HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-6-3, Page 1Zepps. raid London. German reply to United Stift e a farce, Pres. Wilson will %fl'i't 031 definite answer TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. S DUNE 3, 1915 The War Summary THURSDAY One woman was killed by stn air raid op -the British coast.. Italy has penetrated 40 miles into Austria the Italian King commanding, The Canadian steamer Morwenna was submarine& Turkey is said to he ready to (mit. Russkt claims to Dave stopped the German advance at l'rysemysl, The British War Cabinet itas been announced. The British warship Triumph was submarixted in the Dardanelles.. Canadian casulties now reported to- tal 924 killed, 3616 wounded and 1217 Missing FRIDAY A British stubmaririe has sunk sev- eral Turkish transports arid penetrat- ed right up to Constantinople,. It has been proven that thet United States steamer Nebraskan was .orpe- doea, The G. P. R. attailliary ship Prin- cess 1 rene was blow Op at. Sherness and 30(' meet death. Allied airmen destroyed aGerman explosive factoxy with 85 bombs.. The British, battleship Majesticc was sunk by a submarine in the Darda- nelles most of the exile* ben saved. Allies at the Dardanelles have ad - advanced over sir miles, TAMAN'S MCD's Spriiig Furilisliiilas We have a most attract. ive showing of all kinds. of Men's Spring Furnishings in Straw Hats in Senates, Splits, [Pana mas. Felt Hats In Ohrfsties and Fedoras. Shirts New bunch,just arrived, Belts, Ties, Braces, Collars, etc. Try u.s . For ..e rli Ste ng Value Clothing The higher placeof wool makes it to youradvantage to order your suit early. Ordered Suits at $18 to .25 Ready -to -Wear Suits 10 20 ey �, TAILOR FURNISEE SATURDAY Rossi.: is said• to have the great German: army in a very difficult posi- tion along the San River: Italy sank a sub. belonging ' to Austria Tbe Ontario Government is to give a base hospital of 1,00bed st The British made further gains at La Bassee but the progress La low. Losses of battleships at the LDar- danellee have little effect on the great strength of the British navy. Le' U. S. do or not do what site likes—sav the German newspapers. MONDAY In fierce fighting the French'tave captured Hill 17 and 600 C3termans3 were left dead in one small village. Russia has eased the pressure at Przemysr and captured 3,200 orison ers The German answer to the United State: evades directness and is rp- perentl% an effort to prolong the, dis- cussion Washington realizes tiro sit- uation as serious. TUESDAY Russ is capturing large . numbers, of German troops. Holland has wakened up to her: " un- favarable position. President Wilson intends n#ends i o see that Germany makes a straight -for- ward answer to his note, A Zeppelin raid was made oil l,on don but the damage is not known.' WEDNESDAY German generals say that the Ca- nadians are the best fighters in the wan' A British sub. sunk three Turkish transports near Constantinople.. Roumania and Bulgaria are r eady ro join the allies, Russia is bolding the Germans at Prysemysl, EXETER COUNCIL A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chaaberst on Friday May 28at 8 p.m. All mem- bers present, The minutes of meet- iargs held on the, 7th and, 14th were read and approved. A letter from the Inspector of prisons re- one Thos. Clarke, en in- mate committed from Goderich :ail to the Hospital for Insane at Landon. Orderer: filed as the inmate is iuow at large A letter from A. F. a1annzng, re - care of cemetery lot. Referred to Secretary of cemetery board, Letters regarding the installation of new water pumps were read and erd.er ed filed The following accounts were ep- proveu by Finance Cam. and orders issued in payment. T, G. Creech, street watering 21,40 R • Galles & Son, teaming, 54.00; J. Norio labor, 14.00; T. Webster,. do, 6.00 F Mellott 7,00; I. Hall. 5,00; F. East 1.75; W., Westcott 4.50; Silas Handford teaming 36.00; G, Orange. labor 6.00; H. Rumohr teaming 52.00 ADelve 50c.; G. Cudmore 2.25; Ex- eter Canning Co., teaming 20.40; Davis, teaming 12.00; F. Hatter labor 5.30: j. Hunkin teaming 10.00; Henry Willert 2.00; E. Treble, painting wa- ter cart and repairs 22.95; G} Ford, labor at cemetery 16.25; J, Kydd„ do. 7.88 W. J. Heaman, lawn mower & bolts , 7.60; G. R. Steer, labor at lib- rary 1.50; Kestle, Rowe & Wood, coal library 18.40; Electric Light. Co, for April lighting 118.03; G. Heywood, painting and glazing 4,20; British Ant ericac Oil Co., engine oil 11:85p. Lon- don Foundry Co, brass screw heads 8,25 • amounting: in all to S467,01 Councillor Beavers raported that he had purchased far the use of the municipality a set of taps and dies and pipe cutter from the J, Fennell & San. Berlin, Petitions for street watering were received as follows—From residents a- long Wellington St. from Main to G, T, R tracks; from residents along Huron East from Merin to Alberti- St. Petitions were accepted and granted on motion of Hind and Rouaston. Beavers—Hind-That a by-law " be prepared as per revised statute re street. watering.