HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-15, Page 4zeterAbut/rate , I Sander:. & Creech, Proprietors ' In advance $1.00 per year in Canada $1,5C in United States. If not paid in advance 50c. extra per year may be charged. THURSDAY, APRIL 15:15 Crediton marc: of Thanks. -7 -Mr. and \Ira. W. ?H Wenzel desire to express 'their • sincere thenke to the neighbors and friend; for their many acts of kind- - a'ess and sympathy din=ing thee- re - vent bereavement. The first annual sleeting of the Crediton Band was held Monday :tight when the old officers were all re - e elected as follows; -.President, deer- ryes Sweitzer; Vice -Pres., Ernest Gu- ethinger, Seely, Alf. Wuerth; Treas., M Foist: Leaders, Herb Either and Matthew Guenther. The goys ere getting down to practice and hope to tilt engagements more numerous than • ever the coming season. .The revival meetings which :cave bee s conducted in the Evangelical Church for some weeks, ..losed on Friday evening. On Sunday ..eight eev • erai net+ members were act epted :ei- te the church. The service was, very impressive. Dart forget to put on the '`War star. ' This isone way in sharing tale great expense we have :nc_ttrred in sending our men to the front. England expects that every man will de hi d:t:y Thu one-quarter of an _acre of lend oftered for sale by the executors o' the late Carl Finkbeiner last Satttr- the wee bought by elathew ;xinterr lar $125.00 , Several articles of ;mase :hold effects were also sold, ierank Taylat acting as the auctioneer. Res Becker and J. H. rbeltzsneun :ere attending Conference in eliiverton *las week. Jacob Schwarz is building a seeress - dab w his residence. Harry Seaver doine the work. Isaac Hill !mak- ine some improvements to his stable. Wm- Brown has returned, sitter a short visit with friends ing :)etrbit. Word has been received irom Ed- mentor announcing the birth of daughter "Dorothy Eileen,' to \fr. .enc: Airs Arthur Zwicker oni the tth inst We extend congratulations. George H. Broderick of London. seenl a few days in townthis week,, the guest of Thomas Trevethie 1..:. Alone: Hodgins and Godfrey Nish- arson attended the Plasmen's Conven teen in London last week. Eierl. Eilber made a business- trip •ro London last Thursday. Mrs tDr.e Orme and daughter Het- 4.. Neve returned home, after a• visit with relatives in Buffalo. Shoo: started on Monday, ,iter the Easter holidays. Quite a number of ,youngsters took their first step, to ears; the the 3 R's. Miss Brown's rein 1.3 now in charg; of Mrs. Vin ;;tta herr, who recently passeff'iter Normal School examinations. ' Fred Kerr is doing some :'ustom -oven r these days. Our brick and tile men are all -ea- tee's: yards and machinery in hope tor the spring trade. Dap Ferguson o: Belgrave was in le nn Tuesday. Mr Stoner of St. Thomas' has been aszointed ledger -keeper of the Bank here An adult bible class was organized in the Evangelical Sunday School. It pramaser: to be a hummer. They have adopted the motto, "Onward we mean business". Following are the officers, -Teacher, Mathew Ginter ; Pres., Jos Hoist; Vice -Pres., Daniel '.O•estreicher ; Sec„ G. E. Foist; Tress Chas. Kienzle. Committees,- Mem- bership H. F. Eilber; John Roeszler, J. K. Schroeder, H. Metz, H. J. Kuhn Ed. Morlock, J. N. Morlock, H.. C. Beaver M. Finkbeiner, J. F Smith, Socia' and Welcome, Con. Kuhn, B. Brown Wm. Morlock, Hy. Haist. De votiona and Missionary, G. lehBrotvn J F Brown, H. Steinacher, Jared Schwarz and Herman Oestreicher. We, 'ovist. the class every success nncfi.i4pe. et wit_ prove a blessing to all,., < Centralia •WINiCHELSLA.. Mist J M. Spence has resumed her dude,. as teacher. -Mrs. Daniel Cow- ard and Miss Margaret have' returned after spending Easter in Toronto - The debate at E.limville has been post ported till Thursday, April 15. won't miss it -A pearl of priceless worth has beer, lost`by W. V. 