The Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-22, Page 8EXE PER AI]VDGATE, TH D E St3AY HILT 22 1915.
Wheat ...••••••••••••• ................100
Buckwheat ,
Oats. ....,
Peas .............
Potatoes, per bag
Ray. erton •
Flour, per owt., family
Floor, low grade per cw
Creamery Butter. ...
Eggs.., .,
U'u a hogs, per cwt
Shorts pet t an, • ..
Oran per ton .,,... ......
36 50
1400 1A 00
19 2a
8 80
30 00
"ROUGH ON RATS" clears out
Rata all e,etc. Don't die in the teteese
13w end 25c. at Drug and Country
• Ise C H Sanders at the Advocate Of -
eine. Strictly confidential; no witness
ILES. Accessories, Etc., Local posi
t:Q.1e; elechine furnished; 5c. brings
the offer; also special easy payment'
terry..—General !Motor Agencies, 703
C. P. R Bldg., Toronto, Ontario.
WANTED—To buy or rent, artist
sees: fare of about 100 acres. Good
buildings, fences and drainage. Handy:
tai station church and school. .Trite
W C Pe ,ice, Fingal, Ontario.
eeold watch found in Exeter, Owner
Lar: have same by proving prap:rty
and paying expenses, apply lo Wm.
Tapp Exeter.
ti a the Dome Theatre on Wtd
. e
ey and Thursday, July 2$ and 29,
will be of a specially interesting char-
acter wl)er. "The Call of the North"
wir be put on the canvas, It is in
five parts and contains 317 scenes.
The..e contain some of the most thril-
: ne s,: eves imaginable and wi11 be a
treat. Admission 15 and 10 .;eats.
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 9
of "The Voters' List Act" the cop -
les required by the said sections to
be sc transmitted or delivered of the
list made pursuant to said act, of all
persons appearing by the last revis-
ed Assessment RoU of the said Mun-
icipality to be entitled to vote in the
said 'Municipality at Elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal Elections, and that
said list was first posted up at my
office at Crediton on the 16th i)ay
of July 1915, and remains there
for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law.
Dateci the 16th day of July 1915.
Clerk of Stephen Township,
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron
Perth. .Middlesex and •Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
aiockshutt Warerooms, next door to
Centra; Hotel, Main Street, Exeter,.
Chmgee, moderate and satisfaction is
Stray Steer
There strayed from the farm of
Behr Jfcalahon, Lot 4, Con. 4, Hay
Township on or about Jpne 20th, a
two-year-old spotty steer. Reward
e.' :5ZP foi information that will, lead
to the recovery of the animal.
BYRON HICKS, Centralia P.O
Summer Haif Holiday
We the undersigned businessmen
ar the Village of Exeter agree to
crest- our places cife business at Half
pas: Twelve o'clock on Thursday
afternoons during the months of July
and August.
J. A Stewart T.Hawki,ns & Son
S Martin & San S. Fitton.
F. M. Boyle Times Co'y
Advocate Co'y W. J. Heaman
W. J Beer B.W,F. Beavers
Lawson & Trick F. E. Willis
H Spackman
3 Grigg
E. A Follicle
A E Moore
W J Statham
J. A. Wambold
A. Walters
P. Frayne
Jas. Senior
W. W: Taman
Jones 8z May
Mrs. Yea.
Willis Powell
] desire to announce that I have op-
ener: a Flour and Feed Store in F.
Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post
Office and will beep, a full supply of
the best grades of flours' and reeds.
I solicit your patronage.
be C 11 Sanders -t the 'Advocate Of-
fice Strictly coneidentsa1; no witness
Help! Help!!
Came in and help us unload ou .
furniture as'we have a large stock
which must be sold.
We also have the best furniture
polish eves'; and a palish for.'.
your cars and buggies equal to none,
See our display, of KIRSCH " tier -
tam rads: The neatest and simplest
rrd ' en the;; markets
Embalmer Etc.
