HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-22, Page 5DENTAL Dr, G. F. .ROULSTON, L.D,S,, D.D,S. DENTIST Member of the R.C,D.S, of Ontario and Honor graduate of Toronto university. etence-*Over Dickson dE Casting's law ottice, Closed Wednesday afternoons, gl + r GS.Iis j i 0 rhorse the ire LEGAL TY: MONEY TO LOAN .. s --V • i1, , '._, THE sole head of a family, or say cnala'over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant must appear fo. perso . at the Dominion rtands.:'kg'.- eacy of Suit -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (hitt not Sttb•,e?gency) on certain conditions, Bi1ties-Six mogth,s' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each • of three years. A homesteader -nay live within nine miles of his„ homestead cn a f •t r of at least 80 acres, on certain c• „tions. A habitable house is re- dits every case, except when /e - elite is.performed in the vicinity, la certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quartet section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dence en each of three years after eaaii ne homestead patent; also 50 • acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi-. betas A settles. who has exhausted his homestacd dight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. P 'ce $ per acre. Duties -Must te- si e 6 ,months in each of 3 years,. Oa- ltiyvtlto 50 acres, art I erect a house wtlirth $300. Tale area of cultivation is subject. to reduction in, case of rough, scruh-t by o¢' stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the minister of the Interior N'.B. 1Ynautivorized +publication of this advertisement will not be pied for, .W PHOSPIiONOL FOR MEN. Restores Vim and Vitality;fcr Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter ;a Tonic—will build you up, S a box, or two for $5,at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price,- ats SeoSELL Dana Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. their orders to held up ,pie lianas, T• hey Mrs. Th odor Roosevelt, a e e ' who was. operated upon at Roosevelt Hospital; New York,. is resting comYortably. It was stated at the hospital that the former mistress of the White House 'es doing very well." Afton searching revers] doer for $100 in one -dolls: bills which hAd disappeared fro -u his sate, Louis Newman, of Bayonne, N.Y., discover= ed that his pet cat had made a bed in the cellar with the money for her litter of five .kittens, MONDAY. William Dunn, of Yarker, was ser- 101181Y injured hen leis automobile turned turtle while he was driving from Yarker to Camden East. He was Pinned under the car, At a meeting of the license con- for West Durham at Bow- naanvine, the license of the Newcastle Hotel was refused for 1915-16, This Is the last license in West Durham. Pte. Harry Nichol;:, a member of the 39th Battalion, C.E.F., mobilized in Belleville, diet here- at an early fANY COLLEGES CLOSE •,;. FOR' ,. VACATION at miktcummea•. Our col- ege does not. p ELLIOTTd,” - ECONOMIC_ its the house well without burning all: the coal you can buy. ,,; 30 • ' even Gives stead r arriaciu heat on least fuel, See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. Soldby T. Hawkins & Son HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE Hundreds of people succumb to con- sumption every day. „ if><Ipor#ant Events Which HSYe Occurred During the Week. ,Science proves that the germs onlyWorld's thrive when the system is weakened, from wilds or sickness overwork coni nang deities or when general weakness exists, The best physicians point out that during chaneinf;seasons the bloodshoeld be made ea; and pure and active by tale- ilig Scot t'sFeu tame a(ter meals. The cod liver oil in skate's Emulsion warms the o'h' b by en s.::ng the blood; it peculiarly streupped u z 'he lungs and throat, while it the resistive forces of the body to eine! to av t ,s:a and prevent consumption, If • .,,t mirk isarsors, tiro vastly, feel azt F,idornervous, :at's zna:laianis *host trra•rtlierangtc:- nic '•ieireknowai. it is totally free ngn, - e(!iei a drugs. Avoid substitutes, t4-42 meet 8r,Bo„ x ,.To;oraa. Ontario. The Rey Flappeningg Gare. tally Compiled and Put into Hammy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper to Solid Hour's Enjoyment, WEDNESDAY. c The death occurred in Brockville yesterday of John Culbert, ex -MSP. He was a native of Leeds County, going to Brockville as a young man. Gen. Villa at the head of 2$,000 men had opened an attack on the army ofmissioners 20,000 commanded by Gen, Alvaro Obregon and entrenched at Colaya, All the Turks have been driven from Russian soil in trans-Caucasia, RECORD ENROLMENT INQUIRIES RIES SOLICITED according to official despatches re- ZURICH ceived yesterday et Petrograd. from headquarters at Tiflis. hour Saturday of spinal meningitis. Thio ----- -,.. Ernest Gies received the sad news of the death o£ the wife of ,tis broth- er, Mr. Henry Gies of St. jacoos, Ont, which took place on Wednesday. Mr. Gine attended the funeral. -Mr. eee.Ge Hess has erected a garage next to his repair shop..-; h entry Schnell, whet has been visiting here for a few mon^ the has annulled to Chepstone, Ontsu :efts, D Barry, of Deauville, Ont, is visiting ,at the home a£ her :other 1;Rin, .il ql Snaith, Goshen line South r W e Wideman, o£ Pigeon Mich, is visiting at the haute of his father- in-law ?42r. SolSolomon biartisi, sr, of the Zine, who is seriously ill- Warta was recently received from( P. Randall , t. io is servsng at the front with the first contitzgettt, that he wee badly f rscd and did not expect to eever tea on active service again. --bio Conran Voliand has purchased 25 ac- re of land from the Canada Co. fele Volland has had this land leased for a number of years. -- The raanns of marriage were published in the St Baniface R. C. Church. Miss Emma Durcharme, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs, P, Ducharme. Bronson Line and rife. 'Louis Brisson, of Drysdale. Also or Bliss Agnes Charrette, daughter of• Mt and. Mrs. Benjamin Charrette, Sauble Line and Mr, Fredrick Sie- mon Zurich. ---John Erb of the Bran- son Line was badly bruiseda when his frightened by a load of calves ran away and dragged hum under the wheel.: The horse then freed itself and rate through the village but with- out ding any damage. The Canadian Qovernment is only entrusting the men at the front with three dollars at a time, according to information container, in a letter from a Montreal man in France. Three hundred miners were buried alive alive by a cave-in. that wrecked the of a colliery near Shirn,onose- ki, Japan, yesterday. The entrapped men are ?QO feet helow the surface. The London Times .says that one etlect ©f fire movement of the Cabinet toward prohibition has been to create a remarkable demand during ape para week for whisky by the bottle Or ea4e.Frank A Brno and Carmine Car- bone ayere found guilty in New Rork yQstQrdaY' pe the` eltarge of na.xinit mads and placed a bomb in St. Pat- ricks Cathedral on ]starch 2, lire ,)uny recommended clemency tot both area. 9llURSi?:1 X• bins, Mack Thomas, of Pittsburg. wits shpt to death yesterday by herr IS -year-old ran because she rorbaue him to take some of nis plaything; out of doors. Frank Johnston, of 'Trenton, Out, a tie accompanied the first eontingentKIPPEN to Salisbury Plain and wbo was in the hospital for • several weeks, has returned home. Engineer Edward Ronan was in gently killed yesterday in Stratford w n a shunting engine side-swiped the locomotive cab into which. Ron an was climbing, The Militia Department has decid is the third fatal ease since mo- hilization there. The steamship S. George HENSALL - - season but unless our vitality is Lew - reached St. John, N,B., Saturday from Bermu- da with 300 German prisoners of war. They are chiefly