HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-15, Page 8EXE PER AIUTt W3ATE, THIIR S1IAY APRIL 15 1915 EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat . Barley Buckwheat,,, ,,.,,.. Oats, ..... Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, erbon..,......,.. 1400 Flour, per cwt,, family Flour, low grade per ow Butter - Creamery Live hogs. per cwt Sltort‘: pe''tot Bran per ion , ,.:...:': Sugar Bat t Pulp 40 28 19 135. 70 75 55 150 50. 14 00 3 90 200 30 35 20 $50 30 00 28 7 0 Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer Red ('lover, Alsike, Timothy, Mil- let. Alfalfa and beans bought. Imported Red Clover and Timothy Seed fat sale; also Choice home grown Buckwheat and Alsike Wilt be at home to take in Seed evert Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: Highest prices paid. Address all communications to H. Reynolds, clay Ontar: o. R. R. No. 1. Mrs Geo. Fisher is ill and confined to her room. Schoo. re -opened on Monday, and many little boys and girls started in for the first time, leaving behind their carefree infant days. Mr Phillip Blake has purchased the dwelling ,,on Carling Street :awned by Mr Wm Chowen, the price being $650. Mr. Blake will take possession !, on May 1st. The Jackson Factory was closed down on Saturday owing tot the death; in Clinton of the father of Messrs. Jackson" Bros. of which mention is made elsewhere. :lfss Celia Clark, daughter of Mr. Thos. Clark of Stephen, is confined to her bed and isl under the doctor's care suffering from a severe attack of Pleura—Pneumonia. Rev John Holmes of London occur- l ped the James Street pulpit Sunday morning, and Rev. Muxworthy at night. Mr. Holmes took the : ervice in Mair Street Sunday evening. Ridgetown Plaindealer,—"The many friends of Mr. Peter Bawden, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia since last Saturday, will be pleased to learn that he is, out of danger and on a fair way to recovery.' The Exeter District Sunday Sch sol and League Convention was held in Main Street Church on Monday, •vheri interesting and profitable sessions were held. The principal address was given by Rev. Farewell, of Toro onto Field Secretary, who was listen- ed to with earnest attention. Others who gave addresses were Rev, Hicks of Hensall Rev. Baker of Woodham, Rev. Jefferson of Crediton and resi- dent :Methodist ministers. A :leliight Ltd tea was served by the ladies. BOARDERS WANTED.—Apply to Mrs" Lane. William Street, Exeter. CARD OF THANKS.—Mrs. Martin Salter desires to thank the Indepen- dent Foresters and the Independent Oddieliows for their promptness in the settlement of claims, and also the Jame-, street League and many friends for expressions of sympathy in con- nection with the decease of her late husband. EGGS FOR BATCHING—Barred Rack pure bred -50c. a dozen.—A. ROLLINS, London Road, Exeter. EGG: WANTED—WIILL PAY l83 et CASH AND 20c. TRADE FOR NEW LAID EGGS.—JJ. A. STEW - ART EXETER. Western University, London Forward Movement • GREATLY ENLARGED FAC- ULTIES IN ARTS AND MEDICINE VASTLY IMPROVED EQUIP - MEN I ,—LIBRARY, LABORATOR- IES ETC. SEVEN NEW SCHOLARSHIPS. RECORD ENROLMENT, INQUIRIES SOLICITED. E. E BRAIITHWAITE, M.A. Ph.D. President. NEW.. FLOUR & FEED STORE. - 1 desire to announce that I have op- ener a Flour and Feed Store in F: Wood's Old Stand, opposite Post Office and will keepa full supply of the best grades of flours and Zeeds. I solicit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS F. W. HODGSON CARPENTER AND BUILDER Plan- furnished; estimates given free on alt classes of buildings PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale-,. a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders left at The Advocate Office promptly attended to. Phone 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton P. 0. "A Man's Ability is his i'assport" Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT, Teacher of Organ and all • orenches of Plane Playing; Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a Specialty, 16 years practica-,. experience. For Terms apply to S. Martin & `Son's M1isie Store II` EXETER EVERY FRIDAY v LOCAL DOINGS. 