HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-8-26, Page 4(Utter } .OaO*O *•OSOSO.O.oaO,o.o.O.O.o.o. .ODM Centralia O.•O.QipiO.o.O.0iO.0i.C/10.O,.o.OYO.OfO.Of� �yq,Ovpiq�OROMQ110lOfQM060.Q4G90.O.Q�QM'�� }i ff+��cl!YYt �. " _ I -. Oi011000Att.OS99POYO.Oeow4.9{CY0 4.0.0.c AT WARI? THE CANADIAN BANK :.kS Harlan dell 4S. spending the OF COMMERCE gouda} in London, b SS W, ', T Colwill left on "Puesday for ea so LAIRD, GeneralWALI{ER,C.V„Q.,LL.D., D,C,L,, President thin west to help takecare of the I a ▪ SIR. EDMUND h3asaytee JOUN AIRD, etssa General Manager R i Sander.. c Creech, Proprietors Ulu- Edythe Lewis has returned to ii In advance el.00 per year in Canadat Ioo» a€ter spendaa teL. :lays es $1,5£, in United States, If not paid t �isi'ina.d�; her sister \arn; s. T. 4�' "veil in advance 50c. extra per year may be charged THURS. At.UST 26, '15 Dashwood Aiisss Tillie Eidt of Stratford is wisitine het brother Johaidt ,or a fel. weeds ellse •i iUic ,hada returned 'Monde -s- ee Stratford with .lr. and Mrs. Louis P Ste: atter a week's visit aerie. .Mr. Silas Adams oa Lindsay visited I eere lase week. Mr and Mrs . Silas Adams ti's Lind- e -ay are visiting the iatwrs ;parents, Mr and Mrs..Peeeter, 'itr a few wailis Accidently lulled.—The shockingly cud. en death took plaza on Friday eiteeneat.:eat of Mr. Fed 'reete ., oi this place, when ate fall team i. ewer onto the barn • floor, . dying a•*siants}. e. I'rteter had gone - to help Mr Henry Kraft mow away his gain, and When a ford full was trip- ped ripP d iron: the ierk it spread out 'tied puseec: the mow onto the fieor en hie head and sas .mac inistaetiy, his neem, seeing brow- WHALE' Tile tete \''. ?reeler Lias :;ed firs W. N. Powe is improvaie after a. t.e Cl enation last week..� • •o: NADA: crop on his farm. He was accompenned 2S „o ..._�.. b� W Gamow of Mooresville ea air. and Mrs, Hanlon, and Mr. and Mrs, C O'Brien were in London, on 23 Tuesday attending the funeral of gg Mist Coughlin,. Miss 'Young of London is visiting ri aunts the Misses Wilson. Miss Brock of Wingham spent .a k:oupl:; Of days visiting with Mr. and elrs. Brock. The Sunday School intend- holadine th, picnic to the Bend on Tuesday next, Everybody come along and .•li-. a good days outing. :ss Fritz of Zurich is the guest Mrs W. Parsons. Boa Baker has peen .ausy the .;;s. week trying; to get -his onion erop harvested ._the many showers snake it slow work but the crop .is a big, ene, Mr H. Fry and A..Shattz 'spent Sundae with relatives at Clifford end*i *. Fry and family returned home ,M them. ,a to year and 11 months. He was earn iMia:, Lily Morley, school teacher at ?•.-• tr 4.ri:rPtl ;� encame to Canada alien h is visiting this wee'. with her awe years o: age, and hail tin'e' -rtF -'R's et;- and Mfrs Frank Mor's'y, .dee near Dag -twee: n:r, t:. ci ,ass -`• Thomas Gould and Mrs. Fla- -a4.0 „ewe lee r...irad to th .'utherby. both of London. re l -ie was a man of excel/ere e:hare e•; I`irss'friends around here. -- Miss Its.ihlsesteemed and re:speeied, Ind t:irate Millson and :Elsie Gunning r; - his demise is greatly r,:gr:tic*=i by "wawa onelay from a visit with en. ale whole a•ommunity ;she extend sinsani'meet Arthur Gunntn t at Ki-kton. to sc•mpa'hy' to the bereaved rola a' young Indies men"-ionea1 'est tivee Be'aids;s his wiac the is pure:ti- ``eems 3` eampin a' Grand Blend re- ed ea two daughters aleane ;cera (keeled home on Fridaf in Nathaniel tiirs. Silas Adams of Lindsae - 0 -den's fine Overlani car. --• taliss Ed. Kraft of iaashivood and Fred. r Mabel efvNaugh:ton of Blanshard is on the homestead; also two arother L::a i� here i s w+ ek with Mass and three sisters, Louis of Stratford• Bessie Morley.—V rimer Brooks itrite Joh: o Zuri,h, 1Irs. Sta,:ee ,.md'\les time of w•riting•is seriously ,ill with i•Ienr;: Rtllert of Dashwood and Miss rintunsonia:, "attended by l)r.Camp Fenn} of Zurich. The t:unexal tool: b i of K nktan.--•Lloyd a nd place or. Sunday to the Bronson Line Hodgson of Centralia spent Sunday aematery and was perhaps the :erg.