HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-17, Page 1Roumania is about to enter. Italy advances. Turks weaker. Russia came back. Germany seeking peace? TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, TR SDAY, JUNE 17, 1915 SANDERS &` CREECH Oddfellows Decoration Day A DOOR EXCUSE Exeter Lodge, No. 67, I. 0 O. F,. lyell hold their annual. Decoration of the graves of their departed brethren on Sunday, June 27th. The members are all expected to be at the Lodge Roan, at two o'clock in the afternoon A fult attendance is requested, R. N. CREECH sec'y. SPEND YOUR at S•EAFORTH ANL ATTEND THE 16th ANNUAL MEETING Of THE Seaforth Turf Club One of the Best Race Meets iv Ontario, all the Best Horses $2100 In Purses COME TO C4tb On JULY 1st and 2nd Band in Attendance M.Brederick. See, M,Govenlock, Pres TAMAN'S 61c� s Sprig Furnisflinas We have a most attract• ive showing of all kinds of Men's Spring Furnishings in Straw Hats In enates, Splits, Pana- mas. Felt Hats Im. Christies and Fedoras. Shirts New bunch just arrived, Belts, Ties, Braces, Collars, etc. We notice in the report of the i proceedings of Huron County Council !that a motion brought in by. Reeve Taylor of Exeter, seconded by Mr. Lobb, asking for a grant of $1,000 to- wa rd,proddingField a FiKitchen for the use of the 33rd Regiment, was' turned down in committee on the ermine, or rather the assumption that the 33rd Regiment was practically nil. This assumption is ridiculous in the iextreme and was put forward eimply a. an excuse to avoid or kill the ,na- tion. The 33rd is in trainingat Lou- den in large numbers and 'while they Iare a military division to seine ex- tent there is no reason whatever that they shculd be turned down front • this standpoint, or in fact any other, as they and their associates all ,.., o to champion the one great cause, and tight in the one great battle,and to withhold support on this ground is a very poor excuse, We are beginning to thine that Huron Council a cote- ;reset! oinposed to a great extent of an nngr'at fel anc' inconsiderate bunch of men, who are not worthy of 'filling the positions theyoccupy, when they can feel justified in turning down a no- tion set worthy of sympathy ;and sup- port as that referred to. It seems to us that since this present war broke out that there has been more cheese -paring and narrow-minded niggardliness displayed by Huron County Council when dealing with matter:, brought before them for grant:• of the above nature, than be-' comes a public body of men .icing the business of such a worthy people as that of the County of Huron. It has been said -and that too we think aright -that many of the Huron c'frome County Council have .un to time let their political bias eaterfere witl, their better judgment. Try us For Sterling Value Clothing The higher price of wool makes it to your advantage to order your suit early.. Ordered Suits at $18 to 25 Ready -to -Wear Suits $10, 20 TAbIA TAILOR. FU RNISF Al- the request of the Liquor Lic- cense Commission the County Coun- cil se- aside $2500 to enforce the Scot, Act^ The following is the es- timate of the License Commissioners of the cost of enforcing the Act in Huron Inspectors' salary, $1,200; in- spectors' travelling expenses, $500; costs of prosecutions, including :on - stables witnesses, etc., $500; counsel fee,, $200; office expenses, $100, mak- ing a total of $2,500 to be provided by the county. OF to the end of May the British lossE: were killed 50,342; wounded 153,980 missing 53,747; Total 458, 069 The British force is about one- twentieth of the whole forces in the field, and rf other losses tire pray equa:, to the British in proportion of numbers engaged the total deaths must be at least two million. The Russians came back with aw- ful force on the Germans last week, at one point killing 20,000 and capture in 16,000, Gtermany countered with a 6,00e captured at another point. The Allies advanced on the western front ane: at the Dardanelles, while Ger- mane sank a few more British end' nieutra boats. ZION CHURCH FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Or Sunday and Monday of this week the good people of