HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-3, Page 8EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 'Meat •11,4•11.41•41,••,•••• Barle.Y.• • 110,1140 RI, , Oats,Buckwheat.. ..... Peas Potatoee, pear bag 36 14 00 Hay, ert~on....,.,..,.. Flour, per cwt., fancily Flour, low grade per ow .. Creamery Butter......., , . . •R ••, Live hogs, per cwt..., ........4., ..,,, Bran net hon , ,.,,, Sugar Best Pulp 22 135 05 r 53 150 45 1400 4 00 200 24 33 Ell; PER •A11i 'KATE, TRUEV•1J.A.Y ITITATE a MIS vim_ LOCAL DOINGS, The Central Hotel has been bright- ened up by ;i fresh coat of paint, Dr Roulston is one of the pur- chasers of the new 1916 Overlands, If you. have anything to sell .ry an advertisement in The Advocate, It never fails to, pay. Miss Lillian Boyle has taken a pos- 20 21 roost as clerk in the Post, office, ;hiss $ 2 Jewell having resigned. 30 00 A two -cent post card is to be is- 28 00 sued We expect it will be followed 2,7 Q4 by, a three -cent stamp. Opportunity is usually a little bash- ful around the young man who is a- fraid to do more than he is ;laid for. The Government Inspector of Elec- tric light plants was in town' inspect- ing' this plant and the meters in use, Rev. Powell of Clinton will occupy the James Street pulpit on Sunday morning 'next, and the :,\fain Street pulpit in the evening. The Advocate has a complete line oe wedding stationery which we can prise in the latest style. Your order will receive prompt attention. The first dose of oil was put en Main Street on Friday and Saturday. It sura makes a beautiful mess .fat a while until it gets soated in. The business places of St. Marys will close at 12.30 noon on all Wed- nesdays during the latter half of June and all of July and; August. Bankers are urging that war stamps be pleced on cheques on the printed part oa the the ue, rather than where the name, date or amount ,is to be written The law says :--"If the owners of geese or other poultry refuse or ne- glect to prevent the same fromi tres- passing on his neighbor's premises af- ter a notice in writing has been sery- et1 uper bin of their trespass he shall incur a penalty not exceeding $10," \lost people in town now have their hen', penned up. A few still permit then to trespass. The law now is explicit in the matter. Mt R. Phillips. Aa In C. 11 :n- nources the results of the Theory ex- aminations in connection with the Royal Academy of Music, England, A9:' the five pupils who entered, were successful the names being as fol- lows :—Mise, Anna iiI. Allison, :'Hiss Olyr t E Morgan and Miss Verna Whitlock all of Thames Road; Miss Annie L. Elford, Elimville and Miss Stell:: Southcott, Exeter, The re- sults ot the Practical exams, are ex- pected in about a week and will be anneuncea immediately. Of the death of the late Norman W Creech in Brantford last week the papers of that city paid touch- ing, ,tribute to his worth. Title Cour- ier said, "In all the relations' of his life he was of the best type of ' it- iaenship kindly, considerate, and a man among men. Rarely has such a wealth of floral tributes been offer- ed in this city, and frond all parts, all peopl: and of all descriptions, the tokens of esteem poured ;oto the residence in overwhelming •profusion, a just tribute to the memory et the deceased " "In a touching eulogy to the departed, the Brant Avenue pastor spoke of the four . great spheree of Mr. Creech's life— his church his home, his business end hie sport. Between these four his life: which had been an example ,tf rectitude, had been divided. He grad stood for the upbuilding of good, clean manly sport. A magnificent man• he was the soul of honor." The Expositor said, "The late Mr.Creech had become one of the most popular of the young business men. He was secretary of the Brandon Sho Com- pany and a clever young financier, giving freely of his talents in .his sphere -as financial secretary of Brant Avenue Methodist Church. Largely througl•: his efforts and his abilities the finances of the church had,?seen put it splendid condition," HEAVY FROST.