HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-22, Page 2HOM
A little •sant dissolved in water is
recommended for eyelids reddened
in the wind.
When cooking a custard stir slow-
ly and regularly. This is the only
way to prevent curdling.
The celery and cheese sandwiches
are delicious. A little mayonnaise
is mixed - in with the cheese, which
is finely grated, the celery being
put through the mincing machine.
To clean brass that has been ex-'
• posed to the weather, make a. paste
of salt and common vinegar; rub
the brass with the mixture and
leave for ten minutes. Then clean
in the usual way.
Prevent a steamed pudding from
becoming heavy by putting a cloth
ever the steamer before piacine the
lid on. This prevents the moisture
from settling and making a pudding
`When there's company for din-
ner a man stands at the back of his
chair and waits until all the guests
are seated ; • when they're alone he
dives into his chair and says : 'Conte
along with the food.'
When a brown .stew or curry i
toe greasy, mix a teaspeenful c
flour into a smooth paste with
little water, pour it intoe the stew
and let it boil up again, when all
fat will have disappeared.
Pin This 1'it.
One teaspoonful of salt to
quart soup.
One teaspoonful salt to
quarts of flour.
• One teaspoonful. of sada to
pint of sour milk.
One teaspoonf ui. of extract to one
plain loaf cake.
One scant cup of liquid to
full cups of flour for bread.
Cue scant cupful of liquid t<
;ape of livor for muffins.
One seam cup oaf liquid to one
c:zp of deur for batters.
One quart of water to each pound
of meat and bone for soup shack.
One-half cup of yeast or one-quar-
ter cake compressed yeast to one
fun: liquid.
1'eur peppercorns, four cloves,
one teaspoonful of mixed herbs for
each quart of water for soup stack.
edible portion is too -thirds as I
nourishing as potatoes.
Also, few persons have any idea
that oranges can be served in morel
than half a dozen ways, and those
in the raw state or used as it flavor- I.
Yet nothing is more delicious than
an orange omelet, a 'breakfast dish
At for a king
Yes, the orange admits of so any
different ways of preparing and;
serving, some cooked and others,
uncooked, that ee is possible to
serve a whole course dinner with
almost nothing' but orange dishes in
the menu. And this meal. aside
frena being novel, is tempting and
nourishing. Here it is:
Orange Juice
Orange Omelet
Orange and Rice as Vegeta les
Orange Salad
Ice Cream and Cake
Candied Orange Peel
Orange Juice
In serving such a dinner, the
table decorations should be made
o carry out the orange idea. There
ild be acentre piece of fine.
bright ora
n es
with greente
orange leaves and blossoms if pas.
sable interwurked among the fruit,
nd the eolor schemeel-toted be fol -
wed in candles, candle shades and
era, acre or two which can be de- Lombaertzyde and beginning one
voted to tree fruits and growing of the first consistent aggressive
vegetables. What cannot be oon movements of the Allies.
aimed by the family may be sold to i They were ea astonished to see
nearby residents. The garden will' us there, as they told us afterward,
help eonsideratbly to pay the house- they did not attempt to warn us
hold expenses.
Other Means of Income.
When darking table linen tack a
pieessf stiff paper under the rent
and make a. number of fine stitches
backwards and forwards carrying
them a good inch over the edges.
Then tear the paper away.
Sew snap fasteners on each pair
of stuc Lungs at the top and have the
wearers snap them together when
taithot, them .•ff., They can -be laun-
dered this way and save all the
bather of trying to match the stock-
Jewelry can be successfully clean-
ed by washing it in hot soapsuds in
whicha little ammonia has been
,teed. Shake off the water and
lay the jewelry in a small box of
fine sawdust to dry. This method
leave no scratches ar marks of any
:1n Expedition to the Front.
The morning the French troops
secured their first permanent foot
hold in Lombaertzyde, on the Bel-
gian coast, the morning the slow
eastward movement of the Allies
across the low countries began,
Pierre, "The Cossack," and I
drove inan epee' F lemishh cart
through the lines of French and
Belgian trenches on the Yser, and,
before we knew it, were within a.
few yards sof the German outposts.
