HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-15, Page 31
Raw, Damp Weather Starts
the Pain, But the Trouble
Lies in the Blood
Spring weather is bad for rhea -
'Made sufferers, The changes from
Mild to cold, the raw, damp winds
start the aches and twinges, or in
;the more extreme cases, the tor -
hires of the trouble going. But it
Must be borne in mind that it is
)iot the weather that causes rheu-
)natisan, The 'trouble is rooted in
the blood—the changeable weather
Merely starts the yarns. The only
lwny to reach the trouble and to
tcure it is through the blood. The
poisonous rheumatic acids must be
iiriven out Liniments and rubbing
Oily give temporary relief, but can-
araot possibly cure the trouble. The
bufferer is only wasting time and
Money with this kind of treatment,
and all the time the trouble is be-
coming more deeply rooted—harder
to cure. There is lust one speedy
Lure for rheumatism— Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. They act direct -
0 on the impure, arid -tainted
Blood. They purify and streng-
then it and thus root out the cause
of the rheumatism. Here is strong
eroof of the above statements. Mr.
Routley, Sydney, Man., says:
I was so badly crippled with
rheumatism in my hips and knees
what I could hardly go about. I be-
gan the use of Dr, `'4 illiams Pink
?ills, which I took steadily for a
.oupleof months, by which time .ail
;races of the trouble had disap-
peared. I can most strongly recons -
Fiend the Pills to all rheumatic su£-
ter ers."
Sold by all medicine dealers or
mail at 5'0 cents a. box oa ,ix
Loxes for $2.5'0 from The Dr. Wil
hams' Medicine eo,, Brockville,
Censure is the tax a man pays to
the public for being eminent.—
Serif t,
In. this world it is not what we
take up, but what we give up, that
.makes us rich.—H. W. Beecher.
.Don't flatter yourselves that
friendship authorizes you to say
disagreeable things to your intim-
ites.---O. W. Holmes,
The normal school turns out pro -
lessors of philosophy, only the
school of life produces philosophers,
Gustave Vapereau.
It many times falls out that we
seem ourselves much deceived be-
muse we first deceived ourselves.
—Sir Philip Sidney.
True courage is not incompat
lble with nervousness, and heroism
does not mean the absence of fear,
but the conquest of it.—H. Van
If you have built castles in the
air your work need not be lost;
chat is where they should be. built;
sow put foundations under them.—
I do not call the sod under my
feet my country, but language, re-
ligion, laws, government, blood —
Identity inthese makes men of one
For those who do not take to do-
ing good as a, profession there is a
great deal of social good to be done
In putting down gossip, in prevent-
ing misunderstandings; and in
keeping friends with everybody.—
Change of Food Brought Success
and Happiness.
An' ambitious but delicate girl,
after failing to go through school
on account of nervousness and hys-
teria, found in' Grape -Nuts the only
thing that seemed to build her: •up
and furnish her the peace of
"From infancy," she says, "I
have not been strong. Being am-
bitions to learn at any cost I final-
j1y got,to the High School but soon
ad to -abandon my studies on ac-
count of nervous prostration and
"My food did not agree with me,
and I grew thin and despondent.
I could not enjoy the simplest so-
cial affair for I:suffered constantly
from nervousness in spite of all
sorts of medicines,
"This wretched condition contin-
ued until I became interested in the
letters of those who had cases like
mine and who' were being helped
by eating Grape -Nuts.
"I. had little faith, but pnocured
gia pkg. and, after the first dish I
experienced a peculiar satisfied
feeling that. I had never 'gained
'from any ordinary food. I slept
and rested better that night and in
a few days began to grow stronger.
"I had a. news' feeling of peace
sand restfulness. In a few weeks,
to my great joy, the headache's and
nervousness left me and life 'be-
naiihe bright and hopeful. I re-
sumed my studies and later taught
ten months with ease — using
grape -Nuts every day., I am now
the mistress of a (happy home, and
?he old weakness has' never re-
Name given by Canadian Postum
o,, Windsor, Ont. Read, "The
aid to Wellvil•le," in , pkgs.
'There's a Reason."
Ever read the above letter? A, new
,ltae appears from, time to time. They
' xe genuine, true, $aid fuii of human
�._ Doing Wonders
Military Experts Think Too Much
Is a Mistake.
