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Exeter Advocate, 1915-4-29, Page 5
eee DENTAL Dr, G. F. ROULSTQN, L.D.S.,_ D.D.S. DENTIST Member of the R.C,D.S. at Ontarto and Honor Gras Water er Toronto. University. Orftseee•-Over Dickson & Caeling's lave efrt4e. Closed Wednesday afternoons.. DR. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate or Torento Vniversete DENTIST Teeth extracted without path, or any bad effects. Otte over Madman & Stanbury'a Orrice, Main Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARf.ING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors- Notaries, Conveyancers, Oona aess1oners. SoUcitere for the Moisons Bank etc. stoney to Loan et loweet rates or irttereat Ofrices—Main-St., Exeter R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MreNialfTQ LQAN We Leave a large aanouat of private Citadel to town, on term and village prop, *mice at 'tow rates of Interest; GLADMAN & STA.fl$U3R Barristers. Solicitors. 'Exeter. SYNOPSIS OP. C,A.STAPIA.>1,.130RTHI WEST LAND REGULA.TIQNS THE sole head of a family, or «,ny enaheover18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ica lead in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant mast appear is perso. at the Dominion Lands '1g- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any ['ambition Lad Agency (but not S* Agency) on certain conditions. Duties—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader 'Tay live wit la Stine mites of his, homestead cm a £ of at least 80 acres., an certain ons. A habitable house is re- a in every case, except when le- e is performed in the vicinity. Ite :certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi-. Bence in each of three nears after era=pule homestead patent; also 50 Penes extra cultivation.. Pre-emptionj patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead eight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. PJice $3 per acre. .Duties --Must re- side 6 ,months in each of 3 years, cu- ttiete% SOacres, ant erect a house worth $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted- for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy or the Mtnleter of the Interior N.B.—Unauthorized !publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCJI PILLS' Wit Tne- cleatin Pi11 for Women. $5 e. box or threefor $1O. Sod. at alt Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price.41,Tag senate Dat+o Co, St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. R anis eitality;for Nerve and Train; increases "grey' matter"; a Tonie—willbuild you up. $3 a box, or two for $5. at drug stores, or by mast on receipt of priee. Tife Scouts. Thies Co„ St. Catharines. Ontario. CENTRAL Add STRATIORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of our three departments —Commerc- ial Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write. for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal MANY COLLEGES CLOSE FOR VACATION at midsummer. Our col- lege does not. ELLIOTT oi/ if Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto is strictly first-class. NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Enter now so as to get a position in the -early fall. Catalogue free. Western University, louden Forward Movement GREATLY ENLARGED FAC- ULTIES IN ARTS AND MEDICINE VASTLY IMPROVED EQ UIP MEN 1,—LIBRARY, LABORATOR- IES ETC. , v; . SEVEN NEW SCHOLARSHIPS: RECORD ENROLMENT. INQUIRIES INQUIRIES SOLICITED. E. E BRAIITHWAITE, M.A; Ph.D. President. FIAN0 TRUNK SYs EM DOUPLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO --CHICAGO TORONTO-eMONTREAL FOR CHICAGO CHICAGO Leave Taranto 8.00a, m., 4.40 and 11.00 p. m., daily: FOR NT Leave Toronto 9.010, ;aenVes_ and 11.00 hi. rda11 Sinoonh Roadbed ;Highest . Class of Equipment , For particulars and bed'th •,reserpa tions. at Grand 'Trunk ticket offices, p. m. 14. WHAT t*, NEED °; Too many worften struggle under pains and aches. They are not sick—but -but weak, nervous, irritable. Such women need that blood- strength that eoanes by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION. It also strengthens the nerves, aids the, ap- petite and cheeks the decline. If wife or p ot4ffr r u easily or look xrxn• down, SCOTT'S •-t1 ; EMULSION will build her. rip. SHUN SUBSTITUTES. 