HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-9-2, Page 8EXEFER ADVtmATE, TBITESDAY SEPTEMBER. 2 1H15 EXETER MARKETS, CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 60 to 95 45 Neer Wheat—wee..." ar1ey,,. .., uckwheat, ,.,„ ,,. 8, Peas, Pot&•toes, per bag (lay, Flour, pee cwt., family Flour, low grade per ow Creamery Butter ,• Live hots, pQr owe....... Shorts per t �n Bran per too 85 100 36. 14 00 330 190 24 30. 208 '10 21 30 00 23 00 14 00 Write it September now. Flou: has taken a drop of 5- gents a barrel .in Montreal. We had a little frost this :Week hut very little harm was done. The onion growers nave now got their crop in pretty good .shape, Mr Nelson Sheers opened up his tailoring establishment this week. The bowlers are contemplating a local tournament here on :Monday, Mrs Mary Stewart of Seaforthan-' ounce„ the engagement of her <laugh ter Lillian. Pearl to Mr. Roy Lawson son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert Lawson, of Hullett, the marriage to take place Quietly in September. "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out Rat, Mice, etc, Don't die in the 'tonse 15e and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores LOST,—Side Curtain of an auto top ri Wednesday the 18th. Finder kind. ly notify G. F, ROULSTON, Exeter. )Ont. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION NOTICE is hereby given that . a Court wilt be held pursuant to the Vntaric Voters' List Act, by His rior,or the Judge of the County Court or the County of Huron at the TOWN HALL, CREDITON 01'd TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER : th 1915, at 10 O'clock a. m. to hear and determine complaints of eros., and omissions in the Votars' Lists of the Municipality of the Township of Stephen, for 1915. HENRY EILBER, Clerk of Stephen Township. Detect Crediton, Aug. 1Stb, 1415. Vreere rarvals'gc calic"ic'O" tr FRUIT BULLETIN LOCM,. DOINGS. PEACHES—season later than anticipated, The popular Craw- ld ready, aod house- I„,_r,�,r,�1r,ar . _ 'ford type -yellow ft ee stone --Nia- gara District grown about ready t ear r - Monday, September the 6th, Bartlett P is. Labor Day, god a public holiday. Neel lue and Gage Plums keepers shoeplace their or- .ders'at once. Rev. C. B. Jenkins of Bantford formerly of Clinton, goes to the front with the 58th regiment. The East Huron Teachers ..Assoc- iation will hold its annual ;convention in Seaforth on October 7th and 8th. A strip of land six miles ;wide and about 50 miles long in the 'Transvaal suppliet, about one-third of the worlds gold. , Mr Wilfred Stewart, who has taken the agency for the McLaughlin car, brought home a fine six -cylinder machiine last week, The trustees of S. S. Na, 3, Ste- phen have secured as their teacher Miss. Love of town, Miss (Ida Mar- chanci having resigned. The most of the apples in Ontario thioyear are to be found on the high lands and along the lake shores but-hthe aggregate yield will oe very ligt, It is noisy stated that the 33rd and 34th Battalions at London will , ;o to England as units instead in drafts, This report is pleasing to .the reglm- ents, tiffany people make the mistake of putting, honey in a cold damp place This should never be done, Never put honey in your cellar, it should be kept free from all dampness. Thursday afternoon was the last of the .half holidays for the season in Exeter. Frequently the weather on Thursday was bad this year, but the relaxation from store and office duty was appreciated for a half day a week whetherone was' able to take some recreation out of doors or not, There are 1700 applications :or entrance to the Normal Schools ,this year and the opening date has been delayed to Sept, 14th to make ready for the increased attendance. Last year was a record when there ,were 1150 applications, Teachers should not be scarce after this number pas- se: kite the profession. DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Village of Exeter offers .+:or Sale 520,000 Hydro Electric 'sleben x tures bearing interest at 5 per ,cent, per annum, and re -payable with ,in- terest in 25 annual instalments. These debentures are offered at par ,in ah mounts of $1000, and the Council prefers to sell the debentures local- ly as they belive it ds, a good invest- ment for the citizens. Persons wish- ing 'tt, purchase any of •the same will make application .to the Clerk ;en to Wednesday Sept, 1st 1915. JOS. SENIOR, Acting . Clerk. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Good frame cottage, centrally lo- eated in Exeter, on lot and three feet of land. Four bedrooms, parlor, din- :ng room kitchen, pantry, washroom, woodshed cistern and pump. Good hard water. Apply to A. Hastings,. agent -Exeter, - C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth. Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chargee moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.— I desire to announce that I have op- ener: a Flour and Feed Stare in F. Wood's Old Stead, opposite Post Office and will keep a full supply of the best grades of flours and feeds. I solicit your patrSIDNEY DAVIS The Exeter. Council at the ,regulaz meeting appointed Mr. Jos. 'Senior clerk and treasurer for the corpora- tion taking the place of ,Mr. Thomas B, Carling, deceased. Mr. Senior has been doing the work for thel past few months and also he had ,some years of experience as clerk several years ago He is well fitted for the work and the appointment is a popular one. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED iyc C H Sanders at the• Advocate Of - „ice Strictly confidential no witness Help! Help!! Mr Geo Vesper returned to ret - onto on Saturday, Mr, Norman Hockey is working in Goderich as barber. Miss Maud Johns has gone tot Con- cord to teach school, Mrs Billings left last week toels- it at St. Thomas and London. Dr Follick and wife of it, Marys were visitors Mrs `tors here during the week, A large number are attendingtheS. Crocker and son have Toronto Fair this week, returned to Troonta, after a hall day Division Court wile be held tin the here. Town Hall op Tuesday next. Rev 1Zr, Muxworthy after, his vacation occupied his own pulpit on Sunday last. Mrs Lane and Douglas Stewart, who recently underwent operations arc recovering nicely. Go at your work each day as though it were your first day in a new job and you had to make good. Three rinks of the Ailsa Craig bowlers visited the Exeter greens an Thursday last and played afternoon and evening games, the locals winning by a considerable margin. The Craig bowlers are new to the game, but are learning fast. Like all the ,_.est of the visitors to Exeter they were delighted with our greens, which we believe are a little better than my others We have played on this year. 0' the two rinks of bowlers who attended Goderich tournament last week R G, Seldon's rink gots in the finals getting the second prize in the •Association event, while that of W J Heamarrl did not go far, the play. and Iuck of the game teeing' against them. The players were W, H. Levett, J. A. Stewart, W. W. Taman R. G. Seldon and , E. J. Christie, C. B. Snell, R. N. Creech, W, J, Heaman: Messrs. Ltev+ett and Tamar also played in the doubles, but did not get into the finals. WEDDED.—A very pretty wed- ding took place at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. F, Mineault Kenora, Ont., on Tuesday, August 31st, when out, on Tuesday, August 31st when their daughter Stella. Mae, was imar- vied to Mr. Grant Amy of Winnipeg brothel.: of Mr. ef. Amy ,of 'this town They will reside in Winnipeg where Mr. Amy runs a successful barbering. buiness. Friends in this neighbor- hood extend hearty congratulations and best wishes, The School Board met in the Lib- rary Rooms on Saturday evening, with all but ,Mr. Gladman present, A number of accounts were paid. The committees reported progress at the school building, and authorized the advertising for the H, ;5, Dep- artment, School will reopen on the 7th September. The board decided to meet the,council regarding the waterworks extension to the school. It is expected that Credit en will soo having Hydro -Electric power Is it not time that ,Zurich move .n this matter and see what steps are necessary- to have estimates, etc., drawr up. There in, no doubt that hydro will in time supply electricity for power and lights through , the whole of Ontario, and the ,towns and communities who make an effort :re the fi rst to secure it. If ,Crediton gets it, why not have the line continue on to Dashwood, thence to Zurich and on to Hensall, making a circuit of "the horn" as it is called.