HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-29, Page 7CANADIANS CHARGE ENE!
.Swept Back by Terrific Onslaught They Reform
and Retake Lost Guns:
A -despatch from London says:
The suddern• German assault north
of Ypres, wthieh won for the Ger-
mans an advance .of ei mule awed a
half and threw their era troops on
to the west bank of the Yser Canal,
has been blocked -at several places
heeled back. But it was not until
Saturday morning, after the enemy
had stormed and taken the village
of Lizerne only to be driven out of
it by a series of desperate eounter-
attacks, that an a=ffective check
seemed to have been administered.
Advices from the front tell of most
sanguinary fighting, etill in pro-
gress, with the Germans laanohing
every ounce of force into the vio-
lence of their forward .rush, and
bhe allies, eontesting the issue with
equal ha•r•diness, standing fast in
the face of their furious offensive.
The War Office report wseys :
"The fight for the ground into
which the Germane penetrated be-
tween Steenstraate and Lange-
marck still continues. The loss of
this part of the line laid bare the
left of the Canadian division, which
was forced to fall back in oiler to
keep in touch with the right of the
neighboring troops.
In the rear of the latter had
been four Canadian 4.7 -inch guns,
which thus passed into the llands of
the enemy. But some hours later
the Canadians made a most bril-
liant and successful advance, recap -
taring these gunsand taking a eon
siderable number of German pri-
soners, including a colonel.
"The C'anandiaus had many els-
alines, but their gaaUantry and de-
termination undoubtedly saved"the
situation. Their conduct has been
magnificent throughr;ut."
But while the Canadian troops
were quick in assuming the offen-
sive, they apparently were not
much before the Belgians and the
French, both of whom were equally
affected by the suddenness of the
German assault, for, according to
the news from Paris, important
inroads 'have been made into the
new territory acquired by the Ger-
mans, swhile all of the allied forces
are consolidated.
The German success scents to
have been wholly dependent upon
their use of bombs filled with as-
phyxiating gases, and the first ad-
vantage they were able to gain
from this effect upon the allied
soldiers. The gazes which spread
from these bombs were felt as far
back as the second line defences.
They caused a severe smarting of
the eyes, which made it practically
impassible for the' gunners to work
with any degree of accuracy. The
first line breach -se were made
wholly untenable, the atmosphere
being so laden with, the gas that
the troops had to fall back or drop
in. their tracks.
IF.neltai Drove Wedge.
The space that was thus opted
this was west and south of Lange-
marek--served as a breach through
which the Germans drove a fore and
wedge that gained such "impetus
over the unprotected ground that
the advance troops were able to
cross to the west bank of the Year
Canal before they were stopped.
Meantime, to the north and to the'
south of Langeznarck the entire
German front over a distance of
seven miles pressed forward with
a violence that has scarcely been
equalled since the notable drivers
made last October. Their ferees
had been heavily augmented by
the ma ;sing of troops for 'this very
occasion, so that the allied forces
found themselves outnumbered
from one end to the other.
;Along this front the Belgians
were at the north, the British, in-
cluding Canadians, at the - south,
and the French at the centre. To-
day's news tells of the British line
bent back last night, having press-
ed forward again, and of an equal
advance by the French and Bel-
While much of the brilliant fight-
ing seems to have been done. by the,
Canadian troops, it remained for
the French zouaves and the Belgian
carabineers to drive the Germans
from the village of Lizerne, a few
minutes after they had occupied it
Saturday morning. These fighters
did not, however, stop at having.
regained the lost village, but
pressed on, .and', also recaptured
some of the ground beyond it.
Germans Lost 9,000,.
There is very little information
at hand to -night from which esti-
mates of killed and wounded can3,
be made. News from Berlin says
2,470 prisoners were made, and
that 35 cannon and a large number
of machine guns were captured.
One report says that the Germans.
lost 9,000 in killed and wounded at
the encounter widen Reined the
welt hank of the Yser Canal for
The 4.7 -inch guns of the Canadian
division, lost and then recaptured,
belonged to the heavy Artillery
Brigade, and were 45 pounders
from Montreal.
300 held Post Against 2,000 Ger-
mans Till the Last.Rountl
Was Fired.
