HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-9-9, Page 4Ct53eter A.brictrate
Sander: & Creeab, Proprietors
In advance $1,00 per year in Canada
$1.5( in United States. If not paid
in advance 50e. extra per year may
br .:barged.
i.ht wet weather is seriously tifeet-
1e," the 'been crop and in, many phases
teen: ie only half of trhat teas ex-
p. #sett.
Garnet Streit °w, close Foist. rierb
I ai.rc: and N, teen Holtzman ;tend-
ed Toroeto Fair the past lett days
'anti alsc epee: a d21 az the, and
• Buffalo.
elrj Ilug n G :lin echo has been
visitina i^. Lu:kaow. for some time 's
•eexl visiting herr daughter earn.:ierb.:,:eed, o which when sold will To to
E lber th Pat .oti Fund. They are m ee
?'�. `"h ... •t. �: meet-
:p.a.: >. Neve art 'i7,.t...e. n, ,t ,,real Stan:t3;s it se wring the
,.? ... t?.- ,. ',S' trays. .., rues
irt,asae-, irn.tin,4 was 00,0,0. n
t ( % N (yndnC.
john Dyct has given ;tis :er"ee in
fro". tee his residence a coat of taaint
t .eb., improving terse appe"arart7'
s >' ru , c It`c
'had c splendid `.lid flay pn e, era. ,..i •ata
• s 1. etas
• t r . .Z•,a..:t.z t t to ,e: inti.
C:;to ;tl
Fruit Brand --Dept. of Agriculture
L (=bards and Gage Plums are
now in their prime. Canning and
preser.xng should ii t be post-
poned. The qualitythis year is
high in both peaches and ;Mums
due to the fact that the trees
are not overbudened. Crawford
:tea Elberta peaches are now er-
a:faying They are the best pro-
duct o< our Canadian orchards
and are supreme both for eat-
ing and preserving. Plenty o€ean-
ned or preserved peaches Ind
;Tunic means good health in win-
ter By perfectly sterilizing the
bottles and fruit --no sugar is
needed. There is health, economy
and luxury for those who act
promptly. Phone or eat on your
are e' and have Mini bout; your
carder in advance.
,Isant • weatter the, attrd-
+': z rat, large. R2' Powe.
gave ar • httetvsting J hlk `ban the weal;
Y ,: t rer„,iw e Committee mmitte. an the
i4 ,'steer C e'='lees'= to prepar: ,.fuse f
f the .r*,weustry. We wish lira
even catwes.
G,fid. h. Lt
t,. 1.1:7a e*, 'r e da. revising .he
Tist of the Township shits of ; t.'p_
• i'L \.;4i to a ;1;11,41111::::"4.°'f 4, se''. se's were
`• `n'a-Y'.' St weZ7•,\•.. - eta@
• ....�,-. h� .tea,. 'Staab a f,3r ,etenai
;,• s s; . •Oest.z» a. s i ."
t' .. tit fever. Her •�8ti i �'
Yi... a -pe : e r :"i is rw«,o�t eer: ate
.a «.air see we, stop recbowee . W
l , ` , tc,. e cre? . e ttbe: R
`u. 'MsA nCrtiwdw*wxtw�,.....,.....is .....o,.h... k
, vas' ww..ed , *I. :Ywe..
-.. ...e entatic he: ave.*'Cross e.:: wit o: the Red ' rcoss
..a ,. s new ,ewer,
• eee
u...yJa . 4 •`.r.4
# r g
yr. . a reeks to, re,,7. ort
V.1.7 Smith of R - v isit.:_ s yea:�
• gust Sunday.
`.. a,, i 'Mrs.Gr-ne- Ba~G: ' Lon
dan ere town during .i -ga Neel.
= RGrIY NOW.The vay our,
a•treer:.gas are ___e d- ragats,
is a disgraze. Taxes are FS
and sirs: s..o.;'�i have sometr t_pr" it
it onlyalight to:show you .one
and therebg save you t n' >:rom
at!. iaI' Our city tathersa•
:'mit r of st. e 4
The liunicipal Council o3 'he
Tewnship Stephen met to the town
Crediton. on Monday. sept. o
A;. ntee:b.rs were present. The rein-
ute� o; the previous sneer eg :vere
M ,d and: adopted. The fallowing
+kuaata were passed :-re. Lawson, hart
�,ttpTt do,•i'..rn t ti, J. 1n melba,. r'.-
ea c4 tract $1S.. a; T. \Vebee :ul• •t
eleson, rein ttridge, $13; t
Ernes -eatet, grave: s'o,^.t:net
• $14.455. G. Hartle. gravel, e1..5 '
G Harteeav . S. 13., $6,9e; Robe
ail • sheep killed by dogs, S1S o
Has erste el ,'ons. a $13.35.
ouezii :Adjourned tie men again :n
To,tr. i'1afl 1iu. dee QkI.. 40 300
1 o'c:oo k.