sailors from war- Mark Dyysdale as building •.a new dwelling. --Mr. and Mrs. Alex jeucha anon a° Tuckersmith received a ines- erect En some way we are no: likely to be affected by them. -Health Sul - entire ships. They were taken to the deten- tion camp at Amherst, N.S, Dr. D. A. Coon Cas been appointed perintendent Of the Kin ton Gen_ gs oral Hospital, succeeding Dr. B. A. Beene, resigned. Dr. Coon is :a native of Elgin, and graduated at Queen's Tlniversity twenty-tiva years ago. Ludwig Paul Selbach, claiming to be an American citizen, was remand- ed to custody in London, Eng„ yes- terday ozn t e chaarge of being an alien (AMY. who had failed to register himself in cordate with the Brit- iris regulations, Charles Rademacher, cook on the steamer John W. Moore, at Port Col- borne, is infected with smaIlpox. He has been quarantined and it Will be i necessary for frim to remain, on the steamer till all danger of the disease spreading is past, Th8 two youngest children of Stanley Fuller, a farmer near Rapid sage last week stating that their son George had been killed in an :accident and the body was brought home for anter meat, -John Jackson .vfi o re sides south of town on the London Road died last week ire his 77th year after a long fllnesa.-Duncan •ic Martie as out again .after a long i11- ness,-It is possible our Main -Street will be paved this summer. , . ° The late George Buchanan was 2p-, mane an air drill in a tunnel an the. C P, R, iia British Columbia. when a sock tell upon him. Deceas- ed was9 years of age, and had peen in the west several years. -The{ !ate John Jackson was born lit Ireland and. had resided in this section several ears He is survived yby a widow and several sons and daughters. -John Buchanan of East Orange, de t ler- soy*, war here owing to, the death .of his brother. ' . . AGRICULTURAL BULLETINS. ----- Sa great lass been tare demand tar Bulletins Pamphlets, Records :and Reports upon the Publications Branch of the Department of Agri - culture at Ottawa es a result ' e4' the Patriotism and Production. ltifovement that it has been !nandBablyait trnpossible to comply with :t„11 the applications as promptly as eotald be desired. O. some:of the Bulletins: the supply has been exhausted end nc, time has been afforded .or :e- painting while of others the quantity asked for individually has been such. aha, instant compliance would mean Many applican#s would have extra go without. This has meant cor- The respondence and consequent delay The s%ittafii a is of course Tatisfact- ory es- indicating the success of the oars a n. ,and the widespread inter - City, Man., were burned to death Ines` a fire which completely destroyed the Fuller residence, The blaze started during the temporary absence of the older members of the family, TUES. :1X. Sessions designed to bring about a settlement o. the,strike of 16,000 union carpenters were begun in Chi- cago yesterday by the State Board of Arbitration, Plunging into the Hudson river lz .. created, but the inability to re - - A quiet event took'spond on the instant wide' the mauulti- place on 'Wednesday of last week at 'rude of applications is greatly re-' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' nretted, • At the same time it is Richardson, of our village, when their impossible ,that the size of the de - youngest daughter, Miss Annie, was hand could have been forseen° As united in marriageeto Mr. Archie fast as possible the requests will be Noakes, of Goderich Township. 'attendee, to but in the meantime there ,..._ will have to be reprinting and in " eases renis ing. In such circum - The disease most to be, dreaded at stapc+ c patience appears to be a de - la - this time o£ the year •fir • anettanonia. 