HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-8, Page 8EXE PER AnITDC.ATE, THIJB3JI.A,YY JULY 8 185. EXETER MARKETS. OHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 10 Barley, , ..., ... , 85 Buckwheat... ..,. fix Oats. Peas..,. • , ••• Potatoes, per bag , , .. Hay, erton... ....,.. Flour, per cwt., family. Flour, late grade per ow �E'utter......... ....... Creamery Sutter .....,. Egg,8„ Live hogxt, per cwt...�,.. Shorts pee t,rn,. ,,,... Bran per ton .,..,.,.,... Sugar Beet Pulp LOCAL DOING'S. 1 0 •tied ____..a.e• ac aa.A, tbgi St stalled a pipe organes ata aohasrth cost of to 00C $3, Mr Frank Tilley of Windsor has engaged with Mr. F. Bayle as` barber. Mrs Tilley is here with bine. It is easy to prove that pumpkin 29 24 pie is a grand good thing because it ha.� so many imitations substitutes Rev, Baker of Woodham• circuit and Rev Muxworthy of Main Street Exeter,, exchanged pulpits Sunday, man died in 'Elgin county last week weighing 569 pounds. At eleven years of age he treighed 200 pounds. Miss Vera Muxworthy sang a very pleasing solo in excellent voice in James Street church Sunday evening. airs :Martian Salter, who has been restdine. with her. parents, Air. and Mrs Richara Gould, is very ill with pneu- .mania Miss J J. Allan, Eye Sight Spec- ialist. will be at the Central Motel, Exeter or Saturday, July 17th. One day only Miss Hazel Bissett, daughter of 'tar, and _firs Thomas Bissett, Con. 3, Us - borne is confined to her room. owing to illness. Elmore Lang, who enlisted in Ed- monton, and who is a sort of Robert S. Lang formerly of Exeter, is re- ported.among the wounded at the front. FOE getting drunk and saying, ro hell with the British, the Germans have nothing on then," Frank Uttley or Hensall, was fined $3 and :posts in London on Friday, Rev D W. Collins took the services at St 'irtrk's Church, Landon East, or: Sunday, while Rev. Beverley, rec- tor of that church, conducted the ser- vices very acceptably' in the Trivitt :Memorial. The death took place ; .ri London od non tt ., true St o. J h fL Lucy, wife; , of George Hooper in her 61st year. Deceased aper her husband were ;well known her•,: having frequently visited in Ex- eter, as guests of Mr and airs. S. Sanders Main Street. Th seeitizens o4 Exeter and twines). wit, have the opportunity to hoar Pester Carpenter, V,D.Mi., give his fa- mour free lecture "Where are. the Dead ' Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the Opera House, With the world's death rate per day at 90,000 end 'naso the eat carrying many many of the bravest of our land into the tomb and bringing sorrow to many nomas th. ncec for a proper understanding of the hereafter is essential, Pastor Carpenter has delivered lectiues in many cities and towns of Canada and United States and is well qualified to deal with this subject !rom the Bible viewpoint. 30 14 00 22 20 50 150 50 14 00 8 55 >, 80 885 30 00 28 00 27 00 EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND aessesses Previously acknowledged 1905.22 Little - Canucks Room Va 2.75 Jas Stewart 2,00 Edn: and Joe Fo } ck 1.00 Wm. Penhale• 1;.00 Dashwood for Field lea •shen 1520 1930.17 Mrs W. J. Heanran has returned from a visit in Grimsby. Miss leasamaa sa Detroit is the guest of airs W. J. He.srnan. alis J. J. Allan, Eye Sight Spec- ialist will be at the Central Rotel, Fatter. or. Saturday, July loth. One day only. FAMOUS PLAYERS. David Cop- perfield, one of Dickins' Masterpieces in six parts will be put on at the Dona Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday nights. July 14 and 15. This rich and beautisul thing and is bound to please all. Do not miss seem; it. Its and 15c. GIRL WANTED, --To assist in ice stein. parlor. Apply to A. E. Moore. Restaurant and Grocery, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by .0 H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly centidential; no witness FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -A tw a story new brick dwelling on. Main Street well situated and