HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-1, Page 4ECONOMICAL ----1 at' the house without burning all the coal you can s well buy. uns Gives steady, even. Firrizace heat on least fuel. 4rtiSee the McClary dealer or write for booklet. Sold by T. awkins & Son 3. e er y ' .b orate, t9193j =an ler - C Creech. Proprietors• [193i N34 ei au_e $1.14 per ver dairesi 1193., 41.5' :rt Loosest States, e, ear sea19.31 advance 50e. extra per ve•t. e • 1937 We charged 1931 trItS DAY. 547.87 871.18 1419.05 504.31 914,73 1419.05 458.58 960.47 1419.05 41056 1008.49 1419.05 36013 1058.92 1.419,05 307.19 1111,86 1419,05 251.59 11.67.46 1419.05 19.3,22 .225.83 1419.05 193) 131.93 1287.12 1419,05 ' 1 5 040 67.57 1351.48 1419.05 4 The said debentures shall have • :.pons attached thereto for the payment of the interest thereon. e Which interest shall be at the t 3 rats' of five per cent. per annum from a: date thereof, Ana shall be payable annually from 'the dating thereof in each :rear ::t vii . the place where .the said debentures g EX8ter are made payable. 8y -Law No, .1 t 1915 BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR the issue of Debentures to the extent of twenty thousand Dollars S 20,000.00), for the cost of a. plant to distribute Electric Power to be supplied by the Ilydro El- ectric Tower Commission of Qn• Barin from Niagara Falls. 'Provisionally adopted after the lad reading on the 25th day of June, 1915 WHEREAS it is necessary toraise te was. of loan on the credit of the 'v'sslagt the sum of twenty thousand da; a rte ($ 20,000.00), to provide for the cost of works, plant •naehineree and appliances necessary for the dis- `tribtttior% of Electric Power in the Villlagc of Exeter and in the neigh- beshood thereof to be eupplied 1'y: stirs Hydro Electric Commission ?ow-. r Company of Ontario from Niagara ° iFalls and to provide for the expense sof discount and other chargers .aegot• satin;; the said loan; AND WHERAS the amount of the whole Rateable Property of 'he lege of Exeter according to the :est •raw: ed Assessment Itell thereof is sie hundred and fcrty-one 'housand, •six hundred and sixty dollars. ;$641,- 466P..00). AND WHEREAS the existing De- benturc debt of the Village of ?ixe- ter is fifty-five thousand, one 'eun- dref and eighteen dollars and •even- ty-fous cents ($55,118.74), AND WHEREAS the suns of twon- ly. thousand dollars20 $ 0.00). is ( ,00 the debt intended to be created by this By-law, ANL WHEREAS it will t equire the sera of One thousand four ,iundred an_: n:neteen dollars and five oents (51419.05) to be raised annually for tsze period of tw entss-five years, by a p s=,'.a; rate sufficient therefore on all the rateable property in he Vil- lage of Exeter; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter enacts as follows, - 1 It shall be lawful for the reeve 'of the Village of Exeter and the Treasurer thereof to raise by way of Loan upon the security of the de- bentures herein after mentioned from .any person or persons, body or bod- ie, corporate who may be willing to •advsnce the same upon the credit of sa.•cl• debentures, a sum of money not nxceeding. the whole sum of twenty at thc Clerk's Office in thesaid Vil- tact, of Exeter, dollars• ($20,000:00), and to b at 12 o'clock Zoon cause the same to he paid ;nto the sunt up the ;number of votes for and hand: of the Village treasurer "';for again; this by-law in the presence .the purposes and with the objects of the persons appointed to attend S. The said debentures shall have prate(' across the face thereof the rveld. "Hydro Electric Debentures." 6 During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised an - neon:, by special rate on all, the rate- able property of the Village of Ex- etc, the sum of one thousand four hunared and nineteen dollars and five (rents (51419.05). for the purpose of repay:n;; the amount due in each of nod years for the principal and in- terest in respect of said debt. 7 This by-law shall take effect on and after the passing thereof. The votes of the electors for ane: against this by-law shall oe laken by ballot on Friday, the 16th day of o^ July 1915, from the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, until five coelock in the afternoon of the same day at the places, within the