The Cossack was a sharpshooter
and a• scout, and, though. a can-
nonee.r by enlistment, lie always
went out along the enemy's lines
alone and came back with accurate
information of the enemy's move-
froze driving on. We were well into
the town and about to make a turn
into the street when a French sol -
On one poultry farm Ave acres dier began frantically waving us
are used. cult of these are amt. back. But the hard. -mouthed horse
ed to poultry, one toe vegetable went another twenty feet before he
garden, and one to peach trees. stopped, and by this time we Zltzwereere
The living expenses in summer are .partly around the corner.
virtually paid by the vegetables wtoase •enc iii might in the scre
consumed and sold, so that out of the next turn, but I could seee
the profits from the poultry onlyroe etinol buildingbion kthe 11 nearthe winter household expenses must s de of the street,trhiclh gave me
be drawn, When thepeach crop a sickly feeling. Through it the
comes in there is a. sufficient profit muzzle of a machine-gun was
o. pay the heavy bills, like taxes, lyointed. Though there was not a'
nsurance, repairs, etc. This arm zs gray uniform or `helmet in sight, I
not only making a good living for
spies ---one with an American pass-
port that belongedto some one
else—had nut been able to give the
German gunners any information
that helped them get the range. So
gathered the Germans were still
holding the other end of the street.
The gunners could evidently see
only me, but if we had gone for-
ward another two feet, Pierre•.
would have been in sight, and the
they were dropping shells over the machine-gun would have opened
whole area, where they believed fare. Hie Belgian uniform would
the batteries to be, in the hope of ! have. drawn fire where my civilian
silencing au occasional gun. clothes did not.
u kerke and Nieu- noticed
Between Oost D n Directly behind us as I
por.. there are a few patches . of ► as soon as we had hacked and
wood, offering cover. The hidden Clawed Our Way Ont.French guns were thicker here. The I y
Germans, knowing this, were giving of than lice of fire, the buildings
it the most .et•ere ;belling. In were gouged so deep by the bul-
every shelled area in which I had lets from the machine-gun that the
been before it was possible to pick walls were, at points, almost cut
n. comparatively safes course by away. All night, the French sol -
watching the exploding shells and diers told us, the German gunners
seeing whether they were breaking had kept the muzzle sw•ingang in a
any nearer. Here they were drop» narrow are, making the street im-
ped here and there, as if by the passable. It had not taken any
caprice of the gunners, and'ou French lives, but bud prevented a
were about as unsafe in one pace rush. The town had to be captured
as another. When I expressed my house by house. Each house - in line
apprehensions Pierre replied, Ne- was rushed by a squad from be -
ver mind, we shall soon be in too hind. This, too, had to be done in.
close for shell -fire." the dark to prevent the invaders
At a turn in the muddy road we from being seen. As soon as they
came upon a one -roomed Flemish forced their way througb the in). -
fermi -some servingas a pros ised barricades at wiIldows and
f eldshhn .e al. it wast . doors,they threw a light in each
field hospital. All about it an a
widening circle were the graves of room with a hand searchlight, and
the men who had died there, each killed every one they encountered.
grave marked with a wooden cressUnless a man had his hands in. the
bearing the soldier's name. air there was no time to learn what
"We get very few wounded his intentions might be. They had
young surgeon W
here," a,, ild me, work -ed their way to a house less
"`'Thi men from the trenches are
fifty feet from the machine-
carried past, We have gun, and on the street behind held
mostly gunners, and they are so the house in the rear of it. They
well protected in their under- were waiting fo- night to make the
ground shelters that they get hurt final dash and clear out that end of
only when a shell breaks through the town.
their shelter. If it breaks ten feet We were standing on the narrow
to one side, they are untouched. sidewalk talking and Pierre had
If it breaks right on them they are walked nearly to the turn in the
torn all to pieces. The four men street. Suddenly he waved to us
with this gunner,"said the sur- eagerly, his Rice alight with
geon, pointing to a 'huddled mass, Pleased excitement. "Come here.,"
"were all killed outright." cellar.
said, Ihear some voices in the
Our road into Nieuport ran par- cellar. W ll' either get a drink
Iaot down there, or some German sol-
allel with the railroad and the ca- diets."
nal, Here was the second line of without stopping to see if we
trenches, and, as soon as we reach were followed, he pushed open the
ed it, we could see Lombaertzyde, door and plunged down a flight of
scarcely a mile away in a direct stairs to the left. Before we could
line. Though I looked carefully I get past the door we could hear
him shouting menacingly and loud
guttural cries in response. He
was shouting in Flemish, and the
answering cries were in German.
At the top of the stairs he had en-
countered three German soldiers
coming up, and now, withhis car-
bine cove -ring the three, he was
bullying them into throwing down
their arms by bawling into their
The ' Germans evidently knew
they were trapped and preferred
to surrender. But the Cossack was
enjoying himself making threats.
As far as I could make out, -he was
promising to shoot them out of,
hand, and I was afraid he meant
it. Finally he agreed he would let
them go if they had any children.