conv:nient. Good stable. For sale or to rent. Terms reasonable.. Apply to A, Has- tings agent, Exeter. APPRENTICE WANTED -An ap. prentice wanted at once to ;earn bar- ber trade. Apply to McLeod & Wil- lis. Exeter. VOICE PRODUCTION, PIANO, ORGAN. airs Harrison Gambrel, A. L. C. al, wilt receive a limited number of pu- pils for the voice, piano or organ. These studies were acquired in Eng fano improved and perfected abroad -Italy France, Germany. Method as taught by Royal Academy of alus:c,. Highest references, Terms on appli- :ation. Carling Street, Exeter. TEACHER WANTED TEACHER WANTED. -For S. 8. Na 1 Stephen, First or Second Pro- fessional, Duties to start after holi- days. Apply. stating salary, to Wm, Bowden R. R. No. 2, Centralia, Ont. = C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth.' aliddlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra! Hotel, 'Main Street, Exeter'. Charges. moderate and satisfaction is guarantee& Summer Haif Holiday We the undersigned 'businessmen or the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of business at Half pas: Twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons during the months of July and August. J. A Stewart T.Hawkins & Son S Martin & Son S. Fitton F. M Boyle Tunes Co'y Advocate Co'y W. J. Heaman W J BeerB.W.F. Beavers Lase son & Trick F. E. Willis 1I Spackman P. Frayne J Grigg Jos. Senior E. A Follicl; W. W. Taman A E Moore Jones & May W. J Statham Mrs. Yea. J. A. Wambold Willis Powell A. Walters NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.- I desire to announce Chet I have op- ener' a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keep a full supply of the best grades Of flours and feeds. I solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON CARPENTER AND BUILDER Plan; furnished; estimates given free ov all classes of buildings MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED bt C H Sanders at the Advocate Of -i Tice Strictly confidential; no witness Help! Help!! Come in and help us unload our furniture as we have 'a large stock which must be sold. We also • have the best furniture palish ever made; and a polish For you cars and buggies equal to none See aur display of KIRSCH cur- tau; rads, the neatest and simplest redon the market, R Embalmer Etc. Phone 20a. The Exeter branch of the Woman's Institute intend holding aMiscellane- aur Shower of field comforts for, the soldiers in active service, consisting of writing pads, lead pencils, candles, colored handkerchiefs, small towels, wash cloths, soap, tooth paste, tooth brushes. gum ,,shoe laces, foot-eae etc, Every mother and sister who reads this notice is invited to "do' her bit" for the brave boys at the front. Con- tributions will be received at the "Tea Room," \Iain Street, Exeter, on Wednesday, July 14th, from 9 a. nn, uanttl 9 p. m, • Mrs. M. G. Amos, President :Mrs, A. Hastings, Secretary, SHOT FINGERS. -Wm. Snell, son of 'sir Eli Snell, met with an unfor- tunate and painful shooting accident or Friday morning last. Mr. Snell re- cently joined the 33rd Regiment at Lorido , and was spending a few days at' his home here. when, on Friday, he picked up the gun to shoot a tat. Hs then attempted to shoot a bird and tripping fell headlong, the left hanc going forward and the index and second fingers covering the muzzle of the gun, while the right hand ac- cidentally pulled the trigger. The gun vva.= dispharged, with the result that the tips of the two fingersawere bad - 1y shattered. The wounds were im- mediately dressed and the injured members are doing nicely. SEASON BOWLING SCHEDULE Twelve rinks of local bowlers have been formed for the season's playing en a contest of each rink against each rink, Prizes are to be awarded by the club ;to the four rinks with the largest number of wins to their Eredit Games are to be 15 ends! Th(e contest is expected to be •• om- pletea by the end of July. Follow- ing acre the rimes. W Fritz, T. 