The Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-8, Page 4DU R A B L E --Fire grates are three -sided; last three times as long. Shaped in the WCIary SU S to grind up clinkers libirnacewhen "rocked.". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 42 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son tft.eter abilocate, Gander., & Creech. Proprietote '#u advance $L00 per year in Catlade 115C in United States. If no. „tar in advance 50e. extra. per v ear h14A tie charged -LUYTRSDA1♦ JULY 8 '1..) Village of Exelar By -Law No. ... 1915 BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR. the issue of Debentures to the. extent of twenty thousand Dollars e000.00;, for the cost of a plant to distribute Eleetrie Power to be supplied by the Liydro El- ectric Power Commission of On- tarice from. Niagara Falls. Previsionally adopted after .he Ind reading on the 25th day of June 1915 WHEREAS it is necessary to rail be way at loon on the credit of th village the sum of twenty thousand rdallare i$ 20,000.00), to provide fo the cost at works, plant machinery, and appliances necessary for the dis tributior oe Electric Power in the `Village of Exeter, to be supplied by 'the Hydro Electric Power Com •mission of Ontario from Niagara Tills and to provide for the experts oe discount and other charges aegot. eating the said loan; 193.. ' 547.57 871.18 1934 504,32 914.73 1931 458.58 960.47 1934 410.56 1008.49 193_,36013 1058.92 193ii 307.19 1111.86 L93i 251.59 1167.46 1931+ 193.22 ,1225.83 1419.05 1931 131.93 1287.12 1419.05 1940 67.57 1351.48 1419.05 4 The said debentures shall have oeupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest thereon. Which interest shall be at she rata of five per cent. per annum from tin date thereof. Any shall be payable annually from the dating thereof in each year ;t Crediton USBORNE COUNCIL -,--4--- Mr .,_q--MIr John Ste"nhacher, Miss Rebecc Ste;nhacher,Afr. and Mrs. Chris Saa ke and Mr. John McCall oz. Sebring- v..t -.Ont., motored here on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stein hacker. The Evangelical Sunday School pic- nee which was held at. Grand;' Bend on Tuesday proved a great success. Two auto -bus loads took the people back besides a large number of other autos apo rigs helped to swell the crowd. The weather was ideal and every- thing passed oil without a hitch. In the morning a fast baseball game was played between the two ladies classes -the Dorcas Band and Swastika; 1:1;, F Either acted as umpire,- The girls dont think his dectsjons were just ace cording to rule book but will forgive hero as his eyesight was bad -and he I. two :coats to keep from tann- ing TheSwastika class wonour with a good lead. After dinner • the band gevc a few selections as well `as the Ladies Quartette. The sports were thee. held of a varied order and some At the close of sports Council met at School House, S. a.a.fSlan N°ncons.7, intideration special of meetingthe ', foBr rock the Creel. Drain" report, Owing to an in- sufficiently signed petition the report vac dropped. Council met at Tp. Ha1I, July 3, All the members were present, The minutes of the last meeting and the special meeting were read and ap- proved. The petition of Wm. Brock and other for drainage work to improve Bzo e: Creek was approved, and the Clerl, instructed to send a copy to J. Roger. engineer, of Aiitchell, with instzuctions to prepare a Report. Es- timates etc„ for the drainage of the desired area. A number of accounts were passed anti of ders issued in payment., Council adjourned to meet August 7th at este o'clock, F. Morley, Clerk quite new, 1419.05 the two rivals, the C.I.0 and the 1419.05 3 Ws hadit out in a ganeei'of bases 1419,05 ball. The game was an exciting one 1419.05 frail'', start to finish. The score was L419.05 5 9-2 ia favor of the 3 Ml's, Needless to 1419.05 say the boys are in grew. glee over 1419.05 the victory. The people all arrived home without a mishap -tired but happy over a day well spent. the m}where the said debenture payablt hundred and nineteen dollars and 'Iv to nix 151419.05), for the purpose o Sunday's rain was a welcome one. The crops have improved wonderful - 1Y fellss elartha Wenzel of ,Detroit s visiting her parents for a few weeks. Mir and :Vers. Harrison. Becker of Pembroke are visiting at the Evangel- , ci arcla Pars nage, e ate5 Rev ' Jefferson of the Methodist church preached a very acceptable e sermon to the members of the local. e L.O.L ledge last Sunday evening. " c G H: _tzman of Zurich spent ;Cues - d day ;a token on busnese.. Chas. Zw:cker AS having the trees front of his residence trimmed by Thos. App.eton, Air and Mrs Dan Sweiteer of Al- e gonquer Park are visiting, relatives in f taw11 Mars. Adams and sonDanald of Det o roi. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Geiser. W 1i 'Wenzel is in Detroit for a fen days:nm, oel Council et'ng was held in the 'TONT; Hall on 'Monday. Daniiei Miclsaac is excavating the r fatendat'on far a new blacksmith e shop. Jamies e ills of St Thomas is visiting; Mr. and Mrs W. A. Sambrook this week. The annual. Children's day Festiv- al. of the Evangelical church was held last Sunday evening. A splend- id program was given to a. large audience. The singing and recitations oG the. little ones proved quite a treat. The missionary offering for th • day amounted to $175.00 The lefethodist Church Sunday School P.iicnic will be held at Grand w Bence an Thursday this eek, ' Our Band furnished the music eat the Garden party in Centralia last Thursday. "WHERE ARE THE DEAD,'' 5 The said. debentures shall nav printed' across the face thereof th word: "Hydro Electric Debentures. 6 : During the currency of the sai debentures there shall be raised an nuelte by special. rate on all, the rate able property of the Village of Ex fete* the, sunt of one thousand :o.u spaying the amount due in each f ;ie' years for the principal and in tele t in respect of said debt. 7 This by-law shall take effect and alter the passing thereof. e Tire votes of the electors fo ant: against this by-law shall ne take by ballot on Friday, the 16th day o ar Ju,}y 1915, from the hour of Stine o'elte , in the forenoon, until five o clock, in the afternoon of the same day at the places, within the said cor- r poretion of the Village of Exeter, . and by the Deputy Returning Officer, hereinafter specified, That is to say r•- _ Pelting Sub Dtvisian No. 1 e At Silas Handford's House, on the West side of Main Street. Sidney Davis, Deputy Returning Of- ficer AND WHERAS the amount of the ,whale Rateable Property of 'he Vil lege of Exeter according to the .as 'revised Assessment ,Roll thereof is sly hundred and forty-one •housand site hundrea and sixty dollars, (.$641,- •66e.00) _ Palling Sub. t Derision No. 2, At the Tawn Hail, east side of Mein Street. e ellington Johns, Deputy Return- ing Officer AND WHEREAS the existing De- benture debt of the Village of 'sla- ter is fifty-five thousand, one 5un- drec and eighteen dollars and •ev.:fn- ty-:out cents ($55,118.74), ANI) WHEREAS the sum of twin qty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), is :the debt intended to be created by this By-law, Loan upon the security of the de- bentures herein after mentioned, from arty person- or persons, body or bol- iei corporate who may be willing to .advance the same upon the credit of suet, debentures, a sum of money not exceeding the whole sum oe 'twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), and to cause the same to be paid into the s hand:; of the Village treasurer for a Palling, Sub. 1) vision No. 3. Ai. the Brick Office Building at th:' Corner of Wellington and Main streets Petty- Gillies, Deputy Returning Of- firei, PoIlin& Sub Division No. 4. At the North End Fire Hall, corner of Market and Elizabeth Sts. Alex McPherson, Deputy Return'ng Officer 9 That on Tuesday evening, the 13t1 day of July, 1915, at the Coun- cil Chambers in the said Village of Exeter at the hour of 8 o'clock in Lee afternoon, the said Reeve shall appeent in writing, signed by himself, .:vo persons to attend to the final stunmen,g. up of the votes 'aforesaid by the Clerk of the Council, and one person•' to attend at each polling, place .n behalf of the persons interested :r, anq desiriaes of promoting the passing of this by-law, and a like :lumber on behalf of the persons :n- .erested in and desirous of opposing the passing. of this byelaw.10 That an the 17th day ,f July, 1915. the Clerk of the Council shall at the Clerk's Office in the said Vil- lage of Exeter, at 12 o'clock soon, umup ,the number of votes, for and gains, this by-law in the ,presence AND 'WHEREAS it will require the -sun or One thousand four aundrad' ane nineteen dollars and five oents ($1419.05) to be raised annually for the. period of twenty-five years, .by a;,a spec,, rate sufficient therefore on all the rateable property in he Vil- lage of Exeter; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter enacts as follows,- 1 It shall be lawful for the '.i,eeve of the Village of Exeter and the 'Measurer thereof to raise by way of Dashwood Dr Balfour has purchased a new McLaughlin Car -Mrs. Edighaffer of Part Huron is visiting relatives here; -Mrs Richard Quance, jr„ of Exeter war a visitor in town last week. Mr. Arthur Brunner of Napierville College, Illinois, is spending his holi- days al Godfrey Oestreicher's Misses Olive and Hilda Rader mo- tai ea from London Sunday. MLr N Kellermann took first money i:n A. named race at New Hamburg and solo hie racer Miss Kelly for the handsome sum of $400. Mi John Gossmann took first prize in Parkhill Calithumpian par- ade with his rooster and cart. MIi Elmer 'eVillert was in New Hamburg at the races as assistant jockey for N. Kellermann. "'WHERE ARE THE DEAD." Centralia The first of July has come' and gone and it, was a decided success atf Cen- tralia The crowd was the largest for some years. The Crediton Band Play- ed their best selections. Two good eyed Le - teams, Criediton st game and las' games of baseball were pi tw,eei the home arud Crediton winning in the fir the purposes and with the objects ,aN' the persons appointed to attend• lasing in thle second. There above. recited, �,theteat or in the presence of such of was ani <abtundance• of strawberries and then. and an other cake The proceed amounted to a 2 It shall be lawful for the said. Y persons entitled bogie $203.00. The Patriotic Concert Reeve and Treasurer to cause any by by-law to be present, as may be • number of Debentures to be made for such sums of money as inay be required for the purposes aforesaid, payable for not less than One hu,n- drec: dollars ($100.00) each, and not exceeding in the whale the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). And the said debentures shall be ealed .with the seal of the Corpor- ation and be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer, and be payablle at the office of said Treasurer in the said` 5 village 3 The said debentaires shall bear elate from the day of issue thereof, and shall be payable yearly . there- after for and ,during the said period of Twenty-five years.and be for the rrespective amounts following, present, (Seal' (Signed) (Signed) Reeve Clerk. NOTICE The above is a true copy of the proposed by-law which has peen taken into consideration, and which wit. be finally passed by the Council on* the Corporation of the Village .ef ever •im: the event of ahe consent a'' the Electors being obtained there- to, after one month from the efirst publication 'thereof 'in the Exeter Time: and Advocate Newspapers, the fees publication of which shall be on That is to say,- the, 24th •;day of June, A. D., 1915, Yea* Interest Principal Annuity Inn ar the houirr, day and place iltereiln fixed far taking the votes of the elec- .191.. $1000.00 $419.05 $1419.05 tors a poll will be held, ,. 191' . 979.05 440.00 1419.05 Every tenant who desires .to vote 191., 957.05 462.00 1419'05. ,ori ` the said by-law must ;deliver ttf G 191 933.94 485.11 8.1 1419 5 .0 th'r Clerk 1 of the Mnimicipality, not 1920 509.36 1419.05 'late.: than the 10th day ,preceding_ 192)' 534.83 1419.05 the- day appoint -e fore e,tak ng., 1922 561.57 1419.05 the said v'(?te',, ee: ° ..declaration 1923 589.65 1419.05 provided, by sub -section 3 of eection 192<! 619.13 1419.05 26e Ch. p. 192 of the Municipal Act "1925 650.08 1419.05 Dater at Exeter this 23 day of Tune '1920 682.59 1419:05 A D. 1915. :1927' 716,72 1419.05 1928 752,55 1419.05 JOS SENIOR, 909.69 884.22. 