HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-10, Page 4CLEAN-- No dust or flying ashes.-- Ash ;
the Sunday school convent -
'chutes guide all ashes into convenient paed home rues
WCtar da\ .;'rem , St. Marys where he ate.
tendet! the Methodist Conference.
8 V arc pleased to hear that efr. fef-
-user will vermin here for another
Mrs Finkbeiner of Milverton is eis-
iting her sister Mrs. I. Wind.
Mr and Mrs. Henry liaise of 1Iart-
lette, ,'Mich.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Mathew Finkbeiner.
,. n ce
No ash shovelling
necessary. See the
McClary dealer or write for booklet. 33
Sold by T. j3awkins & Son
ceareler.. e:'reeel:, Proprietor.
In advance $1.I'0 per year in Cana
:115( is United States. If not p
in advance 50c. extra p.r year m
he charged
gird proved to he a seteeess A =.r
dee party will b. held at the Pisa -
es terier 3ianse, -Thames Road, lune
ia. a ro-nh:.rty and Thames Road
da e I genre df ball `i"edntsdae eight
aid as -Ten ,yarn of Mr.. Thos. Hunker was
ay sae uc;: by .lightning -Sunday 'unfit
irs* struck tulle lightning refund
r:nn:ne down the pipe ran into - a
tge water tank and blew it :ill to
pies es
Mr ..Rod Mrs. Geo. Mantle spent
Sunday here with Mrs. 'Mantles par -
arts Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan.
Weeded -. A very happy event teak
pilie.‘ at the home en Mr. and Mrs.
t ee lh:;s I-lunkai on June 9th, when
dear ,gond daughter, Myrtle lane,
eels -united in marriage to \Ir. Ron*.
G Duncan son of Mr. and Airs. join
tin, to jr.. of Usborne. The er:de
!ookec very charming, being „owned
white san.toi with trimmings of race,
pearls satin ribbon and she entered
the' parlor leaning on the arra of her
father, to the strains of Alendelssohn s
Wedding March played by Miss Elsie
Parsons cousin of the bride. The
greorr's gift to the bride was a ?earl
Crescent brooch. The bride and
;mon were 'unattended. The lining
e gee wae decorated with pink Ind
> t to and a dainty wedding supper
w as served. They leave Thursday for
-tile groom's fine farm in Hibbert, and
have the congratulations and best
ee,shes of all.
.ii'NE 10 '15
.lm and Mrs. Wm. Glenn, sr.. are
eregrcesine favorably from 'heir re
it eident. Miss C riyL. _; Hen
e }: i in ettendance.-..Jag. Horton ha
r serails frons Forest, Master .:lean
& ti:dfaot accompanied him.
On June. 1st at Hillcrest, the home
qtr and firs, J. L, Mitchell, en in
teeestine event tank place,' •t being
the marriage of their eldest' iaugeter
Olive to Mr. Jaris Horton. Guns;>
t, the number of eighty were present
Rev R Hicks of Hensall offitsiated.
The bride. who Was given away Iiy
her father was gowned in cream •,ills
with an overdress of chiffon She
wore the bridal veil and carried car, one rind needlese say leek =l
Tea dedeing "oar ) , se
P a eel by Miss Grace Horton, eisten
a- the groom. The bride was at-
tendeo by her sister, Miss Sdna end'':r Norris s dory of Exeterdid the
(duties cif groomsman. After en .,p
p t:'.,ins• dinner the happy. ample
t .tared to Exeter, where they en
trained for London. The ihride's ee-
ia, -away gown was Belgium aiue bilk
poplin, with white hat and veil. The
Is esents were numerous and costly.
bride's father gave them aimed
sane cheque. On Friday evening ep-
e: theee return a reception was given
at • the home of the groom's father,
Mr Henry Horton, when about ZOO
es:a:e ,led. The young couple :tart
cl at -e: of life on the London Road
near Brucefield.
