HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-22, Page 8EXE PER AIIITE1CATE, Tlinli8IIAY APRIL 22 1815 EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EAOH WEDNESDAY Wheat .. . . . 135 70 75 55 159 60 14 00 $ 90 200 2$ Barley Eackwheat... . . . Oats, Peas. Potainee,per bag 40 Hay, er bon 14 00 Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butatr.. ..—. 20 Creamery Butter Args... maaaAa 1,,,,OW 19 Live huga,per Shorts per boa., Bran nor bon Sugar Bet t Pulp 20 8.25 30 00 2800 27 00 Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer 'Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, \fil- let, Alfalfa and beans bought. Imported Red Clover and Timothy Seed fat sale; also Choice home grown Buckwheat and Alsike WU. be at home to take in' Seed exert Tuesday, Wednesds.y, Thursday and SatwrclaY, Highest prices pail, Address all commtraications ta 1-4 Reynolds, Hay Ontario. R. R. No. 1. M. Fred Bawden is off duly iwing to spraining rhis right wrist. Ms: Bee, who has been visiting in Parkhill -returned to her .:orrte here Tuesday eventag. Graham returned tc `,Ioderich Tue da) after a vt with ler :laugh ter Mr Lindenfeld. NOTICE TO ODDEELLOWS. - 11erebers of Exeter Lodge of Odd - fellows are requested to meet at :he Lodg,o Room at 6.15 p.m. on Sunday April 25th, to attend di -tine worship in Main Street Methodist Church. All aasitore are cordially welcome.. Th- sale of Mr. Chas. Lindenfeld's residence last week was made through B 5 Ph.Ups who has made .oar real estate sales in town this spring. EGGS WANTED -WILL PAY 19c CASH AND 21c. TRADE FOR NEW LAID EGGS. -JJ. A. aTEW- ART EXETER. HEIFER AND STEER FOR SALE -Appl% at this office for particulars. --- LADIES TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Man. Tom has secured the ser vices of a coat maker and, is nrepar- cd to do Ladies Tailoring.; An ap- PrentiCe to dressmaking wanted. ---o--- FRAME SHED FOR SALE -Ibis sheo it 36 ft. lone and 11. ft. wide. Apply w Mrs. D.bit.ohns, Exeter. BOARDERS WANTED. -Apply to Mrs. Lane. William Street,. Exeter. CARD THANKS. -Mr. and Mrs. Rowcliffe, Usborne, express the.- Sincere thanks for the aindn.ess- es shown during the illnesa e.nd ;he death of their son last week. • HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. That brick one and one-half storey dwelline on the .:erner of dill and Andrew streets, in the Villege of Ex- eter. directly east of the Presbyterian Church. Three lots and frame gable and orchard with the dwelling will be, sold in one parcel. Owned end oc- cupieo by ..Mrs. James Jones, The household effects will be offered am* sale a; well. Sale Satuurday, May 8 at 2 n m. Terms made known en day of sale For further partic niers ap- ply to B. S. Phillips,uctioneer, or to H E Bu ston. KIRKTON AGRIC. SOCIETY Crop Competition Th.t. Kirkton Agricultural Society wia take up the Fieid Crop Compet- ition again this year with Fall Wheat Oa -'j and Baxley. Seven erizes for each prize. namely, -$20.00, $15.00, $12 $I& $8 $6, $4. An entrance leer of $1.06 will be charged, in each cram to prize ssenners only. All entries to be made with the Secretary be- fore the 24th May. Wm. 'Atkinson, Amos. Dose, President Secretary, NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op- enet. a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Staad, opposite Pose Office and will keep, a full supply of the best grades of flours and zeeds. I solicit your. patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON CARPENTER AND BUI]DER Plan, furnished; estimates 'given free os' alt classes of buildings PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer, Live Stacat Sales a- Specialty. Terms moderate, Orders left at The Advocate Offiee promptly attended to. Phone 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton P. O., "A Man's Ability is bis Oasspocrt" Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. •, Teacher of Organ and all oranchea of Planc Playing; Voice Culture elide Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years atractica experierice. • Far Terms apply, to S. IVIartine&aa: Son's Music Store IN EXETER EVERY FRIDAY ; LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Mr. Louis Day, are is, ill and con- fined to his home. Rev Yelland is confined to his roots through illness. Mr Curt Harness ablet tobe out again after his recent Remarkably fine spring weatherises been the order for a few days. Huron County passes under the Canada Temperance Act on May( lst, for at least a three year term. afr C. L. Coultis, formerly of Ex- eter -hat; been elected president. of the Eassrorth League in North Street *Methodist Church, Godericb. The fanners are very hwy., seeding thee daya, and the early hardener is also taking Advantage of the fiat wea- ther to put an a little garden stuff. kr. Mex. Dea.vitt, whO has been ill for some weeks, has sold his out- fit foe dellivering mail an RisralRoute No 3, tc Mr. Harry who has taken