HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-5-13, Page 3BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS in the Spring Most People'1' eec a Tonic Medicine Osie of the surest signs ,thet th' blood is out of order is, the pim- ples, misightly eruptions and ec- zema that•come frequently with the change from winter toprin These prove that the lcng indoor life of winter has had its effect upon the blood, and that a tonic.. medi- cine is needed to put it right. In- deed there are few people Who do not need a tonic at this .wase i. Bad blood does not merely 'thaw itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this sante. eonclitiun is due •attacks of rheumatism and lumbago; the 'Earp Stabbing pain,: of seiatiea and neuralgia; peer appetite and a desire to avid exertion. You :Annie dire these tr:ethics by the nee of pnrgetive zne'if.inea--yon • need .a, tonic, and a tonie.only, a'Zcl sorting all m di:,ines there is node tan equal Dr. Wi".liani .' Pink Pills for their tonic, lite -giving, nerve-, restoring lamer,, • Every dose of t this n;edieine nnihes new, rielt Wood whirls drives vat intpm ities, a;tirnnlates every organ and • brings a feeling of new health sled energy to weak, tired, ailing men, women and children. If you are out of .arts, give this medicine a trial and see .how quiel:4 it will restore the appetite, revive drooping spirits, • e• tend fill your i all. � -veins i5lth 11(4W, health -giving blood. You .can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50i Bents a box or six boxes for $2.54 from The T)r, 14'illiartls' Medicine V4).e Brockville, Ont. Scotsmen's 3,Wt1 Mile Trip. Eleven stalwart Beets arrived in Lentlen from Honolulu to joist the Mugs' new armies. All of them held responsible positions on sugar plantations, the ru:>,jority being overseers. The party which left Honolulu nunt.bered fourteen, but only eleven reached Landon, three having join- ed a retgimentt bet£ore reaeh.ing Brit- ain. Of the eleven remaining boa went north to join the Seafurth Highlanders, two went into the pro- vinces to enlist in the Highland Division of tri Royal Engineers; and (ine. a Welshman, went west- ward tit serve in a Welsh regiment. The remaining four, all Scots- men, went to the Loudon Scottish heacltltrarters to join. that famous Territorial regiment. Three were enrolled, but the fourth, :lir. Frank Brelan. did not pass the medical test, and was the most disappoint- ed man in London. A man of fine physique, weighing 16 stone, looking the picture of health, Mr. Britian was passed by two d.act+arfi before leaving Hono- lulu. Feeling fit and looking fit, he had travelled about 0,000 miles to fight for his country. and had been re- jected, He went •baek to his sugar plantation.. All the members of the party paid their own expenses. Naturally Colored Photos. How ean T make photographic prints in the true calors of the ori- ginal subject? This question hasbeen asked by every inventor in. the photographic field for many, many years. And it remained unanswered until re- ne.ntly, , when Frederiek Eugene Ives, the inventor of the half -tone process of printing and the three - color half -tone process, 'took outs patents •on this new photographic rnetltod. The taking of photographs in col- ors, as invented. by Mr. Ives, - is said to be tosimple that any intel- ligent amateur can master it, Mr. Ives has also invented many de- vices in the field of applied optics. 4=elterai1 L':1.:glts ',ViMold. One of the most noted and inter- esting of the Algerian chiefs, whobesides being a commander of the French Legion of Honor, holds sev- . oral other decorations, photograph- ed en a recent visit to Paris, where he went to see his sons, ivho are fighting at the frontin the .Algerian eontingent for France, SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs, Jos. Desrosiers, St. Al- phonse, Que., writes: cannot say trio ?ouch in- favor of Baby's Own Tablets, as they saved my little one's life. Before giving him the Tablets he was greatly troubled with -worms end was like a skeleton and eried day and night. The Tab- lets soon expelled the worms, and now baby is the picture of health." Baby's Own Tablets also break up colds and simple fevers, eure eon- stipatiun and indigestion and make the teething period painless. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The I)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. "SINK EVERYTHING." Wilhelm 11. To his dark minions undersea Flashed the Imperial decree Sink Everything'. Spare naught! Sink everything that floats: Merchantmen, liners, fishing boats; Sink ships on. Mercys' errand sped, Dye Christ's red cross a deeper red t Sink Everything! Sink honor, faith, forbearance. rutin; Sink virtue, chivalry, and truth, Sink Everything! Sink everything that men hold dear, That devils hate, that cowards fear, All that lifts Man above the ape, That marks him cast in God's own shape Siuk Everything! ®Granulated Eyelids, reEyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dustand Wind quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's SOe per Bottle. Murine Eye g alveinTubes25c. For Book ofIheEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago ` A. GItiliT SAVING. Economical Methods of Purchasing Supplies. Nothing in municipal history ex- eiGed more interest than the recent adoption by the City of New York of the C.P.R. method of purchas- ing supplies. New York orders for municipal purchases total S22,000,- 001 worth of good each year and found that there was much dupli- cation and waste, 'some of the de- partments paying retail prices for the same goods as were purchased wholesaler by others. . Under the C.P.R.