HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-8-5, Page 5LEGAL VICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries; Conveyancers, Com- missioners, Solicitors for. the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of intere}t' Offices -Main -St., Exeter t. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. 'Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on tarm and village prop- erties at low rates of interest. GLA OMAN & STANEUIIY Barristers. Solicitors. Exeter. DENTAL. Dr. G. F. ROULSTON. L.D.S„ D.D.S. DENTIST Member or the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office -Over Dickson & Carling's wow office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR A R. KINSMAN, L.D,S., Honor Graduate or Toronto Untveraity DENTIST Tcetr• extracted without pain, or any ado effects. Oir ce over Gladman & Seisrsoury'e O'f:ce, Ma4,n Street, Exeter, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old,may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in persa . at the Dominion Lands. Ag- ency et Sub -Agency for the Die- teict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands. Agency (bit rot Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within „tine miles of hie, homestead en a fain of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions A habitable house is re- united in every case, except when le- si$lice is performed in the vicinity, ixr certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead, Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi- dence in each of three years :after earpine homestead' patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on. certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead eight may take a purchas- ed httanestead in certain districts. Pelee $3' per. acre. Duties—Must re- sid'e 6 nianths in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acre's, aria erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G.. Deputy of the Minister of the ItilerIo N.B.-tJnautherized +publication of this advertisement will not be pawl tor. Western] University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCOME DOUBLED -NOW $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. Write far particulars to: E B Braithwaite, M. A., Ph. D. President. CENTRAL AgeS STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's -most successful practical training school.Teeachers are com- petent; courses are . thorough . and graduates succeed, We 'received more applications this month than wee, had studentsgraduate during the past six months. • The three applications re- ceived most recently were for Lady 'Stenographer at. $7 80. Bookkeeper at $1,000 and Commercial teacher at $140C per annum: Business Men want ou• graduates. Get our free catalogue at once D. A. McLachlan. Principal FALL TERM OPENS SEPT, 1st. ELLIOTT o. 8— Toronto, ett ,foes`' not ask for a better reputation than it already possesses. We get positions for many students ,each year. Catalogue free. W. J., Elliott, Principal. 73,1 Yonge St. 'Mange & Charles Sts. ;SUMMER SERVICE to HIGHLANDS '01' ',ONTARIO FROM TORONTO 2.05 :am. daily for :Mtiuskoka Lakes, idaily excel) Sunday for Lake of Bays Algonquin Park, Maganletawan River and Tnmagami Lake points. 10.15 a.m dauily except Sunday for Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays; and Ma ganetawan Rives- points. 12.01 p.m, daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, and Algonquin Park. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 11.1.5 aim. Arri vesf rei a W1 aif , 4 30 'Each McntaxyWa$fte5d1y, 1ndp;, m a. tur- .day• connecting with,NN Co.'s•pal- atial steamships for; Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, Fort William, and Du- luth, and hat Fort William with GTP Railway J; fi Winnipeg and' points in; Western I ri'ada•.. Coaches; Parlor•. Library -Cafe and Parlor-Library,13ul fet cars between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf. Further particulars , on appli- _cation to Grand Trunk . Ticket :'Agents N. J. ilixOYE, Egeter pl surreal ltUilwtN141Yli1yillMsAY11U1111uitUi11h111f 11(IHUi119t111tttyiltgyl1Yj111itNUi Nftyi 4140 11011llltrylni0001jj11Y111UII! e Si a u. For'' Preservin; 4ll1iNlhiE, alatii„luii oat Buy LANTIC Sugar—•m pure cane sugar, in our handy original packages kept clean, and pure from refinery to pantry. Dust and dirt in sugar bought from the open barrel may spoil your preserves. Buy in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each