HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-22, Page 5•
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
missioners. Solicitors for the Maisons
Bank, etc,
Marley to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices—Main-St„ Exeter
L R, Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm, and village prop-
erties at low rates of interest.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.
Dr. G. i+', ROIILSTON, L.A,S., D,D.S
Member of rhe R.C.D.S. of Ontario and
Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Office -Ozer Dickson & Carling's saw
otrice. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Honor Graduace o'' Toronto University
Teeth extracted without pain, or any
Doti as recti. ()Mee over Gladman
Stanoury'e Office, Main Street, Exeter,
THE sole head of a family, or any
mala 'over 18 years old, may homestead
a quarter section Qf available OQmiat
ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan oz
Alberta The applicant must eppear
in perso . at the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency ot Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry may be made - at any
Dominion Lands Agency (but not
SuhetAgency) on certain conditions.
Duties—Six mo tths' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three years, A homesteader "nay live
within. nine miles of his, homestead cn
a fwi of at least 80 acres, on certain
cou t tions A habitable house is re-
oue8 in every case, except when r e-
sidence is performed in the vicinity.
Irt pertain districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi-
dence in each of three years after
earpine homestead patent; also 50
acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may be obtained as soon as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
A settler who has exhausted his
homestead Tright may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts,
Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re-
side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy ot the Minister of the Inferior
N.B.-Unauthorized lrublica Ron of
this advertisement will rvot be paid for.
Western] University, London
Another Large Addition to
Faculty and Equipment in
Arty and Medicine. ,
Write for particulars to: •
E B Braithwaite, M. A., Ph. D.
Ontario's most successful practical
training school. Teachers are com-
petent, courses are thorough and
graduates succeed. We received more
applications this month than we had
students graduate during the past six
months. The three applications re-
ceived most recently were for Lady
Stenographer at $7 80. Bookkeeper at
$1,000 and Commercial teacher- at
$140( per annum. Business men want
our graduates. -Get our free catalogue
at once,
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Toronto. does' not ask for a better
reputation than it already. possesses.
'Mc get positions for many a tudents -
eac1 year. Catalogue free.
W. J. Elliott, Principal.
734 longe St- Yonee & Charles Sts,
2.05 a.m. daily for Mtuskoka • Lakes,
daily excep Sunday for Lake of Bays
Algonquin Park, Maganetawan River
`, and Temagami Lake points.
10"15 a,m - daiily except Sunday for
• Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays; and Ma-
ganetawan River points.
;12,01p.m. daily except Sunday for
Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, and
Algonquin Park,
Leaves Toeente 1115 atm
`iskrrjv'es Sarnia Wharf, 4,30 ppm,:
ilig �• h Monday, Weduesda} 'and Saturc
day", connecting with NN.''Coes °pal
atifa; steamships, for Sault Ste: Marie,
"Port -Arthur,. Fort William, and Du-
luth,'and at Fort William with G.T.P.
fRtii1way for Winnipeg and points in
It tstern Canada. Coaches; Parlor
Library -Cafe and Parlor-Library,Bul
fet cars between, Toronto ;and. Sarna
Wharf. Further 'particulars en appli-
cation to' Grand Trunk Ti'het Agents
N. J.-DORlS • •Exeter
Peefect Preserves
and clear jellies axe made with LANTIC Sugar
because It is pure cane, of extra fine granulation,
kept absolutely clean and free from dirt and
specks by original packages filled at the refinery.
2 lb. and 5 Ib. cartons andel) lb. and 201b. bags 100 lb,
bags coarser granulation. Weight guaranteed.
Buy in original packages and look for the LANTIC
Red Ball on each package.
Atlantic. Su
cZC n z6„ )C -e
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation,.
Forprospectus and tena$,write tbaPriacipal
R. F. Warner, M.A.,D.D,, St,T.iganss, 0 8
gulating I'111 for ietonten, $5 a box or three for
$1o•i Sq 0. at all Frog Stores, or mailed to any
ad dress on receipt of p ice,+Tux Scoastar, flava
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
1'italitivtfor Nerve and Brain, increases"&rey
matter';a Tonle—will build you up. $3 a bon, or
two for $5. at drug stores, or by mail on receipt.
of price - Tits Scoaer,b Paco Co., St, Catberinea,
Business and
Westervelt School
Y. M. C.A. Building io
London. Ontario
College in Session
Catalogue Free.
pt. 1st to July.
Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
The Advocate is making a specialty
of wedding invitations—complete sets
with note paper, inside envelope, and
outside or mailing envelope, all to
match We carry all the popular
lines of paper, and we print tbem
with either the ever standard script
type or the Old English type. Girls,
if you are thinking of getting married
see our samples—they wi11 make you
glad you said "yes" when he popped
the question.
MITCHELL—Philip Stephens, an
English boy, aged 11 years, who is
employed hy Air. Hinz,Logan,
;iclecin the chest
by a horse and
d'aed a few hours afterward. He was
goinss to put the bridle on the beast
when at kicked.
CLINTON—Mr. R. J. Glulff a
prominent businessman
of Clnton.
died suddenly o heart lure at his
home on Hager street about 5 o'clock
July 16th in. his 65 year, He was
a retail shoe merchant, lie was fake
en all of heart trouble and he died 2
hours, later Deceased was well
known in this district, having been
born in Goderich Township, and for
many nears has been in business in
Clinton. He was a. member of the
town council for several years sad
also acted as chairman of the Centre
Huron Board of License 'Commis -a
sioners until last \Tay, when his, work
was taken over by the province.
In religion he was an Anglican and
also a *rather of the Masonic and
Orange lodges, and a Conservative
in polat`tct. The Rev. W. T. Ciuff
of Stratford is a brother, also John
C1uff of Goderich Township, He
leavec a wife and three daughters.
After two years of most effective
and zealous work in St. Peters EV--
v-Lutheran church of th is Village. Rev
Millet has accepted a most inviting
cal, th St Pauls Church in the city
of New Castle, Pa.—Dr. B. A. Camp-
bell wife and "family- left for Toron-
to where they will spend a two week's
vacation.—Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut,
and MrJacob Deichert attended the
funeral of a relative at Auburn --Dr.
Laurie Hagan, of Chicago, Ills. ie vis-
iting his mother tut Hillsgreen,-,Mrs.
Joh/. Schitlbe of Detroit is -visiting
friends and relatives here.—Miss Flea -
nor Hartleib of Toronto is spending
her vacation at her home.—Mrs. J.
Deichert and .niece: Miss Yungbult, are
spending a few weeks with relatives
t at —Mrs W. L. Seibert left
irn �Dle ro, .
on au extended trip to the West,
where she will visit relatives for a few
Last Saturday the new sprinkler
was used fou the first time. rhe
streets were sprinkled in the after-
noon and the town was cool and dust-
less for the evening. The large tank
is being pumped full now and it is
eapecte4.dthat •etiiatLgh water will be a-
-•vaitlable 'for -fre"protection - ;incl;
Wrinkling purpn es,—
Mr and Mrs, J. V. Matson .fast
week moved to Mount Brydges to te-
side after a residence of nearly three
years in this place. During this time
they have made many friends who
are sorry to see them leave. 'sirs.
Millsor was presented with an address
anti a silver pudding dish ay the
Ladies Aid and W. el. S. Auxiliary
before leaving, as a token of tpprec-
!ation of her good work in these sac
'retie:: of the Methodiist church.—
William Welsh of Toronto end son
Pete are visiting in town. William
has disposed of his fine residence ap-
posite the planing ;mill to John Dins -
dale of near ICippen, who will move
here about the middle of August.—
\iucb sympathy is felt for Mr. and
Mrs John Elder over the death on
July 14 of their little child, Dorothy
Eminaliae, aged 5 years and 10 mon-
ths The little girl had been operat-
ed on for appendicitis and would have
recovered had not pneumonia ,set in
and carried her off, 'despite the best
nursing and Medical attention.—W.
McKay and his brother John S. left
last week for a trip to the West
where they are spending a month vis-
iting relatives.—Jaynes Bonthron, sr.,
is able to come up town, after being
confined to the house for somei time--
ime---Owing to his team running atvay G.
Dick was sa severely injured that
he will be laid up tor, some time. —
Miss Vera Welsh of Toronto is vis-
iting relatives here.—Mise Heins, of
Stratford a hiursz, is visiting �v1iss
'Mabel Cudmore.—Mr. H, J. D.Cook,
wife and children of Toronto, are
here far the holidays.
Monet, to .
--late of Thomas B. Carling, late of
the Village of Exeter in the County
of Huron. Gentleman, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that, all
person: having any claims or demands
against the late Thomas B.Carli,ng,who
diet on or about the Third day of
July - A.D 1915 at the Vitllage of
Exeter in the :County of e Huron, and
Province of Ontario, are required to
send by post prepaid or to "ieliver,
to the undersigned, Solicitors here-
in for Martha Carling and Isaac.
