The Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-17, Page 4DUSTLESS ---By opening dust damper
and direct draft damper when shaking
all dust is carried lieu
mace smoke pipe. See
the McClary dealer or write for booklet. as
Sold by T. Hawkins $i; Son
etkr Abuocatie,
n 3; - t 'rte. Preprtetnr,
13 a.11>i::rz a $tai] per year in Canada
#: 5+ :n Idrute l States. If not paid
atan s' 50c. extra prr year may
ne e harged
THURSDAY, J '7 fi1:5
ass anti make this a success. Watch
#a '1 tot particulars.
ati iz tc
driving- a team attached to
tha. Tewash_p grader on the sideroad
a, S, brc der's. Silas Brokenshire was
, nwr, off the seat and had his nand
i 'r xerei' cut and received a •number
Miss Susie Kuhn was married •to
M,r Levi Carter in the Evangelical
:Rev Becker t;. -ed the knot in the
Crediton a !,presence of the members of the :am-
y. Mr. and Mrs. Carter left the
same even^.ng for their home in Clan-
t'4 csteett-Fahner-MA mos' le ght
e, edd'n: was solemn :e -i u Area
n:sd y of last week at the Atone of,
ril^ no Mrs. John Fahner, .when the r
ding ver L a'sr be.�.tne the bride r'
1:r• r dward Westi' tt, sort >: .LI» ,
t4'rai Eg estcott of Exeter. The -� ere-
t3;"ans was per:ormcd by Rev. Banker
Crediton under an %,tr+ h of:vex-
the ho, o. 1.30 o', -lent.
• wore :a n•o w.�t e elute ,lair is
tri°mu..` w t•4 :3 1tit is e. and atill
•lrcl•M1 last Wednesday evening. The
.deboye We extend to them our
;,' arty:: • tong ratulations and every
:Wad for a happy married life.
J G Young & Son have bought
aat automatic gasoline pump and tank
tn supply the trade.
Wilson Anderson has been drawing
.:r it e' on the streets here this week.
w :t° wreath 6>*: esr ng4.• blosste res, Intl
h The Blue Jays are holding their
a nnas. I? enc to Grand Bend on June
i Zeth .:�.1' are cordially invited,
l t forget that the celebration at
on July 1st will be as :rood
d a bouquet of whit.' roses tad
o the t �I t " e? '
She was. rt1 tl
i . ' l 'Miss Dei :r,z•a`,? t 9
4; .. ,� "k,3. el ^n fan% ,
,. � :i 1 , :rape
-rried a bouquet of 41%
„r,.#urn wes ereiported b
Lde's brother, :til:". Edwin in ,,r1.
twr Thev entered the parlor "e the
, weal 3 n ; marth p aced
hc• ' v.,.si :I. dreJ lirantn.
'3ti' •*} I the anuni congratu 't
• - ex :erod sat down o a
• a;- e either•, fe:;int, The
: in a MAI the young "out*
t e. was shown by the ,navy
Jend eostly presents. :he
• t. nee herr 1 ah'rnt 1347. Anttci
t..a .. n'e t' they left
r li
x -
the treen for et tt,
they well sp,)m1 their e n ,
a e bride's trevelline suit, ;, s
a r .,t•t bin serge with hat tomate'h.
On their return they will •eside in
Usborne. The best wishes accompany
The beautiful rain the beginning s of
toe weak has freshened the growth
a great deal. Crops are suffering for
the want o: moisture and as a result
oar .farmers are feeling rather .sur.
aberrt the outcome,
Miss Jessie Linklater is presiding
examiner at the mid -summer examin-
ation. held in Zurich this ween. A
si;m be • ce our pupis :are writine in
Exeter this week...
Last Friday evening Mr. 0. J.le:ey°
tzar of Kerwood, organ: ter for the
Ca dia: Order i'orastcre e n nvd
t•p Court Crediton No. 1454. The
ledge has started with a good .rem-
bership with bright prospects for
r:•ore in the near future. The folIow-
ing arc the officers elected, -C. R.,
Garner Swe tzer;. V.C.R., Everett Fah
nein F.S. Ezra Oestreicher; _2.S.,
stereo Wu
erth; Treas., Ivan Fahner;
Chap. Alfred Lank; S.W„ Otto Ew-
aid : 7,1V. Harrison Holtzman; S.B.,
Emery Fainter; J.B,, Norm.Holtzman.