'sirabli and necessary quality. ; In its various forms it stands first- , • ° • on the list of fatal: diseases, ORDER FROM 1.7S. -Now as the time to consider your reading matter for 1915. No matter what ,capers or magazines you require -Canadian or foreign -The Advocate Jan supply then; at lower prices than you .an get them. ed to withhold $10 for a period or six months from pay of men enlisted atter March 1st to provide for civilian olothin • if a man is discbar ed. g Victriano Huerta, former Provis. local President of Mexico, issued •a signed statement yesterday in New York denying a published report that he had been driven at Rondout, N.Y., Everett Morris, a "down -and -outer," saved two boys from drowning and earned the price of a meal iron, al, onlooker. Pte. Edward S. Jennings, of the Princess Patricias, reported killed in action, was a merchant at Bethune, Sask., before enlisting at the opening of the war. He was a prominent Orangeman, "eTbe auxiliary German cruiser Kron Prinz Wilhelm was placed in drydoek yesterday, Official survey of her condition was begun at once. The vessel is guarded by forty sol- diers from Fort Monroe. Peter Mel,. Forin, aged 47, bar- rister of Belleville, died yesterday of pneumonia. He was a son of the late John Forin of that city. A bro- they, Dr. Forth, lives in Edmonton, and was responsible on cniub11914 than evenre s tuberculosis. le is one of the( impure air diseases.' Close confinement in over -heated badly -ventilated houses, work -rooms, and factories; over -eating with instal- ficient exercise; and the '.ase of zit- coholic liquor, are among the •none common pre -disposing causes 'of this fatal di§ease. It is most fatal 'imo , those advanced in years and hose addicted to alcohol. It is well • •to bear in mind that pneumonia is due to a specific germ, and therefore, may be conveyed from one to another, From twenty-five to fifty oer rent, of the people in every. large city are carrying, germs of this disease in the mucous membrane of their noses, mawth ar throats during Sher winter a womAN's MESSAGE TO WOMEN, ': If you are troubled with weak, tired ,eelin s headache, backache, I .; in iowa sensations, bladder weakess , on s tipation, catarrhal conditions, pat I is the sides regularly or irregularly, 1 I..,ting •or unnatural enlargements, sei.se of fallingormisplacementofinternal. reins, nervousness, desire to cry, patl'itat.ou, hot Sashes, dark rings under the eyes, or a loss of interest in life, I in lte you to write and ask for my simple netlist of home treatment, with ten days' trial entirely free and postpaid, also refs-ences to Canadian ladies who gladly tea' how they have regained health, streng•b. and happiness by this method. Writ I ).-,lay. Address: Mrs. M. Summers, Box.. 540 Windsor, Ont, • •r WEDDING INVITATIONS :3.ND VISITING CARDS The Advocate is making a specialty o£ wedding invitations -complete sets with note paper, inside envelope, and outside ex mailing envelope, :all to match• We carry all the popular lines of paper, and we print them with either the ever standard script type oar the Old English type. Girls, if you are thinking of getting married see our samples -they will make you glad you said "yes" when, he popped the question. If you are married, they will make you feel like getting married all aver again. Our visiting cards and type styles are right up to the minute and as tasty as the iinest ant most expensive engraved arch you ever looked at, - out of Spain. Fire which broke out at 4.15 yes. torday morning destroyed the mill of John Piggott & Sons, a large lumber ` firm with plants in Windsor and Chatham. The loss Is estimated at $40,000. A German aeroplane, which flew ' over the Dutch Island of Waichered Yesterday and dropped a box of pa- pers, at Middleburg was shot to earth by Dutch soldiers and two airmen were interned, B. F. Moore, of Highland Lake, Conn., found three fried eggs in a nest, in the chicken house. The tails and'Wings of his forty White Leg- horndi'+were singed. A lightning bolt struck the house. , FRIDAY, Andrew A. Voelker died suddenly