14.43 )rr . p.),.,NE a OHohrodrsa TAH Ip. 1*IeGILLIVRAY iltrs. Henry- lark died on April 20, following a stroke of paralysis ens- tained two• weeks before when visiting her sister ,.'firs, Edward Mark. Heart. failure followed the strolte. She is i by x sons. sutiv i rcec.sApril Aprl 20th in Parkhill the mar- riage tools Place of alr. Patrick Flem- ming of Rearm' to Miss Mary McIn- tyre of this township. They vill re- side on the 12th Con., near Brinsley, on a faro the groom purchased,. Mss, Jacob East, formerly a resil- den near Corbett, died at her .come or. Mill street, Parkhill, on the 16th or Bright's disease. A husband, cue SOP and two daughters survive. Lt7CAN The death took place herei on Ap- rd 22nct of one of our mast respected residents in the person of John iefur- day at the age of, 75 years. Deceas- ed was well-known as an undertaker, conducting business hese for 'navy years He was a valued member 'of the :Masonic order. The funeral took 1?1ace on Saturday to Neil's Cemetery; lcGU1ivray, ORDER FROM US.—Now is the time to consider your reading ,natter for 1915. No matter what •eapers or magazines you require—Canadian or foreign—The Advocate. ::an supply them at lower prices than you .an get them. WEDDING INVITATIONS °tND VISITING CARDS The Advocate is making a specialty of wedding invitations --complete rets with note paper, inside envelope, and outside or mailing envelope, all to match We carry all the popular lines of paper, and we print them with either the ever standard script tyee or the Old English type. Girls, if you are thinking of getting married see our samples—they will :rake you glad you said "yes" when, he popped the question, If you are married, thee will .make you feel like i;etting married all over again. Our visiting cards and type styles are right up to the minute and as tasty as the finest ani most expensive engraved cards you ever Iooked at. HENSALL Margaret Buchanan, nurse of Fargo North Dakota, came hone to attend the funeral of her brother— Joh ; and Alex Moir whoi came home from the west, last week with two loads of cattle have taken over the old homestead from their brother Colin.—Thomas Lang continues very ill and that his recovery is doubtful. —Dr John A, .McEwen, son of the late. Dmican McEwen, was recently tear= ried to Miss Margaret Pearl Hamil- ton of Carlton Place.—john Glen of Usborne..will move into the residence he recently purchased from James Bonthorn about the first of May.► - Jonathan Carter, who about 30 years ago resided here, but for several years has been a resident of California was it town this week calling( on Ad ac- quaintances N.: J. DORE, Eteter. , • A Neighbor Told Him To Take !'o.1 THE D-EYrS If you want to know what Gin Pills will do for you, just drop a line to Mr. D. A. Yorke, at Bellrock, Ont. Ile will tell you what Gin Pills did for Mini, after he had suffered with Kidney trouble for 15 years. Here is his letter: "'I suffered tor about 15 years with my Kidneys. I could get nothing to help me. The pain went all through my back andshoulders and down the calves of my legs. When I would sit down for a while, I could not straighten up again until I' would walk a rod or more, the pain was so great -Aneigghbor advised me to take GIN PI'LES. ' I did so qnd six boxes cureda,i IG is.alkitst.tWo aid a half years since I quit taking them. My back is all right; no pains and no more backache. I thank GIN PILLS foriiell=theyare worth Fheir weight in gold." D. A. YORKE. NEWS TOPICS OF f WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week, The Busy World's ,Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our I'aper—A Solid Hour's Enjoyment.. WEDNESDAY. Fire broke out yesterday in the mines of the Inmat Coat 8z Coke Co, in Wise County, Virginia. The alines are being flooded. The governors of Adrianople and towns in that region of European Turkey have ordered the inhabitants not to go outside the limits of tbe towns without at.thorizatiop, St. Thomas was en fete last night when Sir Adam Beefs, cbairman of Ontario Hydro-Eleetrie Commission, pressed the button which turned on the lights for the new ornamental system on, Talbot street. ;Mayor Waugh of Winnipeg bail communicated by wire with the may- ors of all prinelpal eitiea In Canada and arranged a eonrerence to be bell inOttawa at as earl y a date as pose - Bible to formulate preeesels to re- lieve the unemployed. For one hour yesterday Dr. F. G. Hughes sat in the assize court at To- rapto and thus served tho sentence passed on htm by Mr. Justice elute. Dr, Hughes was found guilty of can- splracy to defraud in ceareetion witu the Union Life inn,-uri.uec Co. Suffragettes in New York have laUseelled •a •`veiled easupeign" tor tale it/allot. They are tt a it ing, voila whites reales only to the tip ,ti tboir noses, to give proaainet*ee to &he words "Vatos for Woolen" p; anted on tbe fardel' in letters an inch and a halt deep. .eanteneed to 30 days 10 Jail for ualawfut entry. Charge: tti:bbiue, cif NOW York, re':etve,t the ,fudge's Reis luissi,en to derive a trucittoad of geed* to a eustoutet besore serving kite ee tense, Jueee Roy was so eitteeed wben Iioat,naae returned that he reduced the sentenets to one day. lli t, iia11c1 e. Lt. -Col. T. D. 1 . Hemming will be the cotumauder at the i3arrietield camp which opens next manta. The Williams loam option bib was defeated itt tbe t •unsylvania Legis- lature yesterday u/ a you oe 78 ye.;.s to 138 nays. The body of Fireman W. C. Jones oiC Lindsay was Sound almost cut 1u two in the G, T. R. yards rear Brook - Ila siding, five mites Pram Wbltby, yoeterday. Fire yestor•lay destroyee three, dwellings, two hare. and two out- buildings at St. Mary's, across the St. Jobe river from Fredericton, N.B. Loos $10,000; insurance $2,500. Oen. Villa notified the Villaista' headquarters at Juarez yesterday that he had evacuate Guadalajara and Monterey without a fight to raise all available troops to oppose Gen. Obre- gon. . The Marmara public school burn- ed down yesterday afternoon, but the children all got out safely. The fire started in the basement and the cause is unknown. Tha building was in- sured for $8,000. The young Egyptian merchant named. Khalil, who on April 8 made ins unsuccessful attempt in Cairo to assassinate Hussein Kernel, the Sul - ton of Egypt, was yesterday sentenc- ed by a military court-martial to death by hanging, Hubert Ryan, chief electrician at the Canadian Locomotive Works at Kingston, has taker out a patent on a trench periscope. The patent offi.ee has undertaken to negotiate with the British War Office to give the periscope a test. FRIDAY. The report that Nursing Sister Richardson has died at the front from over fatigue is incorrect. A cable has been received at Ottawa stating that she is convalescent. The large barns of D. Pothering - hasp, on the London road, Tucker- smlth Township, were completely de- stroyed by fire yesterday morning. The horses and cattle were saved. Ian an endeavor to relieve the pres- ent unemployed situation in Winni- peg, the C.N.R. will, as soon as pos- sible, place a large number of men at work on the mail, line in the west. The Province o. Nova Scotia, with the exception of the city of Halifax, is under provincial prohibition. The city oame within an ace in the House of Assembly of beim, included in the pro&bitory law. A German submarine yesterday stopped a Dutch steamer in the Gulf of Bothnia, and examined her papers and cargo. Germany in this manner intends to keen a close watch on the traffic between Sweden and Finland. A distinct` earth shock was felt in Tacoma, Wash., at 10.37' yesterday morning from the smelter near Point Defiance to the southern limits of the city, 12 miles, and extending to South Tacoma. No damage was reported. 'The North -German Lloyd merchant ship Sisass, 15,000 tons, has reached Tutuila, Samoa, •and will stay there until the end of the :war, according to a despatch to the. U. S. Navy De- partment late yesterday from the naval station at Tutuila. Ove of the beat known•'educational- ists itt Canada diee yesterday in To- ronto, in the person of Dr. William Winslow Ogden. Ho was a member of the Toronto Public School Board for forty-four years, and a member of the Board of Education from 1906 to 1911, when he retired. SATURDAY. The Danish Diet yesterday adopted an amendment to the constitution giving the vote to women, andhnoufer- ring ti on them the right or election o e t -* Wolueees. " ouncil of St, John, •. lin annfiar meeting Thursday adoriessera feealution deprecating pre - w I re attempts to interfere on be- half nI peace. The .auronicli . the first passenger steamer,to,arriire at Port Arthiug this Bandon, ' docked yesterday morning :a box, 6 for $4.50. Sold in the 7S:9under the name "GIN O" Pills. Trial treatment if .you write National Drug & Chemical Co. 'of ramil'1a,lC.imited ,Voronto. from Sarnia, with fifteen passenger$ anti full' cargo. •a. Howard. Sperber, of Camden, N.J., is dying from burns received when his companions tied hila to a stake while playing Indians and started' a are under hint, /Are, Julia 7deilner, wife' of Selig- man. Hehner, ., wealtby corset manu- facturer, anufacturer, was fount murdered in her Brooklyn hone yesterday. Her head had been crushed in from blows of a bottle.. While leading a horse on his fath- er's farm, W. Moore, of McIntosh Mill, near ,Brockville, received injur- ies from which he died, The animal reared and kicked the lad in the ab- domee. Opposing Li., wife's application for alimony, pending the trial of her suit for separation, Salomon Begod, of New York, who is five feet tall, de- clared that his spouse, who is six feet tall, called hie "a little shrimp," and said she wa" ashamed of him. MONDAY. The wheel_ of a wagon heavily loaded with gravel passed over tbe body of Cornelius Nasb, three years, 305% Pape avenue, Toronto, killing the child instant], yesterday. Ilene De Saint Mareeaux, the sculptor. died Friday night at his home in Pirie at the age of 70 years, Many of his wotsa are famous and occu py places of lamer ix' Paris, Tbe Government elevator at Port Colborne has eminence(' operations for the present season and large quantities of ,grain are arriving daily from Chicago, Duluth and Fort Wil- liam. Wives of the striking laborers at Stamford, Conn., to the number of fifty or more. armee with broom sticks, pick handles and salt, bad a hand to band figat with the police on Saturday. Guglieimo Marconi, head of tbe Marconi wireless system, and now an Italian senator, arrived in New York yesterday froze Li"erpool. He said he came to inspect the Marconi wire- less stations, A revolver and a mask were fauna at New Orleans near the spot wbere Harry Lester war ;arrested after the express car of a passenger train was robbed and. Peta, Marcey, the bag- gage master, was shot and seriously. wounded. Six omcera and 19 members of the i crew of the Britisb submarine E -i 5 were taken to Constantinople Satur- day. The omcea, and three of the wounded rode in carriages, while the other men walked, They are the first British prisoners in Constanti- nople. TUFSI` AY. It is officially announced that an Austrian gunboat bas been damaged by the Serbia -as o the Danube. Russell George Williams, the one- year -old son of Aubrey Williams, of Kingston, had his skull fractured by a fall from his highchair, and died yesterday. At the point of a hatpin, Miss Anna. Goldsmith, aged 18, of New York, took two young men to a po- lice station for passing remarks about her new hat. Travelers arriving in Quebec from the north from the Lake St. John re- gion, report that Saturday morning between four and six o'clock, snow fell, covering the earth. Charles Burnham, aged 45, a painter, was fatally burned at Arden, N.Y., when he stumbled against the railing on the steps of his home and ignited a box of matches in his vest pocket. The Danish steamer Slesvig 'was stopped yesterda: by a German tor- pedo boat off i alt:terbo' and. ordered to unload the cargo of coal which it was carrying from England to Norr- koeping. Yanne Sandausky, the Macedonian brigand leader who gained notoriety in 1901 through the kidnapping and holding for a large ransom of Miss Ellen M. Stone, tae missionary, has been slain by unknown persons. , Louis Lanstrum, aged six, and Ed- win Johnston, aged seven, sons of residents of Norma, near Kenora, were drowned on Sunday afternoon when a motorboat in which they were being taken across the lake, struck a log and sank. TEMPERANCE MEASURES. Good' Spirits, Light Beers and Short Hours Are British Program. LONDON, April 27.—The British Cabinet gave further consideration to the drink problem yesterday, and to -day the intention is that Chancel- lor of the Exchequer. Lloyd George shall submit the Government's liquor proposals to the House of Commons on Wednesday. Although the Cabinet's plans are not finally adjusfee;'it can be author- itatively stated that the following are the main hea.a under which the Government intends to take actions: (1) Prohlbitio of the sale of im- mature spirits. (2) Encouragement of the brew- ing of lighter beers. (3) Special public house restric- tions in the munitions area. • (4) Reduced hours of sale gener-. ally:' (5) Compeusatio.i for interests affected. It is understood to -day that there may be a new regulation prohibiting the sale of immature spirite"under a certain age and restricting the manu- facture of the heavier types of beers. Good, spirits and light beers Will be encouraged, Deny Visit To Vatican. ROME, April 27..e-•( Via Paris.)— Bath the V..tican and Prince` von Buelow, ,the German Ambassador to Italy; -deny ,the report printed in The Paris Figaro, April 20;;•that Prince von Buelow' had visitedi, Pope Bene diet to bid the pontiff ,farewell,;ebe- lieving that.hi e, departure tsfroata Ropge'ftxas imminent.: / Royal,'Fund Grows. . 4 LONDON, April •27.—The National` Relief Fund :of th s Prince of Wales yesterday reaclie.: the total of '$25,- 006;000. DURABLE --Eire grates are :three -sided, last three times as long. Shaped in the nsnme to grind up clinkers a. n ce when "rocked". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 32 Sold by T. tLawkins & Son GRAND BLND Too late for last week, - Robert Stone bought a new auto recently: --lir, and Mrs .Geo. S uther- tap1 ancchild andM1r, and Mrs. Earp Pedlar of ,Ailsa Cxaig visited relatives here Sunday.- qtr, Zapfe, who Inas been ill fs able to leave, hie bed at times.— Mr Wilbur Pfaff is building a rho; repair shoee--bfr, Jon, Brenner has givers the barber shop a coat of paint weleb addr much. to its appearance He is also giving his temperance ho- tel a coat of paint., ZURICH Mr, F. Leibold of Stratford visit- ed relatives and friends here -Rev. A, Stroeder and Dr. B. A, Campbell have each received their new Overland automobUes,—Mrs. W. Clark and dau- ghter of Hamilton visited at the home of Mr. C . Fritz,—Thef many friends of Rev. G. F. Brown pastor"of the Evangelical church here, will be pleased to hear that the stationing committee of the conference held in Milverton has seen fit to allow him to continue his work in Zurich, A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of air. and 0? Eilber of this village on April 21 whets their eldest daughter aliss Dora Edna was united in marriage to 'tlrl Arthus G. Edigboffer, by Rev,. G. F. Bross n nastar of the Evangelical church The ceremony was perform- ed before a bank of ferns in the par- lor, the bride being given away .by her father. The grooms gift to the bride was a cheque; The bride Was becomingly dressed in a navy blue travelling suit, military style, with hat to match, After the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was rervedi The bride and groom left on the morning ;rain for points in Michigan'/ A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mai and Mrs. Valent- ine Gerber Bronson Line on April 20 when their youngest daughter, Fan- nie, was united in marriage( to Aaron Erb of near BIake The knot was tied by Rev. V, Gerber The groom was supported by his brother, Ed- mond and M1i. Peter Gingerich of Stanley while Miss Ada Kennel ind Masi Katie Jantzie of Canfield tested as brides •maidsa Three cows belonging to she herd of John Smith, Goshen line -lord' are dead as the result of Treatment recently given thein to get rid of ver- min A mixture of flour and earls greeai was used for the Purpose. --T hhe farm, of John Jacoby, Saubie eerie, was sold by auction on Saturday :or $4, 300 to William Johnston, of the i)om- inion House, Zurich, PILES CURED at HHO iE by New Absorption Method. If you sulier from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your adc,rc.is, and I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also send some Ol; this gnome tre:ltment free for trial, with referepces from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and- permanent ndperrnatlent cure assured, Send no "money, but tell others of this oiler. Write to -day to Mrs.! M. Summers, Box 840 Windsorg Ont. Are yo giIitus? .Don't let itrun too long, itwill lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, siek headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow camplexion.Justtry CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion -- gently but surely cleanse the system and keep the stomach and iiverin perfect running order. At all drarrl,ts, 25c., er by man from 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto 4 liken arra d rr`ar' : r eariee_ eee +©a' THE i• Trusteeships Often leO11 may Last Through have every confidence in the friend whom you appoint as the original Many Lifetimes truetee, but you have no voice in eche selec- tion of bis successors. This strong Trust Company is permanent and fulfils its duties far more effectively than is possible in the case of a private execu- tor. It is ever on the watch in the interests of its clients and through its Officers and Management it feels the pulse of the finan- cial 'world as no private individual can. Call or write for full information. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR -GEO. GIBBONS, LC., President JOHN S. MOORS, Manager "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 0,0 YOUR NEIGHBOR ' DRIVES A FORD—WHY DON'T YOU? WE ARP SELLING ,MORE FORDS IN CANADA THIS; YEAR THAN EV- ER BEFORE—BECAUSE CANADI- ANS'DEMAND',' THE BEST IN MO- TOR CAR SERVICE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. THE "MADE IN CANADA"' FORD , IS, A NECESSITY --NOT A LUXURY. Runabout 5540; Town Carr price, on application. All Ford• cars are Italy equipped including; . electric need - lights No ears sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford ,cars ',will. share in our profit; if we sell 30,00, cars between 'August 1, 1914, and; August' 1, 1915. MILD SNELL DEALER .304.4 ,I+; 'taai 9,;p1, Jt3'la" rI F l \ •. t 4: \ i (