44 E lrAr: .ar.41c$ AK 6s$2Ac alk Ala This is the 254th day, of thie war. Clear up your ashes. Carry the old tin cans to the dump. A piece of curious Kitchener lore; Kitchener was born in Kent, a county seat in Kerry, was employed by the Khedive and fought the Khalifa. at {hartoum and later Kruger, the Kaiser Kluck and Kultur, Rev Colin Fletcher of Thames Road Presbyterian Church was last week honored With the degree of Docta • of Diviinity by Knax College at the Convocation at Toronto. A former pastor, Rev. Henry Gracey of Gananoque was similarly honored. Both are eminent men in the Presby- terian church., r That old Senate still thinks, that the people should not rule ;n this country. They are not elected but they have killed many a goad, bill in By-- last few years. Senate reform is needed. Canada needs an •lection just now to show those old fogies where they ,get off at. By the talk of some of the Liberal Commoners it would seem they, need an election. I t vvir, be surprising if, they do not ger one about the month of June, By the sale of the; Alaska Central Railway formerly owned by the Soy- ereigi Bank successors; the :nterna- tional Assets, Limited, to a United State: Company, representing *he U: S Government, the debt of, the Sov- ereign Bank has been reduced $450 000 which brings the total debt down to $3,20(,000, The purchase of the line by th; International Assets ,.or $600,- 00t0 and its sale for $1,150,000 means a prolix to the bank shareholders of $550,000 Now that gentle spring with, all its poetic associations has made an ap- pearance again what about your back- yard problem? There is no poetry, no inspiration, no sublime thoughts, in contemplating the terrific mess ac- cumulated in the winter. The aver- age house holder of cleanly habits goes forth .,sizes up the situations and says."Heavens, must I hap into that debris" Yes gentle householder you must. and you must do it at t nc,e or even sooner. Otherwise the town council will have you beford the bar of justice and smite you with addition al taxes,. Ar a big sale of Shorthorn cattle held ii London last week the follow- ing were some of the sales made,— Cattle contributed by H. Smith of Hav—Diamond Crescent, sold to J Ra"fcliffe of Exeter; $220; Village Bird to S. McVitty of Muncey, $205; Village Baron to Mr. Wilmot of Mit- chell, $100; Vanity 20th, to J. Rad- cliffe, of Exeter, $160; Vanity 21st, to R D. Hunter of Exeter, $155, Oth- ers purchased were,—Gipsy Queen by Mr. McAllister of Zurich $105; Queen Roseland to Mr. Oestreicher of Cred- iton $120 • Maxwell's Ramsden by C. Monteith of Exeter $80, --o-- Ezra IVitzel, who recently went West from Khiv-a, writing from Til- ston Man. says in part—We axe liar - ins' ideal weather here. Some farm- ers have sown wheat, but it is too dry for general sowing. At Delor- ain f water sells for 25 cents a bar- rel• This seems add to me to have to nay for water, when in old Ontar- io 'i: runs so freely. Horses seem to sell at big prices here. There was a tean sold here the other day by auction and they brought $650.00. The same team in Ontario would be worth abou'. $400. 