HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-15, Page 5• i' LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coln. miesioners. Solicitors for the Mo!sons Bank, etc Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices--Main-St.„ Exeter I. R. Carling, E.A, L, H. Dickson We funds erties MONEYTO LOAN have a large amount of private to loan on farm and aniline prop, at low rates of inte&est, GLADi AN & STANBURY Barristers. Solicitors. Exeter, DENTAL Dr, G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., DENTIST $ember or the R.O.D.S. ot Ontario and Senor Graduate, of Toronto University. Office -Over Dickson & Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.. CIR. A. lt, _KINSMAN. Honor Graduate of Torgnto University DENTIST 'Teeth extracted without pain, or any tad e'"roets. orrice over Giadtnan & ..3tanhury"s orrice, Matin Street. Exeter. 'SYNO-PSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any dial over18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available i?omla- lotl land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The apulicant must appear in. perso at the Dominion Lands ag- ency ot Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader -my live withia nine miles of his, homestead cn a faro of at least 80 acres, on aertaiji conalitions A habitable house is re- united in every case, except when ie. sideace is performed in the vicinity. In Gertaia districts a homesteader in good sten ti gmay pre-empt a quarter aectlon alongside his homestead,Price $3 per. acre, Duties -Six months resi- dence us. each of three years after •earpilla homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained, as soon as 'homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead night may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts, trice $3 per acre. Duties -Must te- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 5Qacres, and erect a house worth $30D. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in. case of rough, scrub- by or sttany land. Live stock may be substituted jar cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. 'CORY, C.M.C. Deputy of the Minister of the Tnterior N.B.-Unauthorized l ublicatioq of this advertisement will not be pa±:d for. Western] University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCOME DOUBLED -NOW $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arta and 'Medicine, . GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to: E B Braithwaite, M. A:, Ph. 1). President. •CENTRAL di STRATFORD. ONT.' Ontario's most successful practical training school. Teachers are com- petent, courses are thorough and graduates succeed. We received more applications this month than we had students graduate during the past six months. The three applications re- ceived most recently were for Lady Stenographer at '$7 80. Bookkeeper at $1,000 and Commercial teacher at $1400 per annum. Business men want au: graduates. Get our free. catalogue at once, D. A. McLachlan. Principal FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. lst. LLIOTTo�n�. Toronto. does not ask for "a better reputation .than it already possesses. We :ger positions for many Students. each year. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 734 k ange SL Yonne &- Charles Sts. SUMMER SERVICE to HIGHLANDS OI' ONTARIO FROM TORONTO 2,05 a,m, drily for : Muskoka Lakes, daily. excep Sunday for Lake of Bays Algonquin Park, M,aganetawan River and. Temagaini Lake points. 10.15:'atn d aia]y exceptSundayfors. Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays, and Ma- ganetawan River points, 12.01 p.m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, and Algonquin Park. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 11.15 atm. Arrives Sarnia Wharf, 4.30 p.m. Each Monday, Wednesday and Satur- day connecting with N.N.'Co.'s pal atua steamsliips .torr Sault Ste. .Mahie, Port Arthur, .Fort Wnlliaim, and ': Du- luth, And u-luth,sand at Fort , William with G.T.P. Railway for Winnipeg acid ;points in, -. Western Canada." Coraciies';, t?as•lor Library -Cafe. and Parlor =l 1)rary,13u1 Let cars between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf. Further' particulars on' ctppli-. cation to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents N, J: DORE, Exeter llliuuutlusuliilVnlliunlnuutunluuunluUauuuNllilluunuultuluaulruuut111u1u111up1r131uurluulltaluurrrllana11u1r1uurluE som sms hen Preserving Ust114415Tiq PIu ar: Because it dissolves quickly, it will not scorch or burn in. re kett :' N A IC Sugar Is refm u d from cane only, granulated, extra fine and conies lb yo lean,m td'pure ] T tronain y ill original parka es. 2 lb. and $ .; a,rtans and 10. and 20 lb. 100 lb. bags coarser granu atian. Weight guaranteed. ,p,-,-..... ,.