—The heavy frost of Wednesday night ofelast week was general and broke May weather re- cords for many years. One of our residents reports ice on a tub • of ovate' was over a quarter of an inch :thick. The early garden stuff has beer badly damaged, even that that was protected by coverings was more or less nipped. Beans, early potatoes, grapes strawberries and fruit lave suffered much damage. The grain, in this section,• however, suffered very little. r, ;� I � ar .n has received.t aril R I Dti that .Mi'. $on_ & Mr. Eli, Cosh , of Montreal a former resident ofExet- hu been wounded in France, but is non -doing nicely in • an. English hospital AIrs John Mallett and children s s- itett yesterday with Mr. Mallett,who wen among the injured in the u t e ck nee liderto•n Saturday. FOR SALE OR TO RENT.,A two story new brick dwelling on Main Street wets situated and convenient. Good stable. For sale or to rent. Terms reasonable. Apply to A. Has-- sings as-Ings agent, Exeter. P ASTL'R AGE TO LET.—The un- dersigned will take in fifteen head of 5 neriinge. nr 2 -gear old cattle on gr°s: cr the whale summer, There ori the premises a never failing spin, of good water. Apply to S, flit. hell, R. R. No. 3, Zurich P, O. Parkhill celebrates July 1st Parade, Baseball, Motor cycle, and horse racing, Concert in evening. Something doing every minute. RECITAL.—On Monday evening, .yai Rtit, a Piano Recital will bat giv- en in the Exeter Opera House, by the pupils of Miss Gladys Bissett,. A. W, t „ assisted by Miss Shaw, Soprano pupil of Mr. Meek, late of Grant, Opera, and Miss Neuubury, reader. post -graduate Emerson school of Oratory Boston, Mass. Admis- sion 25 cents. Hk GRADE 46294 Hygrede 46294, . beautiful bay Trott ni: Stcllion, will stand for ser- %ce on the premises of the under- signed Lot 5, Con, 2, Stephen. Fiygradc. 46294, was sired by Hen- ry Winters. 2.101t; Dam, Miss Del - march. 2.14?,l, half sister to Ace, 2,051 O sire Ed Winter, 2.08, own brother to Hawthorne, 2.06?,. Winner in. 1903 o' the $20,000 Bonner Memorial Stake which was the largest sum. ever offer- ed for a trotting race, and never been equalled up to that date.. Sire of Al- len Winter 2,006?.; winner of the $56,00e American Trotting Derby,1908 and tater sold for $50,000. Miss Win- ter 2.22'i • Henry Winter, 2.10M, and other fast ones, all trotters. G dam. Charming Bunker,. Z.103j; Sin o dam, Delmarch. 2.11?.1. Darn o•' M:a, D lmarch had S better than 2.30. Seiviee fee S1°'' payable Jan.1,1916 W. R. ELIOTT. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.— I desire to announce that I have op- ener. a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keep a full supply of the best grades of flours and feeds. I solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON CARPENTER AND BlfIbInER Plane furnished; estimates given free or' all classes of buildings PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale: a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders left at The Advocate Office promptly attended to. Phone 116. Kirkton Address, Kirkton P. O. • Auto For Hire FAMILY OR PLEASURE PARTIES A SPECIALTY PHONE NO. 80. GOVERNMENT CHAUFFEUR NO. 2724, Deer Lodge Park BAYFIELD, LAKE HURON Summer Cottages furnished. Wide verandas Splendid Beach. Howling Tennis. Ice and Boat free. Apply GEORGE ROWNTREE London. Free of Charge I am prepared to vaccinate all colts •gains' Rheumatism, Septic or Arth- ritis and Diseases following Septic in- sectior, in foals, if notified within, 48 hours FREE OF CHARGE. This Vaccine is not an experiment, but has been in use for four seasons. DR I -I A. ECKERT, Crediton, Phone t36. o Court of Revision VILLAGE OF EXETER NOTICE is hereby given that a Come of''Revvsion of the Assessment Roll of .the Village of Exeter will hold its first nreleting in thel Council Chambers Exeter, on Friday, June 11, 1915 at 7 o'clock p, m• T. B. CARLING, Exeter, May 25,' 1915 Clerk TOBACCO FOR THE BOYS ON THE FIRING LINE.