R Carling the ` executors under the
evil' of the said Thomas B. Car-
ling theii naanes and addresses and
ful, particulars in writing oaf their
claim and statements"' of their ac-
counts and the nature of the leCdr-
ite`; if any held by them.
ANL,: take notice that after the
Thirty-first day of July, 1915, the said
'executors vicill proceed to, distribute
the assets;,afsthie .said dee' ts�'pd among,
th ' perspirq centitled the etk', laving
regard only to the claim ''orf whi h,
they shall then have haenOtice, ,.rid,
said executors will not, be liable
for the said assets or any part there-
h reof tc any person. of whose aai,n they
shaltrot 'then have received notr.:e,'
Dated at Exeter, Ontario, this 12th
day of July, 1915,
Solicitors for , the above
named execut--or$.
antic Sugar
Send your address and small Red Ball Trade Mark from
bag or top end of carton and we will mail you book of
5o assorted Fruit Jar labels—printed and gummed
ready to put on the jars. eo
ar Refineries Limited, MONTREAL. ohne. ST. dot4N. N. B.
li 3
$150,000 ' A'!RR c sn $150,000
Model Military Camp
Destruction of Battleships
Battles of tho Air
Military Display
MARCH OF' NE tt.!,If,S
Farm under Cultivation
Millions in iu stock
Governni,ant :' rseieits
I, itilLUNG
Naval Spectacle
, Belgian Art Treasures
Creatore's Famous Band
Biggest. Cat and Dog Show
Field Grain Competition, _
Greater Pawltry Show
Acres of Manufirctures ' ''
, v w Olt
Dieu thl usand ` and One
New 'Things to See
1Iessrs. T. Stweet Wee Balkwill, Dr.
Sweet Rich. Welsh and F. Delbr•idge
of Exeter had a good catch of fish
last geek, in all 315,—eIrs, P. Baker
visited in Port Huron for a fete days
last week,—Mise E, Shafer of Detroit
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Gill,.
sr —Mr and Airs. John Statten of
Selattheson are visitinig their daugh-
ters around here.—Mrs. John Stephen
and children and L. Ziler visited at
Ed Gill's, sr., Sunday. -Mrs, Stylies
and children of Bad Axe, Mach„ are
visiting ,relatives around here,
For infants and Children:
hi Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
file two Mr. Halls of Welburn
spent Sunda.y with their sister, Mrs.
firm. Elford. --Miss 'slay 'Ihorna:, of
London ant. Mrs, Michael Elford, sr.,
Port hope spent Sunday with Michael
Elford jr.--Jackson Wood has gone
to Walton for a week to help his
brother -11.0w with his hay crop. —
Mrs Jamses Howe is visiting with her
=the.' in Woodham,—.hiss Irene
Ford spent Sunday with friends at
the Bend.—Several of the young p o-
ple around the burg took fat the piste
Me at the Bend on Thursday. —Mr.
John Wilcox and wife of Chicago
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wilcox.—John Hankin of Ex-
eter.-.ia erecting a new cement bridge
o P'the creek in front of Mr. Robs.
S;innler's. It will _be quite an im-
prieeem ent on the old wooden one.—
Airs Frank Jackson and daughter Ad-
elaide spent Sunday with her father
Mr. Wm. Vale.
How's ThisP
We offer one hundred Dollarsneward for any case
Cf Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F.3. CHENEY k Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known F. 3. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and flnaneially able to
Barry out any obligations made lip his firm
t'ommanox,Toledo, 0
Hall'sGktarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di
rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bot.
tie. Sold by all Druggists
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation
Gerald Hodgins of Winnipeg is
spending his holidays with his par-
ents Mr, and Mrs. Chris Hodgins—Mr
and Mrs, Moorhous.e left Friday for
Parry Sound District to organize
Jnstitutles.—Mrs W. R. Forsyth .01
NTtedice Lodge, Kansas and •Mrs.Scott
and daughter Margaret of Capron, Ok
lahoma are thie guests of Mrs. ;vi" J.
White,—Frank R. Stanley of the
Standard Bank Calgary, • is visiting tis
panents, llr. and Mrs. Jas. Stanley.
—During the ,pant two .months. Mr.. J,
W Hodgins had the lnisfortuine to
1.0 -Act frnur fine cattle by what is ap-
parently the poison route.
