The Exeter Advocate, 1915-7-1, Page 2Requires Fruit perfect in shape and.
quality and a clew well made Syrup.
The Syrup trust be trade with pure good sugar, as organic hatter in sugar
acts like over -ripe .fruit and causes ferrnentaticre To avoid such di appoint-
mentand loss, it's worth while insisting on being supplied by your dealer with
the old reliable more than 99.99 per cent pure S. Lawrence
Standard Granulated Sugar.
Made exclusively from pure cane sugar in a perfectly equipped and right up -to-
steady excellence and purity are the secrets of its success.
To cur!d ,rrs!-kes bv S' La ref• a Extra On r egted to Ret:Fnery sealed packages, 21'. and 5 ib.
ear` ,s, .., ?. and- 1.) a:,bags, ::: h aes:upg a •s ,.ate e.cang ess and correct .se'g%:ls,
T ,e year crr ''r of at Are; .sizes of gain : f'rc, medley a- rd seem. Any sea dealer c=n
fill Ss -r seer.
Or, The South African Millionaire.
The Jew; marry early, and hail
Adolphe continued to live in Frank-
fort. it is likely that he would have
married Ding ago some daughter of
"la haute finance," but something
side business had kept him from it hll
these years, the instinct hardly detin-
ed. that as his money inerease,1 so
his ideals would expand, and that the
wife who would suit Adolphe Islet),
the or of old Lieb the jeweller of
Frankfort at five and twenty would
not suit the multimillionaire at thirty
five. He was conscious not only that
he cuuld now make a great marriage
but that in a settee on marriage de-
pentiell his greatness, that he could
nct realize his dreams alone. Why
even the Collings had ,Wade further
progress into the heart of London
He never remembered to have -been
eo drawn out by any woman, forget-
ting that partly he enjoyed her con-
versation because he so seldom
talked to a woman of the world, or a
woman at all, except Azuma, while
she, it only occurred to her after he
had gone, that she had never before
forgotten that she wanted to marry
a man,in her interest in the man him-
self. Yet it was so. Away from her
home, from her mother, from the
side, seemed to hem, them in from the
world beyond. Far away the voice
of a prima -donna. engaged to sing
for the night at an increased fee of
a hundred pounds, if she agreed not
to insist on being listened to, sound-
ed like a ery from someone perishing
in a distant sea, while occasionally
through the open doors one could'
hear a laugh, or thesound of a man's
ora women's voice, as they came or
went up and down the stairs,
"Was it tiresome of me to bring
you away did you want to go on dis-
cussing cape to Cairo, or whatever.
the thing is?"
"No, I was very glad, I couldn't
understand Bila; he seemed to want
the railway, and yet not to want it."
"I suppose that he wants the rail-
way but not the war."
".Ah, they are always ready for
war. You were quite right, Lady Ju-
dith, only I know that they would
like me to do it, and then if anything
goes wrong to put it on to ane."
Lady. Judith laughed.
"You mustn't let them frighten you
into anything," she said demurely,
and he laughed. He wasn't the kind
to be frightened, yet he took what
she said as she meant it. She seem-
ed to say clearly;
"Because you are not one of us,
they will, of course, try and get
everything out of you, wring you dry
like an orange, and throw you away."
"I want someone to take care of
me," he said laughing.
"Yes, I really think you do."
".l shall always consult you first."
•,You are laughing at me."
"Nn, indeed I am not, I think that
you would ahvays advise a man very
She half closed her eyes as she ut-
tered the next words, as if she were
alarmed at her own audacity, fearful
of how he might take it.
"They, say that you are very well
advised: "
"Oh Gelling, I never take his ad -
haps it would be far better if you lis- ; vice."
"I didn't mean Gelling, I meant ---
She came nearer, and her look ! well, are ,you going to be very angry I quainted with the various types
seemed to say to Adolphe; l if I tell you what I meant?'