'Ter Thursday inrrning, when the coffee is in the pot, and the oatmeal is .,teeming hot; when the breakfast belt ha; called our little, band; when I an me with delight under early can- dle ugh with The Advocate t of Ex- ete: in my hand, Round ..he board the men -folk wait, saying „ruutpily, "It. late"; "You mutt study ;too, my aunt begins to scold; Sisters whis- per "Please do hurry"; Then ;Hamer begin: to worry, she suggests eely deal your coffee's getting cold." Fathe; hints, "The Winchelsea gos- sip daughters"; Brother growls, "Jack :Lando:: s story's got her," Thus to intercept my joy they all combine, eat I clutclt the paper firmer, with an absent look and murmer "Don't both- er I've just got another IMe." GREEN WAY Mr. J. Foster and A.tuie of '3ay - tieti visited her of er at F ata - eLeeti= Addle end Millie Mason are home from London for the holidays. C Woodburn. has moved, to hie new home and Mr. Earl Oliver leas :noted into the house vacated. by Mr. Woodburn. -Mr. C. H. Wilson and Hugte visited at Grand Bend tot' the holiday week. -••Mies Minnie Sherritt spent Easter in Landon. -Schools op- ened on Monday with Mise Sweitzer, Mss: G'uilholm and Miss Sheppy in chaige,-,-.Mx J, Homer'e babels very.' ill of bronchitis. --Mrs. George Oliver and Ford were holiday visitors at leer. T Stewardson's.-Mr, Selbourne Eng- lish 51. -eat the week end at home. --Mr. and Airs W. J. Brown. are on the salt list: The Mission Band concert was a grand success. The members ;;ave a good program and then- served i.=e cream and cake, and a social hour was spent, Mr E. Allard added very materially to the program with eever- al selections from his gramaphone, Proceed, amounted to $i5.50, --fire M S. service on Easter,. in the Meth- odist church Was much enjoyed. Mrs, (Revel Grabens of Sarnia was the s aeakee and her addresses were full of interest and information, Her thought of what en ideal girl should be was very inspiring.--R•ev. G. N. Thompson a former pastor, is sueplying the tlethodiet Church very acceptably ,during the iUnese df Rev. J. E. Cook. LUCAN By the hand of death one of the Quest residents of Lucan in, the per- son of Ann Dage, reetell of the late '4r'illient Atkinson, passed away on Friday, April 2, aged. 88, years and 2 month:.• Deceased was born near the town of Galiway, Ireland, and came to Canada with her parents, who set- tled its London Township, near where is now the city of London. Semi rte a years later she became the bride ai W m Atkinson and moved to the 2nd concession of Biddulph, until the death of her husband aome118 years ago alter which she moved to Lucann. O: this union 14 children, were born, serial of whom survive -Thos. of Me- Gi'l-t'ray ; William of the 3rd eon. of Biddulph; Richard on the homestead; John of i,ucan; Mrs. Isaac Hodgins oe Calgary, Kate and Eliza at home, There are 32 grand children and 20 ; rra.-gra,sd children. The _uneral took place Sunday, April 4th to St. Jame. Cemetery. ;:. T os:IL RILEY R EL6gED l'auion Was Intended For Thomas Riles of aiantiltonn. OTTAWA, April 13. -••- i•be Cana- dian Government has releasee the wrong killer, The mores convinced it yesterday afternoon. Now there Is Oficial consternation. Similarity of names and, a clerical mistake caused justice to nod. Thomas M. Riley, who, a year ago, was given a, fifteen -years' sentence for manslaughter for killing a bar- tender in London, recently wrote his thanks to a London clergyman for efforts made to secure his release. The clergyman had made no such. efforts, and his surprised enquiries showed that the wrong man was treed. It develops that the Canadian Governs decided to grant a Par- don to Thomas. Riley, who, two years. Ago, was given a seven -years' term .tar manslaughter tor killing his wide in Hamilton, His condition of health .end extenuating circumstances con seeted with the anode of life oe the ..ocean killed led the Government to cis decision. it appears that the stances of the ease and the description of Gee man's age, place of conviction, „ which came