HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-1, Page 5LEGAL DICKSON & OAKLAND, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Conveyancers, Com- missioners. Solicitors for the Moloons i•Bank. etc. Atony to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices--Main-St., Exeter I. R. Carling, B,A, L. B. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village antes at at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STA NBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Pireter. DENTAL Dr. G. R. ROULSTON. L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Member of the R.O.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office -Over Dickson & Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S., Boner Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST Tees' extracted without pain, or say bad affects. Ott:ee over Gladm. an & Stanoury`s Office. Main Street, Etxeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN N,A.DIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any mah'over18 years old, may homestead a quarter-sectionof available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in perso . at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict, Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but ° not Stab -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties• -Six mop.ths' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader 'nay live *Mae nine miles of his„ homestead cn a fapt of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- cruited in every case, except when l e- sidence is 'performed in the vicinity. Is certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi- dence in each of three years after earlline homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tides A settler who has exhausted his homestead sight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre, Duties—Must re- eid'e 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate Sb'cres, anti erect a house worth $300, The area .01 cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrb-- by or stony land; Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the. Minister of the Interior N.B.—Unauthorized 'publication of this advertisement will not be paid tor. Western University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCOME DOUBLED—NOW $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to : E B Braithwaite, M. A:, Ph. D. President. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT,r Ontario's Best Practical Training School, We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of etn- three departments —Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy, Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal DR. DeVAN'SFRENCH PILLS b e Re- gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address onreceiptof price.• Tag ScosanI, DRUG, Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. •R;n ane vitality; for Nerve and Brain,• <increases "grey matter'' ;a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. Tau Scored, DRUG Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. FALL'- TERM OPENS SEPT. ls't. ELLIOTT T,oron.to, does not ask for a better reputation than it already possesses. We ger positions for many t•tudents each year. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 734 Yonge St. Yonge & Charles Ste. RAND TRUNK SYS EM 1V,L�IION DAY ,3 D .' I "'. ' t r cu i. x so n are SINGLE FARES `flood rygomg and re turning July 1st only. FARE 'Alb ° ONE-THIRDi - going. June '`30th and July1st' lifer ji lupi, July 2nd, 1915. Returat ticket's wit{be sold between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur, Secure yaiu•' tickets early at Grand Trunk ticket offices. N. J. DOREr g*$ter• Always Cane Sugar L_ t,.,purecane sugar -- no beets no substitutes! Lantic Granulated is Made in a new Refinery by new and improved methods—packed by automatic machines in original packages. ~ La�c Granulated is perfect far cooking and preserving. Sold in 2 lb. and 5 lb. sealed cartons, also in 10 lb., 20 lb. and. 100 ib'. bags. Weight guaranteed. Buy "The Sugar of Extra Quality" Lantic Sugar Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited S MONTRE*L, QUE. ST. JOHN, N. 8. Have You Any Thought of Buying A MALLEABLE RANGE ? Are you likely to have t r.4 - Do you know that such a range is made right in London by the Mc- ClaryMfg, Company ? This McClary Range weighs as heavy and looks as well as any malle- able range made. And the price is not over $45.00 for the complete range with reservoir and warming closet. Compare this price with prices of other malleable