—Carried. Hind-Roulston—That having rece- iveo no word . from the Hydro Com- mission a letter be forwarded to'Hon. Adan' Beck asking for a date when he might meet with a deputation ,from the council at the. city. of Landon, and that the following be, members of the deputation the reeve, Cotitt. Beavers and Hartota with others wiho may wish t go —Carried. John Pedler and. Fred, Bawderr-raJe application :for a supply of water - Rel•erred to: Fire, Water and Light Committee J, Senior, acting clerk? ONE SPOONFUL GIVES' ASTONISHING RESULTS Exeter residents are astonished at the.. QUICK results from the simple mixture Of buckthorn bark, glycerine etc.. known as Adler-i-ka., ° This rem- edy mets on BOTH ,upper :and' ;o/wer bowel and is so THOROUGH a bowel cleanser that it iv used success- fully an appendicitis. ONE SPOON- FUL of the Adler-i,-ka relieves ta- mast ANY CASE of, constipation, satyr or gassy 'stomach, i ONE 'MIN- UTE' after you, take it, the ;;asses rumble and plass out. W. S. COLE. Druggist A•t,1 excessive demand for advert- using this weekhas crowded our col- wmns a little, but it 'will •not" be for long SANDERS & CREECI;P slap Local Items TRAIN WRECK NEAR ILDERTON Mr Herb. Walters was n Loardon yesterday Exeter baseball team went toCen- tralia on Tuesday evening and de.. teated the team of that village) by a score of 8-6, The first of the bowling snatches tool: place on Ttiresday evening bo-. tweer, sides chosen by the President and the Vice: -President. The former was five shots up on the' four rinks. BIy tl' people gave a splendid re- ception and send off to their; two captains .Messrs, R.. R. Sloan and Jewitt last week, These two men are with the Third Contingent at London .Hr Gifford Hogarth, son of Sti J, Hogarth, was successful in ;Teeming his degree of B. S. A, at the Ontario Agricultural College. His a ousiti Ear: ct Hamilton also received the de -- gree of B .S, A. Gifford is now man- aging a large farm near Toronto. :according to the first draft atl the Methodist Conference the following are the new pastors to appear,;n tints district,--Fullarton, W; Sterling; Sea,.. forth A. Tiffin; Bayfield, J. A, Jones Centzalia W. J. Findley; HensaU, J. F, Knight. T W, Blatchford of ;en tral..i is slated •'o Brownsville. . r Exeter er Ladg,. I. 0: 0 F. elect- ed c'fticezi las: week as follows :— N G.. J, \l. S Rauthcott; V. G., Lee W !`an . Ree,-Sec'y, R. N, Creech; Fite.-See'y W. Johns; Treas., Ed. Dignan; Representatives to, Grand Loage, A. R. Caveman and E..How- alo; Delegates to District Meeting, T. Boyle and E. Howald. ,.--o—•-- EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Monthly sub. Wm. Penhale 1.00 rhe League desires to thank Mrs. W J . Heaman and Miss Johns for their efforts in promoting the 24th Ma'- Entertainment, thereby realizing S1.0;' net which gees to the ouying of a field kitchen. Tbe LeagILe is desiroui that a num- ber of automobile o'vaers wilt vo;un- tee: to use their cars for a few hours the beg ctnin; c: next week .o assist the League to a canvas. \thy should a person be awakened in the morning. He is asleep—in the shoe: for repairs;. his frame and all his intricate machinery is being overhaul- ed and made ready for the, next -lay's work. The wear of the previous day is being repaired, Nature is Joiner that herself. She knows what .he tired frame needs just as shei knows how to make the heart throb and sent' the blood coursing thru .he veins. She takes that tired :rame, lays it on a bed, surrounds It .vith the refreshing air of night, Covers it with soft darkness and lets the man rest, Tired nature's sweet restorer, sleep, visits him and as the hours wear by his energies are renewed. When the morning comes he opens his eyes; ;tnd is himself again. Now why should you go to that man's side, an '.Tour befor,: he opens his eyes and say to nature. "Stand aside and let him get up He has had enough rest. "Well' Nature will say "you can take him if you will but I will charge him with an hour's loss of sleep and I'll :ol- lect ii ,out of his bones, and t elves and his hairs and his eyiesight.. 