HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-5-13, Page 4DUSTLESS --By opening dust damper and direct draft damper when shaking WClar?s Suns all dust is carried up 'aCCr smoke pipe. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. as Sold by T. Rawkan8 $& Son IlliiiiMaomasowwwww <:�r . F:. Lleneeel n ir. a2tian:e ue _learged to- to per `'eat an tearada State'. 1f not paid extra per year may .R.H1' $DA. Y. .7F ' e) 19 15 TieVyet'ONTI ENTAL THROWN n \CK ON THE PUBLIC, t1`T;ALEN, n. e epi c,.; hi, advertisement on c nae? O. every customers home. •,6.7.1`t day they roll wale' Ftp to re :t t" tour c: their 0.•herisrt:ed a .14i t - t :Mane business man shays Coe a4t.r. the ;tr to of a fair amount ep ea. in a newspaper for six mon- th with the privilege of change. No ed ,> adv 4 r tisirre brings as good t e- a -t: ae newspaper advertising. is). do shore o:, it by ,cttttine out, the ..ldars and other wasteful toe -Owls? t G•: nd Trine I' -1e 'fie .;•.:'e'.wa+ elle anneal meeting oi the Sunday hoe d r- '3 to operete theNat opet • Se-hoo•' o' thus place teas held .ast `` t v s r when the following persons were r t an'`nint3l Railway :y anti rite ins a teet to office, -Superintendents. ee , beeee e e_d from WinniPeet,^ John Haw eltvood end Flunk Gunning t;? Nion,'tor. by the Government Tit!, is the +t'est;it of the Laurier S.I In the dist ig Of . crttr ct E:is proved insufficient to hind tee Grand Trunk Pacific' Railway. .. eneerreteeee tiec " -- u,i a:, ti» -rake ouerltlorunder the terms of the ntraet a burden te;hi h the •°on:P;anti undeeteke, x I.E.,fi-'re.", estimate t .tat ;• c .r: eonstruetion was 549,91fetelee se on<I eltiln te. made ley lien. a ". T:' R.I..t ter tltf „dI«ipti t r.l 11.4 pt%;' eent .•.r.:clee, wee Sel,Steletel, Tht hate east to the end of East Te erber when the road .vas •,'om- t;,t`;,l un . c172.02:.10l.75ales •,r. twin t utstandine t 1aims antraet etre That 2'Ic'audee the $4ti,tteteetIf v: ^tieh was 'reverted by the Staunton, 'G .t'ur'f Investigating Commission, to have been thrown away by the Lam. ter Government in wasteful `ten,>trut 'feta 'til Grand Trunk Pacific were no .tic ,tl by the present Government of t:. : kern;+'e ion of the road. tad were cep to exei'tete the i antraet. 1"hee '+.r .: ':cries, John Wright and Earl Hutchinson; treasurer, John. Hodgson oraeeists Clara Morley, Mrs. N. 70g- denea fres Orgaaliz, ed Class, Earl Johnston; See., Miss Bertha Batten; adult Bible class teacher D.Johnsten sr. organized Bible class teacher, 1D. tcAastor jr.; teachers of the amallen usher' Miss Mary Brooks, Mrs. Fie G= »int;, Bra. of Cradle. Roll, Miss Bessie alorley. • The school .has . ieek n. $13 to the Beliar. Relief, $14 to the Sick. Child- ! lice. h:tal, and presented the e tth an individual .lamnlunion ', se tM while the organized class Of the t ouzo, people .has—given. Mrs. Hopkins n rocking chair and also gave the Pair of collection plates. large weather of the ladies of the: \i.M.S. attended the •:onvention at Eiimville last week, and report a rofitable time. Crediton I HAVE:Y0lBEEN'SICK?l Soho(); inspector Tom of Goferich made an inspection of our School last Thursaay. Specie' Services in cohnmeratiort of "Mother's Day's' were held in both churches last Sunday. The choirs rendered fine seictions and the ser- mons, delivered were quite appropriate The white -flower in remembrance of the best friend in the world .vas much ht e'rideztce. Miss Madeline Bertrand has eccept- ed a situation with. Faint Bros. We learn that Thos. Chatnbers,.Wna- Yearley Thos. and George .rlawhht- ney have acecently bought Ford Cars The :horse and buggy will "soon he looked upon as a back nunb(er. Mc' oil for the streets has arrived Ott town fathers are waiting or a favorelele time to put it on the street.... Allow Wolf is having his dwelling repainted. It is rumored that Henry Str-eitzer about to move to Berlin where he' uel enter- in business connected with the ant o,no.:..