oefnr;a the l4%intstar J:ustice, were those of the prisoner from Hamilton. But in some a ray tate latter "Al" bad peen put into the ea.ae, which made i that of the pris- ,ucr from London. Therefore, in- stead of being Thomas Riley it was Thomas M, Riley. The name and the ..escription went, lea the usual course, „t the State Department, and .follow- ..tg traditional'pr'actice, the State De- ,asi talent made an order for the re - $O of the prisone.: by naew only, ,..acting the descriptitru, 'inc pEui- a:; oi#eirls, t'terefore, had note - .o guide eu*'.,t z,ut Lee name, and released ' ho a s :.n Riley, late t ;,wz t,n, ikuw ,a new pardon wilt he ads out for lid einem flio.,.,.,5 4.4 1. An of ,est will be mads to eA;,.,t.itta Tbomas .i, :Wee, cut ;<'•.<.._ .t..,•.. et , eedt`}.lug 'tinea acts};.,de TO leltleAle ;Iola Itl^ teO1-Aa, Immeueo British Warship Will :slake 40 Knott an dour. NEW YORK, April 13.--.accord- Mg to a report from London rece,,;ed by The Tribune, Britain has ;anti down a new battleship of amazing proportions, which will be by far the most powerfulcraft afloat. It will mark a change in battleship construe - tion, exceeding that which came 'when the first dreadnought was built, It will necessitate the adoption of new methods in battleship construction by all nations, and will halt the con- struction program of the United States, ' It is stated that this great new ship will be 800 feet in. length, will .tarry six 15 -inch guns and have the wonderful speed of forty knots., At present the Queen Eliza`hetb, .low at the Dardanelles, stands es the .cost powerful engine of war. She .s, however, only 650 feet in length, ,.ut carried eight 15 -inch guns. She us oil -driven, as the new ship will be. In the craft now plant ed armament s sac;iueed for increased speed. The .nereased length gives the great bol - or and engine-roor capacity needed to produce mach speee. A PLUCKY SKIPPER. Captain of British Ship Armed With Rifle Vanquishes Airships. LONDON; April 13.—Armed with GRAND BEND a zifie, Capt. Sharp of the British. steamer Serula, which has arrived Mr John Gill of Exeter visited his .,ere, successfully repulsed an attack his brothers here last Thursday. - .Wade upon his steamer by a large Rev. Carriere's horse broke through german hydroplane and a small aero - the planking of the well 'est week Mane off the Noordhinder lightship, and had to be pulled out, out ;Is none says Reuter's Amsterdam correspon- th•e worse. -Mr. and Mrs. David Wil- dent. lien and Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Wilson "The aeroplane first approached. cif Arkona were "called here. Thursday the ship, dropping bombs, which fell owing to the serious illnessl of the ,ato the sea. As it returned to the letters father Mr. Joe Gill. -Mr. Wil- . ,,t.aek Capt. Sharp fired upon it with 'ley bought a cow from Mr. Brenner. a rifle, hitting the machine seyeral •a. flew weeks ago and it; died Sunday; times and damaging one of its wings. Schdo' started Monday after the, Then the hydroplane took up the at - ho idays, M Marjory Fritz of 7.urich is tack, but it also w a driven ou Cali. visiting Mrs. Canning. .Warp says he is eonviaeed we tita e- eeene was so badly damegees that ai.. was unable to reach Zeebrugge." Are Continuing Attacks. LONDON, April 13. Bulgarian forces are continuing their attacks c.a the Serbiae frontier,.,accordic{g to a Nish despatch received at the ,Seng Legation yestel•dat: atter diasdh•: .' • - •It "states they eissaiietitits block . SAINTSTIVRY • house, at rZanoka• and efoteed c the Serbian troops'"to',retire -at .Maleche. al- ;Thos. Atk;neon • of Toronto is Anpther:attack'. ' was• made • near visiting amend here -Mr F. C. llavis i.Ibuehkovo, but'the Bulgarians wee • a month on his farm in Melfort,eek.e-i'i '., with her daughter, \fr. E. 