yesterday at Berlin. He was in his 57th and another brother is is judge at Nelson, B.C. • Downbouna vessels at Mackinan City, Mich., report the steamer Pali- ki aground on Simmons Reef in Lake Superior and blowing signals of distress. The Paliki was bound from - the Canadian Soo to Chicago with steel rails. John Westlake, of Winnipeg, sen- fenced to two years' imprisonment for complicity with Percy Hegel in releasing• from custody of Kraichen- from prison on parole after serving about halt his terra. to Next in Importance is niakine • • provision to ensure Making a Will its being properly carried out. The interest of this Company in any estate which rt is em - powered to administer. is strictly, impersonal. All things are done with the sole aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree of efficiency and faithfulness- itn closest conformity with the expressed Consult with us regarding the administration of your estate. All information cheerfully furnished free. McGILLIVRAY COUNCIL year and was born in St. Ja_ cob's, Ont. Council met in the Town Fail, Nice Gina -ray or 5th. All members yAprilbeen present Minutes of last meeting werc read and signed. Accounts amounting in all to $291,75 were or- deaer tc be paid, Roser-Giaven-That By-law No. 3 of °1915 dividing the To,vnship into road divisions for the p•erformancei of statute .labor, appointing pathmasters, lefining the amount to be paid for commutation of statute labor as read •a first and second time be read' a , thurd time and, assed: Garti e3, The Councilmea then adjourned • to o meet in the Town Hall on May 3, at 10 o clock. Gravel contra ,s will le' at 1.30 p: tri J. D. Drwmmand, Clerk William G. C. Gladstone, grandson of the great Liberal statesman, has killed in action in France. Par- ticulars of his deate are lacking, Charging her husband, Joseph Le - dour, of East Broughton, Que., with having led a double life, Leda Le- blanc has filed an action to have her marriage annulled. The death has been announced at Birkenhead of Edward McHugh, the English land reformer and trade un- thelonl . He wasya George. friend of the late Henry- B. F. Hart, a wealthy merchant of Dekovea, Ky., was assassinated giro through the window. Thomas Brantley, a miner, was later arrested. German artillery stationed near Bethune, Bethune, France, is reported to have' `EM'BASSY READY TO GO. • THE LONDON &. WESTERN 'TRUSTS CO. LIMITED Italian Diplomats at Trentino Pre- gars For Outbreak of War. 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President; JOHN S. MOORE; Manager 2 ROME, April 20.—The Giornale d'Italie yesterday published an inter - , - view with an unnamed neutral diplo• mat, who is Quoted, as having said: ' "That Maly will trarticipate in the war has been decided on. What now is nese a necessaryds to agree on the delimitation and distribution of the ° I w \ • i tI l' lin `ariyir.--- • \ •'7 ,u — ,, ,, _ -- 00,------1--- ' - ',-- • a Belgian ambulance on Wed- needay, killing three wounded Bel- eastern coast of thy. Ad atic between Italy and the Slays Italy cannot risk a -war td' ;out"'Austria from the ! r- ens t ; .t _ ' + o •' i , A V : HEADACHE! fir•- trans and six wounded Belgian pris- ones • Princess Blsmarele widow of the don of the "iron chancellor,"has drive Adriatic and have Austria replaced in a military sense by, the. Russian ad- - Vance,guards.„Therefore Italy must ,® r/v ! I t.._;,; fly everyone has ;lipping.tealingi,eadaehea at times.. ]pisordered atom- .' acb-alusiti hltver doe: it.. . Cheer Alpe i,ere'e the real - re a. hpmberlatn'e tomaeh acid ldverfaaleti. Th put tbe-padsnA.vtd bowl. right- a►11 +goiatti 6a. or t y matt tiom . 9 tChainbar ,.