- here Lith their uncle John Hodgson, 9.es" illi d st let had ever witnessed. Reer. Greupn r i ai�ealaout all done. ftwilltake fl ia:iat�:d. aerial oi airs. 1 crier eaDeath has eiie remainder of Au ;est, and dry at dent of this neighborhood, Inrr:shc report a good yield and .he p rsor, 'os Sir Wii?ert, widow of 'Ile eat a splendid sample. —Richard fats Henry Ri lie.t. she raving died "ingar was taken ill last •reek with • 1 om as her Charles, on a slight stroke. but is improving end removed another o: the oldest rest- , d finishp• Those who Ratio reale. even: last, at the ;rzTat a e we hope will soon be out again. -- tie' q;, nes, Deceased had Bain ani ilia ladies of this church have been feeble health Seam the infirmities .cit busy of late with Red Cross end iss er work. They have shipped till ;te for some time, ,hence'i her .ie r i s+G. C3 a' an ill the least Itite'xpecte n. `mve: 4,I, jars o. jam ao the soldiers, Mrs Willer: Lyes a native of .incl ori making up a lot of shirts, Germany hut a :t:>ie tor: anada upward ot q0 and pajamas for the wounded. This years ago, and has' continuously xe Lyeti'I: they axe making quilts or the sided here since. She possessed an W. NI Si esecllent charmter, was kind .:nd <anli^,inc-, ansa her life was rich 'n the ss rifice for her- famt,y and her 'ire death tool; place on .Sunday ..ends ThctuIi- old, and ions since iuornint. in St. Joseph hospital of 1 ssu,., the elicited seen et iif<, her ' ',1iss Phi}omene Cougttlin, daaghter of (Leith will be regretted by a large era Mrs Josephine Coughlin, o; lit Tell ▪ e of 'ri'ndand relatives .'Ile iS 'r,ial' -treet. London formerly of ;:It. ;su Live.c.' b'. tour sone—le narle'. .if ate- t artilel. Miss Coughlin had be:n in plan; Jc,lin ieul Free. 9:y flay, Ind..ra mine at St. Joseph Hospital, Chat- Henrl of Raleee, Mich. The funeral eta, and her illness was - brief. She tool: pleas to the Bronson Line .'em _ ad a wide circle of acquaintances ctery orTuesd e. in this city who will regret to near of Hence Wineet 0 Konieo, \II.•ai q,- death. Besides her ,pother, she :ttensi ii the funeral o,: as in Ste F survived by five brothers and four Keri Tuesday. sir Arnold, Neil, Hugh and Helen 'i Amongst those hie .ee.. on .he lair ., • E:otn , : Jack, of St. Catharine s; Excursion xcta sion to the Lc cast .sera Rs m ,rnd, Fort William; Mrs, Dr.) V 'Messrs I Gratton, John Mason end r. Tillman. of this city, .and sisters St M Turnbull of Brewster. Frame! and Margaret of the Sacred lire Alex. Zimmer received the Heart Convent, The funeral was held sad newt Tuesday of the .death of ,a.t Tuesday morning in London. Canada's Prime Minister.her step -mother at St. Agatha. and `a..,. was aged 21 years. Mr and firs. Zimmer left ,yesterday ells:: Sadie Campbell of Detroit the preparation for the day of events (Wednesday) -to attend the funeral is spending a 'fees days with ;.ler les- that ominous and significant events Broke. His Shoulder. — Mr Arthur ter. hiss K. Campbell.—Mrs. P. Slond indicated would not be long delayed. Bierling met with a painful and u,i- al Parkhill is spending a few ,weeks While this was a great disappoint - fortunate accident on Tuesday even- ithtr her daughfier firs. Jos, i\le- went' it did not prevent the Govern- ing last, He was working on ...le An ri.arthy.�.titz. Joseph Guinan left on anent continuing its policy of preparee of .; drew • in T o bull's barn west manner slipped Utnd�tfell Saturday far Detroit to visit ,cis son heads of all departments on. At once a was formed Frank who is very ill. .Frank's many1 o. to another building with \he re'.- friend,: here wish for him a speedy to prepare plans to meet any emerg- suit that his shoulder was i badly recovery.—'Sister St.