'repulsed there. - ' :Ulla.' H .and Mrs. W. uxtabdei lav viae n, of Deleware '"'Mr : and : Mrs'. The 'general•impression; the de- sympathe of their many "frnendrit.deter Gs .ec Isaac is settled'datvn on the speech ' concludes, "is "that' these 'eh,: death of their infant.; child of 7 groorr'a farm in Bidd•ulph. bands were sent to�' provoke a ;co,:- 'weeks.uiict along the whole frontier at the • Mr Wrti Quinton 7s improving eery "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out moment when the attack on ; the slow1y and not able, to' be out 'of sed Rat.. Mice;etc• Don't die in the novae station at Stromnitsa occurred." Mr. Walt. Haskett is moving _tide, .15c and 25c, at Drug and Country . ' twee, onto the farm he, recently `[ate' ` Stores Many Lives Lost In Explosion. .chased from Geo. Essery. e _• ABERDEEN, Scotland, April 13.= Mr.. Thos, Willis is putting(m t ' 'The Free Press publishes the follow- siew boiler in the butter factofy` leis , SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No.3 sn.g telegram from Lerwick: fol ow- w�eel' the old one.having spent' its Stephen, for March-Entrance=Hon• - .time of usefulness. ars, el Triebner 594, A. Dearing X94, rible explosion hes occurred. •.Iiar- Ree Farewell of Toronto Occupie l ` E Hogarrth 579; Pass, Re Parsons 492• Dor street . was wrecked and many 'ter pulpit on Sunday evening and''Sr IV. -Honors, G. Schroeder 552.. lives were loot. No details are; ob- . preached an excellent sermon, Jo . Ib .-V. Hogarth 537. Sr, 111.-N. ''ainable as- yet' The baseball boys held their ".•tin• ,Sander 489, Ethel Preszcator 435, L. •. Lerwick is situ atec- on the east tmeal meeting Friday evening Jest aced Parsons 403 Jr. III. -E. Preszcator coast of mainland Shetlaud Islands organized for 1915.: The name oh'•he 343 S C Willis 377, A. Christie' -441; it is defended by an, old tort, dating C. Jacob` 377. Ss, H. -E. Schroeder 'trom theetime' of Cromwell; and Is one of the chiet stations in Scotland for the Royal Naval Reserve. Lerwick is the capital of the Shetland arche pelage. . LUMLEY' ' o eThe concert ;on. Thursday tuenjaig this vicinity Was shocked an Mon- ek:a decided success in every Was day -when it was learnedethat George tieonar The play put on bye...nese. B'i,cuanan had been killed in the people was carried out in good85,shape ��t. He left here over .ix years Thi proceeds amounted to 55 ; '.a o. i. and. was well.and favorably •tNhach goes to the Patriotic ru kno ,n, here, -Mrs, feet- Duplex/ is moving his hese a >. James Steadfast w anti• sot• Glenn spent the week end n ha d."effects; to Ildeetan this week°tin c afatth • r�de inChi& future. The Blatc'hhgrd boys•' reteedeed `td Toronto this week to restwteWeffhhir tudies a,t the,.isriiv�ersity. ' Vv T Conv%cleft Tuesdeie tt+':-+pend clue •le changed from- Daly'sl nine no the Baker Inv:ncibles. Good 'tick boys •.J :Dearng, , C. Christie. Jr. II. -F. ---- -- -- Parson. Sr.. Pt. II. -H. Penhale, H. FARQUHAR Seltrdeder. Jr. Pt. II.-R..jory, S. Mr, T .C. Allen and family i itre Dearing. Primer -R. Dearing. now moved into their new tome, ate, ,,;Na.' or -roll, 31; average attendance -Thames Road and we expect they -will 24.6, -Ida Marchand, teaches. near. be settled. -Miss Margaret ,- ' --o Coward spent last week 'visiting; in SC I OOL REPORT 'oif S. S. No. Bey the -Six bright children started to 4 -Stephen-Promotion exeminatio s,- z14d4.iool thin week'.,andi,tare g tting,a- Jf IV to, Sr. IV-D.,Scans`eder�b8." f l}.nS splendidly.Tatreye• is ane -mese,Sr • Ill - to Jr. IV. -C., Bre`k,k shire 74,: . to, start next week. ° ,,,; e's-se ;,r>v., itbey; ,711•;. E. Schwarz`Jr Ille -+-- ttir"'Sr. 'STI;'=="�. Smith' 69, • j; ilbe� 68,. t. ODERICH - yVlifze2h,�\2eCathx; Cr Morlock 50 and M. r re 44! oh' • , ytYwn�' son of Wi!