- system everything is cen- tralized so as to cut out the `possi- bility of duplication either in pur- chase or payment of goods, while the terms are naturally all the more in favor of the railway. New York City sent asrpecial investiga- tor round the Continent to study methods of purchasing supplies, and he decided tthat the C.P.R. sys- tem was "the best•for efficiency and saving." This was naturally The source of much gratification to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, who; was him- self at one time purchasing agent for the C.P.R., and established the presentsystem. The New York ex- pert investigator has been 'busy ever since answering letters front 'other American .municipalities,. They pour in at the rate of about a hundred a week, all wanting to know about the C.P.R. and its oder purchasing department, ith a view' to the adopting of simti- r methods m •other cities. It has sen calculated that the adoption f C.P.R. methods by American iti.ee has saved Uncle Sam a aste of over -a billion dollars. FIND OUT The 'Kind of Food' That Will Tecp. You Well. • The true way is to- fiord out what is beast to eat and drink, and then cultivate a taste for those things instead of poisoning .ourselves with improper, indigestible food, .etc.. A 'conservative Eastern w•ormap writes "I. have used .Grape -Nuts 5 years for the young and -for the aged; in sickness and in health; at first foa,- l•owing directions earsefully, later in a variety of ways as my taste and judgment suggested. "Blit its most special, peosonatl benefit has- been as 'a substitute for meat, and served dry with •cream when rheumatic troubles made it important for, Ire to change diet. 'Served in this way with the ac uitiou of a •cup . of hot Postusn and a little fruit it has been used at my morning meal for six months, during which time my •healtih has much' improved, nerves have grown steadier, and', a gradual ; dame ase in my excessive weight adds greatly to my comfort.'`' Name given by Canadian Posturni Windsor, Ont. Read, `"Tile Rod to Wellville," in pkgs. ' `Therc'ts a I:teason,'' M-uer read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They ere genuine, true, and full of huMan Interest. m w la b 0 She Soon Gained Forty Pounds DA.i)ik BOL'CHAIRD FOUND NEW HEALTH IN DODD'S RI'D- NEY PILLS. .,Now She Is Advising All Iter Friends Who Suffer Froin. Kidney Disease to Use Boelal's Kidney Pills. Portneuf, Hamilton "cove; Segue- nay Ce., Que., May 10th (Speeial). ---Perfectly eured • by the use of Ikdd'•s K.idney Pills, Dame. Rene Bouchard, well known and highly' respected here,. is advising all her friends who suffer from Kidney dis- ease ., to use I);;dd s s Kidney P=ills. "When I commenced to take l)odd's Kidney Pills, I was so ran down I only weighed eighty pounds," Dame laouehard states. `*I only took four bowels in all but they brought me back to health and now I weigh *tie hundred and . twenty pc=unds, You may publish 1 what I say if you wish, for Dod4's Kidney Pills have done wonders for I)t:idd.'s Kidney Pill . do wonders for run-down people because they cure the Kidneys. Cured Kidneys strain• all the impurities, all the poison, out of the blood and the pure blood carries new nourish- ments health and life, to all parts of the -body-. That's why iso many people say, f'Dodd's Kidney Pills gave me a new lease of life." - Why Grass Is Green. Doubtless ria-ny have wondered why the vegetation of the earth is mostly green. That is—not what makes it green, but why it is that color instead of blue or red or pur- ple. Moisture, it has been found, will be collected by the green foliage in proper quantities while foliage of other colors will not be properly nourished by ,the dews and moieture from, earth and atmosphere. A rather curious experiment proves this. Paint e piece of glass yellow, an- other green and one red and one black, and place all these plainted pieces of glass out in the open, air over night during a, summer or autumn night. When examined early the follow- ing morning it will be found that the yellow piece will be very wet and the green piece only moist, while the red and black pieces will be dry. This is proof that yellow foliage would collect too mush dampness, and the red and black would gather none. Green, which co111ects the medium ,amount of moisture, seems to be the color best adapted to the conditions existing throughout the earth. Yellow foliage has been known to damp off and decay under the sante clotnditions that make green foliage thrive. A few yellow leaved plants are grown under considerable difficulty under ordinary weather conditions. Absolutely Painless No cutting, no plas- ters or pads to press the sore spot. Putnam's