We wish the boys every • success.
Mr and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker
tittle Gerald have returned iome
freeer a shortavisit with friend's' in
Daniel Oestreicher has bought -- a
beautiful Edison phonograph from W.
Dowel' of Exeter.
Dort forget the Lawn Social to be
gives on the Methodist church • ;awn
Thursday evening. All are cordially
• There is talk of having a Civic
holiday to Grand Bend in the ,fear
future We hope this goes through.-.
Its a long time since we had a cele ,
bration. Everybody should co-oper-
he past. So make your date
Cr f baseball boys trent to . the
picnic on Monday and played a
-with-the Farquhar club, winning
;t flet a score of 8 to- o. -
Rex: Salton of Lemington spent a
.e • deye here visiting his daughter,
vtrs e'Iilw 13. lie occupied the pul-
ID a .i S:tnday evening and preached a
very fine and inspiring sermon.
Mrs Bob;.er of Buffalo spent a few
here i 1 Sit
ISly her tr n 0 1r Mrs,
D i .Ir
Mr and Mrs. O'Brien of St. Marys
,p it S tnday here the guests of Mr.
end Mrs P. Hanlon.
Quite a large number attended the
Jubi7eC Picnic at Zion on Monday.
Mr Geo. Stanley of Lucan will oc-
cupt the pulpit here'_ on Sunday ev-
enng next.
.\Ir and Mrs. Robt. McFalls of
Lendor spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs T Willis.
Ms. Eva Mitchell spent a few
days visiting relatives in London.
Mr and Mrs. Boyle of Exeter were
t siting with Mr, Boyle's mother on
Mr Lestie Goetz spent Sunday
Mr Andrew Musser is erecting a
new cement block stable.
Mr Jacob Schroeder is having his
barn raised.
Mrs. Norman Kellerman and family
are eisitinet with her father in Berlin.
Mr. J K. Ehlers is having the house
he recently .purchased from Mr.
Weigand veneered..
Mr. David Tiernan is having his
frame house moved back on. „ his lot
and will erect a new dwelling in front
of it When completed this will make
a' splendid property.
Mrs Geo_ Kellerman, Miss Evelyn
Crawford and Miss Laura Musser are
camping at Grand Bend,
Mr 'Dan- Schaefer left Wednesday
to, visit in. Detroit.
Quite a number of pupils' are try-
ing the High School exams, here.
'Herb Kraft, Miss Lydia Baumgarten
Wm Musser, Miss Vera Brokenshire
et.,: inert Beo*n, Miss Crawford were
among She Grand Bend visitors Sun -
:IS P iaYdld'
.,ss°Lydza 'ns-uangartexi, who has
.been visiting -=at^ her home here, re-
tursieeetWedoesday -to :Detroit.
The;;Lutheran• Sunday School held
their a• picnic nz on the.
h pi school
grounds Tuesday and••tbe young folks
had a .very. enjoyable time... . .-
Injuaed .vin Brantford. Mr, Milton
W, Ehlers, son of Mr. WM. Ehlers
ar,,ttes place, was seriously injured
in Brantford on Monday last. He was
• cu: wl,l Rita the Massey -Harris Co.
era, ivat city when an elevator got be -
MTS. Hutchison--Eighty-Ont vccnd oontrol •and being caught he was
crushed aga;mst the roof,_ with the
Years Old—Uses No Qth e r.eseit ,that he reoefved fractures of
er Tanic but V'tnol and lige-'•the.; legs ribs, nose and `• thumb.