The holiday season and visiting g
tour.; have commenced in real earn--
est iii this district, --Miss Bessie
Morley and Edna Gunning returned
last Thursday from a week's visit
with Miss Ethel Parkinson at St
Marys. -Mr. and Mrs, John Weight
and Miss Hinkle .lt'lillson visited for a
few days with friends at ngerselland
London. --Wilson Morley and sister
Verde visited over Sunday at their
Uncle's David Long, near Hyde Park
—The Misses Verda and Lottie Squire
spent the week end at Grand Bend,
electer Million autoed the the Bend
—Hector ;.`iilisc;'n( "piutoed to the fiend
on Sunday accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Minor Dobbs.—Mr. and '.Ire.
Franc: Gunning leave this Week to
spend a few months with their re-
latiives in the West and other d is-
tant places,—Mr. and eIrs. James
Hobbs returned to their home et
Devizes or Friday after a six week's
visit with friends in the \Vest and
Britisi- Columbia. --Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
ton Brock and. son Norman, Mrs.
Wm Brock Mrs. Thomas Brock
and Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe autoed to
Ingorsoll and visited Sunday with
Mr and Mrs. Ben. Butler,—Mr. and
Mrs Nathaniel Ogden, Miss Vera
Hodgson, and Hilda Gunning spent
Thursday at Grand Bend.—Miss Vera
Ogdee has returned home atter
spending a few weeks with her aunt
at Lucan,—Mrs. Thompson of Bos-
anquet is visiting her breather,
Phillip Brooks. She and Mrs. Suth-
erby visited over Sunday at Robert
Skinner's near Elinwille.—Mr and Mrs.
Albert Duffield visited over Sunday
at Wm Steven's at Motherwell.
Perhaps you, do not know that
Admiritl Von Tripitz is 66 years
old that Admiral Fishers is 4, that
Admiral Jellicoe is 56, that Kitchener
is 65, that French is 63, that Ian Ham-
ilton is 62, that Joffre is 63, that Pau
is 67 that Klerk is 69, that 1-lecrin en
is 71,
that 31 gib.
is 66, that Hindenburg is a5. that
l-iaesele.- is 73.
Wheat .cutting has carnrnen•ed
thcingh haying has not been. iia sited
because Of so many showers.— cam.
Hortor. sports a fine new buggy. —
Miss Gertie Zuefle of Hensil, v: a ; the
guest of the lsf sses Ryckma t 'oven,
Sunday.—Miss Maude Horton ., .Ex-
eter is the guest of Mrs. Jas '3road-
foQt,—Oahe a number from '•shin
locality -hurried to the fire Saturday
morning at Alex .Buchanen's--Mr. W
J. Crawford, grain inspector of Sup-
erior Wis. wife and daub es, ;also
his mother from Brussels v:s.:ed at
Wm Glenn's, sr., Sunday.—We are
quite proud of the music pupils in
our vicinity as all were succ v'i.;iul in
passing their exam, Maggie ;iebkirk,
\lyrtle Ryckntaa, Rossie and ,=lades
Broadfoot.—Miss Annie 1: uns:on-:
Verna is holidaying at Wm. ar lenn s.,
—Mrs Robt Hobkirk of Bad 1xe,11.
is a visitor here this being her ted
home and her friends are see l ;a sea e
her again.—Mrs. R. W. Gil„ 1n eLa-
forth spent a day or two with .77en.ls
—Mr .Dungan McDougall, ,t, d'0al;t r.
is the guest of his parents :rer;,
Do colds settle on your chest or in your
bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or
are you subject to throat troubles?
Such troubles should have immediate
treatment with the rare curative powers
of Scott's Emulsion to guard against
consumption which so easily follows..
Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver
oil which peculiarly strengthens the res-
piratory tract and improves the quality of
the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and
heals the tender membranes of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed by the best special-
ists. You am get it at any drug store.
Scott & Bowie, Toronto, out. 1
lOth - 18th
$30,000.00 in prizes
and attractions
Prizes increased this ,:ear by 530,000 Two Speed Events Daily.
Fireworks Every Night.
Excellent Program of Attractions New Steel Grandstand.
Twice Daily.
Midway Better Than Ever.
Music by the Best Available Bands
SINGLE FARE Over All Railways
Wes! of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from outside points,
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
W, J, REID, President
A. M, HUNT, Secretary
Str",Robert Borden, "I caane over to see how' Canada can
still! further serve the Einpire".