HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-8-5, Page 8EXETER A11VO[ ATE, THI3BS1JAY AUGUST 1U15
Wheat. .. 100
Xitlerley,•.• . ..
Buckwheat. . . .... . .....
Oats.. ,..,.,,.
Potatoes. per bag . , ...
sY. erten.......,..,,
:'lour, per cwt., family
Flour, law grade per ow
Rutter ......... . ......
Qreamery Butter.... , ....
Eggs . ,»... ...,.
live hogs. per cwt ..,..
Shorts per ton. ,,.
Bran per toe
35 50
14 00 14 00
22 2
18 19
g 30
28 00
D. D G. \i
Bra W J. a1urray assisted by an in-
steil;xrf' team installed the officers of
Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows on Tues
day ev"e Ing, The officers are es xol-
lows ,—J P.S.I., W. Bradt; N.G., J. M.
Southcott V.G., L;ee Wilson; i..S.,
R N Creech; PS., \'T .Johns; Treas,,
Edi D:gn:;n; \ ar., T. 0. aleLe,>d;
Coe. A J. Penhale; Q,G„ kW. i, ydd.
I,G. B Rivers; R S,N.G , W. ,lar-
to L,s,\,G., ly Howald;
0 Atkinson; L.S.V,G., R. Santo;
R.S.S. R. Brandt; L S.S., L. ,Busker -
v Ile, Chap., F. Triebner.
Prouty 13ree. ei Thames Road, Us-
berne have s weekpurchasedfrorn
Mr t hr.t,, Campbell his fine "farm,
bane L. 9, is on. 2, ,Hay, 1011 acres,
Possessiea giver April 1,• 191b, The
dee, was pet through by B. S Yhi1-
i:eas Estate Agent, Exeter.
RQUtiH ON RATS" clears out
Rat, Mice, etc. Don't die in the louse
15c and 256. at Drug and Country
"ENOCH ARDEN' the famous
poen, by Lord Tennyson will ,be the
great attraction at the Dome Thea-
tre: or. Saturday and Monday next,
August 7t1: and 9th. In motion Pic-
ture; : this is said to ,be one of the
most beautiful pieces put oefore an
auel.cne,e. las not miss ceetn,, it,.
The general admission
a pair of spectacles found, Owner
,ziar: have same by paving „expenses,
and proving property. Apply to Miss
Hettc: Sweet.
ILES, Accessories, Etc., Local posi-
tions; Machine furnished; Sc. brings
the offer: also special easy payment
terms.—General Motor Agencies, 103
C. P. R Bldg., Toronto, Ontario.
by C H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. Strictly confidential; no witness
Mrs. Harrison Gambrill, A. L C, M
will receive a limited number of pu-
pils for the voice, piano or organ
These studies were acquired in Eng-
land improved and perfected abroad
—Italy France, Germany. Method as
taught by Royal Academy of Music
Highest references. Terms on appli-
cation, Carling Street, Exeter.
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron
Perth. Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to
Centra' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter,
Charges moderate and satisfaction is
Stray Steer
There strayed from the farni of
John Township McMahon, onr abouLot t June 3Hay
0th, a
two -fear -old ear -old spotty steer. Reward
€* .$2t' for information that will lead
to the recovery of the animal.
BYRON HICKS, Centralia P.O
Summer Haif Holiday
We the undersigned businessmen
or the Village of Exeter agree to
close our places of business at Half
pas: Twelve o'clock on Thursday
afternoons during the months of July
and August.
J. A Stewart T,Hawkins & Son
S Martin & San S. Fitton
F. M. Boyle Times Co'y
Advocate Co'y W. J. Heaman
W. J Beer B.W.F. Beavers
Lawson & Trick F. E. Willis
H Spackman P. Frayne
J Grigg Jas, Senior
E. A Fallick W. W. Tartan
A E Moore Jones & Mary
W J Statham Mrs, Yea,
J. A. Wambold Willis Powell
A. Walters
1 desire to announce that I have op-
ener: a Flour and Peed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post.
Office and will keep a full supply of
the best grades of float's arid feeds.
I solicit your patronage.
Those having onion crops are .coni-
tnencing to pull them. The crop is
a goon one
•Air Willis Powell last week' , pur-
chased the Ford auto owned by
Mr Barry Kuhn, Crediton,
St Marys hotel keepers have raised
the price of kneals to 40 cents since
the Canada, Temperance Act has pas
sect in that place.
Exeter's big bowling tourrtantent
commences on Wednesday morning of
next week. Preparations are com-
plete for a good enjoyable time.
