HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-22, Page 4zt ter Abrocat Sender, & Creech, Proprietors - In advance $1.00 per year in Canads $I.5C in United States, If not pair'. in advance 50c. extra per year map, be charged TBURSDAY, APRIL 22'1'5 NO MERCY FOR GRAFTERS, 'Th€ Barden Government bees"up to the high standards oe public hint^ or wh:tb made Sir James Whtnteyes Administration invincible in 'Ontario The it the only conclusion ;o he drawn from the Prince Minister's ata• pressivt statement in the -louse of Commons. No grafters, not even ('or see ativ e members of Parliamen' whose names can be connected with irregularities, are to be spared. sir Reber' Borden named Mr. 'Dewitt Foster and Mr Garland as iytng utile his displeasure. "If restitution c be sntorced it will be enforced a rang -doers mean be sent to the ,arn- it. ntiary they will be sent there" ''et D e-tiro:lent of Justice is already rsusy to this end The sudden outbreak o: dear m:aced all almost itabearable burden lit the Militia Department. but the ;tai as e:t nt; 18 hours t, day handled the grate: task so effectively that, se .err a, a thorough -going investigation b rec_alete only $12,500 has gone is ray in .reasa'actions aggregating $50,00e,000 D the sum $6,300 has been zectiverad anti there if-- every indication chat rest ituttoit wili also be secured'`,he molting 46,200. The present moss is one -eightieth of one per •mote and the prospect is that when the Gov- ernment is through the Publid Trean ur y anil have lost little or 'lothin . Hatt the Government followed the aaeeedent established by the T as ri:'r Adrnnistiwtion it would have +look- ed, the investigation and covered up th facts. In acaoedasace with 'tet:-- henoree P diaraentary procedure it cosld have postposand the inquiry to an oine• session and have gone to the comer% during the recess. Sir Rob- e.' Borden knew that untair artisan advantage would be taken of the in c.,teenktion and that every bit of avid en-: e would be exaggerated .n com- mittee end in the headings: of Libetl neeepapers Yet for the purpose of preventing graft and of establishing ✓ a honor of the Government aefore the people he hastened the inquiry insisted that nothing should he [;apt ba•' -t: and nobody shielded. As for the future a stroeg .otn- mttet: i, to handle war supply *tur- chase, Moreover, the Audtter-Gen- eral and Deputy Minister.; 'nave heen called together by the Finance Min- ister to improve the o1d system of purchasing auditing and accounting. Tin Prime Minister's course :an only confirm him in the confidence *f ,elf- respecting Canadians who are not comet: be party bias. When the del- iberate exaggerations of Liberal or- gene die down and the flaring headlines cease to Iie it will come home to the great mass of Canad. fans that a set a' angry politicians have played free- ly with the good name, of Canada and Canadian industries in the 'cape o:E stampeding the electorate to their own advantage. The simple fact is - bat the Administration achieved well ,sigh the impossible in sending an except ionallt well-equipped army to Europe in a remarkab ly short time, and r In expeditiously outfitting over 106,000 meat with so little waste )i-)ublic money Clearly this is an Ad- ministration which never could hage been hoodwinked into sinking $200; 000,001' in a viseless Transcontinentai railway.. -From the Toronto News, Did you, post any letters •,yith }ur the ,was stamp on? G,ermany mays be: short o bu* she is ,r, da�t of >iat'l;'°'�'' �w0 T}ie only resirits lig the boot invest- igation are a waste of time, and go:od,. white' paper. Editor Dingman of Stratford look- ed to be good for a Senatorshigr, lint he went one better ande landed a $6,001, jab as License Commissioner. The way the Opposition. -fought "fd nreveri•. the soldiers. from - hawing •a