#I Either. clerk
The rain: which fell or: Sunday night
doused a bait in garnering the .,rain.
Quite a few had finished. --Our school
hoes been very much unproved since
Trane be a :sew coats of paint. no.
*rarer Hansen, did. the job, -Kenner
Bel" e: London was a sisitor t;t Thos
S eeteer's R4ent y.--LittIe 'ti iss Thoinp
sora o, Kiaca.rdirne, who spent the cM_
armor at T. Last's has ;returned to
home and Ida Slaeln, Chiseihurst,
: take. her psa.: s —Mr. and . Mrs.
can• Rae:kma.•s were at Irelsgreesi
Sunda) vis -ting reBatixes.-Mr and
eers T Ferguson were Sunday cis -
:ear; at Gee Hobkiek's.-Mrs. Al-
e see Cole had the mis`'ortun, ,to fail
break he
',and � 1:; ,3age the 'sale
while .rossing the ;'loot She is .-ell
'fade-°a:t ed in years and, no doubt the
Zee: will. go hard with her. She- suf-
s e deal oe pai - Ar thur Par k
c'• z er - Hansel spent Sundayun-
s p .rear,i some, Mrs. Jas. near eeitehela -eras a visitor ; t
it. Acne. of Tee:e .7, :rye..
ay teeth t eareete here.-
_ ="rs, He -amen ofr S:,n:lu,n
y,..'1 t 1 A 3:sie
s; a _ng e,r. Sept. 4th.-
`. G artf! ao^, have gone
• _ . ar _ went .o "fKe tt 2:Poles:
1-r.driara Camp Meeting.
.. , s met e with; an :cri-
. weer.
o ng or °:is paraants
.e_r ^o^ ng around the corner at
Georgi Webb's the auto ran off 'he
oa 1 and into a telephone post darn-
te. car to the extent of 3200.
- H Gill was Parkhill nnday
G . and Fred Page • ve put
:Idovenc cement walk on the south
esidti toward the a1;i', .or which they
farrerr have bee-_su g hr swingrain.
The report good crops. -School OD-
event with Miss Scram and Miss Ped-
dle as teachers. -ass Champaign of
Ba=t e,`,ord is visiting her sister, Mrs.
i4 n Patterson. -Mrs. Morenz of
> .d� is visiting her father John
Y oun R. Sanders and H. Green
-r, L. Exeter Saturday.
Mi Berman Zimmer leaves next
ti eel. for the west.
Wm Musser is attending Toronto
fir C L. Snider a^coinpariied by
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ka1bfieisch mot-
Gyred here from Detroit Saturday lnd
returned or Monday, accompanied by
:Mrs Sid.,r and children who speni
two months with Mrs. SnideTs par-
ents at Cedar Graose farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund 3. Wolper
and family also Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
F Kiopp and family of Zurich and
:4r Lambert Topp of Waterloo Sem-
inary -visited at the home c M . and
Mrs C L. W alp er Sunday.
Death of Henry Kraft -Death teas
claimed another of the oldest reel -
dente of the community in the person
of Mr, Henry Kraft, echo •died at his
home east a here .on tSunday last
about six &clock. The deceased had
been in poor health for ,the past year
suffering from gangrene, hence his
death was riot in the least unexpect-
ed. Mr . Kraet teas a man who -ram-
mended the respect of all who knew
hint and his death caused much re-
Bret among hiis friends, Besides the
sorrowing widow deceased is survived
by four sons and 'five .,daughters, all
grown up. He was a member oat the
Methodist church and was aged 74
years and 6 months. The funeral Was
largely attended on Wednesday, in-
ternment being rnacle in Goshen Line
Fred Essery and Harold Duplan o•
London were visitors here over the
holiday Austin Duplan was ,also here
Monday. -Quote' a number Irom
here attended 'the, Patriotic oelebra-
tion ar I-iryton.o abor ,Dap. �Vir.
and llrs Elijah •Cohdill returned
Tuesday from their vise Misses..