-e trade. Oke account of several eases -of -e d .h .true, ri .s in this- neighborhood the etoeret of Health have asked that -our school he closed this week to 'wait del elopments. beep Ce;n:sh has received his new Ee eshin� outfit, We understand John F. Smith is also 'buyinte some improved machinery. The TotsnshlL is opening the side road ar Schroeder's corner on the 4th sod lOti' concessions. This road will ;phot e a convenience to. those live lnt; ill the western part of the „town: ship. T,hc township grader has been ttstfdt on some of our roads recently- and as a result the auto driver must ga slow or else land up .against the 1 ence. M. Arnold cf Seaforth spent Sun- dat- °r to.vat the guest o: Mr. and Mrs.. August Hill, - DI. Et. Cert is attending the funeral of has uncle who died in Norwich on :Montta, . A mete::n;4 of the base -ball ooys was held tee other evening-. Everett Fainter was elected Captain Ind August Kuhn manager of the team. We hope the boys will soon get work" and keep up the reputation of this place as a -good ball . town. Private Maxwell Baynham, son of Mr and Mrs. George Baynham of Ceetrali' is reported among the mise r+.ins MOTHER SUPERIOR SITY KILL HOME aa:s.:tt objeeti en, in regard to the nen completion c, ,'ertoin works melt 'n,; tb., -;Leonard shape 'Quebec• term- er:ei. approaches to, the Quebe.: ,rid e rel ,en works whi 'h were not tent.. d to the operation of the main Lee, and for which the Government Prepared to make allowance in eleterminin' the cost for rental nue- ro=r; . The Grand Trunk Pacific :M- are- in-ai - deci'n_d to ceerate the int at j They were willing to operate a line costing $60,060,000 as oromis, d b; the Laurier Government. They were not willing to :operate m line costing$l$0,000,000 as guilt by til- Laurier Government. The result is that the great white eleohan1 of the Laurier Administra- tiou -comes back upon the - country, and comes back at a time when Can- ada is straining every effort to meet the cost of really necessary works and the tremendous cost of carrying -on the war. The Government must operate the • resat: or let it rot. They must optr- att. a line at a loss, because it *uns thru awilderness that cannot afford tra'fl`i- sufficient toimake the' 4e -ra- tion seri sustaining. They must in addition pay the e- -corrnout interest charges on the non - 4V which went into construction, in - ;hiding the millions and millions that' ererr thrown away by the Laurier •Governmtent. This interest, . up to Carer pei cent. was to have been paid t>, tam operating company . in annual. r.nrtal It mustnow be borne by the r topic of Canada. Tells How Vinol Restores Strength and Vitality to the Weak. Worn -Out Ones in Her Charge. Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y. -" I have been at work among the sick and poor for nearly eighteen years, and whenever I have used Vinol for run- down, weak or emaciated patients, they have been visibly benefited by it. One patient, a young woman, was so weak end ill she could hardly creep to my door `or aid, and was leaning on a friend's ,arm. I supplied Vino1 to her liberally and in a month when she returned to thank me I hardly recognized her. She vas strong, her color charming and her :reeks rounded out. These words are tittered from my heart, in order that _pro people may know about Vinol, as there nothing makes me happier in the world than to relieve the sick." - Mother M. ,Az P ^*?sA LATH ROP, 0. S.D., .1awthorne, I Y. - Strh disinterested and reliable testi- mony should convince everyone of the merits of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and - iron tonic to build up health and strength for all weakened and nervous conditi els, whether caused from over- work, worry or chronic coughs and colds. If Vinol fails to'benefit we return your money. W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. THE CRAZE FOR CALENDARS The craze for calendars has grown during the past two years, : so much so that it woea'id be well for the mer- chant if he would sit down and fig- ure out whether from a business get- ting viewpoint the expense is war- ranted or whether it is just an ,ei,- pensise vanity to connect his name with `a' pretty picture. All advertising may be good advertising but, as, the aim. oa the ,ordinary merchant is to. ger the most business for the bast, outlay ia, money, we have grave doubts that 'the: use of the calendar -Is giv- in,, thim returns .at all commtensurate with the cast. In many cases calen- dars are sought by those anxious to s•ecu;re a pretty picture. Once obtain- -ed the advertisement is cut eff and the .nictuire"`'tacked up or given to the chola: er. as a Plaything, The