Gordon Braund,son of Edwin'
Braund of Brantford) formerly of
Exeter, has been wounded by shrap e:1
In France and is said to be seriously
A Hullett farmer was fined $20 end
costs for being drunk in Clinton, un-
der • the Ontario act which applies to
Counties under the Canada Temper-
ance Act.
Milo Snell last week sold %Ford cars
to Harvey: Bros.; Sarah Petty, Hen -
sail. Johr Deitrich, Stephen; Alfred
Paul- Kirkton. This makes 38 _ars
Mr- Snell bas sold this ,summer.
in our report of the •Hydro El-
ectric rates for this section in last
week's issue the rate for Exeter read
$47,30 per horsepower. it should
have read $43.70, the seven ,taking the
place of the three and ,vice versa,,
The Wrought Jron Range men alto
have been staying at the Commercial
Hotel for some weeks left .town this
week for newer fields. While here
they sold nearly four cars ;of ranges
it is claimed. They have a great ey-
'A Year of War" was the subject
dealt with by Rev. D. AV. Collins in
the Men's Service, in. Trivitt ;Memor-
ial church on Sunday: evening .last.
The congregation was large and the
timely discourse was listened to with
a" Brea deal of interest. t
The new band stand for 'Victoria
Park was completed last Week end it
was given a coat of paint. A ,nuan-
ber of seats have alfa been plae..d In
the park and were notch ,enjoyed by
a large number on Sunday. The band
steno and seating has filled a long -
felt want.
\A Srigham Tines.—Mr. J. ;E. Swarts
the well. -known proprietor of the
Queer's Hotel has been dangerously
1 since last Friday evening. rhere
has been a slight change for the bet-
ter ane: a large circle of ,friends will
wish for an early recovery and been
to again, see stir. Swarts able to be
Six rinks of Exeter bowlers .notcred
to Clinton on Thursday afternoon
and submitted themselves to the
slaughter which Clinton almost invar-
iably hands out to their opponents on',
their own green. Some of the acorns
were unmentionable, others close, and
others the visitors were up a few
points but on the whole Clinton was
considerably ahead.
On the Bawling green on Monday
afternoon in a challenge game a rink
of Presbyterians consisting of H.White
J. A. Stewart, W. D. ,Clarke. and R.G.
Seldon met and defeated a rink of
\Iethadists, consisting of W. H, Lev-
ett C B. Snell, W. !W. Taman and
R. N. Creech. The game was ,of 21
ends and the margin the Scotchmen
wan by was several shots.
Mr, R Phillips left on ,Tuesday for
a month's vacation and expects to
visit Toronto, Ottawa and Alontreal.
At the latter place or ,Toronto he
is going to try the practical and re-
maining part of the examination ,for
the degree of "Licentiate of the
Royal Academy of Music"; the high-
ese ertc in the Academy, end eo other
college, has a higher examination.
Miss Madeline Carling is being ,con-
gratulated this week an obtaining hon-
ors in Part I of the examinations lox
Entrance to Faculty of Education
which is the same as the first class
teacher's examination. L. C. Harvey
ane! Bruce Walker also deserve con-
gratulations' on passing the same Lex -
amination. 'Miss Carling attended
School in Toronto and the 'boys in
Cl sit on -
Mr James Archibald shipped from
Seafcrth last week 108 heavy •draught
horses. They occupied five cars,
They were a very fin.e lot tof .anim-
al: and were selected from different
part, of the county. They were sent
to the Old Country, and at is doubt-
ful if as many real good horses can
be produced in any other ,county in
Ontario. Huron always leads in
horse flesh.
The School Board met on Saturday
evening in the Public Library, .with
all the members present. A exuanber
oaf accounts were passed and . others
held over. The board declined to
steel the old material until the job
is completed, and not to rent the'
typewriters. Motions were passed to
re-engage the teachers in High '-and
Public School, Miss Dow to s take
the place of Mss Armstrong , who
resigned. It was stated that the
work at the school should proceed
more rapidly. Adjournment was made
to the call of the ,chainmant
week o
Mom. . rec�entl
a paralytic
days be
years, ago.
ears with
later with
for the
Park by a.p
body , a'#vd
n c �'i�``lh
ss the
rug: partsc
c{ tis furnish
1; ta� fuse
so,, says
H Sanders atthe Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; no witness
Helpv, Help!!
Come in and help us unload our
furniture as we have a large stock
which must be said.
We also have the best fwrn3rEure
polish ew�ea• made; and a polish for
G*ue cars stud• buggies equal tp none,.