said cor- poration of the Village of Exeter, and by the Deputy Returning Officer, hetetnafter specified,, That is to say ;- PeIlatg Sub Division No, 1 At Silas Handford's House, the West side of Main Street. Sidney Davis, Deputy Returning Of- ficer Polling Sub. Detesicn No. 2. At the Town Hall, east gide of :alain Street, Wt.lington Johns, Deputy Return- ing Officer Poiilnl. Sub. Division No. 3. At the Brick Office Building at tit: Corner of Wellington and Main .r ants Peres Galles, Deputy Returning Of - 'ice . Of- fices Pollii , Sub Division No. 4. At the North End Fire Hall, corner / of Market and Elizabeth Sts. Ater- McPherson, Deputy Return'ng 'Jfticer 9 That on Tuesday evening, the 1311 day of July, 1915, at the Coun- Lit Chambers in the said Village of a.xeter, at the hour of 8 o'clock 6n afternoon, the said Reeve shall appears in writing, signed by b mself, re s• persons to attend to the final s,:=rrm:,ree up 'of the votes aforesaid oy the Clerk of the Council, and one. persox' to attend at each polling place ;a behalf of the Persons •nterested :r., ano desirious of promoting the pessang of this by-law, and a iik,e na:nber on behalf of the persons In- terested in and desirous of opposing the passive of this, by-law. 1G..' "That on:the 17th'day ;of Tully, 1915' the, Clerk `: ,f the Council shall on :above recited. thereat or in the presence of such of then and any other persons entitled snail be.lawiwi for the said by by-law .to be present, as may be Reeve and Treasurer to cause any resent, -number of Debentures to be made for such sums of money " as may `be' r; • required for the purposes aforesaid,' esayable for not less. than One hun I (Seal` -drec. dollars ($100.0'0) each, and not :exceeding in the whole the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000,00). And the said debentures shall be pealed • with the seal of the Corpor- ation and be signed by the Reeve and The above is a true copy of Trieasur'er, andbe payable at the Iethat•:: proposed by-law which has ween office of said Treasurer in the said taker, into consideration, and which wiilage wuilie" finally passed by the Council 3 The said debentures shall pear of the Corporation of the Village 3f Exeter in the event of the consent date frost- the day of issue thereof, r and shall be payable yearly there- o ;. the." Electors being from obtained there - the first after for and during the said period U,bllcatio,r. 'thereof '"in the Exeter oe Twenty-five years and be for the Time: and Advocate Newspapers, the respective amounts following,- fits' publication of which shall be on the 24th day. of : June, .. D., 1915, Annul anti ar the hour, day and place therein fixed for• taking the votes of the elec- (Signed) (Signed) NOTICE Reeve Clerk. That is to say, - 'Year Interest Principal ,19l. $1000,00 $419,05 $1419.0§§' rtes a poll will be held. ,1915 979.05 440,00 1419.05 very tenant ,who deers to; 'ote 191e 957 05 • 462,00 1419:05 on the saidby°11aJs tee t rielfver td .1919 933.94 ..485.11 1419.05 the.. Clerk of' thee+:lgitnidifality, not :1920 909,69 509.36 1419.05 later than the "day- preceding 1921 884.22 534,83. 1419.05 the day appointed for taking 857.48 561,57 1419105 the said' ` "- vote, a declaration .1923 829.40 589.65 1419,05 prrvided by sub -section 3 of ;,ection 1:192s 799.92. 619.13 1419;05 265' ,Ch p. 192 of the Municipal. Act 1925 768,97 650.08 1419.05 Daleo at Exeter this 23 day 'yf Tune * 31926 736.46 682.50 .1419.05 A sI). 1915.. • 1927 702,33 716.72 1419.05' x928 ' 666.50 752.55 1419.05 JOS SENIOR, e929 628.87 790.18 1419,05 Acting Clerk of the Corporation of 3,93' . 589.36 829.69 1419.0, tee , ij g,e of Exeter. Crediton Ow band furnished the musice at the garden party in Ciandebcy e, last Thutsdat evening. They have also beet. engaged to play at Centralia on tht .J„ Mrist and f Mrs.:ulyGeo, Redfern ofi Tor - tent( are spending a few days with the latter's Mother Mrs, Ewald. J G Young & Son have installed a gasoline pump at their store to ac- comodate the public. Mrs Levi Carter of Clandeboye was it the village on Monday' visiting he* sister Miss Carrie Duan. The Ladies Bible Class of the Evangelical church organized last Sunday, They have adopted the name Friendly Bible Class -as their class name and as a result of a contest