HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-3, Page 5...._ .. _ .. - HENSAL airs. THE CANADIAN BANli The shoot on la.made Fred Kerr was high' g Hensall's four -man team defeated b, 86 to 79.—On Monday, May, Satnuei Thompson, one of the p s OF COMMERCE Y'uall has" gone to London to •— the 24th was real sttcc„ess and good scores( were b 24 ia- lst man SIR EDMUND WALKER. C V.O., .1..,D.. ».0 L.. President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General.Manr JOHN AIRD, 4ss't a General Manages CAPITAL., $15,000,000 RESERVE MIND, $1315001000 SAVINGS BAN ACCOUNTS. Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given ito every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened ang1 operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more parsons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S21 EXETER BRANCH—K J. WHITE' M CREDITON—A. E. KUHN, Man, :OW lir ill'unr"ill'i'ili"'U "'ill"'Ili"'ail°'Drill 111'•'111"` 1.r' 111.'"111`" ilmill'IM == '= r Il+corpocatcd 1655 I1 'VL NS BANK A tl NERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED y • IHGt.11tatt4O, CIRCULAR Lert"ERa O1.' CREDt'r UANK MONEY ORDERS CAP TM- RESERVE $8,800,000. m savings Bank Department At all Branches fewest &lowed et highest currant rate amt EXETER BRANCH-- 1'V• r , .E, „,(ger. 92 Draa,nctteas in Canada vr11.. m..,U1..,a1L..111.,.1al:..atnlanaliamu111u.11L..111.,. , 11f,,.111n.1#l,..111v!111,..Iir .,nl.dl —if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable— for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting --it stays in the stomach a sour. fermented mans, poisoning the system. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets— they snake the liver do its work—they cleanse and sweeten the atemach and tone the whole direative system. You'll feel Ana in the morning.. .At an druggists, 25e,. or by mail hem Chamberlain Medicine. Company, Toronto 14 DR. DeVAN'SSFRENCRI PILLS i 1 : guias�tii 11Al for Women. $5 a box or three for $1Q:¢ soda, at sill 1>rug Stores. or mailed to Any ,address On receipt of price...Tuan Scossm Ditto Co„5t Clitlutrineii,_Ontario. PHO5PHoNOL FOR .MEN. klTnr1.' Sim nttal Y,Itality for Nene and Brain; increases "grey matter' aTonle—',tilt build you up. Ia alum, or two for $5 at drug stores or by matt on receipt of price, Tm. ScotiEtr. Pat co., t. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL/ Tit�ll// STRATFORD. ONT.�:-_- Ontario's Best Practical Training School, We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of ow three departments —Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. D. A, ?dcLachlan. Principal MANY COLLEGES CLOSE 1'OR VACATION at midsummer. Our col- lege does not, ELLIOTT Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto is strictly first-class. NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Enter now so as to get a position in the early fall. Catalogue free. Notice to Debtors IN THE MATTER OF THE ES - tate of John Hawkins, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons owing the above estate will kindly pay the amount of their indebtedness to the undersigned sol- icitors for Thomas Hawkins and Jos- eph Hawkins, executors of the a last will and testament of the said John Hawkins deceased, on or before the Seventh Day of June, A,D, 1915, Dated at Exeter, Ont., the 19th day of May, 1915. DICKSON & CARLING Solicitors for the above., named executors. Western University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE INCOME DOUBLED—NOW $75,000, Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL- MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to : E B Braithwaite, M. At, Ph, D.• President. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 YOUR NEIGHBOR DRIVES A FORD—WHY DON'T YOU? WE ARF SELLING MORE FORDS TN CANADA THIS YEAR THAN EV- ER. BEFORE—BECAUSE CANADI- ANS DEMAND THE BEST IN MO- TOR CAR SERVICE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. THE "MADE IN CANADA"' FORD IS A NECESSITY—NOT A LUXURY., Runs bout $540; Town Car price on application. All Ford cars are Pully equipped including electric Head- lights. No cars sold unequipped, Buyers of Ford cars will share in aur arafit:.if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1; 1914, and August 1, .191.5. , MILO SNELL DtiEALL'R IHC l'\1\'FtSA1. C.