HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-8, Page 5ii ,i.EGA,L P. KSON % CARLING, BARRISTER$, Solicitors, Notaries Conveyancers, Com- mist +onere. Solicitors for the Moisone Ba illi. etc. Money to Loali at lowest rates .or interest Ofticee—blafn=St., Exeter E. B. Carling, BA. Tr.• I , Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount or private :funds to town on farm and vilage prop- erties at low rates of interest, GLAL?:VIAN & STTAM:WAY Barristers. Solicitors, Etxeter, DENTAL. Or. G. F, ROULSTON, 14,D.S.. D,D.S. DENTIST Member of the R.C,D.S, of Ontario and vionor Graduate of Toronto university. Ottice—Over l Ickson & Cariing's raw office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. PR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., (tenor Graduate g" Toronto University DENTIST Pesti` extracted without pain, or any cad orrerts- Oftee over Madman & Stantwry's Orrce,. stain Street, Hxeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST trAND IO3l40LATIpNS THE sole head of a family, or any tical. aver i$ years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in persa at the Dominion Lands Ag - cagy of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any, Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions,. Duties—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader -nay live within nine miles of hiss, homestead en a. fit.1 of at least 80 acres, on .•ertain conditions A habitable house is re- plotted is every case, except when ;e_ sidd awe is performed in the vicinity. Its certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acxle. Duties—Sig months resi- dence in each of three years after earAin>; homestead patent; also 50 acrd eztra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead aSght may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -.Must re.. side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltiv*ttc 50s Cres, and erect a house worth $900, The area at cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substitutes for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W, CORY, C.M.Q. Deputy of the Minister of tilt: Interior N.B.—Unauthortzod publication of this adverttewnent will not be pa".d tor. Western UniYersity, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCME DOUBLED—NOI:V $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Art and Medicine. , GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to: E B Braithwaite, M. A., Ph. D. - President. -CCENTRAL Tra :• r,b1T.F_, Ontario's most successful practical gaining school. Teachers are com- petent, courses are thorough and graduates succeed. We received more applications this month than we had students graduate during the past six months. The three applications re- ceived most recently were for. Lady Stenographer at $7 80. Bookkeeper at 51,000 and Commercial teacher at $140( per annum. Business men want ou, graduates. Get our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan. Principal FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1st. ELLIOTT�t. led2fdd,/,oz z' Toronto, does not ask for a better reputation than it already possesses. We gel positions for many students earl, year. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 739 Yon_e St. Yange & Charles Sts, RAND TRUNK- SYS M SUMMER SERVICE to HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO FROM TORONTO 2.05 a„m, daily far ;'Muskoka Lakes, daily excep Sunday for Lake of. Bays Algonquin Park, Magantetawan River and T,emagarni Lake points. 10.15 a,m dai,ily except Sunday for Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays, and Ma- ganetawan River points. 12.01 p.m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, and Algonquum Park. } STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 11,15 a.m. Arrives Sarnia Wharf, 4430 p.m. Each Monde}, Wednesday and.S Ptir-•..a,,stl`n tith `sl -A' dew o Part Arthur, Fort ViilE tri, and MDu arie lath, and at Fort Williazn•, with Railway fqr Winnipeg ane .points, ,;fifm' Western Canvada, Coaches, Pallor`• Library-Oafeand •Parlor-Library,ilei-,- let ears between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf. Further particulars on appli- cation to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents, N. J. DORE, Exeter The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Can, Govt, Rye.. T. tic N. O. Ry., Grand Trunk Ry. System TORONTO -WINNIPEG via North Day, Cobalt and Cochrane, Through the Scenic Highlands of Ontario, Across New Ontario. Route of innumerable Marvels. Finest Equipment— Splendid Roadbed, Commencing Tuesday, July 13. Lv. Toronto 10.45 p.m. Tue. Thu. Sat. Lv. Winni cg 6.00 North Bay 7.15 a.m. Wed. Fri, Sun, Ar. Regina 8.05 a m, daily " Cochrai.o 4.45 p.m. Wed. Fri. Sun. , Saskatoon 9.38 a.m. " Ar. Winnipeg 3.50 p.m. Thu. Sat. Mon. ” Edmonton 10.00 p.m. ., 9 Through ticket, via the "'Canadian Rockies at their best"' to Prince Rupert, Yukon. Alaska. Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle, 9 Electric lighted coaches, dining. tourist at standard sleeping cars. formation ioe n from anypGrand Trak. Can. Govtin. or T. & N. O. Ry. Agents on application. 4 1 Ceenta Cractie6)66ftee A Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectus and terrns,writetheprincipal R.I. Warner, M.A.,D.D., St. Thomas, Ont, 03 DR. DeVAN'SFRENCH PILLS A releit. befor gulating Pill for Women. $5 :L box or three for .510. Sold. at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price,. THE SCOBELL Dare Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. ti u;; and l ltality;for Nerve and .Brain; increases ""grey matter"; Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of pricer- Taff SCOBELL Darn Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. Business� arid- Shortie a' e ;errel'l Sc Y. M c: Building • London,. ;Ontario College in Sessio Catalogue Free. ' pt" '1St to July. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Principal SHIPSA Mr and Mrs. Mathew Sweitzer and daughter Iin of New hamburg are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. • J. Ratz for a flew weeks,—iyirs Johi Doyle and daughter I3erly of Parkhill spent Monday with Mrs J. Gooding.—Mr. John Mclsaac of •wit, Pleasant Mich. is spending a few week: with his brother Dorigald, !sere —Mr and Mrs. John D,eitrich spent Sunday visiting .,zn Dashwood,—Mrs. Wilbert Smith and family of Toron- to, and Mrs Pole and family of Det - rail are visitors at Mr William. Smiths —Misses Pearl Keys and Violet Golfer spew- last week camping at Grand Bend.—.Miss M.' Sutton is visiting ner patents. -Quite a number lrom here tool. in the strawberry social at Green way on Wednesday evening.—Miss or Infants "and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of. Maggie Gower of Parkhill spent the week -end with her parents. --Mrs. Free' Ending spent Monday with Mrs. Andres Turnbull of Brewster. • "WHERE ARE THE DEAD." - ZURICH ...--0-- Mr John Truemner of Detroit, is renewing old friendship here for a few weeks.—Mrs. Mittelhaltz of Detroit is visiting at the homel of her son A. lfittelholtz, at present.—Mr, 41-rn Warm, son of Mr. Louis Wurm was united in marriage at Hensall last week with Miss M. Clark,. of near Hensall. They left for a short wed- ding. tour.—A telegram from Ottawa received by Mr. and Mrs. John Bren 'ner conveyed the sad news of the death of their son at the front in France, while fighting for his country Pte Brenner enlisted in the first con- tingent ,joining the 9th batt. out West where he had homesteaded,—The cement work on the water tank at the fire hall has been completed. The tank is 35 feet in height and enough space has been reserved at the base to install a gasoline engine and pumping outfit. It will hold about 10,000 gallons of water when full is web built and should provide a suffic- ient water supply for the town for all purposes.—Mr. and Mrs. George Beers and Master Floyd Hamacher,of Buffalo N. Y. are visiting friends and relatives here for a few weeks.— Mr S Dietz has received ward from Edmonton, Alta, of the death of his brother William Dietz, who died in that city.—While administering med- icine to a horse Mr. E. W..Stoskopf, veteriaery surgeon, was knocked down and' trampled upon by the animal with the result that his tPg was badly fractured in two places and he also sustained a number of other in- juries "WHERE ARE THE DEAD.'' HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, -destroys appetite, and snakes work a burden. To restore that strength and staminathat is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or 'compared with Scott's Emulsion, be- cause its strength -sustaining nourish- ment invigorates the blood'to distribute energythrougbout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way. • if you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to -day.'" At any drug store. Scott & nowne. Toronto, Ont. ` • BRUCEFIELD --0-- W e are sorry to report that Mrs. W H' Rattenbury is confined to 'icer room.—•Master A. Wheeler, oats •re- covered nicely from an attack of phu- monna.—Mr Jas. Moodie does not Keel as well as his friends would Like vI.s� Gray has returned.l home. itllIllAuttomoypilili1ii tpa Aian IiquossIliii IIIII illoWi1, 11111111.1111 1110115,u 0atah If$11tlin,lutilli Buy L,ANTIC Sugar --a pure cane sugar, in our handy original packages kept clean and pure from refinery to pantry. Dust and dirt in sugar bought from the open barrel may spoil your preserves. ?, bags, extra fine Buy and original, cartons >< packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each package. granu- lation. Weight guaranteed, Sr$hulation. xoolb. bags coarser grans. Send your address and small Red Ball Trade Mark = from bag or top end of carton and we will mail you. book of s0 assorted Fruit ,Jar t-abcis—printed and gummed ready to put on the tars. p1UtIUHNlilIh U0i A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone Directory i■ now being prepared, and addition, and ebanges Pori t should be reported to our Local Manager at once. will tell yoace uth t in a ts the most t p Those us who odern conveniences. Why not order today and have your name in the new directory' The Bell .Telephone Co. of Canada MONTREAL, tliueju Hili QUE., ST. JOHN, N. H. ullttpipSi lilit-""1111itlillililteniiiismuttsiniu uLlinii01111111.-- H1tlilIt illtlli71t01111111ultipt K.IRETON ;Vit Alvin Doane principal' of Luck - school, underwent an operation sal Witlghatn hospital on Saturday for appndic?tis. His father and mother, Mr and Mfrs. Robt. 13oupe,visited him on Monday, the latter remaining a few days. The patient is do - well. ng A PERFECT MAN There is a man who never drinks, Neer smokes, nor chews nor swears Who never gambles—never flirts, Anc: shuns all sinful snares. There is a man who never para A thing that is not right, Hip wife can tell you where he is A' morning, noon or night, He's dead lTwe. hundred and forty-seven fact- ories in seventy eight cities and towns of Canada are engaged in the pro- duction of shell, parts. One hundred andthirty llactories are engaged in the twotl of machining and assembling, and the daily output of shells now esti- mated at thirty thousand, will be in- creased to tidty thousand, 6550,000 shells have been shipped from Canada and orders have been placed for nine million shells and for very large num- ber: at cartridge cases, fuses, primers ane: friction tubes. It is announced that work is to be begur in London shortly on the erec- tion of a $250,000, temperance Hotel and business block. Temperance workers are behind the scheme, and a Dominion charter will be sought for the company. The hostelry will have 200 rooms. A veteran layman describing his method of delivering a serman says;— "I take any text, and divide my ser- mon into three parts. In the first part I tell 'em what I am going to tel! 'col; In the second part—well, I tell 'em• In the third part I tell 'em what I've told 'em." SCHOOL REPORT No. 1, Usborne for June. Names in order of merit.. Jr IV, G. Die. 83, A. Strang 78, Ila Mitchell 73, T. Dougall 57, '.Sel- ves, absent. Sr. III., E. Cudmore 75 El Woad 73, M. Moir 65, P. Harris Cha.: Lyde absent; Sr II., A. Moir 83, E Mitchell 79, C. Down 77, :ll. Coopei 60, V. Dunn 57, Promoted to Jr 2nd, Gordon Cudmore, Melvin Moir Jas Oke Promoted to 1st class, H. . Strang O. Wood L. Dunn; Jr. Prim- er ii Cudmore, H. Hill, C. Cooper, N Oke P. Harris.—Ethel C. .Case, Teacher HEN := large number of our citizens at- tended the Seaforth races last week. —Rev J. Knight and family arrived y here last week and Mr. Knight occur plea his new pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday for the first time, t preaching very acceptably,-- Hensall Civic holiday will be held on August 1st -.lMrs, Smith after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill left oiniiontll tonittlulnllnitili m,, or her home in British Columbia. .,-•. Mfrs Malloy and sister Miss Hazel Drake. have returned from a v:sit in Cleveland and Buffalo.—Miss Margar- et ses Anlyoarid Greta Lis aramie are hcme�for the holidays from Brantford.— John and Russell Marshall are also home iron Belleville,—J. Larne `+cott anc family are visiting here from Ta- ranto. "WHERE ARE THE DEAD." "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 YOUR NEIGHBOR DRIVES A FORD—WHY DON'T YOU? WE ARE SELLING MORE FORDS TN CANADA' THIS YEAR THAN EV- ER BEFORE—BECAUSE CANADI- ANS MO- TOR CAR SERV CEEMAND THEBEAT ST I ti THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. THE "MADE IN CANADA"' FORD TS A NECESSITY—NOT A LUXURY. Runabout $540; Town Car price- on application, All Ford cars are fully equipped including electric need - lights NO cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profit; if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. MILO SNELL DEALER Have You Any Thought of Buying A MALLEABLE RANGE ? Are you likely to have ? Do you know that such a range is made right in London by the Mc Clary Mfg. Company ? This McClary Range weighs as heavy and looks as well as any malle- able range made. And the price is not over $46.00 for the complete range with reservoir and warming closet. 'Compare this price with prices of other malleable ranges that heardabout and do not forget when doing sot that yge works just as well as any other. the 1VlcClary Range Moreover when repairs are needed, they can be ordered from your home merchant. It will be a protection to you u to get full particulars of any of' the following merchants before purchasing this range from p che�sing a malleable range:- . . .,.. T. Hawkins '& Son, Exeter Bonthorn & Drysdale, • Hensall a. Tiernan, Dashwood C. Huth:el), Zurich And You'll Save Money Too