HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-1, Page 8EX, 11E11 ATISTEICATE, THURSIlAY liTEIN 1 int -6 EXETER N1ARIKET$. VHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat ,. ic0 Barley."0"11.•,"•11‘1,111 65 Buckwheat 55 Oats, . „ 50 Peas .. . 150 Potatoes, per bag ...... 36 50 A9;73 erton. ,,......!.. 1400 1,4 00 • our, per ewt., family a 55 Flour, low grade per cw lig/ Butter n , 20 22 Creamery 13titter......,. 29 19 20 !zee hogs, per cwt 8 05 Shorts per tbn.,.. , ... . 30 00 Bran per ton ........... 28 00 Sugar Beet Pulp....... . 27 00 Mr Ed, Cudmore Qf the 'West is here v:siting. with his mother, 'Mrs': Wm Cudmore. POWELLS BZAR.— Workmen finished BUSINESS AS USUAL. "%Vete'. announcement next week. Step in an have a look at us now POWELL'S. 1.••••••••1. The Department of Agriculture has deci4d to give a medal to the boy or gite in each COurttY who raises the largest amount of potatoes in the war - plot -potato competition now on. The proposed medals bears the British Arnie and the Beaver and will also be engraved with the name of the winner Whc wilt be the winner of the medal in Huron? Don't despise the hoe, boys and girls, and don't forget the Parlez green. The Advocate has a complete line of wedding stationery which we 'an prn' in the latest style. Your order will receive prompt attention, THE MASTER MIND. — The movies will be a specially interesting feature in the Dome Theatre on Wed- nesday and Thursday nights of ::eext week when they will put on The faster Mind. See big ad elsewhere. LOCAL DOINGS. 1 avitrigriisierwirlwrirmiAritk ,kaaaaaniaraaraftealiscaseaanolaaekagaeaaai Seaforth bowling tournament is next Wednesday and Thursday. To -day ie Dominion Day, and this year it stands for much more in. the eye.. of the world than ever before. The dry goods and clothing stores of Seaforth will close every Wednes day at 1 o'clock during July and Aug- ust 'The school here closed for the summer holidays on Friday iast The man boy and girl have eeen longing ftvr this holiday season to come and they are now happy. The Garden PiiTy in connection with Alaha Strget Church en wednes- 4av evening Iast was wen patronized: The evening was by no :neans fav- orable for such an event, being quite ceol—in fact cold—but all seemed to enjoy themselves. The proceeds were abut $60,001 Mise Arnoldi, who with Mi—ss 7P-r—tun- mer. was one of the Canadian Gov- ernment appointees to England, to look after the proper distribution of the supplies sent for the comfort of the soldiers gave an instructive talk Tuesday in the Opera I -louse on the work and showed where the need is still great, The Sunday School services ia Jamee Street Church last Sunday partook of the nature of a PatrioticSex\iee. Seraice. The School gathered in the m large rooof the basement which was decorated with flags and pennants, and addresses and suitable patriotic music were given Leon Treble gave an in- teresting paper on "The Flag.' The services were very interesting. gr, Sidney Sanders lost his valuable Jersey milch cow by death On Thurs- dey last. Just a leer days previous George Easterbrook lost a jer- sey heifer. The bath, enamels had p been eeing 'en the same field and both died in the same mysterious way eacl was taken sick and seemed to e in agonies of pain till death came. n eacl- case the veterinaries were ailed but were nonplussed as to 'the ause of death. The symptoms were of a poisor character, but no trace of poison were found. A quantity of bloon and entrails of the atter an- ima: were sent to the Ontario Govern - mere for analysis. Rev I) W. Collins will preach his second of a series to men in the Trivit' Memorial Church on Sunday evening next. While this discourse win be directed to men everybody will bc welcome. This discourse will be of a patriotic nature and will in- clude a portion of the Sermon delivi ered by hi m in the church on Sunday morning, June 20th, which proved of such deep interest that a strong • ee trues. was made Of him by a number or the congregation to repeat the dis- course that a larger number -night have the pleasure of hearing it. This discourse will be a treat and not per- soe should miss it, SUCCESSFUL GARDEN PARTY - The