±r•r__s, .,.,c",Rs .. --. Buy in original, packages and look the IAN= Red Ball each package. address and small Red Ball : Out bog l (oIoJ jf �e will Mail you, l9(►olt�,t�f Fruit Jar Labels--prajtt- re:dy to put on itis ar ■lillll11111111111t1111111t111utluultilit Atlantic Sugar efineries Limited, MONTR AL, QUE. ST. JOHN, N, B. k:. Sugar Air't_ c..•, 'r-- ` `a1fqtiitiii[titf,llml lilflftllllIlliiflAturli)11liltltltlillllltllatllllRnlliiitlltttilitlllNllllill111tlliatitaMtltltllllutltiulliUlillllmmi a% Bratitaiilititiilllttstililgtilritlitiluutlll The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Can, Govt. Rya.., T. 8 N. O. Ry„ Grand Trunk Ry. System, i TORONTO -WINNIPEG -s via North Bay. and Cochrane. Through the Scenic ijg�hlands of Ontario, Across New Ontario. Route of innumerable Marvels, t•rnest Rquipment-• Splendid Roadbed. Corntnencing Tuesday. July 13. Lv. Toronto 10.45 p.m.Tue. Thu, Sat, I.v. Winnipeg 6.00 p.m. daily " North Bay 7.15 a.m, Wed. Fri. Sun. AT. Regius 8A5 a,m, •' " Cochrraxe 4.45 p.m Wed, Fri. Sun, Saskatoon 9.38 A.M. Ar. Winnipeg 3,50 p,ni. Thu, Sat. Mon. " Edmonton 10.00 p,m. •" l Through ticket* vire the "Canadian Rockies itt their best' to Prince Rupert. Yukon_ Alaska, Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle. 9 bleetrec lighted coaches. dining.tourist & standard sleeping cars. 0 Time tables. leeping car ticket, and other in. formation from any Grand Trunk. Can. Govt. or T.4 N. O. Ry. Agents on application. c ,na (C ) ae&ze A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forprospcctusandterms.writcthePrincipai R, I, warner, Ni.A..D,D.,St,Thotnas, Oris 63 DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS bio Rt gulatiag Pill for Women. $b a box or threefor $10. Sold. at all Arttg Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price., Tug Scossar, Date Co., St. Caihnrinek9 Cntario, . PHOSPHONOL FOR I► N.S jp a ed Cam and hitality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" ; a Tonle -will build youup. gs a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price.- Tits acoaat. Dare Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. b., ester Y. M. C. R:, Building a y London' :Ontario , College in Sessiits t`-.lst.to July Catalogue Free. :?;t' -liter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Principal Horse Routes JOHN SMOLLETT, 44459 is . a grand big bay standard bred Trot- ting Stallion. Will stand at his awn stable Thames Road. Arrangements can be made with Wm. Schroeder, Exeter H. H. Brown, Proprietor. HENSALL Miss R,eyrtolds, teacher, is home from Calgary, Alta. -Mrs. Steve Vais of Toronto is here visiting, her par- e,nts.-Miss McEwen of Ottawa is home visiting ,,Itex parents, -Thomas McGregor and wife are here from the West visiting relatives. -Will B'onthr- on, wife and children of Detroit re- cently visited his parents' here. -W. E. Hoggarrth and wife are spending a few days in Watton, visiting relatives. - Mas C A. Mcbonell has been spend- ing a few days with London and Pt. Stanley relatives. -Mrs. D. Bell has purchased from Dr. Arthur' McAlis- ter the residence on South Richmond Street; -Miss Bessie Urquhart, who holds a positionon the staff of, Ealin College North Carolina, is home vis- iting her parents. -W." Haggarth has accepted the position of .teacher in one. of the London schools, -The :teem bers of H,ensall Orange., Lodge went to the English Church; where a ser' moi Was preached to the brethren by Rev W Doherty on Sunday morning, STEPHEN COUNCIL ,The ••Cotuinc'ul of,Stephen':convened !in the TowfrH3all, Crediton, 7nL4i"on- day, July .5, at 1 p. m. All!' members were present. The m'iinvtte$. of ' the previous meeting were read' and adopt d. I ForInfants,and Children In Use For Over3O Years - Always bears the Signature of i alawhuuley-Webb "That By -lawn No 221 being a by-law to : ommute the statute labor charged against the southerly 40 acres of Lot 1, in the iL..,R.W. con, of Stephen, having been reao three times be signed and seal- ed -Carried. ,Love -Webb -That the reeve and e:erL consult with solicitors re Pol- led: Award Drain. -Carried. The following orders were passed, Jas Boyce. com:, 15.15; Wes. White, contract 28.20; Jas, Rowe contract 'Barry drain nis 0.00 .Thos. Nern. il, 0; c noel. 10.00; Jas. Rowe contract, 58.34; Jas W, Willis com, 2.50; Jno, Jacobs con. gravel, 11.50; Wm, White, contract, 60,90 ;4T, Mitchell, cam. 5.25; John Jacobs. contract, 23,40; F. Trilebner con:. 