\R neer of Hay passed away int his 8 year He ,was a quiet industrious . a successful farmer, devoted to the interests of his family, Deceased was a devoted member of Kippen. Presby- terian church. The 'funeral took place to Hensall Union Cemetery. ZURICH Mr P. Deichert, Jr., and Mr, F. Theil were delegates at the conven- tion of the Lutheran church )3 edit).— Mt. and Mrs. A, Moritz, and, Miss F. Kibler, of Guelph visited relatives and friends here.—In the examination results of Toronto University, " we notice the success of the following from Zurich and vicinity; Fourth year J. A. Surerus; 2nd year, W. O Robinson; 1st year R. 31 Geiger —Mi and Mrs., 'VTC J, Rau, and son left for Detroit, Mich. on Tuesday where:they will make their future home—An interesting event took place in St Boniface R,C..chureh, Zurich, on Tuesday, when Rev. Father A, Stroeder united in marriage Miss Carrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, moot Regier, Goshen Line, md Mr. Simon Hoffman, son of Air. Frank Hoffman .of Stephen Township, The wedding march was played by Mrs. S. Dietrich -The church was crowded with relatives and friends, the guests n'umberiut. nearly one hundred. 'dr, and Mrs Hoffman will takes up 'house- keeping on the groom's farm in the Township of Stephen , and have the best wishes of their many friends. GREEN WAY Mr and ,Mrs. Wilson Hicks have gone to Detroit, where he' has secured a position, ---Mr. and Mrs. Lightfoot and family of Brirtsley visited with Ir ant Mrs. J, Lovie ovfezt the boil - day, --Selbourne English was come fox the 24th,—The service in the Meth- odist church will be in charge of the Epwortl' League next Sunday, as the pastor Rev, J, E. Cook will be ab' sent at Conference, :All roads 'ed to Greenway on Monday the "1,4th,, tnd a mos' enjoyable time was spent by tiw large crowd that gathered. First the ealithumpian parade received its du,• amount of applause from the waiting crowd. Automobile and smart'. turn -outs flew around the 'corner” whirl, was daily decorated tor the occ.rsior, with flags and bunting. A game of baseball by the youngt ladies —tart• "Maple Leafs" vs. the "Lilacs" war one of the most interesting Lea - tures of the day. Ijtnrnediately after- ward Greenway and Shipka played a good game. Supper was served by the youn(r ladies and then Parkhill team played Shipka, the winners in the afternoon game. An ;,Ce cream stand did a good business ;tll the afternoon. In the evening :he "on - cart, under the auspices of thd Ep- wort'. League was a grand success, The program was gi' en by Parkhill talent, viz.:—Male quartette, Td Mc- Kenna, Misses Eagleson and F. Daw- son, .with Miss C. Durr as, accomp.ur- ist. All the numbers were heartily enco red. The public have green their verdict that if you. want a good time go to Greenaway on the 24th.— The young ladies of the neighborhood organized an athletic club on Thurs- day evening last week and the•foliow- bur officers were elected :—President •Miss Emma McPherson; Vice, Miss Mac Wilson; Sec'y, Miss Ethel Car- ruthers ; Assist. Sec'y, Miss Mabel Hutchinson; Treas., Miss Vera Billing Manager Miss Shippy;• Capt. Miss Gil holm, Mascot, Miss L. Millin. KIRKTON The anniversary services of St, Paul's Church, Kirkton, will be held on June 6th when Prof. Wright. of Huror College will preach 'norning and evening. On Tuesday evening June 8th a garden party in aid' of the Red. Crass Fund wig be held\ at the residence of Jos. E. Creery, when tea wib be served from 6 to 8.30 after which a choice program will be given under the guidance of Mr. L. H.Dick- son a.; chairman. A baseball ;Batch between Kirkton and Thames Road will be played at 5 p.m. Admission 35c children 25c. BAYFIELD — Rev. Mr. Rickart and Rev. Mr. McFarlane have, taken the first move towards instituting a public library. A board of 'directors has been appointed andwe hope that before long the