`!li?,m.. IvheCa.rthy of :trio;! Sr II. to Jr. III. ,L;�, cvlorlcaek,; itsgsbridge was seriously if not tat- 7`3, F Schroeder 68, C. �Mdrlock t'S;" tally injured; last Wednesday wh,., a C, • Wed 53 on trial. Pt, iii, to' Jr. loaded shot- un exploded at 'las;: Ir::: --it Eilber 74,L. Wild g �1 tab; L. The, guy. was'hanging on, the kit, ern 'Schwarz 66- See ein 60. Jr. Pt. I 'well anc exploded 'when a nail,'* ;p , c' Sr Pt . I. -G. Schroeder, L. Wein. • }otrtin.." it gave way and it fe l,t -. e" Pr set to Jr, Pt. I. -K, Morlock. loon, ` ',' Matilda M. Oestreicher, teacher U. Se Cruiser To. Go to •Smyrna. PHILADELPHIA, April -13.c_rhe scout- cruiser Chester arrived at' the; s Philadelphia '.navy "Yard yesterday is ,, franc •Hamptons libads. Afte ,a fewtnnen? minor •re}mirs e will leave°for Seeene �- •;4:1' nto a,.,prateectt.-Americaa Innterest in q^ the .Mediterranean ,idt '�Aas--.sa'ist )!hat . the work.,,uponi; tliti c riser �ta"aki3 be �,,,. i rushed 'snit- thou shier -probably tvoule- be able to get away within two weeks. The Chester, which is the speed- iest ship of her class in the navy, will relieve either the North Carolina or• Tennessee;- now in Mediterranean waters. RRUCEF•I;•s;LD • ,•The funeral of the late 'Mrs. W Akenhead took place from her 'late home northof the village, on Mon- day. -A meeting of the W. M, S. was hely at the home of Mrs. W. 7•I, R a.at- tenbury on Tuesday afternoon, --Mr. Dater.; of Zurich spent Sunday,at the home of Ur. Hough, -C, Cliff tariff was at Dungannon visiting his parents first of the week. -Mx. and Mrs. Edward Morrison have returned from Hamil- ton:. where they were attending the wedding of a :relative. -A large •num- � her from this vicinity attended the Swine; Show at Seafortth cit, Thurs.& day which was an ideal spring day,- Dr. W Akenhead of London spent tilts liolidal here. SHIPKA Mx James Baxter is visiting ;with friends in Toronto. -Mrs, Ray Rich- ard a Lansiine, Mich., is visiting hex mother Mrs R, AicEachen.- Lloyd Geiser who has been ill sometime is recotering.-John Keough left eor Wetaskawn Alta., Fri day :art to spend the summer. -Miss P. Schroed- er is visiting her aunt on the Goshen Line - $100 Re rh+readard of this paper will be phrased, to learn that there is 10 haat one dreaded diseasettbet science hap been able to cure in all its stage*, cad that. is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh cure is the eddy gers cure now known to the medical trateroity Catarrh being A constitutional disease requires a oonstitu• Lionel treatment, flail's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, satins directly up ,e the blood and ,mucone surfaces of the cretin', thereby tira4oyiog the foundation of the disease, and ming dee patient strength by building up the oonatitatteu And asst. ing nature sn doing its work. The propulsion have so mutt's faith iu it .curative powers Urea they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case taut M toile to are, Send for list of testimonials Address P. 3. °HENRY St CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents, Take gIall's Family pit.; for constipation. STEPHEN COUNCIL. - The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall Crediton, on Monday, April 5, it 1 o'clock AU members were present.' The minutes of the previous, meeting were read and adopted, Webb-Neeb--That By-law No. 313, a athoriz;ne the Reeve and Treasur- e- to borrow $9000 to. meet ;urf'ent expenditures - if needed until 'nct::ax- ta o. the present yeas are-oltected, having been read three times, ae Pass- ed and signed by the Reeve 'ad Clerk, and the seal of the corporation attached thereto. -Carried, Love -Mawhinney. -That a „rant of $ 1. be given to the, Exeter Agrictil- turai Society, -Carried, Neeh =.Webb That in the event of any statute labor being returned 'in - don: by .the .pathmaster alter this date and the same has been +ntered is the roll against such party ;n Ie- feult it shall be understood that such person shall only be entitled 'o a rebate of one-half the amount charg- ed it he furnishes the council with the certificate of the pasthmaster that the work has been, completed. -Carried Alawhinney-Neeb-That the :sses- sot's rot' for 1915 be received rand he be paid his salary. -Carried. Webb-Neeb-That the following