2,)U caret cheat me, I'll find a pnp_;ty to levy on." Children should net mare sleep than • their elders, as :hey have to add to their frames, etc., as well as repair them. Keep your body healthy by getting plenty of sleep. Itis better to be healthy thank to be rich USBORNE. Death of William Penrice.—There passed away at his hamle on( the 7th concession of Usborne, on Monday morning last another of the worthy and highly respected residents of this Township, in the person of Mr.t •Wid= Liam Penrice, at the age; of 59 ;rears 11 months and 28 days. Mr. Penrice had been in very poor health for ;sev eral Years but his condition was about the same until about two weeks ago, when he was taken dawn with an at- tacks 61 heart trouble and gradually waning the end canoe Monday morn- ing The deceased was born near Scarborough Ont., but when quite young went to live in the Township of McGillivray. In that township he remainedthe greater part of his ;ife but about nine years ago. he moved with his family' to the 7th` concession of Usborne,where he hes since resid- ed, proving himself to be a most wor- thy resident and during his stay here has commanded th e respect and eeteeint of all who formed his acquaintance. He was a staunch Conservative and a valued member ilber of St; Petra.k's Church, Saintsbury. Besides his ':POT - rowing wife heis survived by six sans - and two daughters -Thomas II:, William ,Edgar and :James at home, Jahn and Ernest of Austin, Man.,; and Ida and Margaret at home; Deceas- is also sury 'ved by two sistersie Mrs. Harmeck of .Carsonville, '`Mich., and and Mrs Pickering of McGillivray. The funeral took place to. the' Exet- er cemetery on Wednesday. afternoon. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S, No. 3, Stephen for 'May.'; Following is the result of Entrance Test Examinations -marks required to pass, 390':-A. Dearing 557.; E. Hogarth 531, M. Trieb. ne.• 502 • R. Parsons 440 Sr. III. -N. Sanders 79 L:.Parsons 71. Jr: III.-- A II.=A Christie 73, C. 'Willis 71• Sr.11.— J...Deariing 85, E. Schroeder 74. ' Ti. tL-Pi. ?enha,ie, J. 'Willis, F. Parsons Pt ILf—H Schroeder., R. Joy S. Dearing Primer -R Dearing, F. Schroeder S. Box, No. on roll 31; average 27.1.—Ida M. Marchand, Tea- cher The fitonday morning train on the London Ijuron and Bruce line a :vile belay Ilderton, struck a broken sail the entire, train of five cars • 'vas thrown froth the track and four of then ditched. Sixteen people were injures and it is a wonder, that some were not killed as the ears, humped slow the rails and went over into the ditch. Several of the injured .ere able to return home on the next train A number of Exeter people were on board Rev. 'McAlister, Mrs. .arv:lle Southcott and Ernest Harvey escaped without injury, while john ,Hallett of the 'Central Hotel had his back. ;ajar - ed. and passible internal injuries, and was taken to. the hospitaj. Mr. 3. J. Tilley had his head bruised and out - fere: from shock. '1.14agais yell Henry Eilber, M.P P., ,of Crediton heti' his hip bruised, two rib Tract - tired, and was considerably scratched and bruised. He came home the soros. evening, and is doing` well: Perot' Wiggins, W. If Bender end \ti,sa Esther Moore of Hensall were someu hat bruised. Others injured were Miss .3ryan and Barry Rapp of Stratford, Wa \V; Teevington of Biddulph, Joseph Bak- er cia. Parkhill. Tom Egan of .Denfield Toni Huhe s of � V ' uLgharrr, Private Cricr. of � Clinton, James Miller and Mr: Potter of London Dashwood Reit Station made a businass grip tc. London and Windsor Tuesday. ;'4r ,juke IQs lerman has a gauge of men putting a cement foundation un- de- the gristmill. When completed conditions will be much improved .a- round the mill. "Farmers are beginning to complain of the weather being too dryaand if it continues much 'longer the crops, eat ,suffer Quite a number of our gays went tc. Grand BendSunday. Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend Tall- on friends here Tuesday. Centralia .W ,T Colwal arrived home oes eu:sday evening after spending about 6 weeks in the Wrestt...assisting with the putting in of 200 acnes of cror. on his property there, He re- port% the crops looking very favor- able. Our baseball boys played a game with the Exeter team an Tuesday,, ev- ening but went down to defeat„ the scop. standing 6-8 in favor of Exeter, Thev intend going to Dashwood on Thursday to play at the celebration. Good luck boys. The .Misses Wilson spent a couple day,. visiting in London, Mr and Mrs. Will Blatchford of Toronto spent a few days visiting at the parsonage. Rev Blatchford is in St. Marys at- tending the Methodist Conference. He has been here for four years and ha; made a host of friends who. will regret that he is leaving. Mr. and Mrs. T. Willis spent, Sun- dday with Mrs. Willis' parents. Ln Lon Mrs. J Colwill of Exeter is vis- it;ne here with her sons, P Hanlon, Alvin Essery and John Colwilt have each purchased autoes for their pleasure trips during the summer ELIMVILLE Mr and Mrs. Robert Skinnier Ieft last week far an extended trip through the West.—Mr, Phil. Murray of To- ronto arrised in the village last 'veek and has engaged with Everet Skinner for the. ,suminier.-Mr, and Mrs. Gar- net Hutchinson of London are spend- ing a week with .\•Irs. Hutchinson's father. --Mr John Cornish, Wilfred Johns went to. Hamilton on Tuesday as delegates for the . Chosen, Friends to attend the Grand Council. -The. johns •Bros. brought home their new threshing outfit last week. This is a first-class outfit and the fann- ers in this; section will havel the very best attention.—Gravel teams and dust art plentiful these days, Wedding wells' have been ringing in ou;r midst this week. -Miss Freda Vin spent the 3,rd at her ,home in Dash- wood, where they had a .rime demon stration.--Mrs. Jas, . Broadfoot .nd Mir; Ellen Horton visited relatives nea' Bruecefield the first, of the week. —Corn planting is the order of 'he da} withthe. farmers now. L.UMLEY ' BIRTHS Cottle -1n Usborne, on May .27, to Mr and Mrs David Cattle, a son. MARRIAGES Kernick--Johnston—In Exeter on June June 2, Albert M. Kernick, soot of Ur and Mrs../ Wailliasn> Kernick oaf Usborne to Miss Vieiietta V.. John- ston, o'f'. Exeter. ,H:cvffman--Regier-At Zurich, May 25 _Miss Carrie, daughter of fr. and Mrs Jacob Regier, of Hay Tp., to Mr Simon Hoffman of Stephen. DEATHS Penrice—in Usbartie, on May 31,:1915, \Villiair Peiurice, formerly, of .McGil- livra.y aged 59 years, 1I months :.nd 28 days. 'Carter. -1n C1an;d,ehoye, on \fay 29 Jane Carter, wife of the. late Geo. Carter an her 70th year. __ There's No Excuse CANADA LIFE insurance is protection to the home ---plus investment. We can show you iarndred� of cases in which the families of CANADA ,•:.IFE Policyholders have been pro- reefed for years, while h., policyholders Lave themselves a: 1 h received back 1h all 1 e money the have paid in premiums and substantial dividends :resides It your life is 'north enythirw to anybody what ex- cuse have you, in the face of this fact for not insuring? A,,. Uastim * Agent, g end , EXetex Exeter Bargain Store Ready Made Clothing We are desizous of mating ii clean up of our Men's and Boys' Cloth- ing. and to do so 'vial give some extra vaivablee. See our range and get our prices, Our alede•to-Meosure suits away; please, Shoes Men We have a complete stock ofloty Shoo, Straps, Pumps, Etc, ista eold at the very lowest prices, Try a pair of our Astoria shoes. See nur job line of shoes $0e. 7r5e, $1.00 per pair. A new range < f:areti s shirts just received. B. W. F. Beaver DON'T BE ALTA BUT IT l6 NIGH TIME TO BUY NOW RESOLVED THAT WE AREA WAYS' AWAKE, AWAKE To - THE INTERESTS or OUR. -PATI,QNS AND AInIAKE TO WHAT iS NEW AND UP To ;.c „ -wE ARE NOT ASLEEP. BUT RICHT Ory TIMe - We Have Many Useful and Suit- able presents for JUNE BRIDES TOILET SETS You can see a big variety of Toilet Sets here, as we have; a- bout 50 pretty sets to choose from Great values at 1;4.00 & $5.00. BRIDAL ROSE CHINA. For those who are wanting an' .pieces of this ware we have in stock Breakfast, Tea and Soaup Plates, Vegetable Dishes, Creams and Sugars, and some. sizes of platters, Buy what you want now. SOLID BRASS , WARE A splendid assortment crumb trays—Oval trays, Five- o'clock` Teapots, comb and brush •!rays, and Teapot stands. Every piece is stamped solid brass. TEA AND DINNER SETS What would make a more suitable wedding present than one of our defray 40',piece` Tea Sets or 108 piece . Dinner • Sets? Com in and see them, HANGING LAMPS Direct from the factories in Pittsburg. Several very pretty designs in beautiful shadings. Prices range from $4 to $14. WATER SETS & JARDINER'S We can show ,you, a splendid assortment of water sets and Jardineres as well as '3erry Sets, Salad Bowls, and 'numer- ous numer,outs outer smaller pieces of china FARMERS We will sell the best Water buying 25 to, 40 gallon. gots at and `Lave it filled, ATTENTION White Coal Oil to Farmers. lZc a gaL - Bring in your tank PHONE 16 Jw A. T AR 1 PHONE; 1