• Jahn and sisters ency that might arise, and their fractured. His wounds Were immete' ' o. a of Teterboro' are spending a report was` completed only a few lately dressed by Pr. Balfour but he will be laid -off duty for soime time R o. CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 •°00 !w A k3z'i #review Qf a What Remains to Be Done r SAVINGSBANK ACCOUNTS NTS � 1�it Shalt Be Limited Only Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and on Has Been. Done During /a the Past Year: WOoOO.a O„o.O0000.000000000.000.000.6 ROC.O.,004300.OR04447MO�RIQ}QilQi90 20. MOUNT CARMEL ITER one year of the great struggle in which Great Britain is participating in order to implement her bond, destroy militarism, and perpetuate the Empire.: a review of the part Canada has played clearly shows that this country has been an effective factor in the success of the allied forces and in the check admin- istered to the overweening ambition of the Kaiser and his junkera, There were those in high places, both is Britain and Canada, who bad main- tained that Canada would. not or should not participate In the Em- pire's wars, but the wonderful re- spouse to Sir Robert Borden's call for aid to the Motherland has completely confounded these apostles of Little Canadiantsm, Not only has Canada rallied to the call, but bas sent across the Atlantic the largest expeditionary force ever dispatched either tram America : - another country or from - Europe to America. Previous Preparation. The defeat of the Government's naval aid MI: was a Severe check in b - the Need, .a upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts. Ito are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail: *223243222222222222234r428282443242• a be opened in the names of two or more persons,with-. Accountsmyp d t W received vstobe made b , anyone of them or bythe survivor, S21 Lansdowne ]?ark, Otta. a, a ived axe al Y the regimental colors from her Royal EXETER BRANCH—H.. J. WHITE Man. CREDITON—A. E. KUHN, Man, Highness, Princess Patricia, only 40 remain in service. Early in the --^- spring the First Division landed in France and at Tpres, Hill t40, Langemarck, St. Julien, and Festurbert, they fought with such gallantry and desperation as to win even from the Germans the tribute of , being the best troops in the Allied armies. On that memorable day at St. Julien when the Turcos broke be- fore the German gas fumes only the Canadian division stood between the Hung and their goal --Calais. The Canadian line was extended to 'DI the gap; they stopped the German rush. but at an awful price. Again at Fes- turbert they smashed the German line, Naval and Aerial Services, Assistance In the naval defence of the Empire en a large scale bas been impossible owing to the action of the L Senate in defeating the Government's proposals in 1913. On the outbreak 1 of war, however, two submarines were purchased in Seattle for the de- fence of Vancouver and Vittoria against the German raiders on the Pacific, and the Niobe and Rainbow were refitted to act as transport con- voys and to help keep trade routes " s open. The British navy has, govt I ever, again vindicated its supremacy, and Canada under its- protection bas enjoyed complete immunity from attack. There have also been estab- liehed aviation schools, and the first detachment of Canadian aviators are now in England In the British aerial i service. Munitions and Equipment. In providing munitions and equip- , meat for the allied armies Canada -"- has r has played a great part. So far con- IiENSALL tracts for over $300,000,000 have been placed in this country. Of this huge amount $152,000,000 is for The death took place iast week of shrapnel and high explosive shells. Mrs. George Beach, very suddenly, •r1 - Shortly after the outbreak of the war though .she had been filing for °,tithe the Canadian Government established SIR ROBERT BORDEN, Capital. ital & Reserve $8,000,000 96 Branches in E r e 1 t A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit - Bank Money Orders SAVINGS Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH — W D. CLARKE, Manager. p. 414. i M-' MAD! til CANADA as "" "eehrg to d.Ue.vasy, eat Are. to !,r Oho naked truth"" Meeeter.:use pli A humleu eombiaatian of whish remove .many slira6r " . Hea4chG, Toothache, Musculilt a Nervour i ain, Siiiifirar, Twitchin , a