.'ar. and Airs. Hector 'Alison sPent
:Sendae with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
James Hobbs who left this week to
visit friends in the West --Thr , tIa s-
in ooc of Toronto University spent
Friday with Ihis brother John ere,—
elr• Tinel Alrs. John Parks of Levan
an Mrs and Mrs. Keith of Gra. ten
attended the Presbyterian i:n',. re n,':
at Kingston east week as da1G:;:1...,,—
Mr ane: Airs. Albert Gunning, 11r. and
...Ire Thos, Gunning, Mr. and Mrs.
Win Brooks George Squire nd
Frank Gunning attended the erelon
conference of I the Methodist our:h
h St Marys on Sunday,—Zion Cnar:h
ead celebrate their Golden Jubilee
next Sunday, June 13th •And the fol-
lowing. Sunday. June 20th, will be the
anniversary of the Whalen Sunday
School when Rev. McAlister of Ex-
ete_ tt-ili preach at 10,30 and 7 p.m.
There wit, elsa be a picnic en Tues-
.dee—Our ladies have done aonsid.r-
;able Red Crops work of late. A re-
cent shipment to Toronto included 5
• sheets, 14 doz. handkerchiefs, 60. doz,
nose cloths 229 bandages. Besides
the above there has been a canvas of
every home from Granton, St. Marys
and Liman. The church has sent I000
in money ,to the relief fund: —John
Hutchinson has rented Henry .Squire's
eet. acre farm on the Zion Road and
wil6 move there this fall.
The large raising of _Mr..Stewart's
.barn was held on Saturday, rune 5th,'
The' King's Birthday celebration
here or Thursday last was an anqual-
:i'ea success. The threatening rain in
the morning had a tendency to ',seep
sonny from attending, but a large
crowd gathered and enjoyed the well
merited program, The calithumpian
procession afforded a great ileal of
amusement for both old and young
and the baseball and foot ball dames
were watched with a great ;teal of
interest, rs,5t As usual u.
al the
were good and would do credit 10 a
t ty The concert in the evening was
i r=eiy attended, the hall being pack -
:i t its fullest capacity. The pt e-
g,r-n was furnished by Messrs. W.
i White aid Julius Brazil of Toron-
a.hcl they sure pleased their large
fiance, every number being raptur-
r •y encoured, The gate receipts of
sports a
n rets
amounted anted to about
t\ !' k:: that of the concert was $99 JO
'log ns are the prize winners;-
C !iteumpiaus—John Gassman, Wm,
Masser Ed Tiernan.
vs. a
t C:e 'a-
nrin fo
woe score 14-4.
Fuvtball—Grand Bend vs. Greenway
Cermet- won, score 1-0.
Farmers' Trot—N. Kellerman, John
Decker Jr. Sandi Miller.
Greet Race—N. lv. iellerman, Thomas
Klemm, Andrew Duncan,
2,40 Trot—H. Sinclair, H. Bossen-
tarry Thos. 'Murdock.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Churcl. will hold a Strawberry Gar -
der, Party on Thursday evg., June 17.
Supper served from 6 to8. After
s'tppst a choice program will be ren-
dered it the the church. Crediton
Banc. in attendance.
Mr Wm White ea Stephen las re-
ceived, word from his son Hubert, who
is in the fighting line at the front
and who was reported to have seen
!:flee: in battle, that the is in good
health and still in the fight.
The rain of the past few Jays hes
greats\ Improved the crops, : d they
err sloe ly improving from the hard.
it -es: of two weeks ago.
• Ou: hail boys won their first game
es Tuesday evening with the McGil-
livray team Each team played snap. -
pe he! all tier nigh the gam... `Ir_ r
wa:, the result. Thursday the Sh'gka
team expect to play here.
\e'en has been received ihet \€ ix.
Baynhan is still alive, but is a lris-
c lee o' war.
Al, Thos Quinton arrived home on
Tuesday evening from Sudbury. He
has deE idea to remain home to look
atter the property left him by 'lis fa-
Rev Blatt heard arrived home from
attending Conference on Tuesday.
Messrs W. T. Colwill and har,-
wood Hunter shipped two carloads el
e•.r) :ine cattle to ,Toronto an •zat,
Tee W. M. S. met at the home of
11r ae tees o,n Tuesday afternoon,
the reseglnn'e be -ng large.
The Lc:ndon Advertiser is at its
., r d o throwing mud at Sir
Adan Beck,
1 he South Huron Orangemen , t a
mea.=* ne ir. Clinton decided to '.elo.
brace July 12th at Lucan,
Exeter delle ted Crediton I': s: ;n
a baseball game on Tuesday even ng
or the Exeter diamond, 11-1.
A travelling troup put on l"pa le
Tom's Cabin in the Opera House
Fridae night, a fair attendance aging
111 and ;qrs. Wm, Westeott and
two daughters of the 3rd of Usborne,
moven to town Monday and nave tak-
en ur their residence on Huron St,
140 hospital sheets were .ontribu-
ted by the ladies of Exeter on Fri-
day lost when the Patriotic League
held a sheet shower and lunch ha Main
Street Church.
The many friends of Mr. Ed,'West-
Cott extend congratulations on his
marriage, to Miss Louise Fanner on
Wednesday, the particulars of which
will be given next week.
The special sermon to men preach-
b • Itev D
y . W.
Collins oil insto Trivia
Memorial Church on Sunday evening
attracted a large congregation. The
discourse was an able effort and it
promo deeply interesting
Rev D C. Macgregor, B. A,, of
St Andrew's Church, London, will: oc-
cupy the Presbyterian Church pulpit
here or, Sunday, when he will present
the claims of the Christian ministry
together er vLt1
nev >rov:
College Toronto.
A quiet wedding took place recent-
ly in Owes Sound when Miss Mabel
Knott, daughter of Mr. and Afrs,Jerry
of E�et
ca e the of 1t1r. Russell Bloomfield of
Exeter Forth, They will reside in
the north end and have the best,
wishes of their friends.
Mr John W. Monett, who was one
et the injured in the recent railway
\creel'~ on the L. H. and B. near'
elderton and was confined all
last week in Victoria iospital, Lon-
don was able to return home Satur-
day night .He is recovering nicely
fron• his injuries, but it is quite eve-
dent that he got a bad shaking up.
DIED IN N. DAKOTA.—The death
tool' place in Langdon, North Oak -
eta or Juane 2nd, of a former resi-
dent of. Usborne, Mrs. John McFar.,
lane, at the age of 78 years. The
deceased had resided at Langdon with
her sat, Alex. since she moved from
Usborne 25 years ago. She was a
native, of Scotland and came to Can -
da with her husband, who died • 40
ears ago in March. Four sons and
-o daughters survve, all of whom
esidc in the West, except Mrs. Win.
ons from whose- homehero '
eve th
uneral took place to Exeter cemetery
• Monday afternoon. Mr. Alex. Mc-- accompanied the remains here
Mr Hobbs of Bi,r•r is visiting at •h
elle James Atkinson is visiting .in
Londor'; Township.
Mr and Mrs. W. H. Levett spent
the week end in Toronto,
Wedding bells are to ring in our a
midst this week. Particulars later. y
Mrs, 'Gottfr:ed Gaiser has 'retternea t\\
hone( after a short visit with her
daughter in. -Bright,
Anderson is completing the
gravel contracts through the village, Fa
The roads are in bad 'condition in
rz places. Tire nets gravel which" is be-
is 8 places.
places• on our roads these 'daysmeeting with the approval •af our
y m h. Ii
'Told in the Following Letter
by a Jackson Man Who
Knows from Experience..
His Word Is Good.
Jackson, Miss.—"I am a carpenter,
and the grippe left nee not only with a
chronic cough, but I was run-down,
'worn out and weak. -.I took all kinds of
cough syrups but they didme no good:
I finally got so weak I was not able to
do a day's work, and coughed so much I
was alarmed about my condition, One
evening I read about Vinol and decided
to try it. Before I had taken a quarter
of a bottle 7. felt better, and after taking
two bottles my cough is entirely cured,
all the bad symptoms have disappeared
and I have gained newvinl•and energy,."