See aur display' of KIRSCH cur-
tain rods, the neatest and simplest.
rod on the market:
hnbalmer' Etc
Phone :20a;
The Model School opens in Clin-
ton or August 17th,
Leamington will furnish five field
guns Will Exeter furnish one?
The Exeter Canning & ,Preserving
Company. concluded their pea. pack on
.Diss Effie Treble is visiting •in
Miss Addie �lorlock left Saturday
visit in Dietreit,
Mrs Nelson Sheere of Galt ;s Vis-
iting his mother here.
.. aFriday
A _. aril returned
;� s Evu Carling urn
to her duties in New York,
Miss ealasyson left Friday last to
viei*- with friends in Parkhill,
Master Peter Robertson of Strat-
ford. is here visiting relatives. c
:Mrs. Skelton reigned Friday af-
ter a six weeks' stay in New York.
Miss Ida Armstrong left 'Saturday -
to visit in Goderich tor a few days.
\tis: Vim Fisher of Hamilton . • is
risitinr friends and relatives in and
•trountl Exeter.
Mr Thos, Newell last seek dispos-
ed of his A2cLaughlin car and :las
purchased a new Huy,
The Verity Plow Company employes
at Brantford are buying a machine gun
for the Canadian forces.
Forty-eight new Ford automobiles
passed through town on their way
for delivery to purchasers at Hing-
ham and Tiverton,
Or a charge of selling and _shipping
liquoj into a county where the Can-
ada Temperance Act is in Some, A.,
C. "Watson liquor dealer of ,Guelph,
was fined 550 and costs before' Magi-
strate Kelly Monday at Goderich„
The Manitoba Provincial election
wui' take place to -morrow Aug. .stn.
There is a contest in every ,:onstit-
u;ence and the new leader of the Con-
servative party: is Sir J.A. Aitkins,
and of the Liberal. Premier i orris.
Rev. 1-1 W. Crews, M. A., D. D„
pasta, of the Central Methodist i,hur-
ch. Woodstock, and ex -president cf
Hamilton. Conference, will preach in
Main Street Methodist Church .fun -
day. August Sth, at 11 a. m. ..nd 7
p tu.
The firs threshing of the s, ;icon
began Atonday on the farm of Mr. Al-
vzx; Essery south of Exeter, was wit-
nessed by matey spectators, the et-
tractior 'being the new gasoline out-
fit owned by Mr. Leo Hodgins and
others from near Ltwan. It was e
good, practical demonstration of what
car be accomplished by an outfit of
that kind and the utmost satistaction
was the result. The engine is oeau-
tifue piece of machinery, doing its
work with perfect ease.
Air. Richard Bissett was up from
Londor. over Stmday.
Air Geo. Thomas of London,s vis
iting relatives in town.
\fr ana Mrs. Thomas Boyle .visit-
ed friends in Detroit last week,
Mrs D. A. Ross of Nampa, Idaho,
is visiting with friends in town,
Mist, Parsons of London is visiting
he* sister, Mrs. Hector Heywood.
Ain Russell Flynn of Waterloo ,was
hsai: over Sunday with his parents.
Mrs. Becker of New Hamburg is
visitint, with her parents .Dr, and Mrs.
Air. and Mrs. Wilbur Baker, Gran-.
ton spent Monday with Mr. and ;first
Milo Snell
'Misses Annie and :Margaret Case pf
Toronto are visiting with friends and
relatives here,
\else Fay McDonell of Detroit ds
visiting with friends and relatives here
and at Hensell, -
Mr, and Mrs. Huston of London are
visiting the latter's parents, err. t.tnd
Mrs. Jas Taylor,
Mrs Ed Dyer of Brantford •:s xis-
itine, her father, Mr. A, ,G, Dyer, and
other relatives here.
Mr and Mrs, Cliff Spackman and
childrer of Guelph are holidaying in
town with relatives.
Mrs E. Hleideman and son fWr1lram
left Saturday to visit with , relatives
at Clinton and Berlin.
Miss Evelyn Gill returned to :Tol-
edo last week after visiting , relatives
and 'friends for some time.
Misses Dorothy and Veda Gleed of
London are guests of Mr. and Alrs,
Win Sweet. London Road,
Messrs. Lionel and Roy Howard f
Londor spent the week end with
their 'uncle Mr. E. Christie,
Dr, Will Browning arrived here :est
week to visit his father, Dr. J. W.
Brae Wing and other relatives.
Mrs Inwood and daughter teturns.:
eco last week to London titer: sevaralt
week: wits' Airs. S. Sanders \lain St.