4.50; Wm. White, con. 35.60;R. Davey cora., 3.00; Hy. Clark, con. 8: work 147,70; F. Triel+ner work 40.00 Wilsor Anderson contracts 353.61; D. Richard .,com., 2.50; Jonah Sims,com. 6.35; Jas Parsons tile 8.12; T. Webb com 3025; John Wilhelm and others, work on side -road 36.00; R. Bill gra- vel 39.55; Jays, Cockwvell, coma 11.00; Jacor: Schwartz and others, corn. 25.00 Hy. Clark opening pit, 3.00; James Kenny concrete culvert 11.25; Albert Fanner culvert 1.75;7 Hy. Clark, open-- ing pit 4,00; Nelson Baker contracts, 178,47; Hy. Mills, com. 6.34; John Schroeder, corn, and rep. 8,00; James Neil culverts 7.50; Jos. Lawson, part Centralia Drain contract 100,00;; Hy. Link and others, com. 29.25; Gas. 0' - Ron -rime 'corn. 3.00; J. B. Hodgins, . corn 3.00; Cecil Walker, plank, 3.55 !; Hy Link, two culverts 3.00; Kienzle , and others grading, 110.80; J J. Cor- •nislr :the and ditch 10.00; Pedlar, Pea- ' ale Limited, two culverts 261.20; G. F. Either, We 4.80; R. Hutchinson, !bat bridge contract 347.05; Wm. San- ! de`s coin. 4.25; J. W. Bowman, haul- ing gravel 3.00; Jos. Banes, refundr of statute labor 6.00; Paul Schenk, com and hauling gravel, 6.25; Council adjourned to meet again in Town Hail on Aug. 2, at 1 p.m. Henry Either, Clerk WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervdils system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leadsstraight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul- sion is -exactly. what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while the whole system responds to its refresh- ing tonic efresh.ingtonic force.. Free from harmful drugs. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. DON'T LIKE THE '.1UD el • LL Roy;D N4 10,000 ono r'tkfi GOOD ROADS CAINNROR T,h'e Country-`'Tha is all right, Mr, Senate, but wait till I ge., a chance at you,". CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PA. -According to Lord Kitchener, the big war has. only begun. "The War Summary". Minot front the very tiny the great European war began in August i:tw. • ;toitdlnr n%Iurt. in I`,uta,iiaa journalism ,•nverin •.the- col, : '•t ;ho. 1- a .*The War Summary" flatly on pages 1 and '-' of TUE (iL01.:.. Is. ;;v• .•+o'iser•t l,ossil,a,• forst the writer has ••Sven his realer+- a: p•,ta S "i,' of tiro deselopnttuts in all parts of the world. Whi:e the el t e•of the movements 011,114 the eoteuded frontiers have not been the readers of 'I'll ii GLOBE have been enabled to follow int, .ilifently and alilt enntialenee the 'eneratl undines of the stupendous conflict. "The 'IVar Summary" of THE GLOBE is reproduced daily by several papers throughout the Dominion. The Editorial Page THE GLOBE Ott its editorial page e has striven to piaee before the puatti.• -in proper perspective tive the broad background of the titanic sttuagit 'rills ,t' articles has tttrnt ted the attention not only of the Canadian tae . , but of tending men anti journals in all par's of tide world. The lending' up to the war. the elements enter.ng into its run.lnet fife! !.e. results likely to flow from the cessation of lu., 1tiiti's have been dealt with in that hold and clear -out •form eharac- teristie of THE GLOIBF'S editorial page. News Service The above features. in addition to a eel& and letter service front the front untuatehed in Canada. have placed THE GLOBE far in the lad of ('au:,,lian papers, and partly explant the phenomenal increase of n31.-3 per vent. in THE GLOBE'S circulation during recent months, Other Features The sporting pages. the financial and eotmuercinl pages. the woman's pages. ere., ate., with the additional pares !n Wednesday's issue devoted to "farm and Country Life," are maintained ' at a high stand:tt d of exuellenee. a standard that has justified THE (:LOBE in its title of Canada's National Newspaper, and has given it by ninny thousands the largest circulation of any morning paper In the Dominion. Local and City Papers By all means take your local paper, but in the field of metropolitan •. newspapers THE GLOBE unquestionably offers you the greatest value to be had in Canada. Order it to -day. 25 rents per month -one dollar ' for four months three dollars per year. THE GLOBE, Toronto. EXETER •'CITIZENS BAND S. C. HANNA, Leader W, J.•' MALLETT, fres. . E. J. CHRISTIE, Sec'y. HAVE HAD A GREAT NUMBER OF ENGAGEMENTS THIS YEAR. ON SUNDAY THE BAND GAVE A FINE PROGRAM, IN VICTORIA PARK