Soiraa. orbarrow Eatha onto 'm ' ultt dna impose or ihto Blood.. PRISM 50e. A tax rl[ot ALL. DRUGGISTS 45c,,A Pox PROM GEORGIAN MFG. G., CALttNGW000, ONT. TAKE AWAY Acme- SIR CH E a Shell Commission which was so sues time. ;he came here a few years cessful in speeding up the production agc, with iter husband. :� son Ind of munitions that last May a similar daughtei tro,n Rochester attended system was adopted in England. the funeral. The husband also .aro From Sydney to Victoria our matin vbeMr. and Mrs. McMartin who featuring plants are turning out con- bad been visiting the parents :a the pleted shells at the rate of 30,000 a lattei Mr. and Mrs. Bontltron, to- day. Financial Arrangements. To preserve our credit, prevent a turned to Barrie accompanied by drs, Bonthron,—Charles Gassick and wife who have been visiting with the parents of the latter returned to panic, and maintain our industrial. their hams: in s itawa.--Mrs, Nt P. and financial prosperity, at the out- Warrener is visiting xelativ es in break of the war the Government Detroit.—Mrs, Ruben Cudmore of adopted measures which have been Toronto is visiting relatives here.— adopted, successful, No serious lir and airs, Geo. Lodge ,af Cleve- eminentlybusiness disruption was experienced, land Ohio are the guests of firs, Drake.—Ernest Stacey of Orillia is spending holidays with his parents.— Lloyd Stacey of the Molsans Bank Simcoe is home for his vacationi— our war expenditure arrange- Hugh McDonald, who has been a res- Forments were made with the Bank of ident of our town foryseveralouttyears, England through the British Govern- leaves with his family about the first ment for a line of credti to last until ofhe the month for St. Marys,MwhereWill the cessation of hostilities when our S has rented ahsmie,re vi , r Shi.rray of Detroit is here visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. N. Snirray. "Liss Helen Cook returned with ner,—Mr, Dejeat' of the Maisons Bank staff who although the outbreak of war oc- curred during a commercial depres- sion, the sequence of years of fever- ish 'speculation and inflated values. debt will be consolidated and repay- ment spread over a period of fifty rn . years. There were also new revenue mm -eel with the former's parents, .:.2r. I weeks before the actual outbreak of measures enacted iu the form of sh e - and . Mrs. 5. G. Quarry.—Mr. Patrick I war. .. cial taxes anis increased tariff im- Giavii. left on. Tuesday far .the West.; Immediate Action, ports. These have been very success- -Mei ),icCaffery and Miss Hickey' War was not declares against ful, and our revenue promises for the returned to their home at ,Dutton, af- Great Britain until August sth, last current fiscal year to regain Its tee spending a \sleek with friends inyear; but three days previous in a n.ormai level. Recently the Minister secret despatch, Sir Robert Borden New for domestic purposes, a offered,a considerable force if noes- loan of York, for domestic sexy. On August 4th a reply was Crediton The ladies of Crediton intend ,sere -- lag Lunch and Ice Cream on Labor Day—Sept. 6. The proceeds will be given to aid the Red ;Cross. Funds, Threshing has begun in earnest A- mong some of our neighboring farm- ers, and much has been said about the 'different outfits, but to auote some of our most prosperous farmers, "We have to take off our ,hats to viir, J. I Cornish and his Goodison ,eatfit, which has done considerable ,vork ,in our midst and hagiven entire satin faction and we bl e there has been; me belt;, burned e_•; r, which goes to: 'show that Mr. Frank Sims is,on the job and very ably fills his position in charge of the machine, ,while eer. :Pat Cornish is a very efficient dngut :ter aiway' having plenty of power to do the work to the.utmost satisfac- .tion of the farmer. Rev Powell of 'Clinton will ,occupy The pulpit of the Methodist church here next Sunday morning and even- ing. l r F Vii . Clarke has received his new Ford auto from ;air. ;.Milo Snell .a f Exeter. Rev Jefferson, R ff rsan •cvhn recently �a