—Zurich Herald. The chicken ranch of Mr. , James H. Grieve on Sanders Street ,is an interesting place just now. He "has a. neat plot of two acres • of ground, with a main building 100 - feet hong and 20- wide, and several i smaller buildings- On the land he has iaised oats and clover for a summer ;range, and corn, mangolds and potatoes ilor winter. In all he has nearly 1000 " Come in and help us unload our furniture as we have a large stock which must be sold. We also have the best furniture pelish ever made; and a polish for your cars and buggies equal to none. See our display of KIRSCH cur- tain rods, the neatest and simplest rod on the market. B. N. ROWE Embalmer Etc. Phone 20a, Best Of T�reshi�g Coa1 Both At Exeter G. and Centralia Selden Mr J, A. Stewart is in Toronto -this week. Ret D. N. Collins was en London on Tuesday, 'Miss Love left Tuesday for r 'the West to teach. :Miss Ruby Treble returned to Toronto on Monday. Miss Ruth Hooper has returned from a visit in London. Mr. Frank Johns and lady friend returned to Toronto Monday. alis Fowell went to Toronto . on Tuesday tet visit for a few, .days. Mr. Tilley and Mrs. Amos hare re- turned from holiday trips of .,several weeks \ Mrs Manning of Bawrnanville is visiting her sister Mfrs. er, Stewart. Milton Kydd and Silas Reid are attending the business college in Clinton Mr W. J. Carling of Brighton war a visitor with. relatives here for a few days. Mrs John Newcombe and family re turned to their home in Stratford on Monday. Misses Beatrice Hedden and Annie Day of Brantford are visiting at their home; here. Mrs R N. Creech is spending a few days in Toronto, leaving Wednes day morning Mr Frank Johns sang a .pleasing solo in James Street church on Sun- day evening is A: Airs, Jesse Elston visited at the home of her brother Mr. S. Gilley Blyth, Mfr L H'. Dickson left Sunday for` Renfrew to visit his old home for a wwe , k }Ties: Valeria Bedford is visiting ,in Toronto. Miss Evelyn has returned from a visit in London. Miss Nellie Clark, after a visit eon Mrs. Fred Wells, returned to her home in London Friday, Mr. S C. Hanna was on a business trip to Fredrickton and Cleveland, Ohio, during the past week. Miss Ida Armstrong has charge of the School at Fairbank near Toronto and left for that place Saturday, Mr W T. Goodison of Sarnia spent Sunday here. Mrs. Good,eson .nd family returned with trim Monday. Mr and Mrs, Thornton and Miss Crait, of Woodstock spent Sunday here, Miss Jean Thornton returned with them. Mrs C. Lindenfeld and children spent Thursday and Friday in town leaving Friday night to visit with her mother in Goderich, Mrs Gardiner and daughter of hfooselaw are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ed' Coombe anti with friends in Hibbert. •Mrs. C. H. Homey has returned af- ter visiting her daughter in Petrolea chicken getting well along in size for two weeks. and it is an interesting ,sight' to see Miss Gladys Bissett returned this them about the premises. White Leg- • weer., from a visit with Miss Maddlyn horns and White Wyandottes are the Howell in Oxford, breeds he fancies and they are of the. Mr . Bence of Buffalo is spending very best strains. ten days here with Mrs. ,Bence as the SEND IN OLD RAZORS.—If vote guest of Mr. Harders. have any :old razors that are out of Rev Sharp and family return this ',vents from Simeon where they holi- commissian and you would like to da the boys at the front a kindness send dayed for three months. them to us and we will have them Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newell I and sent forward. Of the many ways Mr. and. Mrs. W. 'H. ,Lovett motored there are of remembering the Days to Toronto Tuesday to attend ,the Fair who are doing duty at ,the front this Miss Ruth Schosenberg returned of supplying razors is not ,the least to London Saturday after visiting her They are sent forward re -ground and grandmothei Mrs. Win. Hawkshaw at pu: in shape f or use. Look up your the Commercial. old razors and bring them to the ;Mrs Nelson Sheere and daughter Advocate, Help the good eause and Mrs McLellan arrived here Wed - along. nesdae from Fort William where they ENTER EXETER HIGH SCHOOIl have been visiting. —The acting secretary of the Exeter Mrs Cluff and two children return- Schoo: Board, Miss K, McFauls, is ed to Toronto Saturday after .a visit now prepared to receive entries , for With Mss. Cluff's father Mr. Henry the High School Department for :the Passmore Thames Road, ensuing school year. The record this past year has