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The Exeter Advocate, 1915-8-19, Page 5
i • LEQAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries; Conveyancers, Com- missioners. Solicitors for the Moloons Bank, etc. money to Loan at lowest rates of interest Otticea—Main-St., Exeter R. Carling, B,A. L. II. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount ot, private lands to loan on farm and *Tillage prop - exiles at low rates or interest.. GLADMAN & STA.NlitiRT Barristers, Solicitors. Bretes.. DLII VITAL Dr. G, F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DI+INTIST idernber ot the R.C.D.S, of Ontario ,and Honor Graduate of Toronto Ontverslty. Otttce—Oyer Dickson & Carting's taw olrice. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate or Toronto 'University DENTIST Teen' extracted without pain, or a.ny bad effects. Otrice over G1adntan Stantrury'e Of*:ce, Main Street, Exeter. SYNOPSIS Q1' CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGIILA 'IONS THE sole head .of a family, or eny mace"over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Oomin- ion'lalld in Manitoba, Saskatchewan ox Alberta The applicant must appear in perso . at the Dominion Lands Ag- eacy of Sub -Agency for the Dia- trict. Entry uiay be made at any fomiiu.on Lands Agency (but not' Sob -Agency) on certain conditions, I?tlrti.es—Six months' residence upon arid cultivation of the land in each of tlitreet years. A homesteader may live WI • q Stine miles of his, homestead cn a f of at least 80 acres, oft certain' co•..i oils. A habitable .house is re.-' °titled in every case, except when re- sidence is performed lar, the vicinity. In cereals* districts a homesteader in good standiegnlay pre-empt a quarter sectIon aloatgeide his homestead. Price 153 per acne, ,Duties—Six months resi- •den a in each.. of three yearn after melting homeste d patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as hiSmesteed pettent, on certain condi- tions ,A settler who has exhausted his homestead sight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. 'Pelee $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 months in eaLch of 3 years, cu- °Itivett 50 acres, and erect a house worth $30D. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- •by or stony land. Live stock may be ‘substituted for cultivation under cer- lain conditions. W. W. CORY, C,M.Q. Deputy ot the Alla titer of the Interior N,B:-Unauthrorized publication of thla advertisement win not be pard tor. 'Western University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCOME DOUBLED—NOW $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicinte. {GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to : E B Braithwaite, M, Al., Ph. D. President. FALL TERM FROM AUG. "i0 .CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This is Ontario's best practical training school with Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy depart- ments. Our coursers are thorough and, instructors are experienced. We place graduates in positions. Write for our free catalogue at once and see if it interests you. D. A. McLachlan, Principal FALL TERM OPENS SPT. 1st. ELLIOTT Toronto, does not ask for. a better reputationthan it already possesses. We gel positions for many :•tridents eacli year. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 734 Yonge St. Yonge & Charles Sts. RAND TRUNK SYs EM HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $12 To WINNIPEG AUGUST 19 & 26 Frere Stations Iingston and Ren- frew aand East in Ontario and . Quer bee AUGUST' 21 & 26 l From- Stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive, and East, but not in- cluding 1,l iiigston,. Renfrew or East thereof AUGtJS:T"24 &s 28 From Stations in Ontario north anrd, West .ot•-Torornto but not ,n chiding line Toronto ,to :xNartll;; Bay For particulars as. to tickets west of Winnipeg, etc., apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket .Agent. , N. J. DORE, Exeter 1tw nu u or rntn>trtnuuunQusmuquurn>tenutntnutwiititnrmieituli_ ili1tt11t111[Uinll111t1U1t/1111D/1M1/1titUflllilllfit/1t/U1n1111U/ltll/liilllU/II#/IUIiILllllifill/if11111Ua/1!