Bessie and Aggie Anderson- •tee at-
tending the Toronto Fair this ,.veele.
e -•The Iadies are busily engaged :T1
malting 2n autograph quilt, the aro-
WINGH A 1•i -On Sept 1, the barn
belonging to Harry Hooper 1st eon
Morris and contents, including the
seaso .'s crops recently threshed, u -ere
destroyed by fire, and it ds thought
by the owner that it ,was a .lase of
spr.taneous combustion caused by
;rain overheating in the barn. Above
„tsuranee the owner will 'ase about
A Health -preserving
delight delight
The use of Lifebuoy Soap
makes the bath a supremely
soothing pleasure as well as
a health -insuring delight.
The cream of pure oils gives
a velvety lather that is
cleansing and healing. The
very mild carbolic solution.
means a perfectly healthy
skin. The perfectly.
odor. v an sties in a
few seconds after use.
unn num nwH "NnNAtHn„nHI nu,unn
• • 1 uni IIIIIIIIIIIII n�t11I111t,I,INN,l!1116(H„IIIII,tuIIt111
aO 0 0.0.4
LI Very Shortly theDominion's
Quota of Men Will Reach
0 0000.0.000•
INCLUDING the 10,000 [nen on
garrison and hoarse duty in Can-
ada, the Dominion bas nom-
owunder arms approximately 150,-
000 men. When the twelve
new battalions reach England there
will be roughly 100,000 thea under „
arms in Europe, 40,000 men in trains-
Ing in Canada, 1,000 mien at Ber-
muda, 500 men at St. Lucia,, British ,
West Indies; a Medical Corps at
Cairo, Egypt. cottsistiug of three
stationary hospitals; and 10,000 men
!a Canada, garrisoning Halifax, Que-
bee, Esquituaule, and guarding
canals, elevators, patroling the West-
ern boundary, and OR d sty at interne
inaant camps. With the addition et
ee.000 reinforcements Canada will
/lave within a few months a spien-
dtdly equipped and trained army of
over 2.00,000 saes. t
More Men It Needed.
If there is another :call for 50,000
reinforcements, the militia authori-
ties anticipate no difficulty in getting
the men. They state that recruiting
Minister of Militia.
Sketch by McConnell.
during the last few weeks has been
brisker than for months. In fact not.
since the outbreak of war has there
been such enthusiasm and such a
deluge of men willing to don khaki.
The Disposition of Troops.
The following table shows approxi-
mately the number of Canadian
troops raised, their disposition, and
where they are at present located:
Princess Patricia's Light In-
fantry (in France7...... 1,000
First Contingent (from Val-
eartier) (in France). 32,000
Second Contingent (in Brit-
ain) 20,000
Reinforcements (1st and 2nd
Contingents), in En gland
and Prance)
38th Royal Ottawa (in Ber-
Half Battalion (in St. Lucia)
Hospital, Medical, Veterinary,
Engineers, etc. , (Overseas)
Twelve Battalions (reinforce -
34 Battalion (raised or being
raised) (in Canada) ..... ,
12 Batteries of Artillery (be-
ing raised) (In Canada) ..
Six Regiments Mounted Men
(raised) (in Canada) ....
Men on garrison duty and
Home Service (in Canada)
.. ,w
trw "r'str v a
150,0)0 MEN
Recruiting is as Brisk To- 3
day as It Has Been Since
the War Began.
•aaq. a:aii*0.0..=O. SCOOWK.o
Magill, chairman of the Grain Com-
"The suggestion," be declared,
"has been made by ittetneone who
failed to give proper thought to what
he proposed. The Canadian Govern-
ment could do no more with a 300,-
000,000 bushel wheat crop in the
event of the British market being
closed,' than could private owners
under the same circumstances. If
the British market its glutted, the
purchase of the crop be' the Canadian
Govertntaent would not help matters
at all:'
"Now what,„ be asked, "could the
Canadian Government do with West-
ern Canada's .00,006,000 - bushel
wheat crop? It the lit itesh market
was closed to private owners, alt
would be just as effeottsieiy closed to
the Canadian Governmeue, The Gov-
ernment could no moria market skies
wheat, in the face of a 8ussian glut
of the British wheat 'Market, than.
could the private wilco. now en- a#
gaged in the business.