The Frenchman's fondness for
soupis proverbial. It is strongly
in evidence among the soldiers now
at the front, who subsist largely on
soup or on stews, which amount to
practically the same thing.
English military experts are in-
clined to think that this is a seri-
ous mistake, They believe that
such sameness of diet leads to stale-
ness among even the healthiest of
men, and that the French would
fight better if they ate more sub-
stantial food, such as the roast beef
and mutton ohops of which the
English are so fond.
But although the English believe
their soldiers are better fed than
the French, they have to admit
that they owe the present excel-
lence of their military cuisine to a
Frenchman. While England was
fighting in Crimea sixty years ago
Alexis. Sayer, the celebrated chef,
went there and, with nothing but
the regular rations to work upon,
soon revolutionized the army's
methods of cooking.
He found the camp cooks at
Scutari and in other placestying
the joints intended for boiling so
tightly that the exterior was cooked
while the inside remained raw, He
found cooking going on in huge cop-
per 'caldrons so dark that it was not
possible to see whether the tinning
was intact—whether the water was
not contaminated by verdigris.
He found them marking their ra-
tions, "lest they should be eau -
founded in the kettle," by attach
ing. to them pieces of red cloth, a
string of buttons, knives, forks,
scissors, pairs of snuffers. He
found them throwing away the fat
from the coppers, three inches
thick, for they did not know that
they were thus destroying "a little
sea" of excellent soup. He found
them sometimes cooking with
smoke, dust and steam intermixed
instead of fire, and yet consumed
"a fabulous quantity of unneces-
sary fuel."
Ina a Woman Suffers
IVitli 'Chronic Backache
There Is Trouble Ahead.
Constantly on their feet, attending
to the wants of a large and exacting
family, women often break down with
nervous exhaustion.
In the stores, factories, and on a
farm are weak, ailing women, dragged
down with torturing backache and
bearing down pains.
Such suffering isn't natural, but it's
dangerous, because due to diseased
kidneys. •
The dizziness, insomnia, deranged
menses and other symptoms of kidney
complaint can't cure themselves, they
require the assistance of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills which go direct to the seat
of the trouble.
To give vitality and power to the
kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and
liver, to free the blood of poisons,
probably there is no remedy so suc-
cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For
all womanly irregularities their merit
is well known.
Because of their mild, soothing, and
healing effect, Dr, Hamilton's Pills are
safe, and are recommended for girls
and 'women of all ages. .25 cents per
box at all dealers. Refuse any sub-
stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man-
andrake and Butternut.
Expenditure t'p to That Time Will
be $16,990,000,000.
Edgar Cm -mond, a prominent
financial writer of London, read a
paper before the Royal 'Statistical
Society recently ;dealing with the
cost of the war. In his opinion the
war must end in July through the
exhaustion of some of the -belliger-
Mr. Crammond estimates the total
cost of the war to the end of July
as $16,990,000,000, and the total
economic loss, through damage to
property and 'other direct and indir-
ect losses at $40,740,000,000. He
estimates that Great •Britain alone
will spend up to the ,end of . July
The London Times,. commenting
on Mr. iCramsnond's figures, thinks
he takes a somewhat exaggerated
view, although he is in possession of
facts which •entitle his opinion to
respect. The Times points out that
Premier Asquith's estimate of
Great Britain's expenditure during
the same period was only 2500,600;-
000, but adds : "This certainly now
appears to low, even if Mr. Cram -
mend's estimate is too high."
Mud you may do a man a .favor by
not giving him advice,
Bill 'had a, bill -board; Bill also
had a board -bill. The hoard bill
bored ;Ball so he told the bill -board
to pay the aboard -bill. .After Bill.
sold the :bill -board the board -bill
no longer bored Bill,
The corporal was much better at
his drill than at •grammar, says The
Manchester Guardian, but the de-
feat did not: worry him in the slight-
est. He had just sharply ordered
his men to "mind ! them ;spaces.
now," when the smiling lieutenant
observed.: "Why ;them spaces,'.
corporal ?"' "Well, sir, if I 'said
`distances' : about ' .'arf. of 'em
Wouldn't understand ire," he ex-
plained simply,
tjs� An Incident in the Life of the
Gaspe County Man Gives Advice
to All Who Want to be Cured
of Kidney Troubles.
Haldimand, Gaspe Co., Quebec,
April 12 (Special): —"I have just
opened the third box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and find they are
doing me wonders of good for the
Kidneys and Rheumatism," so says
Mr. Peter F. Patterson, a, well-
known resident of this place ..