—Jotter L. DEmns,'711 Lynch Street, s
:. Jackson, Miss.
The reason Vinol is so successful in
- such cases is because the active medic-
inal 1 n inciples of cod liver oil contained
• in Vinol rebuilds wasting tissues and t
,t supplies strength andvigor to the nerves
automobile owners ver uc
brings the sPeed fiend down to a
sensible pace.
Miss Kate Zwicker of London is
visaing Mr and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker
this week
Last Friday evening the Sewing
Circle presented Miss Louise rahner
with a kitchen shower. A 'eery on
ioyablc time was spent by- all.
Fr eel 'Wein ct Clinton is renewing
acquaintances in town this week.
Quite a number from here .-'oak in
the celebration at Dashwood Thurs-
day last
Peicy 1-liunble of Sarnia spent Tans
clay in the village with friends.
John Finkbeiner has repainted his
Di Orme is making some deeded
Improvements to his cottage at Grand
Albert Morlock has installed a Bow
er gasoline Pump at his garage and
s now prepared to meet the wants
he; customers.
Mr and Mrs. Godfrey Nicholson
and muscles while the tonic iron and t
wine assist the red corpuscles of the
blood to' absorb oxygen and distribute
at through the system, thus restoring
health and strength to the weakened,
diseased organs of the'body. S
If Vinol fails to help youe we return
• your money. ;in
S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. .
Mr and Mrs. F.W.' Clark. autoed
St Marys on Sunday and took in
he specie. services in Connection
'h tire Methodist conference.
Rev Litt Presiding Elder ea m)er-
, conducted the special quarterly
er+iees in the Evangelical church lest
aturdav ,and Sunday:
Severa.1 of our people are 1,ttt.,.lg
their supply of coal.
Piet, Kerr took Miss Becker, J. H.
-:Lteels.ea and B. Brown to Rodney
Mrs John Harness, son and ;laugh -
.e•• spent Tuesday en London
Mrs. Wilson of Cayuga is visiting
he: uncle Mr. W. J. Statham.
• Rev. Collins and 'Mr. Clayton mo-
tored to 't%roods•tock on Monday.
ells Geo. Bedford and .laughter,
alis Dorothy visited in London over.
Sunday -
`'rr Grafton Burdett left ;Tuesday
for Ayr to , reliieve in 'the Bank of
J E MIcGirffim and wife, Misses
Stanley of London visited Mr. T. J.
Kestee Sunday.
Mrs xi ,W. Thornton of Sarnia is
visiting her parents, Dir. and Mrs:
Silas Handford,
Mx and - Mrs. Albert Kerni,ck- re-
am -nee from their honeymoon trip ::n
Mende e evening and a reception ,•vas
held at the ,home of the bride's m,oth
er Mrs, Johnston,
Among those from a distance at-
trid new the funeral of the ate -Mrs.
Dearing, were the following airs.
Steele of Michigan, Mr. Harry i iaist
at Marlette, Much. Mrs, `Joan Dear-
ing a' Flint, .Mich., Mrs. Hedges of
„ROUGH ON RATS" clears out
Rat., Mice, etc: Don't die in the Iota,
15c and 25c.,at Drug and Country
Stores -
on the next
page for the
Mrs Jas Wilson, 'Alphas been a
Luca • resident for a number of years,
has been saying good bye, to her Lte-
can friends prior to making her tome
in .Buffalo, for which place she left
Friday,—The races here to -day,
(Thursday) promise to- be goad ones
and promise to be well attended,—
Miee Edith Dale left Monday for Sar -
nit to enter lvhe general hospital as
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury rt will
destroythe senseet
tro smelt and
completely p etely derange the whole system when entering
It through the 'nitrous surfaces, Sucil articles should
never be used except on prescription, from repute.