package.. alb, and sib, cartons and: roil. sttd solb, bags, extra line grtattulation. soolb. begs coarser granu- lation. Weight guaranteed. Send, ygvr addreel< tad satal1 Red Batt Trade (Mark tram bete Sr tett sad of carton and we will mull you b..k N SO assettsd Fruit Jar Lobes -striated sad summed ready to twit se do Lara. ain ,gtuluilheleill111ttp,ll Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, NNnx nitllrtllnls MONTREAL, QUE. ST JOHN" N. B. ufuilut"'I OHtUttlifftipsoilNlttatgttflNUlg mit,08till00010,01-intro $ IC Su l ai ar suNyya,! Iltnf ltltMtlaltN IM 111 t l li a A Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectusene terms,write thel'rincipai R.I. Warner, M,A.,,A,D.,St.Thomas,Oftt DR. DeVAN'SFRENCH PILLS hie R gelating Pill for women, $5 a box or threefor ;10:' 8051, at ail Irg stores, or mailed to any address on receiptjarpice, Tsr, usScour.Draw Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONQL FOR MEN. vira amu ;itality;fo Nerve and Buie„ increases "grey matter';a:oute—willbuiid you up. $3 ahax,or two for $5. at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price: Toa Sconrrr. Mena Ca„ St. Catharines Ontario. Business and • Shorthand Westervelt School Y. M. C Building ;.A r Londo Qntario • College in Session , t: 1st to July. Catalogue Free. 4'nter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Principal FALL FAIRS. Torontc ,.,.,.,. L ,Aug. 28 -Sept, 13 Landon .,.,...., Sept. 10-18 Exeter Sept„ ,20-21 Seaforth Sept. 23-24 Ailsa Craig , Sept. 28-29 Blyth ......... ......... Sept. 128-29 Mitchell Sept. :8-29 Goderich ,..,..,.. ., Sept. 28-30 Kirktar ,,. ., Sept, 30 -Oct 1 Bayfield •..c.,... Oct t5-6 Notice to Creditors NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of John Grigg, formerly of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron Stationer, are required on Or before the 12th day of August, 1915, to send by' post or ,deliver to the• undersigned, their names, addresses, and descriptions, and Iull particulars in writing of their claims and state- ment of account verified by Affida- vit and the (nature of their securities if any held by them. WILLARD WALTON DUNLOP Inspector. Pediment Buildings, ' Toronto. Dated al Toronto this 23rd day of July, 1915. MOUNT CARMEL Rev. Father Castello of London Balled on Rev. Fr. Tirney ,Ind 't'lc- Carthy one thy last week.—Mr. And Mlrs, Corneilus Rowland and family of Mt Pleasant, Mich., are visiting the former's brother here this week.— Misses Mary and Nellie Ryan of Chi - cage are spending their holidays at '. their home here. --Mr. Wm. Barry). lett last *eek for North, Dakota, where he will spend the smitten—Mr. Short. of Detroit is the ,guest of Mr. I' Flanagan this week.—Mr. and ,.Mrs. C I O'Brien of Centralia .spent Sun- day unday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall.— .\I',ss Clara Glavin returned home ;tf- ten spending several weeks with 'rieecls at London.--Afiss N. is.eou;h Detroit is spending a .sew days sv tl het sister., Mrs. M. Madden...— alio. Mary Hall, nurse of St, Joseph's Hospital London, returned home af- ter spending two weeks with her par- ents Mr and. Mrs, E. Hall, near here. —Carroll Bros. shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto last week. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST ING OF VOTERS'. LISTS Voters` Lists 1915—Municipality ' of Township of Usborne County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of "The voters' List Act" the copies ieguired by the said section'to be so, transmitted or delivered of.the list made pursuant' t6 said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said'.34imeipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legisla- tive°Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was firstposted up at my offioe Us - borne on the 29th day of July, 1915, and re- mains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to exaenine the said List, and if any omission or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. FRAvCIs MORLEY Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 29th day of July. 1915. VOTERS'. LISTS 1915 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- • S FLIP OF STEPHEN • COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby. given .that I have transmitted, or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in . Section ' • 9 of "The Voter' List Act" the cop- ies required by the .said sections to he ;sc transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all person; appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in rhe said Municipality at Elections• for Assembly e ens of,the Legislative m rnb and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was ttiii'st posted up+ at f ttiv office at: r.'d;tion an the 16th pay. of. July 1915, anis remains there for inspection. Ind I hereby call upon 'all voters to take immediate proceedings to -have any errors or omissions' correct- ed according to law. Dated the • 16th • day of July 1915. HENRY EILBER Clerk of Stephen Township. ZURICH R,ev E. Holtzman of Port hug in visiting his father, Mr 1,G, Holtr.