HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1915-4-8, Page 3RUSSIAN COLONEL IS gANGE
Found to Have Been Kaiser's Friend and to Have
Caused Mazurian Lakes Defeat
A despatch from Petrograd says:
It is officially announced. that Col-
onel Miassoyedoff, who was attach-
ed as an interpreter to the staff of
the tenth army, proved to be a
German spy, and was, tried by
court-martial, and hanged.
It is also announced that several
persons not connected with the
array were arrested at the same
time as ' accomplices, and are
awaiting trial.
Col. Miassoyedoff, who was
hanged as a traitor, used to be the
Raiser's guest at shooting parties
every time the German court visit-
ed East Prussia. He possessed sev-
eral personal gifts from the Kai-
ser, it is understood. Miassoye-
dotrs treachery enabled Hinden-
burg to ,circumvent Gen. Gulg,-
koff's cc;rps. in the operations in
the southern Mazurian Lakes re-
gion, in February.
Col; Miasssoyedoff was an inter-
preter attached to the staff of Ba-
ron Sievers, eommanding the tenth.
His duties became increasingly im-
portant after the Russiqns crossed
the frontier into East Prussia, but
the utmost confidence was placed
in bim.
It has now been Learned that the
interpreter not only misled Baron
Sievers in indicating the course the
Russians were taking into Ger-
many, but also furnished inform,-
tion to Marshal von Hindenburg.
With this information at band the
Gerrnan commander knew at just
what time to strike. When he
struck he caught the tenth army in
a trap, several regiments being
The Austrians Are Sending Many
Troops Northward in
A despatch from. Petrograd says
On the new Russian base along the
line of Uszok, Lupkow and Bartfeld
,substantial beginnings of the
spring campaign are visible. A
Russian column moving into Hun-
j. gary along the Ondava River cap-
tured two full regiments and a field
battery. The Austrians are now
bringing large reinforcements from
the south. The first stages of the
battle, which is engaging great
uumbers, are now developing.
The Germans in the north are
Lovering the period until a fresh
corps arrives from the west by
restless and futile raids. The
enemy's exasperation at the steady
crushing of his Niemen campaign is
unmeasured. General von .Buelow's
artillery has been evacuating its
positions to the north-west of Osso-
wetz for several cal da s. Once twenty
batteries were shelling the outer
sector of the fortress, but now only
four remain, and even they are
quiescent. All the heavy mortars
have been withdrawn slowly along
the Lyck Road. The field troops re-
main in a eorner of East Prussia.
The Austrian cavalry, in moderate
numbers, crossed from Czernowitz
into Bessarabia, a Russian province
which formerly belonged to Rou-
mania. In the direction of Khotin
they moved from a point where
Austria, Russia and Roumania
meet, a region where the Russians
did not consider it expedient to
place any force, but the raid is now
being countered. Apart from the
obvious political purposes of im-
pressing Roumania, it is possible
that the Austrians thought it
might in fluence the movement of
Russian troops.
Will. Go Into Effect On and, Afte]
April 1
War ,i„
A r' tax of one cent has been
imposed on eaeh letter and post-
card mailed in Canada for ;delivery
in Canada, the tinited. States or
Mexico, and on eaeh letter nailed
in Canada for delivery in the
United Kingdom and British Pos-
sessions generally, and wherever
the two cent rate applies, to be.
come effective on and from the l5th
April, 1915.
This war tax is to be prepaid by
the senders by means of a war
stamp, for sale by postmasters and
other postage stamp vendors.
Wherever possible, stamps on
which the words "War Tax''' have
been printed should be used for
prepayment of the war tax, but
should ordinary postage stamps be
used for this purpose they will be
This war stamp or additional
stamp for war purposes should be
affixed to the upper right hand por-
tion of the address side of the en-
velope or post card, close to the
regular postage so that it may be
readily cancelled at the same time
as the postage.
In the event of failure on the
part of the sender through over-
sight or negligence tooprepay the
war tax en each letter or postcard
above specified, such a letter or
postcard will be sent immediately
to the nearest branch dead letter
It is essential that postage on all
classes of mail matter should be
prepaid by means, of ordinary post-
age stamps, The war tax stamp
will not be accepted in any case for
the prepayment of postage.