main ..purpose for which`it'was intended, is that, frustrated, though the merchant lknow .nobhiug of it, and soothes :aim Dashwo d Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys. appetite, and makes work a,burden. a na et Torestorethatstrengtit ndsN+ut+th isso essential, nothing has. eger equaled or compared with Scott's lift sion, be- cause its • strength - sustaining nourish - Ment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural. permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to -day. At any drug store. Scott to Bowne,Toronto, Ont, PARKHILL-Alex McDonald, of Parkhill, in his ten round light -weight boxsne contest against Artie Kauf- man of Jack son elich., the champion light -weight of Michigan, gained an easy decision at Saginaw, Michigan on Tuesday night. It was McDonald's fight from start to ;finish, with the exception of the eighth round by newspaper reports, when Kaufman is said to have had a slight margin, Alex is said to have been able to land ' on hi. opponent at will, cleverly blocking every effort of Kateftuan,.. $'Firs`OWi .O.e110. CITY of To1,itpo, [ es LUCAS COUNTY Frank, J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the Dim of F. ,l. Cheney t Co., doing busi- ness in the City of Toledo, yourity and State afore- said, aad that said firm will pay the seal of ON>a. Hti dPttEt DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, e'etANII J. CHENEY Sworn to before ins an I subscribed in nay pre& cube, this 5th day of December, A.A. ISM.. (Dueler A. W. I/IAM£Qlt, Nor.,,ltr Puma Hall's Catarrh Curtis taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous sni4noea of the system. Send for teetimonia',• free. F, 7, CHENEY .t CO,. Teiedo, 0. Sold by altsDrut:gists 7fn'. Take Hall"Fa roily Pills for Conseipation Mr. Oddie Truetnner had a very un- pleasent runaway accident on' Sunday night He and a friend were driving a spirited horse when the animal took fright and upset the rig and occupants in the ditch,. Luckily they both es- caped injury but the buggy was badly damaged.. Mrs Hodgk'sas of Detroit is visiting is visiting her brother Louis Klein sliver, Mr Ed Nadiger has improved his Premises by a new fence in trout of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Willcrt are rejoicing. . over the arrival of a boy Iast week mother and babe Are doing nicely. Mr Jake Kellerman has purchased a n ew Ford Car.. The Private Executor seldom 'gives '"the best of his time to an estate in ibis care, therefore it frequently suffers. Estates have bean' dissipated through inefficiency, •neglect . and sometimes actual dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors: This ' strong, soundly man- aged Trust Company is always available, , .never -ill, • never. away. Its officers are expert in the management of estates. The faithful, execution of trusts is' their one concern. Consult 'us regarding the handling of . your estate. All information •cheerfully' furn- ished. The.London= & Western Trusts Co. Limited 382 Richmond St, London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbons K,C., President John S. Moore, Manager Centralia iiev Blatchford occupied the piil- pi or Main Street church, Exeter, on, Sundae last and Rev. Muxworthy of Exeter preached here on behalf of the Epworth League. The quarterly official board met on Tuesday evening and completed the business for the conference ;ear. 1Ir W R. Elliott spent a couple of day it- Toronto with a carload of vary fine cattle lie shipped there on Saturday .last. Mr and Mrs. H. Fry, Jas. eodsave and _elisa Davey autoed to Clifford on Saturday last and visited vith Mi Fry's parents. Fred Essery took then• it their new car. • MT Bruce Mitchell on Sunday -last with al. mato load of ladies met with a little misfortune, when his car went last St turday for Milwaukee, where fa: the ditch and :turned over ,non ! she- «il• take a course in a deacon - side The car was slightly damaged es; training school. but the; occupants escaped unhurt. Mei- and Mrs. J. Wilson le_t an Tuesday: to spend a week with their. daughte:i near Stratlhroy. OW' nee station agent, Mr. Bishop of London has arrived and taken charge of the duties at the atation. Mr Geo Baynham is under the care SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 2 Usborne for April :-Entrance :lass -A Fenwick 75, J. Hodgert "3, Sr. IV. ---U Snell 74. Jr. IV. -R. Pol- 'en 74, C. Stewart 59, E. Knight 53, W Turnbull 53. Sr. III, -L. knight Oct' M Donee 65, G. Stewart ti, I. Williaans 55.Sr, IL -A. .Hunkin $4, C Dou ie 0, M. Cottle 69, G. Mc- Donald 59. Jr. II. -S. Pollen 74, W. Alitsoii 73. S. Francis 59, Stewart 51. 