'Wages are low, : ompar ed to what they were hefon. war tinges—about $40 a month" Apples ar: dear here, selling at 5 cents a piece and very poor stuff at 'hat. Mr Chas A. Lindenfeld last week resigned.: hi. situation with Mr. J. A. Stewart here, which he has held for the past' twelve years, and he and hi: brother W. C. Lindenfeld, pur- chasec the hardware business of Mr. Thos. Houghton in Parkhill and took possession on Tuesday of this week. W. C is a oractical plumber' and tin- smith and C. A. had, many years ex- perience in the harware business before coming to Exeter, sa that we predict far them success in the new undertaking. Mr. Lindenfeld left on Monday evening. Mrs. Lindenfeld and children will remain for a few week • There residence here has been purchased by Mr. Francis; Blat- chford who will get possession on May 1st. Exeter regrets to part with such good citizens and recommends them to the good people, of Parkhill: THE NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY -will be opened on Saturday,. 17th inst at the usual hours. The librarian has been requested to see that the rul- es heretofore adopted be enforced and in addition all talking( in Reading Room is prohibited. Gentlemen will remove their hats while in the room" —By order. Hereafter the Exeter Public Libr- ary wil' be opened on Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons and evening. only. --o-- BOWLING CLUB MEETING. — The Exeter Lawn Bowling Associa- tion held their annual meeting, Wed- nesdat.. evening last. The annual fee was made the same as last year, $5 for men and $2 for women, payable before July' 1st. It was decided to hold the annual tournament on a date to be fixed. later. The following officer:. were elected, -Hon. Preii.- eats r, J. Morner, M.P., IT Eil'bet, M. PiP.. Pres. J. A. Stewart ; Vice., R. G Seldon; Sec ., R. N. Creech; Treas. N. I). 'Hvrrdon; Chaplains, Rev D W. Collins, Rev..S. F. Sharp Auditors I. R. Carling, F. W. Glad - roan • Grounds Com., F. W. Gladman, R, G Seldon, J. A. Stewart; .Mem- bershit• Cont., the president end the secretary; Match Com,., Messrs. Tay- lor Wambold, Snell, Taman, Stewart, Cteecli`• Tournament Com., Messrs, Di Dickson;Whyto White„,r . Grieve, Christie, Htna'n Stanbury, Seldon, Scott, Ste - war Clarke, Hulydon and Creech. Mrs Piper is confined to her owing; to illness. Mrs G. Anderson is laid up with a sprained ankle. The boy:are enjoying the ish- ing• at the river. Oh yes Germany has a navy,, but shetiano ocean, Mr Thos. Sweet is recovering and able to be out again, Mr R. Welsh shipped a load of horse., to Montreal this week. Mr Silas Handford lost -a valuable cow through death last week, Mrs Mary Sanders, William Street is slowly recovering from `ler recent >31nes ; ti John Broderick, Andrew 'Street sustained a paralytic stroke nn Friday and i> seriously ill, Mr George Pedlar is confined to hit room at the home of his brother John and is seriously TheThe fence around Victoria Jubilee Part: on Huron Street has) been re- moved. and the appearance .:'las been improved Mr Moncur addressed the Young Men's Class in Main Street Church Sunday .afternoon on the War and it; Biblical connection. room Airs. E Willis was in' London on Friday. Mr. W S. Cole returned from Tor- onto Friday, Mrs. F. W. Hodgson visited in Clin- ton Monday. Miss A. Morlock was in on Tuesday. Mr. George Mantle spent Wednes- eh, in London, Mis - Ida Armstrong has 'returned from a visit in Lucknow, Miss Muxworthy has returned to Alma. College, St. Thomas, Reg Bissett has returned to the Chatham Business College, Mm' Frank Rook of London war itin s him mother over Sunday. Mr W Atkinson and Mr. D. Rus- sell were in London last week. Mrs. Geo. Brook of Bannerman, Man. is visiting relatives and friends in town Alis: Stella Gregory returned Sat- urday to Chatham to resume 'her teaching duties, M s„ Rota Hoskins of Kirkton is visiting hes" grandparents, Mr. ,and. Mrs Wm: Treble. Clare Wood, T. Penhale, B. Wind-, sor and Miss Madeline Carling have returned to their studies in Toronto. Mr and Mrs. E. H. Vrooman left last Tuesday for St. Louis, Mo., Den- ver, Col. Kansas City and New Or- leans. .afis. Jean Seldon, after spending the holidays with her parents, return- ed to her studies in Ingersoll on Monday 'Mr, Hodgins of Ilderton and