der- J n n , y *wen: an operation in London, is im- provint, nicely, Mr Ben Either of Ubly, Mich., was visiting here for a few days. -: Mr and Mrs. August Kuhn ,return- ed Saturday night from.a motor ,tour! to NiagaraFalls., Mi-. and Mrs.Jhnston, Miss ifastle, air and Mas. Broderick have .return- ed to London, after a short . visit with Mr and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick. Mr and Mrs. Dan. Oestreicher and r . lr . and Mrs. H K..Eilben motored. to Stratford Tavistock and Berlin t lst last week We are =pleased' to see that • vlr, :Henry 'eleadher is eine to,lee out 4gair after his recent illness. Mrs. Jos ..'Efaist, who has :been vis- ifinr in Bad Axe, Mich., tan -U -Miss .Mildrea Brown, who 'visited Sebe •waing, -Mich., . have returned home, Ovens—In .McGillivray, Aug. ; 7, Mary relic! of the late Stewart Ovens, and mother of Dr. Ovens, ,.orn'ler- 1). of .F:ates't, aged 85 yearrs. this neighborhood.—Mr. Malcolm Cur- rie and sisters, Misses Katie and Christie left on Tuesday for cSorth of Finance successfully floated in Denote, where they intend to reside: received that there seemed no im- I Future Assistance. —A large number from here 'attended f h the funeral of Miss Coughlin of mon- mediate need. A few ours later 1. "The measure of our assistance war broke out, On August 6th Can- w'll be limited owl by the need don on Tuesday.—Misses Evelyn•lnd Kathleen: O'Leary of Parkhill ,are t••is- itiuc friends in this neighborhood.— Miss Margaret Roberts of Sarnia its a visitor at the home of James Carey.— Mr aney—Mr Basil Sullivan of St. ;Michael Col- lege Toronto, is spending a few week• -at les hong* near here. ��run Mr and Mes. Ezra Fahner of L on- i?'i cai'_ei on 'friends here last,, z. ee' Mr 'Mathew Swietzer is - iso aeae his 'bedtime William here,—Mrs. 5. Hamacher. and Miss Alice :Gaiser are visiting, iia Teeswatcer.—Mrs. A. Mc- Eachen of Detroit spent the week end with Miss Kathryn alcEachen,- Mr Angus McKenzie of St. 5Thamas spent last week with his brother Pe- te- gene.-IVers. Dougald Mcisaac vis- ited her parents at Drysdale , over Sunday.—Miss Kathryn 1McEachen re- turned to her home in Coleman on Tuesday, after spendingend!n n the past mon- th with her mother.—Messrs, Charles Garfield and Milton. Finkoeiner Ind johr. McPhee.left for the West on Tuesday y FRUIT NEWS anks Barband Bradshaw Gages Plums also o Triumph Peaches are norm- at their best for canning. 'I he thrifty housewife will put up snore Erni . this year than even before. --Plumswiththeir numerous var- hit le,'e' present a change for table dessert which is not possible: with any -other variety of fruit' Peach - e, are especially favorable is a horn canning and preserving frnit —easily preserved and delicious chez served on the „table. Gro- pers.-are roc rs.-are quite --willing to .book, o'r iters ahead and " h`ousebolders shhuld see their dealer in good Oaf. as this year is a home :an - year if ever there :was one. ada's offer was accepted, and the t1 y , • , lice same day orders were issued to mob - 1 the declaration of our future policy made by Sir Robert Borden. With itize militia units in preparation fort active service; and four days later it 1-150,000 men under arms the Govern - was decided to send a first contingent meat is steadily, recruiting more men; of 22;218 men. This number wthere will as i and if war -lasts another Year a afterwards increased to 33,000. The be at least a quarter of e Hoops were mobilized- at Valcartier, The, million Canadians fighting for the and within thirty days after the out-' Vernon,V, al gr training camps nat break of war, this army, fully equip- agra Calgary, Sewell, London, ped, vias reviewed by his- Royal High- Niagara, Barr been , established,�ta, and ness, ;the Duke- of Connaught. In hereetx havethbeen f ougand �. here the thousands of young Cana - October they sailed for England, and diens receive preparatory training be - since have won undying fame In fore going to England. France and Belgium. Since then a steady stream of reinforcements