Exeter Advocate, 1915-4-29, Page 8.r EXETER MARKETS, CHANGED EAOH WEDNESDAY Wheat 40aRkftRaR.ORRIR4RR 147 Barley ..4,..4., ., 70 Buckwheae... 4.4 4 , 4 , , . 75 55 Peas ...,,41 4.4'so X'otaioes. per bag ... 4 40 55 gar, exton.R.... 1400 14 00 Flour, per cwt,: family 4 00 Flour, low grade per ow 2 000 Butter +1*4,.44 24 28 Creamery Butter$4, 7$g s4.R .0,4“..-.f110 21 am hope per e�vt. a f. f S'tort4*perti1Rn,....4 Esau leer bon ...eaa4f, Sugar Det t Pulp EXE TER ADVOgATE, THURSDAY APRIL an 1515 E LOCAL DOINGS. 4 iicalk �ealra,�a1le't�at3e,�Ilcallc elle �,Hte Afr T, B, ;Martin i.' very ill at ',,is home It wee alinoat hot for a few days during the past week, Send us the news and all .he news that is of interest to aux readers, Mize Irene Hardy has engaged with Mr Milo Snell and Mr. Wes Snell he their Automobile office, 8 10 Mr. Burdett of the Bank' of Coin- s° 00 merge has been notified chat he is 23 D0 Wee, moved to another branch shortly 27 00 Thousands of people seed advert- isements as eagerly as they read news items, Oh ye; it pays to advertise. The me/n.44 train from London Horatio Reynolds was delayedtwo hours on Friday ow- The to a freight train wreck' at Hyde Seed Dealer 1?red Cornish ties taovednth Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Mil- let Alfalfa and beans bought. Imported Red Clover and Timothy Seed fol sale; also Choice home grown Bui..ltwheat and Alsike. Wit be at home to take to Seed teeny Tuesday, Wednesday, Th:Ireday and Saturday. Highest prices paid. Addre.;s all eogrnra;xnicatices to H. Rey> olds, slay Orteripe R. R. No. 1. Mrs Ames desires to aclnowled the pronwt payment of the insurane -tin the life of her late J�.tebend. b the- Canadian Order of Chosen Fr;endv Correspondents. -- No war stamps are necessary on letters containing printer copy if the envelope ?tae " rintwrccopy'" on the outside, Our correspondents will therefore t se rhe ciselopes supplied when a one : ent steam' tiv:l, be sufficient. Do not ,eal the.. envelope. CORN GROWERS—Contrary to some ,rtuttors heard The Exeter Can-, nine; and Preserving Co.. Is prepared to take- all the acreage of corn they have contracted for, EGGS WANTED—WILL PAY9c CASH AND 1e. TRADEFOR NEW LAID EGGS. -JJ. A, STEW - ART EXETER. HEIFER AND STEER FOR SALE Apply at this office for particulars. LADIES TAILOR-MADE -LITS. Mar) Tom has secured the ser nines of a coat maker and is arep4ar9 ed to do Ladies Tailoring. An too prente o- p'rente a to dressmaking warted, FRAME SHED ED FOR SALE-� I his she 35 ft. long and 11 3t. wide. Apply to Mrs. D. Johns, Exeter. BOARDERS WANTED.—Apply to "qrs. Lane, William Street, Exeter. !hie family into. the house ownedsly Geo Hill being the old Hunt property on. Mt I Street. Ur. A Hastings sold Miss Bee's house on William Street to Mr. Du - gala' Love of London, who gets pos- session at once. Mrs, Jane Smith suffered a slight stroke of p analysis on Friday morn - and is confined to her 'tome. Shro4 is improving nicely, however. The new oil tanks of the British American Oil Co. have been, tnstalled at the depot. The firm of nestle, Rowe and Wood are the dealers here. Mr Milo Snell disposed of Ford car: last week to Messrs. Thomas Chambers, George Essery, Bryce Mit- chell and Jacob leellermann, .elf of Stephen, Rev P G. A. Wright, 'Pro furor n' ?IuroP 'College, London, ,viii oecu- o� th- pulpit of the Trivitt "'femor•• ill Church on Sunday, both morning and evening "Judge Holt was suddenly taken ill on Tuesday last and for a while was fr a. critical condition, but . eports yes erda) were somewhat favorable"— Goderich Star. Mr. Harold Swan of Toronto Un- iversity , a former teacher at Isden, and son of Rev. Johne Swan, :ormerly ee liensall has enlisted with the ar- eiller' at Toronto. Victor Sanders received word from l)r Wer J. Knight lase week, the Yard heir- sent by the doctors as he was going on board the boat bound for tb; battle front in France, The Ford Motor Company of Can- e; made 3000 cars in. March, but is stel away behind the sales. Mr. Milo Snell the Exeter Agent, :s ten cars -ho: t of hie, sales at present, The