/fIl/li/1)11/1ti1Ig9!!B//l1114r1t1//1 hen Preservin Use LANTIG Sugars 'Because it dissolves 'quickly, it willnot scorch or burn in the kettle. LANTIC Sugar is refined from cane only* granulated extra fine and comes to you clean and pure from refinery in original packages. 2 ib. and 5 lb. cartons and 10 lb. and 20 lb. bags. 100 lb. bags coarser granulation. Weight guaranteed. Buy in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Balt on each package. d your addess and small Red Bail e Mark from bag or top end of on e d we will mail you book of Ste essbd Fruit Jar Labels—printed and guftifticd ready to put on the jars. Lantic Sugar Atlantic Sugar -Refineries Limited, MONTREAL., QLJE. ST. JOHN, N.B. !*IMM1111111M 11111l11J1M1n unulllttttttru$J, 1t1P1ll""°""i1t1r1"41"1" IJUiIlIJIIItt111tftttftttel,} A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Yerprspeausanetennsestitetheeeiacipat Le I, Wilmer, Met ele.D.,et. Thomas,o 83 DR. DtVAN'S_ RENCH PILLS 'reUe- .. bis A gulating Pin for Tkusen. $5 a bort or threefor VO.' 8 . at oil Ilrug Stores. or rustled to any addzeee receiytof pli¢e.,;Tns //coon,. Darn Co..St. Catharines. Qutario. Reetarea H©SPHQNO `OR MEN. , , a>x ty 1# niattter!";v.Tolic—w Tonic—will ldYo; insie+aaea" s two for T z3 M-tyl t build Yon tip, S5 a recce ar hs, at drug stores, or by mai on receipt of price. -. Tits 8const.r. Darts Co., 8t, Catharines. Ontario. Business and Shorthand Westervelt School Y. M. C. A. Building zo London, Ontario College in Session Sept. 1st to July. Catalogue Free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Principal FALL .FAIRS. Toxontc Aug, 28-Sapt. 13 London Sept. .10-18 Exeter Sept. 1.0-21 Seaforth .. ,. , Sept. 23-24 Ailsa. Craig .....................Sept. 28-29 Blyth Sept. 28-29 Mitchell.. Sept. 28-29 .Goderich Sept. 28-30 Kirktor, Sept. 30 -Oct 1 Bayfield .,e.,.,, Oct 15-6 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST ING OF VOTERS' LISTS Voters' Lists 1915 --Municipality of Township of Usborne County of Huron. .NOTICE is hereby given that X have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of "The voters' List Act" the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assesstnent Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legisla- tive Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was Srstposted up at my oflioe Us - borne on the 29th day of July. 1915, and re. mains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omission or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according, to law. FRANCISMORLEY Clerk of Dated this 29th day of July,1915e said )+furiioipality- For Sale - A 2 storey brick cottage roofed residence and 3 eats situate on West side of Main Street south of Huron Street in the village. of Exeter, be- ing the residence of the late • T. B. Carling. This property is,. one of the best situated residential properties in the Village. a commodious house, in good repair ,furnace, hard and soft water, beautiful grounds, fine fruit, shade and oa•namental trees, a splendid gar- den and choice slliall fruits, and al- together a most' desirable property. For (terms and particulars apply to Mrs. Martha Carling on the premis- es or Messrs. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors for Estate of late T. B. Carling. VOTER'S. LISTS 1915 MUNICIPALITY OF. THE VILLAGE OF EXETER " COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that 1 hive transmitted or delivered to he per- sons men tioned• `' in section 0 of "The Voter's List A.t•' the cop- ies required by the said se.:tions 1') be so transmitted or delivered; .if the list made pursuant to 'said act, rf persons ,appearing by the Last ,,:vis ed Assessment Roll of the said. ;lan- icipality to be entitled to vote in tue said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly annat ldunic pal Elections , ap,l that saki lis'wail e tIp.4f$li lileen eetiny o(t f ier et E 0 an the _' e4Oia ,,. , ay cif „Ag*bat. 915, ancl'!Fel-mins there for irt4ozction. .A„,0. I hereby call upon all voters to ` tiitket' it:mediate .,proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated the 2nd day of A isgust 1915 J: 'SENId , . Acting Clerk zURICTI Wen. Sender has .11 disposed of : 'a P interest in the Commercial Hotel, Hen- sall, to 4r. Atcheson and .gave pos- session on Tuesday,—Miss Beatrice. Rennie and Miss Qr'eeta House 1 of Detroit are visiting with the dorm- er's father, Mr. Alex. Rennie, Baby- lon Line, -,The Misses Margaret and Florence Fried of Toronto are ,visit- ing their aunt, refrs, Fritz,—Mr, E. Holtzman of Hamilton spent a few. days at his h rn . here .this week.