have gained several new members, Rev S A. Carriere of Grand Bend occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical ».hureh last Sunday night during the absence of Rev. Becker who was in Mildmay attending camp -meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Will I4ewis of Al- gongte e Park have returned home aftet a short visit with friends in the village The Methodist parsonage is being repainted by Paris Anderson. Johr W. Eilbert and nephew Fred - el. of Ubly, Mich„ visited relatives in the village during the week -end, They left on Tuesday for Hamilton to visit sir. and Mrs. Isr'alel Smith. Mise Hilda Se1kenk and Miss Sims aI e campin" at the Bend this week. Clift Hill has bought an Indian Mot- or Cycle lit and Mrs. Sam Brown and fam- ily Ana Miss Mable Wenzel motored to Mildmay last Friday for a slew days' visit with Rev. and Mrs, Burn; The members of the L.O.L. 1343 will attend divine service in the Methodist church next Sunday even- ing It is expected that visiting bre- thre well be present from Lunen, Ex- eter Parkhill and Greenway. Dashwood Mr James Sm',tln of London is vis- iting at Jonas Hartleib's at present pie ,Chester Geiser of Toronto is home for the 1st Mr N. K•eliermann is going to New Hamburg with two race horses fee the .1st. We wish him success. Mrs H . Guenther purchased a new piano this week. Under the auspices of the Y.PtA1 of the Evangelical church held a Strawberry Social, Tuesday averting in Guenther's orchard. A number from here intend spend- ing ,dominion Day at Parkhill. Me Joe Davis of Exeter was in tonal or Tuesdayand Wednesday. Miss Trainer, milliner with Tieman d Edtghaffer. left for her home in Sr Marys on Saturday., Strawberries are scarce in these pants Mr Herb Graupner is home for the holidays. Centralia Well this is the first of July and Centralia is the best place to spend the day. So Come to Centralia. Mrs John Conseil and niece Miss Young left on Tuesday ,morning to sperm the summer with the farmer's daughter at Winnipeg. Rev Blatchford and family left on Wednesday for their new home at Brownsvillle. They have made many friends awhile on the Centralia circuit who will regret very much to see them leave Jin.: W C. Webster and children of Udor are visiting with her sister, Mrs S Andrel.v, Miss Wood of London spent a few des with the Misses Wilson. The Public School closed on Tues- day which no doubt will have the unanimous approval of all the young- sters ounDsters Mr Jesse Horn and sister of Wood - ban spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W Johns The concert on Thursday evening is expected to be the best ever given here. JIr. Pink, who is a Favorite of the Centralia people will take a 'ead:eeepart. The proceeds are to go to patriotic work and for the Boys at the front. Everybody come. GRANDBEND_ --- Quite a number cfyou n Q people of this place went to Port Franke Sun- da' ,by boat. -Mrs. Smith has rented Ber' Holt's boarding house for the summer. -The cottages are being fil- iied with campers. -School closed on th, 29th. -It is reported that some people came here in autos last week and die: some illegal fishing. ATTENTION MR. BUSINESSMAN -How does it look to you Kr. Buses nessman when you receive a letter without a printed heading on it with the firm's name and business neatly destined? Does it not look as' though. they are running a one-horse affair, and is there not a tendency to injure his credit and business standing.? It looks just the same to them when you sena out an account, letterhead or. envelope without being printed. You have to 'buy the paper and for a trifle more you can have your name and business displayed neatly ser it; in. either one or two colors, Consult The Advocate, see our samples and ge, cut prices. ' We do the very same worms and just as cheap as the out -of town printer, and we ask the people tc deal in town with YOU. Think it over CLANDEBOYE-While attending a barn -raising for Edger Darling on Saturday` William Lee Jun, had the. oilsloxtunc to fall from .she top, of the: ikall ,eight• or nine .feet, alighting; on. a pile of stones beneath, ode suffered a fracture between the thigh arid the. knee of one leg: er Correspondents . No warrestamps;'I are necessary on •letterss containing r; inter'' copy if the