charge. Mr. Owen S. Atkinson has taken full charge Of the tinsmith depart - inert of T. Hawkins & Son, .who are prepared to do all kinds, of aew and repair work in this James Mitchell of the Goder- ich Star has been offered a Govern- ment jot: with the Bureau, of Arch- eo anc; has accepted. He has been a good newspaper man. The funeral. a the late William John Rowcliffe, of Usborne to the Exeter Cemetery on Wednesday ef las week was very largely attended be rellatives and friends of the :lac- easea Mr .Ernest Davis is znovingtinto the house or John Street vacated by Mrs, Redden who has moved to Huron St. intc the residence vacated by Mr. Blake..wha purchased Mn Chowen's residence an Carling St. Sunday evening next, April ?,5, the Oddtellows attend divine worship in the Main Street Methodist church miter the pastor, Rev Bro. Muxwor- thy will preach special sermon. A large attendance is expected. Mr Thorn Baker has workmen re- modelling, the front part of his liv- era stable. He will have a plate glees front put ea the corner room, whica will be used aa' an automobile serVieC depot. Back of this :Qom will be a repair shop. Correspondents. - No war stamps are necessary on letters containing printer a copy if the envelope! has "Printerscopy" on the outside, Our correspondents will therefore use rhe envelopes supplied when a one ;eta stann wilt be sufficient. Do not seal the .envelope. Stud) the advertising columns or The Advocate and if you( do not see the article you need advertised take it for granted it isnot to, be had in town The up-to-date merchant who wants to sell Lis goods advertises them. The other fellow ia not asking for your custom at all. Having engaged Mr. Owen S. At- kinson to take charge of the tin- smith department, of T. Hawkins & Son's store which has been in 'dia- ries, fo. some years it is again in lull swing This will do away with the delay in the execution of the work as ie the past few years. The London Advertiser oa Satur- =day ,says,-.. check for $1,300 has been received by Edward Towe, Treasurer of the Western Ontario Bible Society, being part of the 'state af the late Joseph afarshall of Exeter ihis sum will be transmitted to the l3ritisa and Foreign Bible Society of London England, as directed by his-, will Th 9 annual examinations of the Probationers and candidates ;or the ministrl. of the alethodiat Church, London Conference, are being held th s week in James Street ehurch. Or .Thursday evening a public meet- ina, wil be held in the auditorium of the church when the certificates will b presented and addresses delivered las Revs a W. Baird; B. A., and C. P Wells B A., B. D. The eublic ere invited Thc department of Agriculture nropeses to further protect the own- er- af sheep against loss from dogs Ir the Committee on Agriculture Hon: Mi Duft characterized as an outrage the fact that when a farmer's sheep is killed he can only recover two- thirds of his loss from the znanicipal- ity The Minister has announced his intentior of bringing in legislation that will enable the farmer to ecoyer from the fund made up of dogs axes fullavalue of any sheep destroyed. , About a hundred people were at the dam oa Sunday and witnessed he demonstration of the water -bicycle invented by Jack Hardon and Step- hen Vincent. Old and young alike marvelled at the ingenuity of the two boys The conta-aptinn is a bicycle frame mounted on three pontoons air- tight, two behind add one fastened an the front forks for, steering. It is driven by a propeller wprked with a bevelled gear and shaft, by the• eet. Considerable speed can be gotten out of it, A little gas engine, on the ma- chine would make it an invention that would be worth while. -Arbour Day is not observed in its fall sense in Canada. Rural schools ard some city and town schools re- cogeize the day by cleaning& sip the premise; and planting a few trees, but •t,he day is not generally observed. It should be a public holiday; end the plantlin and protection of shade trees the preparation of flower and veget- able gardens and the thorough clean - Hie "be, of the homes and surroundings shellac be the special duties! ai the day Arbour Day has its -justifica- tion in the value of trees, from what- ever pahrits of view they may be con- sidered Nothing contributes • so much to make the world a ',pleasant aro to live in as trees, with . their she1te and shade, their beauty Men and leaf; their blossoms and t their varying shades ,sath the reagent af the saasons, and, their Cult" Reg; • ol color in. the autumn. -days. Thp also afford names arid shelter fa- our feathered freends-the Birds -du Lig their annual visits to us. G J. Dow shinped a load of hose s to Montreal on Thursday. .Ed Teichner who bas been suf- fering from a severe atta.ck of sciat- ica is able to be around again, His many friends are glad to'see that he is improving. Mr William Balkwill was on Friday brought home from London ay train and Is being,cared