—Mr. and Mrs Oliver Johnston of ,Goderieh spent Sunday at the home lof 'Mr,. Thome.. Johnston,—bliss Mathilda. Wel: of Detroit is visiting , at tier home.—Misses Mayan and Maggie'La- mont are visiting friends in Toronto for a few days.—R`ev, C. C. J. Maass will again coinduet the services .In the Lutheran church an Sunday, August 22nd.—Messrs. Philip Bedard ::nd John Tulley of Tilbury are spending the holidays at the home tof Mr. Jos. Bedard . St. Joseph. --During the se- vere thunder storm which passed over this section on Saturday night, four telephone poles near the Parr Line were badly splintered by lightning and will have to be .replaced with new ones.—The Misses -Alice and Frieda Taylor have .returned to their ,home at Sarnia. accompanied by their cousin in Ward Fritz.—Ivan L. Stewart, grand son of Mr. and Mrs, James Green, met with an accident which might have proven, serious, while at Grand Bend A wolf owned by Mr. Herb Smith° was tied to a tree when the little fellow came too close end the wolf jumped upon him. Luckily Mr. Smitl• was on hand and threw the woli off and the child escaped with a few scratches and one cut n :Ilei ear. The wolf was shot instantly, CLINTON—The death occurred on Aug 11 at the home tof her sister elrs. 3, J. Macdonald of - Eliza ;cinch wife of 1Ir, Benjamin Spindler ,of Lon- don The deceased was a daughter of the late ."4Ir. Finch, and spent her girlhood days in Clinton, She was married about twenty-five. years ago, EXETER PEOPLE PRAISE SIMPLE MIXTURE .. Many in Exeter praise the simple mixture o]: buckthorn bark, Glycerine, etas known as Adler-i-ka. This relnedy is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser ever sold being even uses"' successfully in appendicitis, ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE or constipation sour air >rassv stomach. ONE MINUTE after you take it the gasses rumbl: and pass out Allier-i-ka cannot gripe and the instar` action is surprising W, S COLE Druggist. THE MIDWAY AT TORONTO There will be no freaks ,on the Midway at the Canadian National •Ex- hibitior this year, but the carnival world has been scoured for attract- ions and "The Pike" should the live- lier than ever. A Wild West Show and a water circus including log roll- ing, diving V`enuses, trick canoeingi, etc., Streets of Cairo, the ,Garden of Allah the Giggler, the -Hippodrome and a dozen other thrillers are among the features MANY THOUSAND MEN REQUIR- ED FOR THE k, HARVEST IN WESTERN CANADA Thousands of Mien swill' be required from Ontario to help in the great Work of harvesting th,e Western crop and 'practically the entire task of transporting this great army of Har- v esters to the West will fall to the lot of the ,Canadian Pacific Railway. Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba Saskatchewan and Al- berta will be run, and ,special Grains operated mak ing the trip in about thirty-six 'hours and avoiding any change of cars or transfers. "Going Trip West " $12 to Winnipeg "Return Trip 'East",, $18 frofiv Win- nipeg Consult C. P. R. Agents ,regarding particulars . in connection with trans- portation west of Winnipeg. GOING DATES August 19th: apd 26th—From King- ston., Tichhorne ing-ston.,Tichb'orne Jct., Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and East in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec including intermediate stations & branches August 21st and 26th—Front Tor- onto, • Sault Ste Marie, Ont., and East in the Province of Ontario including intermediate stations and branches, but not east of or iincluding Kingston, Tichborne Jct., • Sharbot Lake' or~Re`rl'fre*. Augus' 24t11 aand 28th Frain Toron=`. to and stations West and North', in the Provinceof Ontario, but not including . Stations on, fine North of 'Toronto tco Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie, Ont, For full particulars regarding trans- portatian West of Wiimipeg, etc., see:. aeares CP.R.. Agent;' or write ,MG; Murphy District Passenger' agent,,. Toronto. JM i1MIIII1MIUMMii111UMIIIM UMMUMMMIMIIIM IIIMIUllitltilitlR111lliirfJtI Ili!'illi;111Ei11JLiiiilltl11t1tJ11iii i11t121i St. Marys, Aug. 13.