Phone 20a.
Airs. Al. Salter is able to oe out
again after her recent illness.
The police trustees of Zurich have
purchased a Studebaker street sprrnk-
ter at a, cost of $.300.00.
The Citizens' Band will give _inoth-
er concert in Victoria Park on Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock,
Mx. ' Francis Hi11 has been moved
from Chatham branch to Belleville
laranch of the Dominion Bank.
»airs Amos received word this week
that her step -daughter,. Mrs. Ewing,
;s iI1 of typhoid fever at Taber, Alta..
The purchasing committee has set-
ectea the prizes for the Fifth An
auk B w1ing Tournament commencing
ou August lith.
The Masonic Grand Lodge session
is being held in Hamilton this ,week.
Wier Bro. W. J. Murray isL rept esent..
ing Lebanon Forest Lodge.
The day School -t will picnic tt Memorial
Grand Bend
op Tuesday next. Arrangements are
being, made to accommodate a ,arae
As usual Miss Vosper, teacher cI
Entrance work in Exeter School, de-
serves congratulations on the success
of hec pupils this year -19 passing out 1
of 20
There is trotthle in store tor elle
boys who have been about the school
building during the past two 'peeks
and who did some damage to crop-
erty. 1
.'tits Peter Bawden met with a
pa.niu, and unpleasant accident on
Friday last by falling down :eller,
She sustained a badly sprained ankle
and other bodily injuries.
:Air. A, E. Bradwin lett on W
morning for Sarnia, where ire is
taking oyez The Sarnia Post The
Post is e weekly paper with a good
advertising patronage—Goderich Star
Airs Joseph Bowden is confined I e to
Iter be through illness. A specialist
iron-, London was called in consulta-
t'ion last week and after a careful. die
noste of her case it was pronounced
ser ions
sir and Mrs. F. W. Hodgson,, who
ve been residing here for some
time the former carrying on a ar-
pentet business, left Wednesday for
t: heeago . where they will matte their
Suture home, carrying with them the
best wishes et their friends.
'Mist May Delbridge, daughter of
Mr. and Airs, *learn. Delbridge .>•f Us -
borne underwent an operation for ap-
pendicitis at the hands of Dr. ,Moore
of London and Dr. McGillicuddy of
town on Friday. The operation
wa., a success and the patient is re-
covering nicely from the operation.
The wheat crop is going to be a
bumper one in this district. We were
handed a sample from the farm of
Mr. Robert Sillery this week and
every Bead is filled from lop to bot-
tom Other fields are equally good,
and we believe there is not a poor
piece of wheat in this neighborhood.
Air Russell Horsey, teacher af the
Ottawe Collegiate, accompanied by
his wife and Mr. and airs. Raymond
Wilson of London motored here and
spent a couple of days with their
cousins Ale and Mrs. C. W. Christie
of Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Howey of London. spent Sunday with
Mr and :Airs. Christie.
At a special meeting 'of the Syd-
enhan, Chapter, I.O.D,E, of Goderich
it Was deci ded that a large repres-
entation of the members should motor
to London on July 2,1 and present
a field kitchen to the 33rd Battalion
The kitchen is to east 5;1,200 and
is to be of the type ,e,speciaily re-
crmmendea by the officers of the
Word was. received here on ffhurs-
day last of the death in Toronto of
Mr. Joseph C. Abell, a former well
known resident of Seaforth, end a
son of Mrs. John Abell, Sr. \ir.
Abell was 43 years of age and is
survived by a widow, one son and one
daughter. Mrs. Abell is a sister-in-
law of Mr. Stephen Powell of:eixet-
er, and was well known here some
years since
It is possible that an example will
be made of some of the people ivho
are in the habit of stealing peas irom
the fields of the Canning Co. Some
people in Exeter have 'forgotten how
to grow- peas in their gardens eind
depend upon what they can steal,
It is to be hoped they do not steal
their neighbor's onions, potatoes, etc.