A despatch from London says:
'An official report issued Sunday
night tells of the heroic defence by
300 British Indian soldiers of a po-
sition in. East Africa against 2,000
Germans. The..Indians held a, hill
until their ammunition ran out and
all but twenty of their number had
been killed. The failure of the
British expedition against Tanga,
German East Africa, as previously
announced in Berlin, also is men-
tioned, and against this is offset
the success of the British in several
engagements on the Frontier and
on the shores of Lake Victoria Ny--
The report, which was issued by
' the War Office, `deals with opera-
tions in the British East African
Protectorate between November
• and March, and is as follows
"An attempt by - British Indian
troops to 'take T.aai'ga, in German -
East Africa, was unsuoaessful, ' and
the force re -embarked and propeed-
ed to Mombasa. Simultaneously
an attack on a German outpost at
Longido resulted in the Germans
evacuating their position after suf-
fering Meavy losses. The British.
also drove the German's out of Bri-
tish territory across the Umba
"The. British past at Sassing held
by 300 Indians, was attacked by
2,000 German's. Jassin was sur-
rendered after its ammunition had
been exhausted and the commander
and 280 men had been killed,
"An expedition sent from Mom-
hera occupied the German Island
of Mafie, the German garrison sur-
rendering unconditionally. S'hirati,
on Lake Victoria Nyanza, was at-
ttacked and occupied by the British.
Admiralty May Close
Ports Without Notice
A .despatch from Washington
says : Consul -General Skinner, at
London, cables that the British Ad-
miralty had given notice that cer-
tain ports of Great Britain may
be closed to shipping ' without no-
tice. "Closing will be indicated,"
the message sand, "by three verti-
cal red lights at night and three
red balls by (lay_ When these sig-
nals are displayed vessels must
proceed to examination anchorage
or keep to .sera;,"
Berlin Claims f -ler Warships; Have Been Cruising
in North Sea -Zeppelin Reconnoitring
"A despatch from London says:
Further indications of "acertain
liveliness in the North Sea" were
fbithcomin; fiofn various sources
on Friday, and London continues in
a. state of expectation of • a naval
battle. A Berlin despatch gives the
following Statement issued by the
German • Admiralty
"The German 'high g'seas fleet ra-
-eentlq_ has *cruised repeatedly in
the North Sea, advancing into Eng-
lish sisters, without meeting the
sea forces of Great Britain;"
So fair there has been no tom-
e e. Bri-
tom -
meat n the : foregoing frown B
tisk official quarters.
Unconfirmed rrpolts from Blyt
sad other points, an the 1oath-alst
coast, telling of a Zeppelin cruising
over r tAue none
there with Germareran natal activity
One of the Huge Shells from a German Siege Gun.
The great• enemy shell shown in the photograph is of peculiar in-
terest for taro reasons, For one thing, it has established by ocular
proof the existence of the giant German siege -howitzers, an existence
which some have questioned. For another, it has yielded the first
opportunity to note actual measurements and details of the size,
weight and oapaacity of the 42 -em. (10_ -inch) howitzer projectiles.
The tremendous shell is set up for purposes of t omparison side by
side with, on the left, a French 75 -nim. field gun shell, and on the
right, a German 77 -spm. held gun shell, w•'hioh are each was nearly
as possible 3 inches in diameter. The big shell fell in soft ground
near one of the outer forts at Verdun. It did not explode ; where-
upon it was dug UP, the charge - exeracted, and measurements were
made. The projectile was discharged from a faring point distant 7,
miles from the Verdun fort, is 1% metres (practically 5 feet) from
tap to base, and 'weighed 956 kilo;r.antmes. or 2107.6 lbs., i.e., only
133 lbs. short of a, ton
rather than with the idea of an-
other aerial 'raid. Its thought
likely, if German -airships are . in
the vicinity of Great Britain, that
their mission.. is one of reconnais-'
.pane in connection with fleet move-
'The' Grimsby, 'brawler St. Law-
rence was torpedoed' and sunk in
the North Sea Friday by a German
submarine. Two members of the
crew were killed, whose ,skipper re-
ports that the submarine fired on
his vessel while engaging in reeds-
ing the crew of the Sit. Lawrence,
The officer of aDanish eteamer
which arrived at Tyne restart that
they encountered the Norwegian
barques Eva and Oscar, the former
on fire iand abandoned and the lat-
ter in sinking condition with its
boats missing.
