HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-10, Page 8EXEITE. ABIZWATE, Tt ux s 11AY J1TNE 1 ❑ 11115 EXETER MARKETS. ()RANGED WEDNESDAY 'Wheati ,...:,.,c,., Barley. .,, .. Birelwlheat o .ts, „r.., ....�,�. 73 444.4sloe!;,. per bag Hay, erton.......,.... Flour, per e.wt., family Flour, low grade per ew Butter Creamery Butter Live ho(;S, per cwt, , Shorts per ton .... ,,,.,. $ran per toa • .. ...,., Sugar Bert Pulp 85 325 55 50 150 30 45 1400 14 00 3 80 190 20 o 19 20 o 25 30 00 2800 27 00 The IA:estern University registered ;_nothe,, marked step in advance: in its annrza' convocation on Friday even - in lel*,en .thirty-two degrees were concrred in Arts and :Medicine., the -•. to the largest that Inas ever graduated from the University. tee.• medals, s holarships . nd priz- es were pr s; nted to students of the d :sere.` ye- _ who had ben most a�ac,:e5s..�rio�us courses 'during rr. ;lie past sesslori. FOR ALE OR. TO RENT. --A two .story ...,e` reeve:c;, dwelling on Main Stn;et v„e:1 situated artd con;..nient, Geed 33.T, Fc'r sale or to rent. Teta's r :so. bee. Apply to A. idas- tin'ies ca nt.. I:xeter. F•rY'\AGE TO LET.—Th, Uel - ti teke in fifteen head t cr :2 -year old cattle on Cie whole summer. There s ;;• th,? premises a never failing spr.n : o.' good avatar. Apply to R, R, No, 3, Zurich 1'. O. Parkhill celebrates July Ist Pur€ide, Past Thal ), Motor cycle, and 11(11: e racing. Concert in S(;;lziething doing even minute, Holiday en T. i;aT,v ns v - n S. Fitton T::nes Co'v W. J. HHean.:7n B.W.F. lite v r'., F. E. Willis P. FraynFt Jos. Senior \V. \V. Tamen Jones May. Mrs. Yee, WmiS Powell HY GR a,.DE 46294 fly' r uta 46294, a beautiful hay Trott n Stallion, will stand for ser- vice on the premises. of the under- signed Lot 5, Con. 2, Stephen. Hygradc 46294, was sired by Hen- ry Winters. 2.10?4; Dam, Miss Del - march, 2.14%.. half sister to. Ace, 2.0514 G sire Ed Winter, 2.08, ow.n brother to Hawthorne, 2.0611. Winner in 1903 o' the S20,000 Bonner Memorial Stake which was the largest sum ever offer- ed for a trotting race, and never been ecru ailed up to that date. Sire of Al- en Winter 2.061.; winner of the $5(,00( American Trotting Derby,1908 and later sold for 350,000: Miss Win- ter 2.22?i; Henry Winter, 210 , and other fast ones, all trotters. 10'4, . G dam, Charming Bunker, Sir:. o.' dam, Delmarch 2.1111. Jam o alis: Delmarch had 8 better than 2.30. Service fee S10; payable Jan. 1,1916 W. R. ELLIOTT. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.— I desire to announce that I have op- ener: a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post O' Tice and will keep a full supply of the best grades of flours and seeds. 1 solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON CARPENTER AND BUDDER given Plan. furnished; estimates free oft all classes of buildings PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer. Live Stock Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate, Orders left at The Advocate Office promptly attended to. Phone 116 FLrkton Address, Kirktor' P. O. Auto For Hire FAMILY OR PLEASURE PARTIES A SPECIALTY PHONE NO. 80. GOVERNMENT CHAUFFEUR NO. 2724. Free of Charge I am prepared to vaccinate all coats agains' Rheumatism, Septic or Arth- ritis and Diseases followingSeptic in- section in foals, if notified within, 48 hours FREE OF CHARGE. This Vaccine is not an experiment, but has beery in time for four seasons. DR H' ' A.-: ECKERT, Crediton, Phone '36. ourt of Revision VILLAGE OF EXETER., NOTICE is hereby given that a Coati of Revision of the 'Assessment Rolf: of tha,..Villagte of Exeter will 'Bold its' Arai nieleting in the? Council Chambers • Exeter, on Friday, June 11, 1911, at 7. o'clock p. m.. T; B. CARLING',. Exeter, May' 25, 1915 Clerk VE r LOCAL DOINGS. The Advocate has a complete line of wedding stationery which: we can print in the latest style. Your order will receive prompt attention. On May 28th a former resident of Exeter. Mary Jane Phair (Mrs. Curtis) passed away. She moved to Detroit with her family about fifteen , ears ago. Mrs Prout of Usborne, a sis- ter attended the 'funeral. Thc dates of the Seaforth Howling Tourney have been changed from July 1 and 2, tQi July x and 8. Rev i1lanning is the new ]'resident of the London Conference, The con- ference will meet in Kingsville next year. Parkhill celebrates July 1st Parade, Baseball, Motor cycle, and horse racing, Concert in evening. Something doing every minute, The Advocate subscrlptrion mail- ing al-ing list has been corrected up to the Third of June. Look at your label and if it does not read at feast up to date kindly attend to the .natter and oblige Thr red'r: i Hotel ':a Goderich is the fie.' • have n, fine imposed un- cle, th,- Canada Temperance Act, the amotn bein S75 and costs. Again ou Friday last the same hotel wastin- ed $15( and costs because; the bar- tender is said to have given a county councillor whiskey when he iskedfor watm Farltltera who have cattle to sell will be pleased to hear, the prediction that good beef will be selling at 9 cents a pound live weight by the lst of August. Sav young man, you who are so read to call everybody that don't sui you a hypocrite, would it not be just as well to look u.p your own standing? A man who keeps his own record all it should be has not very much ,time to devote to the faults of others and to go mita his way to fire 'rocks at those who are treating !,in, with civility Messrs H. J. White, J. A, Stewart W' W, Taman and W. J. Heaman .n'›- torer to London Friday and enjoyed a game of bowls an the Thistle green Clarence F. Duplan of Ilderton, late of Centralia, is among those who have passed the preliminary examinations in Huron. College, and will receive his diploma at convocation this week. The ' death took place in .Toronto or; June 2nd Qf a former Exeter wo- man. Susan Trick, wife of John Trick:, who, for some years conducted_ a gen- eral store business here, with '.tr,.. Currellev as partner. 