Of course they are knowin, and not
favorably known at that either:
The following were the successful
candidates, from, this centre, at the
recent exam mations of the London
Conservatory of Music.
Grade 5.—Piano—Honors, L. Coats
Grades 4.-Piano—Honors, 12. Hab-
kirk. Pass, E. Ivison.
Grade 3.—Piano-First-class honors
A Johns I .Slavin. Honors, R. Broad
foot . M Ryckmani,
Grade 2—Piano—First-class honors
G Broadfoot. Honors L Brvntneh.
Grade 1,—Piano--First-class honors
V. ,M!lar A. Wren.
Grade 2. eRudiments First-class
honors, M Habidrk, M. Ryckman, R.
=Local centre • prize winner Miss
Annie Wren:;
A 2
stordit, brick cottage -roofed.,
e.esiderice.agsta 3 Lots situate en West.
siide of Meet* Set south `of Huron
'Street in the village of Exeter, be, -
'the residence oaf the Late T.
This property :is :one of the ' hest
situated residential properties in the
Village. a coanmodious'house, in geed'
repair furnace., hard and soft water
beautiful grounds, Pirie fxu)t; shady
auii ornate eneel. 'tlrees a splendid`, gar
'dere and cli ice ifruitsi and al-
together a most desirable property.
r For (terms and particulars apply to
Nlrs. 1Vlartha Carling ,the ppcmis The Horaeof .tbe Ed'dison Phonograph
4i or. Afessrs. Dickson "6c' l ailing, g p
A warming If you have mat
secured your Raspberries see
youa. Grocer at once. Niagara
Peninsula grown Black Caps and
Cuthberts are et their oest. For
canning they can't be neat Next
wee% ends Raspberries. Black
Currants a fe,w left.
Exeter Bowlers are going to
Stratford Tournament to -day.
ofthree rnmoitths, has returned oto his
duties with Ii1r. Rivers.
It's a good thing for a man's peace
of mind that he doesn't know what
other people know about him,
Rev Redmond, who is visiting his
sistei Mrs John Dignan, ,preached a
very acceptable sermon in .Main Street
church or. Sunday evening,
Xis:: Anna Dow has been engaged
to. teach the Primary Room in the
Exete. School after vacation, ',Piss
Ida Armstrong hating resigned.
If you buy out of town, and we
buy out of town, and all our neigh-
bor,, buy out of town, what en thun-
der will become of our town? Ever
this about it?
A rink of bowlers consisting of 11,
J. White. W. T. Wilson N. D. Hair-
dos) and Trueman Elliott won end lost
games with the Hensall bowlers et
Hensalt ozu Friday.
Ownlers of Automobil es will get
into, trouble if they persist in run
ping autos without ei they the head.
or real lamps lit, It is a danger-
ous practice and should be ,topped
Orr Jiouday the daily papers again
reported that Loftus Hern was wound-
ed at the front, This has been stated
severe; times but many efforts haver
failed to find to what 'hospital he has
been taken.
The School. Boardrnet in the Lib-
rary on Saturday evening. All -the
members were present. A number if
account;, were passed, further .trrang
ement., svithregard to the
mp roves
meats made, the engagement of teach
' ere discussed, and other busitt2SS
The James Street Sunday aanooi
p lenic to Grand Bend on Thursday
last was an unqualified success in ay.
cry way. The day looked cloudy and
threatened rain much of the timo, but
it proved to be the very nicest ;rind
of weather for a picnic, A very targe
number went along and a most .njoy-
able time was spent,
Te FIX UP PARK.—Not satisfied
witl, the condition in which the ,;iti-
zens fauna. Victoria Park on the oc-
casion of the ,recent Band concert
they have set .aside Thursday after-
noon of this ,week to fix things up.