ble physicians, as the damage they will do is ten -fold
to the good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Hail's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine, It is taken inter.
nail. • and made't
F. J
& CO. Testimonials fre. J. CHENEY
Sold by all Druggists, Price Vie. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation,
Practical 1 Exa i
cw, the Royal Academy of alasa:, Lon-
don Eng.,have been received by lir,
le Phillips, A,L.C.AI. Pianoforte play-
ing oe course, was the subject, end
the names of the successful pupils are
—Miss Anna M. Allison, Miss Myra
E. Morgan a
E 1f r„ a
n of Thames Road, and :less
Annie L Elford of Elimville, passed
the Intermediate Grade complete. Miss
Minnie Merner of Zurich and Miss
Florence- Wood, Exeter, both passed
the -Higher Division, The examina-
tions are of a high order and the ex-
aminer sent to Exeter made them
very severe tests, and the candidates
.rmnneu above deserve to be .specially
congratulated on their success
that are making you feel se badly.
If so, you can easily tell, 31f 'your
head feels dull and achy—ell( your
back hurts nearly all the ti ee- if
your appetite is poorly aura your
tongue is coated—if the 'rine
burns, is highly colored arld.wffen
sive in odor—if you notice*. yrrack
dust deposit or mucus in the seine
after standing over nigb4 -men
you certainly have something the
matter with your Kidneys, gat
in n
KIptV Wst6
"For a long t s me, Iliad been �
the Kidneys and Pains in myesac f and
Limbs. I have tried several remediee iwitl>nut
success. After using Gin Pills I awes soon
relieved of my pains and now I awe /raiecm1y
cured, and due entirely to Gin Pilfa'
Sirs, Ve. J. pie'.
Gin Pills are "Made in Canada”
and sold by all dealers at 50c. a lox,
6 for $2.50, Sold in U.S. ufadrr the
name "GINO" Pills. WI -kens for
free trial treatment.
National Drug and Chernio-el Co..
of Canada, Limited. Taman -to.
Mr Uri Cunningham of Camrose,
Alta, called on friends here last week
—Misr. Freda Finkbeiner of London
is visitinn„her parents._AIr. David \lc-
Kcnzie spent last week visiting his
mother in Windsor,—Air. Albert and
Vise Ruth Keys of Blake spent the
week end at Mr. Thos. Keys,—Anum-
bee -taw here attended the Westcott-
l'ahne: wedding at Crediton on Wed-
nt:sday.-^The young ladies of Green-
way came over Saturday evening and
played a game of baseball with the
Shipks. girls. They were :suite
prised at the result of the game, as
the score was 20-4 In favor of Ship{a.
The Methodist church here intend
holding their annual strawberry Festi-
va" on Tursday evening, June 24. A
good program is being prepared,
Our buyer has just returned from a bigurchas-
ing trip of Men's and Boys' suits and odd pants.Most
people are aware that theprices of woolens
ens are going
up more than anything else and in order to protect
our customers and ourselves we have made one gig-
antic buy, for the reason we do not know when we
will be able to make another.
Our Assortment Includes
800 -Men's Suits - -
Every garment all wool and in all the best colors
Navys, Black, Greys, Browns, Nifty Checks, Pin Stripes
&c. These suits are all Sovereign brand and Bench-
Made and d we invite you to come in now while cloth-
' ing can be had at the old prices.
300 Boys' Suits �.
in all the latest colors- and at very low cost; get your' 4
Boy's suit now while prices are right. -
200 Pair Men's Odd Pants
Good English worsteds at $2 00 to $3.00 per pair.
Men's Scotch Raincoats
We still, have on hand a full assortment of the
famous Arthtus' Brand in all sizes, a coat which we
guarantee to keep out the Rain,
Men's Felt Hats and Straws
Ask to see our new Soft Felt Hat ,just opened u
N'a31-C,; Also niceline of Straw Sailors and Pan---
Headci narter t for rhe celebrated W.E. Sanfomd Clothing