84 of Canada's Sons Named in the
('usually List of Flanders
The 'Ring's Message.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The Duke of Connaught, Governor-
General of Canada, has received a•
message from King George express-
ing his admiration of the gallant
stand made by the Canadians at
Langemarek, and sympathizing
with Canadians in the heavy casual-
ties sustained.
A. causualty list •containing the
names of 84 officers in the Canadian
Division, of whom 22 were killed,
one died of wounds, 59 are wound-
ed, and two are wounded and miss-
ing, was received Sunday night
from Militia Headquarters, at Ot-
Rank and file casuaItie,s in con-
nection with this engagement have
not yet been received at Ottawa,
nor has there been any announce
ment as to their extent.
Among the Canadian officers re-
ported killed are Lt. -Col, W. Hart
McHarg, of Vancouver; Lt. -Col.
A, P. Birchen, of the Canadian
Permanent Staff, in England;
Maj. A. E. Kimmis, of the Queen's
Own Rifles, Winona, Ont.; Maj. E.
C. Nus'wortlhy, of Montreal, and.
Maj. 3. McLaren, of Brandon;
L. -Col. R. D. Boyle,. of Crossfield,
Alta., has died of wounds.
Lt. -Cal. -Hart McHarg, who wa•s
connected with the Sixth D.C.R.O.,,
Vancouver, was the champion rifle
shot of the world, winning the title
air the last Internationnal Rifle
matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, in.
1913. He won the Governor -Gen-
eral's prize on two 000wsions, being
one of the only. two mien who ever
won the honor twice at the D.C.
R.A. meet here. His record at
I3islrey and theCanadian Annual
Rifle Matchers has very few equals.
Among the •wounded are Lieut.
Col. W. S. Buell, of Brockville;
Major A. T. Hunter, of `Toronto;
Major. Gilbert Godson -Godson, of
Vancouver; Major D.• Sutherland,
of Norwich, Oat., and Major B.
H. Belson., of Pont Dalhousie.
Major D. R. Sandeman, of Red
Deer, is seriously wounded.
Major' A. T. Rueter i5 e, widely
known local lawyer, and is proud
neat in Canadian polities ass a pub_
lie speaker and candidate for Par-
liament. Among the other wound-
ed are Capt.: George M Civaig, son
of Clarence J.•Me•Cuaig,.the Mont-
real financier, and Lieut. Reginald
Tupper, `a son of Sir Charles Hib-
bent Tupper, and a grandson of
Sir Charles Tupper. •N
Bubonic Plague in Turkey.
A despatch from Rome says: Re-
ports have reached here from Can-
stantinople that the bubonic plague.
is raging in Turkey and that the
victims of the disease are vera- :nu-
merous. The :contagion is spread-
ing in an alarming manner owing
to the neglect of sanitary precau-
tions. Several cases have occurred
at Salonika.
Canadian Division Has repulsed Two Fresh Om)
siaughts by the German Forces
A despatch from London. eases :1cable froze Col, Carrick, Assistant
All England is -talking of the Cana- eye -witness for the Caaradia
dians' splendid advance. Latest forces: "Sir John French tele-
reports frrin the front indicate that graphed, Goa. Alderson as follows;
heavy fighting continued Saturday 'I with to 'express to you and to
and Sunday, when the Germans the Canadian troops my admiration
twice attacked the C.:median line, of the gallant stand ,and fight taley
but both times were repulsed. have mace. They have performed
The Canadians had not been out a must brilliant and valuable ser4.
of the trenches stnee their charge ,rice. I reported their splendid be*
to recapture the guns. but have havior to the Secretary of State
had the warmest trench fighting - and. I have a. reply from him saying
since reaching France, and were how highly their gallantry and de -
steady under the strain. The ex termination in a difficult position
tent of the casualties is not known are atppreeiated ea England-'
at the record office, but .all the sur Gen. Hughes replied: -Sincere
plus oMears on leave have been thanks Per message. Please convey
hurriedly recalled in anticipation. to Sir John and the Canadians. the
Strong drafts of men are ready to pride and joy of their comrades in
leave. It is reported that the Canada for the Part they have so
Princess Patrician also were in the nobly played. The C'enadiaans have
battle. justly pre ed that there ua-. no
f - surrender and that, ba° wlt.,tevex
Sir John Trench's Message.
fault the gtt1:5 were lest. they were despatch from Ottawa says: not allowed ti, remain in pis -assign,
Gen. Hughes received the following of the enemy."