Worchas sce been recelv- d
omrnends It to Friends. ' "`""'"fafh�e: that the injured son is 3oing
Greenville S, C, -"Itis with }ensure nicely and while in a serious condi-
pleasure tion it is expected that he will i e -
I tell others of the great benefit I have cover
derived from Vinol, for the past several.
years. I am 81 years old and I find. Vi- _ .. W INCHELSE A.
not gives me strength, a healthy !•''m eyei... WTurnbull spent the .veek-
tite and overcomes nervous disorders. ,.e,.i.'c- with his friend in Woodstock.-:'
Vinol is the only tonic reconstructor I Mi Amos Francis dairy inspector, is
have used for several years. I have r v,yslting at his home here. -Mrs. Thos
recommended it'to a great many of my Clarke -who went tinder can operation
friends and it ass always proved satin is • convalescing, -Mr. John Cornish is
factory, Mrs. NI. A. HUTCnIsO f„ is
in Croswell, Mich. -Mr, C.
Greenville, S. C. , .Fletcher is all smiles these days Its
Such cases as the above are constantly a daughter."
earning to our attention. If people 'in'.a,: -
this vicinity only realized how Vinol in- ^ SHIPKA
vigorates old people we would not be, ibI s A' etch e ee di'=l2'ss e"'te
, r Fl t... 3: flair, •, � >, .• rraiz
able to supply the dei'nand. e '`Mct..gchlan of Arleona visited }:Nein•
"klitas"th'e`tissue'b i1cI'i
u ,_a g, curative ele- �i,stec'1VIrs. Peter 'McKenzie, og*er. Sun-
menti"of 'the cod's livers.aided bythe da :-eer Ronald McCormick" of Lon -
blood makinggstrengthening properties �y 1
gt � P P don spent a few days last week with
of tonic iron contained neneVtttnol, thatparents here, -Mr. Lorne Finkbeiirer
rr, makes it so successful iirJaltilding upp leas purchased.a new driver Zrom Mr.
strength for old people, delicate chip' Hartle:. of Dashwood. -Mr: Alex.
dren and for all' run-down ,conditions. 'Wan.'ner haspurchased a new Saxon
Vinol is also a most • successful remedy.
.. car. -Mb and Mrs. `Wm; Sweitzer
for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. menerec. to Pt. Frank one day last
If it fails to benefit any one who tries wee'.— Arthur Finkbeither sports
it we return your money. a new buggy, -Don't forget the straw-
T7i" S Cole, Druggist, 'Exeter, Ont, berry social on Thursday, Tune 24,
A pretty wedding took place at
Pine Grove. the home of Thos. Dick-
son, when their daughter Maude be-
came, the bride of Geo. A. Glenn of
thee place. The ceremony was ,der-
formen by 'Jtev. Barker of 'Seaforth.
;mss Horton played the march. The
young couple were unattended and
the bride wore a simple gown of
white sii3, and carried white roses.
The groom's gift to the bride was a
pearl and gold handled parasol, to ;he
pianist a pearl and amethyst bar pin;
Atte: a short trip to Detroit the
young couple will settle down here,
and have the best wishes of all.
Miss Clifton of Dungannon spent
the week end w,th her brother Chas.
-Mr and Mrs. Jarvis Horton are
getting. settled in their new rome,-
fir and Mrs. Dunlop of Zurich spent
the week end wird). the latter's :rar-
eat here. -Mr. R. 'Watson was in fit,
\lary s• attending conference. Jake
"Vincent has returned to Dashwood.
Wm Mersin and Austin Hayter
purchased automobiles recently. -Mr.
Marshal. of St. Thomas visited at R.
English's last week. -Union. picnic will
he's at Grand Bend on Saturday
June 19th. Misses Neva Sherritt, 11,
H'sdginr and Emma McPherson 'at-
tended the Women's Institute at Ailsa
Craig :last Friday. -Mr, and Airs. R.