Police Think He Caused an Explosion in Baggage
on Steamer
A despatch from. New York says:
1aymond Rolle Swoboda, arrested
in Paris, charged with setting fire
to the steamer La Touraine, is an
American citizen, and represented,
in this country a French syndicate
engaged in purchasing .supplies for
the French Government and the
civilian population. This was at-
tested to by R. K. Maclean, 'of- this
city, formerly textiile expert of the
Federal Tariff Board; by -Thomas
Hooper, of Victoria, B,C., a Cana-
dian, and by Eugene Davis -and W.
V. Mohr, both. Americans, of this
city, all of whom said they were
associated with Swoboda in the
purchase of supplies.
All four men were unanimous in
asserting that a grawe error had
been made in arresting 'him, and
have made :representations to the
State 'Department, accompanied by
affidavits to prove that 'Swobodaa's
mission at Paris was solely for t'he
purpose of .submitting - samples of
American goods to the • French
According to' the Paris despatch-
es Swoboda has been arrested there
as a result of evidence brought out
at the official inquiry into the fire
on the Touraine, which broke out
March G- while the steamer was en
route from. New York to Havre.
The fire is said to have been traced
to an explosion among the first-
elass baggage in the hold, and Swo-
boda was declared .by fellow -pas-
sengers to have made peculiar
statements before the time of the
- Swoboda was.traced to Paris and
arrested by a French secret ,service
official, and it is said that letters in
.German found in his room at
hotel will furnish important evi-
dence. The despatches state that
lis; was well known in Paris finan-
cial circles, where he had served
as .. foreignrepresentative for 'a
broker named Morrison. He was
supposed tobe a Russian; and -of-
ten spoke in Paris, of family con-
nections in Petrograd and Moscow-
Atri T
Austrian Troops �Are`�
p Penniless
A despatch from " Venice says :
Reports, received from Trieste say.
that the Austrian troops in Tren-
tino are in a miserable condition,
being penniless, hungry ' and ill-
-) triad. Their pay has been out from
fourpenoe per day to twopence, and
their' rations, from five loaves of
bread a week to two loaves, it is
said. Men consider-abl o forty
over v
ears of age, the reports say, . are
bein. seat .into tlhe trenches, ill-
la e� s
g ,
e qui a and their uniforms old
and torn, after only a month of
practice diellng. The condition of
t; -he civil population : is said to be
e ti•all `wreeehed, Private • letters
� y
/ram Trieete eaythat numbers of
the people: are literally starving.
Palatable wheat bread, is •unobtain-
able at anyprice, and the .supply
of War bread is quite inadequate.
The bakers' shops are besieged
earlyy in the morning, but only the
strong and ;aggressive, the Tetters
say, succeed in getting a few loaves.
The .shops then close for the .day.
Disorders are said to be frequent,
d e
am the police are ,compelled to
make many arrests. . According • to
the 'letter the prices of most of the
necessary foodstuffs have doubled
or trebled. The misery of the
poorer ;classes issaid to be indes-
cribable. Persons daring to pro-
test are arrested.
A Freak of the War.
A strange Iittle incident of the
war is shown in our photograph.
While in action, one of our troopers
had a clip of cartridges which he
was carrying in his bandolier trans-
fixed by a German bullet. How
narrowly the soldier escaped death'
can be judged by the course taken
by the enemy bullet.
British Indian Force
Rout zo,00a Tribesmen
A despatch from. Simla, India,
says: Ten thousand tribesmen,
composed mainly of Zadraus, ool-
leetecl with a view to attacking
Tochi, near the Miran. shah Post.
Government troops, under Briga-
dier -General Vane, engaged the
natives, repulsing them completely,
killing 200 and, wounding 300. A
subsequent reconnaissance showed
no trace of the band.
Austria- Surround Montene{rius,
A despatch from Rome says; De-
spatches received here from C'et-
tinje, the capital of Montenegro.
indicate that Austria-Hungary is
erideavoring to cut: off Montenegro'
from all communications with the
outside world, and thus starve her.
The Dual Monarchy is described as
eurratutding this small state with
overwhelming forces of Croats on
the mountains.. in addition to a
garrison of 40,000 men at Cattaro,
which prevents any eomniunication
with Herzegovina and the Adriatic.