- men:•-1i7.ss Diana Kaat'cher of 13erlin ;s guest of her aunt, Miss Agnes Knee l:her.—Miss Carrie Gillman of Clinton is spending her holidays at her . home here.—Mr: Leonard rilop iyf Stratford is spending his noli:days with relatives here,—Mr, Joseph Case and family of Toronto are ;occupying the residence of Dr. B. •A. Campbell durete the absence of the latter and hi' family in Toronto,—Miss Elizab- eth Rennie who has graduated ,from the London Conservatory of music and a soloist in the Askin Street Methodist Church London is spending the week at her home , here.—The youngest daughter of Mr. Josiah ireig- er narrowly escaped serious injury, while playing near her home ,on main street. She was knocked down by a horse but by the merest chance was not trampled upon as the horse walk ed on. The little one escaped with only a few bruises.—This commun- ity was deeply shocked to .sear of the death Of Mrs. Alexander Voisin winch sad event occured at ,her, home on July 26 on the ,Goshen, Line south atter a very short illness. The sy'nnpathy of the section is extended to the bereaved husband and to the deceased's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ketiuskopf, Besides the husband a menti, old baby survives. • "Deafness Cannot be Cured by local apple wr inns, as they cannot reach the diseas- ed portio. cr. the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of thei:ustaclaian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirelyclosed, Deaf- nessis the result, and unless theinflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi- tion, hearing will be' destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is netting but an inflamed condition of the mucous minces, We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for ciroulars free, F. J. CHENEY St CO„ Toledo O. Sold by Druggists, iia Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation For Sale , A 2 storey brick cottageeroofed residence and 3 lots situate on West side of Main Street south of Huron Street- in the village of Exeter, be- ing the resideaice of 'the Mate T. B. Carling. This property is "one of the best situated residential properties in the Village. a commodious house, in good repair furnace, hard" and soft water, beaautiful grounds, fine fruit, shade 'and ornamental trees, a splendid ngar - der and choice smallfruits, and u - togethet a most desirable property. For [terms and particulars apply to Mrs. Martha Carling on the premis- es o- Messrs. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors for Estate of late T. B. Carling. VOTER'S LISTS' 1915 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER • COUNTY OF HURON Notice is herebygiven that I hive transmitted or delivered to 'he 'per- sons m'en tioned an section 0 of "The Voter's List Aet" the cop- ies' required by the said sections to lie sotralnsmitted or delivered of the made pur'suannt'to 'said act, if .iii persons appearing by 'the last revis- ed Assessmenit Roll of the said Vluar- ic:pality- to be entitled' to vote in ttan said..Mntlnicipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly g y at Municipal lectons 1 3 that c fru T n ant P D r xl, sad l sr was first posted 'mil at coy attic. fi ,Exeter on the Second:Day ar Awn ustj 19151 and remains there for ins]iectiort - 'Ane I henelby "'call upon' all voters to take immediate proceedings to :have any errors or omissions correct- ed aaccpedifng to,, law. Dated the 2nd day of August. 