—The men of itown started out this week to do• something for the boys on the firing line by subscribing to a fund with] a view, to assisting in the worthy work of supplying the brave soldiers with tobacco Nobody declined to give but it ana1v,be possible that many have no yet been called on, or ,were over- looked through absence or for some other reason. Do not let yourself be ,overlooked in this cause. Hear what a doctor at the front says, "It was terrible to hear them crying for tobacco. It was wonderful, 'too to see- them- sorely wounded and surifer= ine 'the most terrible agony, Yet ealml' smoking, even under the try- ingcircumstance of having lost their legs ar arms," The grandest page in the hostory of Canadat ie being written by the ,:Brave bays alt the, front,- It is not done, however, •with- ou .. great pain and suffering, ,and can we' refuse them the measure of com- fort and releef to be obtainedt from the soothing. tobacco. Hunt up the subscription list and do your share. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of "bedwetting. There is a coestitutianal cause for this trouble, Mrs. H Sum- mers::Box W;, 840, Windsor, Drat., wil•,l'Sersd free to any mother her suc- ,cediful home •treatment with eat in- sli actions Send -'no money but write heir, ytStn day; if,µ:yapur children (rouble ,yese in .this way. Don't blame. the, ehild•-'the chances are it can't nelp it. This treatment . also cures adults •;,nil age,\ people troubled with urine dif- ficulties byday or night. Galt became a city on • June 1st. Mr. A Moore is preparing to Open his grocery bmsiniess in the• building occupied by Sandy, Bawcten. The London Methodist "Conference is meeting this week in St. Marys," and the resident ministers are in; at- tendance Mrs. George Sutherland of St, Marys will sing at the evening, service in James Street Church on Sunday evening next, Mr Wm, Blair was kicked in 'he chest by a horse on Monday, but Iuckil no bones were broken, and he wit recover front the shock in a'few days. We are pleased to state that Jean- ette the little - daughter of Mr. end Mrs S A. 'Poplestone, who has been quite seriously ill, is improving, Blyth Standard; far'kbat celebrates July 1st Parade, Baseball, Motor cycle, and horse racing. Concert in evening. k-,onletlllug doing every minute, Miss Venetta V. Johnston was the happy recipient of many useful itrt-t Mee of Monday night last, `the, occas- ion being the gathering of about thir- ty ei her young friends, who present- ed hen with a kitchen shower, prior to her marriage. A very pleasant ev- ening wen. spent. Mrs ;Win. Dearing, Elizabeth St,, suftereu a. stroke of apoplexy .some- time on Monday afternoon at her home and was found unconscious by her daughter Miss Charlotte, ifter five o'clock, She has remained in that condition ever since, and as she is seventy-eight years of age, her recovery in very doubtful, Fullerton put it all over the local'. baseball team on Friday night on the Exeter diamond,' the score ueing 14 to. 3 as far as they; can remember. It is claianed there is nothing; to he a,'i i except that they were in' differ - ant classes but it must tb4 under- stood that this was the first game of the season, and better things are expected LADIES—A meeting of the ladies is called ;for this Thursday evening at 7,3t' in the Library to re -organize the Bowling Club, All interested are regi;eseed to attend. WEDDED, --A quiet wedding took msec at eight o'clock in the morning of 'iii ediesday, June 2nd, at the fames Street parsonage, when Rev, McAl- ister united in wedlock Mr. Albert M, Bernick . son of ,\Ir. and Mrs. William Kernick of Usborne, to Miss Venetta V. daughter of Mrs. S. Johnston of Exeter The ceremony over, the younzf couple left on the morn- ing train on a short trip W "Toronto, afte: which they will reside on the groom's fine ferns on the Thames Road. The Advocate joins 'the many friends in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Kernick congratulations and 'best wishes --- Mas —Alas Down is visiting in Stediarys. Lloyd Rivers is home for His holi- days Mrs Oreille Southcott is 'n Lon- don this week. Staple\ Fisher of London was in town on Sunday. Miss Ethel Sweet, milliner, is .some front Tillsonburg. Messrs. G. Bedford and W. Smith were in London Tuesday. Sires Minnie Wynn is very ill with but little hope or recovery, eiis', Evelyn Gill is a guest at the holm at