ranges that you heard about and do not forget when doing so that the McClary Range works just as well as any other. Moreover when repairs are needed, they can be ordered from your home merchant. It will be a protection to you to get full particulars of this range from any of the following merchants before purchasing a malleable range: - T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter Bonthorn & Drysdale, Hensall D. Tiernan, Dashwood C. Hartlieb, Zurich And .You'll Save Money Too ZURICH The postponed sports on Friday last took place last Friday and were a success—Mr. and Mrs. Jahn B. Laporte of near Drysdale are rn an extended trip ;to Montreal, Jolliette, th native home of his grandfather Three Rivers, and Ste. Anne rle- B,eauipre.—One of the pione.rs of Hay Township passed away Friday in the person of Joseph Oesch, Sr in hi3 75th year. The dec.asad had been in failing health fox some time.. His widow, and two sons at home David and Samuel survive nim.—A well known resident of Stanley Town ship passed away on Monday, in' the person of Christopher Duchraine, in Ilia 82nd year. The deceased had been in failing health for some time. Ho had made his home on the Salable Line north of Drysdale ,.or ' .nany years% :His wife survives hien.; Miss :E Mierose of Baden` is visiting' her uncle.; Mr , Thos, Joh.nso•n,—Mr. G. S. Honard.' acted as examiner tor' the Entrance examinations at Hensall. last week.=Messrs: Garnet Magel and An- diew Smith. Jr., of Detroit, are via - Ring friends and relatives here.—It hal been decided to hold no oublic schoo, picnic at present. Later on a date may be arranged _tor holding type -D ' S Faust has greatly improv- ed his store front by a coat of paint, Alvin Surerus` has returned to his home for the sun -Mier holidays —The ,many friends of Ma, Ronald Geiger, Bronson Line, will' regret to hear of hie serious illness,.. -School closed for the summer holidays . on. Friday. 'The present staff of teachers have all been re-engaged for the next term-- Mt anti Mrs. Geol, ' Brenner `reteened, to their home, in `Midland, Mich., vion{1' day after a visit with 'relatives ,aere, and attending the funeral of the lat tel s father the late Adam 'Alberclt last week.. NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently ;vnqurish botht body and brain during the growing peri whenq nature's, d e�maaar. .��� � „� g ynx 21v mature lifer . his is shown..,an, omany ,pale faces„, n bodies,n. ftequeut colds, ak�d•• lack,:af aritbition. cit. X�1�,,1 such children we say with. unmistakable earnestness: They, need Scott's Emulsion; and need it now. .It' possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to':enrich th.'ir blood. It,; ,changes weakness to strength; it makes them att1,gdy and strong and active. • • Scott $: Boyne, Toronto, Oat, FARQUHAR Tht School picnic was held in Jas. Cottle s grove on Friday last and a tho roughly good time spent by all. A pick-up team of ball players de- feated the Thames Road team in a good game.—Percy Passmore has tin- islaen Fred Stewart's silo. Mr. Stew- art's barn is nearing completion also. —Air J Vance of Listowel and his cent, Miss Jennie Stevenson visited hese the latter remaining for a time —S G Lamport has bought a view Fold. -Haying. has 'commenced and the crop is fair. HENSALL Mrs Harry Wybert of Port Huron is visiting her brother, Alex. McMur- -trie.—Much sympathy is felt for dr. and Mrs . Dingwall over 'the death of their little child,—The evening service ie Carme' church was withdrawn Sun- :d.y in order to allow the congrega- tion to hear Rev. Hicks' :ast sermon: =The band serenaded Wes Coleman ana bride at Alex. Ingraan's :ins ev- ening last . week,—The cold - veather made the attendance at the Carmel strawberry festival small an 'Wed- nesday evening. The home of Mr. and 'efrse J. W. );Ortwein was the scene of a pretty Wedding„ or June, 23rd when their daughter Luella L. became the oride of Mark G. Drysdale of Hensall, tThe ceremony was performed at ,nid-day by Rev Hicks. The, groom's gift to the bride was a necklace pf pearls and peridots. The bride received, a, great many handsome presents, among £bent a silver tea service,' and sugar shee from the members bf her Sun- day School class and the choir of the Methodist church. After a motor. trip to Detroit theywill reside here. After two years' illness. Robert Stewart a highly respected resident' passed away, at 81, years of age. He waa born in Scotland and came to Canada a' 15 year's of age, He was welt liked by everyone. The tot= laying njembers of the family sur- vive .,Mrs ,Tapp, Vancouver, Duncan a Tucker smith Mrs. ' Thos. .!rider, o Seaforth. ¥rs. W::`M., Boil 'of "the' Zurich maid, ,Mrs'Elder '•o'f Tucker= :smith; and Rab+ert;:and John R. on farms; :near' here. " Rev:"" anu Mrs. , l obt._ Hicks and daughter Catharine were presented be fore leaving town ,with some beautiful cut glass ward, as tokens Of'apprecia- tion,-Dr S. J. T. Beam has sold his practice to Dr. John W. Peck. The Commercial Hotel : here was sold or Tuesday for $6,151), ;,to Wm: B ender . BRUCEFIELD Chas. Clifton is improving his farm by several new fences.—Mr. George Glenn and bride have returned from their honey -moon and are getting set- tled.—Chas. Wasman had a successful barn raising and the framers 'are rush- ing i'. for the hay crop, -mfrs, J. T. Mitchell of near Hensall is the guest a; her daughter Mrs. Jarvis Horton— Mis: Liza Gray is with her. aunt Mrs. Jas Moody,—Wesley Harvey anti A, Monteith have new cars. CHISELHURST The picnic held here in Mr. Mc- Donald s bush was a succesa the day was fine. --Rev. Hicks preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last to a large congregation,—Mrs. Wm, Pybua is organise of our church" now, —Mr Sprigg our enterprising march ant i:: kept busy these days. EDEN Mr Bert Luxton and newly wed- ded bride has been calling an friends and relatives here during the week'. —A Mini'ber from here attended the Presbyterian Sunday School picnic at Exeter on Tuesday, -A very pleasant tool. place at the .sch'ool here, S. S. No 4 , on. Tuesday, tieing the: last day of teaching before the summer holi- days the occasion being the presen- tation to the teacher, Miss Alma; May, of a handsomnely'engraved silver fern pat accompanied by a well -worded address expressive of the high ` es- teem and regard entertained by both pupil and parent for Miss May, who ha tmtght in the section fon the past two years. As a teacher Miss May has ]leen eminently successful and her departure will be very much regretted by all . WOMAN'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN. If you are troubled with weak, tired Leelings, headache, backache, bearing Iowa sensations, bladder weakness, cons- tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatura14 enlargements, . sense • of Falling or misplacement of internal organs, nervousness, desire: to cry, palpitation,. hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes, or a loss of interest'in life, I invite you to writeandask fax'niy simple method of home treatment, withr'ten< days' trial entirely free and postpaid, also references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by this method. Write today. Address: Mrs. M. Summers, Bo:..' 1340 Windsor' Ont. WESTERN `air LONDON Canada Sept Oth - 18th 1915 $30,000.00 in prizes and attractions Prizes increased this year by $30,000 Excellent Program of Attractions Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily. Fireworks Every Nigh t. New Steel. Grandstand, Midway Better Than Ever, Music by the Best Available Baljds SINGLE FARE Over All Railways West of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from outside poll.t, Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information flout the Secrt'tA,y W. J. REID, President A. 31, HUNT, t • ietary CROMARTY—Mr. and Mrs. David Gardiner who have been spending a few weeks in the West, return. d last week to their home here. PARKHILL—A quiet wedding took place at Parkhill, Ont, on June 26th. whet Annie, daughter of John Grieve telleP and Mrs. Grieve, was 'mired in marriage to Dr. Jas. "L, Stapleon, sots of the late C. O. Stapleton •and. Mrs Stapleton of London. Rev, A. Graham of London formerly of Park- hil' assisted by Rev. S. N. Carriere of ' Granit Bend, officiated. Wetherall, of the L'oil.hiate staff is spending a short time at Tt;ronto where she will assist in • or - meting, examination papers, Mr G .W, Holman is conducting the Departmental Exams at Wingham. Postmaster Williams and Dr. Camp- bell of . Zurich, returned this week fron Mount Clemens, Mich, where they have taken a course at .h: nen- eta baths,—Seaforth News, Edmond Bresse is "The Master Mind" in five parts to be given in teavett's Theatre on, 44 ednesday and Thursday, July 7th and 8th Admission 10 cents and 15 cents A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone Directory is uowbeing prepared, and additions ands changes fort t should be reported to our Local Manager ai once. :Have you a telephone? Those who have will tell you that it is the mot precious of modern' conveniences. Why not order to -day and have your, name in the new directory? �.. nCo.of Canada The BellTele- . ho e � Telephone .,<.tea '4 4 4 I r e 1 I r