Usborne, located in the neighborhood of Zion and who attend that church,• together with for- mer adherents, pastors and friends of celebration of t d the church um in aceebr e1 the 50th anniversary of the establish- ment of the church at that place, and a. vert successful celebration it was in every way. The weather was tine a very large number was present, the program and supper could not be, ex- celieo and every one was happy. On Sunday fgrmer pastors, both of whom are .superannuated, Rev. Quance of Londor and Rev. Veale of Dorchester preached respectively in the morning and evening, to large congregations. On Monday afternoon an outdoor pro gram of musical selections and ad- dresses by,former pastors, and neigh- boring ministers, was given •vith. the pastor. Rev Barnard in the chair. The addresses were full of interesting remarks of by gone and present days. There must have been fully a thous- anr people present, and all were de- lighted The supper was a most lav- ish one . and all were well satisfied. Centralia and Thames Road played a gam of baseball after tea, the for- me. winning, 8 to 6. The Proceeds amounted to $260. BIRTHS Brock -In Hensall, on June •Qth to Mi, and Mrs. George Brock, a son.. Appleton -In Hensall, on June 15, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Appleton, assn MARRIAGES Case-Kilinsmith-In Port Colborne, Colborne on June 10th, Reginald Case, formerly of Exeter, to Miss. Kilinsmith, both of Pt. Colborne. Northwood-Hawkshaw-In Detroit on. June 9th A. L. Northwood tot, Het= tie May Hawkshaw, daughter of Mr. Jahn Hawkshaw of Exeter. Glenn -Dickson -At Brucefield, June 10, George A. B. Glean to Annie Maude second .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson. DEATHS Currie -At Mt .Carmel, on June 10th Mrs Mary ;Currie, aged 72 years. SEAT ORTH, •- After a; Lug r,ag illness Mrs Ernest: L: Box• passed peacefully. away ath.er home on john street on Sunday 'night. Mrs 'M Boxi Whose maiden name was Cyrillus. 13ix on, war 25 years of age, and is surviv- ed. by her husband, one brother aid three sisters, TETE MORNING SERMON AT CAVEN CHURCH. Rev. D . C. McGregor, B. A., pastor of St Andrew's Church, Londo;n,prea- chine in Caven Presbyterian church Sunday morning in the interests of the new Knox College, Toronto, took as hip text.,Mark 3, 14, "And he or- daened twelve, that they should be EXRTER COUIiCIL. A special meeting of the Council called by the Reeve, was held in the Council Chambers on Saturday, Tune 5 to hear and discuss the report as received from the Hydro -Electric Commission. After explanations by the•, Reeve and Councillor Beavers the following motion was made:•- Beavers•,.,Roulston.-That the Reeve est.: him and that he might :^end go tc' Toronto at once and have an then forth to preach." interview with the Hydro Commission The unsurpassed opportunity the and that a message• be forwarded, twelve had for training in a three year asking for an interview on Tuesday caarse under the Teacher of teach- morn tg June 8, ors- thgreatest of all w t professors, as On Thursday, June I0, a special amplified and illuminated. To-dag meeting of the Council, as called by the need for preaching the Gospelax Intervithe ew With the his ort, after s as great as ever. Everywheee Com;nission, Mr. Taylor gave a very problem in evidence that the full' report as to the Commission's Churci• alone can solve^ plans, outlined by them. The report Rae Mr McGregor's sermons a- ,tit., adoptedand an allowance of $15 bou.tc• ';a striking epigrams. "Civilise made to the Reeve for his time and. abort has conquered the world, but cepenses, on motion of Beavers -liar callization has failed to redeem the ton worlde' was one, and, "To give scion- Hind -Beavers -That a Hydro -d lec- knoweedge to those ,;rho are hie by-law for twenty -thousand :lel- de" rn!r :ted by brute instincts alone, is. tars ($20,000), for a term of wenty- ba• to give greater power to evil, #ave years, to bear interest at live was another. The scientific :raining' pet cent per annum, be prepared and the Ges and their conduct of .. eteekeittee to the ratepayers of the .= c present :awar wasan Illustration elmetcipality at as early a date al ,cruel. to the point, "We We -teedto possible, That the Deputy .eturning christianize our civilization, the offteer:. and Poll clerks be "tamed as speaker declared, and while state the by-law is being prepared, -Carried legislation and school education :Quid preferred to the Water, Fire and a:' much nether could do the Light committee with power, Kemeh's work of salvation. If aiv- alizatior• was all that was necessary 1 The Court oe Revision to hear and to redeem society we would lot have determine the appeals as filed against the social corruption that the have the Assessment Roll for 1915, was to -day. Healthy life throws off cor- held in the Council Chambers an ltri- sciety andie if family life thes isnot tpure ! da) June 11. Members present - the social structure collapses,. end Reeve Taylor . Courtciliars Beavers and rte • I3, ul ri family life cannot be kept pure with Beavers-Raulston-That the Reeve out parental religious instruction, and act as chairman for the Court of Re - yen and yet, how remiss are lumber- bion.-Cirried^ less parents in the discharge It this t The, following appeals were read Plait" duty . As for political tfe - - 'we ane: considered ;-W, S. Bradt against hails cur heads 'n shame as we look business assessment, Struck off, be- au. But such corrupaaa eQuid not exist unless public opinion allowed rt, int; an employee; Flock & Flock fox It all comes back to the demos chem- the estate ofn thedlateyJ. W. Dickson, selGes Lek represented by L. H. ickson in particular with the sec -appealed to have the assessment low- Dealingiel questions of the day, it was im- bred. Not granted,Lane the assessment beim sustained; Miss Ella Lap- possible for Mr, McGregor to :,vou1 pealed to have business assessment reference to the all-absorb`ng tape s.rtuk off. Not granted, the assess - of the liquor traffic. Pertinently he .neat be;,ng sustained; George li, .nquired : "Why does the liquor trait- sv:ndsor, appealed against the assess - as. without one valid reason :or •x- men of a dog. Allowed to be ^,truck istence continue in our midst? Lloyd off the roll. George declares that it is more for- There being no further appeals the midable than Austrian or German. It assessment roll as amended was ac- destroys all true patriotism. It is de- ,the of evron termined to make gain out of the closed oned and motion our t Beavers 'end weaknesses and appetites of nen, Roulston eve', when, the welfare of the Empire --- is -_is at stake The time has come •vhan The Council met after the close /is man can call himself a patriot, who of the Court of Revision on Friday, in any way givtes . his aid to dot a vy June 11. Absent, Councillor Harton, lift' and render men unfit so defend The minutes c' meetings held May their country. Every true citizen must regard as an enemy of tae state tri, June 5 ,and June 10, were read the mar- who insists on Inc conuin- and approved. uance of a traffic which science ;inti The Reeve brought before 'he commerce condemns and which has comanotice regards the sickness of beet. outlawed by the Russians anal, Clerk T B. Carling and asked that in a large measure, in France, '1 he he might be given leave of absent e one discouraging thing in the .eresent fo a time, and asked that a resort - one outlook on the traffic is the !'ailuro riot' be made appointing a substitute, eave of a - of Great Britain to face our greatest rouser ber rand-Hted ind t Jerk until tie foOu, intricate social problems t itn 1st of Sept. -Carried. C onI' be solved by the applied grin- Rculston-Beavers-That the _ce- cina of the Gospel. With the in- lowing resolution is hereby made: That whereas a leave of absence hau- creased immigration that will come af- te; the war the Church will be taxed ink, been granted to the Clerk, T. B. to the utmost and will be called monCarl ng Mr. Jas. Senior be, and he to make greater sacrifices than she is hereby appointed to act as clerk has ever dreamed of, to maintain our and win our n h..ghest national ideals land for the Kingdom. More men evil] be needed and our colleges must be put into the best position to equip and treasurer with power to sign all municipal papers, including debenture forms, now being, or that may he prepared, money orders and cheques, as are usually issued by the munici- these men for the great work 'o pality and do all other duties as un- which the are called. posed on the Clerk and Treasurer, by municipal by -law. -Carried. The following communications were read :-From Gladman & Gladman, To- ronto, offering services as architect. Ordered filed, From the Cast Steel Co of Chicago regarding steel poles for use in elec- tric light. system. Ordered filed. Fran the Wateloo Mutual Fire in- surance Co. ,giving notice re premium falling due on Exeter ,Canning & Pre- serving Ca's plant. The Clerk was ordered to ,Investigate and get a re- port of all insurance carried by the icompany . From the Provincial Association of Fire Chiefs regarding convention to be held at the City of Ottawa, asking that the fire chief be sent as a dele- gate Ordered filed. Fran, the Hydro Electric Railway — Association with an invitation for the Municipality to join the Association and help further Electric Railway. fee being,$.10. Beavers -Hind -That this fee be paic for membership in the Hydro Electric Railway Association. -Carried Front the Hydro Electric Railway Association with an invitation to at- tend the opening of the Lond$:n and Post Stanley, Electric .Railway . about the end of June. Filed, Hind-Roulstop-Thatthe following accounts be paid, -J. Ford; pt salary 37.50. T. B. Carling 33.33; W. J,. Bisseti 43.75; A. G. Dyer 70,00, post- age 1.60• J. Senior, postage 5'.00;'El ectric Light Co., 130.28; C. Seager, attending court in liquor case 10,00 John Fennell, waterworks 15.55; S. Fitton wrist watch 8.00; Ti -rues, ac: 28.00: Hydro Ry. Assoc,_ 10.00; ,J. fairy labor 13.00; R... Davi,s.'16'.00; G grange 12.00; E. Coocavbs 2'.00; F. Hatter 5.20, J. Packard. 6.83; D.Rus-- sell , sr.. 4.38; T. Creech, st, watering 25.95 F Mallett 3.60 E. Heideman. 1.00 • R ` Gillies & Son, teaming 2.00 J, Kydd • 6.00; T., Flynn 3.00; Walt. VVlestcott: 2.25; W. ,Creech 5100; T. Eloulden ' a.30; J. Heinlein +3.20 ; G. Fold '73.501.v. JKydd 10:50; Harvey 13s.. 2,00 , . Taylor, expenses & thine to Toronto 15.00 -Total 555;92, J. Senior, acting ^clerk 7 .Knox College has a stragetic pos- ition. being situated in a city which is the centre of one-third of the Presbyterians of Canada, It is, •pore- over at the heart of a great Univer- versite centre. It is in direct touch with men who are being trained to be the leaders in every part of na- tional life. It must be maintained at the highest point of efficiency. The congregations are being asked to con- tribute $450,000 for site and the buildine which has - been erected, $225,000 has been subscribed by the Toronto congregations; $115,000 by congregations outside of Toronto. An effort is being made to raise an addi tions `$75,000 to provide for the short ag and the inevitable shrinkage in subscriptions. xeter Bargain Store Just Opened a Shipment of Travellers Samples INCLUDING' H SIE Y, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, TQVEL S , COL LARS BRACES, ETC., TO BE SOLI: AT SPECIAL DISCOUNT Flair Lawn Hem -stitched handkerchiefs at 19 for 25e. Li Prinoe.ss Slips at ONE-THIRID off Regular Price. .V en's Four-in-hand Ties regular 25c to 50c., at I for 25c. Some excellent values in ready made clothing. Made to Measure Suits guaranteed to give satisfaction. SHOES - Our Stock is large, giving yon excellent choice, .and the Price is the lowest. t :111! B. W. F. Beavers C. RE.S'OLVED OUR B W 'JN Ess rs gOOMINCi DEC.AI/SE WE BOOM IT- �nT BOOM OUR BUSINESS BYGIVING 'EoPLE GOOD! GOODAS FOR, THEIR motley.