Mr. Te B. Carling. Mr Harry Carling of Brantford is home for two weeks' holidays. Mrs Fear is visiting here this creek with her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Howey Dr, Burdon and family of London span' Sunday at Alt. J. A, Stewart's, Mr. Laurc Watson left this week far Ridgeway to accept a position as druggist Mrs. A. Marchand of Waterloo,v-is- itee with friends here this week, the goes' of Mrs. A Downy Mr and Airs. Samuel Martin, Miss Lulu and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur. Mar- tin were in Wroxeter .on Sunday,' Mrs .John Snell, who has been, vis- iting relatives and friends in the west for several months, returned to her home here last week AIt, and Mrs.. Percy Mollard of Stepher attended the funeral last week ot their aunt, Mrs. Isaac 'viol - lard, who died on Tuesday, June, 25.' Mr Uri Cunningham of Camrose, Alta. is visiting relatives in this neighborhood. Just now he is„ the gues' of his sister, Mrs. ,Yager„ here. Mrs Geo, Russell and child who have been visiting with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. San- ders, 'left Friday last for their home in Big Valley, Alta. 1Ir. Nelson Hill, who has b}e,e,n re- cuperating at his Koine here for sev- eral weeks left Wednesday week for St Thomas, where he will resume his dude in the Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. David Gardiner and Mr Russell Scott of Cromarty went on the Honr;eseekers' Excursion to Edmonton and Miss McKinnon of Rats seidale, has gone to Grenfell, Sask. Mrs John McMahon and Mrs. Tohn Rowe of Hay, left last week to visit in the Wust, .'Mrs. Wes. Stone, and daaughter,•after, i visit here, aceempan ied them to rth,eir home near Saska- toon. Dr H. R. Bright and family 'Tues- day left for Toronto to reside. rile doctor is to be engaged in', work at the Univerett * for some time. Exeter people regret'their leaving but wish then, every success. - Huron” countye Connell is in session at Goderich"''this week, and Reeve .J. W, Taylor of Exeter, Reeve Fred. Ell'erington of Usborne, Reeve W. R' Elliott and Deputy -Reeve Love of Stephen are'*. attendance Mr W. R `Davis, the veteran and genua' editor of, the Mitchell Advoc- ate gave The. •Advocate a pleasant call Monday;' He motored over with Mr..:Mayr and "paid, a,,shart ,visit with Batu, hter d 'slay 'Mrs :"s y „Dr and' Mrs ' eilemaurn, ;who `were injured in an automrobile aceident'here Iasi week ,sustaining • painfuln sseies and were confined to their bed(' af' the Central Hotel,. were 'sufficiently,: recovered on Saturday as to bet able to leave for their home in Goderich, OLDER BUT STRONGER. To be healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of Huddle life we too often forget (" that neglected colds, or careless treat- ment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. To be stronger 'when older, keep yam' blood pure and rich and active with the strength -building and blood -nourishing properties of,Scott's Emulsion which is a food, a tonic and a medicine' to. keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. At any drug store. Scott& Bowne, Toronto, Out. Soldiers who are being invalided home to Canada front the front are eligible for pensions from the day, of their return and steps are being 'taken to place them promptly on the list on the lines of the recent order -in -coun- cil, The government has also under consideration arrangements whereby soldiers incapacitated from working at their former occupations, will be train- ed a' a trade suited to their present physics' capabilities. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, asmereurywin surely destroy the sense et m01 41'3(1 completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Sucharticlesehould never be used except on prescriptions from repute• bre phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten -told to the good you can possibly deriye from them. Hall's CatarritCure, manufactured by F. a', Cheney &Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, ti •d• tl• ac iib tree a on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. in buying Itall'a Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, It la taken inter- nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F, J. CHHENET s CO. Testiuioui..is tree. Sold by all Druggists, Price 775e. per bottle. Take Hall's Faintly Pill: for constiliattomt The Second Degree 'ream of the Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows.motor"`- ec". to Seaforth on Thursday last and conferred the Second degree on a number of candidates. Oddfellows were present from several other neighboring towns and a profitable time was spent. "The Glittering Lure" is she title given by Bonnycastle Dale to a story of before -the -season fishing in the openins pages of June Rod and Gun which is published at. Woodstock, by W J. Taylor Limited, "Three -Swe- des there were" "Honest Weight' "Sport in and around the Rockies' & "Ccrefree Days in Newfoundland" are other interesting stories, WE'LL SEND THE FIRST few doses of Gin Pills to you free—if you have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble. After you see how good they are—get the 50c. size at your dealer's. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto FIELD Seeds for Sale We have a carefully selected Stock a FIELD SEEDS for Sale at VERY CLOSE PRICES. Our stock of Corn is of the best known varieties and Germination is. Guaranteed. We have the following kinds :— IMPROVED EARLY BUTLER IMPROVED BAILEY WHITE CAP EARLY LEEMING MaMMOUTH EARLY CUBAN WISCONSIN No. 7 LONGFELLOW FLINT KING PHILLIP FLINT In root seeds we have a large col- lectioc of MANGOLDS, TURNIPS, CARROTS SUGAR BEETS• ETC.. Also Seed Beans, Millet, Sorghum, Timothy and Clover A CALL SOLICITED. C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT CREDITON, ONT. House Cleaning Time Make house rleening`.ahy by buy- ing!. Dou,Fhtie .Vee. Cleaner ftom us. It will clean yourrug. rind carpet bet- ter than beating them and with much less labor.` Then get a bottle of Sun- ny un ny`Polish to clesti your f"ri,iture; and if you,see you need any new furniture, we have a good stock t{i ahoogie,ttrgme:u t. Emb l e t am rT; c. Phone . 20a. The 1916.Model OVERLAND will be out on the 15th of May Big reduction in prices. Wait and see the new Model which is the most.up-to-date they ever built. Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter Fishermen should remember that the bass season does not open, until June 15 and should b v<x i of hook- ing oo =bg and keeping the bass beauties un- til that date". genuine Tea storeoffee D. L. so,. W. Scrailton Coal For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial: as to quality will convin- ce. Agents For British Americ- Produce taken in exchange an Oil CO. Jas. Gould' DM, Rowe, & Wood ,. Opposite Electric light Plant JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 Men's and Boys' Clothing Our buyer has just returned from a big purchas- . ing trip of Men's and Boys' suits and odd pants. Most people are aware that the prices of woolens are going up more than anything else and in order to protect our customers and ourselves we have made one gig- antic buy, for the reason we do not know when we will be able -to make another. Our Assortment Includes 800 Men's Suits Every garment all wool and in all the best colors Navys, Black, Greys, Browns, Nifty Checks, Pin Stripes &c. These suits are all Sovereign Brand and Bench - made and we invite you to come, in now while cloth- ing can be had at the old prices. 300 Boys' Suits in all the latest colors and at very low cost; get your Boy's suit now while prices are right. 200 Pair Men's Odd Pants Good English worsteds at $2,00 to $3.00 per pair. • Men's Scotch Raincoats , We still have on hand' a full , assortment: of the. famous Arthurs' Brand in all sizes, a coat which we guarantee to keep out bhe Rain: Men's Felt Harts and Straws Ask to see our new Soft Felt Hatjust opened up this. week. Also nice line of Straw Sailors and Pan- auras. SONES & MA Headquarters for the celebrated W,E.'Sanfolsd Clothing H. pits 75 e oxen they Fort Esst Mill; Jr. The nota who. their oust ants slice 7I 7 69Mt ri LoI Ho n San". trey Stas: Harr 33, a lac vey Pass. A. tierss El ' i ive Mei St SY] ma] to C Ord Rea