library will bet estab- lished STANLEY — Another of Stanleys good old men has 'ceased, his labors hare. and gone to his -reward. Mr. jah•t Kitchen of the third concession passeci away on Wednesday, having reached the good age of 84 years and 10 months. Mr,. f Kitchen had breen failing in health for over a, year; and his demise was not unexpected. lie had been for many years a director of the South Huron Agricultural Soc- iety and took an active interest in the Farmers' Institutes. CLINTON—The body of Burke the five-year old son of Dr. E,• G. and Mrs .Holmes of Saskatoon, who was drowned several months agoin the Saskatchewan river, was last week' re- covered twenty-five miles down the stream From the appearance of tae clothing it is supposed the body had became fast in themud, at the bottom of the river. SEAF ORTH,—On Tuesday last Mr, Perrin, the foreman in the flax mill, attempted to place a belt ona pulley while it was irr-motion. He gots tang- ledin the belf in some way ind was thrown on the top of a 'nachine and had both his legs broken, one be tweet, the knee and the ankle and the othe' at the ank,le. They are both very bad breaks, but the Fonder is thaw he was not killed, CLINTON—Mrs. Albert Seeley of town and Mr. Ira: W. Johns of Tuckersmith, were in Toronto last week being called there by ,that death of thein niece, the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F. Johns, which was caused, by -scalding. 'The little tot, barely two years old by ,some` means pulled a pan of scalding water over herself 'hese are the giant Package The Red Ball on each package is the "Mark of Quality' Hermetically sealed against moisture and impurities. No spilling, no waste; just cut a corner off the ear - ton and pour out the sugar. Sold in 2 and 5 lb. sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed Lantic granula- ted is also sold in 100 lb. jute bags provided with snowy white cotton linings— and in 10 and 20 lb. white cotton• bags. Look for the Red Ball on each bag. Weight Guaranteed Absolutely pure powdered sugar— the sugar for fruits and cereals. The cartons have a moisture -proof inside waxed bag, which pre- vents the sugar from caking. Sold in 2 lb. sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed Lantic Icing, extra fine ground, for confections, icings and cakes. Absolutely pure sugar, with a moisture -proof inside waxed bag, which prevents the sugar from caking. Sold in 1 lb. sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed Lantic Sugars are refined exclusively from Pure Cane Sugar. No hand touches the sugar from the refinery to your pantry. Buy -in Original. Packages, and look for the Lantic Red Ball on each -package. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL, QUE. . ST. JOHN, N. B. Notice toCreditors IN THE MATTER OF THE Es- tate of 'Jd?tn , Hazvki,ns, . late of the Township ' of flay, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all person: having any claims or demands against the late John Hawkins, who died on or about the 29th day of March. A.D.' 1915, at the Township of. Ha • in the County of Huron, •tad Province of Ontario, are required to send by past prepaid or to leaver. to the undersigned, Solicitors here - ii fan . Thomas Hawkins and Joseph Hawkin': executors and trustees un- cle; the will of the said john • Haw- kins theiar names and addresses and ful. particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac- counts and the nature Or the recur - We: if any held by then AND take notice that after the Seventh, Day of June, 1915, the .aid Thomas .Hawkins and Joiseph Haw- kins, will proceed to distribute tae. assets of the said deceased among th r persons entitled thereto, =Sing regard only to the claums of which they shall then hive had notaic"e,. .znd that the said Thomas Hawkins can Joseph Hawkins will not he' liable for the "said assets or •anyt part there- of to any person of whose clai n trey ;shall , not then have received notiQe. Dated at Exeter, Ont, the' 9th da' of May, 1915. • DICKSON & CARLING Solicitors for the above named executors. a " '•'.., .-. Y ': ._. _.