1915. .J. ,SENIOR , Acting Clerk STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen covened in the Town Mall. Crediton on Monday the 2nd :lay of August 1915 at 1 p. m. All members were present. The rinutea of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Love—Webb; "That William B. Oliver 'be appointed to enforce ,the provisions of By-law No. 210 passed by 'the Municipality to license places f amusement etc.' Carried. Neeb—Webb; "That By-law .No. 222 to levy tapes an the rateable pro- perty of the Township for the ares - en' year, having been read .three times het passed and signed by the reeve and the clerk and the •seal of the corporation attached thereto." Car - reed The following orders were passed E. Triebner, refund of statute labor $2.00: R. J. Lovell & Co., Orde- book and express, $10.00; Norman Vincent, Rep. Culvert, $2.00 Herber; Fahner, Printing account $52 Chas Kienle and others. Grading $19 Ed Wilde Gravel, $35.00 William Mel - lie repairing culvert, etc., $3.00 Ed Wild., rep. culvert, $12S W.li. Geyer, Commissioner, C Rd, $10.00 Vincent & Adams, drawing gravel, 3rd S rd $25.00; W. R. Elliott, travell inn expenses to Sarnia, $4.00; John Jacobs Gravel contract, E. S. Rd. SO. 73 • W. II. Penlrale, Commissioner, i:. S Rd. $1,25. The t cune it adjourned. 'to neat in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday e• the 6th of September next at 1 a , m H Eilber, clerk ELIMVILLE- MIr Thos. Smale while• 'digging . a well for Geo. Wright had .his head hada bruised by the falling of a scantling.—Mr and Mrs, McGregor of St Thomas visitied with the ,latters sister Mirs Michael Elford last week —.Was Elea Horn has returned ,home after visiting for a week with •Triends at Anderson.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gcdbolt jr., spent Sunday at Clin- tel visiting with Mr. and ,Mrs., 13yani Rowcliffe.—Mrs. John .reason and childre>: are visiting around the burg for a few days. -Mrs. Geo. I1,ners and children of 'Windsor are Visiting with' their aunt Mrs. Silas Johns. LUMLEY Mis: Eliza Newell of Hensall spent the past week with her sister, 'qrs. Noah Horton.—A large number from this vicinity spent Saturday fast at Grand Bend, two carryalls and five auto loads taking the crowd. All Te- nor' a good time.—Jim Horton spent parr of the week at Forest. —Mr. and Mrs Noah Horton also Mrs. J. Hor- ton spent the week end at R. Sanders cottage at Grand Bend.—Miss Edna Mitchel. is visiting her sister near Brucefiield,—Mr Robert Ellering ton of Toronto is visiting his brother ired. —Mr and Mrs. Geo, Smallacombe of Stratford are guests of John Cola and family. -Miss Clarke of the. Dairy Farm has returned to 'Waterloo, prior to leaving for the old land. -Mr, and Mrs. barker spent Sunday with friends at Kippen cation of the loyalty of Granton and GRANTON.—Some .red .e ok cemmuzlity, and Granton is sure to do tVm Evan's horse from 1111;! 3;6:ak a. its par: in the present great war. The ween and .gut its throat Th•t full program of sports was run aft well&.. ad back to the barn ... , . and much enjoyed by the young 'neo- i 1,wmrnIF pie •, _ I CLANDEBOI B —' Mr ' ,.-ss.--.... jae son. ubo has been er:, HENSALL Mlrs Short of Woodstock is ,visit- ing her parents at Willow ,Hall.—Mrs, Murdock and daughter, MIiss Ethel, arc visiting in. Toronto,—Miss Cassie Harris Who spent a few days with her:, cousin Mrs. C. Cook, ,returned to her home in Wroxeter:—Mrs.An- derson and Miss Harter of ''Chicago are guests the daughter ,of the former Mrs. George Duck. -Mrs. Ma- soa, and sister-in-law, Miss Mason (of iBelgra•ve are visiting the parents 'of the former Mr. acrd Mrs. Jas. Clark. —Mr crud Mrs. Hawthorne and ;Iwo c Jaw are "sets of hsdrer .o L Mooser b Mrs Hawthorn's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs Jas Boarthroini.—Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan who recently lost 'their home by fire, intend moving ata Hen sa11,—A large number of Indians ,ar- rived. from Muncey to engage in flax pulling,—Miss Beatrice Cudmore of Toronto .is spending holidays with her parents.—Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, sr., of Seaforth underwent an operation for the removal of. three fingers, lowing to blood poisoning., Dr, Sellery of Toronto vrrived here for a week's holidays,—Mrs, T. Mur- dock and daughter Ethel are visiting in Toronto. Irs. • Short a.nd• son of Woodstock are ,guests of . Andrew Johnston of 'Willow Ha•11- KIRKTON mprovin;;.- .J r. Erna„ Bt e tese sed hie Dominion Court it - ua:. Its Leanl.n;tC.n to n „''flee r is Misses Olive and Blanche Burton lams has retutr' d to \,;•n have gone to Toronto far a few ' a visit hs weeks.—air. Geordie 'and Miss Lou.; Bugle of 'Oakville, Manitaba, have been visiting at their uncle's Harry Tomlinsons.