"My troubles came through a
cold and strain," Mr. Patterson
continues, "and I suffered for
many years. I had headache, back-
ache and rheumatism. My sleep
was broken and unrefreshing. I
bad a bitter taste in my mouth in
the morning and I perspired freely
with the slightest exertion. I was
often dizzy; I was; troubled with
heart fiutterings; I was nervous
and my skin itched and burned at
"After using Dodd's Kidney
Pills I recommend them to every-
one who wants to be cured,"
Everyone of Mr. Patterson's
ailments was a symptom of Kidney
disease, That's why he found such
prompt relief in Dodd's Kidney
Pills. They only cure Kidney dis-
Nurse Crops.
Observing farmers have seen that
either clover or alfalfa do consid-
erably better when sown with bar-
ley as a nurse crop than with oats.
King says, in his book on soils,
"that oats exhaust the soil mois-
ture a great deal faster and more
than barley. Probably this is the
reason why, especiallyin rather dry
seasons, the new seeding does bet-
ter with the barley," But a great
many farmers greatly injure the
growth of their young clooer, as
well as alfalfa, by seeding too much
grain as a nurse crop. It is a spe-
cies of greediness that, as Shakes-
peare says, "o'er leaps itself." It
should require but a moment's
thought to see that the coming clo-
ver or alfalfa is worth double in
value what the grain crop is, Why,
then-, should the farmer endanger
his hay crop next year'? We have
seen hundreds of young clover and
alfalfa, crops practically spoiled in
this way. It takes 500 pounds of
water to mature one pound of the
grain of oats. Reckon it up and see
what that meansto the young clo-
ver or alfalfa in a crop, say, of 50
bushels of oats to the acre.
A Wireless News -Letter.
For many months in the year the
four or five thousand inhabitants of
the isolated Magdalen Islands re-
ceive no mail or newspapers, for as
the islands lie in the widest part of
the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about
fifty miles northeast of Prince Ed-
ward Island, it is difficult, if not
impossible, -to run boats to them
during the winter, The Canadian
Government has consequently ar-
ranged to send weekly to the
clergymen of the islands, a wireless
despatch of eight hundred words
that gives the latest news of the
war and other 'events. These des-
patches the ministers read aloud to
the islanders at church every Sun-
Cure Children's Colds
By External Treatment
Mothers Will Find Nothing so Speed-
ily and Reliable as Old -
Time "Nerviline."
It's really a shame to upset a young
child's stomach by internal dosing,
when . external treatment will so
promptly break up a cold.
When your boy comes in after play
with his feet soaking wet, his throat
hoarse and sore, his little chest tight
and congested, just apply Nerviline.
give him a vigorous rubbing over his
throat, and put lots of Nervilins on
his chest and rub it right in. To make
Nerviline penetrate : more quickly
cover his chest and throat with a hot
flannel • bandage. This . treatment
WON'T fail. ' Your boy will be feeling
better in half an hour, and you will
have the satisfaction of knowing you
have warded off perhaps a cold, or
grippe, or illness that might have laid
him up. '
Nervihrie • is 'mighty good . for pre-
venting colds and for breaking up a
bad one, too. For general family use
it cures all sorts of external aches
and pains—you simply can't beat it.
Try it for earache, toothache, neural-
gia, sciatica, lame . back, rheumatism,
-or lumbago. .Wherever there is con-
gestion. inflammation : or pain in the
joints or muscles, Nerviline will cure
mighty quick. The large 50c, family
size bottle is so economical, so ;,use-
ful, it should be in every home. There
is also a small 25c. size. Dealers any-
where sell Nerviline. ,
The successful man roots while
his unsuccessful c ssful
brother stands
round and squeals.
Four splendid daily. trains from the
New passenger.Terminal, Chicago ' to
San Francisco, Los' Angeles, and :'saga
Diego.' Choice of Scenic and direct routes
through the hest of the West. Something
to see all the way. Double track.' Auto.
mane electric safety signals all the way.
Let uslan your trip and furnish folders
and; full particulars. B. Ii. Bennett, G.A.,
46 .Yonge St.. Toronto, ' Ontario
Lard Salisbury.