A goodly number have signified their
intention of being on the job )nd it
is desirable that all who ean Jo :o
will assist in the work, Commissioner
Bissett will be in charge of the work,
Let it be well done,
HEAVY FINE, --Ira Candy of Ayl-
mer came before Magistrate `Sanders
here Tuesday morning charged 'with
violating the Motor Vehicle Act, On
the night of July 12 Candy was driv-
ing an auto on the townline between
Usborne and Biddulpb, and finding he
had gone out of his way went to +urn
around and in doing so backed into a
rip owned by Mr, Jas. Walker+ of the
London Road South, smashing the
buggy badly. Candy never stopped
his car hut proceeded on his way,
leaving, the occupants of the buggy
stranded., which is a direct violation
of the Act. In the mix-up Candy had
lost the number of his car and it was S
by chi means Candy was identified
and brought to justice by Constable. v
Whitesides of Hensell. Candy plead-
ed guilty to the charge, whereupon t
he was fined 850 and costs, amounting
to 558.88, besides paying Mr. Walker
e2E damages to the buggy. The law
in this respect is very strict. A mot-
orman running into a rig must stop
and ascertain if there is any damage
done and 'if so he is compelled by yaw
to give the man whose rig he nas dam-
aged hie name and the number. of his
Mrs. Popiestone is visiting her ,ole
Yrs \'V. D. Clarke was in London
ep \Monday
Private Fred •Mallett of London was
home over Sunday.
Miss Ethel Case is visiting with
relatives in Toronto. ,
Misses Mary and lda Carling were
in London this week.
in Blyth.
Mr Garvey Acheson of London is
hams for a few days,
Air Geo Holman of Egsnondvitle
spending a few days in town.
Ales James Atk,.inso.n has returned
from a visit in London Township.
Mrs. Thos. Hedden of Brantford
visited friends in town last week.
Alis, Hattie Waleend left yesterday
moraine fox a visit in Omen Sound.
Earl Southcott left Tuesday to
spend the summer in llinnedasa Man
Mrs Hart of Saginaw, Alich„ ;.s vis-
iting her mother, Mrs. Jos. Wambold
Mi. J.0 Inwood of London spent
Sunday with Mrs. Inwood and daugh-
Mr Wm Ashton of London visited
relatives here during the past few
ells,- Allis Eaerett went to Tor-
onto on Thursday to visit Mrs., Jos,
Mr. J. Norry Gwent to New Hamburg
Monday td assist in Installing water-
M; std Mrs. George 'Hawkins tis-
;,terl .i New Hamburgduring the
Airs Irwin of Norwich is visiting
her parents Mr. and ,firs. Thomas
Jif L.H Dickson and Thos Haw-
kins were in Goderich on business
Mr Rcbt Roweliffc left last week
tospend some time in different
p .parts
o'' the west
Airs F Morley of Whalen spent
severa', days visiting her mother Mrs.
John: Cornish.
Ira, Reg E I'ot whoh beensn
1>; asta
tint; hereg returned to her -tome in
Norwich Friday.
Mr and Mrs. W. D. Mace after a
etty weeks here returned to Win-
nipee this week.
\Ise Vanstone and daughter return
ed to Brantford to -day, accompanied
by ears. Amos. t`
Miss Lucinda Kraft of the Central
dote: es spending three weeks ail her
home at Dashwood,
Mrs N W, Creech and eh`ildren
and Mrs. Oxtaby of Brantford are
visitinf, relatives here.
Air Viril Manning, B.A. and wife
of Vancouver are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, R. Hill,
Misses Emma and 'Edith Heideman
of Berlin and Mr. Will Heideman of
Toronto are home. for holidays
Mr. and Mrs. B.W,F. Beavers vis-
ited the former's mother, Mrs. Win-
Mara Beavers, Blanshard on 'Sunday.
Air, and Mrs, William Penhale left
on Tuesday on an extended visit to
the West, going as fax as Vancouver.
hiss Aeilla Reynolds of Sarnia is
visiting her uncle and aunt, vlr, end
Mrs Henri Reynolds, Victoria Park.
Mist Vera Rowe, after spending a
couple weeks' holidays et iter home
here, returned to Toronto Thursday,
Mr. Thos. Hawkins returned from
Windsor Monday, he having just re-
turned from a visit in Quebec nrovin-
.1Ir Bert Burkell, wife and daughter
Evelyn and .vtrs. Linton of roronto,
are gepests of relatives in Exeter and
Mr and Airs. Wilbur Martin, Miss
?Vinnie Howard and Mr, and Mrs. 0,
Southcott left Tuesday on a 'rotor
rie to Detroit
Airs Chas. Coates and Mrs. Arthur
Andrews who were here attending the
funeral of their mother returned to
Detroit Friday.
Mise May Armstrong of Lucknow
is home for the holidays. Her sister,
Miss Ida returned with her after a
visit in Lucknow.
M:rs Hugh Oke is visiting :n Tor-
Harry Parsons is home from Lucan
for a week .
Mrs. Wm. Fisher and daughter Miss
Emmis have returned from a visit in
Woodstock. They were accompanied
by Miss Margaret Irwin, who will visit
here foi some time.
Big Variety Store
Big Lot of whists, large size, bright straw, 2
string,good value at 25c, SELLING PRI4JE 2 for 25c
TOILET PAPER the Soft Strong kind, Extra
large roll retail 10c. SALE PRICE 4 for 25c.
blew shipment` of preserve kettles and other
graniteware just arrived. SALE PRI( E 10c. and up.
Salicita s for Estate of late 'lI. ' B, •, ,
Carling AlLeeeispiwkiierio
The 1916 Model
is now out and is a beauty
Big reduction in prices. Call and see the new Model
which is the most -up-to-date they ever built.
Wes. Snell
The Advocate subscriptiion . mail- and it, it does not read at Least up to
ing list has been corrected u.p to the date kindly attend to the matter and
'Third of June. Look at your label oblige.
Tea & Coffee Genurne
For -
]l choicest C
L & wt
groceries, fruits, spices,
teas, coffee and every'
thing Il], the grocery dile.
Call and see us. A trial 11 Ill II
as to quality will convin-
Agents For
British Americ-
Produce taken in exchange an Oil Co.
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric Light Plant
Kesile, Rowe, & Wood
A Lisi [11 Spec!al
Special Sale of Print at 10c. yd.
We place on sale this v, e ek 150C yards of print itt good fast.
colors. A large range of patterns and colors to select from.
Well worth 123 cents a yd. Our Special sale price only "1Oc yd
Extra Special Sale of Toweling at 10c. yd.
300 yards pure linen crash toweling worth to -day 14c. a yd.
Special Sale Price only 10c a yard.
Children's Dresses Clearing at 49c. each.
24 •only children's wash dresses for ages from 2 to 6 years, in
neat patterns of prints and ginghams. Were priced up to 85c.
each; to clear at only 49c each.
Ladies' Dresses at 98c.
On sale this week a full range of Ladies' Wash Dresses,-
Good quality of materials and colors Special clearing price 98c.
Ladies' Parasols on sale at 98c.
Ladies' Black Parasols, long Epglish style of handles, good
quality coverings. Special s ale price this week 98c. each.
Summer Trimmed Millinery at Half Price
We offer any trimmed i, apt itr., aux show room at exactly half
regular prices, All colored shapes at 50c. each.
Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing & Furnishings
Our Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing department offers exce -
tional values in rap -to -date suits Call and inspect our stock:.
New summer furnishings in grecs variety for men and li"+ys.
Men's Straw Hats
Men's fine Straw 'Hats at greatiu, reduced prices.
Our Shoe Department
Come in and see sur Big Assortment of Ladies' SlSppers and
Pumps. A< fine line ,to eh cos s : frost. in patent leather, white
and. black; also a full range or Men's Women's and Children's
Ousting Shoes.
.Headquarters for the celebrated W.E.Sanfolid Clothing