bowling club has been, putting their property in shape since the fine weather opened up. A new i once has been placed on part of the south laouneiary. Rolling and cutting are now beiree. done and chances• are the game will commence early this! year. �Ve feet efaeil in Street pity rand !te ad t_ h Y • Weekes and Road Commission -.t B seett sprinkled the streets with t aid of the fire hose. On Monday 4h: water cart was in commission and on Tuesday it rained—so things h:tvie beep improved. Postmaster General Casgrain has announced that it has been decided to allow war tax stamps to be used for � Ordinary stamps may =l- ace be used for the war stamp eo that all one needs to do .s to place three cents in stamps on a letter end two cents on a post card to be •or-, t and ensure the delivery of mail. Edward Swartz, •the well-known proprietor of the British Exchange Hotel at Goderich, died at 3.20 p. m. Saturday afternoon. Mr. Swartz had been ill for some timesfreen kidnasl trouble He was 50 years of age .,nd leaves a wife and two sons, Clare and Jack both of Goderich. Mr. Swartz was a former resident of Exeter and spent most of his younger days here, From the experience of the work- '.ngmer's compensation board for the three months that the act has been in operation it appears that the am-, Dunt of the assessment levied on the different grooms of industries was, higher than would be required to meet the claims that would be -rade it is thought that the rate will be ioteered at the end of the present year: Application has been made for a charter for the reorganized Kirkton St. Marys & Exeter Telephone Com- pany which recently acquired the Medina rural line. The new company will be known as the Kirkton, St. Marys & Ivledina Telephone Com- pany and will he capitalized at $100, 000 to meet the present demands and allow for future expansion. The mew company will start with 1,000 phone customers, Mrs James Walters was stricken dowi, -with a severe attack >fi parely- ria on Monday morning. She was. apparentINg in her usual health that morning ,and while attending to her household duties dropped to the floor where she was found by; Mr. Walters on his return to dinner. How long she had been 'there isl'not known, as sh,_ was totally unconscious . when found and remained so for.. many hours: While she is in a -low state sh its gradually improving and is •,x- nectjed ;to. recover. A -wedding of much interest to Marlettepeople took place :este Wed- .nesday at the Presbyterian "Manse, when Miss Lillie B. Cornish, (laugh - ,ter of Mr. and Mos. Wm: Cornish; became the bride of Oscar A. Brandt The ceremony was performed by Rev.' Brashear and was witnessed only by the attendants, Miss Flossie, Cor- nish sister of the bride, and William Hist of this place. The party left. op ;thc, morning train for. Saginaw and Bay City, Mr. and Mrs, Brandt' ,il� ,res•ide on theirfarm,; east of La motte Corners,..: A large number of Erg:Mr both at Marlette and at E ete'r wish the inrilirch hap;pirnes's( in their wedded life, The bride is a lialncI daughter of Mrs. Wm: Dearing of Exeter mfr Owen S. Atkinson has ..,ken full charge of the tinsmith depert- iert oe T. Hawkins & Son, ,vho r e • prep,red to do All kinds, c,f nes; end repair work in this- line. HOOSE TO RENT—A sevenroom- ed house on Huron Street with stable teed choice fruit trees. Apply at the Advocate Office . HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. That brick one nd cn bale etore dweliine op the corner of dill and Andrew streets, in the Village of Ex- eter. directly east of the Presbyterian Church. Three lots and frame stable and orchard' with the dwelling will be sold in one parcel. Owned end oc- cunieo by ;Mrs. James Jone.. The household effects will be Suffered, for sale a; well. Sale Satuurday, May S at 2 p m. Terms made known an day of sale For further partic ulars ap- ply to B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer, or to H E Hu• stop. KIRK -TON AGRIC. SOCIETY Crop Competition The Kirkton Agricultural Society wilt take up the Field Crap Compet- ition again this year with Fall Wheat Oats and Barley, Seven prizes for each prize. namely,—$20.00, $15.00, $12 S1, ` $8 $6, $4. An entrance lice, of $1.01. will be charged, in each crop to prize winners only. All entries to be made with the Secretary be- fore the 24th May. Wm Atkinson, Amos. Doupe, President Secretary. NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op - env: a Flour and Feed Store in F: Wood's Old Stand, opposite Pose Office and will keep, a fell supply of the best grades of flours arid seeds. 