• grcadstuffs,
Torc.nto. April 27---]:lour--Manitoba dist
patents quoted at $8.10, in lute bags: eta -
end patent, $7.60; strong bakers , $7.40.
Ontario wheat flour, 90 per cent. patents,
quoted at $6.15 to $6,25, seaboard, and at
$6.25 to $6.30, Toronto freight.
Wheat -Manitoba, No. 1 Northern quoted
at $1.65; No. 2 at $1.64; and No. 3 et
$1.61 1.2. Ontario wheat is firm at $1.60
to $1.55 for No, 2, at outside points.
Oate-Ontario ciuoted, at GO to S1c, out.
aide, and at 63 to 64c, Toronto. Western
Canada, No. 2, quoted at 700, and No. 3
at 68c, c.i.f., Bay ports.
Barley -Good malting grades. 75 to 70e,
Rye -The market is dull at $1.05 to
$1.10, outside.
Peas -No. 2 quoted at $1,75, outside.
Corn -No. 2 new American quoted at
83o., c.i.f., Bay ports, and No. 3 at 82c,.
Bay ports,
73uokwheat No, 2 quoted, at 80 to 820,
Bran and shorts -Bran is quoted at $27
a ton. and shorts at $29 to $30.
Rolled oats -Car lots, per bag of 90 lbs.,
Cured meats are quoted as follows: -
Bacon, long clear, 13 3-4 to 14c per lb. in
case lots. Hams -Medium, 17 to 171.2o;
do„ heavy, 14 1-2 to 16o; rolls 14 to 14 1.2o;
breakfast bacon, 18 to o; backs. 20 to
21e; boneless backs, 23c.
Lard The market is quiet, with prices
steady; pure lard, tubs. 11 3.4 to lie; do.,
pails, 12. to 12 1-2c. Compound, tubs, 9 3-4
to 10c: do., pails, 10 to 10 1-4e.
Country Produce.
Butter -The market is quiet, with prices
generally unchanged. flood grades want-
ed. Choice dairy, 27 to 28o; inferior. 21
to 23c; creamery prints, 35 to 36o; do.,
solids, 32 to 33c.
Eggs -The market is firmer, with sales
at 21 to 22o per dozen, in case lots.
Beans -The market is steady at $3.40
to $3.45 for prime, and $3.45 te.$3.50 for
bulls. $5 to $5.50; stockers, 700 to 1.003
$6 to $6.85; caneore and cutters, $3.75 to
$4.60; milkers. choice. each $60 to $85; do..'
common and medium, each, $36 to $45;
5light ewes, 6 ,, to
springers, $ 0 to $75; 1 .h S . 0
$7.50; do,. ]teats 85 to $6.30; do,. bucks.
$3.50 to $4.50; lambs. $5 to $10• calves,
$5.50 to $10; bogs, fed and watered. $8.65;.
do.. off cars, $9 to $9,15.
Montreal, April 27. -The supply of cattle
was small. far which the demand was
fair. and sales of choice steers were made
at $7.75 to $8; good at $7.25 to $7.50, and
the lower grades from $5 to $6.50, while
hotelier's' cows brought from $4.50 to
$6.50. and bulls from $5 to $7 per cwt. The
feature of the small meat trade was the
activity in calves, there being a• good de-
mand for all the offerings at prices rang.
dug .trout $2 to $9 cash ae to size and
quality. A few small lute or yearling
lambs Bold at $8,20 to $9.25. and ewe sheep
at $5.71 to $a Per cwt. Spring lambs
brought $..50 to 86.50 each. as to size,
The tone of the market for hogs was firm
under a fair demand and email offerings.
and sales of selected lots were made at
$9.50 to $9.60 per cwt., weighed off oars,
and In one or two instances as high as
$9.75 was pad for small lots.
Business In Montreal.
Montreal, April 27. -Corn -American No.