The first two cried loudly they had
three apiece. The third said he
had two, and produced a photo-
graph to prove it. So Pierre agreed
to let them live for the sake of
their children.
We found one street by which. we
could getto the centre of Nieuport,
and there encountered some of the
mechanics attecihed to the English
naval flying corps. They invited
me into a tower.' where, they said,
we could see the -effect of the can-
non -fire.
Stumbling up acircular stair-
case in atower which, I fancy, had
been nearly dark inside, before the
German shells let in daylight, we
came out on a parapet from which
we could
The road between La Panne and
G'oxyde was full of people going
both ways. Pierre offered a ride
to three women, the eldest at least
fifty, but with cheeks as hard and
red as apples, They laughed and
joked with Pierre and paid no more
attention 'to the bursting shells to-
wards which we were driving than
to the cutting ice blowing into
their faces. They had arrived at
the point of view of soldiers toward
shell -fire : There is no use paying
any attention to it. The shells you
hear do you no harm. If you are
killed by one you never know it.
Directly ahead of us, as we pass-
ed through Coxyde's mud -splashed could not see a sign of life, bier
buildings into the road beyond, that matter the trenches, past
swimming with dirty slush, lay which we were driving, might have
Oost-Dunkerke, and the area un- been empty, except for one soldier
der fire. The country was open who showed his head. I offered
except for the bare clusters of him some little French cigars out
buildings and the scrub brush in' of a fairly large box, and, within
the dunes, but, scattered through ten seconds, heads, then bodies
the country over which we were and legs, began to appear from the
passing, there were whole batteries whole line. All were wearing sae
of French guns, mostly General bats, into which malty had stuffed
Joffre'a favorite "seventy -fives." straw for warmth. All were play -
We could hear their sharp "ping" tered with mud.
all about us, but we knew no more
of their whereabouts than did the Gouged with Machine-gun Fire.
German aviators who passed Nieuport itself, ripped and goug-
through a bombardment of shrap- ed with machine-gun fire, where it
nel every day trying to;locate them. had not been crumpled by bursting
I am running no danger of giving shells, did not even offer us a pass
away a military secret in saying able street. Finally we rumbled
they were buried and the only way across the bridge over the canal -
the German '°shells could reach them locks, the turning of which had
was to drop directly on them. The flooded all the territory between
chances of their doing this were not the Yser Canal and the Yser River,
much better than those of an ex- and, twisting among the holes in
pert golf player dropping the ball the pavement, drove at, a nangle to
directly into the hole with a drive the northeast on the elevated road
from the tee. Even the numerous to Lombaertzyde. The ' open fields
and each year marketing the cock- on both sides were flooded, and the
erels of the hatch as broilers, only building of importance be -
Others combine egg farming with tween the two towns was a preten
meat growing selling the eggs at jious house -which had been blown
a season of the year when they into a, grotesque shape. Its gro-
bring the highest prices, and tarn tesqueness was in keeping with its
ing them into table poultry when surroundings. The country lay
the price falls below a certain fig- d'e'ad, with no one in sight. Even
the trenches we ,had just passed
The sale of eggs for hatching and were hidden behind the raiilrotad
fowls for 'breeding is very profitable tracks. Over on the edge of the
but 3,t calls for expert •service. Be-
sand dunes to the left, we knew
there must be -thousavds of French
ginners are advised to keep away soldiers "dug in" against the rain
from that end of the business uf-rio
n- and protected m attack by barb -
til they have had a general expert- ed ware entanglements concealed
epee of at least three years. in, the rolling dunces, !and behind
The eelec�tron of 'breeds is a mat- the low-lying road to the right, a
ter that must be governed by the half -mile across the flooded fields,
object in -new. If it is intended to was the first line of German
have an exclusive egg farm, the treasobeis. But all we could see was
shipments to be made Ito a market the highway to at. Georges,
that prefers white eggs, theta such Justbefore we reached Lona -
breeds as the Leghorns, Miiiceroas, baertzyde we pass -ed the forward
or any a the white .egg -+layers French trenches, shallower and
should be chosen. Tease priotected than the others.
Where at is.intended to -combine Over toward the sand ,tunes we
'eggs, • broilers and 'roasters, such could sere they were occupied by
breeds as the American class should crouching, alert figures, but .• the
be "kept, with possibly a white -egg trenches under the shelter of the
breed if there is •a call for white .town itself were empty, The oom-
eggs in the market parries that had occupied 'them the
The matter of location is worthy night before were in the town
of consideration. One hundred around fires to the houses. As they
heard the crunch of the cart wheels
miles frown a city like .-oxonto is end the pounding of the horse's
not too far, providing there are
good sh•pping, facilities. Private •hoofs they came to the doors and
family txalde is very profitable, but windows. '.Lahey -were the most un -
ft may take some tine too'bale, up kempt-looking soldiers I have ever
a good retail austere. The market aTheir beards were coy-
. and uncombed, and they were.cov-
in the vicinity of the location of the cried with a 'muddy paste. Their
farm should be carefully looked up lenses and elbows were crusted deep
before the investment and Start is with 'it, and it was even in their
made. hair and on their caps. But that
It is a good plan to have an ex- had not kept them from entering that wide area, could ooracentrarte
About Oranges.
Two of the 'housewive's most vex-
atious problems. "How to lessen
the cost of livin g t" and "How to
vary the menu 5" could easily be
solved by,;, greater use of fruit, de-
clares one of America's best-known
fo al experts.
Says she :---
-I have been testing out fruits
as leads; ordinary fresh and dried
fruits such as we all have around
the house all the time,
Mark well what I say, fruits as
foods. .
Nearly every one has been using
oranges, bananas, prunes and ap-
ples simply as fruits or for different
kindls of desserts, But hardly any
one ever hen thought of these
things being worth much more than
their delicious flavor. And almost
no eine has attempted to use them
as meat substitutes or in place of
vegetables. or even in soups I
Well, for months I have been ex-
perimenting .with these and other
everyday fruits, and with rice, for
I have .found it is such an indispen-
sable thing When working with
fruits as food.
I had always known that many
fruits possessed far more nutritive
value than is commonly att'ri:bided
to them. For instance, a pound of
ripe •bananas contains more food
value than a pound of white pota-
toes. And a pound of dates isliar
more productive of energy in 'the
human body than •a similar amount
of beefsteak. These, and all other
statements I make concerning the
food value of fruits, are based on
figures furnished by the United
States Department. of Agriculture.
Also,. I hati realized that people
did not make free enough use if
fruits, although their coneuanption
has increased largely during recent
years.: Still, more •should be eaten.
And with meat prices steadily
climbing and other food stapl.ee ad-
vancing as a. result of the war, I set
to work to see what we could do
'w3 h fruits as food.
suppose few persons have any
idea that an orange has reel food
'Value. Yet, pound for pound, the
their fire at particular points be-
hind the enemy's Hue under the
directions of a man me this tower,
when we all dodged involuntarily
to the sharp whizz of a. shell. It
stung at my ear like the passing of
a thousand bullets at once, and,
before I had really had time to
duck, broke overhead two hundred
feet beyond. The rain of shrapnel
on the broken roofs below was
drowned by the explosion.
"Come quick," cried one of the
Englishmen, diving down the stairs.
"They've seen us. They've got the
range of this tower and they'll have
us, too, in a minute."
I think I slid down moat of the
way and. I was notsorry when
Pierre, who. was waiting below,
said it was getting late and time
we made off for the coal. Before
we had wound our way out through
the debris of the town. it began to
rain with a fresh violence. We
passed a continuous string of cov-
ered trenches beside the road and
another set along the railroad- em-
bankment. The road was six inches
deep in soft slush, seeping off into
the trenches. Behind were ditches
full of water cud back of them the
sodden fields pitted with shell holes,
full also to the brim with water.
It was as dreary and depressing a
sight as an enemy could ask, and
the soldiers gathered together in
shelters were dreary, too, if not
depressed. These were Belgian
trenches here, and it takes a good
deal to keep ie small group of Bel-
gians glum.
We came shortly to the farm,
where Pierre found the coal as he
expected. A small body of infan-
tryinen with a. nnitrailleuse were
resting their dogs there before
slipping forward under cover of
the approaching night to another
deserted farm house. They were
muddy and wet and their faces
showed the strain of hardship.
One gave use his military coat to
lift and it weighed, I judged, #shirty
pounds. He had not been able to
get it dried out for days. • I com-
ommiserated with them on the weari-
ness of their task.
"It is weary, indeed," one of
them replied, sadly. "Here we
have flooded this country and we
cannot get across it ourselves now.
We hoped to have the Kiang back
in Brussels by Christmas."
Pierre helped himself to a. full
load of coal, and then we went on.
It was almost four o'clock and
nearly dark.
At a temporary bridge across the
Yser Canal near Ramseappelle,
we had to back out of the way to
make room for two automobiles.
This Pierre did grumbling, and the
horse stubbornly. The first auto-
mobile had already passed when
one of the officers in the tonneau
caught sight of me, and stepping it,
jumped out. Pierre recognizing a
general, gave a short account of
how he got the coal, but the 'gen-
eral was interested in me. He was
willing enough to accept Pierre's
explanation of his being responsi-
ble for me.