Against about 100,000 Austrians
Montenegro can dispose only
0 0 men, with limited artillery,
Something Iike70,000 people from
villages in Bosnia burned by Aus-
trian troops have taken refuge in
Russians Lost 149
In Memel Retreat
A despatch from Petrograd says:
An offcial'eonrmunication concern-
ing the recent Russian retreat from
the Memel district of East Prussia
was issued Sunday night. It says:
"During the retirement of our
troops from Memel our casualties
were only 149 men, including kill-
ed, wounded and missing."
_d• ._,
Murder of an Anterfean Citizen by
(lemma Pirates. Stirs Uncle
A .despatch froze Washington
says: The reported death of Leon
C. Thrasher, an American- citizen,
as the result of the destruction of
the British ship k alaba by a Ger-
man torpedo, are viewed gravely in
official quarters here because of the
serious possibilities involved,
Ambassador Page is giving his
attention to the ..case and will for-
ward all the facts. Because of the
gravity of the issue raised by this
first American death resulting from
the German submarine programme,
offieials refused to make any com-
ment on the ease for publication.
Punisht-ment for Emperor Joseph Not I-lavidg ' Kept
His End Up In the Conflict
A despatch from London says: permanently. The belief is; that
e would not have crossed the.
Meuse if -England had remained
neutral, but would have advanced
through South Belgium and Luxem
burg, thinking Great Britain would
take it in the right way, as long as
Germany maintained that she de-
sired no territory in Europa not
already ooeu pied by Germ.an-
speaking people, It is admitted
The Press Bureau's official eye -wit-
ness at the British front sends a
new version of German aims,
gleaned from captured German offi-
cers, who say that the Austrian
Empire is to be dismembered, part
of it going to Italy and part of it
to Germany. This is the price, ac-
cording to: these ofecers Austria
must pay for the failure of her
arras. It is said in addition, by that Germany's strategic frontier
these men that Germany will insist) in the Vosges must be improved.
upon the annexation of Belgium to "The most important point in the
a new German confederation, to in- views now held is a frank admission
that sinee the Austrians have 'failed
so badly in the present war and
have had to be bolstered up by the
armed strength of Germany she will
have to pay for it and must bleed.
"The German prisoners hold that
the Austrian Empire will cease toexist. The Germans will give away
some of its territory to Italy, and
will include the German-speaking
portion 4)1 Austria in the German
Empire, and also Luxemburg.
"The Germans will welcome the
Duchy of Poland as a buffer be-
tween themselves and Russia, and
will insist on Belgium joining the
German zollverein, Antwerp: be,
coming an international port."
It hits been realized ever since t elude all Germanic peoples and the
isle despatch of the communication Scandinavians. Antwerp, accord-
#o the German Government notify - ting to these views, which are pro-
it that the United States would pounced with great assurance, is to
hold u to a strict aStatesa;bilit • be made an international port, and
for the acts of its naval authorities the whole of this', scheme is to' be
that this Government was praeti- brought about throughthe offices
f the Pope,
eelly committed to serious action "Conversation with captured ofl -
aathe event of such a case arising i cers and the better educated pri-
s was indicated in the American goners has thrown considerable
Hutt,. It is now believed that a else light un the 'ti ipws of the general
has occurred thed falling within the pur-
situation now held by the German
view of the American .note, army:
It was made plain, however, that
"It is freely acknowledged that
the State Department will move Germany started the war, but opint
with extreme deliberation and care ion seems to be divided regarding
in the Thrasher case, Noveffort her intention to occupy Belgium,
will be spared to obtain every fact
having a bearing on the case, par
t 1 •
ice ar1
y with i referenee to the cir-
cumstances under which the Falaba
was sent to the bottom and more
than one hundred persons, includ-
ing Thrasher, Lost their lives,
The first question about which it
was thought there right be acime
doubt, Thrasher's citizenship, has tour More Civilian Drowned en a
been answered. Investigation at
the State Department showed that Dublin Steamer Sank in the
Thrasher obtained a passport June Channel.,
r 7, 1911, riving his residence as `
Hardwick, Worcester County, A despateli from London sags: y r?is Iacentent of 3.43 tons, She
Massadiusette, where his mothers lour more •civilian lives have been w•ap armed with #wu G -inch tins,
resides. Carl Barnes, also of sacrificed in the German submarine ei ht 4.7-inclx ens, six 3- lunders.