1 solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON CARPENTER AND BUIIr"DER • Plan; furnished; estimates given free or' all classes of buildings PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale; a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders left at The Advocate ' Office: promptly attended to. Phone 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton P. O. "A Man's Ability is his .:'assport" Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. Teacher of Organ and all orenches of Pians Playing; Voice Culture and Artistic 'Singing a Specialty. i6 years' practice. experience. For Terms apply to S, Martin .& Son's Music Store E» EXETER EVERY FRIDAY. Ir Wm Greenley is confined ,to his house suffering from theutnatism fro his foot The Second Degree Teat, of Exeter theLodge of cwork oofdthel ows degree ie Henselexemplif', Lodge on Friday evening next, at the invitation of liensall brethren. A thunder storm passed east of tow : on Tuesday afternoon and the wind approached the proportions cf a cyclone in its seeeep eastward. A torrent of rain fell and in places large hail stones came down in allow- ere, The Old Presbyterian Church, built many years ago, and afterwards sold to and used by thea Rohan Catholics at Exeter North, and when' has been since usedase hay barn, has been torn dew Thus goes another of the old landmarks Dr I. G. Reid, who graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College this spring, and who was with Dr. Wm. Sweet last summer, has returned to town and entered into Partner hip with the doctor. The firm will' he known as Drs. Sweet & Reid, and we bespeak for them Hie beat of busi- ness success. UNUSED RAILWAY TICKETS— The Railway Board has been order- ed to make refunds ori unused rail- way tickets within thirty days when tickets are on one line, and within sixty days when ticket covers trip on two lines. EPWORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS. At the InI<eeting of the Epworth League of Main Street Methodist Church on Tuesday evening The, ofs. finers were elected for the -ensuing terms—Hon. President Rev. lfrxwor- thy , President Geo, .efawson; 1st Vice Miss Broderick; 2nd. Vice, Miss Brooks- 3rd Vice, ":Mies A: Beverley; 4th Vice Jos. Foflick; 5th Vice, Sup- erintendent of Juniors, Miss Brooks; Sec'y Miss Mary Muxworthy ; Cor. See'y Mesa B. Massey; Tcreas. Bruce Walker. -Pianist, Miss Marian Blatch- ford • Critic Miss E. A. _Follicle. KELLY—The death occurred on Friday of Elizabeth Smallacombe, be- loved wife of Mr. Het -mate W. Nelly, aged 35 years, at the home of her husband 24Z Brunswick-st. The de- ceased was ill for some time. 'She was born in Usborne Township and had resided in Stratford for twelve years. She is survived by her par- ents ane two sisters and one brother viz. Mrs. D. Bellwood, Hiss May Smallacombe all of this city. The sorrowing husband and five children survive. The latter are; Mrs F. Wild- er city • Miss Maude ,Kelly, Air. Geer Kelly Clifford and Reta all at home The deceased was, an ardent member of the Salvation Army, .and wa's leader of the local League of Mercy, --Stratford Herald, Deceased was formerly a resident of Exeter being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Smallacombe of Stratford formerly of Exeter. ADJORUNED VESTRY.—The ad-' journ a Vestry meeting of the 'Irk - it, M mortal Church was «zeldt in ,he School Hale on Tuesday evening with the rector . Rev. D. 