The late Lord Salisbury>, sa
Count Paul Vassili in his book,
"Behind the Veil at the Russian
Court," shared with the rest of his
family the defect of being rather
careless in his dress and general
appearance. Lord Odo Russell,
who long represented England at
Berlin, told Count Vassili this
amusing little anecdote in il'lustra-
Nitrates and ammonia' salts do
at give their best results when in
contact with fermentable organic
tion of that characteristic.
"One evening," says the count,
"Lord Odo and I were chatting
about Lord Salisbury's attitude to-
ward his personal appearance, --not
ill-natnredly, for it is doubtful
which of us had the greater admire,
tion for the remarkable statesman
in question, -'--'and Lord Ode laugh-
ingly mentioned to me his surprise
when one day, after the dinner bell
of the embassy had been rung, he
found Lord Salisbury, who was liv-
ing there, still busy at work in his
e" 'He rushed out,' said the am-
bassador, 'and before I had time to
put aside the papers on the table,.
literally in three minutes, -was back
again ready for dinner. Now in.
that time he could not even have
washed his bands, yet there he was
in evening clothes! I could not
help asking him how he managed
to dress so quickly, "Oh, my dear
Russell," he said, "anyone can
change his coat at once, and I had
black trousers on already."' "
Sore Absolutely
CoNo cutting, no phis -
ters or pads to press
the sore spot,
GQ t makes the corn go
Putnam's Extractor
without pain, Takes
out the sting over -night, Never fails
—leaves no scar. Get a 25c. bottle of
Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day.
A Close Shot.
It was during a golf game in
Scotland. The fust player who
drove off was very bow-legged. The
second player, unmindful that his
opponent was directly in front of
him, struck the 'ball and it whizzed
between his opponent's legs.
"Hoot, anon," said the bow-leg-
ged one in anger, "that's nate
golf ;"
"A weal," said his opponent
complacently, "ef 'tis nae golf 'tis
gude croquet."
rOw•eallemaff ram.
Messrs. Pigeon,. Pigeon & Davis,
the patent solicitors of 71a St.
Janes St., Montreal, report that
for the week ending March 9th,
1915, 138 Canadian patents were
issued, 101 of which were granted
to Americans, 23 to Canadians and
14 to residents of foreign coun-
Of the Canadians who received
patents, 11 were residents of On-
tario, 3 of Alberta, 2 of Quebec,
2 of British Columbia, 2 of Mani-
toba, 1 of Saskatchewan, 1 of New
Brunswick and 1 of Nova Scotia.
In the United, States for the same
week, 954 patents were issued, 15
of which were granted to Canadian
An old bachelor ,is a. man -whom
no widow has. mada strenuous ef-
fort to marry,
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta. .
Woman—Does this parrot swear?
Dealer—Very prettily, mum, for
so young a bird.
I consider MINA.$D'S:. LINIMENT : -the
BEST' Liniment in use.
I got my foot badly jammed lately. I
bathed it well with Ivir1NAliD'S LINI-
MENT, and it was as well as ever next
Yours very truly,
The lady_ of the house was ex-
plaining things to the new maid.
`'An' what's this,missus I" asked
the girl, indicating ametal bottle,
"That is a bottle which will keep
things either hot or cold, whichever
you desire," replied the mistress.
"Well, foh the land sake," •ejacu
fated the girl. - "How is it gwine to
know ' whether you want things hot
or cold?" '
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
AuntrLiza's former mistress was
talking to her one morning, when
suddenly she discovered a little,
pic'kaninny standing shyly behind
his im.bther s skirts. "Is this your
little boy, Aunt 'Liza!" she asked.
"Yes, miss, ..da,t's Prescription;."
what hat . a funny name,
auntie, for a child I . How.• in• .'the.
world did you happen to call him
that?" "Ah simply calls him'dat
bectiz Ah ha's sech hand wuk ';get'•
tin' him filled;"
Minard's Liniment for said 'everywhere,
ED. 5.
ISSUE, 16—'15.
1 matter, The possibility of loss is
greatly diminished by using well,
rotted manure, andmay be still
farther prevented by applying the
nitrate as a top dressing on the
growing crop at the 'time the crop
needs it. Salts of potassium and
sodium, superphosphate and sul-
phate of ammonium, should not be
sprinkled on, the manure hi the fur-
row, but either mixed with the soil
before the manure. is applied, or
sown broadcast after the manure
is plowed, in. and before harrowing.
If top dressings of soluble manures
are used on open soils they should
be applied( late.
Mrs. McEachern, Glencee, Ont.
writes: "I have used Baby's Own
Tablets for the past eleven years
for my children and have every rea-
son to praise, them as they always
do good." Once a mother uses the
Tablets for her little ones she -will:
use no other medicine. They are
absolutely safe, pleasant to take
and never fail to regulate the bow-
els and stomach. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by snail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out.
Knew the Signs,
"I can read my wife like a book."
'That SO 9"
"Yes. Whenever she's cold
me I know she's going to make
hot for me."
Slinard's :Riniment Cures Dandruff.
A Bit of an Epicure..
Lady of the House—You can cal
your dinner if you'll chop that
tf firewood,
Tramp—I'd like to know de men
first, lady.
Granulated Eyelidsti
Sore Eyes inflamed by expo -
'sure to Sun, Roland !kind
c mreet evedbyMoine
4REmedy. No Sanartita
es EYi to
just Eye Comfort, At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle, Murine Eye
SalveinTubca25c. For Bookotthei"yeFreensk
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
A Two -Ounce Egg,
Pullets, of any breed should lay
a 2 oz. egg at one year old, With
very few exceptions all non -sitters
lay white -shelled eggs, and all sit -
tem dark ones. The coloring of
wild birds' eggs as to some extent
protective. Therefore, one would
think that domestication should
tend to ridding the shells of color.
But we do not find it so, as the
Asiatic heavy breeds which lay the
darkest eggs have been under do-
mestication in China for some
thousands of years. Therefore, we
can no more account for a Leghorn
laying a white egg and a Brahma
a brown one than we can for the
wood pigeon laying awhite egg and
a magpie, also a tree builder, lay-
ing aspotted one. When .a, boy,
the same love of live things domi-
nated me that has done ever since,
and I had a collection, self gather-
ed; of nearly every wild bird in
the Midlands. My pets also in-
cluded, hawks, doves, larks, green-
finches and many more. No doubt
it was this early familiarity with
bird life that led me to take poul-
try seriously later on, -F, and
Strict, All Right.
"I understand the Blanks are
strict vegetarians."
"Strict I I should say they are,
Why, they won't even let their
children eat animal crackers."
Highest grade beam kept whole
and mealy by perfect baking,
retaining their full strength.
Flavored with delicious sauces.
They have no senal.
-i: specially selected and Government
inspected for seed. Only limited quantity,
Pries. One Dolla: per bushel f.o.b. Bramp-
ton. Also Counoir encs Pride and New
Snow, two excellent new potatoes. Prtce,
Two Dollars per buohel. Special pr ccs
for large quantity. Cash must accom-
pany all orders. 11. W. Dawson. Bramp-
John Scott, Whitewoed, i eek.
TATOES. Catalogue free, McConnell
It Son, Port Burwell, Out.
aria zx,A otrs.
internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Denman Medical.
Co.. Limited, Cohlingtiwood, Ont.
!!le, St. demes St., . Moatrssl
With ter lot.yaaatloa
,P,o {, ilif7a 11pW1A.l4'
:P.liQlily. Nr tgilq:,iFa!
a eapa, e,t s 1, ills%.
Others Turned Him Down.
She --,1m I the only vt,'nan
ever loved i
He --Well, yes---suee .1,):'v
The conversation of most people
is so unimportant that when they
stop talking you wake up.
Don't waste time on inferi-
or salves because they're; a
few cents cheaper.
I have proved Zarn-Suk
best for Eczema, Piles, Skin
Diseases, and Injuries.
As a mother, you owe It
to your family to use the
best, that's Zam-Buk!
All Druggists and Stores.
Canoes, Skiffs, Motor Boats
If any canoe can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH."
Always and' ever the acme of service, model, strength and fin-
ish. Over fifty styles and sizes. 'Write for catalogue. The latest canoe
is the Peterborough canvas covered. Ask for illustrated folder. Skiffs
for the popular Outboard Motors, Power Launches, all sizes and pow-
ers. Get folders telling all about these.
tee Se
"Overstorn" V Bottom $550`
Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in,
Ontario, Length Is rt., Beam 3 Ft. '9 In,,
epth .1 .Ft, e In, ANY MOTOR FITS.
-Specification No. 2B ',living engine prices on.request. Get our quotations'
on.—"The •Penetang Line
Oommerolal and Pleasure Launches, Row,
boats and. Canoes..