857.48 829.40 799.92 768.97 736.46 702.33 666,50 1929 628.87 790.18 1419.05 Acting Clerk af. the Corporation of .193e 589.36 , 829.69 1419.05 to Village of Exeter. ti the. evening was also, a success, Ex. -Mayor Graham and Pink of Lon- don were at their best and the pro- ceeds were about $57.00." Rev Findlay preached his 'zitial sermons here on Sunday last and he made a splendid impression on large numbers that turned out to hear' him. The showers -of Sunday and Monday were needed quite badly and 'will be greatly appreciated by all. Ma. and Mrs. Nelson Hicks of De- trait are theguests of the former's brother Andnew : Hicks. Mass Mary .Hanlon of Toronto is holidaying under the parental -oof. Mr Lloyd . Baynham of Berlin spent Sunday under the parentalavof. W Diamond of Detroit spent Sunday w;;th Mr. and Mrs. G. Hicks. Miss Mary Hanlon honowr Graduate` of St Joseph's College Toronto, ar- levee: home Thursday evening. Shie. was accompanied by Mrs. 5. A. Catight;in and children of Toronto. Mr and Mrs. D. L. O'Breen of St' Marys paid us a short visit past, tveek. , Mr Herb. Hanlon and sisters mot - c ed to St. Marys on Sundayi last. Mrs and Miss Vanstcne of 13rant- , t' r9 are visitors with Mrs. :eanos. Mrs. B. Andrew of Aylmer is vis- )tita Miss R. Essery. Messrs A' Duplin and L. McNaugI tor. of London spent the week', end at i ,vlr. J Hepburn's. t Miss E. Pumeroy of Toronto spent Nsnty-nine families in Perth ' Coun- tee holiday with Miss Ruby Hicks, tv are now "receiving assistancefrom tlae `Patre tic fund, 'In these are 108' "WHERE ARE THE DEAD.' children. - How's ThisP We Derr Ona hundred Ddtaretteward for any care of Catarrh that cauuot br eurea by mere Catarrh Ouse, F. .1, Q IFS$Y & Co., Toledo, 0, We the undersigned have•kuowa F.. J. "e,- toe the last 15 years, a.ni 'arty out any ohauntiow. made by is firm In an bixins,, transactions and dnanciai able to NArioLA,, fta is nF Co m nn e t $,.Toledo, !i tun.,Uatarrh Qiire is ,oaten tnternallyI noting di redly on the blood And 'Huron anthems ot the system. Tentiluonaul.. sent free, ?rice 23c. per bot- tle. Sold by all r)r,rtrytiata Tit@ t5all** FamilV ,'Ills ter eorntipalaiop WINCHEL$E 9.. el:s. Spence has returned to her how in Meta -Mr. Edward reellett spent the week end visiting friends in Chatham. --Stanley has resigned the melee business and accepted a nore peznetnent one. -Miss Ina Jacques is on the sick list, bat we hope for a speedy recovery.-.iiss Neliie Medd enc Muster Bruce Medd are visiting el tht former's home near Clinton. - Mi Ray Fletcher and Hiss Rhea tiod- bol' spent the holiday in London, - Mese Sarah Clements t. Newark and and Mrs Bella ','Winer of Yonkers are visiting with their sisters, Hiss Eliaa Clements and Mrs. M1'eeley Heywood. --.Some. spent the holiday at Elim - viii. while others spent the lay at Gr;,na Bend and elsewhere. (Too late for last week.) Mr John Hern, Jr., is all smiles thcst days. It's a son. -Hiss Sarah'. Clements of Newark, N. Y„ 'is visit- ing a: her brother's home !ere. -Mr. Clatence Fletcher is convalescing. - Ow bal' team won another game on'. Thursday evening against Zinn, the score being 15-6 in favor of the War- riors. -Mr. George Godbolt is on. 'be' sicl; list, We hope for a speedy re- covel3. lir, Samuel Madge lost a valuable mare last week.-Kirkton Juniors played Winchelsea Juniors on the local diamond. Each team put up, a gcod brand of ball, the, score being in favoi of Wincl>relsea,-Miss Gra- ham ot Victoria Hospital, London who has been nursing efrs. Thos.: Clarke hal returned to the city. Mrs. Clarke is able to be up around again. -Mrs, Mede' is visiting at the home of her son Mr W. G. Medd, this week. "WHERE ARE THE DEAD." WHALEN. Walter Pollen of near Woodstock spent the holiday here with leis chil- dren at their aunt's, Mrs. Frank Gun- ning. -Mrs. John Langford of London visited over Sunday with her son, Herb near Waodham.-Mrs. Ferguson ane, daughter of Toronto spent the hejiday at Mrs. Wm. Brook's. -Mr, and Mrs Grank Morley spent the holiday with the former's sister, Airs. Wm, Lingard at Sarnia. -Most of the people from here assisted the Cen- tralia people in celebrating the first of July this .church being a part of •tha` circuit. A good time was enjoy- ed by all. -Our boys went ,to Wood- ham Saturday even ng to play ball, ane, my the score was shock`mg-in fact so desgu,ting to -was. folks t'het we won': mention it, but hope they will da better next time. -Messrs Delbert Marley and. Clarence Millson visited friends at Lucan Sunday. -Mrs John Wright, Edna Gunning and Lily Portor spent part of ,this week at Exeter and Hensall. "WHERE ARE -THE DEAD." LUMLEY --0-- Mr S. and Miss E. Horton, also Glenn Broudfoot, spent Sunday with relatives near Brucefield.