'Davis, sr., H.Spackmani, W W Taman. B Gillies, Mr. Burwell, Rev. Collins L H Dickson.. F May W. Statham, 5., G. Stan- bury W J. Heaman, C Howard, C. Skelton, N.J. Dore, J A Stewart. J Davis. jr., J. Wambold W. May, W D Clarke. Dr Reid, Leie Wilson, J. Grieve, G. Anderson. D. McInnis, W, Funke, J. H. Scott, F W Giadnan, F Dejbridge, S's C. Hannia,, T. El- liott. C -B. Snell. J' Mallett .. A. Hastings, ' Geo. Hawkins J. Senior R', N. Creech, R N„ Rowe, W. T. Wiilson aW: H.. Leuett H. J. W,hitee. s.: D. Stewart,A. J. Ford, N. D. Hur- dor R G. Seidon. M aurae, J. A. McDonald, I. R. Caking • E. J. Christie. (A riuimb r. oe Exeter bowlers are attendag tine Seaforth tournament this week. The Exeter Bowling Tournament dates' have been fixed foe August 11 nd following days, Mr. W. 5. Heanian" last" week ' Inform- ed the Exeter Bowling Assoc": boar, the. he would' donate °a trophy for the `Consolation Event' at the annual Tourtiament. Needless to shy the 1hanka "Of the chub are Me. Heaman's a`tYil' have" three t;•oph•ies--Tlie S, G Bawsien the. Merner-Eilber and'. TheaW,.:. J. a -Inman. see es FRUIT BULLETIN But cherries now; White, Black Red Sour all Niagara grown are now most plentiful. The Red Sour the par excellent for preserving Have your Grocer secure your needs at once. Raspberries be- gic to arrive next week. Canada Tempeeranial majority in for Perthths 175„' A. man who is, distrustful of other people should .not expect other people to trust him. The Citizen's Band of Exeter spent a pleasant evening on Monday at the hams ot one of their number, Mr. Ed. W estcott, svho was recently married. A musical program was furnished and the host and hostess served a delight- ful supper , BAND CONCERT, -.The Citizen's Bane will give a Band Concert in Victoria Park on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock when an excellent program wil be rendered, The same evening the band will parade to the Trivitt Memorial Church with the Orange- men On the following day, July 12 tit Band will furnish music at the celebration at Lucan. SE ON TO MENR1Owing to. `an iutexpeccted EN & Gall to London Rev, D. W. Collins was unable to attend to his church duties here on Sunday, hence the special sermon to men had to be postponed untie next Sunday evening. He will they, deliver his intended discourse, coupling with it an address to the Orangemen, who will be in attendance it being the occasion of their annual parade. As before stated the sermon wil' be of a patriotic nature and Mille directed to men, and the Orangemen, everybody will be welcome. BRINTNELL-MAIC D ONAL D.- S t. Giles Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Monday after- noon when et Miss Mamie mte 1 ac Do nol d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mac- Donald Boyd avenue, became the bride of Mr. Roland Brintnell, sort of Mr and Mrs, James Brintnell, Exeter Ont, The 'bride was given away by her father and ware a becoming suit 'n,'' French blue cord silk with corsage bouquet 0, br`de's roses and valley. lilies The coat opened over a dainty white waist anlace will. hat tonatchn Tl a s .rbridesmaid alis Margaret MacDonald, sister of tht bride chose a gown of sand col- ored crepe de chene, the coatee op- ening over a ninon waist in the sane I shade. Her hat was a large pale blue ! crepe de chene with black velvet t crown. She wore a corsage bouquet' " of pink blush roses. Mr. Jordan Gra- hanm supported the groom After the ceremony areception was held at the bride's parent's home. The table was I' tastefully decorated with satin stream- ers, centered by a large wedding cake The young couple left on the Tor- onto express for a brief honeymoon in the east, -Winnipeg Evening Trib- une. On arriving home the young ,,ouple were pleasantly received at the 'ionte of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sas Brintnell Huron St. They have been the recipients of many valuable and useful g ifts among them being a beautiful mantel clock, the gift cf Mr, and Mrs, Sam. Sanders, ;rand -- parents or the groom, Three of the grandsons already received one of s these