Anrual Garden Party of the Trivitt Memorial church was held on the Rectory lawn Friday night last. The weather was not the most fav- orable owing to the cool atmosphere but the attendance was large and a most enjoyable evening MS spent, A program was rendered by Mr. Steer of London who sang several popular selections and the Exeter Band in addition interspersed several excellent umbers The, usual refreshments were served. The proceeds amounted to $70.00 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A two b story new brick dwelling on Main Steeet. well situated and convznient. c Good stable, For sale or to rent. c Terms reasonable. Apply to A. Has- tings agent, Exeter, APPRENTICE WANTED—An ep- Prentice wanted at once to Jearn bar- ber trade. Apply to McLeod & Wil- lis, Exeter VOICE PRODUCTION, PIANO, ORGAN. Mrs Harris Gambrill, A. L. C. M., wiP receive a limited number of pu- pils for the voice, piano or organ. These studies were acquired in Eng - lava improved and perfected abroad e -Italy France, Germany. Method as taught by Royal Academy of Music. Highest references. Terms on appli- cation. Carling Street, Exeter. ONTARIO STATUTES 1915 Justices of the Peace and others en- titlen to. copies of the above statutes are required to call at my office or to, send there for them, or if more convenient, to write to me for the same with the addresses to Aria it is desired they should be sent. C. SEAGER, • Clerk of the Peace. Goderich, 19th June, 1915 TEACHER WANTED Far School Section No. 4, Usborne Township Duties to commence tif- te. holidays, Apply to JOHN THOMSON, Centralia. C. W. ROBINSON , LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth. Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra: Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Charger moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. Summer Half Holiday We the undersigned businessmen or the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of business -at Half pas: Twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons during the months of July and August. J. A Stewart T.Hawkins & Son S Martin & Son S. Fitton F.- M. Boyle Times Co'y Advocate Co'y W. J. Heaman W. J Beer B.W.F. Beavers Lawson & Trick F. E. 'Willis H Spackman P. Frayne J Grigg Jas. Senior E. A Fallick W. W. Taman A E Moore Jones St May W J Statham Mrs. Yeot J. A. Wambold Willis Powell A. Walters NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op - nen -a Flour and Feed Store in F.; Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keep, a full supply of the best grades of flours and feeds. solicit your patronage. SYDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON- CARPENTER AND BUILDER - Plans furnished; estimates given free or, ali classes af buildings , t PERRY'F. DOUPE ) a Licensed Auctioneer. LiveSto Sales a Specialty. Terms oderaf Orders left at The Advocate Offre'e promptly attended to. Phone 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton O, e• NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY.—We have just received a copy of McKim's Canadian Newspaper Directory end within its covers much valuable in- fcrmation is contained, A census of the newspapers listed and described in the 1915 Directory shows nearly 150 Dailies 7 tri -Weeklies, .45 .emi- Weeklies over 1065 Weeklies, about 40 bi-weeklies or semi -Monthlies, 250 elonthlies 3 bi-Monthlies arid 18 Quarterlies—a total of over 1575 pub- lications. This means approximately one Daily to every 10,000 families, and one Weekly to every 1,500 families. Fron. this one would infer that for a comparatively new country, Canada is well-read. --- BOWLERS WON AT LONDON.— Thc Exeter bowlers who took ni the London Thistle Scotch Doublelour- =anent last week, were successful in getting in among the pri ze winners and securing one of the trophies. In all they won 21 games and •ost 10.' The various pairs were W. D. Clarke and W W. Taman, who, won four and lost three games; J. A." Stewart and R G. Seldan, who wont five and last three H. J. White and W. J. Heaman, who won four and 'ost two, gat into the semi-finals in the first event and won second prize in the second event; C. B. Snell and R.N. Creech, who won 8 and lost 2, got intn the semi-finals in the second event and won, first prize Pild the Ed ' Shea trophy in the -third event. Eketei was the only place outside of Landon that won anything. DEATH OF MISS WYNN.