"Don't mind him; take your own ' "Do I look angry?" of wells and the best methods
line," His manner, his words, his voice, of protection, and the well should be
"Ile won't believe that if he per -1 were almost caressing, they seemed so protected as to exclude filth from
gists in his Cape to Cairo ro est that ` to say: all those sources of contamination
lye shall all be plunged re-
in second - "Could I ever be angry with you? which it has been impossible to
African War." « And she thought that his blue eyes, move or have been overlooked.
Pc,haps he isn't t at all certain I r In the selection, location and
tened to him."
The Farm
Types of Farm Wells.
The farm well, especially a shallow
dug well, should be located somewhat
above the barns, buildings yards and
stock pens, or at least in such a posi-
tion that the.,surface drainage from
all possible sources of animal and
vegetable contamination is . away
from the well. The location should
also be as far removed from these
sources as convenience will permit,
writes Mr. R. W. Trullinger,
Properly to safeguard wells against
outside contamination, first, an
sources of contamination should be,
removed as far as possible. If local
conditions and prices will permit, it
is a good idea to provide impervious
floors with 'watertight drains for
farm buildings and stock pens.. Un-
der the same conditions concrete man-
ure pits might well be provided not
only to prevent the liquid manure
from polluting the neighboring soil,
k but to save the manure. Ne garbage,
I manure or rubbislt should be :dumped
1 into sinks or basins in the immediate
neighborhood and these should be
fenced off and kept free from pollut-
ing mater. The house should be
}provided with some method of sew-
Iage disposal, while slops and garbage
from the kitchen should be put into'
tightly covered garbage cans and dis-
posed of by burying in the fields,
burning or feeding to pigs. The use
of privy vaults and leaching or over -
toning cesspools should be absolute-
ly avoided, since they are likely to be
sources of the worst contamination.
Every 'farmer should become ac-
., . ' • use un •ewish " she said to herself,
that you political people le aren't a1- forgetting that .oma of the most sink -
that beautiful eyes in the world have he- ing of a -vett, it is always a good idea
ways glad of a war if you can only to consider
pull it ori properly." longed to Jews, -were very, very permanence in addition to
Adolphe Lieb laughed, and the sec-, pleasant to look into, safety. This will depend en the kind
retary looked very annoyed. He was "Well you know everyone says that of well used, and one should be ac -
one of those men who are so fussy you have an adviser, a woman ad- quainted with all types and methods
and important about things that no -1 riser• too, a dark lay you brought of sinking. The well should penetrate
body can control, that when anything from South Africa: , to levels below that of the ground-
occurred which he might have con. , There was a moments silence. It water surface in the dryest seasons.
trolled nobody. `hid an - attention to had never seemed to matter so much D
him He was readful y `serious and whether he had or not, as to -night ug wells are generally circular ex-
Judith'e flippancy annoyed him. He with Lady Judith beside Iiim, eavations three to six feet in dianle-
had conte here to -night on purpose to + • He wondered why she had Wren ter. They are adapted to localities
More than half a
Century of Quality
is ehind every
s ,
pacage of
Corn}rn «,Venreca OZt
Always order
by the name
in order to get
whatyou want
Practically every
rocer in Canad
has BENSON'a
Fever is Raging Among Troops and
Civilians in Asia Minor,
An epidemic of typhoid fever is
raging among the troops and civilian'
population of Asia Minor, according
to reports from Constantinople. Sev
enty-five physicians already have sue -1
cumbed to the disease.
There is imminent danger that the•
Constantinople water works system
will be compelled to suspend opera-
tions because of a shortage of coal
and the output of flour mills has been
restricted for the Fame reason, with
the result that there is an insufficient
supply of bread. The situation is
said to be so serious that many Ger-
man families are leaving the Turkish;
Honest Confession,
Marjorie -Everybody* seems to no-
tice whether you go to church.
Madge—Yes,. dear, that's the only,
reason I go.
Soft -looking and delicate clouds
foretell fine weather, with moderate.
breezes; hard -edged clouds foretell
wind; rolled or ragged clouds, strong
wind. A bright yellow sky eat sunset
also presages wind, while a pale yel
low sky forecast wet weather.
meet this man and to bring him = toned this, whether it was in order where the water is near the surface,
round to his opinion, he had not to warn him of,the attitude of Lon- especially where it occurs in clayey
wanted to give the meeting the im don, or whether it was the barrier material and requires extensive space,
surroundings which, till the end of portance of an interview at a chlb which would come between him and. for its conservation.
time, would each one be an associa- but this opportune party of the Gal- her, whether she was trying to breaktion with the terrible {last, with. the lings, fostered by Lady Claueourt, it down, whether she was asking for Bored wells are hells bored with
sensation as of skimming the ocean htid seemed just exactly the thing.1 an explanation, and in the face of various types of augurs from two
close to quicksands, or instead,. talc- Now Lady Judith took off from the, her friendliness, it seemed as if she inches to three feet in diameter, rota-
ing perilous tlirlhts, she had been not solidity of the discussion. Women had a right to know. ted or lifted by hand or horsepower.
perhaps so much her real self as she were always so dreadfully unreliable. I For a few seconds as he told her , They are usually lined with cement
was now. Nov,. she was more, what To Mr. Du Cane she seemed almostthe story of Azuma, his loyalty{ or tile sections with cemented joints
she might have been. and being .an like a traitress to her own country, i swerved ever so slightly. R,lthei than
and often with iron tubing. They
wthat i Tose this-vom•nn Lad Jttditii Roacli
exclusiveness than he had, and he intelligent 'women- alt he told her in-. +"After all, I suppose at in time s ,
was certain that it was Mrs.Golling s tete. ted her, while the way lie spoke there will be railroads everywhere,"she would part with Azthma, he are adapted to localities rvhera the
of billions where others talked of she went on,rand if Mr. Lieb likes to thought; then as he talked, his water is at medium . depths and to
thousands, had a strange fascination, take the troble, why not?" 1 strength came hack,, he would never,! materials similar to those in which
sueh as she had imagined great She smiled sweetly at Adolphe Lieb � never part with Azuma, never, It' open wells are sunk. Punched wells
wealth would bring, without being who stood away from the conversa-; would kill her, it would bring him' are small holes usually less than six
quite able to picture it. tion as it were, listening to- these! ill -luck, it would be infamous. I'Ie' inches in diameter sunk by hand or
Yet she knew that he had no wish two, who belonged to the same world, { loved cerci o ed he �shomight have horsepower by dropping a steel lyai -
to dazzle her by ht*haft he told her. dealing with the things �vhicln he; dt r slit at the side so as to hau n
The descriptive words fell by tied- alone understood. " normal phenomena had produced with
dent here and there, when he spoke ' It will mean a rising of the whole a dark skin, but he would never turn lift material by its spring. They are
of the new railway he was building, of Egypt against it, and we shall her atvav adapted to soils in which water oe-
of his plan to build another town in either lose Egypt or—" The Jews are more moral than curs within 50 feet of the surface,
South Africa, "Or have to take it" other men; when they are not, they but not at much greater depths,
When he left, Lady Judith tried tot Adolphe Lieb put in the words invariably look after their mistresses, These wells should be lined with tile,
find out within Herself whyshe had! suddenly with a flash of fire. An Abraham casting out a Hagar hon tubing or sheetiron casing. Driv-
been actually happy doling that "Which would mean war with the and an Ishmael, with nothing but a en wells are sunk by driving down -
hour's talk, and she imagined that it' world," put in the secretary coldly. cup of water, would not be tolerated ward small iron tubes, usually 1?e
was because by the feelingthat the! "War with the world, oh, Mr. Lieb, by modern Judaism, but Anima was to 4 inches in diameter and provided
j thatyou must not allow." not his mistress. Delicately he told P
• - are
mat there wouwas ld bel no striving ti to "`I, hat have I to do with it?' I1 Lady Judith this, and she thought it with especiallycfornuse Theyisand
brews. catch hold -of him, that she had only , merely suggest what I know we shall! was the most wonderful story she sP Y
In matters of worldly knowledge, to put out her hand, that, as she de- have to do presently, it is for the , had ever heard. It fascinated her. and similar porous materials carry -
Adolphe Lieb was a babe; younger scriihed it to herself, "it was all go- a Government to accept or refuse," he 1 i feel somehow that all my good ing considerable water at slight
in so easily" And at the Collings' shrugged h
party to -which they had persuaded , a momenta group o people
Tingly than if he didn't ga she ling was amongst them and Mr. Du
doing. Ile liked Mrs. rolling very
mute, and had not minded when she
told him that having brought Azuma
to London, having her in the house in
Park Lane had done him harm. He
had even laughed, probably because
he felt so innocent, but he had yet
to learn that if the world doesn't care
how criminal you are if you don't
look it, it also doesn't care how inno-
cent you are if you don't look it.
And no matter how young' or how
Ad, how pretty or how plain, of what
race and what color a woman is, no
matter what the links that hind
them, or if nothing hinds them, a
man who lives in Park Lane with a
woman who is not his wife, must not
be surprised if society raises its eye -
if anything than he had been ten
is shoulders fortune is connected with her, that if depths and are particularly desirable
years ago at Frankfort, because buss- g + 4t that t f 1 where the upper soil is likely to be
:fess had absorbed him to the exclu Col -
him to come Judith telling him chaf °entered, chatting and laughing Gol polluted,
,ion of everything else and because
I were ever to treat her badly,to
send her away,I should lose my
money, my luc." He laughed a lit -
South Africa and dealings with men wouldn't she had seen the quick; Cane turned towards him with relief. tle nervously. There was no know- police licences are issued to women
outside the pale of cultivated and ad- bright gleam of 'recognition in his! Golling was so much easier to man- ing.what effect his story would have cab -drivers in Paris.
wanted civilization, had thrown over eyes as they met hers again, and they age, but then as everyone knew, Gol- on this beautiful ail, with the Ma -
him something of pristine savagery. had seemed to resume the converse_ ling would have sold his soul to be- donna's face.
Lady Judith was conscious at once of tion where they had left it. That; long to the Carlton CIub. •
ais simplicity of mind, and of the was what gave her a feeling of re -1 "Come away from such serious
rugged savagery, which had become pose and certainty when she went in topics."
:ecoid nature and which lent him a search of him, when later he was' Lady Judith could hardly have torn
=harm he had not possessed as a missing from the bigger rooms, and :him from the group that was advanc-
young fianeur on the streets of which gave a note of joyousness to ` ing towards them, and from the tire-
Franifort. her tones when she exclaimed 1 some secretary, with more outward
Yes, they had met at the right mo- ="Dear me, what is all this about? 1 display, if she had taken him by the
menteit seulled him.
med to whenand he
east f hew had�dith ust Prr- rr. Flow angry everybody: coatwith
washpositively indecent, her hands and a woman
J looks. I m really frightened. had said who was of the little arty;
found something, that was missing P
from his house in Park Lane, which Anyone less ' frightened -looking - disgusting.
he had always known was issing, could hardly be imagined, but the joy -1 But she and he understood each
but which he had not known how to ousness pierced, as her eyes alighted' other. If there was no love, there
give a name to. So a man might see on Adolphe Lieb, arguing with the , was at least that complete entente
and recognize a picture which he Premier's secretary, who seemed real-` which might lead to it, and as for
knows has once fitted into a panel 1 annoyed
. him, he could only explain her friend -
over his own ehimneypiece. "What has Mr. Lieb done?" liness to him by the sincerity of lik-
Once during'
luncheon without The way she seemed to protect him ing. She had no reason to be so nice
knowing that he did so, he wondered from the aggressiveness of her own to him since she was so beautiful, he
how a beautiful necklace. would look class, her radiance (for she looked; thought, since she held a position
round her neck, which he had had radiant to -night), the way she seem-' which had. made the Glaucouits of
same sufficient importance to be- . sought
with the s
d is edto envelope hirn
ode fr the finest diamonds of h P
m amg
mine, a necklace falling in drops in
double rows of drops of which one
could not see the connector o
g join,
rolling the idea of tears down
a cheek one after the other, and which
lay- at his bank, waiting like a guil- the rating he was getting, and the the immense potency of a woman of
lotine for a neck. look pleased her. If only his antes- the world in assisting a man's career.
She pleased him, pleased him as of try had not been quite so ancient and Somehow to -night, he could imagine
old Rebecca had pleased Isaac. This more Saxon, he really would have them both sitting together on the ter
was the woman of his dreams, and been quitelike any other pian, she race of the house in Park Lane,
the only thing that troubled him was told herself: screened from the eyes of the crowd
whether the idea, the fancy, the de- "Come here and persuade him to by panels of green leaf, or driving
sires which had outlined themselves listen to me." In Lady Judith's pre- together, and discussing the great
during luncheon were destined to sence the Premier's secretary drop- schemes which his brain thought out,
end in 'dreams. Was she always as ped the aggressive tone which was which he was equipped now to deal
nice as this to everybody? that was almost a bullying one, in which he with, and which, for all Azuma's in
what he. wondered. That Lady Ju- had been talking to Adolphe Lieb. It telligence, had been restrained, limit
tlith Roach should marry him for his was impossible to -withstand Lady ed izi their vastness by her savagery
money, that never entered his head, Judith's beauty, even when one didn't and want of tuition.
his only doubt was whether he should approve of her morals, and of late Judith had led him to a little room,
ever see her again. And when Mrs. she had found herself entering an within another' of medium size, which
Golling, with her . fine perception of older clique, a more serious one, per- gave from the' large room on the.
the cle.orous and the pleasant, had haps, anyhow one which suited the .ground floor. It led into a conserve
left them alone, while she went . to new pose, which .had succeeded, the tory where a fountain plashed, and
the schoolroom and nursery, he liked
theway rhe made hint sit beside leer
on the..lis, sofa, while they talked of a
t u j .red things which interested him.
camaraderie which she assumed to-' out by the Collings to run them in
wards Mr. Du Cane pleased him. He; London..
raised his eyes to hers, with an
ex -I And the breezy
way i
n which she
-haddealt with the Premier's e-
' he appeal- P x secre-
t: as if
pression of mischief, pp
ed to her to come and save him from! tary had,.given him an insight into
hesitations of a jeune fine, and which tall plants gave an illusion of
gave something almost matronly to mei summer and country seen
her appearance. She was more like through mists and fogs, perhaps
a young married woman now," and through tears, but she was too
giossed with the present for the
plash of water to remind her of the
past, the small room, the low divan,
on which he threw himself by her
1'' s.., ti he was tellingher about she was intelligent enough for men
y , about his anieties, the of intellect to ejoy a battle of argu-
e ee
disappointments the crowning merit with her,
acs, the charm of the Veldt. "1 don's know whether 1 shall, per -
"No, it would be very wrong of
you. You must never, never part with
her, not even if if you married,
don't you know. After all a woman
who really likes you would not wish
you to do so. Why she is evidently
your mascotte, and one day you
really must let me see her."
He breathed a sigh of relief.
(To be continued.)
Corporals in the Life Guards used
to be commissioned officers, ranking
with the senior lieutenant of other
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Lie . ••p1111 n.. a, .. :i, it till 1 ii ::��: ffo- a e rid eat "r tt, ,,,�;' ill I .. t d y hay b .g t,,,. .... ::1
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