for at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Richard Welsh. He is shwa. improving. We regret to say that he aondi- don of Miss Annie Bissett has not improved during the past week. Her sister Mrs Traria of Norwich has beea here during the past week, Rev E G, Powell left on ru.esday for Edmonton and will return to Wainwright whieh will be his aead- quarters during the big tem,perance camptaearp in Alberta, -Clinton News Recerd Mr Jos. Abell of Toronto, former- ly of Seaforth, and son-in-law, of Mr, Stephen Powell of Exeter, recently saffexea a stroke of paralysis and is in a critical condition at his :some in Toronto At a meeting of the Canada Club last week ;several improvements in the %furnishings were agreed upon, and the following officers elected, - President .p IL Sanders; Vice., L.,11, Dickson; Sec.-Treas., W.D. Clarke, Witt his right wrist badly sprain- ed front being thrown from a 'zone and hie nerves badly shattered and hearing defective from having a, shell bur 1 near him, Private Thomas arrived home last Thursday Oval the seat of war, Clinton News Renard Gilbert Stewart, who is ight- itn• with the first contingent m France has been awarded a bar -clasp medal for gallantry at tbe fight at Neave Chappelle. air, Stewart ia known to many here being a brother of Mrs. John Markham and Mr. James Stew- art of town. On Monday night next Lebanon Forest Ma$Onie Lodge will receive the Distrie. Deputy Grand Master, Right. Worshipful Bro. H. C. Dunlop af Goderich, on his official yisitatud will occup) their new lodge room for th t firs: time, A profitable and in- terestine, time ia expected, The death occurred in London on Thursday of last week of Margaret, wife of Rev. W.H. Cooper, a retired Methodist minister, who was a aorm- er pastor ef Elimville, Deceased was 43 yeast's of age, and was a former residen of Blyth, to which village the remairs were taken fox interment. The residence in connection with the alcasona Bank has been thorough- ly renovated and handsomely -efitted' throughout, and an addition iv being beat at the rear. The manager, Mr. W D, Clarke and family will shortly move therein. Mr. Zuefle who awns the residence to be vacated by Mr. Clarke will move into the same. Three colored men stood on a 3a1- tImor street corner. "Them German cannons kin hit yo' fi' mile off" said Gearge. "That ain't mein'!' scorn- ed Joe Utah French gunspick a man outer a tree ten mile off". Tim's scorn made him almost speechless. "Yoe all ain't said nuffin"bout shoot in' -huh up; You all ain't mentioned GUNS W'yall them English shoo tin' irons needs is to know, yo' address," Pay as you go. This isl golden scl- vice that will keep the business world moving, the wheels of ndustry from rusting out, and the, money win surely, come back to you. It should not be forgotten that the world is rounn Stand the people all in Inc and the will reach around the world the. last touching the first. Now nay your neighbor on the right the dollar you, owe him, and he .will pay his neighbor on the righti and so the dollar will 'travel until it will come arowael again to your hand from Your neeghbar on the left. Try it. your make no charge for this receipt fdr hard times. -a-o-- Parsons-Frayne-The home af Mr. aad MIT James Frayne, James St., Exeter was ,the scene of a very pretty wedding an April 14th when their daughtea Margaret Jennie was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. William Roy Parsons son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parsons of town. The ceremony was performed at six o'clock by Rev. W. G.H. :McAllister, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties. The bride entered the parlor teaning on the, arm of her father to the strains of 'the wedding march played by Miss Conine. Par- sons sister af the groom and took her place under an arch at evergreen and flowers and from which suspend- ed a large whae bell. She was &Essen in a beautiful wedding dress of white embroidered voile with trims mings of satin and shadow; .ace and carried a bridal baguet of- white rases Both bride and groom were unattended. The groom's gift -to the bride was a handsome pearl pendant The bride was also the recipient of many beautiful and costly wedding presents After the ceremony the guests repeated to the dining room where a dainty repast was served.. Mr anct Mrs. Parsons will reside an. the finc, farm the groom recently par.- chased On the Znd concession{ of Us - borne ,from M. F. Blatchford. The Advocate joins the many eriends of th bride and groom in extending Jas. Gould contragulations and beet veishes. Opposite Electric light Plant • Trueman Elliott was in Lucan en Sunday Mise Allie Eacrett is visiting Mrs. Jos Abell in Toronto. Mrs Amos , Mrs. Ewing and Mrs/ McGillicuddy were in London Friday Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Gidley of Blyth were in town en Thursday, Mrs. D Johns and Miss Lille, re- tureed from a visit in Sarnia' on Sat- urday Mrs Henderson of St. Thomas was the guest of Mrs. T. G. Creech over Sunday. Mr. j C. Inwood and daughter re- turned to their home in London on Saturday - Mr Fred McAlister of Toronto is visitine his parents at the James St, parsonaae. Mr, Alex. Tait of London has tak- en a position with the Exeter Manu- facturing Co. Mr. Charles Tebbutt, of Berlin, a former teacher in Exeter, was a visitor in town this week. Gorden Sanders of Grand 'Rapids Alichis visiting here with his par- ents Mr and Mrs. Robert Sanders. afr and Mrs, David Ross of Win- iPeg.„ are guests at the home of the lattens parents. Mr. and Mrs, William Rivers Mr Phil Rowcliffe of London at- tended the funeral of his nephew, the late 'W 5. Rowcliffe of Usborne last week. Mr and Mrs, J. G. Stanbury, who were married in Toronto an Wed-. nesdav of last week, returned ;tome or, Saturday evening. Seed s for Sale WE HAVE FOR SALE A. CHOICE STOCK OF Gov"r. IN- SPECTED SEEDS, ESPECIALLY SELECTED FOR PURITY AND GERMINATION, WHICH WE OF- FER AT VERY CLOSE -PRICES FOR CASH. OUR STOCK COM- PRISES, - FANCY NO. 1 RED CLOVER ALSIKE ALFALFA TIMOTHY SEED KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, ORCHARD GRASS, SEED CORN, ETC. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY MIX- ED -AN EXTRA NICE GRADE - G001.1 VALUE AT $4.80 A BUSH, FANCY NO. 1 RED CLOVER 12.00 TIMOTHY SEED from 4,00 to 4.50 CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCR. IT WILL PAY YOU. WE ARE IN THE MARKET AT ALL TIMES TO PURCHASE `ALL KINDS OF CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS.. ETC.,FOR WHICH WE PAY FULL MARKET VALUE. A CALL SOLICITED. C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT aCREDITON, ONT, We Call Sue You By buying your coal -from us. We bought be- fore the heavy freight rates and war tax. $7.50 for tins Month . Sole agents for' gen- uine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. Kesfie, Rowe, & Wood Tea & Coffee Store For the choicost groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Mr George Hurdon „is visiting in House Cleaning Part Frank aar. John Farmer of Landon was in Time tows, or. Wednesday. ,Mass Irene Hardy of Londogi is vis - Stine her parents here. Mr. Waiter Dearing af London, vis- aed, in tow.n over Sunday. Mrs, -Campbell of Hamilton visited her •father Mrl3allyill, here this we e5: • Mr, and. ears. Thomas Dansfoad af Marlette Miele, are here visiting with relatived,..arid friends. ailir; and Mas'''Duraefor& Were farmer residents of Hae for many years,- eaden. their many friends here are pleased to welcome them on their Periodical vis- . its ., . • . . , . . , . . . ' . • Make house cleaning easy by buy- ing a Domestic Vec. Gleaner from us. It will clean your rugs end carpet bet- ter than beating them and with much less labor. Then ixet a bottle of Sun- ny Polish to clean your furaiture; and if you see you need any rew furniture we have agood stock to eh9,0sq from. R. N ROWE Embalmer Etc. Phone 20a Overland Model 80 Price $1425 f. o, b, Hamilton and Overland Model 81 Price $1135 f. o b. Hamilton These two five passenger touring ears are fullY equip ped, demountable rims, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric horn, beautiful finish—everything, in fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. See these cars and have a demonstration of their excel. - lent points. Now in the show room. Wes. Snell Exeter Dealer Cat s Exeter 1101 IMJ North The Advocate is again pre- pared to give you entire sat- isfaction in Horse Route Cards. Order early so that you may have them on time. THE ADVOCATE EXETER Fresh Pork, Sausage and Head Oheese always on hand PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Bieding MERCHANT, HAY P.O. PHONE 44 W. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Anki Sit For Smilll SILKS ARE VERY STRONG FOR THUS COMING SEA- SON IN ALL THE NEW, P OPULAR SHADES. FAILLE SILKS One of our Leaders; coltirs, Belgium Blue, Battleship Grey %Russian Green, Sand, Putty, Prim-' Tose and Navy, . , • DUCHESS SILKS A very swell ailk with a healthful finish; colors, Bel- gium Blue, Russian Green, Sand Navy Brown, Blwe, Rose, Cream Ladles' Suits and Coats for $5 • A number of real nifty Suits and Coats, well made and Ilk lined A nice range of colors. 'tc choose from. All to clear at 85.00 each, Rain Coats FOR LADIESI In all colors of Tans, Blacks Blues Greens and Tweeds. • From $5 io $15 each. FOR .KEN 200 Rain Coats right lrom Scotland. Heavy or Light in weight. All colors in Plain er Tweed -$7 to $15. Wash goods Plain Crepe Siriped Crepe Fancy Crepe Galatea for Spring- Plain Voile Striped Voile Fancy Voile Duck' Vesting House -Cleaning New Hats and Shapes arriving You will want same aew, rugs ever) day. Always something Carpets, Linoleum, Curtains, Nem in our Millinery Department oe- Blinds. We have a big choize to show you. JONES & JIIAY deadquarters for the celebrated W . E. Sanforid Oothn • , '