—After a long and tedious illness Miss, Minnie Wynn Mill street, passed away on Tuesday evening last. Far many years the deceased was in delicate health ant: while at times she would show signs of improvement, she was far the greater part. of the past fif- teen or more years been an invalid. Deceased was a native of Usborne ownship, where she spent the greater part oif _.her life. About thirteen yeare go she- moved to Exeter with her brother and sister, David and Miss Elizabeth Wynn, and has resided here ontenuously since.. She was a mem- ber of James Street Methodist Church anc died in the Christian faith, of her Redeemer. She is survived, by five rathers and three sisters—Henry and elan of Sacrainento, .Williarn of Los Artgeles, 'Cale Arthur of Atwoad David Yfr. Powell and Miss Eliza- eth of Exeter and Mrs. LeeL of To - onto, The funeral will be private 1141.CT V1.111.1' take place on, Friday, July td from her late residence, MiR St - 1.30 o'ock, to the Exeter Gerrie- by b Auto For Hire .1 FAMILY OR PLEASURE PARTIES b A SPECIALTY r PHONE NO, 80. 2 GOVERNMENT CHAUITEUR - NO, 2-724r 1 FRUIT BULLETIN Mrs Housewife see your Grocer for those delicious White Orcheart Cherries arriving daily, The Red Sour Cherry for ie and preserv- ing are ready. Red currants -com- ing along next week all Niagara Peninsula. grown. See your grocer to -day Mrs Yeo entertained on Monday evening last Mr C Heywoodhas purchased Mr. M M Doyle's auto. Russell the four-year-old son of Mr Thos. Collingwood was bperated On for tOOSilitiS last Thursday and is doing well, Picture post cards can now leo through the mails for ane cent if only autographed and addressed. This wilt be a blessing to summer tourists. It is expected that there will be a billet fight in the courts teetween the St Marys Milling Company and the towe of St. Marys, regarding the polluting of the river with town SOW - and the riverbed rights clairn. be- tweer the milling company and town. Official annotincemeni has neen made that Herbert W. White, of the dragons and son of Aft.. Wm. White of Stephen township, has oeen wound ed in the overseas battle. He was fortunate in the way of escaping in- jury so long, having been in the ..ight quit" a lone time, Even now his wounds are net considered serious. The marriage took, place in \Ion - treat an June 23rd of a former Exe- ter bay Mr. Albert J. Luxton, son of Mr and Mrs. Fred Luxton, to :Miss Eli zabeth Campbell McGregor, only daughter of Mrs, James G. McGregor of Montreal, Bert and his bride vis- ited relatives here aver Sunday, and on their return will reside in Ottawa. The Advocate joins the many friends in best wishes and congratulations. MoLauchlin.—Down,—A wedding of considerable interest in this locality was solemnized at the McCrae orial parsonage, Ontemee, on June 73 whet, Laura' May, eldest laughter of Rev J. Wesley and Mrs'. Down, for- merly of Exeter, was united in mar- rie.ge to Rev. Andrew McLnzchIin,B. A. of Toronto, Revl. W, Down,la- the. of the bride, performed the ceremony and Miss Constance Mc- Leuchhn, sister of the groom. Played the wedding march. The bride was attended by her sister Florence and the. groorr by Mr. Carter of. Toronto. Afte. "the usual congratulations and dainty wedding luncheon, the Dridal coupleleft on their frip west to To- ronto Woodstock, London, Exeter ano Hamilton, and on their return wil go to their new charge at Ban- croft Hastings County. REID—SWEET.--At high noon a pretty wedding took place at the res- idence of Dr. and Nits., Sweet, John street on Wednesday, June 30, when thai only daughter, glossa May' war. united in marriage 'la Dr. John George Reid of the firm of Sweet & Reid. The Rev, W. G. K Mc- Alister pastor of James street Meth- odist Church, officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, was gowned in white silk voile and carried a bouquet of white roses: Af- ter the wedding dinner Dr, and Mrs, Rein left on the evening train for Goderich. The bride's travelling suit wee at Belgian blue, ivory silk waist and black and white hat. On their return they will reside in Exeter. Congratulations and best wishes are their: from their. many friends. ^ --o-- DIED IN WINDSOR—Word was re- ceived here on Tuesday of the death of Mr William Miners, which seekev- eat occurred at the home, of, his son, George. in Windsor, on Monday even ing. about 8 o'clock. lir Miners was a former well known resident ,pf Us born, where the greater part of his life War, spent —About ten or twelve year:: ago deceased moved to Exeter where he continued to reside 'until; about a year ago, when he ,vent west to join his sons. Several weeks ago he returned from the west and spent a fee days here with friends. Not being well he went to a -he hospital in London -fcir a time, and ?ecovering somewhat he • went to Windsor, but he grew worse and had beenjon a gradate wane ever since. For many yeare Mr. Miners was assessor for th _ Township of Usborne, the 'duties di which he performed with the ut- most credit to himself, and to,•the en- tire satisfaction of the Township. He wa: a man much esteemed by and his demise will be much regretted Mr. Miners was a carpenter by trade. If was aged 69 years, 3 months, and Ze days. He is survived by- four sons anc four daughters, most of whom are in the ,West. Mr. John Miners of Ex- etei Is a brother. The funeral took place from the Exeter station .Wed- nesday everting on the arrival six train, interment being made 'in El- itraillE cemetery. Miss Edna Follick was in London a few days last week. 1\Ir and Mrs, Mike Doyle were vis- itir4 in London this week.' The W S. 'Howey family have gone to Grand Bend for the summer Miss Allie Eacrett has returned eron a visit in Brantford and Toron- MI,Sb Mecca Hawkins left on I'ues- day for Calgary where she will visit for a..tinael: Armstrong left Tue,sday morning for Lucknow, where She ,will visit her .sisters. /vIrs John Snell left on Tuesday men/deg to visit her (laughter Mrs. Srniti 'at Windsor for a few weeks. Mrs Graham and children of Edam,' Sask: arrived oti Monday to visit the farmer's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. ran Walters . kfrs W D. Yeo returned !name on Friday evening after visiting, far two weene with friendS in Taranto' nird oxriethiefe Re. Andrew 1\arcLauchlin, 13: . and Mrs gcLanchlin were visiting, Mrs W. D. 'sZeo and her, mother, Mree Tom, 'daring the week, Mr McDonald, who, -L' vifhis cousin Mrs Nelson Stainlake.- 2ccu- peca the Jaynes Street pulpit very ac- ceptably can Sunday evening. 4. Samuel Martin was in Toronto busines- this week. Miss- Scott of St. Thomas is ViSt iting her sister, Mrs, Burwell. The H E. Huston family have, eone to Grand Bend for the ,tunmer, MiSF H E. Walrond of Winnipeg is visiting friends and relatives here Mrs Wm Treble and daughter Mrs Sarnu.e, Parsens spent Sunday In Lon- don Mrs Pond and children of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs, HI. Dil- ling Mt Bert Gillies has retttrned from Port Huror where he spent his hol- idays Miss Winnie Howard, teacher, is ex- pected hone from Edmonton this week Miss Annie Day left Friday to. vis- it fa_ several weeks at London and Brantford, Misses Love, teachers, are visiting thei. parents Mr. and Mrs. Dougald 1-.014; in town, . Mrs Harris who spent the .vinter at Palmerston, is visiting her daughter alaa Sidney Davis, .Ir John Mallett and family .ind Mr and Mrs. Percy Gillies were in Sarnia over Sunday. Dr and Mrs, Raulston on Sunday attended the funeral of rhe tatter's cousin who wa,s killed at Granton. arA. W Q,Bissett left Fridaz eve errine for Rochester, N, Y,, where she wil' visit with relatives for teveral weeks Mr and Mrs. Peter Robertson and Mr and Mrs, Joseph kiIde4ey of Stratford visited relatives nere aver Sunday Mise Vera Muxworthy of St Thomas is home for the vacation, She sang a pleasing solo in the Presbyterian chard- or Sunday. Mrs Will Hawkshaw of Meosomin Seek, is visiting relatives at the Com merciee Hotel. Mr. Hawkshaw is ex- pected in a few days. Mrs McNicol of Simcoe joined her husband here last week at the Manse and will remain here during Rev. and Mrs. Sharp's absence, Mr A J. Rollins and son,Seldon of Detroit were shaking hands With' friends in town Thursday last, The made the trip in an auto. Misses Dorothy and Margaret Harris youngest daughters of Mr. Charles Haat; of Regina, Sask., are visiting at Mr and Mrs. Robert Kydd's, Os- borne Dr Campbell, who has been with Dr Roulston for the past year,, left Saturday on his return to Toronto' where he will qpen dental parlors of h; own. Mrs Jahr Colwill, and Miss Hazel Young left Tuesday for Winnipeg to spend sante weeks. Miss Edna Lux- ton accompanied them, her destination being Fillmore, Henry Parsons, who has aeen en- gagec. as barber with Mr. -Frank Boyle for some time has takena sim- ilar position in Lucan and eft Mon- day for that place, he 'having taken Herman Elliot's place who has moved to Sarnia. - Mr Chas I(ydd and -daughter,Visa Mary of Wapella, Sask., are "eisiting relatives and friends in -Osborne, the gt.es• of his brother, Mr, Wm. Kycide Mr Kydd formerly resided :n Us - borne but left the Township -about 21 years ago. Mr and Mrs, F. W. Gladman and family and Mrs. W. J. Heaman left fo, a point near IVIimico, . where they will sojourn on the lakeside, the f orm- e r for two weeks, while Vas. Glad- mae and family and Mrs. Heaman will remain for several weeks. They made the trip in their auto. Help! Help!! Come in and help us unload our furniture as we have a large stock which must be sold. We also have the best furniture polish ever made; and a polish for yaw cars and buggies equal to none. See our display of KIRSCH cur- tain rods, the neatest and simplest rod on the market. R. N. ROWE Embalmer Etc. Phone 20a. FIELD SeeEl 10r Sale We have a carefully selected Stock a- FIELD SEEDS for Sale at VERY CLOSE PRICES. Our stock of Corn is of the best known varieties and Germination is Guaranteed. We 'have the following kinds :— IMPROVED EARLY BUTLER IMPROVED BAILEY WHITE CAP - . EARLY LEE -MING MaMIVIOUTII EARLY CUBAN WISCONSIN 'No, 7 LONGFELLOW FLINT KING F'HILLIP, FLINT In root seeds'we have a large col- • (:".f CARsRvOGTASR_BEETs MANGOLDS, URNIP , - , ETC.. lsoeSeed' Beans, Millet, Sorghum, Tiniathy and Clover A CALL SOLIOTED, c! GENERAL. MERCHANT CREDITON,. ONT. , . - 'The 1916 Model OVERLAND is now out and is a beauty Big reduction in prices. Call and see the new4iodel which is the most -up-to-date they ever built, Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter The Advocate subseriptiion mail- and if t does not read at least up to ing list has been corrected up to the date kindly attend to the matter and Third of June, Look* at your label oblige. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Genuine D. Le & W. Santo}, Coal, Agents For Britisb. Americ.. an Oil Co. Kook Rowe, & Wood 1 JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Some July Bolos Our July Sale of Summer goods always gives you something New at Reduced Prices. Ail New Goods Are Quoted Below. Summer Tub Goods COLORED CREPE A big counter full of all col- ors at only 12% c yd. GALATEAS A splendid fabric tar Dress- es Rompers, or Boys' Suits. All colors itn stripes 15c. yd. NEW VOILES Just in this week. Some nice patterns 25c. to 40c yd. CURTAIN NETS By the yard in white and cream Wash nets. Prices 15c 20c., 25n. and 35c. All Summer Millinery To Go At Less Than Half Price $100 HATS $2.00 HATS " A fine selection to choose from A Bargain. a SUMMER DRESSES For Ladies, Girls, and Child- ren—all at Reduced Prices, Ladies -Dresses $1,00 ta$,3.00 Dresses $1.00 to $2.00 Children's dresses 65c. to $1 LADIES WHITE WEAR Now is' the time for your White Skirts, Cosset Covers, Princess Slips, Night Gowns, and Drawers. A big variety to show you for. warm weather. Some of our very best hats are on the table. See them. WHITE WAISTS We are showing real lot of waists for 98c. ,each. Better waists from $$1 to $2.50. Dozens to pick front MEN'S FURNISHINGS Straw Hats for 50c. and $1 Fine Shirts $1 to $2. New Outing Shirts $1.50 Fancy Sqx .25c. to 50c. Suspenders, invisible braces Ties, Cellars, & Underwear A P.A.RASOL BARGAIN A real smell bunch of $i,-$1,25, 81.50, and $2,00 Parasols.. Your choice for 980. while they last.. JONES & Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanfoud Clothins 1 f t n n e 0 iv in F Ord Rea