2 yellow, 821.2 to 83c. Oats -Canadian
Western, No. 3, 69 1-2c; extra No. 1 feed,
69 1-2c; No. 2 local white, 67 1-2c; No, 3 lo-
cal white. 66 1-2c; No. 4 local white, 65 1-2o.
B arley -Manitoba feed, Oki malting, 86
to B8c, Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat pat-
ents, firsts. $8.20; seconds, $7.70; strong
bakers', $7,60; Winter patents, choice,
$7.80; straight rollers, $7.30 to $7.40; do.,
bags, $3.45 to $3.55. Roiled oats-Bbis.,
$.75 to $7; do„ bags, 90 lbs„ $3.25 to $3.35,
Bran, $26. Shorts, $28. Middlings. $33 to
$34. Mouillie, $35 to $38. Ray -No. 2, per
ton, car lots, $18 to $19.50. Oheese Finest
westerns, 17 1-2 to 17 3.4c; finest easterns,
17 to 17 1-4c. Butter -Choicest creamery,
351-2 to 36c; seconds, 34 to 341.20. Eggs
-Freeh, 22. to 23o; selected, 25c; No. 2 stock,
21c. Potatoes Per bag, car lots, 47 1-2 to
50o. Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed $13 to
$13.50; country, $10.50 to $11.75. -'Pork -
Heavy Canada short mess, bbls„ 35 to 45
pieces. $28; Canada short-cut back, bb]s„
45 to 55 pieces, $27.50. Lard -Compound,
tierces, 375 lbs., 9 1-2c; wood 'palls, 20 lbs.
net, 10c; pure, tierces, 375 lbs., 11.1-2; pure,
wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 12c.
-Winnipeg, April 27. -Wheat -No. 1 North.
ern, $1.58 3.8 No, 2 Northern, $1.57; No, 3
Northern, $1.54 3-4; No. 4, $1.60; No. 6,
$1,461.2; No. 6, $1.42 1.2. Oats -No. 2 0.
W., 66c No. 3 C.W., 62c; extra No. 1 feed,
61 3.-4c, . 'No. 1. feed, 60 7-80; No. 2 feed,
69 7-8e. Flax -No, 1 N.-w.C„ $1.79; No. 2
0.W„ $1.76.
United States Markets.
Minneapolis, .April 97. -Wheat -No- 1
hard, $1.61 3-4; No, 1,Northerii, $1.57 1-4 to
$1.61 1-4; ' No. 2 Northern, $1.52 3-4 to
$1,68 14; May, $1.55;1.4. Corn -No. 3 yel-
iow: 73 1-4 to 73 3-4c. Oats -No. 3.: white,
54 3.4 to 55 1-4c. Flour and bran un-
Duluth, April 27. -Wheat -No. 1 ` hard,
$1,61 5.8; No. 1 Northern, $1,60 3-8; May,
$1,59 3-B. Linseed, $1.98 1-4; May, $1.98 3.4.
New York, April 27 -Flour firm. Rye
flour steady. Hay steady. hope quiet.
Hides steady. Leather fired,
llounlania Matkes formal Demands
for Tereitol•ial Concession.
A despatch from Paine •says : it
is learned here that B-,iumania has
made formal demands upon Aus-
tria for territorial ew,ncessions in
Transylvatnia, exacting a reply
within. a reasonably short time.
The time limit, however, is said
not to be fixed. Roumania'•: act -kin
is of the greatest- significance, as it
is ,abt-lously inspired by Italy fol-
lowing out the terms of the Ita•lo-
Roumanian defensive alliance eon-
templating simultaneous interven-
tion for the realization of the as-
pirations of both countries.
Italy two months ago demanded
a prompt explanation of Austria's
concentration of troops in Transyl-
vania. Now Italy further demands
to know whether, besides the con-
cessions offered to her, any hare
been offered to Roumania. Thus
Austria will be compelled to ,satisfy
the ambitions of both countries,
otherwise intervention is inevitable.
In Dire Need of Food.
A despatch from London says:
Seven million Poles, of whom two
millions are Jews, are in dire mad
of food. This statement was made
by Hermann Laundau, a prominent
Jewish philanthropist associated
with various Jewish charities in
"Of these sufferers 5,500,000 are
east of the Vistula River and 1,-
500,000 west of the river," Mr.