!>; g p
Medjidieh has been sunk in the
Black Sea, near Odessa, by strik-
bee a mine. The Mehjidielt formed
part of the Sultan's squadron
which has been attaeking Russian
coast towns sinee December. She
was an An -writ -an -built boat, hav-
ing been laid down in Philadelphia
in 1903. She was not a large ves-
el, and lier armament was eam-
paratively light. She was 331 feet
long and 42 feet beam, and had. a
Hardwuk, endorsed its appliea• campaign, only twelve having sur-
tiop. This passport has since been vived of the crew of 10 of the Dub -
renewed in London. It is not lin steamer City of Bremen. sunk
doubted in the face of this evidence by ,a hostile undersea boat in the
that Thrasher's •citizenship can be English Channel. A French 'fiehing
established beyond question,
Therefore it is regarded as ex-
tremely prubable that the ease will
eventually have to be taken up with
the German Government. Officials
here are of the opinion that a
strong case -can be presented, so
far as the law in the matter is •eon-
six 1 -pounders. and two, torpedo
tubes. Her complement was, 302
schooner and a Russian barque also 1 Found German Officer
have been sunk by submarines, but In. Foreign Legion
their crews are reported to be safe.
Usines were responsible fur the A despatch from Paris says: A
sinking of a German steamer in 4 -inert -martial Sunday sentenced to
n a,
the Baltic Sea, with a loss of .,a foGttr tear-," irnprisriirinent :and a
lives, and the American steamer fine of w300 Si ilhelui Schonberg,
Greenbrier, whieh went to the bot- who.at tike outbreak of the war en-
tim of the North Sea, all her crew listed in the foreign legion as an
being rescued. Alsatian, giving the name of Willy
A Reuter despatch friun. Stork- Sehoberg. It is said that the iae't
Scotch Motor Plants 3 balm says the. German steamer was established that Schonberg was
Greta Hemsoth has struck a mine born in Darmstadt. instead of Al-
Run by Government in the Baltic and sunk, and that sace, and that he is an officer in
-1 25 members of her erew were the German army.
A despatch from Glasgow sass:I drowned. The Grete Hemsoth was
a vessel of 1,554 tons. Site was en-
gaged in traffic between Sweden
and Germany.
The steamer City of Bremen, of
Dublin, has been sunk by a Ger-
man submarine off Waif Rock, in
the English. Channel, about 15 miles
south of Land's End, Cornwall.
Four members of the crew of the
111 motor manufacturing plants in
Scotland have been placed under
Government control, in pursuance
of the Government's plans to accel-
rate the supplying of war mater -
al. These plants will in the fu -
tire be run night and day in the
roduction of motor lorries for the
ransport department.
A friend is one who doesn't wait p
for you to call for help. t
Grain, Cattle and Cheese
Prices of These Products In the Leading
Markets are Here Recorded
Toronto, -April 6. Flour -Manitoba first
patents quoted at $7.70. in jute bags;
second patents, $7.20; strong bakers', $7.
Ontario wheat Hour, 90 per cent. patents.
quoted at 55.90 to $6, seaboard, and at
$5.95 to $6, Toronto freight, -
Wheat -Manitoba No. 1 Northern quot-
ed at $1.60; No. 2 at 51.58 1-2, and No. 3 at
$1.55. Ontario wheat, No. 2 nominal, at
51.40 to $1.42, at outeide points.
Oate-Ontario quoted at 60e, outs'do,
and at 62 to 63c on traok, Toronto. 'West-
ern Canada, No. 2, quoted at 691-2c, and
No. 3 at 671.20.
Barley -Good malting grades, 80 to 83c.
Rye -$1.15 to 51.17. outside.
Peas -No. 1 quoted at' $1.85 to $1.90, out-
Corn -No. 3 new American 'quoted at
90 1-2e, all rail. Toronto freight,
Buckwheat-No:'2 quoted at 82 to 830,
outside. , ,
Brats' and 'Worts Brea is quoted at $26
a ton. and . shoots at $28.
Rolled oats -Car lots,per bag of 90 lbs..
Country Produce.