The second automobile ca -me up
behind and stopped a moment to
give the general time to return to
his seat. Two men were sitting in
the tonneau, both silent. The
nearest I recognized even in the
poor light. It was the King, whom
I had not seen before on this visit
to the Belgian army. • But no one
could have recognized him from his
photograph. Re was -no longer the
spruce young man who walked
briskly down the aisle in the Bel-
gian perla.ameant that day last Aug-
ust and threw his gauntets on the
desk before him 'as he -declared his
defiance to- -the invading German
See the German Trenches
behind St. Georges, though we
could see no men. We also had a
panoramic' view of the inundated
country. We were on the western
boundary whidh mast in a straight
line eolith from the sea:. The rail-
roadline stopped it there. East-
warit bellied out with the curve of'
the Year, filling the river itself
bank full and spilling it over the
fields on both 'sides. The scattered
farm houses, ballet doubtless on the
highest grounfMrailable, : were ';in
some eases out . of wahen,b.ut d they
had been torn, by shellee and head.
been used only as ad'vatnice_posts
for many weeks. As far as I
could see to the south there was
water, with occasional parties of
soldiers picking their way along the
r aieed paths. Across the flooded
Gelds •a few miles to the south ram
the splendid highway which °. the
"old. king," Leopold, had built to
give autonn,obiles, his ow n among,
the number, a smooth course on the
way from. Paris to Ostend.
We had not been there five min-
utes and the men of the flying
corps were explaining- how the
French batteries, scattered over
army. His hair had grown long
and hung over his collar. His
blond moustache, too, was long
and bushy. His face had set into '
severe lines. '
As he passed on, Pierre and 7
crossed the makeshift bridge and
the west on broad highway,
the beautiful road the "old king"
built • so his automobile could go
faster from Ostend to Paris.
Germany Never Dreaded R Issia.•.
Charles W. Eliot, President
Emeritus of Harvard University,'
gives the following denial to the
German excuse that the war was'
caused by the fear of Russian do
velopme nt
Many German apologists for the
wee attribute it to German fear of
Russia.. They say that, although'
Germany committed the first actual
aggression by invading Belgium and
Luxemburg on the way to attack
France with the utmost -speed and
fierceness, the war is really a war
against Greet Britain, that
of defense against Russia, which
might desirably pass over, aftce
France has been crushed, into a
war against Great Britain, that eis
perfidious and insolent obstacle to
Germany's world -empire. The an-
swer to this explanation is that,
as a matter of fact, Germany had
never dreaded, or even respected,
the military strength„ of Russia,
and that the recent wars and
threatenings of war by Germany
have not been directed against Rus-'
site but against Denmark, Austria,
France and England. In her colo-
nization enterprises it not Russia.
that Germany has encountered,
but England, Prance- and the
United States The friendly ad-
vances made within the, last twenty
years by Germany to Turkey were
not intended primarily to strength-
en Germany against Russia, but
Germany against Great Britain
through access by land to British
India. Iii abort, Germany's poli-
cies, at home and abroad, during
the past forty years have been in-
spired not by fear of Russia•, or of
any other invader, but by its own
aggressive ambition for world -ern.
pire, In the present war it thinks
it has staked its all on "empire or
Those nations elicit value public
liberty and believe that the primary
object of government is to promote
the general welfare by measures
and policies founded on justice,
good -will and respect for the free.
dom of the individual can not bul
hope that Germany will be cam••
pletely defeated in its present um•
dertalci;ngs; but, they do not believe
that Germany is compelled eta
choose between a life of domination
and national death. They with
that all her humane culture and
her genius for patient research
may survive this hideous war and
guide another Germany to great
achievements for humanity.
A stitch in time is worth two
needles in a haystack.
She was standing on le chair on.
the pier' watching the racing. On;
a chair behind were two French=
men. The lady turned around .and
said ; "I hope I don't obstruct your;
view'" "12adeznoiselle;" quiokly1
replied one, "I much prefer the obs
struction to 'the view."
At an evening' party a very elder-:
ly lady was dancing with a yours.
partner. A stranger approached
Douglas Jerrold, who was looking
on, .and ,said "Pray, sir, can . you\
tell me who is the young gentleman,
dancing with that elderly lady I"
"One of the Humane !Society, I.
should think," replied Jerrold.
Schmidt the Spy- and Massage to Berlin.
"All the Indian !soldiers in. London are wounded in the head. They,
m:ust'be a very hardy riaee, as ,apparently none iof the wounds prove
fatal:" -London ; Opinion,