—Mr. and Mrs. :favid 1•iaziewood, Kirkton, Ont„ announce the engagementt of their daughter, i Nellie Alecia, to Mr, Charles D. Paul Exeter, people .who bought - ;la - of Kirkton, the wedding to take place Pie • mixture of buckthorn aare. k - at their home, "\iaplehurst" the fat•- .crane, et.. known as Adler i are tar part of August—The Society re- surprised et the INSTANT r e t cantly started in this district .:;mown a SINGLE SPOONFUL. Tide.4irt- as the Kirkton and District Patriotic edy is so complete a bowel leaner Society have at last got down to bus-, that .it is used successfully ''.i •ppen- ii ess, They have divided the eom- d>catis Adler 'c-ka acts on BOTH unity into small septions and appoint- u .es and lower bowel .n i ONE ed twolad canvassers for each ward SPOONFLL relieves almost ANY with the abject Of securing a, mon- CASE of constipation, sonar or ,as- title contribution from each member , stc'sr ich, ONE 'MINUTE --after you in the community while the war lasts ta« i'` h CgLEs r mble.a. nil r :; ,•ut —Ur John Gilfillan, Woodside Farm Kirkton, left on Monday in ^'ompany ' ... t• A. Turnbull, of Toronto on a trip to California. They wiill go by way of the Canadian 'West and t the Rockier and the return journey will be made via St. Louis and :levee,"" OF SINGLE SPC,)ON F i_ SURPRISES l: -N$ h his brother-in-law Rev. Dr, .J. WINGHAM.—Ethel Hooper, who war missed from her home tin Turn - berry last Friday, and tvho it was feared had met with foul play, was found at the home of a friend about three miles from her father's place. Th.: girl admitted to High Constable Whitesides and to Officer Phippen tha` her intention wits to .leave: home for good, She was taken back how- ever. SEAFORTH—A painful a,•eidant occurred at the G. T. tR. .releht sheds when a gas pipe fell m J 10. Quaile's hand, inflicting a nasty w )ind which required several stit, Iles to close ---o-- ST MIARYS,—Joseph Oddy well known, throughout Western Ontario as a curler, died here Thursday in his sixty-third year. He had been ill for some time. GRANTON PATRIOTIC DAY. Grantoti, July. 2$, -Granton Patriotic League held a monster patriotic pie - sic here to -day and in isleite of threat :ening .weather there was an attend- atic,e of about 2,000 people. "A'.' Com - pan), of the 34th • Battalion, \C. E. F., from London .accompanied b'the battalionband, were the, *strong; qt - tractions and win,great applause, as they marched through the cown on thlei,r way to the picnic ;grounds. Both officer. and men by'llfhr c otsrtesy" and kindness won the esteem iof all. The speakers of the occasion were Canes, Tucker of St, Paul's, ,London S. Frani:-' Glass, M. P;, ,r•f London, and Rev James A:bery of Gratton, In- terest taken in the picnic i s an 'indi- "L Ute• AN, —Harold Ct,tir se . 7,8•.e eldest son of John Cow-sey r1 ire sec:onti concession of Bidduip < while out shootine Pigeons on \t'e'e: feat• ,a:ter v'oa on it'c :.arm .,CD .'i °li t the lower il*, shr part of13, :c _, I he r i lc• was 22 calibre and was 1. nt • h discharged in the nand paniot while passing through er aver a gate Mr. Caursay was hurt . ai to tlw hospital at London, where t^i: huller was teemed and rein"v .l. u r CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general tt eekness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat its cause by enriching your blood with the oil -food in Scott's Emulsion whi, `,1 is a medicinal food and a building -tonic, free from any harmful drugs. Try it. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O..LL.D., D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD, Ass't General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of SI. :'nd upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small rtccu, are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, ',- avowals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. EXETER BRANCH—H. J. WHITE Man, CREDITON—A. E. KUHN, Man. -INCORPORATED:4855 MOLSO.NS BANK.. Capital & Reserve $ 8,000,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders "`°" SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Manager. MADE ,•-,CINAD AN CANADA ('TRADEMARK REGISTERED) e3•ss is ri ba o.)444s""c1Atit li llif <., -„ilii smoked tide •• edie edore MOO 9 ,!► A harmless combination of drugs which remove man diesel Headache, Toothache, Muscular: and Nervous'Patn, Stiffness, Twitchrn , P ILLS Soreness or Nervous Exsuliion due to i mmpe orthin Blood. '.. PRICE 50e. A BOX PROM ALL DRUGGISTS 40e. A BOX PROM GEORGIAN .• MFG. Cd.. COLLINcw000, ONT.