- `Medicine oronto Co.,. placed a wreath on Bismarck'B tomb at Friedrichsrub bearing the:inscrip- tion, "To the= memory _ of • our hero, Otto Weddingen. ,- Many bullets fell on the American aide of the river during the lighting at Ht+auroras on Wednesday, but no one was injured. Gen. Funston yes- QaaE}nty reported to the U. S. War De- v have lie;; strategic, •points, -completed by obtat sing• Avl,9pa . Albania, across the ,Adriatic.,''. fzo>ar,: Btiiidiai with : which she could close the -sea, 'Some of the Slays ,favor•complete disarma- ment, in.theAdriatic.”• ` The . diplomat. added that he thought that. Russia and Great Bri- : talo would suffer less•from the, Pres- e.nt war than from the antagonism between ,the .two countries whish would •follow it A despatch from Co enha en says.. D 8 ., Special messages from Vienna state that great • excitement •prevails there owing to information received froeet m Trentino. m is believed that war With Italy is imminent, "The Ialian embassy is •said `to b0 prepared for departure.”LOWEST , ; , k t ,, ► -_ w%L1i / `J, \ :.',% 't'Ma • 'V, r Ora- i • . • ri/ V YOUR 1VEIGHBOIZ FORD -WHY w ARI? SELLING CANADA THIS ER BEFORE ANS DEMAND.:'.TiIE• TOR CAR POSSIBLE , ,® , ;f 1, idl l %AIL/•; . • ti • 1 1IN CAlajADA" :„.Vt;• . , V o ii ii ng Car •'! r s 'jam :r ,yA • + `- ai ® -y, DRIVES A DOI T ,YOU?' JVE MOILE,FORDS IN YEAR- THAN EV - BECAUSE CANADI- BEST IN MO- SERVICE' ' AT THE FOR THE e' [Al6SATURDAY, . TA S L E T S golatmeht'-from Brownsville. Nelson W. Aldrich, former U. S. Senator from Rhode -Island; and for - years prominent in Republican politi- r s'nrnoi r 7► ► v. ..lam '_' -7.. >t M L. Ft13t THE q• . F. x L.',r lent yAy`__„,-90,4410eeet..1 e ,>• eywe - till :. , l.: ,, ' • y 'n,i ,' r ` C),-. a ,.'.. h'oto ,., ".: . r u • e etifi is hot and scaldin is t ; ,. , t, g o .d„air rneit fre •,ortoo scanty -nor shows brick dust t , .., . ;os ,. ' e; .osits:or ntucus'- .et Gin Pills to. + den,and retie yourself. of Kidney and', •°flladder.troubles, "Made in Canada", 50e, box, (i;fon$2,50. -Free treatment if yoiiwrite National Drug A Chemical Co of Canada, Limited, Toronto. yrs • • ,, ",• • • • : - ,ad cal circles, died at .his • home in New York of -heart disease: For stealing two overcoats from the hallway of -the Hotel Dieu, Mont- real, Adolphe Chevalier and Arthur Lefebvre have been sentenced to ten years an the penitentiary. Mrs. G. H. Bullet, aged 24, whose husband is employed with the 'Cana- dian. Bank ,of Commerce, was struck by an automobile while crossing the ,Navigation is • open at tt!e Soo. The steamer Paliki locked through at 6ab p.m...' Thursday might,` ;down- bound and `the e 5 .' , M Kee upbound, reached the .loci s at 8.4'G: y " e day ° ` ++M mOTIIlYIg .u:r'.. , _ftp: G.• Pet biota ,,hiendair eldstrec- • for ..... as _ . ,,,H „t>', C)ntaiio, advises ... to bri]edupe as. £ucla cheese r. they .:.... ossi - ,, . .• ._ ; e :., bi s, a8 .ae neat„,deal of;; eese gtelitto the trenches to Two° automobile' ' baYdita entered the balooa of Joseph Baiclivas, Chi- 'thority, bio),' , day, and deri0tiely ,ground- Bair -Min when he refuted:1n ober toi►,_bo$rd . T ratavl,orts. Sunk Says Letter. Unpublished information said to have. been • received from a British naval officer at Boyne at Dundee, Scot- land,, en,;lea've',is:eouteined: in. a: let- ter written to a woman iesiding,•in Russell avenue, St. Catiriarines byAugust , her div' iter '• vvho stater4 t at the g 11 r n cel. tnfbrmdtt-: her.,th'at the •de t`'iman e crlltaelr. vRpacL.,wa.sunk. 1iy Admiral, .. - • i ,. Sir Beatty xn....the .: i . , :. , "MADE IN- CANADAes FORD In. A NECESSI'T'Y-NC7T nee ar pried( on anplicatien All' Feed,' ,cars are Lily equipped including electric need - lights 'No• cazteee sold unequipped, tem . Buyers 01 Ford`cere will` share in our pzafit s if we sell 3'000 cars between, , e , g ,.. 