envelope has "nr,nters' copy on the outside, Our ' correspondents will therefore use the 1 ens elopes supplied when a one :•ent' stamp will be sufficient, Do not eal, the, envelope. BLUE JAY PICNIC The annual blue jay picnic was held to Grand Bend last week and the us- ual gaol time ,was spent, A baseball ntatct °' between the inarrred and the single men resulted in favor of the formes, A long list of foot races was pulled off with the following results., --Girl, under e,• Thelma Taylor L. Decker, A. Decker; Boys, under '8,, L Heist.. H. Schroeder, L, Schwartz girl:. under 12, V. Hodgert, J. Hog- arth C Willis;; boys under •12, G. Tacobs. F. Bowden, J. Isaac; girls under 15 O. Rader, G, Willis, O.Red- man; boys under 1$, L, Hoist, C. Mc- Cuady, J. White; Ladies, C. Davey, M Elliot, 0, Rader; 100 yards race, N'9 Pecker, J. White, 'Auctioneer Tay tsar; Fat women's race, Mrs. E.Haist; Mrs J Decker, Mrs. Jacobs; Fat man's race, Alvin Baker,. Billy Hod- gert John Triebner; Married wom- en om-en pfrs Rader, Mrs. Baker, plrs5. Br ss den; Married men's race, Jack White Jack Jacobs, Belson Stanlake three -leg for men, White and Hoist, White and Decker, Baker and Taylor tai ee-leg race for women, Mrs, Rader and slaughter, Misses Davey, Mrs. Bowden and Mrs, Hodgert; three leg race for women and men, Mrs. Rader and Mr Decker; Mrs. 'Rader and Mr. Elliott: Mrs. Bowdeen and Mr, W. Dearing. A number of fines were imposes by the judges, but the clerk o tht, court wrote so badly that the edttol could not make out the ,tam- e,, ants amounts. Roves Tbis? wa0Aorone Kuodred Dollarsitewi.e .,aJOaae of Catarrh that cannot la• eured by E1101h 8a'uttrh Cora. E. s. onisalnY ds Clo.. **to, We the uttdoraigba,h known n r, .5. weepy tog the last it• years, and believe bun parteotly l,rnoraW, in all buein'ee' cruasactime. and dneaoiwtle. able to espy out w15. ohUsatiot,• spade by hie Om AATIOAAt, BANK OP Con execs. rot . iiaire Catarrh Cure is taken Inteen alyv, soling di. reedy on the blood and tnnunu. rariacea ot the system. Teatamonlara sen* tree. Price Itie ■per bot- tle, Sold by all thuggistt, Take/1411N Fauaiir Pill. rnr.'nuetipaiion L•U1ITLBY Misse Myrtle Ry ckma,•t and Maggie Hobl:irk and Misses Rossie and Gla- dys Broadfoot wrote on a. musical examination Monday, We wish them success -Mr. and Mrs. J. Beatty, of Varna, Mr, and Mrs. G.. A, Glenn of Brucefield visited at Wm: Glenn's on Sunday, -Alfalfa haying has started. - Was Moody is operating the road grader on the boundary here and is making a good job of it, -Miss Rae Horton, has returned from London Roar where she has been visiting her sitter Mrs, R. J. Patterson,- Gordon Boltor has improved Iris outbuildings b% painting up a bit. WHALEN. Rev Blatchford preached his fare- well sermon on Sunday and said good bee to his many warm friends. The organs zed class presented him with' nicele worded address and a framed pbotc at the class. --Mr. and Mrs. J, Fishes of near Exeter spent Sunday at Mr. N. Ogden's', .Mr. and Mrs. Hector Willson and Mr. and Mrs:Geo, Millson spent Sunday with friends at Kiikton,-Tile people of this place had a fine choice for attending anni- versaries Sunday. Some went to E1- inrrille others Kirkton, others Gran- ton, -Th e ran- ton,The dry weather is bard on coni and root crop. Spring grain and fall wheals look good, but hay will be light, -Quite a number attended the funeral of Clifford Langford Sunday. The young man's mother was on the way home from British Columbia at the tinh' the `accident happened, an account of which is given oiX,aeother page. Interment was made at St. Marys . -A meeting of the S„ S.Com- mitte, Monday found that after set- tling up !the accounts for the anniv- ersary and picnic the proceeds were $145.00 MOUNT .CARMEL .Mr and Mrs. Bober of Port Lamb- toe calledon friends here Sunday.-• Master Mandervlle Moir of London is spending his holidays with friends in this neighborhood. -Mrs. Gleeson of Londor returned' home after spend- inr a week with her brother, Mr. Patrick Glavin -Miss Regan purchased the house and lot here formerly own- ed by the late Mrs. Lennoti, paying for it a handsome figure, -School .alos- ed here on Tuesday -Miss lsabell An- derson who has taught 'chool here for the past two years, leavestior her homt at Seaforth this week, Mrs. Nerville and daughter,-• Irene, of De trai' left last week for her 'home af- ter spending afew weeks with friends here, -Mr Roy Campbell is spending a feu weeks v:,siting friends at De- h ort. -Mr -Archibald Mcllhargey of Detroit called on friends here last wee.e. Death of Mr, Neil McLellaln,-An- athes of the oldest residents of this community ,has answered the great roll call. We refer to the death of Mr Neil McLellan„ who passed away at Saturday at noon, at the. good old ager of 88 years, Mr. McLellan: had beet. in failing health for Lae .past year He is survived by a family of two sons, John and A'lex, at home, ants PIAA, daughters, all of whom are married and living at London, 1n relrgiar, Mr, McLellan was a Presby- terian ' The funeral took place from hi•• late residence at 1 o'clock Mon- day afterpoon to Nairn cemetery, whicl was largely attended. EXETER PEOPLE PRAISE. SIMPLE MIXTURE Many in Exeter praise the imple; mixitvre of buckthorn bark, Glycerine, etc knawt; as • Adler leka; 'This remedy is the most ITHO:KOLIri bowe'; cleanser ever sold .being 'even use( successfully in appendicitis. ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation sour •r : ansv stomach. ONE MINUTE after you takt, it the gasses rumble inn pass out Adlei-i-ka cannot ;;ripe and the 'estamt action is surprising W, -•S, COLE Druggist. r x10,7:,iii T IE CANADIAN BAhT�� OF COMMERCE SIR'EDMUND. AWA LKER,C.V.O.,LL,D.,D°C.I,.,Pzes;dcat ALEXANDER LAIRD, Cenral Manager JOFIN GIRD, ,Aes't Gene,•at Manager CA�1'1, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts ray be opened. at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail; and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank.. S24 EXETER BRANCH -H. J. WHITE Man. CREDITON-A, E. KUHN, Man,° _All"'ill",Ill 111';111®tup''9ll*"11Y'911"'111*"Itl",ill'111""111'•911"'LII"' 111„9iP1t1L = Incorporated THE MOLSONS BANK 1855 W AGENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ® TRANSACTED - _ lnewl:m.4G CAPiTAi. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND HANK MONEY ORDERS RESERVE - W $8,800,000._ Savings Bank Department s At nil @ranches �... - - teterestallowed at Itlgiiest entreat rate = 92 Branches - _- In Canada c EXETER BRANCH-, W D. CLARKS, Massager, ;ru,.,111,..it,..d6..m.,m.., Mayflower Talcum Powder Nyal's Mayflower Talcum is an ex- perience to every first time user. Its touch is soft, soothing and refreshing. Its distinc- tive Mayflower perfume, delicate, individual, elusive. Ideal for every use to which you can put a Talcum. Nyal Quality preparations can be obtained only is Nyal. Quality Stores. Ask tine of them for free copy of Booklet entitled "Your Complexion," giving' full par- ticulars of best methods of massage. W. S. HOWEY. Druggist, Exeter, Ont Sir John Eaton, of Toronto, has forwarded to the Minister of Finance a .cheque for $100,000 contributed by him towards t e h equipment of a machine gun section. The prime min- ister, has written Sir John, expressing the appreciation of the Government for the. most generous and patriotic contribution. SEAFORTH-G, Wellington Close, formerly manager' of the woollen mills here died in Toronto of neart failure following the tragic death of Ms bro- ther Roy at Cooksville, He was 32 years of age; and a widow and two children survive .-Mrs. Robert Monk died on the Mill Road, :Tuckersmith, on Thursday, aged 58 years. One son Percy survives. "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out Rat.; Mice,etc. Don't die in the Louse 15c and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores ThePropnetaryorPa enIMedicinAct, • AVeget PreparationforAs•. simiIating isle Food and Regula.' ting the Stomachs and Bowels or Promotes DigestionClverfd Hess and Rest.Contatnsnetlher: Opium.Morphine norMi^wills.: NOT NARC OTIC. .i',rc ofOldPc.SAI'Z(dZft7727t !'trepan: Sad- .UzSrreta r ` Rochelle Safft- Arurerr�rnd ' J fwnSe, d- ilperfect Remedy forConstipa lion. SourStomach,Diarrhoed. , Weirins,Convulsions,Feverisb Hess and LOSS OF SLEEP F4Simile Si'nafer+:ot "Nr: txN4ikiitz MO'TREAL&N6W YORK CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Ge uine C stor a t -iia Always Bears the Signature In Use Over For'_, Thirt ears Y Exact Copy of. Wrapper, `rme Cr:N'rAun COMPANY. N■W. YONN CITY.'