Mr. Ostrander of St. Thomas visited Mr, and Mrs George E. Anderson over the holidays. Mr E J. Christie went' to London Saturday to meet Mrs. Christie "and daughter who have been in St. Cath- arines for several weeks. Mrs. Passmore, Mrs. Westlake and Mr. Fred Hunkin attended the fun- eral Saturday of a cousin at Clande- boye—Mrs. Downing of Landon, London MIGHTY POOR TIME SERVICE. To Editor of Advocate:— Is it not high time the Exeter Council took action in the matter of giving the citizens a better time ser- vice I1 the thing goes on there is no telling where this varigated time service wil: land us. We will urob- ably be taking our dinner when we shoulo be taking our supper, and soma- day we may be left home when; w: should be in London,. Toronto or some other place. For some time there was an excuse that there was no clock or governing timet piece by which to keep the town clock right, but I have learned that that. can no longer be an excuse, as a clock has been installed in the Town Hall for that purpose. It is an easy matter to get and give the, citizens railroad time by simply calling oni the •shone to ou obliging station agent, Mr. Dare who, I am, sure, would', be .pnly toe pleased to give the desired in- formation. I remember the Advocate referring to this matter before, and why the council has not. taken ap .he suggestion and corrected this provok- ingly. ,poor service I am at 'loss to say Better we had no time service at all than time that is ..ifteen nr twenty minutes too fast or, too slow. Citizen EXETER COUNCIL Council met in the Council Cham- ber on April 9. All members 'present. except Dr.. Roulston, Minutes of previous; meeting were read and con- firmed Mr Grieve made application rod the Counci to have water installed' in his poultrs yard Hind—Harton—That the application of Mr. Grieve be: 'eft in the hands of the Fire, Light and Wat- er committee.—Carried. Re application from the Firemen to have their rooms put in shape was lett' to the Fire, Light and. Water corn rnittee ,on motion of Hayton and Bea- vers. • Beavers—Harron—That we furnish Mr Howard with sufficient tile to put a=cross the road, provided we have them an hand:—Carried. It hale come'` to light that boys and some fairly 'large sized ones at that have. been tampering with •'he serv,- ice; boxes '•iii connection- with the water works system and "f there is any more ,damage the council will take action in order to stop it. The Public Works committee re - bort, a:. follows, -Re. fence around Park on Huron street—We recom- mend that the -fence be. taken • dawn,' the wire to be carefully rolled and kept for future use; the' posts to be ,given in payment fortaking down same We: Wish i$` distinctly;under- stood that the, ninblic must not trse the park as a driveway, and that two signs ign be posted in .the park to this t, On motion of Hind and Beavers the same was adopted. ' Beavers -Hind --Resolved that this council respectfully urge upon the Domn'on Government the necessity of declaring its policy with respect 'to railway subsidies, and that said policy be so expressed that it twill allow Provincial Public Service Commission. with powers from the provinces, simi- lar to those given to the Hydro -Elec- tric Power Commission of Ontario to' anticipate said subsidies and pro- ceed with the immediate construe- ticlr of the roads.—Carried. Beavers and Hind—That By-law xe It cense for picture shows be, amend- ed as follows "Any person conduct in a transient picture show within the corporation shall pay a license fee of $5.00 per night,—Carried, Mr Geo. Mawson, auditor, brought in hi; report for the, month of March Hind-•Hoxton.