Air and Airs. Geo. Smallacombe and
a grandson and granddaughter' ' of
'Stratford are visiting with friends in'
ales N W. Creech, son •and daub-
er and Mrs. Oxtaby ,returned" • to
Brantford on Friday after a visit of
two weeks with relatives here.
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest
g>eoseries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every-
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin-
Mist Sarah Sweet, after a visit here i CO.
with her , parents, returned to tor-
ontc, on Monday,
AIr William Verity and family of Produce taken in
Brantford Motored here and spent a
few days with relatives.
Ret' S W. Muxwarthy and 'amity ,
left on Tuesday for Grand Bend. to Opposite Electric light Plant
enjoy a month's holidays.
Miss 011ie Quante left wlanday to '-
resit friends and attend the Millinery
Jas. Gould
openings in Toronto and London.
AIr and Mrs. B. W. F. .Beavers a,td '
family spent Saturday to \Ion law wwtn
Air, and Mrs. L. Aldworth,
Airs W M. Baynham and , hildren
of Oal. Lake, Alan., are visiting for j
a few weeks at the borne ofMr. Sam'? 1
Smith, London Road south.
Mrs. Stanley and children who ;have
been visiting the farmer's parents :tIr
and Airs. John McLaughlin left for
their home in Winnipeg on Tuesday.
Mr .and Mrs, Bruce Dignan and
two children Master Alan ,and 'Helen
of Toronto arrived here last even-
ing and will visit with ;the former's
parents Mr and Mrs. James Dignan.
Me and Mrs. John Schondelmayer
aero Miss Anne L. Sanders of Water-
loo, and Miss M. Schondelmayer, dea-
coness of Detroit, motored here en
Saturday and spent a few days ,at the
home. of C. H. Sanders. They return-
ed Monday evening, excepting Miss
Sanders, who, will remain at her home
here for a time.
'DEATH—Word was received - here
last f the;, death in Virden,
y ° ef a formes- resident
of George Smith, .resulting
from stroke sustained a
few'fore. Deceased'°'rwas in
the hood of 60 years ,,of age
and here for the' west about 15
yea While here he worked .or
the late James !Pickard,
annd Mr,W. T. Acheson.
STION—It has been sug-
ges The Advocate' that. ;a
Th afternoon this. month beset
aparta Re -opening: of Victoria
Par io+neers' Picnic, when ;nava
ery his aunt be ,invited ,to
plc e Park, bringing }heir.
basketsthem; the oldest ieeve,
the' reeve, and ethers ,to ad-
dress gathering; the:.,,presenne ,of
the from town. arid, country
bei wlarly desired; and the
ban music. The idea ap-
pea Does vt apneal .to"y'ou?
If O,
crantou Coal
Agents For
British Americ-
an Oil Co.
Kesfle, Rowe, & Wood
Big Variety Store
the Fly
Swaters 5c. and 10c.
Wire fly traps 15c.
Tanglefoot 5 for 10o.
Get your supply here
p Q
Powell's -Bazaar
,The Home of the Edison Phonograph
Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged so
heat is forced to travel over top of oven in
12,fe, down behind it and twice un-
the bottom before escap-
ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. "es'
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
The Advocate subscriptiion mail- and it it does not read at feast up to
ing list has been corrected up to the date kindly attend to the matter and
Third a June. Look at your label oblige.
The 1916Model
is now out and is a beauty
Big reduction in prices. Call and see the new Model
which is the most.up-to-date they ever built.
Wes. Snell
Early Arrival of
-At Practically
01d Prices
I•n spite of the fact that nearly all Tines of Merchandise have ad-
vanced considerably in the last few months we were fortunate
in placing large orders early, so that with a few exception's we
aria able to offer nearly all goods at old prices,
Every Department in onr_Store is rapidly filling with new, FALL
GOODS, so we wound advise !early buying in order to obtain old
prices on many lines.
Clearing of Summer Goods
In order to make room for IwAewv Fall Goods we are offering
many dines of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices.
Summer Wash Goods clearing at 123c, a yard
Twa Hundred yards Fan cy Crepes, good pattern's, at clear
at only 12c. a yard.
All Summer Wash Dresses at greatly r•edwced prices.
Ladies Hosiery at 2 pairs for 25c
100 pairs Ladies Cotton Hosiery, good gtyality, to clear at 1234c
Extra Special Value in
Men's Navy Worsted
We have just placed in Stock sixty Men's Navy Worsted Suits
in excellent quality of material and workmanship, all siz es.
This w'sll; positively he the last opportunityto secure one of
these, special suits at exact ly old prices.
A good range of Men's and Boys' Bathin'g Suits : in Stock.
Fleadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing