HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-10, Page 5Jed- eeen- and the as ;pica. tend esti- , A THE CANADIAN BANK • OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, G.V.O.,LL,D., D.C.E., President AT.F$)ER LAIRD, GeneralManaget' ;TORN AIR», At:get General Manager CAPITAL, 515,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 524 EXETER BRANCH—H. J. WHITE Man, CREDITON-».A.. E. KUHN, Man dll'ult i ill'a.t„rh..ailluat rsiar. rairimotaiwas usauraventrulliestinassurima. Incorporated T# M - - r itaa5 A GENERAL BANKINt”, BUSINESS TRANSACTED - - E lNct.UDWNG CAPITAL, Aho CIROUt,AR LETTERS OF CREDIT SANK MONEY ORDERS RESERVE = $8,800,000, Savings Dank Department At all Branches . 92 Branches In Canada bitterest .4ltowedathighest current rate all EXETER BRANCI•i— =. ... W D. CLARKE, Manager. =eft 6..116.111witln.iiludll„.11h16nib..itlud16.d11nd11,011111,116,116u116111t..attt,.dll.dit, Alt ' AIN: Al* .7,,. iiii;. .,---, ,.,,,,,,, . , i., , ,,._...,,,,,,A1,., 1R----- - 4,../ i../;... ,,,,, "No more Dyspepsialitata... for Us. There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion,. k headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach,she wioke etc., if he or will take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGH T in the morning. An dra:gietu, 25c, or br mail Iron Chamberlain Medicino Company, Toronto. 10 Deer Lodge Park BAYFIELD, LAKE HURON Summer Cottages furnished, Wide verandas Splendid Beach. Bowling Tennis. Ice and Boat free. Apply GEORGE ROWNTREE London. DR. DeVAN'S„ 'RENCH PILLSWit bee foe. $10.gulof atill for «gmen. $6 a hos or three for $10. sold, at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any ENTAAL STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of ow three departments—Commerc- 1 lal Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. address on receipt cif price...Tan So: ams, Dana i D. A McLachlan, Principal co., St. Cdherene-s, omarlo. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. im dna attet,vtfor Nene and Iirnin; increases "grey ! western University London two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on re receipt 0 price, Trim Seoasu 7)rrm'(i Co., St. Catharines, ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCOME DOUBLED—NOW $75,000. 1VIAN'i COLLEGES CLOSE FOR VACATION at midsummer. Our col- lege does not. ELLIOTT��� ��' Yonge and Charles Sts,, Toronto is strictly first-class. NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Enter now so as to get a position in the early fall. ,Catalogue free. Another Large Addition to ' Faculty and Equipment in Arta and Medicinte. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- ! MENT IN VIEW. e Write for particulars to:. E B Braithwaite, M. At, Ph, D. tresident, - --_ 1 "MADE IN CANADA” Ford roluring Car PriceIn, ,1,590 YOUR NEIGHBOR DRIVES A FORD -WHY 'DON'T YOU? WE AR1' SELLING MORE FORDS TN CANADA THIS YEAR THAN EV- ER BEFORE -BECAUSE CANADI- ANB DEMAND THE BEST IN MO TOR CAB SERVICE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. THE "MADE IN CANADA"' FORD IS A =NECESSITY—NOT A LUXURY. Runabout $540; Town Car price. on yplication. All Ford cars are 'Lily equipped including . electric nead- lights No cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford caws will share in our trout • if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915, MILO SNELI• DEAL,2R STEPHEN COUNCIL The ,council of the township of Stephen convened in .the Town a till 'Crediton. on Wednesday, the 20th of May 1915 at 2 pare All etembers were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Ne'eb—Mawhinney-..That grants of $25 each be made to gravel the side roads at Henry Link's and Carruth- ers* Vest of Baker's school house. — Carried Gravel contracts to gravel the roads a' the township amounting in all to S893 ,were let to the different :on- tractors The following orders were passed -Crantan Tag Co, 100 tags, 117; Jos. Glavin, use of hall lafraCarntel $2 Chris Ftnkbefner, tile across road 1,00 American Machine Co;, rep. grader 3,05 Disjardine &' Dietrich, disking 5.25; G. IC Kienzfe & others grading S. B. 8,50r Ditto grading Township 82.00 John Klumpp filling washout 1.50; Aaron Ireland, filling washout, 5.00; Geo. Mason bal. of gravel contract, 6.40: Richard Davey, rep, bridge 1.00 Jos. Lawson, grading and filling in bride, 75.00; John F. Smith, lumber 2.97: Nelson Baker grading 7,00; E. Falmer, gradin; 6.00. Adjournment to Monday July 5th at 1 p.m. Henry Either, Clerk, fIENSALL Mrs. Wiggins of Ridgetown is the guest of her son Perey,—Mr. Pollock of Michigan has been visiting W. Fee and sisters.—Air. Carroll of Beech - vatic and Air. Laughton of Winnipeg visited friends in town,—Dr, and NIrs. 'Wilson of 1loorfield were the guests of her parents, Air, and Airs. A. Munn —Ails 'C Roggarth and two little sons of Calgary are here visiting her parents Her sister, Miss Ethel Mur- dock who has been visiting with her fin the West, returned also: --Jack Qii- illen, H. J, D. Cook's office assistant in Toronto, who enlisted in the First Contingent was recently killed 'in France. His body was pierced by fisc: '.bullets. ---A very happy event toot• -place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitch ell. ':on June 1st, when his daughter Olives Irene became the happy 'bride ca° Jarvis Horton, a popular young Tuckcrsmith farmer. Rev. R. flicks officiated ,the ceremony taking place in the presence of a large number of invitee guests. The bride who was handsomely 'gowned and looked ex- ceedingly charming, was given away: by het father. After congratulations a sumptuous tt adding repast was aerv- ed After kspending a few hours in socia enjoyment the happy couple drove to Exeter and boarded the train tot the south, 11IcGILLIVRAY Ins . Isaac Alollard passed away at her 'home on the 7th concession ei McGillivray . on Tuesday, May 25, of heart trouble. Deceased had been in poo- health for some time. She was born •ir, Yorkshire, England, in Jan. 1836 and was 76 years, 4 months old Shortly 'after her marriage to \fr. Moilarc: they moved to the Mallard' Line, Stephen, 53 years ago. In that year 1879 they moved to their home- stead on 7th con, McGillivray, where they have resided ever since. She 'is survived by her husband three sons. Joseph and Herbert of 17th con„ McGillivray, and Thos. J. of Toronto, and two daughters, Mrs. George W. Carter, of 7th con., andj \ins Richard Carter of Clandeboye, ZURICH Mrs :McKinnon of Caledon :cast, isi vis+ting her son, Dr. A. J. .IeKin- non.--Misses Pearl McCormick and Pearl Johnston are visiting friends ini Berlin.—`Liss Clara Schrekenberg of Detroit visited hex sister, AIrs. \Rev.) VT Ariller.—Mrs. P. Hauch is visit- ing relatives in Guelph and, Berlin far a few weeks.—Mr, P. Lamont was ,,al - led t London owing to the serious lines- of his brother, James Lamont, —Mr Lambert Klapp of the Luther- an Seminary, Waterloo, is spending his holidays at his home here. He was .successfhl in‘his first year ex- aminations at the ollege.—James La - moat passed away at London on Mona day in his 62nd year. Deceased had bee • ix. failing health for some the, a.n' •hips deatRi was not unexpected. tIe lived for pay years, in the 'tate of Washington,' 'returning to Ontario about a year ago. The remains were brought to the home of his mother, Mil Jas . Esler, Varna, and the funeral took place on Wednesday interment taking plac,e in the Bayfield cemetery. JOHNNY CANUCIf, CANUCIi T'wa = sup • the Nile, fix voyageur Johnny Canuick, Canuck You showed what hardship you'd en- dure Johnny Canuck, Canuck Fol from Canada's good cold land Down to Egypt's red hot sand You proved what climate you could stand. Johnny Canuck; Caiidcl At Panrdeburg your bullets sired; Johnny Canuck, Canuck. YOUfilled the Boers chuck full of :sack Johnny Canuck, Canuck Now at Langesarche and Neuve Cha- pelle You died like heroes, fought and fell, But drove the Germans all to—well— Johnny Canuck, Canuck Now ;o'er the world your praise they sing Johnny Canuck, Canuck Since battles were fought there's been no such thing Johnny Canuck, Canuck As the one you Cyon and history wig speak O• the vengeance you did on Inc. German wreak, Hoist -,up the flag to; the very peak.. Johnny Canuck, Canuck For you're . 'i•ance's dash and British pluck And Canada .tiishes' you better luck. JohnmS Canuck, Canuck N. D. H. SEAFORTH-Mi't. Holmstead, wife or Francis Holmstead, I C filed San- de ,a• the age of 66,yeu.ts. Alis. lily; Towr diec: Sunday folloning`astroke, o; parrtysis II dchwor ofth¢Atlantic 1ef?nery is uality Ask for rt i s, and Look for this $ad on ail LtantioPac a4 'es i• GRAND BEND Mr Jos Brenner last a valuable law last week withmilk fever. ---Mr. Adal. Allem has improved his property by a new fence and sock well, Mr. and Mrs Jonah Green of near Hensen vis- ited thc former's brother Cyrus this week.—Mr Ed. Gill, jr. lost his driver, the animal having died of old age.—Sim Dewey of Amherstburg vas here at hi& home •for a few days. MOUNT CARMEL The Redemptorist Fathers Doyle and O'Rilcy pf London will give a week's mission in R. ;C, Church here on Sunday 13th,—Rev. Father rostella V London is visiting Rev. Father Tierney and McCarthy here for a few days.—A number from here at- tended the celebration at Dashwood on Thursday.—Hiss K. Campbell vis- itecl friends at Detroit last week.— i Dr. and Mrs. Tillman of London call -1 ed at, friends here Sunday.—Master Gordon Nett of Detroit is spending h1; holidays at the home of his uncle, Mr . Angu: Campbell.