What do the wesiers men sug-
gest?” Dr. Magill NYliripd to know,
"Do they propose that Geset Britain
Cease operations at tem! Dardanelles
is order that Russian .cheat will re-
main bottled up in Russia? Igo they The story of, Jack the .Giant -Killer
expect that In order to the Brit-lhas always fascinated. One small boy
Isla market for Canadian, wheat, Great destroyed a great menace. So it is
Britain will withdraw bee supportwith the wonderful TAKAKE, which
from her Russian ally? } unaided destroys the Giant Pain,
"It they did do such a tbdng, they t i-jeadaches, Rheumatism, Sciatica,
would prejudice Russo';; cause, and Neuralgia Sleeplessness ,and all ner-
consequently their own ease, Wben:vou: affections fly before it .to .heir
examined closely, the Calgary sugges- utter destruction.
tion appears thoughtlew. 1 Because you have used all ,other re-
„� imedie.s without results is the best
4RAIN BLOCKADES treason for using TAIKAKE which
i give.• quick and permanent relief an
NOT NOW POSSIBLE ,the most chronic cases. One of its
many attractions is its absolute "free-
dorr from any habit-forming drug,
Western Canada has 3e.rvested the Use one box and the ,result will
greatest crop in its h3sieosy. Ener. show you that, like little Jack, ,you
getic preparations baits been made can live happy ever after.
athe Government, thea Grain Com, Get TAKAKE, There is nothing
xion, and the railways to handle the carne or just as 'good. 30e. at
this bumper crop, and it is expected, your druggist's, or 45e. by mail from
despite the size and tho rush this fall, Georgian Mfg. Co., ('ollingwoact,
that it will be marketed without the Ontario.
blockade or the pF oongestiou
which was a perennial occurrence be -
and Gun for September 1,s mut
fore 1911. Speaking of the crop can- and is a special Duct: shooting ?number
dations as affecting Canada, Dr. Bann)r-castle Dale the naturalist
writer contributes the opening article
a reasonable one, on "Live Decoy
Ducks and Shooting over them;'
"Duch Shooting in the Cariboo" is
an amusing story of the :experiences
of two duck hunters who paw plenty
of ducks but failed to shoot :any.
"After the Black Ducks.," "Two
Hundred Acres of Geese" "Duck
Breeding in the Park Country, Alberta
are other stories that give a wild
duck flavor to. this number, and in
addition, there are other interesting
stories of outdoor life besides . the
regula_ departments devoted to gun-.
ning and fishing, W. J. ' Teelor
Limited ,Woodstock ,Ont., are pub-
lishera of this magazine of outdoor
life, t
Mrs C. M. Wilson of Sarnia and
lir. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson ; were
Sill E1»ZUNP .W4%LKER, C.Y.Q., LL,D., D,C L., I' esIdent
ALEXANDER LAIRD, Geaeral.Manager JOHN AIRD, Asst General Manager 41.
CAPITAL, $.15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for tiie transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. S25.
Capital & Reserve $8,000,000
96 Branches In Canada
General Banking
R{ usii Transacted
C• ircular Letters of Credit
Bank Ivioneii orders
Interest allowed et highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager,
Magill, chairman of the Grain Com-
mission, says there was never a time
in the history of the West when
things were more Feat for the stic-
cessful handling of the, Mg crop.
"This year," he said, "the grain
commission has in service three big
storage elevators for emergency pur-
poses. These elevators am located
at Calgary, Moose Jaw, and Saska-
toon, and together one take care of
10,500,000 bushels of wain.
"Ten million busheb does not
seem to be much when otos thinks of
the big crop," the Commissioner ex-
xplained, "but with such a margin of
insurance, we are amply protected
against loss by a blockade."
Be went on to show haw 42,000,-
000 bushels could be tensa care of at
the head of the lanes; 30,000,000
bushels can be stored in Eastern Can-
ada, while 70,000,049 bushels dr
more is the capacity o[ the line ele-
vators. Adding to this the 10,000,-
0,000,000 bushels capacity of the three new
elevators, 150,000,0 btsahels are
accounted for if a bloc:bade occurred
right at the commenooment of the
season, which was almost impossible.'
The balance of the crop could { ;
easily be retained on the farms with-
out hurt, and without plains a bushel
of wheat on to the open. prairie,
attests of Mrs. C. K Milson.--W'e are
all pleased to see Miss Hazel Sherriitt
of Ottawa calling on her old friends
in the burg again. --Claude Fauis spent
a couple hours Sunday with his S,
teacher. Mrs. A. Z11. Weson.-A lari_
number from here ,attended the fua-
eral of 11;rs, Sam. Harlton Thursday.