been more ,successful that' any previous year, over SO per cent.. of the candidates being suc- cessful in their . examinations. rhe e sem+e as. :art year and success for energetic students New Tailor Shop N, Sheere desires to announce to the public that he will on Sept. '1st, 1915, open up an up-to-date Ladies and Gents Tailoring Business in Exeter. He will put in a full line of Fash- ionable Goods and will always have a large assortment of Samples to choose from. OUP MOTTO Will be to aline the Best possible Value at the least pos- sible money. A CALL SOLICITED - Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel,. teaching staff is'th Rev W. G. Hi, and Mrs. McAlastet after their vacation in Brantford Oakville and other places, will arrive home this.week, and Mr. ,McAlister will occup,' his own pulpit on Sun - can be confidently expected. The r building is being thoroughly renovat- ed as to lighting, ventilation, iieatingt, etc:. , and will be much improved. : The school term -commences on 'Tuesday September the seventh. See that your. application is made early that ' you may:, be • accommodated, THREW GUNPOWDER IN rH I STOVE. -Miss Florence; Disney ,net with an unpleasant accident one day last week when she was ,about her household duties at the home of Mr. Jos. Wambold, She and 'vfrs Wam- bold' had rein across a package of something and.` -not; knowing 'what it was decided to throw it in the stove. Miss ,Dinhey?accordingly did so when immediately a report was heard .and a flash of flame burst out toward her and singed the hair off her face and scorched the; back of one -hand The package apparently contained a small quantity of gunpowder red it is lucky the injury was not more severe, The moral, of course,is obvious, N. Sheere Your home merchant will back up our guarantee on this splendid range., Ask to see ¶Clary!s dora land let him demonstrate It e features t manyexclusive� to c►, you, A Meelary dealer in every town. s9 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son The Advocate subscriptiion mail- and if it does pot rad at least up to ing list has been corrected up to the date kindly attend to the natter and 20th of August. Look at your label oblige, Tea & Coffee - Store • For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. (Call and see us. A trial•. as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Genuine D. L. & W. Scnlittifi Coal Agents For British Americ- an --Oil Oo. The 1916 Model OVERLAND is now out and is a beauty Big reduction in prices. Call and see the new Model) which is the most.up-to-date they ever built, Kesile, Rowe, & Wood NO NEEDLES TO CHANGE i The Wonderful diamondstylus in the New Edison - Diamond Disc Phonograph does •- away with the troublesomeprocess of changing the needles, that wear out and destroy •valuable records, NEW EDISON • Diarnond Disc ,Phonograph The triumph of Mr. Edison's great ;inventive. genus. Here, at last rsa phonograph that re- produces the ` voice and in etrumental music with absolute fidelity to the original—human, life -like, . natural, What all music lovers have waited foe-, J. Willis Powell, Agent On exhibition at Powell's Bazaar, Exeter, Ont: Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 New Fall and xllter Coats. Buy Early and Get the Choice A big assortment of the newest American & Canadian Styles in the very swell cloth No two alike. Our coats we bought early and while we have the latest styles Our Prices are no higher than last season. Come and see our display and have a try on. LADIES BLACK GOATS All kinds to show you and sure to please. CHILDREN S COATS The real nifty styles in a variety of cloths and colors. New Fall Dress Goods Our stock is complete. All here for your in- spection. BLACK AND COLORED In Serges, Poplins, Crepes, Resildas, Taffetas, & Tweeds All our Dress Goods were bought before the advance in prices. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Our Fall Goods are all here:' Shirts, .Collars, Ties, fiats, Caps, Sweater Coats, : sox. red' underwear all complete. SILKS Black and Colored Silks sad Silk Poplins in all the :seasatee hew shades. All our silks tare at the old prices $1 yd op, CLOTHING L MEN'S & BOYS' c., O If you want a Ready ,to Wear or Tailored Suit you (will find it here in ,just -the cloth to suit, l eat�gi arters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing