HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-8, Page 8EXE rER .U1VQGATE, THISRB11AY APRIL B 1Bt6 EXETER RIR[ ,TSa ()RANGED EA.OR WEDNESDAY Wheat .Barley . , ., Buckwheat.. Pea*. Potatoes, per bag ... , .. 40 Hay, er t nu 14 00 'Flour,, per cwt.,, family Flour, low grade per ow Butter ..R Creamery Butter Line bores. nor cwt.— , .. Shorts per: ten.....,...,. Bran per ton Sugar Bet t Pulp 2S. is 180 70 75 55 150 59 14 00 2 00 00 80 85 19 $ 25 30 00: 700 Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer Red Clover, Als'ike, Timothy, Mil- let. Alfalfa and beans bought. Imported Red Clover and Timothy Seed grownot Buckwheat so and Choice home Alsike Wilt be at home to take in Seed every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday i nd Saturday. Highest prices Paid. Address all communications to K Reynolds, Ilay Ontario. R. R. No. 1. The funeral of the tate John hawk- ins to Exeter Cemetery on Saturday oat largely attended. His brother Mr. George Hawkins, arrived borne from the west on Friday,and will probably remain to work the farm of his late brother.. The Epworth Leagues and Sunday school; of the Methodist churches in th .• Exeter district will hold a ter•• 'sus o; Institutes from April 8th to 12th. They will be held at K rktod on the 8th, Parkhill on the 4th and Main Street, Exeter, on the 12th, Rev F L Farewell, Field Secretary for Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues will be the chief speaker. EXETER PATRIOTIC FUND Prev:iousle acknowledged Master Gale Clarke S. Fitton Miss E and J. Follicle Mr Connor F. W Gladman $1656.44 $1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1665.44 The League is preparing to make a large number of Infants' Outfits, and any person who will undertake to do some ,sewing wild call at Town Hal! Thursday afternoon and get it. Any old flannel Or woollen goods which could be used for making in- fant= vests can be left at Town Hall Thursday or at Mrs. S. Fitton's. rs ,c fir-grorienwill-irigr -i r r'iF LOCAL DOINGS, Mr E. Christie was ledge of light horses at Clinton and Hensall; Spring Shows last week. EGGS WANTED.—Will Pay 1ST ,ts• cash and 19 cts. Trade for new laud eggs.—J A. STEWART. APPLES WANTED te'.e ere in the market for a quan- tity of good apples. Write us what you hcvc to offer. --Ellwood Brothers Windsor Ont. DEATH OF JOHN TAYLOR—Af- ter an illness of some weeks following a fag in which he brake his hip bone the death took place on Saturday at his home in Exeter North . of John; Taylor one of the old resident; of this place, at the age of 80 years 11 months and 19 days. Deceased was a, good citizen, of quiet and etiring nature and much respected. He was twice married, his second wife .aied two daughters, both at, home survive The remains were interred. in the Exeter Cemetery on Saturday atter- nooa VESTRY MEETING,—The annual Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Mem- or,sl Church was held in the school hall on Monday evening last, with the Rector in the chair. The Treasurer's repot' was read, showing the finppces to be in a healthy condition, but as the financial year of the, church does not end until April 15th, and eonsid- erable of the subscriptions being still. outstanding, the report was incom- plete A complete report will be given at the adjourned meeting. to be held three weeks hence, April 26th. L H. Dickson was elected Peo- ple's warden and C. H. Sanders, Rec- tor's warden, The election of a Lay delegate to the Synod was postponed till th • meeting on the 26th tnst. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT.—"A run- auay accident that might ;lave 'been attended with fatal results happened on the London Road north, on Sat- urday last. Messrs, George 'Geddes and John Northcott were drawing a load of iron rails to their respective homes in Hay, when a caplet of rigs happened to meet them when dbout opposite Mr. Ben. Meakins' farm, and one of Mr. Geddis' team' being a :olt became frightened and both horses made a dash for liberty. The men were both thrown from the,'oad and the wtgon containing over a ton of iron passed over Mr. Northcott, while Ur Geddes hung onto the lines and succeeded in stopping the team. Mr, Geddes escaped with only a bad shale ing up. but Mr; Narthcatt did not fare so well, his ankle being badly crushed and he was otherwise severe- ly bruised and shaken up—in' fact it is hard 'to determine at present the seriousness ,of his injuries. He was at once removed to his, home .rid is now confined to his bed under the doctor's care. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The undersigned will sell his pro- ^erty or. Carling Street, being parts of tote 33 and 34. The; hoose is a one -Story frame building in .good re- pair There is a good stable on the eren.ist= Good fruit trees, good ;cater. le reasonable for quick sale. Aprl. 'o WM. CHOWEN, Exeter. ....o..e. _.---_.- L errI iS AND GENTLEMEN •a: 'ter is thin, faded or colored, or If your bald, if you would make you: appearance attractive and 41 'youthful and benefit your healthy and comfort, be sure you see. the Doren - wend Company's wonderful display of quality hair -goods at the CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER, on FRIDAY, APRIL 16th Switches Braids, Transformations ? qmr— c •;-'. Wavelets, etc., of unsur- quality hair -toupees for bald e note including the famous sanitary structures. You are offered a demonstration of any style. Remember the date,- FRIDAY, APRIL 16th. Sunday was a fine day for the Easter Bonnet parade. air James Sweet Sr., is confined to the house oying to illness, • Mr Burwell has been confined to the house this week with grippe, Mr. Wes Snell sold an Overland this week to Mr. H,, Eilber, Crediton. 11r .Alf. Walters is confined to his hom • again suffering from the old enemy .rheumatism Ma Wm, BalkwLU, sr., who: suffered a stroke of paralysis int London last week is improving nicely .tnd gives peones< of a complete recovery. Rea. Sharp of the Presbyterian church preached at Thames Road Sunday evenieg. His father-in-law, Rev Nichol took; his world here Good Friday was a quiet dale in Exeter Cities who stayed at home were busy entertaining visitors, air. Victor Sweet toss hortic from while many others were visiting Windsor for the holidays. friends at a distance. Mist Edna Follicle. spent Thursday las London, Mr. Nelson Sheers was in Brantford this week Grafton Burdett was in Detroit eve • Easter Miss Lulu Martin was over the holiday. Miss Patterson visited Seaforth over Sunday. Earl Codkson of St. Marys spent Easter at his home here. Mrs. Fred. May visitedher parents in Mitchell over Easter, Mr. Lloyd Rivers of Forest? spent Easter with his parents Mise Velma Easterlezook is visit- ing relatives iu Seaforth. Mr. John McIntyre of Hensell was in town for Good Friday. in Wroxeter her -ister in The Easter musical service ,which was rendered in the Trivitt Memor- ial Church Sunday, and which, was so much enjoyed by all present, will be repeaters next Sunday evening. alis s Ida Saturday Mr .Geo Vosper has returned to Toronto. Ur A S Davis was in London tut Thursday. :lit. D Prior of Clintons spent Fri - dee here gist. Ella Phillips spent a,,tew, days in Toronto a Irs R. N. Creech was in London Wednesday Mr William Sweet was in London on Saturday, Mr Robinson of Mitchell spent Sunday in town, Red Bissett. is home from Chatham Busine,te College. Mr ,A. Moore of Winghanr here for Easter. Ed. Torrance spent home in Clinton. Airs Wm Burke of here ,thin week, Zia, C. Lindenfeld and visited in Zurich. M_s; Lou" Taylor visited 1, hotness to: Lester. .i Anderson visited his here over the holiday. firs, Burwell returned last 'eel. frorr, a visit in Union. Mi s Mabel Walters of London is t itin at her home here Edgar Homey of Petrolea spent Easter with his parents here. Earl Spackman of Guelph spent the holiday, here with his parents. Mr. Marshall Atkinson of Detroit visited relatives here this week. Mx R E. Pickard andtwo sans left Tuesday for thee- farm in the west. Mrs Hooper of Belgrave visited her sister Mrs. Birney over Sunday. Mrs. Will. Foster of Toronto xis- ited a, James Handford's 'his week. Vise Gladys Bissett, ivho was vis- iting in Kincardine returned Tuesday. Misses Emma and Edith Heideman were home from Berlin for the boli - day . oli-day. Mr . S. E. Fisher of, the Bank of Commerce, London, spent . master in town. Miss Veda Couzens of Land )nAwls the guest of Ails. McCombe over Easter Mrs Rich Welsh visited her lath- er ,Ur. Wm, Balkwill, in London over Easter -..,, Marchand was in London was Easter at ;bis Iegersole was children in St, :events Newton .McMurray was at hie hams iv St Marys over Sunday Ma and Mrs. J. Willtat Powell were in St Thomas over Easter. Dr. Campbell and Mr. Maurice, Sen - ter were in Toronto this week. AIr. Fred Tucker of Clinton spent the week end with friend% here. Mie. Stella Southcott spent •rood Friday in London with. relatives. Miss Nettie Passmore of Toronto spent Easter with relatives here, Mr. John F. Krueger is spending a few days with relatives in London, Mr. MUxworthy of London visited his cousin Ret:, Muxworthy .this week. Miss Tillie Yager and a lady friend of St. Mays. spent the holiday here. Charlie Grafton of Detroit *isited hi' uncle Mr. Wm. Leavitt over East- er, Mr Chas. Hyndman of Buffalo was a visitor with relatives here this week. The Misses Hilda, and Alberta Hor- tot seer' Easter in Goderich with relatives. CLIPSON—D A V I S.—The Trivia Memorial Church was the scene of a. happy event yesterday (Wednesda ) afternoon, when Miss Clara J. Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Da - tis was united in marriage to Mr. George C. Clipson of Ingersoll. The ceremony was performed about four o'clock by the Rector, Rev. D. W. Collins in the presence of a number o: the friends and relatives of the contracting .parties. The bride was psettil5 gowned in a blue travelling suit with hat to match. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful pearl pendant .The ceremony over the young couple were conveyed to the depot where they took the evening trait' foe a short honeymoon trip, f- te- which they will make their fu- ture home in Ingersoll. The young couple will have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future hap- piness and prosperity. Among those present at the wedding from a'.li.s- tance were Mr. Irwin of Ingersoll,. Miss Francis Davis (sister of. the bride) and Mr. O. Taylor of Wing - ham. , NEW FLOUR & FEED STORE.— I desire to announce that I have op- ener*. a Flour and Feed Store in F. Wood's Old Stand, opposite F te lost O; fice and will keep. a full supply of the best grades of flours and seeds. so?:cit your patronage. SIDNEY DAVIS HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT I will sell or rent either of my • house in Exeter. For terns and particulars apply to JOHN PEDLAR F. W. HODGSON t ' CARPENTER AND BUILDER Plant furnished; estimates given free on ah. classes of buildings EASTER SERVICES.=The servic- es in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Easter Sunday were of a very high order as befitting the most import- ant festival of the Christian church. A full choral Communion at; the a. in. service -the Ter -Sanctus and Gloria in Excelsi.i were very fine. At the p.m. service a large choir of 28 voic- es assisted by Mr. E. Heywood and Mr Fred Jones o'' Loaden, a endered tht beautiful Easter anthem, ''Hallei- ueah Christ is Risen." The Rev. F. G. Ryatt. rector of Kirkton, •ang the servic Mr. Jones of London in, a clear, sweet tenor voice, sang, There's a. Beautiful Home on High." This solo was much appreciated. Staines's Sevenfold Amen was a fit- ting close to a very hearty service. Much credit is due Mr. J. H. Markham, the efficient and painstaking 7rganist. The Rector preached in thet morning, dealing largely with narrative ,account of Mary Magdalene's connection with the Resuurection, and in the, evening from . the 118th Psalm, "This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be gladrin it." The church was beautifully, decorated with flowers. A. WELL SKILLED MASON.—We made, mention last week of the .fact that Mr. Michael Eacrett before. leaving Brantford with his wife and 'daughter, Miss Allie, was - made; the recipient of an address of apprecia- tion and a cheque for 4300 from The Vearitt Plow Co., with, whom' he had been connected many years, both in Exeter and later in Brantford. 'The Masonic . Brethren of the city also presented Mr. Eacrett with a purse of gold of $300 in. recognition of his valuable services during 56 years of membership. and, 53 years as a past master. . During 'hes residence in Brantford he took charge of. the work of . preparing. -the masonic candidates, and in one year alone for one lodge only he prepared no Mess, than 61 can- didates for. thevariouu degrees. Mr. Eacrett is an honorary member, of Lebdnor. Forest Lodge, Exeter, and was 'for several years the secretary of the lodge. The brethren are pleased to have him as a resident member again, and, he will undoubt- edly be of great h'elpi to them in their work. .Mr. Eacrett was born in Qween,s County, Ireland, in 1837, came to Exeter in 1852, and went. to Brant- ford : in 1898, and now has returned; to Exeter for his r'emraining years, which e late may be many. He was clerk Francs' Hill left for ' Chtthain Fri - dot to resume his --duties in the- Dont inion Bank Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham is spending the vacation with •;ter mo- ther in town. - Mrs Halloway, who is with her daugbter Mrs. R. N. • Rowe, spent East Sr in Clinton. • Mr and Mrs. Bert Heiman of hon. don spent Sundae with Mr. and Mrs. W J Heaman. PERRY F. DOUPE - Licensed • Auctioneer. Live Stock Sale; a Specialty. Terms moderate. Orders left at The Advocate Office promrltly atten?td to. Phone 116 Kirkton Address, Kirkton. P. O. "A Man's Ability is his Passport" LONDON, Organ gaS epee. apply Music •Fran Weaver PROFESSOROF MUSIC ONT. Teacher of and all branches; of Plane Playing; Voice Culture and Artistic Singing°pecialty. 16'years ,p•ractica. experi Far Terms to S. Martin & ' Son's Store IN EXETER EVERY' FRIDAY eft. Robert Leathorn of London shook hands with old friende here on Thursday. Private Earl Parsons of Ottawa and Private "red Mallett of London, were home ler Easter Miss Jean Seldon, who is attending Collegiate in Ingersoll, was 'tome ov- er the holidays. Mt. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald m's- ;tee at the latter's home in. St, 1 ham - as eve- the holidays. A number of the young,, men were in London Friday to see "September Morn," a musical comedy. Tavernen Jones of Ayr, formerly of the Bank of Commerce here, visited friends in town over Easter. Mx and Mrs. Huston of London vis tied at the home of the latter's par- ents.. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taylor. Miss Attie Eacrett arrived stere last week from Brantford with her par- ents and will remain sometime. Mr. and Mrs. James Collingwood and family of Hamilton spent Friday and Saturday with relatives here, Mr P C. Laurie of the Bank of Commerce spent Easter Sunday and Moeda., with his parents in Thedford. Mrs. (Dr.) Browning, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Becker, return- ed frons New Hamburg Thursda}; ev- ening last Miss Edna Dow, nurse, has been ac- cepted as nurse with the Toronto University Army contingent, and leaves shortly. Miss Madeline Carling and Messrs. Penhale Wood and Windsor, .students o. Toronto, are spending .he vaca- tion at home. Mr. W. J. Amos, who, was 'ecently transferred from the Bank of Toronto at' Stratford, has since been sent to London branch'. Mr. J. C Inwood and, family spent Good Friday with Mr. and 'Mrs. S. Sanders Maui Street. Mrs. Inwood and daughter are remaining for a week 'Mr. Wilbur Luker of Londont spent the . holiday ,with friends here. He in- tend, enlisting with the third. con- tingent provided he can pass the ex- aminatior, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crocker .Ind fam- e.- of Toronto spent Easter wit's relatives here. Mr W J. Statham and, family were in Acton for Easter.' Mr. etatham's brother is very :11. Mist Ruth Hooper who is attending collegiate in London arrived home here last Saturday. Overland Model 80 Price $1425 f. o. b. Hamilton and Overland Model 81 Price $1135 f. o. b. Hamilton These two five passenger touring cars are fully equip ped, demountable rims, electric starting and lighting, left hand drive, electric born, beautiful finish—everything, in fact, that is needed on a touring car for convenience or com- fort. See these cars and have a demonstration of their e lent points. Now in the show room. Wes. Snell Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brintnell of Victoria Square are visiting he for- mer's parents here. Ms Geo Holman of Egmondville and sort Private Gorden Holman,, were Easter visitors here. Mrs Trebilcock, sister of Ms's. (Dr.) Amos returned to her home, in Bow- manville. Friday evening. Misses Pridham and Hamilton, tea- chers, are spending the vacation at their homes in Goderich. Mrs . Wm. Wilson, after -.spending the holidays here, returned to net home in Petrolea. Tuesday. Mrs. George E. Colwell and fam- ily a: Cargill are visiting, her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. I.1. Homey. Mn. Harry Schwegler of rfamilton and Dr Thomas of London spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs, Dore. Mrr and : Mrs. Robert Sweet return- ed 'Wednesday to their home in Clin- ton, after a short visit with relatives here Miss May Armstrong of t ucknow was home for`Gobd Friday.t Miss Ida, returned with her -to spend a 'few days. Mr .and, Mrs. 'Geo, Goodisigs and Mr and Mrs. Hartop of London were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • J. f , Markham. Mrs F. ' S.• Leadhous•e of - London spec" Easter here. Her mother, < Mrs. M-eakins returned with her Tuesday to 'visit for a few clays, Mr Wm Miners arrived here, from Saskatoon on Tuesday evening, and after a few days will goy to Windsor to spend ' some months. Mr Edward Harris and Mn Arthur Ford and. daughter Irene of Detroit wet"e guests of Mr. and Mrs. :;has. E the. Village of Exeter, for 26 years. Bos: of Stephen' ower Sunday. Horse Cards Dealer Exeter Cel - Mr Alex. Deevitt is confined, to his home .through illness. Mr. Edward. Comb: is taking Rural Route( No. $ during his illness Tea & Coffee kitrg Store Exeter North. For the choicest groceries, fres, spices, teas: coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould The Advocate is again pre- pared to give you entire sat- isfaction in Horse Route Cards. Order early so • that you may have them on time. THE ADVOCATE EXETER House Cleaning Time Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh Pork, Sausage and Head Cheese always on hand PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE BUTTER, EGGS DRIED APPLES DRESSED POULTRY AT MARKET PRICES H. Bierling MERCHANT, HAY P.O. PHONE 44 W. Make house cleaning F• asp by buy- ing a Domestic Vac. Gleaner from us. I7 will clean you rep and carpet bet- ter thaann beating them and with much less labor. Then get a bottle of San- ity Polish to clean your flute tore; and. if you see youneed any new furniture we have a good stock to choose from. R.. N.OW Embalmer Etc. Phone 20a, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 Spri gals Spriu Clo[Vi g LADIES and MISSES' Ready -to -Wear WE, CAN FIT YOU FROM THF- TOP OF YOUR' HEAD TO THE SOLES OF `FOUR FEET. All the New Sprung hoods are 'here for your inspection. Come early and have a look or; a try on Tailored Spring Sums Some of the best in Black, Navy Copen, Brown or Tah. Every suit perfectly tailored with silk linings. Prices $10, $15, $.20, $25 gotwa„E Nifty. Spring Coats FOR, LADIES AND . MISSES A zeal nifty lot of. Coats in the season's newest Styles, Cloths, and Colors. No two Alike. Prices $5, $8, $10, $13 LADIES WHITE WAISTS • The best we have ever shown A big assortment to see) $1 $1.25, $11.50, $1.75, $3i, $3 HOUSE DRESSES ' All colors to show soul — for large or snail women $1, $1.25, $1.50, $.2 each. SUMMER DRESSES A nice summer dress at 14 or $5 is the easiest& and cheap- est See what we dhow. CHILDREN'S DRESSES. Every kind you can think of Prices to suit everybody — 50c., 75c.; $1, $2. MILLINERY • Our Show Room MILLINERY e Don't forget your Spring or Summer Hat.. you will find Headquarters for Millinery. RUGS CARPETS • 100 Room Rugs ,to' Brussels Tapestry choose from :...... Wool. Union and .,.... $5 un to 140 each' Carpet .,squames -, LINOLEUMS arid' ' yarcds wide..240 pieces to show you JONES & MAY ,Headquarters for the celebrated.W.E.Sanfoid Clothing RE sui He' bei lag TV the to set be. ed tin th t, byy I~ ry Ne, the ha ing 11, fr t los