Extractor makes the corn go without pain. Takes out the sting over -night. Never fails —leaves no scar. Get' a. 25c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day. d' Sore Corns Go ! POPULAR PEOPLE. Bright items About Men and Women of the Moment. Can women keep a secret? Ask Mrs. Despard, sisterN of General French, and Mrs Parker, sister of Lord Kitchener, to talk about the war, and then you will be in no doubt as to the answer. German caricaturists are fond of re- presenting Sir Edward Grey as having a -thin, hooked nose. As a matter of fact, he has a straight, finely -shaped nose; full and beautifully modelled. People who_tlhink it strange that Mr. Churchill should have been in the trenches at Antwerp forget that in his time has done at least five years' active soldiering, and had no fewer than three narrow escapes from death. Admiral Beatty, the pavement artists declare, is the best draw for their pur- poses. In the first three months of the war Lord Kitchener was their "star" picture; in the ;second three months Sir. John .French took his' place; now it Is all the admiral who made the German battleships turn tail, Our great men ;all seem to have a weakness for a particular word or. phrase. Mr. Asquith, for instance, is partial to the word "settled," and and is continually' speaking of the "settled" policy or "settled',' conviction of the country. ' Sir John French likes the phrase "make good"—used notably in the historic order "make good the Aisne." „How . to age gracefully is well illu- strated in the case of Lord St. Aldwyn, Who has just been elevated to the rank and dignity of .;an earl: . For all his seventy-eight years, he is as straight as a die in. his walk, and "can keep pace with 'men fifty years his junior. He is still remembered ,as -"Black Michael," though the jet-black" heard that earned him this sobriquet is to- day white as snow. I' Wandsworth is.. the Largest bor. Sigh in London. Holborn -is the srna,llest. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Disappointing the Gloater& "1 waiter 'ave a tooth drawn," said -the youngster with the pug'na- Gious face, ".and I want .gas." "Tut! tut!" rnurmured the dent- ist. "You're not old enough for gas. And I see you're not afraid of a little ;pain, Be a roan!" "'Tisn't that," rims a British. weekly's version of the story, "but T expect just at the end Pll give a little bit of a squeal," "Oh, that won't matter," the dentist replied. "I shan't mind." "No," retorted the boy, "but t +swihalnl., owJus."t you look out of the d The dentist turned to look out, and saw a group of grinning lads standing close by his window: "Well 't" he asked his youthful patient. "What does that mean f" ": those' are all the kids I've fought and licked," explained the boy, "and they've all followed me here just to hear me holier. Gine me gas :" How Watt Was Paitt. James Watt, the great engineer, during his apprenticeship in Lon- don, had to live on Ss, a week, and found it difficult, For his work on the model of the Newcomen engine he was paid £5 Ile., and for the supervision nf' the construction of a bridge at Hamilton he was paid £�, his offer being less than that of Snre.aton, who offered.to do the work for £10. For his work as su- perintendent of the Monkland Ca - al he received £200 per annum, and for his survey of the proposed Strathinore Canal he reeeived the sum £80—not much, when the na- ture of the work, a survey offorty days, is considered. Pleurisy Pans Vanish ! Chest Colds Cured ! Quickly UlCitiy Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fulness After Meals., "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins,. of Port Richmond, "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But somet'l►ing weutt wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physio all • the time," My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very nxildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am well—no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. r hi ' .0 s is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hainiitan's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it." Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25e. All dealers, or The Catarrhozoue Co., Kingston, Ont. Lost Isis Equilibrium. r`Cholly seems to be unbal arced." Yes, His valet failed to part his hair exactly in the middle. aiainard',s Linrment 14umberman'a griend. The period ,froi ,'one full moon to another is 29 days, 12 hours, and 44,4 minutes. Minard's Liniment Aced by Physician,, Another Poser,, "Oh, Tournay, don't ask so :many foolish questions," said his father. "If it 'were so very foolish you would answer it, eouldn't you V' NERViLiNE HAS NEVER FAILEDI asked. Tommy TO CURE RUSCE,rr.A ,s.OIIB. Don't Suffer! CANCER, TTI1.IORS, LUMPS, ETC, Nerviline is your relief. l.