clocks and it is the fondest )' hope of all that they may long live•to see each grandchild the recepient of a "Grandfather's Clock" The young couple intend leaving Friday for their 'uture home in Winnipeg, Mist Ruth Hooper is hone °rom London Mrs Piper was in Landon for the holiday Miss Merril Gould is home <rom Beaverton. Mrs Wm. Burke was in Brussels thi- week. Alias Whimster returned to Otta.. wa or Tuesday, in Mr Will Amos of London was toren for July lst, Mrs Clark of Usborne is • the guest a` Mrs Wm. Fletcher; Mr Hugh McKay has returned to Detroai after avisit here, Afts Hind of Usborne is visiting het daughter Mrs. T. Baker. Miss :Madeline Carling arrived home front Toronto for the vacation. Mr Geo.. Holman of Egnondville called on friends here Monday, Mr and a ra--John Salter of Lon - dor were visitors here this .week, Mrs Lynes of London visited her sister ears, Jane Smith last week, License Inspector John Torrance was in town on Saturday on official, duty \1r Walter Dearing of Chatham visitec,, here with friends during the tweet" Alt Frank Cornish and family of Windsor visited relatives here durin the week Mass Berry has returned to her !tome iu Ingersoll, after visiting her sister, Mr.. Seldom, Mr Thos, Hazelwood went to Mark's dale owing to the illness of, his sister Mrs Freeman, Mrs:. Tillie Yager, after spending the millinery season in. St. Marys, has re - toned to. her home here. airs S Mar tar, Mss Lulu and Mr, ant' ears, Wilbur Martin were visitors 'n Dorchester for the 1st, Miss Ila Kerniek and 4r. j. H, Saunders of Toronto are guests at he t e hon.... of Mrs. � r s. h A,S e . ere Mrs Inwood ood and Katharine are ' 'ting Mrs, S. Sanders, Main St, Mr. Inwood was here over Sunday, vas 1 Mr Thos, Hawkins, who has been spend=ng the past few weeks here, returned to Windsor Saturday, Miss Gladys trestle left Saturday for Detroit, Walkerv-ilIe and other places • to spend a few weeks holidays. flys Craig of Brighton is visiting Tath relatives here, the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Fitton Mr and Mrs. McAlister returned to the home of Mr. Jewell for a few days and since loft far their home an Sarnia, Mr Thos. Welsh of London vis- ited relatives here on July lst, It is eight years since he was in his old orae. tow • lis David ;Bias of Gulelph Was a pleasant caller on old friends ;rere las week. It was a pleasure to see hint looking so well. Mr Roland Brintnell and newly wedded bride are spending a couple weeks of their honeymoon here with relatives and friends. Private Fred Mallett and wife, who were recently married in Landon, and Private Will Snell of London were holiday visitors with relatives here, Air E Christie was in Guelph last week in connection with the demon- trations and lectures to the Ontario epsrtment Judges at the O,A.C, Mrs Louiisbery and Miss Marion McIlree of Hamilton, and Mrs, Ingle- by al. Brantford are the guests: of Its James Dignan aor several days. Airs G. Crawley was in London s lasr week. r Mr Allen Myers visited relatives in in tea r over Sunday. iz Air Reg Bissett returned home from Chatham on Tutesday, ells: Vera Rowe of Toronto is holi- daying at her home 'here. Mrs Horace Harwood is visiting his ':.siting his mother, Mrs. Pickard, Air Jack Chit ck of Lindsay is visiting with friends here for a few days. Alis Ed. Christie is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Rogers in Toronto. S Alastet T.om Rogers is here with his cf grandfather, Mr. E. Christie. ge Miss Annie Harvey, who has been ojourni.ng in Detroit for some time, eturned last week and is naw visit - g with her sister, Mas. Albert Brown Stephen. Miss Winnie Howard, who has been teaching school at Edmonton, Alta., returned to her home here on Friday to spend the holidays, after which she will return to that city. - • \•Ir and Mrs. Alvin Brintnell of Vic - tarifa Square are here visiting relatives. We understand Mr. Brintnell, who has been teaching school at Victoria quare has tendered his resignation that school and will endeavor