—Mr, and Mrs, Neil McPhee and Air. Forster of Park hill called on friends here on `:unday, Notice to Creditors I.. THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE AIcCARTHY, late of the Townshp of A1cGilliv^ray, in the County of Middlesex, spinster, deceased NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that creditors and others having claims against 't$c above named deceased who died en or about the 27th day of March, 1915 are required to transmit par- ticulars of same to the undersigned solicitors for the Reverend Daniel Forster and Thomas Joseph Hall, the executors of the will of said de- ceased on or before The 10th day of July 1915. ANL NOTICE if further given' that after the said 10th day of July, 1915 the said Executors will pro- eeed to distribute the estate 'of the said deceased among the persons En- titled thereto I -laving regard only ,to the claims of wilidli ildtice shall hve then. 'been given and that They will nor he liable for the assets or any Ipart thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim they shall not then have had notice. ROBERTSON & COUGHLII i 22 Downie Street Stratford Stratford June e8ol8tcito'th,rs]5 for Executors' ' 19 Notice to Creditors Si MARYS John Easterbrook, a pioneer settler of St. Marys and dis- trict passed away on June 2, after a brief illness at his residence. His wife predeceased him four rears. SPEND YOUR DOMINION oars at $EAFORTH AND ATTEND THE 16th ANNUAL MEETING Of ;CHE ea orth Turf Club ii VON t4 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery 1,ne. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. One of the Best Race Meats Produce it• Ontario, all the Best Horses $2100 In Purses COME TO C4th On JULY 1st and 2nd Band in Attendance NI.Broderick, See, M.Govenloek, 1Dr,:s nYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male -over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ioa land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in persat at the Dominion Lands A- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- tr et, Entry may be made at any t Dominion Land AUency (but nc 5uotireen'cy)' on certain conditions. Dutjes—Six mop.ths' residence upo and cultivation of the land in each three years. A hots stg,8der a ji within nine miles of his g`a'l iestead c a f m of at least 80 acres, an certain can ,tiaras A habitable house is re'"' aulif d in every case, except when ze- sidence is performed in the vicinity, In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter sectien alongside his homestead Price $3 Lex acre, I luttes Si;; nmonfhs resl ` deuce in each of .three years ;Vier earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent rimy be obtained as soon as homestead patent, an.,_certain condi- tions A settler who has . exhausted his homestead Eight may take a purchas- ed homestead in. certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, Cu- tivate 50 Cres-, arr8` erect a h•oasg worth $300, 'rhe area of cultivation is subject r ^'se of rough scrub- , retitili yn y or stony land: "Live 'slice mea he tibstituted for cultivation under eep tam conditions. W. W. COR', C,.117,0, Deputy of the lvl'tniiste'r of the interior N.B Trnani'EfM1'ited publication , of ch a advert3adriisnt will not be WA for, of i an Oil Cu. Kestle, Rowe, & Wood rr; ,THE EgTATh Or LAIj t; LIN t McDO'NALJJ, it.te oI ilia Township of Stephen in the Cdtititp of 1=lttr- ari, farumei• deceased. NOOTIEE vs hereby given •pua'siiaiif s to the T rus'tl'e Act that creditors and other's er'hhvgn iii iris against ?he aboven41', deceased " t91,za died en or aboute' 19th clay aT,.D'ecember 1914 are .requrirecl td transmit par- ticular; of same to time .tirideaSigned solicitors for Thomas .. Joseph Hall and Stephen Morrison, executors of the will of tame said deceased on ex before the 10th day of July, 1915. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said. 10th day of July, 1915 the said Executors will aro- ceee t., distribute the estate "of the saic deceased among the persons en- titled thereto having regard r nly to the claims of which notice shall have then been given and that, they not b liable for the assets or any Part: thereof so distributed ' o any person of whose claim they ,;hall. not tamer vd tice, RhaOBEe RTSONhano&& COIJGHLIN 22 Downie Street Stratford House Cleaning aI1g Time llaike bon` se'.cleaning easy by buy- ing a Dop esti'o "Vac, Cleaner from. us. It will clean your rugs and carpet bet- ter than beating them and with much less labor. When get a bottle of Sun- ny Polish to clean your furniture; and if you see you need any new furniture We have a good stock to choose from. , N. O Embalmer Etc. taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light la'ant Genuine D.L.&W. Scranton Coal Agents For British Americ- FIELD eeds br Sale We have a carefully elected Stock o• FIELD SEEDS for Safe at VERY CLOSE PRICES. Our stock ,of Corsi is of the beif known variet_es and Germination is Guaranteed. Vito lave ve the following lti4t>E I� OVE]7 EARLY BUTLER ' AVtlsi3OVEj BAILED WHITE CAP EARLY LEEMING' MaMMOUTH EARLY CUBAN WISCONSIN No.. .7 LONGFELLOW FLINT DING PHILLIP FLINT In root seeds we have a large col- lection of MANGOLDS, TURNIPS, CARROTS SUGAR BEETS ETC., Also Seed Beans, Millet, Sorghum, Timothy and Clover A CALL SOLICITED. C. Zwicker Solicitors for Executors GENERAL MERCHANT Stratford Jcinc 8th, 1915. CREDITON, ONT. Phone 20a.