, of Detroit, have been visiting Mrs. Hy Cook.- -Miss Bee Reynolds has returned from visiting friends in Hamilton - The Misses Ross of Cleveland Ohio have been visiting Mrs. D. ;B., McLean "MADE IN CANADA” Ford Touring Car Price Ford. Runabout Price $480 Ford Town Car Price $ 78th The above prices f.o.b. Ford, ant., sffectiv;e Aug. 2, 1915. No speedom- eter included in this year's equip - meat otherwise cars lolly equipped. Cars op display and sale at MILO SNELL'S EXETER, •iHt i,\I\'l-Sti ,, C \R London Exeter Seaforth . Ailsa Craig Blyth Mitchel' God erich FALL FAIRS. DR. ReVAN'$ FRENCH. PILLS Arails. Sept, 10-18 ole Re- lating Pill for veep' 'y,5 a bas or three Fpr Sept -20-21 SI Sept. 23-24 ..Sept, 28-29 Sept. 28-29 Sept. 28-29 Sept. 28-30, Kirktor. Sept, ' 30 -Oct 1 Bayfield Oct 5-6 Of Sgia.,at all Dim Ores, or mailed tb any adue dfessonreceiptorp i .TSCOLLIL DEMO Co t.,Cathivine ,'Otj b. PHQSPHONOJ FOR MEN. ; aa Vtayity,fo? Nergeand"81st n; increases "grey matter" • a Tonin, -will bind you up. Si a box, or two for $5. at drug'stortt;or by mail + •r receipts Of price,. TiiS SCOLELL Dzt o CO., St. Catharines, Ontario. Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions -as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best CHAMBERLAIN'S TABL remedy is Chamberlain's StomachandLiverTablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today --druggists 25e., or by mail from Climbs/lain Medicine Company, Toronto far !ANXIOUS TO HEAR. IT, SIR ROBERT -The message from the Mothe country to Canada