Laundau said. "The Jews are
even poorer than the Gentiles, be-
cause of the boycott against the
Jews in parts of Poland before the
beginning of the war, which im-
poverished thousands who other-
wise would have be -en able to pro-
vide for their families."
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, April 27, -Butchers' ..cattle,
choice, $7.35, to .$7.60; do, good, $6.90 to
$7.15; do., medium, $6,50 to $6.75; do., cont.
mon, $6.50 to $6,75;butchers' bulls, choice,
$6 to $6.80; do., good b ,, $b . to $6.30;
do;, rough bulls, $4.60 to $6.75; butchers'
cows, choice, $5,50 to $6.75; do., medium,
$5.25 to $5.40; do„ common, $4,60 to $6.76;
feeders, good. $6.40 to $7,25; do., rough
French Forces, Overwhelmed by
Noxious Fumes, Had to
Fail Haei-.
A despatch from Landon sags:
The enemy scored e. small success
over the krench forces in Belgium
Friday by the use of asphy dating
gas. The shells used in the bom-
bardment -of the trenches of the
allies were filled with gases which
compelled the soldiers to retire
from the gas zone and drop back
toward the Year Canal to escape
the fumes. The British front re-
mains intact. except where the
troops have had to readjust their
line in order to gouful'tt1 with the.
new French line.
The reports seem to indicate that
theGermans, employing every
available man and gun, not only
front the other points of the front,
hut from the interior of Germany
itself, are making a desperate effort
to pierce the allied line, isolate the
left to the north and thus win to
the Channel and Calais. They have
thrown themselves against the
farces of France, Britain and Bel-
gium, apparently unmindful of the
cost, and alreadt military observers
are preparing to receive reports of
the bloodiest battle of the war in
this zone.
The German movement came
south-west, following the railroad'
from Thourout to Boesinghe, and
carne into contact with the allied
lines at Poeleapelle. Simultan-
eously another German farce -aug-
mented by guns and men appeared
before the British to the south,
while heavy field guns, mere read-
ily transportable owing to the im-
proved roads, once again shelled
The situation then was that the
French and Belgians were engage
to the north of the city, while the
British were in action to the south
Among the French it was noted
there were 4,400 French biuejaeket-f
who had given such good account
of themselves under command of
Admiral de Pon Arch. They were
thus disposed when the Germans'
made their first general advance,
employing the gas-filled bombs,
which made it impossible for men to
remain in the trenches near when
they exploded. At the same tint
they advanced to the south more
to recover lost ground than to go
through, and in this they were u;'-
Refuses to Vote Military
A Paris despatch to the Central
News says that the opening session
of the Hungarian Ohamber was a
gloomy sitting. The Chamber re-'
fused to vote the new military cre-
dits demanded by the general staff.
The -attempt of Count Tisza, the
Premier, to break down 'the oppo-
sition was futile.
The Morning Post's Berne cor-
respondent gives a different- version
of the opening of the Chamber
from that of the Central News, He
says that Count Tisza in a long pre-
liminary •conference with the lead-
ers. of She Opposition, Counts Ali
ponyi, Andrassy, Miiehy and 'Ear-
olu; tried to obtain their promise
not -to oppose tide new bills to be
submitted to- the- Chamber, but that
it is believed he failed to se•em's
their promise.
Started Out For England
A despatch from London says.:
Fred T. Jane, a well-known naval
expert, addressing a meeting at
Liverpool, .said that it was not 'gen-
erally known that the Germ;an-s
tried to land an expeditionar3
force in England and that it was the
British navy that -made them go
ba-olt to their harbor again, Ph -e
navy saved the country and there
was never a word of -it in the news-
German Merchant Steamer
a t
A despat•cih . to La. Prense, Lint -a,
Peru, states that the British ste.a,m-
en Orcouna has sunk aGerman mer-
chant. steamship near Bao -as It
is also stated that the Buth'sh:cruis-
erg Kent and Osama have received
coal from the British' steam -el, Ab•:
ge.sford at the port of Bay-ovar.
The last report received .from. tike
Or -coma virgas to the effect that :slue.
had ,a•rriv,ed in Liverpool 'February.
16 from V•a•l;pa•ra,iso. It is possible
that since then she has been ,airinesl
and ,sent back to South. American