-Miss Alice Habkizk is the guest of her cousin Maggie Habkirk.- Miss Tomilson of Kincardine and Miss Annie Slavin of Chiselhurst are . guests of the latter's uncle. Thos. • Last. -Jas. Morris, horsebuyer of near Mitchell, was in the., locality on Monday. -Hugh bfc- Dongall has improved his driving shed by 'painting it. ELIMVILLE Mi Geo Mincers of Windsor•,und, Mrs Chas. Carr of 'Detroit .pent .the 1s. lot July en the burg renewing old acquaintances, They came up to at- tend the funeral of their father Mr. Wm . Mefers.-The picnic held by, the Elimville S.S of the 1st of fully was. a grand success, over two irun-i drec dollars being taken in. Every- body was'disappointed because the ladies. baseball game did not .,omc off on account of thle rain,. The lad les had been practising for levered; weeks and a fast game was expected -Me and Mrs. ,Saltier of London ere visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 'fdichrtel Elford.-iVIr. and 'Mrs. Ro+bt, Skinner arrived home from the West fast' Satua da Mr. Thee. Y Andrew K ��f Gerrie attended the ; fwzneral of his brother. in ,laiy Mr Wim. Miners, :and spent a few days..srisitimg ielatives,and, friends. -Mr We,s. Horn has.,�been len- der the doctor's care for a""tew lays. with a sore knee, tele THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WAI,I3RER, C V.Q , A., D.0 L.. President A14.EX4►NDiBR LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRP, Asa:', General Mame[ CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 :FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. 525 EXETER BRANCH -H. J. WHITE Mian. CREDXTO 1-A. E. KU.HN, Man. dlireil' eileel11",,,'111',;;t,;� iMi"9.1"Itt"'nr"tir•lie'Sle'1le'11T'••9!1"ne"tfle'lle){L. IncorporatedTUE_ MOLSONS BANK o 1$55 - A GENERA*, BANKING BUSENESS TRANSACTED. INCLUDING CAPITAL CIRCULAR 1.ETTERS OF ORE IT ASD 'ASK MONEY ORDERS RESERVE $81800,000. Savings Bank Department E ..�.�. At alt Branches = 92 aranchesr Wenn*, allowed at Ittgheat curtest rate In Canada EXETER BRANCH-. e _ W D. CLARICE, Manager,. mut..Jlh,,l11 • del.8l„4liudCril6u,11L,dll.ut{l of{h .111. a8ud14lILillltluettLut d NYAL'S M eyflower TALCUM POW DER Fragrant I2 e f reshireq It Clinys Mayflower Talcum Powder The distinctive odor of Mayflower Talcum is entirely new, and of such charm and delicacy as to immediately appeal to every woman of refinement. Antiseptic --exquisitely fine in texture, it is preeminent for use on baby. All Nyal preparations are in class by themselves. Nyal's Face Cream and toilet requisites are almost indis- pensable for the complexion. Ask at the Nyal Quality Store for free copy of our booklet, "Your Complexion," which includes directions as to proper methods of Massage. 129 W. S. UOWEY. Druggist Exeter, Ont CLIFTON -Mr. Jakob Taylor, now of Toronto Broke a large bone near thcr ankle last week by stepping en a rolling stone -Mr. Charles Ridout who was born in Toronto eighty-five years ago and came to Clinton in le 56 anct resided -here cont inuously un- til. the end came, passed away on June 29 after an illness extending sev era: weeks. MITCHELL -A wedding took; PI:30 at the home of Dr. and:Vlrs. Hurlburt 'Mitchell on Tuesday afternoon, wh&g then daughter, Miss Mabel ML., was • 1 tee: in marriage to Mr. Harland I Ed;varc; Graham, B. A., Toronto. "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out Rat.; Mice, etc. Don't die in the lone 15c and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores ThePropnel'Sfyarlet¢A l MedicieeAct. : AVeeet tearalionfeorrds nglheStomachsand eowelsofk Promotes estionCheerfuh: Hess andRest,Containsnetfher, Opiunt,Morphine norNhi ral,• NOT NARCOTIC. . r' a ce ofolrl DcMM/MINE R PlanpFin Send'AltStaat . Adele SQ (s- �4itiscSi lo�ied . I Carton°GIds* lY.vmSad - CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genulile Castoria ,Always Y Bears the Signature of. Aperfect Remedy forConslipa• Hon, Sour Slomach,Diarrhoeo, Worms.Convulsions,Feverish ness an d LOSSOFSLEEF. FacSimile Signature of 1:4 Tib CENTAUR.COMPAHy MONTREAL &NEW YORK In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'CCNrAO',,. COMPANY. NAM 'YORK CITY. 11 7 2. d A as 11 G go 1: E; da at pr leu R. EE Li ca