vote would make one think that 'tall Canada's fighting is being done by Conservatives. Whey you are tilling the rich soil think ha* much worthier is the ceeiee' you are prosecuting than tot caaswd In • for some already over stocked thiese. mess Or profession in your 4aome town - with only one object! in view - to have white heads and immaculate' clothing and to be always struggling With your .11imited means to keep, up with those in outward seeming ap- pearances who are much 'wealthjdr than yourselves, There is no do s'ht but that atarge: tee'-. cent of the degreelation, 'lays- grace .,culla and crime among the vounrr spring from the habit.:'of ',night prow- ling corner loafing and'• :ltha'dted 'acts by both' sexes in city, town and !mal- let ell over this broad, country Any.. perste: who keeps his or ' hr yes4 or.)en 'knows this. Hundreds of soy's'; anti girls are out at night and we •rix•,. knov' that many influences ' Or v and none for good surround n contenuallY Dashwo d We axe •sorry to report the illness r till Alex. Zimmer, blacksmith,who l .s been confined to his bed for seen el•:days suffering from an attack of ;a11 -stones. He is, however, slightly il,'iroved A number front here attended the 'al • of the late George Joynt at -iensalt on Tuesday. Mr end Mrs W ie e,nd are, both ill, tau- latter being dangerously so, with to hope of recovery, Mrs. Sim Ire* ':tial their daughter of Stratford is fere. waiting on them. The Rev. Mr. Grenzebach, who has seen ministering in the Evangelical Church. here for the pest four years vit'- that degree of success that he tic beer invited by hie congregation 0 scnmin another year. Mr. Grenze- tacl- is an excellent preacher, a ,aith u: and •earnest worker, and his -many riends are glad to know that he has iecidec' to accept the congregation's ,ns :ration :a'r E. M. Brokenshse has resigned re: position as assistant postmaster a;•re sand now Mr. John Gray biei is ki'tn the duties. Preparations are already being made .� O r t o e t:o .It. D. seJra :L here, on June trd The Integre:. promises to erten .aterestine one. Dien o.. Pneurnopia.-The home of • sort Mrs. David lletchen• has been 'ddned by the death on Tuesday t ei seven year old son, Lyle Frederick. Thelittle fellow had leen e-ek only a. couple weeks of uneu- name and while he put up a crave struggle the disease gradually perform. ed it; deadly work. He was a aright I !ie boy and will be much tnissede t the household. His parents 'lave o sympathy of their many Mende.' The tune el. will take place to -morrow . idly.; Crediton Rem:nether the Patriotic concert to be given in the Town .Hall on Tues- day night, April 27, The Committee ha: engaged Mn C. Pink. Tenor Solo- ist ant' Miss Short, reader, of ton - doe with local talent. Joseph Heist has bought the ;arm atT the river Owned by, Frank Taylor. ri a don't know what Frank's inten- tion, are but we hope he wont leave rials. a: he is a valuable eitisee, The waim weather this week baa brought out our people to clean thele hamee and back yards. Everywhere the mall of the house can be seen beating carpets. He Aas his dinner on the heck step now, Rev E. D. Becker has returned home from Milverton. where he at- tended Conference, Rev. Beaker will .;,main here for another year. Miss Mary Bertrand has returned emu,: after a visit with her relatives in Detroit and [bIy, Mich. When driving home from ?own on Monday the horse which Mrs. vi:?m, Rollin was driving took fright and jumped in the ditch throwing \fres Rollin.. and baby out. Her wrist ess broken but the baby was unhurt. Flax seeding started this week. rhe °arniers are ready to go on the ;and as some as the fieldmice sets Mre. Henry Either left :or Ubly, Meth. on Tuesday for a reek's visit wit!. h; sister, Visa Pearl Heist has returned home :ter a few weeks' visit with net 'is, er Mrs Nits earth of Badaxe, Mich. Next Sunday night the W.M.S. of the Methodist church will lave charge a" the service. It is expected that Mr Ed. Jones of Victoria College, e , roronto will preach, Mrs Harry Larkin and babe of Lu - tar, are visiting her parents, Mr. end Mrs. John G. Young. Chas Zwicker made a business rip 'to -London on Saturday. USBORNE. The tesidence of Mr. Wilbur iiun- te. •it* Usborne narrowly escaped le- structior by fire on Tuesday even- lues • Neighbors first noticed flames couture through the roof. The re- am: , was immediately given, and it tva. with difficulty that the building was. :saved. Considerable damage was • done however. est Shakespeare's Birth. The exact date, of Shakespeare's ;blan is not known, and the accepted date✓:of April '23 is based'•on circum stantlaI evidence. Therein record evi- iice that be was baptized' on. April ;26.---W14. but to record evidence of the of his 'birth ' ; Re died:, Ap fii '.3. 1610, and the tnscriptfu tipoti h1R=tnnn. ; irneat,ls ,erldetiest+ .tla;nt a''had-:elready t egun;ht>; fifty third t•e'nr. but does not silts any birth date •l"roni these data itti(f ;tether such inning nit ion its they "0014 obtain nnti.p i:trips an the eight :'erith. n'enlury lin• rearm after his r` ettii Bled the Alta.. of his birth as Atj,ri: 23 1 attl tn.r,•.. ,ta,v>t before chi iritltistu, Though not proved _beyond tiiittbt. -start date Is .:tttversa(ly`-'a,'i'ept- ed 1"ttlludeaphia frees.. •• Some Words. ('it'nlr` is hit Med .after .the ancient i'au because at the Rudden and 'Unreasoning fear which the sight 'of iii{4- heathen divinity .mei supposed to tnspire ntlirc ...ammo) words with a 'ti'(tnllar'seuree in the old mythologies are ' "Falcunite," from Vulcan, the blacksmith 'martini " for Mars, the warrior', "jovial." front Jove; "eatur- nine," from Saturn. and "mercurial," .froth Mercury, the nimble heeled. Strange Neglect, "There's one thing. though." Seth the stranger, "that I really cannot= under- stand:' "What's . tbaxt.. ,asked the old 'set. es. "Nobody around here has assured ethat this is. the garden spot of the ttttp."-Cbieago Record RRet"al& LL 60 r CkPTtr'E-'t British Make Advance of Thr e Miles Near Ypres, Important Battle Results to Losses to Germans Equal, to Those at Neuve Cl'tape:Ile—.. Sappers Got • Under MU and Exptode an immense Mine --Advance Along the Fecht River. LONDON. April 20. --The follow- ing official statement wee, issued last night at the Btitish War Othee: "A suceessfui action, commencing on the evening of th.. 17th, culminat- ed Sunday nigh in toe t°apture and complete oceupaticu of An important ^.o::,t known as 1-111 60, wirtcu lies .bout two utiles south of Zillebel e, to the east of Ypres. This bill .domi- aate-' the country to the north and northwest. "Tee successful explosion of a ain� under .he Atli commenced the operations, and mar„ Germans were feted by this dud .5 prisoners were captured, •neludinar an odieer. "At daybreak u h. lhth the en - 'my delivered a +teavy counter-attack against this hit , but were repulsed with a heavy loss. They advanced in •:osr formation elle our machine gun artery nOt. v e t it -to them, 'Desp.•rete etia°'s were made all .ay Sunday" by .11e tier ia;n^s to recov- c the hill, but the, were everywhere t-et.ulsed with ,a'' at lose. In front ,.t the captured tosition which we aro now condi- stated in strength. ..ttu.t,eds of ,1vad, are lying. , Sunday two aegis German aero - pee: edify ',u - its tlu :'u in this tee . Sii.e tee i..aa 'net., the totaai :.see to sue enemy -., civ.. aeroplanes." .1 rtesl„ta.it Ciorat \urttiern France ":r• wit cots p4, .'i -tin ed here of of the t -et i Y, tont engage - oft .a ,sr .. , . n: Leebornuod (.f 3i 1,',ci. `a r t _ . sa..1,olaree trete, conveying Alii' s u'.:- IA :arrived hoe one hour ago et, ofeemation catut' from a source wlloh places the fol- lowing facts rayon., doubt; Our sap pets succeeded in netting the only rill In that vsctnit,. '1 ae blowing ul, of the bili Sited n?' morning was flu - signal for the opentog of a battle ex. tending over swine miles of front. The bayou weaught auaong hundreds of German troops occupying the bili bad a moat terri'ying effect on the German lines bot' right and left, $:tad our concentrated charge, in which our artillery played a most `import- ant part, had succeeded up to Sun- day night in driving the Germans was terrible losses, fully three miles back from their first line or trenches. The explosion of mines in the hill resembled the bursting of a volcano, '`The action is stli. in progress and our advance ha been unchecked. Eight hundred German prisoners have already coma in, and every'tb, rig points to the, enemy's losses bung greater even than those at Neuve Capella. "At all points we have given the Germans a disagreeable taste of our metal. Thein attitude is one of de- pression.. Their aeroplanes are busy with the hombarde•„ent of open towns, but thea are carefully chased away from the proximity of our fighting lines by the vigi.auce of our airmen, which accounts for the fact that we are enabled to make our prepara- tions for the attack without news or at best with only, eeanty news of our movements leasing out.” The advance of French columns continued along both banks of the Fecht river :.n Alsace, on German soil, yesterday, and forced the Ger- .vans hastily to evac,,,ate Eselbrucke above Metzernil, anti to abandon a large amount. Jr war material. A big battle ;s expected to develop in this section of the front in the near future. The Germans have not acquiesced with good grace L. the French occu- pation of Les l pargea and continue to launch attacks in an attempt to regain lost territory. A fres° attack on this position was co eetetely roue - ed early yesterday ruotning. A sort of drawn battle between German and French infantry was, fought in the Montmarie wood yts terday. : The French artillery bed the -best of an' artillery duel 17, the Regnier vile region yesterday, TROUBLE IN COLLIERIES. , Welsh Miners'll?ecide To Give N'ptice -'Jf, :.a Strike. • .... , LONDON Api3d:20 —A crit aai site nation, has .arisen• among the' coal mine r:s.• Repredc.ati. yeki3O f the • Welth miners .have u'ita>a'busly- tldcided favor of : teirdering g fortnight's nog Lice of a etropaised itrfkeeto the ttiint�- owners- in order to enforce -their di - mantis for a 2i per -cent. increase in wages. The Miners' Federation' of Great Britain will meet to -morrow to' Seethe what ,ction tier will -take to o?iipel the mine-oWners to accede 'to" tireirdeman,d fora similar increase, Thai• the' result of the trouble will ad anything like a national strike •of nae miners is considered improbable,: nut 'it way neoeesitate Government .eterveiitiun in a very draastie mane tier: Cotten Being Barred. LONDON, Apri. 30.—That cotton is being kept ons of Germany and. Austria - just as effectively as if'it were declared absutute contraband, is the tenor of a reply addressed by At- torney -General Sitnon,to a conference of chemists and engineers who rats -- ed the question whether the -action taken by the Government was, suffi- cient to make::it:eeitain thatno bots ton -reaches those countries. Japan Recalls Cruisers,. W.ASH,INGTCI'N,•:-.April. - 2 C:* -.Japan has, ordered.: all; .herslrnrah:fps- in.tbe P,aeifc, waters, ed t tthet American, coasts, . except tboseemalving,.' thhi' wrecked cruiser Asama lir-:‘Turtle Bayto return to their- hone stations. Advices to •that effect were received yesterday from Tokio at the Japanese embassy, ieBFrl,T,WAx , .3 Th: W.M.S. Convention far 13ieteli District will be held it>! Elimville Methodist Church on May 5'th, cam - Intimate at 9,45 a.m. Three sessions. The Program will consist of address- es by. ,ladies from various parts of the District. Rev: W. G. H. ,1tfcAlis- ter and Miss Sperling returned Miss. lonary, -from China, will be present. A small registration fee of 10e. will be charged everyone welcome,-- Farm- er> are busy Needing. -Mr. Keown, 'Mr W.