38,000 owners have given the "acid test" to 38,000 Maxwells in the last 1 8 months Every car mad- in the gigantic Maxwell factories is just as finely finished, just as handsome an automobile as if it were especially made to be exhibited at the New York Automobile Show, or some dealer's fancy Showrooms. BUT --and here is a - great big BUT -38,000 of these Maxwell Cars nave actually been turned out and have actually been driven thousands miles by 38,000 Maxwell owners. These owners have driven their Maxwells up hill and down hill -over all kinds of country roads and over city street , everywhere _that four wheels will go. Most of these 38,000 Maxwells have been rained on, snowed on, and put to every kind of a rough and tum- ble test that time and use can give a car—and that's what we mean by the "Acid Test." • If you have any neighbors among these 38,000 happy owners, ask them to tell you all about their experience with their Maxwells. If you don't happen to know any neighbors who own ' Maxwells, here are a few facts to think about—things to consider—then you can come in and see this "Wonder Car" and add up these facts for yourself. But don't forget this—the Maxwell we will show you is an exact duplicate of these 38,000 tried and true Maxwells that have stood the rough and tumble "Acid Test." Satisfaction and Service in a Nutshell To the automobile owner satisfaction and ser- vice means a car of beauty, refinement and com- fort combined. One that possesses the many con- veniences, Is 'easy and simple to operate; properly ddgfgned and constructed of the best materials and wbgse operative cost is very low. He wants motor car efficiency and maximum service. All This lias Been Accomplished in the Maxwell Through the high Ideals and standards, won- dariui sagineering genius, remarkable resources and thh I C niulated experiences gleaned from years of automobile experience, the Maxwell organization And Here Are Some Vital Points to Think Of have accomplished what a few years ago many said was impossible. The Maxwell is Not the Result of an Experiment It was not luck or the result of an experi- ment on: the public, but good hard business judg- ment that made the Maxwell of to -day possible. Able engineers spent months designing this powerful, efficient, light -weight ear. The best metallurgists in the world's famous laboratory (the Maxwell's own plant) tested pia"terials and formu- lated new heat treatment that gave ,this car a re- markable tight weight and yet the great strength which it possesses and which stands all the abuse heaped upon owner -driven cars. • It was real genius that gave to the Maxwell the powerful motor that enables Maxwell owners to go wherever four wheels will travel, over all roads, up all grades, through any sand, any mud. Beauty and Comfort asswell as Strength And Maxwell builders added to this "wonder ear," not only all the conveniences, power and dur- ability, but also the refinements and beautiful lines of the much higher priced cars. Pure stream lines, crown fenders, fine upholstering and all the little details that make Maxwell owners proud of their car. Every Feature of Mechanical Construction Every feature of mechanical construction that is to be found in cars .selling at many times its price will be found in the Maxwell.. And in addition there are many mechanical features that are strictly of Maxwell design. We have improved the lareps, made them rattle -proof by using extra braces and eliminating the hinges, dust -proof, easy to clean and adaptable to • use in any position. We have protected one, of the, best radiators that money can buy fromthe many twists and strains of the car. In fact, we have constructed a full floating' radiator. Thorough lubrication and proper cooling of the motor has been given. One square inch of braking surface has been provided for every twelve pounds of weight. Our engineers have equipped the Maxwell with a spring tension fan that adjusts itself to any pressure on the belt. These are but a few. of -the scores of features `that snake the 1915 Maxwell "THE WONDER CAR." The Maxwell Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. Scores of Maxwell dealers in every part of this country are always ready to give expert advice—to make adjustments andto supply new parts at reasonable prices. This splendid Maxwell Dealers' Service Organization is perfected and completed by the. great Maxwell Service Station in Windsor` Ont. The main offices and factories of the Maxwell' Motor Company in Detroit, U. S. A., are within comparatively short distance of many in Canada. This inn pointsitself means rapid delivery of replacement parts to Canadian Maxwell dealers and owners. Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages, enjoyed by Maxwell owners... •_. • ,, Order a Maxwell: from us now, and when .you want it delivered .: we will The .7 1-2 To increase In Canadian' • The 71.2 ¢ increase ;in, Cas dine duty will not increase thgprice of the Mewell car in Canada. give you your car --not an excuse on deliver` y day Mw ; in Canada. prichfa O. B, ELECTR ; WINDSOR STARTER 70 EXTRA "EVERY ROAD IS A MAXWELL ROAD" . . E. Oest e1 er, ed ton, ant. E. 0. B. ELECTRIC WINDSOR STARTER