—Three young men hailing from Berlin, were ,badly bruised and shaken when the ,cat' they were driving turned turtle just ,east of the town at 1 o'eloek to -day. ,One1 QC the two was badly hurt around the hips and all were more or less injured. The car was ruined, The bad con- dition of the road is ,blanjed for the accident. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local appllcationstas they cermet reach the diseas. edporvion o1 the ear. "nacre ie only One way to etre deem se, and that Ia by coaatitutiooal remedies Deafness!' caused by an inflamed condition of the mucouslining of theaustachian Tubs, When this tube Is inflamed you have arumbling soured or int. peitecthearin , and when it Iseatirelyolpsed, Deaf• neseis the result, and unless theinfiammatJoncan be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi. tian,hearing will be destroyed forever;°nape canes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which, is potting but an inbreed condition et the mucous tar:aces. We will give One Iiundred Dollarefor Any case of Deafneaa(causedby catarrh) that cannot be eared byiIairs t'atarrh Cure. Send ter -circulars Rise. F..L CIIENISY k CO.. Toledo 0. Sold by Druggists, :5e. Take Iran's Pandit. Pilleforconstipetian COMMUNICATION Lucan, Aug. 13, 1915 Editor Exeter Advocate Dear Sir, -- I have never entered into - ,any public controversy over :natters iii the public press, as I have ,no time for that yet my curiosity .was ar- oused in seeing an article .in the Lu - can Sun as having been quoted from the Exeter Advocate, and while I know that newspapers do not usually rive away the confidence of their informants or news "contributors, yet I confess that it seemed to ;lie that some one was having a littlesport at our community's expense, and had very little regard for the real facts in so doing. First. would you be good enough to, give., me the author ..o1 the article that the Lucan Sun refers ,to, and I shall be pleased to give .him the real truth and then will accept all the fun he can poke at me in a real good natured way, either publicly or 'pri- vately The rate to light users In Lucan, Exeter and Granton is identical; at least that is the present plan -6 cents per k.w. hour in private houses with the regular decrease after the first thirty hours, and 12c. per k,w, irour commercial. Then as to street light- ing the price again is identical, being $.15.0(1 per street light per - year, These are the only two places where the individual comes in at ,a11 or ^an conic in either in the present or fu- ture. Th.e system in which Exeter and Granton is taken makes they price per horse power to your local power commission approximately $47.00 .for Exeter $44.00 for Granton and $48,00 for Lucan. -I think. Let me emphas- ize, however, that the individual does not participate in that. If your lo- cal commission wanted to give ,power to a manufacturing concern or any other power purpose in the %commune, ity you could offer a manufacturer a better rate. Experience has proved to us that these things are "dreams'. to a great extent, however, as ;ex- per- ienc;: has told most of :us that Nye pay full market price for all you get out of such benefits as industries; bring Hydro is a benediction and no small community can afford' to he without it, but that anyone small com- munity can crow over another because of advantage, has. yet, to lie proven. If you do ;not care ,to give nie the W. J. REID, author of the, article, you ,can make use of any of this lmaterial you wish, er scrap -it if you ,wish. Ill voltCluston I wonder if Creigh : ton's Corners with $35.88 per tors power is laughing at Granton ,ands Ex- eter and saying "stung", A tittle common sense added to the ;