Polloei• of Exeter motored over and
spent Sunday with friends Isere, -Miss
Emir MacPherson spent the week-
end at Grand Bend. -The Shipka girls•
came over last Wednesday to play'aall
anti went home•yyJ:th high honors, The
girls • here treated to ice cream "fuer
the game. -Mr, and Mrs.: J. Sherritt
Mr and Mrs. A. M. Wilson. Mrs. mos-
•te, and Mr. R. English attended con-
'erenct f.xl St. Marys, We eangrata-
late Mr Jas. Foster on successfully
cn,rp;et '.fig his college work and be -
r erdele i at this conference. He is
s."tinned at Bryanston for the- coin-
1` ;year
The death occurred on June loth
of Mfrs Mere- Currie of pacunionia, ':t
the age of f years. Mrs. Currie wee
in her usu',d goad health up to a few
days befort: her death, She is sur
y:ved by four sons Peter and Allen
of Nerd') Dakota, John of Detroit and
Malcolm at home, and two daughters,
Irate' of London and Christie at home
The . funeral took place to the R..t_ .
cemetery on Saturday at 10 a.m.' -
Rondal McCormick of London visited
a few days with his parents. -Miss E.
Q:Connell is quite ill at her ;some.
-Rev. Fr Forster of Ridnretown, "or-
meria of this place visited Fr, Tier -
net. foo a few days last weak. -John
Mr.Mrs. Ctrxr_t. of Detroit, and B,
Cunningham of Ilderton, Mr. P. Mc-
Isaat, of Detroit attended the rutter-
al o� Mr Currie's mother here.- Mr.
and Mrs 11 M. Doyle and family of
Exetet called on Mends Here 'Sunday
-Mrs Sarah O'Hara and daughter of
Milwaukee are visiting friends in this
The Council met at Township Hall
Jan 5th as a Court of Revision of
tin Assessment Roll. All the eiem-
bere were present. As there were
no appeals and no apparent omissions
or errors the Roll was adopted and
the Court closed. The report of;the
Engineer re. open drain on 3ranch
"A' Brach Creek Drain, was read,
but was not favorably i ecea*ed. l he
lir,el consideration of the report was
postponed. A special meeting of the
Counci' will be held for the purpose
or June 19 at 5 o'clock, at the School
House Zion. By-law No. 4, author-
izing the transfer of franchise and
privileges granted to the St. Marys-
Kirkte*r and Exeter Telephone ,Co.
was read and passed. The 'i laim of
Mrs Davis of Seaforth was considered
and the Reeve authorized to reeetthe
Ree•": of Hay, with power "to 'settle,
or defend as they think advisable. A
number of accounts were passed and
orders issued in payment. Council rd
journee to meet at School rlouse,
Zion or. June 19, at 5 o'clock.
r. Morley, Clerk
The anniversary services of St.
Paul's church were held on June 6th
and 8th. On Sunday Rev. Prof_
'Wright of Huron College preached,
very interesting sermons hath morn-
ing and evening, large numbers being
pres•ehf:' On 'Tuesday evening a
garden party. • was gltien at Mr. JI
Creery's home and an excellent tea
.ro ram dispensed; local talent
ivin diusical, selections and ,the e
neighboring ministers short addresses.
Kitrktor "defeated Thames Road ` in a
baseball match. The proceeds a-
mounting to $130 went to the Red,
cross fund.
Jacob Weido has purchased �,..r.
Studebaker touring car. -Mr. H. Weil
visitine relatives in Detroit Mich
for a few, weeks Mr. and Mr;, H.
Yungbult and family are visiting vee
latives'in New Haven, Mich, and •)then
points in Mich for a few weeks. -Ms.
and Mrs Wendel Smith, of the c.os,s
ei• Line south, are visiting relealaes
and ° friends in Alpena, Nlicn,-" he
baseball club held a re-organizada
meeting on Tuesday. Mr. G. 'd. Irks,.
wee chosen as manager and Mr. -Wm.
Brown as captain for the season. -
The well at the fire hall has been
completed. It has been dug to, a
depa of 'fifty feet and bored twenty
-feet deeper. The waterhas risen, a-
bout twenty feet and it is thought
a good spring has been tapped.-
Mi. Herman, Walter and William
Truemn'er''served as jurors at a''the
assiieee in. Goderich.-The first -Field
Sports being arranged by Mr. C.
Fritz Will : be: boa— on the .Fail
Grounds next Friday 4 evening June 18
Th. program Iwiel c,o lit. ofeegeOd
clean sports. -'Mr, .J, illi.das,°pbst•-
matter of Seaforth, is spending ten
days in Mt. Clemens for` his health.
"ROUGES' ON RATS" clears out
Rate Mice;etc: Don't die in the ioitse
i5c_ and 25c, at Drug and Country
The housewives of
Canada showed
their immediate ap
predation of the
extra quality of
Lantic Sugar
The tremendous
first demandex
ceeded our supply.
Now the output
is increased
\N and everyone
should be able
to get
Always sold in original packages
Loot k the Lantic Red Ball on each package
Sugar Refineries Limited
.raw •�: \\>a\�\ O,. ��, a,\. v... ,vn�` ., .moi, w:\ .�\
Mi and Mrs. Wm. Brooks visited•
frit,nd.; in London Sunday, -Mr,' and
Mrs. Wilbur. Mitchell of near Mitchell
andMr and Mrs. Hector M':lson'eft ,
by auto Saturday for a trip to i ca.,
don Ingersoll and other places. -M's; •
e' v
Gertie ,, lz rb
A Hudson and G ut
ited over Sunday with the letter's •
uncle near Granton -Quite a number
from here attended the jubilee at Lic n
on Sunday and Monday. -Next Sun-
day wi1t be the anniversary here, and
Rev. McAlister will preach morning
and evening. On Tuesday in Gunn
lag's orchard a picnic with strawberr-
ies, ice cream, and 'a long list of
sports is in store, as well as a game
of baseball at 3 o'clock. -The ladies
of the congregation have carpeted the
church and the men have painted the
shed which adds much to the appear-
ance of both. -N. Ogden and T. Gun-
ning have both purchased new "Over-
land cars, -Mrs. Frank Gunning epent
last week in London,
Bewarelof Ointmentslfor Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and
completely derange the whole system when entering
t through the mucous surfaces. Suchartictesshould
never be used except on prescriptions from repute.
ble physician 3, as the damage they will do is ten -fold
to the good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you g.t the genuine. It isteken inter.
nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. CHENEY
& CO. Testimonials tree.
Sold by all Druggists, Price 7tc. per bottle.
Take Hall's ram Iv t1ll+ (or 'on,ti,ation,
-Mlessrs. Robs• and James Stewart,
Dr and Mrs. Craigmibe and Miss Alma
Stewart of Elmira spent a couple days
with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Glenn
Sr. -Burton Keys is at Brucefield at
present. -R R N. Glenn has sold 1 his
farm to Mr.John Selves. We wel-
come 'Ir;Sel'es and family to our
neighbo hood -John Bell had a supe-
cessful'bern runs tig on Saturday. -
Mrs: 'Crawford of Brussels is visiting
e fives hereMr. Last•of•.• Km r
dine is- the,guest his son. -.-Mr. W
Stewart of Toronto was a pleasant
caller .here on Thursday -A fine rain
fell Tuesday and did much good.
It is a grave mistake for motixirs r wag-
lect their aches and pains and .anoSer sn
silence -this only leads to chanted* eiat-
ness and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring; if yotr sw�ts erea
excitable; if you feel languid; weary or
depressed, you should know• diet it's
Emulsion overcomes just such eerssialioue.
It possesses in concentrated leas the
very elements to invigorate fire Wand,
strengthen the tissues, nourish Or*.rees.
and build strength.
Scott's is strengthening thousands al
mothers -and will ;help you. ' ,.;
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, OM.
No 15 Hay and Stephen, for May,
The names are in order of merit, .;on
duct and eregularity of attendance;-
;. It -1'• ,„;-Patterson 73, P. turn -
bel' 71, N. Fischer 62. Jr. 'V A'
,urnbull 70, F. -Turnbull 64. rJ, ,:,tli`„
Turnbull_ 64 Luther
Luther.62 -`D. Wilde 48. Jr. f, JI . --L.
lather. h83,. Leslie Turnbull 6-13,^""-"‘7M.
Turnbull 54. Pt II., .T. Keller 78, H.
Patterson 76 M. Turnbull 75. =Pt. I.,`
A Schroeder, A. Fischer, C. : Baker,
G Fischer W. Turnbull, C. Pfaff, A,
Menet "B'•, G. Turnbull,N, !inny;
"A", E. Keller, IL.Heckman. No. on
ra" 26, average :19,5,-C, Schroeder;
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.,LL,D., D,C,L., President
}TrXAl3ELAIRD General
Manager JOHN AIRD,Ass't General 1
dna e
CAPITAL, $15 000W0 RESERVE FUND, 13 500 000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. 525
t11"r'lll' atio,..ur"'U"'u... 1"'ill... trim. li... wi Ill"'ill...m.1m
Iknencorporated THE
Bank D aliment
Savings Department
C At all Branches
interest allowed at highest current rate •
= W D. CLARKE, Manager.
92 Branches
In Canada
et•ItIMIn l.17.11frH6=1ffilbeeteellb,dIteelledIlielite11L..Iileellealledlle,iI elITE
There will be strong competition
in the Standing Field Crop compet-
itions 'C'onductedi by the .Kirktoan Agri-
cultnaal Societyetlits year. The fol
a w irif� are niarhn�es 'of om'='
I?all Wheat-1132Eptries - Jos.
White & Sons, Arthur' H. Doupe,
John Morphet, Jas. Robinson, Milton
Gregory M. Bretho•ur, A. Gunning
A Bickle, Milton Stephens, J.
Arthur, S. A. Shier, Jas. Kemp, R.
Berry Wm Ratcliffe, John. Urquhart,
Win. Robinson, P. Blackler, Wm. E-lol-
lungshead, Thos, Harrah, Jos. Creery
Jas More. Adam M.. Doupe, J. Den-
ham Wm. Ward, Jas. Squires, John
Shier, ..G Andrews, Wesley W:
Dalrymple • Wm. Hanna, Jos. Step-
Barley --23 Entries - Jos. White .&
Sons Amos Doane Arthur Doupe,
Win Barding, John Morpeth, Jos. Rob-
inson, M, Brethowr, P.. Sparking, J.
Stephens S. A Shier, Jahn Roy, Win
Atkinson, R. Berry, Wm, Robinson, J
'Urquhart, R. Paynter, T Creeree A.
M Douipe, D. Foster, Was. Shier, H.
Webster, Wan. Hanna, Arthur. Francis
Oats, 26 Entries. -J. White & I' is
A H. Dontpe, A. Doupe, W. Harding
J Morpeth. Jas. Robinson, -M. '.reg-
ory M Brethour, A. Gunning, 'Percy
Sparlino R. Ratcliffe, W. Arth sur, J
Stephen3. S. A. Shier, John Roy, Rob.
Berry loha Kennedy, John Urquhart
P 1ig;b s rt, Rhiliip Blackler. R.
rlei7h��e''i_Jas • More,Geo. An-
drews Wesie}Siier, Harvy
Th 'z Presbyter antis 'o''d a strawberry
Fc:tit~al• on June 22 on the (..;har.:I
lawn ;ani special services on the prey.
ion, Sunday. An excellent iroge a,m
v 11
be given by London, Exeteran•t
teacher, let I'talent•.
SEAFORTH-While Mr. Weston
of Bayfield and a companion were re
turning home on Wednesday
noon the car turnedturtle on, the Mill
Road throwing both oat and severely
injuring Mr. Weston about 'the head
and shoulders. The car was badly
damaged andtowedto was ea. h
S fort
t.or repairs.
Nearly everyone has
ripping, tearing headaches
at Mmes. Disordered atom-
- ee Iheee refs!
areh -2ht tns
re la- C gg bei a
The vat a tont and; von Tablets.
p toms and owele rip
E 9,
p,� o sil Lr
` ChamI r �edicine Toronto
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding,
Piles, send me your address, and
I will 3• tell ou:how: to• . ureyy your-
- absorption
at.home 1 the -absor tion
treatment • <alzd t' ill also. send
mf l:hot ca treatment
free e foor trial,ts liat*ith references
from your own"localit if 're-
quested. Ir mediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send
no ,rnone_y, but tell others of
this offer. Write to -da to Mrs.:
M. Summers, Box 841) Windsor ;
Ont. '