'ilia'. Collins ore - siding The Auditors' Report was read be Mr. N. D. Hurdan, which showec that the total receipts for she year amountled to 51729.09 Ind ex- penditure of 51703.59, leaving a bal- ance in the treasury of $25.50 A statement of the finances was ordered to be printed for distribution., rhe following will constitute the officers foe• the ensuing year:—Rector, Rev. L'+ Ne Collins; Rector's Warden, C. H Senders, People's Warden, L. H. Dickson. Auditors, N. D. Hurdon and Thos Boyle; Lay delegates, N. D. Hurdon S. Sweet; Select Vestry -L. li Dickson C, H. Sanders, P. Boyle, N D. Hue -don, Sam'l Sweet, Thos. G. Sanders Dr. efcGill'icuddy, Geo Craw- ley • Sidesmen—S, Sweet, T. 3oyle, T. G. Sanders, C. Dyer, G. Crawley, Rich Murphy, A vote of thanks was. passed to be tendered the var- ious organizations of the church, af- ter which the meeting adjourned. VISI1 Oe' THE D, D.e G. M.—The officiel visit of the D. D. G. 11., Rt. War Bro H. C. Dunlop, of saderich to Lebanon Forest Lodge A. r, .,&' A.' e1 on .Monday evening attracted a large numbei of the brethren. lire event was not only interesting from the standpoint of the official, visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, but it Inas the first meeting held in the new Masonic Hall, which has peen in course of preparation for ,;'everal weeks The new hall has been spec- ially ;designed by the owners, Messrs. Dickson. Carling and McDonell and itmay ire said that, Lebanon For- est can now boast of a Lodge room equa: to any in South, Huron District. All the appointments are iierfect in their design and the furnishings are indeed elaborate and thoroughly in keening with the imposing '.snd beau- tiful' surroundings. Rt. Wor. Bro. L, • H Dickson. and Rt. ' Wor. Bro. W. D .Collins Ontroduced the D. D.. Ge ea. and the distinguished visitor be- ing, received with the usual Grand. Honore thanked the Lodge for his. cordial reception and then directed the Wor Master, Bro. Wm. Murray, to proceed with the work of the' evening Svhich was the. exemplific.a tion or the Third degree.. This being dope in a manner, that reflected—much credit on, the officers 'the lodge was closed down and the brethren ad- journed to the supper room- above, where a couple of hours were pleas ; aptly spent. After a sumptuous sup-' pe,r Rt. Wor. Bro. Dickson was as- signed the duties of ,toast •naster when a feast of reason followed. The usual toasts. were proposed and re- ' spondee' to as Mallow's,—"The JKi1lg, "The Gravid Lodge and District" by Rt, Wor.; Bro. Dunlop; "The --Em- pire" by Rt. Wor. Bro,,_ Collins in a very • able and interesting manner,' "The Visitors"- by Rev. Bro. Fear anti V Wor., Bro,.,Eacrett; "Lebanon,. Forest Lodge" by Woe. Bro: Murray( V. Wor. Bros .• l-fearaan and, Stewart;' "he Host" .by Bro. Mallett, Bra,• W. E. Elliott` 'contributed a very nle'asint; patriotic. solo, and Jed rn.rhe' singing of other patriotic eongs. ..A'. Pleasant and. profitable evening was brought to a close with the Junior. \''rarden's Toast by Bro,.: ;Dore. Mr Dan Prior of Clinton 'visited in tow:, during the, week. Private Harness was home from London over Sunday. Aft Wm. Hill of Toronto visited father ,3iere thee week. Mrs, Frank Leeming of Brantford is the ,guest of Mt ,Amos, Mrs James Westcott of Douglas. Man, formerly of Exeter, is ill of pneumonia. Miss Emma Cunningham of .11derton ivjngsitedthe with k, her aunt, Mrs. Yager dur- Alr. Nelson Sheere left Wednesday morning for Gait where he has ac- cepted a situation. Mies Kirby and Miss Senn; and Mr. Anderson of Anderson were visitors with Mr and Airs, B,; W, F, &eavery over Sunday. , Rev and Mrs, Nichols, who have been visiting at the Manse with their daughter Mrs, Sharp returned to Sizn- coe on Thursday, Urs Ewing, who came here some week:: since owing to the death of her father, the late, Dr. Amos, left for her home in Taber .Alta,, on Mon- day. Alt John Grigg, who since' .his ac- ciden'' of last fall has not recovered as rapidly as desired, left Monday for Ga.el's%, Sanitarium for a fees- weeks cotunlete rest, Mr C Lindenfeld moves Friday will' hit family to Parkhill, ,there, they will make their future home. They will carry with thein' the best wishes of many* friends. eels Tar Salc IRRRORM WE HAVE FOR SALE A CHOICE STOCK OF 'GOV`T. IN - SPECIE') SEEDS, ESP,t CIALLY i SELECTED FOR PURITY AND GERMINATION, WHICH WE OF- FER AT VERY CLOSE .PRICES FOR CASH. OUR STOCK COM- PRISES,— FANCY NO. 1 RED CLOVER ALSIKE - ALFALFA TIMOTHY SEED KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, ORCHARD GRASS,. SEED CORN, ETC. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY MIX- ED—AN IXED—A.'. EXTRA NICE GRADE -= FANCY OU 1 RED CLQ ER BUSH—. TIMOTHY SEED from 4.00 to 4.50 CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK IT WILL PAY YOU, WE ARE IN THE MARKET AT ALL 'TIMES TO PURCHASE `ALL KINDS OF CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS, ETC„ FOR WHICH WE PAS' FULL MARKET VALUE. A CALL SOLICITED. C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT -CREDITO v, ONT, We Call Save You $ $ $ By buying your coal from us. We bought be- fore the heavy freight rates and war tax. $7.50 - for this Month Sole agents for gen- uine D. L: & W. Scranton Coal. . • Kestie, Rowe, & Wood Tea &- Coffee Store. For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee 'and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see usA. trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric'lght Plant House Cleaning Time Make house cleaning eaeyby buy- ing a Domestic Vac. Cleaner from us. It will clean your rugs and carpet bet- ter than beating them and wi-tb much less labor. Then get a bottle of Sun- ny Polis2t to slen;n..yopr furniture:And if you see You »ei;d any.new,fyl,r,r?iture we have d'godd. stpck`to choose'from.'„ N. ,R ..\ O B.WE Embalmer -E'te; Phone 20a. Overland Model .80 Price $1425 f, o b. Hamilton and Overland Model 81 Price $1135 f. o b. Hamilton These two five passenger touring cars are fully equip ped, demountable rites, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric horn,beeutiful finish—everything, in fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. See these cars and have a demonstration of their excel- lent points, Now in the show room. Wes. Snell Dealer Horse Cards The Advocate is again pre- pared to give you entire sat- isfaction in Horse Route Cards, Order early so that you may have them on time. THE ADVOCATE EXETER Exeter Exeter North geocrg Store Fresh Pork, Sausage and Head Cheese always on band PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS , DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. PHONE 44 W. JONES & MAY ! ttoN E NO. 32 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Dress making all complete for. Our Ready -to. wears are all well made and nicely trimmed. Coat & Suit Sale Skirt Sale Only a few left to clear out at a big reduction. Nice "Coats for $5 Swell Coats for. •$5 to :510. A good range, of colors. Ladies' Dresses A real fine choice of • House or Street dresses in all colors anct materials, nicely trrimmed - from $1 to ,$5 each. Here is a snap fox you, All our S5, ,$6, 17, skirts on sale for only $3.75 each, Plain Blacks. „BIues, Tweeds, Checks and Plaids. Children's Dresses From 1 year to 14 rears. All Colors, and white -75c. and $1 buys a 'very swell little dress for the kiddies. New Wash Goods Now is the. time to buy your new Wash Dresses, We are show- ing a big variety of all kinds an' d colors - Plain Crepes . Lace 'Cloths. Fancy Crepe zin Striped Crepe: GaLiaateases Serpentine 'Crepes. Ducks ,Snowflake Voiles Plain Voiles Fancy Voiles Striped Voiles Men's and Boys' Furnishing NEW STRAW HATS We arc showing the very New- est Styles out in Stralw `Hats. Al. the pew shapes and straws• are here. Don't forget to see thein . NEW TIES•&. COLLARS A bile' variety of the right goods are here for. your inspection. — Collars of all styles, Ties in every new design and color NEW SPRING SHIRTS The nifty Shirts are rare in soft cuff and colon or tile dress cuff Colors White, 'Tana and fancy strripe's, We are. showing the New County ,Club shixt in white and tan foe- outing NEW SPRING SUITS. Over 200 New Men's and hays Suits for Spring ,just in, They ar•e.. very nifty and right up to the minute, • f, �E Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing •