HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-8-26, Page 8EXETER MARKETS.
1 10
14 003 0
1 90
20 Q0
8 00
Old SStheat..... .....,
Harley .
Buckwheat.... , ........
Lute, .,..,.,.
Feiss .......... 6
Potatoes, per bag ...,
Say, erten., ..,,... I400
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per ew
Butter.,....,,... .,..,..
Creamery Butter
Live ht3 pe cwt
Shorts per toren—.
Bran nee. ton
Ti. ,rub is said to be playing the
d uee with certain of the soot erops.
S.,,s;:c neer: are lucky dogs oecause
the police permit them to ,ruxr around
without muzzles.
Bete Doupe of Kirkton and Agin
See:latea' Dashwood are attending
° 1 - S .hoot at t- i; nig.
Christian Guardian issues a
aratr ;e to people, to beware ,af •dile
s innee 'Toreigners who are going p-
ours.: the country soliciting teelp far
toreige s:hools and churches, even
is e erede:itiale are good.
"ROUGH ON RATS" clears out
Rat,, alice,ete. Don't die in the eoisse
lee and e5e. at Drug and Country
Stases -.
LOST. -Side Curtain of an auto top
,on Wednesday :lee 18th. Finderkind-
Iy noddy G. F. ROVLSTON, Exeter,
Pat, . .
by C li Sanders at the Advocate Of-
h e• Strictly confidential; no witness
;NOTICE is hereby given that a
Court wilt be held pursuant to the
iar•arit Voters' List Act, by His
Hanoi the Judge of the County Court
of the. County of Huron at the
1015, at 10 O'clock a. m,
te :ear and determine complaints of
errol* and omissions in the Voters'
Liste of the a1unicipalityaf_ the
Township of Stephen, for 1915.
Clerk of Stephen Township.
Dates Crediton, Aug. 18th, 1915.
Alvin Steppler, late of Exeter 'vas,
joined the fighting ranks at London.'
Do the best you can. You will
probably ,not break any records .any-
Sent; iii all the news. We want to
know; everything that ,is of news
"Gip' the pet terrier awned tby, Mr.
Senate! Sanders, operator, died -.last
week. She was a very knowing little
animal and will be much missed in the
"Pastor" Russell lost his libel action
against the Brooklyn Eagle, The
highest court of New York State af-
firms the verdict of the jury, which
decides' that the Eagle told the truth
in it; statement that Russell was a
I fraud
Lambtoe County proposes to ;iro-
vide twenty-five machine guns for
the Canadian soldiers. tflddlesex in-
tend:, to give 100. ,Judging by this
awls the calibre of some of Huron's
County Councillors, Huron may in
give two.
At Midland on Friday ,the death
occurred of a grandson of 'Ir, ,Ilton,
Russell of St. .Marys, formerly • of
Exeter* deceased being the three-year
old so ' of Dr. O. ,A. Cannon, who is
with the Royal Army Medical Corps
at the Dardanelles,
The Bishop of Huron has issued, a
circular letter to the Church ,,af Eng-
land clergy asking then) to pave tete
Natuna.! Anthem sung at each Ger-
vice A number of the churches have
been following this custom since the
outbreak of the war.
Roy son of Rev. H. J. Fair of At-
kona formerly of Elimviile circttit,
has been killed in battle in France.
Ort receipt of the news another sae
Harold immediately enlisted, while
another son Harry is taking a .:ourse
of instruction at London,
The Village of Exeter offers ,for',
Sale x20,000 Hydro Electric Deben-'
tures bearing interest at 5 per ;tent.
per annum, and re -payable with *in-
terest in 25 annual instalments. these
debentures are offered at par ,in tea
mounts of ;1000, and the Council.
prefers to sell the debentures local-
ly as they belive it is. a good ,n. esk
went for the citizens. Persons wish-
ing tc purchase any ot the same will
make application to the Clerk ,its to
Wednesday .Sept. lst 1915.
Acting • Clerk,
Good frame cottage, centrally lo-
cated it Exeter, on lot and three feet
of land. Four bedrooms, parlor, die-
ing room kitchen, pantry, washroom,
woodshed ,cistern and pump. Good
hard water. Apply to A. Hastings,
agent .Exeter.
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron
PerthMiddlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cockshutt Warerooms, next . door to
Centra: Hotel, \Iain Street, Exeter.
Charger moderate and satisfaction is
air Rich. Murphy was painfully ,in-
jured last week while doing some ad-
justing, to a binder. In come unac-
countable manner parts of the tinder
carne forcibly against his side with
the result that a couple of his ribs
were fractured, He is able to sae; out
and around but has suffered consider-
able since the accident,
A store conducted in the old-fash-
ionett way , may hold the old-fashion-
ed customers, but these are efettutg
scarce. The dealer tva,o says that
satisfied customers are his Joest ad-
vertisement is only telling a half-truth,
for the man pvho can get and keep
good customers deserves more trade.
This is the type of idealerr, we all wish
to deal with, but how are we to find
hire if he does not advertise? He is
keeping his very bright candle ',under
a bushel,
An American citizen, but a former
Exeter Old Boy, while on a visit with
relatives and friends here stated to
The Advocate that as soon as the
subscription lists were put in circula-
tion for the purchase bf a machine
gut that he wanted to be informed of
the fact that he might have the privil-
ege of enrolling his name. He comes of
good o1c; English stock, and while be-
ing an American citizen, his heart
beats warmly for England and the
AIbert Smith and George Harman,
who live in Stephen Township, .and
who have been playing pranks on
automobile drivers and others, were
taken in custody by County ,Con-
stable Whitesides of HensalI a iew
days ago, They were taken before
Police Magistrate Andrews af Clinton
oh Friday cbarged with blocking ..the
highway with planks and other ob-
structions for the purpose of troubl-
inc auto drivers. They were fined
and severely reprimanded for chcir,
1 desire to announce that I have op-
ener: a Flour and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite ?ost
Office and will keep a full supply of
the best grades of flours and :eels.
I solicit your patrSIDNEY DAVIS
by C H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; no witness
Help! Help!
Come in and help ens unload our
furniture -as we have a large stock
which must be sold.
We also have the best furniture
polish ever made; and a polish for
yaw cars and buggies equal to none.
See our display of KIRSCH cur-
tain rods, the neatest and simplest
rnd on the market.
Embalmer Etc.
Phone 20a,
Best Of
Tllres�iu� Co
Exeter and Centr
t. Seldo.
The famous Yellow St. John
Peach Niagara District Grown,
now at its best --will be followed'
by other first-class varieties.
llanv varieties Plums reader •or
canning Housekeepers order
Peaches and Plums now, Every
grocer handles them,
Hops and advice never yet satis-
fies; a man's hunger.
.;'Many people are either tich or .ap-
py, but few are both.
Mr L Heywood occupied the :slain
street pulpit on Sunday.
Next month the Fall Fairs a,,egir
and then we ane into .fall.
Twc• rinks of bowlers are attending
the tournament in Goderich this week.
St Marys citizens and the Milling
Company are havinga nice scrap ov-
er the uste of the river. They evert
resort to fistfights,
Thos Taylor of East Wawanosh,
has a cow which recently cave .birth
to her third pair oe Stain :salves, and
in each case the calves were healthy.
A number of the Salvation Army
Staff of London were here collecting
funds Friday last meeting with fair
success. The Salvation Army is do-
ing a good work and are deserving of
support and encouragement,
Mr. and Mss. John Hooper, , St.
Marys, One, announce the engagement
of their second daughter Eva Alberta
to air Victor O. Sawyer sof Toronto
Ont. eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. W'J. Mss; olive Armstrong, after a
SawyerV'ancouv er B, C. The mar- short visit at the home of her .incle,
riage will take place early in Sept- Mr I, Armstrong, returned to her
ben , lton)c in Paris Saturday.
Forest is badly handicapped for am anal al;t.:s, Thos. Beldon ,and Mr.
Mrs James Creech spent the. )Meek
end its London.
Miss Clara Vesper is visiting ,c-ia-
tivei in London,
Mrs Prior is visiting in London
and Ridgetown.
Mrs W, T, Goodison and family are
visiting at Mrs, D. Johns'
fir and ;\frs, Arthur Davis visited
sat Hespeler over Sunday.
\Irs, Prodgers and children of Lon -
den are visiting relatives here.
Mr and :efts. Clubine of Walker-
vilic are visiting relatives here.
=Miss Lillian Morley of Milverton is
the guest af Mrs. (Da ) Roulston
Mr. Wm. Beavers left this week for
the West to assist in the harvest,
Mr Fred Hawkshaw of Toronto vis -i
ited here with the family over Sun-
Mrs Bence and 'little daughter of
Buffalo N. Y. are visiting ,at \fr. later -
air. Wm Chowen returned :est
creel: after a visit of Soma .nonths
with his son in Michigan.
Privates Treble, Anderson, :,awson
Mitchel, and Mitchell of London camp
spent Sunday with relatives here.
dr. Frank Tom returned to his
home it Toledo, after a short visit
with relatives here and at Goderich.
Mss Delight Hobbs, returned 3at-
urday to her home in Toronto atter
visiting with her sister, efrs, Oiv,l1e
hotel accommodation the hotel inerf anti a1rs, Samuel Rowe of .Ingersoll
of the town having closed -their places
of business and are occupying them
as private dwellings. Nailed across
each botei door is now a sign, "Pri-
ate" A guarantee for the operation
of a good hotel is being circulated.
and signed in the form of a stock'
subscription list. The town .ounce
has decided to exempt front taxation
for a terns of 'years a place .of.:aublic
accommodation such as is needed.
A . Montreal Mr, R. Alleles
has beer successful in passing she
Licentiate degree, the highest one ,in
the Royal Academy examinations, end
tht greatest possible practical exam.
there is to pass, of any college or
conservatory. In the theoretical part
he gained 99 per cent. of marks. By
gaining this degree the holder of a
diploma is permitted to; describe him-
self as Licentiate of the Association
Board of the Royal Academy and
Roya' College of music, and ;ase the
letter: L. A. B., as implying the
same. The Examiners were Doctors
of music of very high standing in the
academy at London, England. The
examination was a very stiff test, an
exceptionally high percentage of
marks being required to pass.
Mrs Piper is visiting in London
this: week.
Silas Reid
a few days.
The Misses May of Clinton are vis-
itino relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders spent
Sunday in Stratford,
Mr W. J, Smith was in London Mon-
day last on business,
\fr, and Mrs, N. J. Dore are lioli-
day ing in Brantford and Hamilton.
Miss Ivy Campbell is visiting at
Mr Thos Sweet's for a few days
It should be known by everybody
in the days of gasoline damps and
stoves that gasoline will not
explode e until its fumes . have
been mixed with at Least ' ',ix
part: of atmospheric air. Gasoline
will catch fire as quickly as any liq-
uid known but let it alone, and it ,till
burn out, doing no damage and lav-
ing no scar or sign of fire. Mixed
with air in proportions mentioned it
is far more dangerous than dynamite.
No receptable of this liquid ,should
ever be left uncorked. To do so is
to make the room where it is sept
far worse than a powder magazine.
Thi: matter of safely handling gena-
inc is very easy, and no on should
be ignorant of how to use{ it. •
is visiting in Sarnia for
Miss Willert has, returned . home
from the millinery openings in,London
Mrs Wm. Mair of Hensel]. spent
Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Thos.
Arise Dollie Dickson returned the
latter part of last week from her holi-
day trip
Mrs John Newcombe and family •of
Stratford are visiting \ir, and Mrs.
Ed Howald.
Miss Allie Eacrett who was , nome
for the week end returned to Toronto
on Tuesday. Produce taken in exchange
have any ,old razors that are eat of
commission and you would like to do
the boys at the front a kindness send
then to us and we ,will have ihem
sent forward. Of the many ways
there are of remembering the boys:
who are doing duty at ,the front this
of supplying razors is not .the least
They are sent forward re-groundand
pus in shape for use. Look up your
old razoes and bring them to ..he
Advocate. Help the good aause
,Ager an old friend of the writer,
asked us to take a short walk itaiday
evening and he would show ,us_ the
next thing` to perpetual motion. We
did so landing at. Rich, Murphy's tm-,
element shop, and sure enough we,
were not disappointed. Here we had,
a machine—a wonderful machine , a•..
unique. and ingenious device for kill-
Ong smut in all kinds of grain, and as',
be said"the next thing to perpetual
motion" It works perfectly with-
out crank cog wheels pulleys, chains
or belts .and requires , no oil. It fur—
nishet its .owtenowere the law of gra-
vitetioyeebas b ein harnessed, and.f is
made to • serves the farmer. It is 3S-
timatelw that' it pays ',for ;itself on the:
increased yield ;.on ten acres, ,of eterain
over,- Untreated" seed. Its {rattle t on
the -fern. is inealculabl,e when it • is
considered that the loss caused to
farmers: by smut' is fully 20 pet cent:
of • the crop. Henze we, say ,na farnia
er should be without this machine.
Farmers' should drop in and eee it
and even if they don't ,buy( it will be
a pleasure to them to see it operate.
pain a short visit with friends there
Friday, hav_ ig made the trip ,in Mr
Seldon's auto,
New Tailor Shop
N. Sheere desires to announce to
the public that he will on Sept. 1st,
1915, open up an up-to-date
Ladies and Gents Tailoring
Business in Exeter.
He will put in a full Iine of Fash-
ionable Goods and will always have
a large assortment of Samples • to
choose from.
OUR MOTTO will be to esivre the
Best possible Value at the least pos-
sible money.
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
N. Sheere
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
You can cook to the full capacity of the top
awl lake an oven Bull. of good things with a
rate, , at the same time. Many erste.-
sive features you should know
ab y \t. at the McClary dealer show you.: a
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
The Advocate subscriptiion mail- and if it does not read: at least up to
ing list has been corrected up to the date kindly attend to the 'natter and
20t1t of August, Look at your .abet oblige.
Miss May Armstrong is attending
the Millinery openings at Toronto
Leaving here Monday.
Mr Thos Dayman, wife and family
who have been sojourning here ,and in
Sarnia, returned to the West Monday
Among those going on the Harvest
Excursion to the west Tuesday were
Ralph Willis of Stephen, F. E, Mc-
Miss E. Gibson, Deaconess of Cook's
Church' Toronto, visited a few days
at the home of Phos. Kernick,
Exetei North. 1
Mr and Mrs. Wim. Bagshaw . left
Aanday to visit with relatives in
Moosejaw Hanley and other places
in the West,
Mrs Fred Bawden has returned
from a visit in Brantford accompanied
by her sister. Miss Ida Link; who will
visit here for a time.
Mese'Winnie Howard left Wednes-
day ,son her return to take up her
teach%bg'.duties in Edmonton. Miss
Beatrice Howey will accompany her
as far as Winnipeg.
Mr' `John O. Trann, manager of the
Standard Oil Co. of Peroria, Ill.. vis-
ited ryitlh his cousin,. Mr. E. Christie,
here ,this week, making the •trip ie.
his .aytr,with relatives and friends.
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
Serauton Coal.
The 1916 Model
is now out and is a beauty
Big reduction in prices. Call and nee the new Mode)
which is the most -up-to-date they ever built.
Wes. Snell
Agents Foe
British Americ-
an Oil Go.
Kesile, Rowe, & Wood
Look over
Beads 15c. up,
Soup 'Plates 15c,
Cups and Saucers 15c, up:
Berry Bowls—a pretty line it ..5c.
Tea. Dessert Table Spoons,solid
nickel 5c. up.
ur_ 10c 15c., 25c display of various handy dishes:
Come here for tooth picks 'needles, pins, combs;, and small
Wares. ' = We dare not try ,to ''•mention. everything we: . have in.;
,Steck. Bring 'along. your f riends and look% over,.aur •fii1e. stock.
Our. Candy Coenter awaits you.
Step is and ; leak around • any ` tirme
The Home of the Edison Phonograph
Na Fall and Winter Coats
�. Buy Early and
Get the Choice
A big assortment of the,
newest American & Canadian
Styles in the very swell cloth
No two alike. Our coats we
bought early and while we
have the latest styles Our
Prices are no higher than last
Come and see our display
and have a try on.
'All kinds to show you and
sure to please.
The real nifty styles in a
variety of cloths and colors.
New Fall Dress Goods
Our stock is complete.
Serges,'Poplins, crepes;
Resildas, Taffetas, & Tweeds
All our Dress Goods were
bought before the advance .in
Our Fall Goods are all here
Shirts, Collars,. •Ties, slats,
Caps, • SWeaterCoats, :',iox,and
underwear :=a11, complete,
A11 here for your
in -
Black and Colored Silks and
Silk Poplins in all the :season's
'ne'w,eshades. All our silks ere
at the old prices Si erd' up.
If you want a Ready -to -
Wear ar Tailot+ed. Suit :, yoir
find he .e : just the
l .ill. cru a r in
cloth to suit.
& . MA
E1 eadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanfond Clothing