• %-a fi6 :a LADIES RAIN & DUST COATS If it is an up-to-date rain or des: coat you want we have just marked and placed in stack a: winner. This coat we can safely recommend. Special value $7.5.0 FOR SILK DRESSES & SUITS Faille Silk in all the coding shades This is a very popular material this season and is much worn in dresses and suits -j at pe- yard $1.25. CHINA, CUT GLASS AND BRASe FOR BRIDAL GIFTS China Dinner. Sets 518,00 Chine Ter Sets 58.25. Toilet Sets $2.25 to $5.00; Cut Glass .Howls Pitchers,. Bon bons, Salts & Peppers, etc. Brass Trays, Brass Crumb Trays, Teapots, and Stands; and many tither lines we'll be glad to show you NEW WALL: PAPER If you want wall papers for your dining room, parlor, bed • room or kitchen, you will appreciate the lines we are show- ing this season. LINOLEUMS In 2, 3, and 4 yard widths. In very neat tine and floral de- signs Inlaid Linoleum in 2 yard widths. Two good pat- terns to. choose from at per square yard $1.00 • STRAW HATS -Wit • the Hat. Weather at . han tie theie will be pp big de-. NEW, ROOM RUGS At- prices away below what you would have to pay if we had to buy them to -day. llso .Crex Rugs for Verandahs and Porches. matnd for straw hats. We ;have a style for every fancy, :and a .price for every ,pocket, KH.•AKI „. B..O Ina good wearing, material fo from 24 to 33: The Boys ,re ' FOR THE OUTING We have the best quality ai Girls: Bays and Men. Buy yo Shoes at this store: SAVE .'MONEY Farmers wanting coal oil in their tanks fulled on, Saturdays • OMERS FOR. BOYS r the hot weather: All sizes sae re to like them. 75c to $1 FOOTWEAR. SEASON. rubber soled shoes for Ladies ur,.Tennis Bowling, or Outing ON COAL OIL 2 to 40 gal. lots can have at 12c a gal. Try our good ail. PHONE 16 J. A. STEWART PHONE: 16 ` e- 4 A Merchant's Credit is Good---Whi eLiY h e Lives It TheCanadaL�� makes permanent What) be dies it is not credit, but cash, that counts. That is where your business will feel the pinch if your partner dies. If your firm is protected by VANADA LIFE Business In- surance your credit will be unaffected by any such crisis and you will be elite to meet all ttbligatiitsas resulting from your credit, .A. Haetnge, Agent, Exeter xeter Bargain Store Just Opened a Shipment of Travellers Samples INCLUDING' H SIE Y, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, TQVEL S , COL LARS BRACES, ETC., TO BE SOLI: AT SPECIAL DISCOUNT Flair Lawn Hem -stitched handkerchiefs at 19 for 25e. Li Prinoe.ss Slips at ONE-THIRID off Regular Price. .V en's Four-in-hand Ties regular 25c to 50c., at I for 25c. Some excellent values in ready made clothing. Made to Measure Suits guaranteed to give satisfaction. SHOES - Our Stock is large, giving yon excellent choice, .and the Price is the lowest. t :111! B. W. F. Beavers C. RE.S'OLVED OUR B W 'JN Ess rs gOOMINCi DEC.AI/SE WE BOOM IT- �nT BOOM OUR BUSINESS BYGIVING 'EoPLE GOOD! GOODAS FOR, THEIR motley.• %-a fi6 :a LADIES RAIN & DUST COATS If it is an up-to-date rain or des: coat you want we have just marked and placed in stack a: winner. This coat we can safely recommend. Special value $7.5.0 FOR SILK DRESSES & SUITS Faille Silk in all the coding shades This is a very popular material this season and is much worn in dresses and suits -j at pe- yard $1.25. CHINA, CUT GLASS AND BRASe FOR BRIDAL GIFTS China Dinner. Sets 518,00 Chine Ter Sets 58.25. Toilet Sets $2.25 to $5.00; Cut Glass .Howls Pitchers,. Bon bons, Salts & Peppers, etc. Brass Trays, Brass Crumb Trays, Teapots, and Stands; and many tither lines we'll be glad to show you NEW WALL: PAPER If you want wall papers for your dining room, parlor, bed • room or kitchen, you will appreciate the lines we are show- ing this season. LINOLEUMS In 2, 3, and 4 yard widths. In very neat tine and floral de- signs Inlaid Linoleum in 2 yard widths. Two good pat- terns to. choose from at per square yard $1.00 • STRAW HATS -Wit • the Hat. Weather at . han tie theie will be pp big de-. NEW, ROOM RUGS At- prices away below what you would have to pay if we had to buy them to -day. llso .Crex Rugs for Verandahs and Porches. matnd for straw hats. We ;have a style for every fancy, :and a .price for every ,pocket, KH.•AKI „. B..O Ina good wearing, material fo from 24 to 33: The Boys ,re ' FOR THE OUTING We have the best quality ai Girls: Bays and Men. Buy yo Shoes at this store: SAVE .'MONEY Farmers wanting coal oil in their tanks fulled on, Saturdays • OMERS FOR. BOYS r the hot weather: All sizes sae re to like them. 75c to $1 FOOTWEAR. SEASON. rubber soled shoes for Ladies ur,.Tennis Bowling, or Outing ON COAL OIL 2 to 40 gal. lots can have at 12c a gal. Try our good ail. PHONE 16 J. A. STEWART PHONE: 16 ` e- 4