Butter -Choice •dairy, 27 to 280; inferior.
21 to 23e •� creamery prints, 35 to 35 1-2c;
do., solids, 32 to 33e; farmers' separator,
27 to 280. -
Eggs -20c per dozen, in oases lots.
Beane -$3.15 to $3.20 for prime, and
53.25 to 53.30 for hand-picked;
Poultry -Chickens, dressed; 14 s•to 18c;
ducks, dressed, 13 to 15c; fowl, 11 to 13e;
turkeye, dressed, 19 to 21•e.
Cheese -18 1.2e for large, and of 19 to
19 1.4o for twine.
Potatoes -Ontario, 55 to 60e per bag, out
Of store. and 45 to 50o in car 1ote. New
Brunswieks, car 1ote, 55 'to 60o' per bag.
euslness in Montreal,
Montreal April 6. -corn -American No.
2 yellow, 82 to 82 1-2e. Oats -Canadian
Western. No. 3, 67 12c; extra No, 1 feed,
67 1.2c; No. 2 local' white, • 66 1-20; No. 3
local white, .651.-Zo; No. 4locai white,
64 1-2o. Barley -Manitoba feed,•80c; malt-
ing; , 90 to 92o. Buok•wheat-No. 2, 92e.
Flour•-,3anitoba Spring 'wheat patents,
flrets, 57.80; seeonde'7.30; Iron bak
e 7.10 Winterpatents,'-ah i , 90;
Weight rollers, $7.40 to 57.50; do., bags,
$3,50 to $3.60, Rolled bates bbls., $6.75 to
$7; bags. 90 lbs„ $3.25 to $3.35. Bran, $26.
Shorts, 528. Middlin to •34. Moult -
lie, $35 to $38. Ray -No. 2 per ton, oar
lots, 518 to 519. Cheese -Finest, westerns,
17 1.4 to 17 1.-2,c; finest . eastern, 16 3-4 to
17e. Butter-Choioest` creamery, 31 1-2 to "$9 per owt., weighed off cars. The pro -
32e. Forge -Fresh; 21 1-2 to. 230. Potatoes- spoon; are that Prices will be higher neat
Abattoir killed, 512.25 to $12.50; country,
59 to $11.25. Pork -Heavy Canada short
mess, bble., 35 to 45 pieces, 528; Canada
short-cut back, bbis„ 45 to 55 pieces,
527,50. Lard -Compound, tierces, 375 lbs.,
91-2c.; wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 100; pure,
tierces, 375 .lbs..• 11 1.2c,• pure, wood pails,
20 lbs. net, 12c,
United States Markets, •
trnneapole, April 6 -Wheat -No. 1 bard,
$1.51 3.8;. No. 1 Northern, 51.46 7-8 to
$1.50 7-8; Ne. . 2 Northern, 51.41 7-8 to
$1.47 7-8; May, 51,44 58; July, '31.38 1.4 to
51.38 3-8. - Corn -No: 3 yellow, 68 1-2 to
68 3.4c; No. 3.;white, 541-4 to 54 3-4. Flour,
fancy patents, $7.50; firet clears, 56.20;
seconds clears, $4.70. Bran unchanged.
Duluth, April 6.-Lineeed,. cash, 51.92 3-4;
May, 51.93 3-4; July, $1.96. Wheat, No. 1
hard, 51.52 3-4e. No, 1 Northern, :51.51 3.4;,-
No. 2 Northern. 51.44 3-4 to 51.47 3.4; Mon-
tana No. 2 'hard, 51.51 3:4;' May, 5.1.48 3-4;
July, $1,43 3-8.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, April 6. - Butchers' cattle,
choice, $7.40. to $7.60; do., good, $6.50 to
57.25; do., medium, $5.60 to 56.50; do., tom-
mon, 54.75 to 55.15; Butches .bulls, choice,
$6 to 56.75; do., good ibul.le, $5.30 Id 55.76:
do., rough ,bulls, $4,50' to $4.75; butchers'
cows, choice $5.75 to 56.75; do., medium,
55.25 to 55.50; do., common, $4.50 to $5;
feeders, good, $6 to 56.80; do., rough 'bulls,
$5.25 to 56; stockers, 700 to 1,000 lbs $6 to
56.75; canners and cutters, 53.75 to $4.40;
milkers, choice, each, 560 to $90; do„ oom
mon and medium, each, $35 to $45; spring
ers, $50 to $90; light ewes, 56.50 to $8.25;
do., heavy, $5 to $6.60; do., bucks, $3.76 to
to 511.25; .25; hogs, fed and watered, $8.50; do.,
off care, $9, to $9.10; do., Lab., $8.25.