1st -C Campbell 75, W. Allen 70, C. Hodgert 68 E. Rundle 63, G. Knight 60, Pr A -R. Turnbull, Pr, B -R. Cottle. H Pollen, C. Stewart B. Campbell. R. Cottle, 5. Francis. No on roll 31;average attendance 30.-M L. Coward, teacher. "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out. Rat.; clic-e etc. Don't die in the house 15c and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores - THE CANADIAN BANK • OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.Y.O., L LOX, D.C.I,.. President 411.8EMWER LAIRD. G. eneral Manager JOHN AIRD. Ass't General Alinutairg CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE RIND; $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and -upwards. Careful attention is given- to every account. Small accounts , are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S21 • EXETER BRANCH -H. J. WHITE Man. CREDITON-A. E. KUHN, Man. e ZURICH While returning to their 'home Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr., met with an ac- cident that might have resulted pore seriously. They collided with a aug- gv coining in the apposite direction and Mrs Hey was thrown oat pf the rig sustaining a number of •hruises,- Sergt P A. Randall, a member of the hfechanical Transport, ist con- tingent and who. was invalided home as a result of injuries received while on route to the front, • is visiting his sister Mrs. A. Zettle,-Word was re- ceiver„ on Tuesday of the leath at Si, Clemens of Mrs. Joseph Hartman which took place on Monday evening. Amon; those who attended the fun- eral oz. Thursday from this : ection were. -Mr. and Mrs., Wendel Smith, Mr .and' Mrs. Alonzo, Foster, Mrs. V. Cochems and Mrs. Hartman. The deceased was a resident of Hay township many years ago. -Mr. J. F. Marite is visiting relatives in Berlin and Guelph. -=Mr. Ray Geiger of To- ronto University is spending the holi- day' at his home here. -Mr. end Mrs. J. Bloch have been visiting-elatives and friends in Detroit, Mich., for a few weeks. -Miss Louise Hemme ',eft of th idactor, owing to a telegram being u•eceived on Monday ,that her; sat. Maxwell who, is at the:. war - is r ported to be missing. Their many friend,. eutend sympathy to them in their trouble. . Large numbers of cattle have; .been: changed hands the past week, and each day ,droves may be seen -paving n and out of the village. .The Misses Wilson spent a few day. visiting in London:. VARNA.-The people of chis vil- lage and vicinity were deeply griev- ed to learn of the death of Mrd T. J. McAsh, Postmaster and . merchant of th-l; village, which occ,ured on Mon day lest. - Mn-. MCAeh had been ;11 for several; weeks from a severe attack of 'b1'ood ;idisoniiaig from-- which he ,uf fm -ed intensely.: The.- injury resulted front a sliver which ;�52r.. McAsh got into hi:; hand. He was 63 years" of age and had been postmaster for a` great -many years. - - - :.Toronto Theatre Destroyed. TORONTO, May 10,—Fire early Friday morning totaay destroyed. the Princess Theatre, ,:one ot''1'oron to's leading pi., hon,•>es, and did damage which has Leer' e tim,ted at, $117,0'00. The o- ners ..ay they will rebuild at once and :Fake tiieir new building the finest Li Canada.' Orient Crisis Ended. LONDON, Mey 11 —The Japanese. Foreign. Office announces that i has received official comminication that, china has, accepted demands contain ed` in the Japanese ultimatum. Sir Robert Borden has not quite 'ecovered' front his indisposition due' co` overwork. Sovereign Cure for Rheumatism IMrs. B. W. Hazlett, 163 Wyandotte Street, Windsor, Ont;, says there is only one Kidney,,Reniedy in the world for her -GIN PILLS. "Gin Pills, I know from. personal - experience, are the sovereign remedy for Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble -in any form. I was cured by them after months of suffering. I was helpless -had several doctors and many other remedies but all faded to cure me. Then I tried Gin Pills with the result that I am well to -day. I heartily recommend