to t a. school near Exeter. POWELL'S Re -Opening Sale SATURDAY Our Store has been undergoing repairs; and once more we are open for business. Our intention from now on is to feat- ure the 10 and 15r, business, and while we do not pose as a 15c store, we will have so many item., at the popular price of 10 15 and 25c. that we may get due credit. We are here 5 years next month. We have learned many stunts, the best is WHERE AND WHAT TO BUY AND HOW to SELL. We don't know all however, but what we do know we will try and use. We want everyone who reads this to come and •firing their friends tc the feast of Bargains, on this RE -OPENING SALE DAY. SATURDAY, then GET THE HABIT OF STEPPING IN 'and looking around every day you are on the street. YOU ARE WELCOME SURE. A FEW SPECIAL ITEMS FOB SATURDAY - 15c. GRANITEWARE 8 qt. Dishpans 5 qt. Saucepans 2 qt covered saucepans 5 qt. Dairy pans. 2 qt Coffee Pots. Larger pieces 3 fair $1. STATIONERY 100 Special Boxes 15c 500 Special Pads 3 for 25c. 500 specilla ' envelopes 3 for 25 PICNIC NECESSITIES Paper plates •25 for 15c. Paper Napkins 25 for 15c. Paper lunch sets 10c. Decorating papers 3 for 25c. GLASSWARE Elegant Shapes and Sizes 500 pieces in all, -10,' 15, 25c. Think of the prices. Irresdecent and Nucut-looks like real emit glass. APRONS Ladies 25c Chad's 15c, Child's Dresses 25c. Child's Bibs, 5c. 10c.. Child's Suspenders 2 for 25c. Ribbons 2 yards 25c. ' Feelings, white, • cream,' black: 10c. 15c., CANDY COUNTER, CHINAWARE Spec.jellies & hard sorts 15c. We hewer ad':a Sp c Williard's Chocolate 29c h more rbeaut Salted, peannuts, Sat. only 15c, ilul assortment of wedding & Gums -6 for 25c, birthday presents, at so low - Alt above sold Saturdaystrict- prices-all battgbt before the lat.fresh, patinds only at above ma,r pries WATCH OUR WINDOWS. CONI;b, EARLY' 'TO TRE BIG VALUE STORE. The Etoine of the'Ed Sou Phonograph The 1916 Model OVERLAND is now out and is a beauty Rig reduction in prices. Call and see the new Modes which is the most -up -.to -date they ever built, Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter The Advocate subscriptiion mail- and if it does not read at .,east up to ing list has been carxected up to the date. kindly attend to the 'natter and Third of June. Look at your label oblige. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, . coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and se6 us. A trial; as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Genuine D. L. & W. Sorailtan Coal Agents For British Americ- u Oil Co. Keslle, Rowe, & Wood JONES MAY E'HONE NO. 82 SON J11111 BRIEN Our July Sale of Summer goods always gives you something New at Reduced Prices. Ail New Goods Are Quoted Below. ummer Tub Goods COLORED CREPE A big counter full of all col- ors at only `123 c yd, GALATEAS A splendid fabric for Dress- es Rompers, or Boys' Suits. All calors in stripes 15c. yd. NEW VOILES Just in this week, Some nice patterns 25c. to 40c yd, CURTAIN NETS By the yard in white and cream. Wash nets. Prices 15c 20c., 25c. arid 35c. All Summer Millinery To Go At Less Than Half Price $1.00 alitTS A fine selection to choose from A Bargain. SUMMER DRESSES For Ladies, Girls, and Child- ren -all at Reduced Prices. Ladies Dresses $1,001o$,3.00 Girls' Dresses $1,00 to 8,2.00 Children's dresses 65c. to a1 LADIES WHITE WEAR Now is the time for your White Skirts, Corset Covers, Princess Slips, Night Gowns, and Drawers. A big variety to show you for warm weather, ,$2.00 HATS Same of our very best hats are on the table. See tfiem. WHITE WAISTS We are showing a real nice lot of waists for 98c. each, Better waists from $$1 to $2.50. Dozens to pick fron9. MEN'S' FURNISHINGS Straw Hats for 50c. and $1 Fine Shirts $1 to $2. I'tew Outing Shirts $1:50 Fancy Sox .25c. to 50c. Suspenders, invisible braces Ties, Collars, & Underwear A PARASOL BARGAIN A real smell bunch of $1, $1,25, $1.50, and $2.00 Parasols. Your choice forwhile 95�+s; they last. Headquarters for; the celebrated W E.'Sanfoncl Clothing ;1