Montreal April 6,-,Salee of ehoiee steers
were made at $8 to 58.25; good steers at
$7.50 to 57.75, and the lower grades at
rem 55 to 56.50; butchere' cows, $4.75' to
$6.75, and, bulla from $5.50 to $7 per cwt.
One bull weighing 2,460 pounds, eold for
$180. 'The supply of Spring lambs • offered
wee probably the smallest for many
years past, for which the demand was
good and 'sales of a few choice head were
made at $8 to $10 each, and the smaller
ones et from $2.50 to $5.The trade in'
catve6 was active owing to the steady'in
crease in ,eupp,r,.e9 and sales were made'
freely at from 82.50 to 510 each, ae to eine
and quality. One calf weighing 425,pounde
cold Out 8e per pound. The tone of the
market for yearling ]ambo was firm at
58,50 to 59 and cheep' at $5.25 to $6 per
cwt. The market for hogs was uncnang-
ed, Salesof selected lots .,were "made at
Per bag,, car late,.. 42 ide, Dressed hogs -week.
steamer were drowned. Twelve
survivors have arrived in Pen-
A Russian barque was torpedoed
in the Channel. The crew was
The Turkish protected cruiser
Son of Ex -President
Is Killed in France
A despatch from Paris says: The
family of Claude Casimir-Perier,
sun of the former President,. of
France. has been informed that'he
was killed in battle and was buried
near :Rheims. He was a lieutenant
in the 108th Infantry Regiment and
was reported missing on January
99. Previously his •relatives had
been informed, -that -he had been
severely wounded and taken pri-
soner. •
Crews of Each Were Given Barely Time to Get
Into Boats
A despatch from London says:
Ta=o German submarines, the U-98
and another, the number of which
has not been ascertained, which
have. been operating off the west
coast of England during the past
two days, have added two more
British steamers, the Flaminian
and • C'rown of Castile, to their list
of victims. Mere was no loss of
life. on ; the Flaminian and Grown
,of Castile,.the crews of each being
given bare:ly time in wlhich to get
into their' boats. In . the .case of
the latter vessel, however, the sub-
marine fired before the crew :left
the steamer and •shells passed along
the bridge, on which the captain
and an apprentice were standing,
The Crown of Castile was sunk by
shell -fire, but this did not prove
sufficient to send the Flaminian to
the bottom,and is torpedo had to
be used. As an offset to this, a
French destroyer rammed and, it is
bel-ieved, sank a German submarine
off Dieppe. The members of the
submarine's erew, it was ,asserted
by the men from the Crown of Cas-
tile, boasted that during the four
days previous to the sending of the
Crown of Castile to the bottom they
had sunk seven British vessels, "in -
eluding the steamer. I+alaba. "We
thought at first,'.' ._one of the Ger-
Juan officers is quoted as having
said, "that we would sins: you with
all 'hands but it was decided ulti-
mately that we would give you a
As the 'boats were leaving the
Crown of Castile the -members' o1
the crew say that some of the Ger-
mans jeered at the men from. the
steamer and sneeringly shouted,
"Biieann.ia ru'l'es the waves, does
Municipal Councilor of Prague Among a Score o
Citizens Convicted of Hi
High Treason
A despatch from London says: A` corr^easpondent. "A Vienna court
mar the the ooireepondent con-
tinues, ",oanderined fifty-two per-
sons to death 'for high'treason,-
among them the Countess Harraeh.
Eight of these persons have been
executed, but the sentences of the
remainder were commuted to terms
of from four to ten years' impri-'
Municipal Cauneelor Matejouvusky
and twenty municipal employes of
Prague, Bohemia, have been found
guilty of high treason and sen
tented to terms of imprisonment
ranging from tlh.ree to fourteen
years. The men were charged with.
ciroulating :mews unfavorable to
Austria-Hungary, according to the