them to any per son suffering from Kidney or Bladder Trouble". - in �itis. FOR Tile PCIPNwXa- cure because they act directly on the Kidneys and Bladder -soothing and healing. the infianmmed tissues, and neutralizing uric. acid. Trial treatment free -regular 'size, 50c. a box, 6 boxes for $2.50 and every box sold with our spot cash guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Sold in the United States under the name "GINO" Pills. National Drug and Chemical Co.. of Canada. Limited. Toronto 261 111"'111"'111111'" _>r wincaritorated 1 11 N 1 -1 II -• N 1 y 11"911. Uu l'"911""lei" Ilr'ttl"111'"134"'11i""fli " il" lirlil"'61'iIL THE 1855 y .OL.SONS BANK A GENERAL BANKINO BUSINESS TRANSACTED - I1VCl,UD1NC. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS a r; s fa CAPITAL. AND RESERVE $8,800,000. ............ ___ 92 Branches In Canada - savings Bask Department At all Branches Interest allowed .t highest current rate W.no - EXETER BRANCH- W D. CLARKE, Manager. int ,i , I r al .1 , _1 5 All,. IlL,dlh I I I i I i It I Il r. 41111111111011111111111111111111e Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing 'inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow com lexions-as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without' assistance. The best remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets, which stimulate theliver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today -druggists 25e., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 15 SISTER : READ MY FREE OFFER. I am a woman. I know a woman's trials. I know her need of sympathy and help. Tryon, v sister, are unhappy because health, and feel uif t for household duties, social pleasures, or daily emplzwrzirat, write and tell me Just bow you suffer, and ask for my free ten day' trial of a home treatment suited' to your needs ; with references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about this sneccssfal method of home treatment for yourself fug reader, for your daughter, your sister, or your mother. I want to tell you how to cure yourscivcs tit home at trifling cost, and without aid from anyone. Men cannot understand women's. suffering, what' we women know from exper- ience, we know better than any doctor; and thousand, have proved there is hope even for the boneless in my method of home treatment. If you suffer from pain in the head, back, or bowels, feeling of weight and dragging down sensations, falling or displ^cement of internal organs, bladder Irritation with frequent urination, obstinate constipati'n or piles, p:in in the sides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions dyspepsia, extreme nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of sonrlething evil about to happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion, with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not worth living, I invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and postpaid, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. Women everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method of home treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for all, - young or old. To. Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about your daughter, Remember it costs you nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work. Is health worth asking for Then accept my generus offer, write for'the frcetreatinentSilited to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut out. this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the fres treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address ; r ma MRS. M. SUMMERS,- Box 840 - WINDSOR, ONTARiIO. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 - YOUR NEIGHBOR • DRIVES A FORD -WHY DON'T YOU? NE ARF SELLING MORE FORDS TN CANADA THIS YEAR THAN EV- ER •BEFORE -BECAUSE. CANADI- ANS DEMAND THE BEST IN MO- TOR CAR SERVICE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. rffE . "MA:DE? Ili CANADA"' FORD TS' A• -NECESSITY-NOT A LUXURY. Runabout $540; Town Car ;price on a -mpllcation, All' Ford cars are fully equipped including 'electric need-- lights eed-lights No care sold unequipped Buyers -of Ford cars will share in aur motet if we cell 30,000 cars between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915,• e MILO SNELL DEALc.,R