Harlton was a member of the
Boston Methodist church for years.
ear. Harlton and. Sam have the sym-
pathy of all in their bereeavement,,-
Ret•. Mr Lowe called on friends here
and at Corbett last week. -Miss \'ViLIa
Sweitzer and Miss E. Gilholm have
returned to their schools and less
Nicholson is the new teacher for the
North School and A2r. Morley for
Corbett School, -The W. M. S. held
their monthly meeting Wednesday
errs 3. Sherritt gave a very interest-
ing talk on China and Miss Lydia's
experiences in that country.
W S. Cole reports customers great
ly pleased with the QUICK action of
'simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.
as mixed in Adler-i-ka. This simple
remedy drains the old foul matter
front the bowels so THOROUGHLY"
that ' ONE SPOONFUL relieves at-
1-mos• ANY CASE of constipation,
sour or gassy stomach, It is so pow-
erful)that it is used successfully in
appendicitis. Adler -i ka never gripes
and the INSTANT action is surpris-
CLINTON-Miss Hazel Rozell
of Tuckersmith Township, and lir.
Roy Plumsteel of Clinton were mar-
ried or. Sept. lst at ,the bride's home
by Rev. S. J. Land left on the
afternoon train for Detroit and other
places. -
Patricias Being Reorganized.
Of the original Princess Patricia's
Regiment, the first Canadian force to
see fighting in France, less than 100
fighting men are left. However, the
regiment is being reorganized and
reinforcements are being sent at once
which will bring this crack unit again
up to strength.
It may be explained' in connection.
with the above table that at the time
when it looked as if Turkey would
invade Egypt thirteen regiments of
mounted rifles were raised in Can-
ada, principally from the cowboys,
plainsmen, and rough riders of the
West: Wb.en the threatened Turkish
invasion game to naught and the fight
with* the: Ottoman Empire developed
into siege work at the Dardanelles,
the Mounted Rifles volunteered to go
to Flanders as dismounted cavalry.
Seven regiments .are already in Eng-
land. •'Six remain in Canada,
The proposition for the Dominion
Government to purchase Canada's
wheat crop finds no favor with Dr.
It has been brought is the -atten-
tion of the Department that units
organized_ for oversews service are
soliciting'subscriptiona fuem the pubb,
tic for 'the purchase elf articles of
equipment, band instraanents, and for
the creation of a regimental fund,
and it has been reported'•that some
units have charged an admission fee
to witness parades, etc.. for a similar
purpose. It should'he borne in mind
that units of the Oversees Forces are
supplied by the Deportment with
everything necessary for their equip-
ment, and it should not be necessary.
to appeal to the public Sir assistance,
especially as there are essay objects
of a patriotic and philanthropic char-
acter to which the Ca.dion public
have contributed moat liberally. The
practice above referred- too• does not
commend itself to the >tsilitla Council,
and steps will be taken bo prevent a
continuanceof the same, and no such
thing as appeals for subscriptions
will be permitted except by express
permission obtained beforehand from
the Militia Council.
—New Regiments go --bo England
It has been • decided to send to
England as complete satins twelve in-
fantry battalions now in training in
Canada. Two from .the Maritime.
Provinces, one from • coosi ec fiye:;
from Ontario, two from l>0'anito' , and
Saskatchewan, and one each[ from
Alberta and British Oolpnybia: On
the arrival of these troops in Eng-
land, Canada's overtake force, will
number about one. hutld thousand,
N. 4?.
TbePropridatyor Eaten l Medicineed
A1reeelabte Preparation forAs
-sit-beating theFoodandReguiaa:
t itigthe Slomadl'sand Bowelsof
P. roma Digestion Cheerfiil-,
ness andRest.Contains=lute
0paunt.Morphine norNiacral:
. e eofoldDc.0112Jil!''a7tlitht
1'Linpfb Seed:
- A(xSennn
" Ji helicSaI(r—
vieSaad +:
rPlear.fa tzar.
i r.
Aperfect Remedy forConshpa
tion, SourStomach,Diarhoea.
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
FacSimile Signatureof
• - .mow
F.V.. . -.,.
41$- ...� �I�P'•,
Enact Copy o('UCapper.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years