+ internal and external. cured with. Nerviline just rubbed on, lots of it, out pain by our homy treatment. Write will ease that drawn, tight feeling us before too late. Dr, Beleman Medical over your ribs, will destroy the pain, Co., Limited, Collln,swood. Ont. will have you smiling and happy in uo time. "I caught cold last week while mot- oring," writes P. T..Mallery, from Linden. "My chest was full of con- gestion, my throat was mighty sore, and I had the fiercest stitch in my side you could imagine. As a boy I was accustomed to have my mother use Nerviline for all our minor all- ments, and remembering what coati - deuce she had in Nerviline, I sent out for a bottle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle rubbed on, and then got into a pers- piration under the blankets.; This drove the Nerviline in good and deep, and I woke up next morning fresh as a dollar and absolutely cured. Nervi - line is now always part of my travel- ling kit, and I will never be without it." The large 50c. family size bottle Is the most economical, or you can. eas- ily get the 25c, trial size from any dealer, He Stuttered. "How do you • 'like my new fence?" "I'd like it better if the pickets were an equal distance apart. Why did you build it like that 1" "The only man I could get to . build it stuttered." Seep rdinard's Liniment in the house. That's Another Story. He—"At a football dinner a. man got up' and left the table 'because some one told a story he didn't ap- prove of." She—"Oh, how noble of him! What was the story i" I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. , - I cured, a horse, badly torn by a, pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINIMENT. St. Peter's, C. B. EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W ''AYN.E. Graciousness of Life. Life is wonderfully gracious to us. It brings so many opportuni- ties of recovery, so many chances of escape. But if we consistently reject them they inevitably dimin- ish in number. Even if they did not the momentum of your own ha, - bits would rush you past tillein as life grew on. That tendency to resentment,that habit of retalia- tion, the disposition; of enmity ars growing upon you. [s the. best ,remedy Mown for sunburn beat. washes; _ eczema, sore feet. stings • and blisters. A skin food:t 4u•D„ta and stere,. -sol. • e ' i... elate' • i;• ED. • ISSUE 20—'15. SEED POTATOES. EARLY 1111S11 COBBLER POTATOES. specially selected and Government inspected for seed, Only limited quantaty. Price, One Dollar per bushel fast. Bi'aneP+ ton, Also Coirnoieaeure Pride and New Snow, two excellent neti- potatoes, Price, Two Dollars per; 'bushel. Special pr'eeti for largo quantity. Cash must acoom• pony all orders. H. W. Dawson, Bream,. ton. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. - FROFIT.tt&R 1\G NEWS AND JOB OO' Jilt flees for sale in good Ontario toying, The most useful and interesting of alt' businesses. Full information 'oa applioa� tion'to Wilson Publishing Company, 7a West Adela:de St., Toronto. M ax> rk•,e "America's Standard 4 Cycle Marine Motor" s. •Cyto. 4 Cyilnd.r le none P. Htghe,t gnat,. r✓ PP- &Lent emend). 5. vibrattop. •Cobtrols like the MICA Mot or Carenere. £Xtremety ecOzC0et:at on fuel. Used As .tanda,dcgW,. 1n r meet by over e9 per Sent. of the wortd'9. leading bOAl builder*. Catena on "Reedit. mu to We depending on equipment. 1((00,,0 Mw. CO. i.,I. i,trolt. Mich. HAWK BICYCLES An up-to-date High Grade Bicycle uttedwithRotlerCI air, New Departure Coaster Brake and Hubs, Detachable Tires, higbigrade equipment,includ- ing Mudguards, $@22.50 Pump, and Tools Se elFREE 1915 Cataloguer 70 pages of 13i9.cles. $weetries, anti Retaireilaferial. Volt can buy your supplies from xis at 'Wholesale Prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 2? NotretrameSt. west,Mentreat. CUTTEN & FOSTER AUTO AND BOAT TOPS Ford owners write for our catalogue, SEARS -CROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - ONT. Canoes, Skiffs, Motor Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. It any canoe can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH." Always and ever the acme of service, model, strength and fin- ish. Over fifty styles and sizes. Write for catalogue. The latest canoe is the Peteeborough canvas covered. Ask for illustrated folder. Skiffs for the popular Outboard Motors. Power Launches, all sizes and pow- ers. Get folders telling all about these. - TjiE PETERBOROUGH c tflOE compAtiy, LIM!TEP, PETERBOROUGH, ONT. "Overstern" V Bottom $55O ifilotor Boat Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in. Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In., Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS. Specification No. 2B flying _engine prices on request. Get our Quotations on—"The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Launches, Row boats and Canoes. - ' THE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAi1. MEALS ARE NEVER LATE WHEN you have a NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove to help you with the Cooking. g It lights at the touch of a match—like gas, adjusts in- stantly, high or low, by merely raising or lowering the wick. It means gas stove comfort with kerosene oil," NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstoves are made in 1, 2, 3, anci4 burner sizes; if your dealer cannot supply you, write us ,direct. ROYALITE OIL GIVES PER BEST RESULTS O] "NOW SERVING ON2.000,000 ES HOMES" THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES IN - ALL CITIES /Made in t o ., Canada,