person. be appointed -Cow -Tag By- law Inspectors, -H. F. Either, from Con 1 to Con. 9, inclusive; Charles Steinhagen from Con. 10 to Con. 13 (north of Crediton Road); Sirrel Mas- son from Con. 14 to Con. 17, and Thos. Webb from Con. 18 to .he western boundary of the municipality, Pathmasters,-W. T. Hustable, Thos Neil Thos. Oliver, Hemp Jones, John - Blair Nelson Kestle, W. Robinson, Nelson Baker, Cecil Walker, Tamer Staniake Asa Penhale, W. H. Dear- ing Wm Rollins, James Boyce, Wm. Redden Sam. Kuhn, Chas. Box, Fred Kerr Ezra Lamport, B. Brown, J. W. Bowman, John Smith, Peter Miartene, Thos Chambers, John Geiser, Jacobi Finkbeiner Jacob Schwarz, Silas J3rok enshure Albert Brown, Henry Pfaff, David Mawhinney, John Wilhelm, Meek Wilds Josiah Kestle, Joseph Glavin JJos• Doyle, Jerry Campbell, Art Willert Noah Dietrich, Chris. Finkbeiner Stephen Morrison, New- ton Clark Wm. Smith, Henry Link, Ed Disjardine, Fred Sharp, Samuel Harlton Wm, Sweitzer, C. Finkbeiner Ruseele Warner, Chas. Wiillert. John Berney Nicholas Pollard, Jas. Lovie Albert Devine, Robt. Adair, J. J. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD. Asst General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales, notes are supplied free of charge on application. S25 EXETER BRANCH -H. J. WHITE Alam CREDITON-A, E. KUHN, Man, esiii-iii' iil"'11L'ein' 'iii"'ig re111-111"'i,1"'111'"fit "then sibs it 'fit- ll"'!1 lie - — : = : 1 ncort~`of'atetl T 1855AGi - K GENERAL AL BANKING BUSINESS .NE TRANSACTED — itimiNuiNG CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK. MONEY ORDERS _ CAPITAL AND RESERVE• $8,800,000 a Savings Bank Department Ata 11 Branches s • lsterest allowed at Milked current rate E - EXETER BRANCH- c W D. CLARKE, Manager, 92 Branches in Canada Otti.dli,..Ill...ill...ill Ill, I i1.,d11,..iii,,ill+utll,..lttn,illudll,..11ln,llh.,ill.w111,..IlL.liir Carruthers Laren Stone, Thos. Love Sol Pollock Thos. Webb, Stephen Webb Ed Gill, Jos. Oliver, Austin. Hayter. John Eagleson, Jos. Brenner Roby. Pollock, Ed. Short, G. Grieves Jas McCarthy, Geo. Steeper, ,john Barry Alex. Hotson, Isaac i)unsford Silas Stanlake, Geo. Clark, Louis; Ra- der, A Birk, Henry Scroeder, Sam. Miller, Henry Schroeder, Jacob Wal - per Stephen Webb. Fence -Viewers. -Daniel McCurdy, Isaac Hill, Ezra Hart, Peter McKen- zie Geo Mawhinney, Eli King, John Brown Geo Down, Austin Hayter. Poundkeepers-Wm. Moffatt Hiram Shepton W, B. Geiser, Theo, Die- trich David Eagleson, Geo. Webb, Jos Edwards Arthur Amy, Chris Fink- t.. beiner Arthur Baker; Jos. Brenner, Fred Preeter, Jr., Silas Stanlake, Wm. Zimmer. Jas McPherson, Jet Brophy. -Carried. The following orders were passed -Municipal World, subs., $5; Joseph. Guinan assessor, etc., $90; Hoffman and Willett.. grading C. Rd., $10; Ezfa eter Agricultural Society, grant $15; Alonzo+ Hodgins, gas. account, $3.30; Cranstor Novelty Co., cow tags, $6.1,7 Ec. Gil corn. work, $3.85. J, Kenny grading 535.75; Thos. Webb •. sh vel- in;: snow 50c.; H. Eilber & S. ascii- veyancing, re. Amy side road, $3.50 Th • council adjourned to meet �.- g'ain in the Town Hall, Creii.an, on \Io day May 3rd, at 1 p. m. H Eilber, clerk PRINCE GEORGE, 3656 WELSH PONY STALLION Reputed to - be the prettiest pony iii Ontario, and is the sire of manybeautiful animals. • k TERMS $10 To insure living foal Address, - Drawer C, Zurich A GOOD CACKLER BUT A POOR LAYER CO: eSeeeeress „ ;emirs aeon. Ier Y ,fes • • zPtC+a�% e.; Old. Liberal P arty: " All that cackle, : and no policy eggs." NOTE -While Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the' : Liberal party'o opposed and c't ..... . ,. .,.. pP , , n obstxuctec the Government's war .ax proposals on the pretext that the poor man was discriminated ,tgaitist the British Preference`interfered with and the privileged :classes protected, they, offered no rilternatiroe proposition, thereby admitting their inability to ; formulate any war tax measures • which would be -mores ,effective. ,