1, 1914 me Au u,t 1 1915: nee ,,. itrUTT-O KNELL, . , seen ' . ,,,., , `;' t ,. DEALER T., =r. t + :: : ;, . :: ., - L 1'diith ::Sea' .ushers`. e a orting two trans= erts which had 5,00'1 German troop s aboard:. The letter states on the au- N, of the" officer' that the two -- ,C}• transports were also sunk and all DerisLed. ' .,. . +- . DR. A R. KINSMAN, L,D,S„ -D.I S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad effects, ()Mee over Gladman & StanOury's Office. Main Street, Exeter, LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BANtISTERS, solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Com- missioners. Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. 'Stoney to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices•--blain*St„ Exeter 1. R. Carling, B,A, L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private {undo to loan on farm and village prop: enies at low rates of intea'dst. GLADfAN & S 'AfiVIVAY Gar/letters, Solicitors, Exeter.. --V • i1, , SYNOPSIS Ore CAN ?IAllis NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or say cnala'over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant must appear fo. perso . at the Dominion rtands.:'kg'.- eacy of Suit -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (hitt not Sttb•,e?gency) on certain conditions, Bi1ties-Six mogth,s' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each • of three years. A homesteader -nay live within nine miles of his„ homestead cn a f •t r of at least 80 acres, on certain c• „tions. A habitable house is re- dits every case, except when /e - elite is.performed in the vicinity, la certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quartet section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dence en each of three years after eaaii ne homestead patent; also 50 • acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi-. betas A settles. who has exhausted his homestacd dight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. P 'ce $ per acre. Duties -Must te- si e 6 ,months in each of 3 years,. Oa- ltiyvtlto 50 acres, art I erect a house wtlirth $300. Tale area of cultivation is subject. to reduction in, case of rough, scruh-t by o¢' stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the minister of the Interior N'.B. 1Ynautivorized +publication of this advertisement will not be pied for, DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS iir Re gulatin Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for, $10. Sold at all Itrug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. ♦ TIE e. ScoU2LL Dace. Co„St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPIiONOL FOR MEN. Restores Vim and Vitality;fcr Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter ;a Tonic—will build you up, S a box, or two for $5,at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price,- ats SeoSELL Dana Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. CENTRAL hes 4/. , STRATFORD. ONT.'S Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each sf OW three departments-Commerc- . 'al Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for fe at once. D. A. McIachian, Principal • fANY COLLEGES CLOSE •,;. FOR' ,. VACATION at miktcummea•. Our col- ege does not. p ELLIOTTd,” ed ,./ `,..- Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto is ltnictly first-class. NONE BETTER le CANADA. Enter now so as to ;et a position in the early fall° Catalogue free. Western University, londen Forward Movement N - GREATLY'ENLARGED FAC- UL LIES IN ARTS. AND MEDICINE 'EQUIP. VASTLY IMPROVED • UiENT',-LIBRARY, LABORATOR - - .ES ETC. SEVEN NEW SCHOLARSHIPS RECORD ENROLMENT INQUIRIES RIES SOLICITED e. E BRAIITHWAITE, W.A.- Ph.D.; President. RAND TRUNK SYS,EM - DOUPLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO --.CHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL= FPR, CHICAGO Leave, Tot- into • 8,00a. m., 4,40• • p, m. 'and'. 11.00 p.m. daily ' :FOR MONTREAL' •a ,4 Leavt Toronto, 9 0.Qee4-11.;8.3,01,b . tit;,; '>:r°fid 11'00'p,ti% iiailyr['. 'Smooth Roadbed •• -V Highest Class of Equipment. Foe particulars and berth reserve- tions at Grand Trunk ticket offices. N. J. DORE, Exeter