—That same as now read be adopted. --Carried. Hatton—Beavers-That . the accounts be paid as read, -W. J. Bissett part salary 43.75; T. B. Carling 33.33; J. Ford 37,50; Jas. Connor 30.00; Jahn Norry labor 87c.; T. Creech, 2.00; S. Handford 2.60; T. Webster 1,75; T. Flynn 1.13; W, Westcott $7., E. J. Christie re Band 43.75; G. sfawson, auditor $10.00; Electric Light Com- pany. 122.25 Geo, Mantle, coal, 14.60 Lawson & Trick, watch, 8,00; Bell Telephone 5,1,0; E, A, Follicle, meals vagrants 1,00; T. Newell, ditto 2,00 W. J Bissett, ticket vagrants 1.65; T. Houlden pumping 50c. T. B. Carling, Clerk seeds br sale WE HAVE FOR SALE A CHOICE STOCK OF •GOV-'r. IN- SPECTED SEEDS, ESPECIALLY SELECTED FOR PURITY AND GERMINATION, WHICH WE OF- FER AT VERY CLOSE .PRICES FOR CASH. OUR STOCK COM PRISES,,-- FANCY NO. 1 RED CLOVER ALSIKE ALFALFA TIMOTHY SEED KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, ORCHARD GRASS, SEED CORN, ETC, WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY MIX- ED—AN EXTRA NICE GRADE — GOOD VALUE AT $4.80 A BUSH. FANCY NO. 1 RED CLOVER 12.00 TIMOTHY SEED from 4.00 to 4.50 CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK IT WILL PAY YOU. WE ARE IN THE MARKET AT ALL TIIMES TO PURCHASE -ALL KINDS OF CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS., ETC„ FOR WHICH WE PAY FULL MARKET VALUE, A CALL SOLICITED. C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT CREDITON, ONT. We Call Save You 13y buying your coal from us. We bought be- fore the heavy freight rates and war tax. $7.50 for this Month Sole agents for gen- uine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. Kestle, Rowe, &. Wood Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits., spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant House Cleaning Time Make house cleaning easy by buy- ing a Domestic Vac. Cleaner from us. It will clean your rugs and carpet bet- ter than beating them and with much less labor. Then get a bottle of Sun- ny Polish to clean your furniture; and if'gou see you need any new furniture we base a good stock to choose from. ROW inbalnr'e r Etc',;' Phone 20a, Overland Model 80 Price $1425 f, o, b. Hamilton and Overland Model 81 Price $1135 f. o b. Hamilton These two five passenger touring cars are fully equip ped, demountable rims, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric horn, beautiful finish—everything, in fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. See these cars and have a demonstration of their excel- lent points. Now in the show room. Wes. Snell Dealer Exeter Horse Cards The Advocate is again pre- pared to give you entire sat- isfaction in Horse . Route dards. Order early so that you may have them on time. THE ADVOCATE EXETER Exeter North General Slore Fresh Pork, Sausage and Head Cheese always on hand PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. PHONE 44 W. JONES & PHONE NO. 32 MAY New Silks For Spring SILKS ARE VERY STRONG FOR THIIS COMING SEA- SON IN ALL THE NEW, P OPULAR SHADES, FAILLE SILKS One of our Leaders; colors, Belgium Blue, Battleship Grey Russian Green, Sand, Patty, Prim-' rose and Navy. Natio GARMENTS Millinery New Hats and Shapes arriving every day. Always something New in our Millinery . Department DUCHESS SILKS A very swell silk with a beautiful finish; colors, Bel- gium Blue, Russian Green,Sand Navy Brown, Blue, Rase, Cream Ladles' Suits and Coats for $5 A number of real nifty Suits and Coats, well made and silk lined A nice range of colors to t;hoose from. All to clear a ;5.00 each. Rain Coats FOR LA'DIESI In all colors of Tans, Blacks Blues Greens and Tweeds. From ,$5 to $15 each, FOR MEN 200 Rain Coats right Isom Scotland, Heavy or L4ght in weight. All colors in Plain or Tweed -$7 to $15. Wash goods for Spring Plain Crepe Striped Crepe Fancy Crepe Galatea Plain . Voile Striped Voile Fancy Voile Duck' Vesting House Cleaning You will want some new rugs Carpets, Linomeums, Curtains, of Blinds. We have :a big choice to show you. JONES & MAY fi 17 Or. t , ead arters f r he celebrated • , , ., . W.E. Sanford Clothing