havel Welfare of Troops. been transported across the the At- i Canada's soldiers receive the high- lantic. Two days after the outbreak,est pay of any troops engaged ip the of war the Dominion Government of- war, and the pension previsions are fered' one million bags of Sour as a I also the most generous. A patriotic gist to`the British Government to be fund generously_ contributed by those used -as they saw fit, , who cannot go on active service, has 8 Canadian Forces. assured the con;ort and welfare of Canada has at present under arms the dependents of those fighting fen in. France, England, Bermuda, St. Country and Empire. To care for the Lucia, and at home 150,000 men, As sick, wounded, and convalescent re soon as the first overseas army land- turning from the front a hospital ed in England, enlistment of morel commission has been established: At men commenced, and it was decided Quebec they have fitted up a hospital, tomaintain two army divisions of and from there the convalescent sol - 25,000 men each at the front -with , tilers will be sent to the many homes sufficient reserves in England and placed at the disposal of the Com Canada to keep them at full strength, ` mission by the benevolent citizens. The Canadian troops are now distrr- I Imperial Relations. buted as ,follows: In France and The war. has established new rola- 0 • in Berme a England,80 0 0 d 1 OOO r a , , , , h and the Ern, - in t The s between Canada in St, Lucia, 500-; on home defence, I pire. When Sir Robert Borden sat 10,000, and in preparation in train -I with the British;Cabinet in confer - rug camps in Canada, 60;000. There ence on the affairs' of the Empire it have been at least 40,000 men sent was 'a notice to the world' th t. Can- adathe has ceased to be a ward ft.4 had. A Splendid Record. become a partner of Great Britain. Of the Canadian, forces the Prin- Official recognition was ,given :this, cess Patricia's Canadian'Lightlknfan- new 'status' of the Dominion in' the' try first'met the Hues. ' All during Empire bye; leaders of the Imperial the terrible winter campaign they Government who have declared that. fought in the trenches side by side in future the overseas Dominions will with the veterans of France. and Eng be consulted on matters aTfecti'ng for. land.. Of, the 1,100 men, who in eign policy and defences„ is taking his holidays, has ;gone to join hie wife and children at Kings- ville, SI'EO-X A,L NOTICE TO EXETER FOLES We with to announce we are; ex- clusive Exeter agents forthe simple mixture of buckthorn bark, gIyceri'q,e, etc., known as Adler -1 -ha, This rem- edy. used successfully for appendicit- is is the most THOROUGH bowtei cleanser we ever sold. It is so, pow- erful that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. Adler i-ka. never gripes, is safe to user, and the INSTANT action is surprising, W. S. Cole, druggist. EDEN' Mrs Wordsworth and daughter, Eva of Melville, Sask., and Miss Edna Dickins of Lucan visited Mrs. 1+rack Coate:, last week, --.Miss Mary E. ,Vin- cent of Dashwood returned home ,af- ter spending the summer with . Mrs. Frank Coates.—Mr. George Westcott held a barn raising last Friday,—Miss Minnie Luxton of . Exeter has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alf. ,Coates: v�rct,;III I] uWIlif19W �I!IUI >r� ia, i6ePropridaryorPattatMeditineAd. Aveee. able-repaialionanis•- aimilating Ihefood andRegulal• ' fi ng the Stomadis and Bovietset Promotes Digestingheerful=; ness artd Resf.Coittainsneiter, 0phmi.Marphiae,norlkllin2ral.; NOT NARC OTIC. ..sTerireoladDeilfiglIZPIITEIR i9mut:Saad- Aaise.1delcSdts Saed 211.41glicaltAs - Womdlirdl See,zypn•d- Cla likfti aenlr(ayst - - AperfecF Remedy toreonsten lion, S ourStomach Dia h es Worms,Convulsions,Fcverish bels and LOSS OF mLi EP, •a FsieSimile 5ignatft-e of CASTORIA For Infante and. Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of THE, CEN TAUR COMPARI•, maire.t AL&NEW YORKK . to Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy'of Wrapper. 714,1E ORIA c,“*.A„'1, COMPANY. 116W vo„K