• and Miss Susie Lovie were guests of Mr. John Lovie Sunday, -- :Miss Carrie Wilson is visiting her sister, Mrs ``Alex Merkle. $100 Reward SIN. 1;ha readers of this p;+t,.r watt be pleased to team. that there is at least ,.a,. *dreaded disease tbatselence has been able to cure •n ail lax etagee, end that is Catarrh, Hall's Cars:rn',ure is the only positive cure now known to tai- medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutions• diva -w requires a constitu- tional treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cera Is taken in- ternally, acting; direcaac up •i, rhe blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby, destroying the toundati on of the disease, and giving the patient ,strength by building up the constitution and assist- E'CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.v o., L L. D . D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRA, General ll'taneger JOHN AIRF,. Ass't General Manager' CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE RIND, $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS NTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on dei deposits of $1 and upwards, Careful attention is given to every account. Strtail accounts we welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- draw.* to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. Slit EXETER BRANCH -Id. J. WHITE Man, CRE ITON-A. E.KUHN, Ma n. ling nature in doing its i',rk. The proprietors have so muck t*ith in its curative powers that teaey otter One Hundred Doltare for any case that it fails, to tire. Send for list oftestimontae Address F. a. engaiEY at CO..'tole:do, O, Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents, Take fiat!', !:'amity P tt• for constipation. MOUNT CARMEL Dr and Mrs. Tillman of London are visiting friends in this neighbor- hood. -M- John Hayes dtsposed of a fin: team of colts to Mr. Flem- ings 12th of McGililitray receiving a. handsome figure. --Mr. Wm. Hodgins 12th of McGillivray, purchased Yffty acre; formerly owned by the "sate An- drew Coillins for _$2200. --Mr. 'hemidg purchased the hundred acre farm for rater ly owned by Win, Hodgins of the 12th of UNG lliv'ray.-Mrs. Dennis O'- Connell" and Miss Julia Mahoney vis- ited friends at London for a few days last ,veep, -Mr. J. G. Quarry has en- gaged Mr. Joint Carey for a month, it Quarry makes no mistake as Jack is a good man, -Mrs. T,J, Hall return- ed home afters spending a creel visit- ing her mother, who d very ill in London.--efrs, Jas. W. Doyle of the 1201 of McGillivray continues trery ill at her home. Her friend wish for her a speedy recovery.. -Mass Josep- hine Glavin returned home after spending several months visiting her aunt Mrs Gleeson of London,--. The farmer in this neighborhood are nusy seeding. -Mrs. James O'Rourk end family of London are spending a week with he; mother Mrs. Ellen Barry near Khisn.-The many friends of Mr. David O'Brien are Pleased to know than he is able to be out and is as well as ever after several weeks ill - nese. -Mrs. Joseph Doyle is improving after her illness. LUCAN "Lonesome Pine," Clandebaye, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ward liod- gins on Wednesday was the scene of a prett• wedding, when E. Constance youngest daughter of Air. and Mree Jas. 'Marley Cowton, Yorkshire Eng- land was united in marriage, to I ouis Alton Kilmer, son of Mr. 'and ;hIrst Wm Kilmer • of Clandeboye. The bride was assisted by Miss Mary Kilmer sister of the groom, while T. Kilmet of Forest apported the, bride - grim and Murray Hodgins acted as ring bearer, WINGHAItI-Mr, J. Lane, manager of the Wm. Davies Company on com ing to work Saturday morning dis- covered that someone had 'obtained access to -a money drawer and had re- moved the contents, amounting to $82.75, GRANTON-The death occurred of Andrew Nixon, long and much res- pected resident of this neighborhood Mr Nixon has for some time been in ill -health and lately moved from his farm near Prospect Hill into Gran- ton. �• BRUCEFIELD We are sorry to report the death of ales Henry Penfound, which took place suddenly at her home Sunday Deceased was of a very friendly and light hearted nature and took a deep interest in church work in all its blanches and will be m+uchr'missed in the Methodist church here. She is :din'`'ill"tllr"Ill"918."111' "11'11"'tli"'11f4tP"iii'911"tla"'tit".111"'tlr'Itr„lir•'ui'u1_ Incorporated d LSO 1855 = A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Ittnt,UD,NNG „ CAPITAL = CIRCut,A t .LETTERS OF CREDIT - AIM _ BM K MONEY ORDEt1Si5`t RESERVE . ,,... ,.. tea.- s,wcu•, • $8,800,000. L. Sav`lgs B�nk Department At all Branches . late e.et elites ti at WOW rest rite wrest - 92 Branches In Canada E EXETER BRANCH- " W DE.. CI. 'AIME, Manager. mime fl,,,illAsulloall.,.III, ,,if-sill,,.111,,,lit.oll ,f,ill,..1 it" thltillUS t l ,,,tli,.,ili,,.lfi.,,lil,dlG furtiived by ahusband and grown -on family. -Seeding is in full swing and they say the ground works up well, Miss Green of Clinton sang a solo in the Methodist church here Sun- day afternoon which was very much enjoyed, -Mr. John Johnston is pre- ^, ear:..= to build a kitchen. -Wm, .1lc- 'af illatt is having a fine fence built across the south side of his farm. The work is being done by Jas. Petrie. C Clifton has had a telephone' in- stalled WINCHBLSEA. Recent promotion results ;n S. S. No 7 Usborne,--Sr, Ill, to Jr. IV., Greta Andrew, Henry Cole; Ir, III; to Senior III,, Edna Pym, Garfield Brock' Sr, II, to Junior III., Clarence Taut Jr to Sr. IL, Lena. Pym, 'iar- old Bern, Mervin Pym, Dore Bre,dr, -Haze: N Hicks, teacher, "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out Rats ,Mice,ete, Don't die in the rouse 15e and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores FARQ'ITHAR Net, A most enjoyable evening was spent at the Farquhar Hall on Fri- day the 16th, on the, occasion of a Concert given under the auspices of the pupils of Mrs. A. H. Gambrill,anti everyone' concerned must feel highly gratifies at the enthusiastic recep- tion tin many items of a long pro- gram were without exception greeted with ' McGILLIVVRAY lir. Thomas Seelers passed away at tie:` home of his daughter, Mrs. Abe-aharr Moore, Townline McGilliv- ray- or Monday, 12th, after several week:' illness, at the age) of 91, years 1.3 days Deceased was barn at Scar borough England. He Ieft England over 60 years ago and with his family span' a few years at Brampton and in the Tiwnship of Markham. He came to McGillivray 43 years ago and settled o r lot 9, can., 19 He is tur-- dived by three sons and five dau- ghter. - BRUCEFIELD There passed away quietly away, Airs. Wm Aikenhead, at her home near our village aged '49 years end 7 months, She was ill for a ong time so that death wan not *inexpect ed. She leaves a husband and e ight children, 4 girls and 4 boys. - Lizzie London and Jessie who rea- ches school in Stanley, and the others Bee at home. elA Automobile Agency Oakland Oldsmobile . - Cadillac . Hupmobile I have taken the agency, for this 'district for the above t Automobiles and intending' purchases will do well to con- sult me regarding the machines I represent, These machines are leaders and the prices -are real. onable. M. M...DOYLE, Exeter tee % e c .. A Knotty Problem • • se. • Sir Robert Borden' has to finish' Laurier', Work •,